#KLAW Day 1: Throwback
Welcome to our second edition of King Liam Appreciation Week! We begin TOMORROW!!
We have two themes for Day 1: Character Appreciation and Throwback!
Character Appreciation is pretty simple - this is your space to show your love for Liam as a person, as an individual, to explore the different facets of his personality!! Let us know which Liam you have chosen out of the three customizations and what you like most about him. Think of what his interests and dislikes, what makes him happy, how he expresses himself. Basically - what is Liam like away from the throne and Crown?
Throwback is your space to share old pieces you've made on Liam, and if you'd like to...you can even take us through the process of creating this content! Tell us what it was about Liam that inspired your piece, and any interesting stories you may have about your process 🤓 If you'd like some guidance, here is a Throwback questionnaire you can try out!
Any content is welcome - fanfic, fanart, edits, moodboards, interactive media, meta, headcanons, screenshots...even simple posts about what you love about him! The theme itself is meant only to be an inspiration for your content - it isn't essential that you can only deliver your theme-based content on that particular day. If you're putting it up later, you can always tag it with the day you intended it for (#KLAW Day 1, #KLAW Day 2)
Be sure to keep in mind the following when you post:
1. Write #kingliamappreciationweek and #KLAW in the tags to make it easier for us to find your content! Make sure you tag the day you meant the content for too (#KLAW Day 1, #KLAW Day 2).
2. Tag @kingliamappreciationweek, as well as co-hosts @sazanes and @lizzybeth1986 in your posts so we don't miss them!
Fan content blogs have been essential in getting the word out about our events, and we are always happy showing our love for them. A lot of exciting events and challenges are coming up this month and we encourage you to participate in some of them if you can!
@choicesficwriterscreations - Primarily fanfic, but have recently begun to accept text-fics and storytelling edits. Check out their roster here and their new rules for text fics and edits here.
@choicesmonthlychallenge and @aprilchallenge - Any and all content welcome! Check out their prompts for April!
@choicesflashfics - Primarily fics under 2500 words. Here are their guidelines and they will be posting new prompts soon!
@choicesholidays - Any and all content welcome, as long as it focuses on the theme! Here is a list of the holidays for this month - this time it is spring themed!
@choicesprompts - Any and all content welcome. Currently there are no themes, but they will announce soon.
@choicespride - Any and all content welcome, as long as it focuses on LGBTQ+ characters and themes. From April 23rd to May 5th, they will be running the Aromantic Celebration Week...do check that out!
@drake-walker-appreciation and @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation - Check out these appreciation blogs as well! World Whiskey Day may be coming up towards the end of May.
Looking forward to seeing all your pieces tomorrow!!
Happy King Liam Appreciation Week, everyone!!!
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lizzybeth1986 · 1 year
For Throwback Day I thought I'd revisit an old favourite of mine, That Old Grape Juice. I initially wanted to write it as a four parter - two parts that would focus on Liam and Olivia's friendship, and two that would (at the time) focus on a budding romance between Drake and Kiara. For obvious reasons, the Driara chapters never happened...but I do love the two Liam and Olivia fics I managed to write 😁
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Cabernet Franc is the first chapter of this short series. It is set in Lythikos in TRR1 Ch 7, shortly after Olivia mocks Savannah in front of Drake. I hc'd at the time that she spent some time showing Liam around after that.
Chardonnay shows the Lythikos Ball in Ch 8, from Liam's point of view rather than the MC's. It also explores Liam's reaction to the kiss Olivia forces on him at that Ball and how he handles that situation.
Under the cut I'll be going through the process and experience of writing this fic!
1. What about this character inspired you to write this piece?
Oh, so many things!
- Often the Liam and Olivia equation was analysed back then mostly from Olivia's perspective, leading many to believe he didn't care much for her just because he wasn't romantically inclined. I believe that is not at all the case. This fic was an exploration of Liam's perspective of their friendship, while waking up to these new feelings he has for my MC Esther.
- This was written before Liam's Gastrodiplomacy scene in TRR3, but goddamn did I already get the impression that this man had an extremely extensive palate 😋 The food and the wine were DEFINATE inspirations!!
