soov · 2 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny/anything you want
OMG OMG IM ACC SO HAPPY I LOVE THIS KIND OF ASKS (only doing some of my moots that i feel that fit these tropes 🙏 plus Yeah anon sorry..... i am not the best one w crackfics as u can see)
@isoobie : heeseung & strangers to lovers (hs bball au)
based on today’s heejay vid where jay says that hee fits the “treats everyone nicely but doesn’t know to talk to women” and heebot LMFAO imagining a hs au where he’s the popular basketball player who shares most classes with her, and has a crush on her. the whole school finds out about his crush and tries to get them together. it ends up with a bunch of students making a circle around them during lunch while heeseung sttuters and blushes the crap out of himself trying to confess, and ri accepts as equally as embarrassed cs who wouldnt 😆😆 the school’s it couple!!!!!!!
@voikiraz : sunghoon & small crochet business
mari w her lil crochet shop making the cutest bags and guess who liked them.... SUNGHOON!!! she packs his order very nicely (like she does to all cs shes the best business owner!!!!!!) but... it ends up arriving all messed up and basically destroyed. he sends her a kind dm in her shop’s insta about the order. when she checks his address, she notices they live in the same city and offers to give him a brand new bag personally. and when she arrives... love at first sight 😊 he’s def buying her whole shop and asking for delivery everytime just to see her!!
@boyfhee : jay & live jazz restaurant
why am i giggling js at the thought!! cael and jay would both go to a nice jazz restaurant every week and after some time of mutual pining, he gains enough courage and asks if he could pay her a drink!! they end up having such a good time together and after exchanging numbers, the next date gets set to jay’s house. and guess what 😂😂 private chef with meals even better than the restaurant’s, slow dances with a glass of wine in the kitchen, and jay playing his guitar after eating & having dessert OOHOHO
@haknom : juyeon & invisible string / dense and worse
Very Fitting!!!!!!! 😆😆 imagining a ton of those almost meeting moments w them like almost met each other at a convenience store, almost met at a morning stroll, almost met during a hangout with mutual friends... and in the end, they bump into each other accidentally someday. when they become friends it’s HELL because juyeon would be like Heyyy kayla 😏😏😅 and she wouldnt know hes flirting and same thing goes to him. they end up connecting the dots somehow and boom! couple 😂😂😂
@jongsie : nicholas & zombie apocalypse
HEHE THIS ONE WOULD BE SUCH A COOL DRAMA rav and nicho who aren’t really that fond of each other but a sudden zombie apocalypse forces them to work together. really angsty cs that’s what rav likes... one of them prob loses an arm or leg and dies in the end... the other suffers so bad!!! pure grief in its worst form. when the apocalypse ends the other digs a little hole in the place that they first met (and that was completely destroyed) and buries an item that one gave them before dying. (whoa i kinda ate with this one)
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Criminal Minds-The Good Ol’ Days
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@marvelfanlife, @itsmeedee, @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars, @stunudo, @veroinnumera, @dontshootmespence, @cynbx, @jaqren, @gabriellewritermua, @blitzz11, @princesswagger15, @sunflowerpsalms, @screaminginbi, @beenthroughalot,    
(If anyone wants to be tagged for this series just let me know)
Special thanks to @princesswagger15 for helping me with this chapter
Chapter 6-Lost 
“Ooooohhhh shit man, where are we?” Garcia asks.
“I don’t know I don’t know. I thought this is where the path that leads us back to the campus is but apparently, it’s not.” Hotch responds.
“Oh this is just great.” Derek groaned. “Just great. ‘Let’s go follow Rossi, what can possibly go wrong’.” He said, mocking Hotch.
“Oh no.” Tara gasped. “Please don’t tell me that we’re……….lost?”
“No, no we’re not lost! We can't die out here man! Please!?” Garcia panics.
“Garcia, calm down.” JJ consoled Garcia. “We’re not gonna die here, w-we just need to come with a plan, right?”
“Guys it's fine, We just need to go in this direction,” Reid said, pointing behind Emily. “We’ll be sure to hit something okay?”
“And how do you know that leads us to the campus?” Kate asked.
