#Johnny loveless
dusksochoard · 2 years
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Some of my newer characters so far
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illiana-mystery · 9 months
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Guess it's Sunday again!
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airyairyaucontraire · 2 years
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now in context, he's celebrating the demise of the wife he murdered in a staged plane crash with a garden party on the very day of her funeral
so this is a scene of some depravity
but out of context, could anything be nicer than a garden party hootenanny with Johnny Cash?
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brayneworms · 8 months
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gouge away (if you want to) | johnny joestar
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kinktober day ten: kissing
word count. 2.4k
content. disabled johnny, but like his prostate works, anal fingering, prostate orgasm, kissing, johnny cries after sex it's canon, gender-neutral reader, fluff, mentions of ableism, established relationship, this is sappy
♪ gouge away - pixies
kinktober mlist | regular mlist
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For a while—a long while—after his accident, Johnny thought he'd never be with someone again.
A part of it was the paralysis. Okay, a big part of it was. He learns after using the chair for a bit that he sorta stops becoming a real person to most people, that their eyes just sorta slide past him. Oh no, how sad, that guy in the chair must have it so bad. Don't be rude and stare, now. Sometimes he wishes they would stare at him, like he knows they wanna. He almost finds their determination to ignore him totally more jarring.
And that's only half the problem. The other part is that even if he could find someone, his goddamn dick doesn't work anymore. Which would for sure pose a problem. So Johnny resigns himself miserably to a sexless and potentially loveless life, and pretends it doesn't make him want to die.
Still. Anyways. It all seems kinda redundant now, 'cause he's lying under the sky in the dirt with his pants halfway off, and you're—you're doing something, or you're tryin' something that Johnny is extremely skeptical about. A bit of time travelling with Gyro had taught him many times that there was a lot of things about the human body he was ignorant of, but he still can't help but be dubious of the claim you made to him a few minutes ago.
I'm gonna make you cum.
At once, a protest had risen to his lips. You can't. Almost a reflex. You'd cocked your head in inquiry, and Johnny had gone redder, down to the tips of his ears hidden by his hat. It's my—it doesn't work. Down there doesn't...
You seem to consider this for a few moments. Then you say, there's something else we can try.
You disappear inside the tent and come out with the bottle of aloe vera they'd been using to treat the burns that had blistered as a result of the unforgiving desert sun. He had red peeling skin all up his shoulders and the bridge of his nose.
He watches dubiously as you squeeze a clear, cold glob onto your fingers. "Wh—where are those goin'?"
He's pretty sure he has an idea.
"You know what a prostate is, Johnny dear?" You always call him that. Johnny dear, like it's all one word. Johnnydear. He always gripes and groans about it and then has to turn away extremely quickly to hide his flush. He's going to examine the reaction he gets when you baby him sometime, he promises himself, just not right now. He's got a lotta shit on his plate, okay? Corpses to find and such.
"N-no," he answers, stammering when you kneel between his legs and spread his thighs gently apart. He sucks in a breath; one of your fingers leaves a cool trail of aloe along the skin there.
"A prostate," you tell him patiently, like you're not situated between his naked thighs, "is a gland that people with your particular reproductory set are born with."
"You sound like Gyro," he mutters. "Kinda killing the mood a little."
"I just want to make sure you're fully informed." You roll your eyes. "It's just that you're leaking precum, see?" To his mortification, you swipe your fingers over the tip of the dick he can't feel and hold them up; under the starlight, they gleam, and he burns with embarrassment. "Means you might be able to feel it. Means I might be able to make you cum."
Johnny swallows hard. He wants—it sounds good. Sounds great. But with the hope comes that fear, an ever-present shadow. What if it doesn't work?
"Hey." You lean over him, and before Johnny can protest you've captured his lips, a slow, deliberate cling. Johnny loves kissing you. He thinks it might be his favourite thing to do, other than jockeying and he can't do that anymore, so this takes an automatic first place. He sighs and melts against you like softened butter, his hands winding themselves over your shoulder and jaw. He loves everything about it. The closeness, the slow gentle intimacy, the way you smell. That last part is probably weird, 'cause you mostly smell like sweat and leather, but Johnny likes it all the same.
You kiss for a while; one of your hand strokes soothing shapes into his ribcage. When you pull back, the panic that had been rearing up inside him has faded to a dull murmur.
"Don't get in your head about it," you whisper. "If you can't feel it, then that's that. You know I won't think less of you."
A lump rises in Johnny's throat, and he shields his eyes from the burning sun of you seein' right through him. "I know," he says, almost petulantly.
"So? Wanna give it a try?"
A part of him doesn't. A part of him is so, so scared. But a bigger part of him, the one that likes kissing you and likes the way you smell and the way you touch him and look at him and everything, really, is nodding before that first part can protest. You kiss him again with a smile, a little faster, a little dirtier this time. This is another thing Johnny likes about kissing—it can take so many different forms. Even if he did find the corpse pieces and get the use of his legs back, Johnny reckons he'd still like kissing more than real sex.
Your mouth starts moving down, sweeping the sensitive skin of his neck and collarbones, the valleys of his pectorals, a nipple. The last one makes Johnny gasp and you giggle, and he splays a palm over his face in embarrassment. You coax such stupid noises outta him. But you seem to enjoy it, so whatever.
Down, down, down. Somewhere between his navel and his pubic bone he stops feeling it. But it still somehow feels sorta nice, which doesn't make a whole lotta sense but it does to him, so. He watches you between his fingers as you reach between his legs, he thinks prodding.
