mickmundy · 1 year
7, 10, 38 if thats ok ó//w//ò
7. What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could? KSKSKDF THIS IS a good question especially for medic and sniper as characters, who i think are perhaps a little more prone to... Getting Irritated than some of the other mercs! that said, i think they love each other for who they are and don't seek to "change/fix" them. they've known each other for a long time before dating and know their natures. sniper is as stubborn as a mule and medic can be really petty, but for the most part they're able to talk things out if they do have a quarrel. they like each other And their flaws (sniper is amused when medic holds a grudge against one of the other mercs for some Petty reason and medic giggles when sniper doesn't budge on something)!
10. Who drives? Cooks? Does the handiwork? Cleans? Pays the bills? Handles the public? OUWAAAA i think they can both drive, but sniper always defaults to it (and is the better driver). he likes driving so it's just an unspoken thing that sniper will drive when they go places; if they're on contracts and their drive is extremely long, medic will take over halfway through so that sniper can rest, though! cooking is split pretty evenly between the two of them. they both enjoy doing it so it's very much "for themselves" as much as it is for each other!! if they know one of them has had a bad day they offer to let the other just relax and decompress and they'll take care of cooking for the night! :-)
handiwork is sniper... likes to do it, too. it's the "ranchhand" in him!! while i do hc that he knows surprisingly little about cars, he's decently well-versed in everything else. medic loves getting messy and sometimes forgets (or simply doesn't want to) clean up after running all of those experiments or cooking, but sniper doesn't mind helping him clean up! it's relaxing for him and reminds him of home in a Good way; nothing feels better than a productive day!
with paying bills, i think they'd keep their accounts separate but have a joint one they'd put "sharing money" in; they pay their own bills but always keep some cash floating around for an impulsive "go on and treat yourself, dovey :-) it's on me" or a "i saw this and couldn't help but think of you, spatzchen! ^v^" HEHE! as far as handling the public, that's all medic.. the king of charisma!! i don't think sniper is Ever embarrassed of medic/having medic on his arm, but medic is absolutely the more social between the two! he'll draw sniper against his body by his waist or slip his hand in sniper's back pocket (possessive.... HEHE)! not because he thinks sniper's going to get swept up by someone else (i don't see either of them as being particularly Jealous people LOL), he just wants to show everyone that handsome bushman belongs to him!!! <333 hoo hoo!
38. What are they like in the bedroom? Any kinks/fetishes/turn-ons? Anything they won’t do? OHOHOHO.,.,., HEHEHE.,.., HOO HOO.,.,., i'm going to stick this one under a cut; there won't be any triggering content but there will be nsfw talk.. obviously!
so i touched on their bedroom preferences a little bit before, but i'll gladly resummarize in more detail here >:)! i could sincerely make this an entire separate post in Way More Detail.., which i might do honestly if that's something The Public is interested in.,.., BUT FOR NOW lets dive in hehe
i think they both like switching it up; neither of them are Stone tops or bottoms. medic is the natural leader (and the more experienced) between the two, and sniper is content to let medic lead. he knows he can "take control back" any time he wants (and sometimes surprises the doctor by doing just that! hoo!)! one of my favorite ways to think about bushmedicine is service top sniper and power bottom medic; medic teaches sniper exactly how he likes it and shows him how to please him! and of course, medic's bread and butter is exploring and learning sniper, so he loves doting on sniper and listening closely for things that make his handsome krokodil's heart do that extra little thumpa thumpa! HEHE
they both love to draw it out, love to tease. they want to make each other feel good, really good, and love that they're the only one that can take each other there! sniper's legs begin to shake when he starts getting really turned on and desperate for release, and that's always something that fills medic with giddy delight and really encourages him to tease his beloved bushman!! he loves slinging sniper's long legs over his shoulders and gripping his thighs, feeling them quake while his ear is pressed against that pretty vital artery in his thigh...! hoo!
medic's giddy giggles (and lip bites!) are music to sniper's ears, and he loves that he can pull those pretty sounds out of his doctor with just a few whispers in that low voice of his.... <3 sniper loves putting his mouth on any and every part of medic that he can, gently gnashing his teeth against his skin (and being rewarded with an eager "ohhh.,,.ohohohoho!"), biting, nipping, maybe even drawing a little blood... once medic begs him to bite him, well, who is sniper to refuse when his dovey is cooing so sweet? uUu
as far as a kink list, i think that would be a bit more elaborate than what i'd want to List Here (because i'd want to explain who has what role, how Intense the play is, etc. plus this is also just a reflection of my Own kinks and limits. not meant to shame/denounce anyone else's!), but off the top of my head, i think they'd both really enjoy... playing games with one another. predator/prey stuff especially.... medic loves the idea of being Hunted by sniper and seeing him in action... he's not very good prey (he tries to hide and cover his tracks but sniper can always hear his excited giggling), but he still gives sniper a run for his money by playing dirty! >:) they like rolling around in the dirt together, sweating together, feeling one another.,., medic loves seeing sniper "in his element" (cocky, self-assured, playful) as much as he enjoys seeing him out of it (a bit shyer, more reserved, submissive)!!
alternatively, i think if they fool around in the infirmary, it's much more..,., tender. the infirmary is a sacred place for both of them for many reasons; it symbolizes their Bond as Doctor and Greatest Achievement, [in my fics] it's where sniper left his mug that was the catalyst for medic coming to sniper's van to return it, it's where sniper helps medic tend to the wound of one of his doves, and [i don't want to spoil my fic so just pretend its Something Huge] etc. lots of emotional Stakes are held in those four walls! also symbolizes sniper's reluctance to ask for help in combat/just in general and so on..
i think if/when they did fool around in the lab, medic would lay down soft blankets/his own coat for sniper to lay on, face the bright lights away from them so that the lighting is a bit "softer", do little things like that to show sniper that while Yes this is medic's sanctuary, medic Also wants it to be sniper's sanctuary, too. body worship, passionate kisses, hushed praises, gentle, tender sex... oughhhhh i wanna write a full post so bad! maybe i will. hehe!!
as far as hard no's, i think that varies depending on who writes bushmed because like i say for me personally a lot of what i "put onto them" are things i like as well, since i wouldn't write kinky stuff for kinks i don't like ykwim! but all in all, they'd communicate very clearly before hand and establish safe words, hard no's, etc. i think medic would be Very Into doing that, and would have an easy time making it fun! like a playful little exam, hehe!! <33
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