“Well its the general direction we came from.”
“And you’re sure about that?”
“Kate, come on, it’s Reid.” Emily sassed. “He probably knows a lot more than we do.”
“Look you guys can stay out here and die if you want but im going back!” Reid said as he walks away.
“Wait Reid, don’t go.”
“Come on guys, Reid lead the way.” Hotch says. The team then nod as the follow Reid, who seems to know how to get back to the campus. For the most part, the walk seems somewhat smooth, till they stopped to see two different pathways leading to two different directions.
“Well Reid, where do we go?” Tara asks.
“Let’s see.” Reid then rubs his chin. “We should probably go………...there.” He then points to the path on the right.
“You sure about that?”
“Reid….” Tara says.
“Yes?” He croaked.
“Are you sure about that?”
“Yes, yes I’m sure, this is the right path.”
“I don't trust that answer…… maybe we should split up? Girls take one path and the guys take the other?”
“Woah woah woah woah Tara, split up?” Luke asked.
“Well I mean I don't want to be here all night trying to find our way back home okay? That would be the fastest way to do this.”
“And what if the other group gets lost?”
“We can scream out for each other?”
“Really? Scream? What if Rossi or Barnes hears us?” “Look, are we going to do this or not?” Derek says.
“Okay, I guess the girls will take the left side while the boys take the right side.” Hotch said.
“Um guys? What do we do if we find our way back to campus?”
“I don’t know, leave us a trail or something.” Luke sassed.
“Or maybe scream out or come back for the rest of the group?” Emily asks.
“Yeah sure, if we don’t get caught.”
“Okay okay whatever, lets go.” Elle says. The girls then take the left path while the boys follow the right side of the path. All seemed well for the girls, as for the boys it was a different story.
“Uh Reid, are you sure you know where you’re going?” Derek asked.
“Ummmm…….yes, yes I do.”
“Uh, I don’t know, it looks like we’re lost…..again.”
“Oh.” “Well shit.” Luke groaned. “Why couldn’t we just follow the girls?”
“I know right, and we’re not just lost but it looks like we also went in a circle.” Matt said, pointing at a pile of rocks. “I know that cause I could’ve sworn that we passed that large rock before.”
“In a circle? Are you fucking kidding me!?”
“Guys, let’s not get carried away here.” Hotch reassured the boys. “I’m sure we can come up with something.”
“Come up with what exactly Hotch?!”
“Gee, uh I don’t know.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“Really Hotch? Really?”
“Hey this isn't my fault. This was Reid’s idea.”
“Hey.”Reid said. “I’m right here.”
“We know.” The guys all respond.
“So what now? Are we just gonna wait while the girls call out for us?” Matt asked.
“I don’t know, maybe.” Hotch responds. “Hopefully they find us.” “Ah man, that’s just great.” Derek groaned.
“I don’t see you coming up with something.” Hotch sassed. Just then the boys start to argue while Reid looks on, trying to come up with something.
“Hey guys…. Don’t kill me when I say this but……...we need to wear our clothes inside out.”
The boys looked at him with confusion and blank stares.
“I’m sorry, but did you just ask us to take off our clothes?” Derek asked.
“Y-Yes um I did.”
“And how is that going to help?” Luke asked.
“Well there’s a superstition that says if you find yourself at an unfamiliar place, like in a loop, you wear your clothes inside out so that you’ll be able to find your way out.” Reid then took a deep breath and clapped his hands together. “So? What do you think?”
“Well um, is there proof of this being true?” Hotch asked.
“Happened to me a couple of times in kindergarten, it’s also something common in the Philippines.”
“Uh….I don’t know Reid.” Hotch rubbed his head. “Are you sure about this?”
“Yep! Yes I am.”
“Oh uh…..okay.” He then turned to the other guys. “Guess we should give it a try.” “Woah, woah, woah, woah, you’re serious about this?” Derek asked as he looked at the rest of the guys. “Yeah I’m pretty sure Reid is only saying those things just to take a peek of us.” Luke said jokingly.
“Oh yeah Luke because I tooootttally want to see your body for the fucking hell of it, you caught me!”