- I really, really, for once...wanted the kiss Olivia pushed on him to be viewed as a violating act, not as some comic thing or some political move that canon wanted to portray!
2. What was your process like?
I have NO experience with wine or any alcohol. Nor have I ever had lobster in my life. So a lot of my time was spent reading up on wines, trying to figure out what would be perfect for which chapter...and around that I would build my story!!
There was a lot more space for me to freely pick and choose what I wanted for "Cabernet Franc". My only requirement was that there should be a mention of vanilla, one of Liam's favourite flavours! Based on that I was able to choose the cheese as well. Certain sequences I'd had fixed in my mind before I did the research - I knew there needed to be a joke about the bust of Luther Nevrakis, and that the conversations between Liam and Olivia needed interruptions from the real world - in the shape of Olivia's secretary Anne-Marie. I knew I wanted Anne-Marie to be both a reminder to Liam of the origins of Esther, the girl he is growing to love, as well as someone who has to put up with so much of Olivia's tantrums and moods. It was a matter of trying to weave all these together with Liam and Olivia's contrasting views of their relationship as a connecting factor!
For "Chardonnay" I needed to work under a few restrictions. Because it was set during the Lythikos Ball, I knew that canon had already established lobster bisque as the main meal. It was more a matter of which wine would pair well with that...and even better if it were a white wine to contrast with the red one of the previous chapter!! I also needed to keep in mind that Liam is seated far away from Esther and Hana's table, so he may not see much. The prominent sequences I had in mind were Liam's confrontation of Olivia after he realizes she's treated Esther and Hana badly, the Kiss™, and the ensuing conversation between Olivia and Liam. I needed to take the underlying tensions of the previous chapter and double them in this one!!
3. What part of creating this piece gave you the most joy?
I wouldn't say joy...there's nothing joyful about this particular sequence in Chardonnay. But it did give me some comfort to write Liam's reaction to Olivia's kiss and have him view it as something he didn't consent to and was deeply uncomfortable with. I also have Olivia realize immediately that she crossed a line and rush in to apologize to him. Though that conversation then gets derailed into a brief discussion about propriety and public image, I needed to establish first and foremost how violating Olivia's gesture was here from Liam's point of view.
4. Did you have a playlist to get you in the mood for creating?
Not for this one!! Just a lot of tabs on my browser for wines 😅😅
5. Are there differences in the way you make content for this character, and the way they are depicted in regular canon/fan content? If so, why?
Re: canon, yes, definitely. Canon and some of the fandom don't exactly center Liam a lot in his own story and he is often used to make a point about how irresistible the MC is. I like exploring him as his own character, viewing him not only in romantic but also platonic relationships. Some of my favourite fics to write for him are the friendship fics I've made between him and another lady of the court like Hana, Kiara or Olivia.
Many Liam stans have special and unique ways of looking at him, and I'd like to believe that my Liam has his own uniqueness among them too. I like to explore his cultural background and since a lot of my content also looks at race relations, that plays a part in the way I write Liam too.
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
KLAW 2023 Day 1 Throwback: King Breaker
King Liam Appreciation Week Throwback
This is one of my favorite one-shots. I have ideas for a follow up one of these days. It was an ask from my Drabble Me This series. I have since learned that the photo is a still from a scene in a movie. I didn't know that at the time. I read the ask, saw the photo and then this story was just in my head.
I hope you enjoy it!
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dcbbw · 1 year
Taking the L
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I am participating in #KingLiamAppreciationWeek (#KLAW), hosted by the ever-lovely @lizzybeth1986​ and @sazanes​. This is my offering for Day 1: Throwback/Character Appreciation. I will be providing at least one more story for the event; if I do it correctly, the fic will cover the additional themes/days.
So, this is basically me giving my opinion and head canons about Liam while linking throwback fics into the dialogue; while I have all the love and appreciation in the world for my first, true LI, it may be best to have some of my Rileys express what they treasure and cherish most about the Liam they are paired with. After all, they are the ones with the man day in and day out.
