#Im looking up flights the cheapest way would be to book a round trip ticket LA to atlanta and then a round trip atlanta to the burgh
freebooter4ever · 11 months
#OH BOY#so i finally called grandma and told her i lost my job#i have been putting this off bc of the shame and once you tell one member of my italian side the entIRE FAMILY knows#But she managed to hit me back with even worse news#A family member has bone cancer and it sounds bad#Like my grandma callyerdogs off started refusing food at the very end of the cancer#And it sounds like he's starting to do that#Everybody is spending entire days in the hospital it sounds very much like with what was happening with grandpa#i dont want to go into details#Anyway on top of this my childhood bff is getting married in atlanta at the end of august#So i was going to visit grandma at the same time#And now she's being like no no no theres no need to come and im like GRANDMA PLEASE lol ;_;#And by lol i mean just for once could my family not be so fucking stubbornly self reliant im crying and begging over here#The tentative plan is to fly to pittsburgh after atlanta instead and stay with my dance buddy#and then i can be like look grandma im already here its a four hour drive i will see you in four hours#and stay for as long as they let me and then fly back from the burgh#But needless to say this is all a mess and i need to make actual plans SOON#:(#Im looking up flights the cheapest way would be to book a round trip ticket LA to atlanta and then a round trip atlanta to the burgh#Is this a bad idea? Does anyone else have experience doing this? Like for an extra 500$ i could do a three city ticket but that seems silly#I guess the problem would be if a flight got canceled or delayed but if i get travelers insurance for the flights#thats probably still less than the 500+ extra it would cost to do a three city trip#The other option is driving from georgia to the burgh which ive done once when going to florida with chezzy and family#So i know its a 13ish? Hour drive but i also know i can do it lol#I think the gas + car rental would cost more than the flight tbh#But i also love road trips
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