“Guys, focus, we have no other choice. It sucks I know and do I really want to do it? Hell no, but what else can we do. The girls are just about as lost as we are. Who knows what happened to them.”
“They probably left us here to die.” Matt snarked.
Hotch then points to Matt. “Uh yeah, let’s not think about that when we’re literally in the middle of a forest.”
“Okay, geez.” “Alright.” Hotch then turned to Reid and then the rest of the guys. “So, are we gonna do this?”
“Yeah, seems like it.”
“Okay”. Hotch took a deep breath. “Ready?”
“Ready.” Just when they were about to undress, Hotch stopped them for a moment. “Also, just to be clear, we’re all gonna agree that this stays in the forest. WE TELL NO ONE, not the girls, not Rossi, nor our girlfriends/boyfriends, NO ONE! Okay?”
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“Damn yes we heard you Hotch! Chill okay?” Said Derek, who had just took off his shirt.
“Okay.” Not long after, Hotch start to unbutton his shirt as the rest follow, taking off their shirts to reveal their relatively toned chests, except for Reid, who only took off his sweater vest and waved it around. “Well what do you know, I think I’m starting to get my energy back.” He gushed, admiring his friends’ toned bodies.
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“See! I told you guys-”
“Shut up Luke.” Hotch says, struggling to pull off his pants. “Hotch are you okay?” Matt asked.
“Yeah, it’s just that it’s hard to undress when you can barely see in the dark.” “Oh uh, do you need any help?”
“No thanks, this is already awkward enough as is.”
He nods. “You got a point.” Once the guys striped down to their underwear, except Reid, whom the only thing he took off was his sweater vest, they then attempt to put their clothes inside out before putting them back on.
“Let’s hurry guys, it’s getting a little chilly out here.” Luke said.
 Just when they’re about to put their clothes on, they heard something brushing outside, but they shrugged it off assuming that it was the wind. Unfortunately, they were to carried away getting dressed that they did not hear the girls run up to their path.
“Hey guys, I think we found a shortcut out of here.” JJ shouts. “Hey guys, gu-” The girls suddenly froze as they took sight of the boys. “Woah baby!” The girls shout.
The boys were suddenly startled by the presence of the girls. Worse, they were also stripped to their underwear, except for Reid. Half naked and surprised by the unexpected appearance of the other members of the gang, prompting Luke to scream and the others to grab their clothes and cover their crotches.
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“Uuuuuuuhhhhhhh w-we can can explain.” Derek says. “It’s not what it looks like, we swear.”
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“Ooo, we’d love to hear this.” Emily teased. “Nice undies by the way.”
“Are those superheros undies?” Tara asked, looking at Luke.
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“Ahh, don’t look at me.” Luke says, trying to hide behind a tree as the girls laugh.
“Oh my gosh, you guys thinking what i'm thinking?” Emily says as she looks at the rest of the girls.
Garcia nods at Emily while she pulls out her polaroid camera, in which the girls laughed even harder as the guys struggle to cover themselves while Garcia uses her polaroid camera.
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“Man, this is the best day ever!!”
Matt then attempts to grab a pair of pants on the ground, not knowing who they belonged to, and hid his underwear.
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“Oh HelL nO!” Derek says while he covers his crotch.
“Oh hell yea.” Garcia chuckled.
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“Nice muscles.” Elle joked.
“SHuT uP!” The boys yelled.
“C-can't you guys just give us some time for us to get dressed?” Luke begged, peeking out behind the tree.
“Why should we? We wouldn't want this good memory to go to waste.” Emily responds as she continues to laugh. “And damn, could’ve at least invite us if you guys we’re gonna get your freak on.”
“Ughhhhhhh this is just great.” Derek groaned.
“Yes, yes it is.” Garcia teased.
JJ rubbed her head in dismay. “My god, who's idea was this anyway?”
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“Who cares? This is great.” Elle responds.
“Yeah JJ! Don't question it, just enjoy the eye candy while it lasts.” Tara adds. Just as the girls continued to laugh and the boys flustered in embarrassment, Ashley looked around as if they were forgetting something. “Hey guys, guys! Where’s Reid?”