You look up at him. "I'm going to put a finger in, okay?"
Johnny nods eagerly. "Don't gotta tell me. I won't feel it."
You roll your eyes. "I'm still gonna tell you. We can stop whenever, okay?"
"Okay," Johnny says impatiently, and wiggles his hips. You smack his hipbone playfully, which does nothing to temper his brattiness on account of him not feelin' a fuckin' thing. Then you get a quiet, serious, concentrated look on your face that Johnny usually only sees when you're fighting. Or when he's making you cum. That expression, more than any of your words or hesitation, it what makes him quiet down and take it serious.
There's a silence that stretches on. Johnny supposes you must be doin' something, considering the slight furrow he can see between your brows and the achingly careful, gradual movement of your wrist. Finally, after about a minute, you look up at him.
"My finger's in," you tell him, and Johnny bites his lip.
"Can't feel it," he says. He's starting to think this was a really bad idea.
"Just lemme—hold on," you say, and your wrist moves a little, and then—
Johnny keens. He feels, he fuckin' feels so much that it lights him up from the inside and sets his nerves alight, some part deep inside him that he didn't even know existed 'till five minutes ago and it's so good it immediately brings tears to his eyes.
"Oh," he says like he's surprised, and he is, apparently so much so that it's all he can say. "O-oh, oh, oh—"
Your finger retracts back into nothingness, and Johnny bites back a sob. "Johnny?" you ask worriedly. "Did you—is it too much?"
"No, no," he babbles, feeling incoherent already. You brush his hair back from his face with your free hand, the one that ain't inside him, your thumb stroking over his cheek. "It was—fuck, felt so weird. But good. Really, really good. Can you—are you gonna do it again?"
"Will if you want me to," you answer lovingly, and Johnny is biting back another sob for a whole different reason. "Might be a bit intense, Johnny dear. You sure you wanna?"
"Yes, yeah." He stares up at you beseechingly, feeling a bit pathetic but also too far gone to give a shit. "Please, I wanna—I wanna feel it again."
You nod, leaning over to kiss him again. Johnny relaxes into the embrace, losing himself in the familiar touch of your lips, the smell of you, taking the bite out of his surge of panic—and then with no warning you're brushing against that spot inside him again and he's moaning into your mouth, loud and unrestrained. It's pitchy and startled, and your free hand cups the back of his head as he pulls away in shock.
"Fuck, Jesus Christ," he swears, slamming his head back against the dirt. "O-oh, oh god, ohgodohgod—"
"Still good?" you ask, and your fingers made a weird sort of curling motion and it occurs to Johnny that you're movin' them in and out, sort of like you would if you were actually fucking him, and the thought makes him flush so hard he feels feverish. You're fucking him. You're fucking him.
He nods deliriously. "Mhm, yeah," he gasps out, feeling breathless, feeling giddy. "Don't stop, feels so fuckin' good, oh my god."
Your fingers press into him over and over like you're ringin' a bell, and all the while you kiss him and for the first time in ages Johnny feels that both parts of his body are equal. The bottom half has come alive under your jackhammering fingers, the top half consumed by you and your kiss. The kissing makes it so much better, 'cause Johnny reckons if anyone else had their fingers in his ass he'd probably hate it even if they were touching his whatdidyoucallit like that and making him feel amazing. He'd hate it 'cause they wouldn't be you.
The kissing reminds him it's you. The chaps on your lips, the smell of you, the feel of your face and skin, your body pressing into his. It's so all consuming it makes him wanna cry, in a good way, in a weird way. Your fingers move faster and weirder, and Johnny starts making those stupid oh! oh! noises again, stifling them against your mouth, and your tongue presses in and you swallow them whole.
All too soon, Johnny feels a weird tightening, one he hasn't felt since before the incident. He feels a constriction of panic, his fingers clutching at your clothing. "I—hah!—I f-feel weird."
"Bad weird?" Your fingers slow down, nearly stop, and Johnny whines.
"No, no, good weird, good," he pants. "Move again, fuck."
You pick up the pace; Johnny shudders, tensing in your hold all over again. He feels like he's burning, like he's sweating out everything bad he's ever felt.
"Do you mean you're gonna cum?" you ask, your voice lower this time, so close to Johnny's ear it makes him shiver. The harsh brush of your chapped lips against the soft skin there makes his body feel electric.
"I think," he whispers, eyes screwing shut. "Sorry—oh—I think, yeah."
"Don't feel sorry," you tell him almost sternly. "I want to see you cum, Johnny. Wanna see you cum so hard your pretty little head goes blank. You deserve it, yeah?"
"Yeah," he gasps out. "I deserve it."
What you do next with your fingers is almost brutal in the wracks of shivering pleasure it sends simmering through Johnny's body; every curl of them has him writhing and gasping and moaning, he must sound so stupid but you seem to be liking it and fuck, he's liking it, he likes feeling a little stupid and helpless while you take care of him and he's definitely gonna have to unpack that, but later, 'cause—
"I'm gonna cum," he gasps, hands flying out to curl in your clothing. "Baby, baby, I'm gonna cum, I—kiss me? Kiss me, okay, I wanna, oh, oh oh oh—"
You crash your lips together, and your fingers curl up one last lingering time and Johnny shatters. White stars explode over his vision, shatter inside his head, and for a split second it feels like every cell in his body freezes up and screams and dies. He's vaguely aware of some long, drawn-out, breathless noise he's making and the way you swallow it with your mouth.