Thank you to all who will read this brain dump; I can only hope it makes sense and comes across in a coherent manner. Everything is below the cut.
PB birthed Liam Rys, but us content creators raise him.
Song Inspiration: Fanfiction on the Internet, Jake Timothy
Word Count: 1,207
Why Liam?
My reason is incredibly simple (and it isn’t because it’s The Royal Romance) … I have dated enough Drake Walkers and Maxwell Beaumonts in real life; no way am I doing it in an alternate universe and spending real dollars to do so.
I dealt with enough games and guards/walls and insecurities and mothering of men; I have done more than my share of putting forth efforts and ego-stroking and reminders and pushing and prodding. I have begged men to love me and proved (to no avail) that my love is worthy of acceptance.
Playing the game with Liam as my LI is my form of escape from reality … the refreshing openness, honesty, and emotional availability Liam Rys provides gives me hope, and will always be my why.
Which Liam?
My preferred Liam is Asian Liam (Asiam). When I first joined the fandom almost 5 years ago, Caucasian Liam (Whiam) was the King of choice for the majority of the fandom, and I remember being nommed for a Clown Award for fetishy writing because I wrote a tall, black MC with Asiam. (I received 7% of the vote)
Asiam is my default Liam, and not just because I see him (looks-wise) as a cross between Gong Yoo and Alex Landi; in my head canon, Asiam is patient (more than most), more sensuous than sexual, logical, an overthinker, and has a humility that is rare for someone born into and raised in an environment of the highest privilege.
He is the driving force behind Riam, Sock Game Liam in the DC AU, UnRomance, and the majority of my TRR-themed one-shots and limited series including The Platinum AU, Driam, and Laxwell.
My love for Asian Liam does not stop me from using the other versions of Liam.
I know I’m in the minority here with my thought process, but I see each version of Liam as a separate person with a distinct je ne sais quoi who just happens to share core characteristics and personality traits with the other two.
I think it would be especially true for Asiam (whom PB did not even classify as an ethnicity, and let's not get into the whitewashing of his mother, Eleanor), and Black Liam (Bliam). While all versions of Liam have a mother who is both a commoner and foreigner, two of them have a parent of color, which (again, to me) has to influence how they are perceived by the international audience they are constantly paraded in front of.
White Liam (Whiam) to me, is trusting, definitely carnal, and has a boldness ...a recklessness if you will; yet he is hesitant to fully embrace his role as King. This Liam takes the lead in stories such as The Commoner’s Wife, Streets of New York, One Night Stand, and he is the Liam of choice in the upcoming stories, Sins of the Father, Best Friend, and Body Count.
I have plans for Bliam; he is the star in a few upcoming fics: Looking, Heartland, Life in a Southern Town (the Election AU), and Eight Minutes. For me, Bliam exudes a confidence the other Liams do not, which is at odds with my head canon that this particular Liam is more guarded than Drake and more of a loner.
Currently all three Liams can be found in my Remix series (only two chapters in, but more is coming!) where Asiam is a complete thot. (He can be an anomaly at times)
Head Canons (strictly my envisionings, opinions, and thought processes that formulate my version of Cordonia’s favorite King)
·         His name is Liam, not William; his mama named him Liam and that’s good enough for me. And coming from a family where me and my siblings all have names that begin with an R, I like the Leo, Liam, Lena thing; bonus that the first syllable for each is pronounced “Lee”
·         He has BDE, and the BD to back it up
·         He is not submissive in the bedroom. Being King is a 24/7 job, and I do not see him just shedding that type of power the second nakedness enters the picture
·         I also do not see him as dominant in the bedroom; for his partner’s pleasure, he can be assertive (not to be confused with aggressive). The man is still kinky though
·         However, he has no problem with a transference of power between he and his partner between the sheets (within reason)
·         Liam grew up in an environment where unilateral decisions that affect the entire country are made in a millisecond; hence the Coronation night fiasco. If keeping you a secret from Cordonia means you’re safe … it’s worth the fallout
·         Madeleine was his only choice that night because another suitor’s acceptance would immediately become a political arrangement, with their families/houses effectively trapping Liam in a marriage neither party wants
·         It doesn’t happen often, but he and MC argue. Loudly
·         He’s a social smoker, especially when networking or brokering a deal/arrangement/alliance
·         If he’s pouring a scotch, he’s stressed
·         MC is his first true/real relationship
·         He is not perfect
·         He makes mistakes
·         Two of my Liams can cook; the rest are at the mercies of the kitchens and Riley
·         He doesn’t flaunt his wealth
·         He is deeply spiritual (believes in a higher power and prayer), but doesn’t begin attending church until he and MC have created a family
What is the one thing Riley appreciates most about (her) Liam?
