scienza-magia · 2 years
Quindicesima conferenza biennale sulla quantistica
A Tropea fisici, matematici e filosofi da tutto il mondo per un convegno sulla fisica quantistica. La quindicesima edizione dell'evento internazionale si tiene nella Perla del Tirreno. In programma l'assegnazione del premio Birkhoff-von Neumann a Jamie Vicary dell’Università di Cambridge. Dopo Danzica, Praga, Berlino, Vienna, Denver, Malta, Boston, Cagliari, Leicester, Bruxelles, la quindicesima edizione del convegno “International Quantum Structures 2022” – promosso ogni due anni dall’associazione internazionale IQSA (International Quantum Structures Association) sbarca a Tropea. Nella Perla del Tirreno arriveranno così fisici, matematici e filosofi provenienti da tutto il mondo che si confronteranno sui problemi più avanzati relativi ai fondamenti della fisica quantistica e delle applicazioni delle strutture quantistiche in psicologia, economia, teoria delle decisioni, ragionamento incerto.
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Durante i lavori del convegno, a palazzo Santa Chiara verrà assegnato il premio Birkhoff-von Neumann. Il vincitore di quest’anno è Jamie Vicary dell’Università di Cambridge. Nell’ambito delle varie attività, venerdì 1 luglio alle ore 22:00, è previsto anche un concerto per pianoforte dedicato alla memoria del fisico e filosofo Giuliano Toraldo di Francia. L’ultima giornata dei lavori – che si svolgerà sabato 2 luglio a palazzo Santa Chiara, a partire dalle ore 9:00 – sarà dedicata alla memoria di Beloslav Riečan, profondo matematico e brillante musicista. Previsti due interventi sui rapporti tra fisica quantistica e musica. Seguirà un concerto per chitarra classica, con il musicista cileno Thomas Veloz e infine music happening con diversi artisti.
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videoberkah · 2 years
?Sholawatullahi taghsya (Versi Iqsas)- Banjari cover Kontributor ; Vocal: Ubaidillah (asy syababul mukminin) Pengisi backing : - ubaidillah - Husni (ayo sholawat) Music : Husni @husnidan608lainnya Mixing & Mastering : Husni Videographer : Husni Lagu ini terinspirasi dr grup Jawatimur IQSAS ALMUKHTAR yang pernah membawakan lagu ini di berbagai Festival banjari SE JATIM Trimakasih, jgn lupa like komen share and subscribe nggeh Wassalamualaikumm #Ayosholawat #Iqsasalmukhtar #Asysyababulmukminin Sumber : Youtube / AYO SHOLAWAT Alhamdulillah Allohumma Sholli 'Ala Nabiyina Muhammad Wa Ahlihi Wa Ashhabihi Wa Ummatihi. Subhanallah wa bihamdihi 'adada khalqihi wa ridha nafsihi wa zinata 'arsyihi wa midada kalimatihi. Jazakumullah sudah ikut men-share (membagikan) konten ini, insya Alloh jadi amal jariyah untuk kebaikan dunia akhirat kita. Aamiin
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wakawonka · 3 years
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🇵🇸 Bologna ♥️ Non è accettabile vedere il massacro di civili Palestinesi tra cui molti bambini (a oggi più di 60) e donne che vengono quotidianamente bombardati dai missili israeliani. Armi che vengono dai nostri paesi tra cui l'Italia. Non è più sopportabile il silenzio della comunità internazionale. Non è tollerabile una narrazione a senso unico da parte dei media che cercano di giustificare una vera e propria PULIZIA ETNICA fondata sull'odio e sul razzismo. Israele non vuole la pace e lo dimostra il fatto che non firma il cessate il fuoco e non ha mai firmato un trattato di pace. Come non vuole riconoscere uno Stato legittimo ai Palestinesi e neppure i diritti più fondamentali. Quando il primo ministro israeliano Rabin firmò la pace con Arafat fu ucciso da un nazionalista di destra israeliano. I Palestinesi hanno il diritto di lottare e difendere la loro terra, le loro case e il loro futuro da chi lo vuole senza dignità e speranza. Ricordiamo inoltre le provocazioni recenti come l'allontanamento dei residenti palestinesi dalle loro case nel quartiere Sheik Jarrah per installare coloni israeliani, l'assalto alla moschea di Al Iqsa durante la fine del Ramadan lanciando fumogeni e bombe sordanti su fedeli indifesi che erano lì solo per pregare e festeggiare assieme. Ricordiamo inoltre le denunce delle ONG Amnesty Internelational, Save the Children e Medici senza Frontiere che denunciano l'ostruzione delle forze di polizia israeliano che bloccavano l'arrivo dei medici per soccorrere feriti, le detenzione preventive dei minori che in carcere vengono picchiati, abusati verbalmente e fisicamente senza avere la possibilità