It takes several seconds for him to come back down to earth. When he does it's to the sensation of you running your fingers through his hair and pressing soft, feathery kisses to his cheeks.
He pants like a dog. When you see his blue eyes on you, you sit up, seem to retract your fingers from between his legs. Your image starts to blur, and Johnny sees your expression crease in concern. He realises he's crying. Not like, actually, not like he's got something to be upset about. He's just... tearing up. Like someone's turned a faucet on behind his eyes and just left it there. He pushes the heels of his hands into the sockets and presses down, willing it to stop, willing the overwhelming feeling blooming in his chest to deflate.
"Hey, hey." Your voice, low and soothing, pressed into his hair, your arms holding him tightly. "You okay?"
"Yes," he says almost angrily. "I'm fine. Dunno why I'm—fuck. Sorry. I'm good, I promise I'm good. That was... so, so good."
Your expression of concern gives way slightly. "You sure?"
"Yeah." Johnny sucks in a shaky, wet breath. "Thanks. Thank you. I didn't even... I didn't even know I could feel like that anymore. Not just 'cause of—you know." He gestures vaguely to the lower half of his body. "All of it. Like, I didn't think anyone would wanna—while I'm still like this. And I—I figured I didn't deserve it, or something. But... it was really good."
Your smile is a little sad. "I'm glad, Johnny dear. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now that we know it works, we can do it again. And again, and again." He flushes, and you laugh sweetly, and Johnny could just die to the sound of it. "Still, we should get some rest for tonight. Gyro will skin us alive if we oversleep again."
You're right, of course. Johnny lets you maneuvre him onto his sleeping skin, and you unroll yours right next to him. When you do, Johnny reaches for you, clinging like a damn insect. But you don't seem to mind, 'cause you wrap your arms around his waist and bring him in even closer. He tucks his head into your shoulder.
He thinks that he'll get to kiss you tomorrow, too.
His sleep is dreamless and deep.
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lunarw0rks · 8 months
fwb!soap where he lies about seeing other people. he hasn’t seen a soul since you two started fucking. he doesn’t blame you for seeing other people, but can’t help the twinge of jealousy when he’s with his friends at a bar and you leave with someone. the comforting hands on his shoulders turn to congratulating pats as he tells them “we’re just fuck buddies” but he fails to mention just how whipped he is for you. he knows you must feel something for the way those nights with others never last long and you’re calling to ask him to pick you up. or the way your time spent together is now slow and sensual, like it’s more than just getting off.
imagine 9 times out of 10 you end up calling fwb!soap to finish you off properly !! because whatever dickhead you were hooking up with didn't even bother...
of course, he does, every time.
but it's more to him than that. within a month of friends-with-benefits, soap felt more. the tinge of worry whenever you weren't in his sights, or when you leave with someone else.
he didn't just want sexting; he wanted texting. conversation, humor, and his stupid, corny small talk.
it was quickies like it had always been. fast. rough. loveless.
until it wasn't. meets became sensual. emotional. benevolent.
fwb!soap thrusted into you slowly and deeply, hitting intoxicating spots the hopeless hookup could only dream of. his fingers brushed along your forehead, moving sticky strands of hair out of the way to see your eyes. he sighed heavily; lips parted as he felt you clench around him — the same way you did every time.
but you had never looked at him this way. your eyes glossy and emotive, pupils blown.
you were relishing in the pleasure, but there was something more.
the same more that he developed months ago.
blinded by an approaching climax, he silenced his questions by kissing you. gripping your jaw tenderly, absorbing your air and your moans simultaneously. tonight was the night he would say something. he had to. soap has never been able to keep secrets, especially concerning what's in his heart.
the fluttering heart, hammering against his ribcage when he fucks you. the same as when he hears your name. when his phone buzzes and it's your number. when he looks at you. that's all it takes.
if spilling the truth is the means to an end for you two, there's no chance he's spoiling your last time together. fwb!soap makes you cum like it's the last time — because it very well could be.
you slipped your shirt back over your head, sitting up on the edge of the bed. "...'s everything alright?" johnny spoke behind you, using his fingers to comb through the disheveled hairs on his mohawk. it wasn't, and you didn't know how or why. this time was different. tingles of arousal turned into insects buzzing in your stomach — flesh feeling warm wherever he touched.
"yeah, of course," you replied, rolling your undergarments up your thighs, then your bottoms. when you stepped in front of the hanging mirror, his look of concern lingered over your shoulder.
it wasn't a lie. the feelings weren't negative or disastrous in nature. but the relationship was. friends with benefits, fuckbuddies, "no strings attached" — that was doomed from the start.
it couldn't be right, it couldn't work. you were too blinded by lust to see clearly. like you were looking through love-sick glasses, unable to see the truth. he was fucking you, of course that's he looked at you with compassion... right?
when you turned, he had stepped closer before you noticed. his hand reached out to brush against your arm, but fell short in hesitance.
"no doubt, love. but you were..." his voice lowered, gazing at you the same way he did on the mattress. but you couldn't see it. "is it us? me? the bloke at the bar?" soap blurted but didn't raise his voice a hair.