Riam Riley: I’ll have to get back to you on that.
Riley B.: I would have to say his thoughtfulness. When he borrows my car, he returns it with a full tank of gas. When he comes to my place, he brings in my mail and packages. He’ll Venmo me money when it’s a couple of days before payday. He looks out for me.
Mermaids Riley: His vulnerability. It’s hard to open to someone you hated for absolutely no reason, then find out you’re going to marry them, and now you have to get to know said person and let them get to know you as well. The more we talk and spend time together, the more I learn and not just the surface stuff. That takes more than courage, and I admire it.
Platinum AU Riley/Raleigh: I haven’t seen him in 10 years, but I remember his intelligence. He was more than educated or smart; Liam had a hunger for knowledge, and constantly fed it. He was open-minded as well, so prone to listen to opposing perspectives and broadening his mindset.
Discontent Riley: What I appreciate most about Liam? His selflessness. We’ve had … we’re having our share of problems, but he is always there for me despite public opinion, and at great risk to his reign. I can only imagine the toll our losses and my drinking have taken on his health on all levels, but he only cares for mine. I don’t deserve him.
UnRomance Riley: I appreciate the way he takes care of me. It may not always be the way I would want or even like, but he knows what I need without me saying a word.
Riam Riley: Oh, dear Lord! It’s my turn again? Okay, okay … I got one. It’s his even-temperedness. He’s the calm to my storm, he listens to me go on and on and on, especially when I’m hormonal which is all the time. Liam is steady. He makes things make sense. Not saying he doesn’t get frustrated, fed up, and angry … he does. But he’s never volatile, and it never lasts long. He truly forgives and forgets.
And there you have it, dear reader … a few things I think makes my Liam(s) tick and sets him apart (if only slightly) from the others. Your mileage may vary.
Tagging: @jared2612 @ao719 @marietrinmimi @queenjilian @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie @liamrhysstalker2020 @neotericthemis @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet @busywoman @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @beezm @gardeningourmet @lovingchoices14 @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @lady-calypso @emkay512 @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @queenrileyrose @alj4890 @yourfavaquarius111 @motorcitymademadame @queenmiarys @kingliamappreciationweek @lizzybeth1986 @sazanes​
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txemrn · 1 year
King Liam Appreciation Week Day 1: Character Appreciation/Throwbacks
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Liam Rys, my first Choices love 🥰 Incredible man, friend, husband and father... For day 1 of @kingliamappreciationweek, I thought I would share some fics that I have written that I believe highlight Liam's character. Fiercely loyal, loving, supportive, protective and self-less, it's no wonder this handsome pixel has charmed so many of our hearts!
Happy KLAW Everyone!
Special thanks to our hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes! Thank y'all for putting this together for us! 😘
More Than Flashing Lights & Sound
“I--I promised you a better life, Ri. Better than this.” Tears begin to stream down his face. “I--I couldn’t save you. I--” he sighs, “I can’t save you--”
Boughs & Mockingbirds
“I don’t know what the right answer is anymore; all I know is I am terrified, and I wish you would respect that. Just for once.” Liam drags his fingers through his hair, walking in an aimless circle, his anger burning. He turns his attention back to Riley. “You know? That’s not just your baby; this is not just your life. You’re my wife! That’s my child!”
Pour Two Glasses
"To my queen, my love, my very best friend... I know you worry about doing your best, and often times wonder if you are adequate enough for the calling as my queen... You are anything, but just adequate. You, my queen, are abundantly able, completely sufficient, surpassing every need and desire perfectly with unbelievable beauty and exquisite grace. The crown should be honored that a woman like you humbled herself, and chose to wear it. To my wife and eternal peacekeeper: thank you for making tonight possible. I love you."
