#Jeff Blim went to fucking town and never came back holy shit
"Emma, I'm sorry, you lost... Emma, I'm sorry you lost your way" are still the rawest opening lines to a finale in all of musical theatre, change my mind.
The gut punch of Paul singing right after the fake-out that he survived. The realization that it was all for nothing and the entire world, including Emma, is doomed at his hands. THE WAY THE MEANING OF WHAT HE'S SAYING COMPLETELY CHANGES WHEN HE FINISHES THE THOUGHT.
I know Paul's been Apotheosised for quite a while by that time, but it almost feels like the first few words are what remains of the actual Paul communicating his final thoughts to Emma, his sorrow that he failed her. And then he's gone for as good Apotheosis Paul takes the reigns and sets out, ever so inevitably, to get what he wants and save Emma Perkins.
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