di essere assistiti da avvocati e avere quel minimo di diritto da esere considerati umani. La politica Israeliana fondata sul terrorismo, abusi e il non rispettato delle leggi internazionali non ha giustificazione. L'ONU ha denunciato i colonialisti di Israele di non rispettare i confini e di espandersi, rubando e sottraendo terra illegalmente ai Palestinesi. A fronte di tutto questo che è l'evidenza dimostrata dai fatti e non dalle opinioni sono qui per urlare ora e per sempre PALESTINA LIBERA! #FreePalestine #PalestinaLibera (presso Bologna Centro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPFldlXMxOk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pakdigestnovels · 3 years
Gair Zarori Such Afsana By Umm E Iqsa
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specialchan · 4 years
i'm researching IQSA. is the co-founder anti-muslim or am i reading too much into it? via /r/islam
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i'm researching IQSA. is the co-founder anti-muslim or am i reading too much into it? https://youtu.be/2C_FDwUWhQc?t=137 Submitted September 16, 2020 at 05:01PM by buzaed1 via reddit https://ift.tt/3mnRw5j
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انا لله وانا اليه راجعون... Telah hilang pelukan seorang guru 😢 Dandarawi Ustaz Haji Mohd Said Mohd Amin (Pengetua IQSA JAIM, & pengasas Akademi ABID) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br6UFWlB2DU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jg98wozvft10
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putrimeildayessica · 6 years
Thought via Path
Dgn dicabutnya sertifikat HALAL oleh amerika sndiri, maka Mc Donald mjd tdk halal lagi... AMERIKA TELAH MENCABUT SERTIFIKAT HALAL THD PRODUK2 MC DONALD* *Important News-* Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) and IQSA has withdrawn certification from *McDonald's, KFC, DOMINOS & PIZZA hut.* Acccording to the kitchen office in Florida,United States, study into the McDonald's ingredients has shown *positive evidence of PORK materials which is called"LM10" are used in the McDonald's mayo.* South African McDonald's officials have *confirmed* that all sauce based ingredients are imported from the US.(Muslim) consumers are advised to abstain from McDonald's. Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) and IQSA has also withdrawn certification countrywide. It's your duty to inform others.... Do not ignore this Message as u will commit sin for not passing on to people. *Those eating it are eating "HARAAM FOOD".* So pls do inform Others *Forwarded msg* =================== *BERITA PENTING* *Dewan Yudisial Muslim (MJC) dan IQSA telah mencabut sertifikasi dari "McDonald, KFC, dominos & Pizza Hut```* *Menurut kajian staf dapur di Florida, Amerika, bahan2 McDonald telah memperlihatkan bukti positif mengandung bahan dari daging babi yg disebut "LM10" yg digunakan di dlm mayones McDonald.* *Para pejabat resmi McDonald Afrika Selatan telah memastikan bhw slruh bahan baku saus diimpor dari Amerika. Para pelanggan Muslim dihimbau utk tdk mengkonsumsi McDonald.* *Dewan Yudisial Muslim (MJC) dan IQSA juga telah menarik sertifikasi di slruh penjuru negeri. Ini sekrg mjd tugas anda memberitahukan org lain....* *Jgn abaikan pesan ini, krn Anda akan brdosa jika tdk ikut menyebarkankannya kpd org lain. Mrk yg memakannya berarti makan makanan haram. Jadi mohon beritahukanlah kpd yg lainnya.* *"BER-PESAN2 DEMI KESEJAHTERAAN DUNIA & AKHIRAT"* dari : Dr. Muhammad Yanis Musja, Apt. Ketua Lembaga Halal Indonesia *INFO BUAT MUSLIM* bc ke grup grup di wa, lalu ada satu temen yg balesin gini "nganggur a pun ?" "iyo nemen 😧😧😧😧" at Loket Gallery KAI – Read on Path.
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anneme456-blog · 7 years
Getting a “Handle” on Social Media
When I began my work for the International Qur’anic Studies Association (IQSA) last November, one of our chief goals was to increase the organization’s presence on social media. Unlike other more established scholarly guilds, IQSA does not yet have a physical headquarters, so its public face exists primarily through its website, listservs, and linked social media accounts. The executive office recognized a need to follow suit in the recent marriage of social media and marketing techniques through increased traffic on IQSA’s Facebook and Twitter accounts, and thus I was suddenly thrown into the to the fast paced race of tweets, posts, tags, bookmarks, and the works.