"it's nothing." you tucked your bag under your arm, palming to make sure your phone was in your pocket. it wasn't time if it ever would be. from where you were standing, whatever the hell happened in that bed changed things. and not in a positive sense.
he was too determined, too confident to not speak up. if he felt the same, he would.
and soap, the long-awaited confession had been cut short by the bedroom door shutting. your footsteps hammering down the stairs. the front door shuts, too.
was this all on him, for not refusing to pick you up? if the whole time he fucked you, he was picturing a life with you?
it's nothing, the line his brain kept replaying.
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broken-clover · 9 months
(Over)Analyzing the Cards in Johnny’s Joker Trick (Part 2)
Part 2 of 2. Here’s the original post for the sake of a more fleshed out explanation and for the Joker/King cards, but to keep it simple this is just for analyzing the cards used for every character in Johnny’s Joker Trick Overdrive to see if there’s any sort of symbolic or spiritual meaning that might be behind the use of that particular card. A lot of this uses cartomancy, which isn’t always as straightforward and clear-cut as something like tarot, but this is jus all in good fun
Queen of Clubs- Shared between Sol Badguy, Ramlethal Valentine, and Bridget. And, first of all, let’s be real, Sol’s was first and foremost made for the reference. Queen is about 80% of his personality, if they didn’t use a queen card I’m sure he would have come to life and burned down the office. Outside of the Jacks, Sol is the only character who has a card that doesn’t match the character’s gender. Character-wise, Sol and Ram do have a bit of an overlap, being aloof, struggling socially, and having their interests fixate on a few things, but Bridget is a bit of an outlier here. The symbolism varies a lot, but generally is appears to lean into themes of self-confidence and self-reliance, as well as change. That is something that fits all three quite well, being powerful, independent and experiencing life changes (Sol attempting to settle down, Ram discovering more about being alive, and Bridget’s transition). In the Paris pattern, the Queen of Clubs is the only one not directly modeled after a historical figure, only being a generic queenly character. This may indicate a bit more open-endedness, as all three do care about identity and who they really are. In a more literal suite motif, Sol and Bridget do both primarily fight with blunt weapons, which could be seen as a metaphorical ‘club,’ and while Ram has swords, they often remain sheathed in battle instead of revealing the sharp ends.
Queen of Diamonds- Curiously, no character appear to be assigned to this one? Perhaps it is being saved for someone in the future.
Queen of Hearts- Shared between May and Jack-O Valentine. This is one of the more commonly-seen cards in this sort of motif, likely due to its inclusion in Alice in Wonderland. Because of this, it can have some dual symbolism, being a heart card that’s associated with a cruel, loveless, domineering figure. In a more general motif, both characters fit as being associated with romance and tying a lot of their character and plotline towards love and relationships with men (Johnny and Sol, respectively). The Paris pattern has the Queen of Hearts designed after the biblical Judith, a widow who saved Jerusalem by charming and killing a general that had previously sieged her city. Both characters have attempted to take the initiative to save a group of others (May running away from home in Xrd to keep her family from getting sick and Jack-O attempting to stop I-no at the cost of herself in Strive) which may also contribute. Both also command underlings in battle, which may contribute to the overall ‘queen’ motif
Queen of Spades- Shared between Millia Rage and I-no. This card has some symbolism directly from card games, as it is often viewed as being unlucky. It’s also given such flattering names as ‘the bitch’ in seven card stud poker and is often used as the old maid card as well. Both are characters who are frequently commented on for their beauty, yet have complicated issues with relationships in different ways. As a card it also tends to lead towards level-headed intellectualism and practicality, but is often less associated with emotions than the other queen cards. Both characters are often seen as cold and distant, intelligent and capable but lonely and closed off. The Paris pattern is designed after Pallas (Athena), goddess of war strategy and wisdom. In Greek mythology, the ‘Pallas’ epithet likely referred to the goddess’ battle proficiency, as it can be translated as ‘to brandish (as a weapon’) and while it is a fighting game, the two of them narratively encounter a lot of conflict with others
Jack of Clubs- Shared between Axl Low, Anji Mito, and Sin Kiske. Jack cards, in general, tend to have less symbolic meaning, but the Jack of Clubs tends to mention witty intellect and memory. All three characters are defined by personal memories that they treasure, though to varying degrees, and have a playful, trickster wit to them at times. It can pertain to luck and charisma that may also prove dangerous, and, at the very least, Anji does tend to his his glib words to cause trouble. On a note of consistency, Sin is of the same suite as Ky and Sol, making them collectively a three-card straight flush
Jack of Diamonds- Shared between Nagoriyuki and Giovanna. Curiously, both are newcomers to the series. This card tends to have an association with messages and messengers, which in a meta sense may refer to the newness that they bring to the game. There also seems to be repeated mention of a lack of loyalty and an unfaithful assistant, which could fit both in Giovanna’s blase attitude towards her work and Nagoriyuki’s role as an unwilling underling to Happy Chaos. 