A Ballroom Blitz
“... please welcome Drake, thirty days sober.”
... Drake bites his lip, fidgeting with the trinket in his palm. As he finally looks out into the crowd, a sudden crooked smile grows across his face.
There in the back of the room was a familiar, tall blond beaming with pride. Liam. With a gentle nod of acknowledgement to his lifelong friend, Drake blows away his nervous jitters
Trend Magazine
"Suddenly I knew what it meant to live for something. To die for something. Suddenly I knew what it meant to be incomplete because only with her am I whole." ---
If we have learned anything from our humble king, it's that he is a man of great wisdom.  His greatest takeaway from fatherhood thus far in his life would be this: go ahead and hold your children. Hug them. Remind them you're there. You will not harm your child by loving them too much.
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This year, we got a lot of entries for our Throwback Day! So much so, that we decided to eliminate the clutter in the masterlist by putting these awesome pieces in a separate list! Here are some of our old gems for all you Liam stans to enjoy! The full KLAW masterlist will be out after 29th April when the buffer week ends, so until then enjoy these gems as well as the newer pieces from our talented stans!! 😁😁
Here are the entries in alphabetical order of author:
Liam's First Child by @topsyturvy-dream
Liam and Riley by @twinkleallnight
King Breaker
Mother in Law Hell
The Dark Prince from Dark Elf
Chapter 8: Liam from the collaborative series Mardi Gras Mayhem
Breaking Point (Series)
A Love Story - As Told By Liam and Riley
A Lesson In Sources
Eleanor's Kitchen (Series)
That Old Grape Juice (Series)
Sapere Aude (Series)
All In My Head - Part 1
Aching For You: Memories
Everything Has Changed - New Deep (Ch 1)
Come On Drake, Take Off Your Shirt and Tell Us!
Adorn You
Once Upon A Time: Liam and Savannah
A Collection of Liam Fics
King Liam
Pasta Carbonara
If you'd like to send in more pieces for Throwback, let us know! We will add them to this list.
Happy King Liam Appreciation Week, everyone!!
If you have accidentally missed your entry in this list, we sincerely apologize. Do let us know and we will add the link too 💙
KLAW 2023 - Part 1
KLAW 2023 - Part 2
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
KLAW 2023 Day 1 Throwback: Betrayal
King Liam Appreciation Throwback
This was a @choicesprompts story. Fair warning: no happy ending and major character deaths. This is tragic.
August of 2022 I was processing some pretty heavy grief of my own and this came out of that.
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
KLAW 2023 Day 1 Throwback: Mother in Law Hell
King Liam appreciation throwback
Another Drabble Me This story. This ask was fun and challenging to write while staying to true to his character because I don't see Liam discounting Riley's feelings, ever. So instead, I went at it from the angle of his propensity to see the best in those he loves, eg, giving Regina the benefit of the doubt time after time.
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(This lovely poster is the handiwork of our wonderful host @sazanes!!)
Welcome to our second edition of the King Liam Appreciation Week!! Just like last year, we are holding it around the time of the International Day for Monuments and Sites, which is on April 18th.
It's been 6 years since we were first introduced to the younger brother of the "Prince" LI from RoE, and he's been capturing the minds and hearts of many Choices players ever since! Whether it's for his romantic sensibilities, his compassion, his vast knowledge of both his country and the world, or his charm and diplomacy - he is a favourite among many Choices players.
As Liam is an avid lover of History and especially of monuments and heritage sites, we continue to hold this event around 18th April! This event will happen over 5 days - from April 17th to 21st. The themes for the days are as follows:
Day 1 - April 17th - Character Appreciation/Throwback
Day 2 - April 18th - King/Historian
Day 3- April 19th - Foodie/Baklava
Day 4 - April 20th - Childhood/Family
Day 5 - April 21st - Friendships/Relationships/AU
Keep in mind that you don't have to send the content on the exact day of the theme - if you give it a little later as well, it's still fine as long as you tag the piece with the day it was meant for (#KLAW Day 1, #KLAW Day 2, etc).