For the next few months, our social media accounts were a constant source of traffic, releasing pictures, PDF’s, tweets, posts, op-eds, member spotlights–the works. There was one problem, however; all of this traffic was one way, and it tended to halt fairly quickly. Our words were entering cyberspace, but merely drifting off like white noise. There was a noticeable lack of likes, retweets, shares, or comments. It was time to regroup and reconsider how we were using social media for our organization.
One of the first things that has come to my attention after the reading articles for module 2a is that we didn’t have a lack of tags in IQSA’s social media presence, but we didn’t know how to use them. As Michael Patterson’s article notes, hashtags have become so “commonplace…that people have started using them outside of their intended purpose.” A hashtag is first and foremost an indexing tool that has the ability to aggregate keywords making them discoverable to users. In order to use this tool effectively, one must employ appropriate and relevant semantics for its intended audience, embracing current trending hashtags or creating a brand new keyword to promote ideas. Keeping this in mind, it might be helpful for IQSA to consider Sprout Social’s Twitter Listening Report to track current and historical keyword usage across all of Twitter. Finding popular hashtags relevant to IQSA’s work and mission would undoubtedly encourage more two way traffic with post. Tagging appropriate Twitter handles could also have significant effect in the same regard. Furthermore, bookmarking combined with these other tagging options could index and circulate both IQSA-affiliated and other relevant resources for members like publications from other learned societies (see for example SBL and AAR).
As I continue my coursework for LS590, I hope to build on these recommendations to focus IQSA’s output on social media and make our voice both effective and relevant to the digital world.
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adjbx · 7 years
February 27, 2017
From the undersigned members of the Executive Committee of the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion:
As scholars who are committed to studying and understanding texts, religious groups and faith commitments, which take many forms, it seems worthy and right to respond to recent actions, which have such important implications for religion and the study of religion. We believe it is crucial to be on record stating our concern and opposition to actions taken recently by executive orders from the office of the president of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump. We express our concern and urge membership of the NABPR to consider the following statements offered by the American Academy of Religion and the Society for Biblical Literature. These statements demonstrate the seriousness of the recent restrictions and exclusion of people from visiting, living or traveling in the U.S. based on their religious commitments.
As professors of religion we recognize, acknowledge and uphold the benefits of the longstanding Baptist commitment to religious freedom and toleration of other faith groups. Our religious freedom depends on the religious freedom of all individuals of faith groups.
Eileen Campbell-Reed Doug Weaver Mikeal C. Parsons Philip E. Thompson R. Scott Nash Adam D.J. Brett
From the American Academy of Religion
AAR Board Statement on U.S. Executive Order “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States”
Statement Issued by the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Religion on January 30, 2017
President Trump’s recent executive order limiting and banning Muslim immigration to the United States from seven countries strikes at the heart of the mission and values of the American Academy of Religion, a learned society of some 8,500 members.
Our organization is committed to excellence in the academic study of religion and to making our scholarship freely available in order to foster the larger public understanding of religion.
The ban impedes that mission. Faculty members, students, and independent scholars who study religion depend on the freedom of travel to pursue their work. Already we have received reports of scholars who have been prevented from returning home to the United States from research trips abroad. The ban will also impede international students who hope to study in the United States and to American students who plan to study abroad.
At a more fundamental level, the ban conflicts with our values. We hold dear diversity, mutual respect, inclusion, and free inquiry, all of which the immigration ban jeopardizes. The ban erodes our hope that these values will serve as the foundation for all governmental decisions regarding our members as well as our colleagues around the globe.
Finally, the ban poisons the public’s understanding of Islam in particular and religion in general. It blatantly and explicitly discriminates against Islam and Muslims, and appears to provide special treatment of Christianity. It violates our national commitment to welcome persons of all religions.
With learned societies, colleges and universities, and educational leaders across the nation, we call on the President and Congress to retract the Muslim immigration ban and to denounce religious intolerance in all its forms.
From the Society for Biblical Literature
Statement on the 27 January 2017 U.S. Executive Order “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States”
The Society of Biblical Literature’s mission is to foster biblical scholarship in accordance with our core values, which include scholarly integrity, critical inquiry, respect for diversity, inclusivity, and tolerance. This mission of fostering biblical scholarship rests on the firm belief that the study of sacred texts and traditions involves unhindered intellectual exchange among scholars. Such open, scholarly exchange serves the common good by contributing to a broad public understanding of religious texts, traditions, and practices in the modern world. It is for these reasons, for example, that SBL does not endorse academic boycotts.