Jack of Hearts- This card has the most people sharing it, being a four-way appearance between Faust, Goldlewis Dickinson, Testament, and Asuka R. Kreutz. This one also has a lot of heart-based themes similar to the King and Queens, often mentioning traits like kindness, good intentions, and sincerity. Though all four of them vary in many ways, their characters tend to involve sincere intentions towards others, though it might not always pan out the way they would have hoped (especially for Asuka). All four are definitely willing to show their emotions, especially when it comes to trying to bond with others, such as Faust with Ramlethal, Goldlewis with Bridget, Testament with Dizzy and Johnny, and Asuka with Raven. There is also a poetry motif with the card that depicts the Knave of Hearts as a trickster, and while all four are not necessarily trickster figures, Faust is known for his peculiarities, Goldlewis for his alien causing mischief in fights, Testament for being unpredictable in earlier games and mysteriously surviving several near-death instances, and Asuka being a mysterious and indecipherable problem-causer for most of the series. Also, in another consistency of the suites, Testament shares the heart suite with Johnny and May
Jack of Spades- Held solely by Baiken. Spade cards in general seem to veer towards more aggressive interpretations, and that definitely suits her just fine. It often mentions violence, though there is also mention of intense passion and ruthless determination, which also fit pretty nicely. It also tends to mention riskiness, either in the form of violence or unhealthy habits like drinking. Aside from the Joker and the King of Diamonds, Baiken is the only character to have a card all to herself, which may reflect the solitary nature she held onto for many years. Though, similar to the club and heart suites, she has a connection with Bedman and Delilah in the spade suite.
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mshexley · 5 months
If you talk about Johnny Gat as a character and don’t highlight his love for Aisha, begone from me you loveless harlot.
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silver-wield · 3 months
cloud & tifa’s trophies for the loveless play can be found next to each other at johnny’s seaside inn… posted by @/b1sexualpanic
Silver, is this just for Cloud and Tifa or are there trophies for all the other characters? Because of it's only for Cloud and Tifa then doesn't that means they are the canon event?
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There's also one for Red for his role but I didn't get it.
Both girls have a best actress trophy, and you don't get the achievement for filling Johnny's trove without having Tifa as Rosa, but Aerith gets hers for singing, so yeah, Tifa was on stage.
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Here is the bracket for the AroAce/A-spectrum Awesomeness Arena!
Round 1, Part 1:
Todd (BoJack Horseman) VS Ash (Pokémon)
Hunter (The Owl House) VS Toph (Avatar: The Last Air Bender)
Sonic (The Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise) VS Kris (Deltarune)
ENA (ENA) VS Lilith (The Owl House)
The Collector (The Owl House) VS Maki (Danganronpa Franchise)
Ruby (RWBY) VS Tails (The Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise)
Marcy (Amphibia) VS Light Yagami (Death Note)
Todoroki (My Hero Academia) VS LIng (The Diviners)
Sakuko (A Couple Without Falling In Love) VS Pit (Kid Icarus)
The Tin Man/Nick Chopper (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) VS Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Alix (Miraculous) VS John (Homestuck)
NNY (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac) VS Max (Camp Camp)
Reyna (Riordan) VS Saiki K. (The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.)
Kale (Monster Prom) VS Teardrop (Battle for Dream Island)
Phoenix (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) VS Senku (Dr. Stone)
Amethyst (Steven Universe) VS Jughead (Archie Comics)
Miya (SK8 The Infinity) Vs Percy (Epithet Erased)
Round 2, Part 1:
Piccolo (Dragon Ball) VS Riz (Dimension 20)
Finn (Adventure Time) VS Perry (Phineas And Ferb)
Caduceus (Critical Roll) VS Sasha (The Magnus Archives)
Merida (Brave) VS The Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who)
Jonathon (The Magnus Archives) VS Connor (Green Arrow)
Elatsoe (Elatsoe) VS Emma (Sidekick Squad)
Blanche / Entity 140 (Backrooms) VS Ralph (Plainview)
Big Man (Splatoon 3) VS Yelena (Black Widow)
Ike (Fire Emblem) VS Matt (Wii Sports)
Takahashi (A Couple Without Falling In Love) VS Kel (Omori)
Sans (Undertale) VS Papyrus (Undertale)
SpongeBob (Spongebob Square Pants) Vs Reigen (Mob Psycho 100)
Georgia (Loveless) VS Mr. Clean (Procter & Gamble)
Peridot (Steven Universe) VS Murderbot (The Murderbot Diaries)
Jo (Little Woman) VS Luffy (One Piece)
Hiro (Big Hero 6) VS Waluigi (The Mario Franchise)
Round 1, Part 2:
Ash (Pokémon) VS Toph (Avatar: The Last Air Bender)
Sonic (The Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise) VS Kris (Deltarune) VS Lilith (The Owl House)
The Collector (The Owl House) VS Tails (The Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise)
Marcy (Amphibia) VS Todoroki (My Hero Academia)
Pit (Kid Icarus) VS The Tin Man/Nick Chopper (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)
John (Homestuck) VS Max (Camp Camp)
Saiki K. (The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.) VS Kale (Monster Prom)
Phoenix (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney) VS Jughead (Archie Comics) VS Miya (SK8 The Infinity)
Round 2, Part 2
Riz (Dimension 20) VS Perry (Phineas And Ferb)
Sasha (The Magnus Archives) VS Merida (Brave)
Jonathon (The Magnus Archives) VS Emma (Sidekick Squad)
(Blanche / Entity 140 (Backrooms) VS Big Man (Splatoon 3)
Matt (Wii Sports) VS Takahashi (A Couple Without Falling In Love)
Papyrus (Undertale) VS SpongeBob (Spongebob Square Pants)
Georgia (Loveless) VS Peridot (Steven Universe)
Jo (Little Woman) VS Hiro (Big Hero 6)
Round 3, Part 1
Toph (Avatar: The Last Air Bender) VS Lilith (The Owl House
Tails (The Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise) VS Marcy (Amphibia)
Pit (Kid Icarus) VS Max (Camp Camp)
Saiki K. (The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.) VS Jughead (Archie Comics)
Round 3, Part 2
Perry (Phineas And Ferb) VS Merida (Brave)
Jonathon (The Magnus Archives) VS Big Man (Splatoon 3)
Matt (Wii Sports) VS Papyrus (Undertale)
Georgia (Loveless) VS Hiro (Big Hero 6)
Round 4, Part 1
Toph (Avatar: The Last Air Bender) VS Tails (The Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise) VS Pit (Kid Icarus) VS Saiki K. (The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.)
