#ImportanceOfGhungroo GhungrooInClassicalDance OnlineBharatnatyamClasses
kafqa1234 · 2 years
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Classical Dance Classes: Importance of Ghungroo in Bharatanatyam Dance
 Any form of Indian classical dance is incomplete without the Ghungroo. In fact, all the eight forms of Indian classical dance have one thing in common – The Ghungroo. This primary instrument and ornament that an individual wears while performing and practising emphasizes the footwork and adds gracefulness to the dance.
 In this blog, we will understand the importance of Ghungroo in-depth. So, keep reading to unveil some facts. 
 Why is Ghungroo required in the first place?
 Ghungroo tends to differentiate the dancer from a non-dancer in the classical dance classes. It also accentuates the rhythmic percussion acoustics created by the complex movements the dancers perform. 
 As we all know, Bharatnatyam classes focus on teaching students, irrespective of their age, the art of storytelling using their eyes, heads, hands and feet in tune with the music. The audience finds this amalgamation of movements exhilarating. The makeup, jewellery and costumes only intensify the overall dance movements. You might have noticed that all the eight dance forms have impressive foot movements. Ghungroos prove vital aid by producing the sound and accentuating the art the performer has to serve. 
 The sound produced by the ghungroo for Bharatanatyam also helps the performers to be in tune with the music. This is why ghungroos are termed as badges for the performers, assisting them in highlighting their skills while functioning as a decorative item at the same time. 
 Why do performers worship their Ghungroos?
 Have you noticed Indian classical dance classes students touching their Ghungroos with their eyes? Well, this is how individuals pay respect to their Ghungroos. 
 In fact, special pujas are held on the auspicious day of Guru Purnima. Many performers worship their ghungroos while offering respect to their Gurus or Instructors. In fact, holding puja for Ghungroo is considered an important ceremony in various classical dance forms. For instance, In Bharatnatyam, it is termed as sailing puja or gejjai puja.
 Evidently, Ghungroos are the most intrinsic part of the Indian classical dance classes that one cannot separate. It is considered auspicious for Gurus to touch their performer’s ghungroos even before they are tied on the ankle. 
 Meet with the Kafqa Experts
Do you wish to know these and many other important facts about Classical dance forms? Well, then you must consider meeting with the dance instructors at Kafqa. They will help you navigate through the complexities of classical dance forms and even ensure to conduct the Bharatnatyam classes as per your requirements.
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