In 2012, SBL received a grant to explore the establishment of an international and independent network of scholars of the Qur’an. That grant led to the formation of the International Qur’anic Studies Association (IQSA) in 2014, now an independent affiliate of the SBL and an invaluable partner in the study of sacred texts. As a learned society, IQSA, like SBL, seeks to promote peace through understanding. We thereby stand with our colleagues in Qur’anic and Islamic studies to protest the ban on immigrants and refugees from Muslim countries.
Moreover, the ban encourages discrimination and promotes misleading and sometimes dangerous caricatures of religious people, practices, and texts. It also places obstacles to the travel of Muslim scholars in and out of the United States, and threatens the free exchange of ideas among the Society and partnering and affiliating organizations that advance learning and help make peace and understanding possible. Thus, the Society strongly opposes the ban and its implementation.
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nabpr · 7 years
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February 27, 2017
From the undersigned members of the Executive Committee of the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion:
As scholars who are committed to studying and understanding texts, religious groups and faith commitments, which take many forms, it seems worthy and right to respond to recent actions, which have such important implications for religion and the study of religion. We believe it is crucial to be on record stating our concern and opposition to actions taken recently by executive orders from the office of the president of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump. We express our concern and urge membership of the NABPR to consider the following statements offered by the American Academy of Religion and the Society for Biblical Literature. These statements demonstrate the seriousness of the recent restrictions and exclusion of people from visiting, living or traveling in the U.S. based on their religious commitments.
As professors of religion we recognize, acknowledge and uphold the benefits of the longstanding Baptist commitment to religious freedom and toleration of other faith groups. Our religious freedom depends on the religious freedom of all individuals of faith groups.
Eileen Campbell-Reed Doug Weaver Mikeal C. Parsons Philip E. Thompson R. Scott Nash Adam D.J. Brett
From the American Academy of Religion
AAR Board Statement on U.S. Executive Order “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States”
Statement Issued by the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Religion on January 30, 2017
President Trump’s recent executive order limiting and banning Muslim immigration to the United States from seven countries strikes at the heart of the mission and values of the American Academy of Religion, a learned society of some 8,500 members.
Our organization is committed to excellence in the academic study of religion and to making our scholarship freely available in order to foster the larger public understanding of religion.
The ban impedes that mission. Faculty members, students, and independent scholars who study religion depend on the freedom of travel to pursue their work. Already we have received reports of scholars who have been prevented from returning home to the United States from research trips abroad. The ban will also impede international students who hope to study in the United States and to American students who plan to study abroad.
At a more fundamental level, the ban conflicts with our values. We hold dear diversity, mutual respect, inclusion, and free inquiry, all of which the immigration ban jeopardizes. The ban erodes our hope that these values will serve as the foundation for all governmental decisions regarding our members as well as our colleagues around the globe.
Finally, the ban poisons the public’s understanding of Islam in particular and religion in general. It blatantly and explicitly discriminates against Islam and Muslims, and appears to provide special treatment of Christianity. It violates our national commitment to welcome persons of all religions.
With learned societies, colleges and universities, and educational leaders across the nation, we call on the President and Congress to retract the Muslim immigration ban and to denounce religious intolerance in all its forms.
From the Society for Biblical Literature
Statement on the 27 January 2017 U.S. Executive Order “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States”
The Society of Biblical Literature’s mission is to foster biblical scholarship in accordance with our core values, which include scholarly integrity, critical inquiry, respect for diversity, inclusivity, and tolerance. This mission of fostering biblical scholarship rests on the firm belief that the study of sacred texts and traditions involves unhindered intellectual exchange among scholars. Such open, scholarly exchange serves the common good by contributing to a broad public understanding of religious texts, traditions, and practices in the modern world. It is for these reasons, for example, that SBL does not endorse academic boycotts.
In 2012, SBL received a grant to explore the establishment of an international and independent network of scholars of the Qur’an. That grant led to the formation of the International Qur’anic Studies Association (IQSA) in 2014, now an independent affiliate of the SBL and an invaluable partner in the study of sacred texts. As a learned society, IQSA, like SBL, seeks to promote peace through understanding. We thereby stand with our colleagues in Qur’anic and Islamic studies to protest the ban on immigrants and refugees from Muslim countries.
Moreover, the ban encourages discrimination and promotes misleading and sometimes dangerous caricatures of religious people, practices, and texts. It also places obstacles to the travel of Muslim scholars in and out of the United States, and threatens the free exchange of ideas among the Society and partnering and affiliating organizations that advance learning and help make peace and understanding possible. Thus, the Society strongly opposes the ban and its implementation.
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pakdigestnovels · 3 years
Kuch Tum Bolo Khuch Hum Bolain Afsana By Umm E Iqsa
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