Round 4, Part 2
Merida (Brave) VS Jonathon (The Magnus Archives) VS Papyrus (Undertale) VS Georgia (Loveless)
Round 5, The Finale
Pit (Kid Icarus) VS Papyrus (Undertale)
I know little to nothing about a lot of these characters so please tell me if I made any mistakes.
If you have any fanart, propaganda or whatnot please put it in the asks.
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forestshadow-wolf · 1 year
Blossoms of Love (Chapter 9)
(not so) campfire stories
Pairing: soap/ghost
Tags: hurt/comfort, angst, hanahaki
A03 link || Chapter 1 || Chapter 8
Progress was… slow, sluggish, stagnant; soap was sure there was a better word for it but he’s an artist not a poet. The sun creeped closer and closer towards the tree line, an image he’d have loved to sketch had he not had a job to be doing. It quickly became apparent that they would not be finishing before night hit, confirmed by price’s command to set up camp in the mostly intact body of the plane.
Ghost had been scarce since the initial crash, the night was beginning to set in and he wasn’t with the others yet. Soap found him a few paces into the trees. Why would Ghost be all the way out here, there was no reason to be, at least not as far as he could tell. He was crouched down, back to him, he seemed… off. Well more off than he had been lately.
He called out to the man, who straightened up and whirled around quickly, as if caught off guard. Odd, he wasn’t being particularly quiet, and even if he was Ghost ordinarily would have picked up on it anyways. He worked to hide an interrogative look, not wanting to push any boundaries, not today at least.
“Sergeant.” he cleared his throat.
“Uh Price set up watch. Ah said ah could take first, but he said you wouldnae mind. So…” he trailed off at the end, not sure where he was going with that sentence.
“Aye, I don’t mind.” they set off back toward their makeshift camp.
Everyone was already mostly settled and were heading towards the edge of sleep by the time they were back. Ghost settled on his bedding and soap grabbed his sketchbook before sitting beside Ghost. To which he got a shoulder nudge and an inquisitive look.
“What’re you doin’, Johnny?”
“Wha’d’ya mean ‘wha mah doin?’ ah thought it was pretty obvious am sittin’ doon.”
“I know that, ya ass. I mean shouldn’t you be goin’ to sleep, not doodlein’ in your book?” ghost rolled his eyes.
“Eh, not tired, ‘Sides ah w’s g’nna come take yer place anyway. ‘Ts easier to j’st stay up fer a few more hoors.” that truth was easier to say than the ones that lay beneath it. The one that said that Ghost was acting just a little bit too off. the one that said he knew exactly what kind of thing grew in loveless areas. The one that said that something about Ghost made him want to both run away and get even closer at the same time. Ghost hummed roughly with what Soap could only describe as skepticism, as if he knew Soap hadn’t told him the real reason, granted he hadn’t but Ghost didn’t know that.
It was maybe half an hour later, they hadn’t said anything to each other since they settled down, instead opting for a… something silence. He couldn’t really explain how it felt. Soap still had yet to actually draw, he’d just been slowly filing his pencil down into a sharp point on the paper, watching it darken with each pass of graphite. It’s not like he was even going to do anything with the blackened paper, he’d never been good at negative drawings, it was really just something to keep him occupied. Ghost shifted beside him, but he didn’t really pay much attention to it, he didn’t mind being watched. Not if it was Ghost anyway.
“There’s Orion's belt, just over there.” soap startled slightly at the quiet voice beside him. He looked over to see the man pointing to something in the sky. He followed the finger, but he’ll admit he never had a knack for picking out stars and constellations. He offered up an interested hum, Ghost took that as his cue to continue.
“That cluster over there I’ve heard goes by many names, only know some of the stories though. My favorite is Aphrodite's carriage.” soap nodded, pretending to follow along as Ghost launched into whatever tale stars he had queued up in his brain. Soap couldn’t tell if Ghost was doing it for his benefit or if that was just how he told stories, but his imagery gave Soap intense urges to sketch it out.
That’s how they spent the next hour, with Ghost telling stories and Soap quietly sketching them out, it was an odd sort of role reversal. Soap would be lying if he tried to claim to have learned any of Ghost’s constellations, but he did listen to them.
“How’d’ya ken so much aboot th’ stars, L.T.?” soap garnered his curiosity between a lapse in Ghost's storytelling.
“I don’t.” he said it so simply, so matter-of-factly that it took soap a moment to process what he said.
“Bu- wha’d’ya mean? You were literally just telling me about- er what’d ya call it? ‘Jupiter’s Bowl’?”
“I made it up. The only constellation I know is Orion’s belt. Hell, I don't even know if I pointed to the right stars on that one.” again it was that matter-of-fact tone, as if it was obvious. It confused Soap to no end, he’d spoken with such… confidence? Self-assuredness? That soap didn’t even question him.
“So.. ye just got thoose stories locked and loaded? Or do ya improv ‘em?”
