#If we're going in this route I also imagine that she'd divorce Anakin at some point
It's comforting to read fix-it fics where Padmé becomes Chancellor and fixes everything but these also miss part of the point. Palpatine didn't come to political power by himself. He rose to it, as she said, with thunderous applause. There were millions and millions of people out there who were in power who were complicit in the corruption of the Senate. It would be so, so interesting (and also so devastating and uncomfortably familiar) to see a story where Padmé becomes Chancellor and nothing changes at all beyond some surface level policies because she's surrounded by a body that refuses to do anything. If anything, some of the policies she'd pass would actively harm marginalized groups out of ignorance, given how she lives and breathes privilege and has no lived experience with what said groups go through.
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