#Idk why I'm so bad with even the slightest amount of conflict
fangirl-nadir · 1 year
Me: hey, what do people think of this idea?
Literally one person: Eh, it's not for me but here's how you could improve it!
Me: I have failed as a human being and everyone hates me
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sahaias · 6 months
Finished Violetta season 3
Idk how to feel now that i have no content left to watch (outside of the reunion special and movie that I consider non-canon), this is my comfort show and to have it gone kinda sucks
I guess some thoughts on season 3 as a whole:
Still my least favorite season, but it wasn't bad like I remembered
Gery and Clement feel like such pointless additions who would've been better off being one-off antagonists for like 10 episodes at most.
The Milton plotline is genuinely so stupid and forgettable. Once he's gone at the halfway point and he's nonexistent, it feels like "why did we waste so much screentime on him?"
Vilu and Leon should've been together the whole season, facing barriers in their relationship but never breaking up. The season was at its best when they were together, and it's genuinely so fucking annoying that they were together for the longest amount of episodes in season 1 over season 2 and 3 when Tomas was still a thing.
Fuck the whole Roxy storyline, it was so aggrivating
The side couples' plots were kinda boring imo. I like Naty and Maxy but their storyline was a bit blah. Diego and Francesca have telenovela drama and then just kinda exist in the show it feels like. Broduey and Camilla's relationship was super boring imo.. I'm not very interested in Federico even if Ludmila was super interesting this season. And I don't even care the slightest about Gery x Clement, Pablo x I forgot her name (though Pablo deserves to be happy after losing Antonio), or Nicolas x Jade. All are actual screen waste imo
Angie and German are hard for me to root for bc he and Maria were together when she was a little girl? Even if she's like 30 in the present, the whole knowing her back then aspect ruins any interest in the relationship for me
I actually thought the Andres love doctor plotline was kinda funny, and it matches how so many queer people in my life are amazing at analyzing others' relationships but struggle with finding relationships themselves
Ludmila's development was definitely the highlight of the season, but I don't think it's enough to carry the season
The whole "new kids in the studio" plotline was cool for giving Maxi his career development story, but the characters were weird. It was weird how one of them was played by an actress in her 20s and was set up as Andres's love interest, only to suddenly leave, Meanwhile, the rest were just children who looked younger than the studio students we saw up until that point (being like 12-15 instead of 17-18)
The last few episodes felt so rushed through with a ton happening, which was annoying considering how much the conflicts dragged on throughout most of the season
The show is still my comfort show bc I love the characters (most of them) so much
I'll definitely watch Soy Luna soon, and I'm excited since it'll be my first time watching it. But it probably won't be until a while into 2024. I work 12 hours a day 4-5 days a week, and I think I'm going to watch stuff that's lower commitment for now. Plus, I have a massive game backlog. My free time is super limited
Thanks for reading my thoughts while I rewatched Violetta! I don't know what I'll post about moving forward (definitely Soy Luna but that might not be for a hot minute), but it was nice to interact with everyone! I hope we can continue!
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
As you said your asks are gone, I'm reposting my question just in case. Do you think that we will actually see the consequences of Ruby's speech in future Volumes? For example, in Vacuo we find out the Summer Maiden is being hunted by people who saw her broadcast and wanted the power for themselves. Or will the writers either forget or shove it under the rug?
So here’s a fascinating update: my asks might not be gone, I’m just unable to see more than ten at a time. I had ten before, got five new ones, a few that I recall from earlier today are now gone, and I still have ten! So I suppose I’ll get to see in a moment whether I still have ten after answering this, or if I’ve dropped down to nine. Regardless, I haven’t the slightest idea why this is the case (I’ve played with cookies and Xkit now too), but if my hunch is correct - that all my asks are still there, tumblr is just showing a capped amount - it’s certainly better than everything straight up disappearing. I just have more limited options in terms of what I answer and, sadly, this prioritizes whoever just messaged, as opposed to those who have been waiting :/ 
Ask drama aside, I feel like we have to see some sort of impact moving forward. Basically, the situation is that Remnant will never be the same. Unless the writing a) time travels or b) has the world collectively decide that this is a hoax, other kingdoms don’t see Salem for some reason (Ruby sends her back to her domain with silver eyes, idk), and the group decides not to try and convince others that this was all true... things have to change. It’s inevitable. I mean, RWBY is badly written, but I hope they’re not “Completely ignore that the entire world learned about an immortal witch” bad. And unless RWBY skips straight to a “Remnant banded together to defeat Salem in Volume 9″ ending, that change has an incredibly high chance of being negative, just because that’s where the conflict is and conflict drives further storytelling. Grimm attacks, Maidens hunted down, citizens looking for the Relics, mass panic at the thought of Salem, etc. Again, unless the story resets things somehow, I think consequences are inevitable. 
So the bigger question is whether the story will act like those are consequences for the group. Let’s quickly recap some of the consequences we’ve seen lately vs. other characters’ responses to them: 
Team RWBYJNOR’s choice to attack Cordovin has the consequence of attracting the leviathan grimm. However, they’re rewarded by getting into Atlas. 
Their choice to steal an airship has the consequence of arrest. However, Winter is furious that someone would arrest her sister and they’re all rewarded with immediate inclusion into Ironwood’s plans. 
Ruby choice to lie to Ironwood and Blake and Yang’s choice to betray him had the consequence of adding to his fear/stress, leading to him rejecting the group completely. However, instead of mourning this outcome, the group rejects him in turn and the story quickly starts treating Ironwood as a crazy villain to justify their break from him. 
Qrow’s choice to team up with Tyrian has the consequence of Clover’s death. However, his speeches put the blame entirely on his semblance and Clover himself. 
Then we have the numerous, smaller instances where the group’s actions don’t truly hinder them getting what they want/need. Recent examples would include the fact that Weiss’ attitude might have kept Nora from getting help... but Whitley was a good person and called a doctor anyway. The group literally beating the Ace Ops unconscious might have kept them from getting a second chance at rescuing Oscar... but Winter overruled them and sent them on the mission anyway. We have yet to see a scene where something the group does leads to a consequence that they have to sit with and accept, resulting in reflection on their behavior. Inevitably, the plot bends to either absolve them, or get them what they want another way. So the tl;dr is that I fully expect there to be horrific consequences for Ruby’s actions, but I have zero expectation that any of the blame will be put on her, or her team. The story will say, “Yeah, thousands are dying from grimm attacks, the Maidens are hunted, Glynda and Theodore are at their wits end managing this catastrophe... but how is any of that Ruby’s fault? She did what she had to do!” Even though much of the audience believes that’s simply not the case and - unless the show retcons something again, like having Vacuo suddenly appear to help - her action will provide no benefit to solving their current problem. Or, arguably, helping the world in the long run. The show never bothered to weigh the negatives of telling everyone about Salem against being “prepared” against an immortal foe, and I doubt it will start moving forward. 
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