“Had some of ‘em for a while, other’s I made up.” There was a slight inflection in his voice that gave soap the feeling that they were creeping up on uncomfortable territory, so he flipped aspects.
“Tell meh ‘nother?” a smile quirked at the edges of his lips.
“Depends, it gonna put you to sleep?” the tone was light again, if not a tiny bit scratchy.
“Me? Nah, ah’d neve’” Ghost took it with a nod and launched them into another story. It was something flashy and eye-catching, but not memorable, simply for entertainment. At some point Ghost scooched over to watch soap draw, who leaned back just slightly to give a better view. That’s how they spent the rest of Ghost’s and the first half of Soap’s watch, with Ghost taking them on mini adventures, and soap documenting them. Eventually though soap nudged Ghost over to his bedroll next to Nik, knowing the man hadn’t gotten much sleep lately. Ghost rolled his eyes and mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like ‘mother hen’, but complied nonetheless.
@checkerscharlie @halb-nichts @heyitsropi @trekkie-in-space @lavenderstem
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masterskywalkers · 2 months
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Continuing my trophy journey throughout this game by going back to replay the date scene, but this time with Yuffie! (I need those three unlocks for Johnny's quest)
Thought I'd do this one first before the Tifa date because I was worried it was going to be so awkward, but oh my god was I pleasantly surprised by how cute the Yuffie date is! My first playthrough date was Red, and I loved how his and Cloud's conversation centered around the Whispers, Red's lost memories, and the need to protect Aerith; so it was really nice to see that Yuffie's turned out to be that awkward 'we both suck when it comes to feelings huh?' while telling Cloud outright about Tifa having a crush on him. And Yuffie talking to Cloud about her small crush on her SOLDIER friend! Who has to be Zack from when they met in Crisis Core!
Cloud and Yuffie's LOVELESS date definitely felt more like a 'this a romance play and we're both awkward - let's ham this up and have some fun'. He feels like such a big brother to her in Rebirth and I love it ;__;
Also sharing a few more snapshots from Aerith's solo, since that song always gets me y'know? No Promises to Keep is my new Eyes on You, and boy have I adored Eyes on You for years.
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monsterfactoryfanfic · 9 months
Tagged by @ladytabletop to list my top 10 8 songs on repeat! I sadly use Youtube for most of my music so this is actually going to be batshit
"Up the Wolves" - The Mountain Goats- I just saw a tumblr moodboard of this song and it stuck in me like a briar
"Hurt" - Johnny Cash - Used it for a finale of a season of my home game, truly snatched the song out from Reznor's feet
"Welcome to the Black Parade"- ISU Clef Hangers- It's a great song! And I love a capella!
"21 Guns"- ISU Clef Hangers- It's a great song! And I love a capella! And I was a teen in the late 2000s!
"Balam Pichkari"- Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone- We did a whole episode of Mortified on the movie this is from because I love this song so much
"Running Up that Hill"- Loveless- I like covers okay
"Holy God We Praise Thy Name"- Midnight Mass- I grew up Catholic
"How Great Thou Art"- God's Not Dead 2- I grew up Catholic and I'm a sicko
I could probably get to 10 with Linkin Park piano covers but this has already been embarrassing enough, please feel free to do this yourself if it seems fun!
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aceofswcrds · 2 months
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i will lay me down — (spotify)
mountain hymn, rhiannon giddens // coal miner's daughter, loretta lynn // coat of many colors, dolly parton // on the road again, willie nelson // 500 miles, peter, paul & mary // don't think twice, it's all right, joan baez // girl from the north county, bob dylan // daddy sang bass, johnny cash // bridge over troubled water, simon & garfunkel // let me ride in your big cadillac, blaze foley // sittin' in the amen seat, yvonne devaney // take care of us, the revelations // when he reached down his hand for me, bill monroe & his blue grass boys // reconsider me, margaret lewis // something about what happens when we touch, lucinda williams // wishes, lari white feat. suzy bogguss // send a message to my heart, dwight yoakam with patty loveless // i'm so lonesome i could cry, hank williams // she's got you, patsy cline // moonlight, daniel lanois
a playlist consisting of a variety of songs — some from mary's childhood, some from her personal playlists which she would listen to today, some are slightly fourth-wall breaking tracks that had been chosen to encapsulate mary margaret's character.
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tedhugheshater · 1 year
(you can interact, I am not a kid, but I might find you insufferable)
★ Anti feminists; libfems; non feminists; male incels; sigma males; MRAs; pro porn; pro sex dolls; pro surrogacy; against women only spaces or against female separatism; denies the reality of sex; homophobes; pro plastic surgery; pro FGM; people who believe that culture > women's liberation; anti choice; anti birth control.
★ You think het-partnered women, wether straight or bi, cannot contribute to feminism at all.
★ Pro Johnny Depp, Trump, etc. ★ Right wingers; capitalists; conservatives; nazis; pro hostile architecture; liberals. ★ Pro union of the state and the church. ★ Trad-christians; trad-wives (but if you are a woman in any of those categories and want to openly and calmly discuss a subject, let me know straight up). ★ Antisemites; anti paganism; zionists; anti astrology; anti tarot; mormons; missionaries. ★ Defensive colonizers; imperialists; Europe and United States centrists; any type of racist. ★ Pro hunting as a *recreational* activity ★ People who make fun of veggies or vegans or are against such practices. ★ If you accuse real people of queerbaiting with their own identity. ★ Against reclaiming queer / faggot / dyke / etc (differs from not personally identifying with them). ★ “Loveless” aros; “polysexuals”; “omnisexuals”; “demiromantics” & “demisexuals” who call themselves queer or oppressed. I don’t like “pansexual” either but I don’t mind. ★ Age players; rape or non-con players; rape romanticists; race players; anti sex-ed; MTFTM kinksters; you enjoy or defend any sexual practice degrading to women, either as the degrader or the degradee (e.g. "free use" / choking / face-fucking / using misogynistic names); horny furries; fat fetishists. ★ Sends rape, violence or death threats. ★ Courtney Love haters.