“You’re right, where is he?” Kate said. The others all looked around, only to stop and see Reid awkwardly stand a distance from them.
“Him! Him him him! Spencer told us to do this!” Luke pointed to Reid.
“UUUuuUUuhhhHHHhhHh………………….no I didn’t. I-It was Hotch’s idea!”
Just then, Hotch glares at Reid.
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Reid swallowed. “Uh-uh I-”
“Reid…… did you tell the guys to do this?” Tara asks Reid.
He rubbed his head. “I-I uh……..yes? Yes,” He croaked.
“Oh.” Ashamed and embarrassed for putting his friends into this situation, he turned his head towards them. “Uh guys?”
“Well first Reid,” Tara says cutting Reid off.
The girls all look at each other and back to Reid smiling.
“Thank you Reid!!” All the girls say.
Matt looks at all the girls in disbelief along with the other guys.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Matt screams.
Kate laughed a bit before responding.
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“Whaat? Reid gave us eye candy!” She says before she giggles again.
“We don't care, it's humiliating. Go find eye candy somewhere else!” Derek says as he attempts to find his shirt.  
“What it's not like you guys have anything to be ashamed of!” Garcia says.
“That's not the point.” Luke snapped.
“Plus some of us have girlfriends.” Matt adds.
“Oh yea! Man what I wouldn't give to see Haley and Kris's reaction!” Tara joked.
“Wha-no! Please don't tell them, I swear I won't forgive any of you guys if they find out about this.” Hotch begged.
“Same here.” Matt adds.
Kate sighed. “Geez why?! What’s so bad about telling them?”
“Just don't, they'll be weirded out by this situation.”
JJ raised an eyebrow. “Really? I'd be more than happy to see my man's happy place. What about you girls?”
“Oh JJ, you know I would.” She teased as she playfully winks at Luke, prompting him to blush.
“Same!” Tara adds.
“Well that's your opinion.” Hotch snapped.
“Hey, easy big boy, we won’t tell.” Ashley soothed, trying to calm him and the other guys. “Right girls?” She then gives the girls a reassuring look.
Kate rolled her eyes and sighed. “Oh goodness you big babies fine, fine! We won't tell your girls or anyone okay?”
“You better. I know all of your faces and who's present here. This better stay in the forest, are we clear?” Hotch asked as he gives the girls a serious look on his face.
“We will.” They replied.
“ Good, you better keep that promise.”
“OKAY HOTCH DAMN!” Garcia responds, annoyed by his request. “You guys need to chill.” “Says the one who was taking pictures of us.” Luke sassed.
“Shut up heathen.”
Tara then rolled her eyes. “Come on let's get back to campus.” The others all nod as they were about to head back when the boys stopped them once again.
“Wait.” Hotch said.
“Ugh, what is it now?” Elle groaned.
“C-can you guys give us time to....dress up?” Derek asked.
All the girls all groaned. “Uuuggghh fine.” Emily said. “But make it quick, we don’t have all day.”
He nods. “Okay.” He, Derek, Luke and Matt then grab whatever articles of clothing they can find and head off to get dressed while the girls turned around and wait. Apparently, it took them longer than usual, due to the fact that it was dark outside. The girls overhear the guys complaining about wearing or grabbing the wrong shirt or pants, even comparing sizes. After a few more minutes the girls start to fidget with their hands.
“ARE YOU GUYS DONE YET?!” Tara yelled.
Not long after, Hotch zips up his pants, as he and the others were fully clothed once again. “Yep, we're done.”
Elle clapped her hands. “Nice! Now let's go back!”
The boys then joined the girls as they follow them to the shortcut they found.
“How did you guys find this shortcut?” Hotch asked. “Oh, surprisingly, it wasn’t that hard to find.” JJ responds, just follow this lovely organized path made of rocks and voila.”
“Oh okay.” The group continue to walk as they follow the shortcut the girls found. The way back to the campus got a little quieter as the boys still felt a little unease and awkward by the situation. Reid then tries to keep up with the girls as he was still ashamed and guilty for putting his male friends into that uncomfortable situation. Hopefully he patches things up with them, should they be ready to accept his apology.
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