Any content is welcome! Fanfic, fanart, edits, moodboards, meta, interactive media, headcanons, character appreciation... anything! As long as it celebrates Liam as a character, focuses on him and shows positive depictions of him. We also accept WIPs and a specific day (Throwback) is set aside for past pieces on Liam. If you like, you can even tell us about the process of creating that piece (here's an ask list for throwback pieces if you have doubts!).
Make sure you tag @kingliamappreciationweek in your posts, as well as the hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes in your content so we don't miss it! It would also make it easier to track if you use the tags #kingliamappreciationweek and #KLAW in your posts as an extra precaution.
For inspiration, take a look at our KLAW 2022 Masterlist! It's got some brilliant pieces!!
Various fan content blogs have helped in promoting our weeks and also run great events on a weekly/monthly basis. We would definitely love for our participants to check them out in case they'd like to be part of those too: @choicesficwriterscreations, @choicesmonthlychallenge, @choicespride, @choicesprompts, @choicesholidays, @wip-wipeout-weekend, @moodmusicmonday.
Once the week is officially over, we will keep a bonus week for participants who have trouble sending content during the week itself.
We have over a month to get ready for KLAW, and we're super excited to see what our fellow Liam fans might have in store! See you all in April!!
✅✅signal boosts will be highly appreciated!!✅✅
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(this poster - and all others - was made by the brilliant @sazanes!!)
Character Appreciation
King Liam by @bayleedrawsx
King Liam the Compassionate by @sazanes
Character Appreciation
King Liam's Compassion by @dragonknightofsummerset
Character Quote: Liam by @storyofmychoices
Interview with Duke Liam Rys from Black Silk by @aussiegurl1234
Estranged by @twinkleallnight
Taking the L by @dcbbw
Liam the Person by @mand-delemonde
King Shen by @thecapturedafrique
Moodboards of Liam from Different AUs by @angelasscribbles
A Moodboard for King Liam by @lizzybeth1986
Faceclaim: Asian!King Liam by @queenmiarys
King Liam: Character Appreciation by @tessa-liam
Promo Video: The Royal Romance by @ao719
Check out all our Throwback Pieces here!!
King Liam on his Throne by @bayleedrawsx
Five Headcanons about King Liam by @cassiopeiacorvus
Fate: Part 1 and Part 2 of Love Everlasting by @khoicesbyk
Rules of Procedure from Hinge by @angelasscribbles
Chapter 19: Response of Lavendar and Crimson by @angelasscribbles
History by @sazanes
Cappadocia by @tessa-liam
Legacies: The Statues by @lizzybeth1986
The Principle: A Texas-Sized TRR One-Shot by @txemrn
B(re)aking Bread by @lizzybeth1986
Comfortable by @lorirwritesfanfic
Liam's Favourite Foods from Cappadocia by @tessa-liam
King Liam with a Plate of Baklava (+ Animation) by @bayleedrawsx
Baklava by @sazanes
This Barbie Loves Baklava by @cassiopeiacorvus
A Fast Forward Christmas by @bebepac
Liam, Drake and Olivia as Pirates by @bayleedrawsx
If Only... by @twinkleallnight
Leo and Liam WIP by @cassiopeiacorvus
Garídes Saganáki from Eleanor's Kitchen by @lizzybeth1986
King Liam's Family by @bayleedrawsx
King Liam Dancing with his Daughter by @bayleedrawsx, commissioned by @tessa-liam
Sophie's Liams by @sazanes
Tradition by @kingliam2019
Coronation by @angelasscribbles
The Children of the House of Rys by @lizzybeth1986
King Liam and Queen Ally's Children by @thecapturedafrique
KLAW 2022
KLAW 2023 - Part 2
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
KLAW 2023 Day 1 Throwback: Mistakes
King Liam Appreciation Throwback
This is another ask from my Drabble Me This series. The tone is light. I realize that cheating is a serious issue, but this is done almost tongue in cheek with everyone's outrageous behavior.
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