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hello-imasalesman · 1 year
Saw that you reblogged the ‘shipping meme’, and was curious to ask you about these ones:
1. Jimmy/Gord
2. Bryce/Chad
3. Gord/Vance
4. Derby/Johnny
+ your story with Bif/Derby (how did you start to ship them, etc.), because your works are amazing! 😭❤️
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Oh wow anon thank you 😭 by shipping meme i assume the bingo i just posted? i did them all on one and actually got bingo for once, hah
Jimmy/Gord: cute pairing, and I think they’re compatible in a opposites attract way but I’m very much a fan of jimmy kind of dating around and not settling w anyone so not a long term ship in my opinion
Chad/Bryce: LOVE THEM. Love that they’re canon. They’re also sort of a foil to derby and bif in left hand man in that Derby and Bif could have that same sort of caring, mildly secretive but still supportive relationship if Derby was not so constrained by his pursuit of power.
Gord/Vance: I think they can be a neat enemies attract sort of couple, especially given how much Gord loves to slum around. They bond over hair care.
Derby/Johnny: ironic, but I’m not super big into them anymore. Especially since Derby, in canon, is so against ‘slumming it’. Truthfully i just find the themes of Derby and Bif much more compelling than the like enemies to lovers of Derby and Johnny (and prefer Johnny/Peanut for the same reasons). Even them being mortal enemies tbh is less interesting, to me, than say Derby and Tad because Johnny has no real power over Derby. Can he beat up Derby? Sure, but the prep parents have Crabblesnitch in their pocket, and he can get them expelled, or press charges as i always assumed Johnny was 18/19 depending if he got held back or was a December baby. And once they graduate highschool, he has even less power in relation; its just not a fair matchup.
Anyway, i started shipping derby and bif because it was 2007 and I was 13 years old :’) my first ever novel-length fic was them way back on ff.net, and while I’ve played bully in its multiple editions many times throughout the years, last year or so i just… got really nostalgic for it, went through the tags on AO3, and realized there had been no other fics of them since the one i wrote as a kid. So, i wrote something new that I thought was much more fitting for my first big pairing. It’s the themes of leader / right hand man, the secretive nature of it, the way Derby doesn’t really seem to trust anyone half as much as he does bif, all while Derby and Pinky are coerced into this loveless pairing that Derby continues to go along with because it promises him the power and prestige that he thinks is his birthright.
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todayisreveluv · 2 years
What if we divorce him because he worked to much and he didnt have time for you anymore but then johnny gets even more promotion and he gets busier.
Also hi im new on your blog and i love your writting 💕
Hi and welcome ~
But can you imagine?
Johnny is just… a little misogynistic and just a hint of toxic behavior?
Before the whole divorce and before the marriage he was working in a small law firm And that’s where you met him! You were already working there as the Chairman’s secretary and he was very very interested in you when he saw you delivering papers to his office. He would always flirt with you, bring you coffee or your favorite drink in the morning. Then during lunch he would ALWAYS ask for you to join him or he would join you. You would always reject his feelings wanting to keep the workplace professional, but something about him just made your heart flutter a lot.
One thing leads to another, you two start dating then the law firm you both work at becomes a huge deal for big businesses thanks to Johnny and he gets a big and I mean BIG promotion. Everything was like a dream come true, he had the person of his dreams and had an amazing career ahead of him.
It felt right to pop the question. Despite you both being young and the relationship still fresh, you married each other. Your older coworkers warned you about marrying at an early age but you didn’t care nor did Johnny all you both knew was it you loved each other and that was all there needed too be and Johnny insisted you stayed at home and let him do the bread winning
“I don’t want my pretty wife too work so hard, let me provide for you~” he said, “Just bear my name and my children and we’ll be just fine.”
And like any ordinary housewife you agreed to stay home, leaving behind the career you already started.
But after the glorious and beautiful honeymoon you guys had Johnny went straight back to work, he never really came home til late in the night and no matter the occasion he had to step away to answer a phone call to answer and email. Slowly and steadily you began to grow tired of it… when you told him you were pregnant he was excited of course! He was overjoyed about your pregnancy, you wanted him home but he said.
“Don’t you want our babies to live a good life? Right. So please don’t wait up for me again you’ll get sick and you’ll get my babies sick.”
When you were in labor he didn’t make it till after the twins were born. So you were alone with ten nurses in the room helping you deliver your babies. He promised over and over that’d he’d try to get home early to help you that’d he find a way to make up to you, but those promises weren’t fulfilled. Soon after arguments were a daily thing, you both were ignoring each other, sleeping in separate rooms and eating at different times. The marriage was loveless at this point the only thing that kept you both together were the twins.
But a year after… you filed for divorce and to no surprise Johnny had already given up on fussing and fighting with you, if divorce was what you wanted then it was what you were going to get.
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