#Kamisato Ayato fluff
chilumi-shipper · 1 year
Forget and Regret (3)
Kamisato Ayato x Fem!Reader
Summary: Part 3 of "Forget and Regret" (here's Part 2). Here comes the comfort, very much needed after all the pain.
You didn't think you'd be waiting another 8 months, did you?
Tags: Angst w/ happy ending, Hurt/Comfort, Crying, A little swearing, Maybe a little naughty in the end (nothing explicit)
The Yashiro Commissioner woke up in a bed with a familiar fragrance, a homey comforting aroma from the sheets. A damp warm towel rested upon his forehead, his eyes staring up into the ceiling of a house he knew quite well.
His clothes had been replaced by a comfortable robe, a robe he knew was specially made for him, by a certain lady as a gift for their 3rd anniversary.
He remembers.
Just after he sat up on the bed, you emerged from the door. You seemed surprised to see him awake.
He tried to call out your name, but then he realized that his throat was so dry he couldn't say a word.
You noticed immediately, "I'll get you some food and water." Hurried steps can be heard even if he couldn't see you, and a few minutes went by before you came again with a tray carrying a bowl of Miso Soup and a glass of water.
You set the tray beside him, before taking the damp towel off his forehead so it wouldn't fall when he ate.
He didn't move a muscle though, he merely just looked at you.
"I know what you've gone through wasn't easy." You sighed, sitting down on a chair you pulled closer to the bed. "Eating will help you regain some strength."
His heart clenched, his beloved wife was right in front of him. Ayato's eyes wet with tears, which didn't go unnoticed by you.
"Hey, it's okay..." Despite being quite vulnerable right now, Ayato still noticed the shaking of your voice, like you were reassuring the both of you.
You urged him to eat and drink, making sure that he had his fill.
As he ate, he couldn't help but watch as your eyes produced tears of their own.
It was quiet for a moment, but the inevitable will soon come.
"Thank you."
"No need for that." You send him a small smile. "It's the least I can do after being such a bad wife." He looked quite displeased when you said that, indicated by the frown that formed on his face.
"You're not a bad wife."
"Have you recovered your memories?" He merely nodded at your question, making you sigh. "Then you should know that that is a lie."
Despite Ayato being at a position to be angry again, to go off at you for doing what you did, he remained quiet, with his heart beating fast.
He could no longer do that to you, he just wanted you back.
"I guess it's time for me to explain." You let out an awkward chuckle, feeling your husband's gaze point to you after you said those words. "It's plain and simple. I made it so that it was like we never met. That's what you wanted."
"I..." Ayato couldn't say anything back, he was only shaking his head. "No, that's not..."
You cleared your throat, standing up and taking the tray. "Even if you got all your memories back, we can stay this way. We never met, we don't know each other, we never got married. I can even move aw-"
"No." He said firmly, stopping you from moving away from him. Your intention of leaving the room and calm yourself down was cut off when his gaze landed on the box on your nightstand.
He pulled the box containing the necklace from your nightstand. Pulling out the jewelry, he promptly showed it to you.
"What does this mean?"
"...It's... the constellation in the sky above us when we first met." You answered uncertainly, not sure where he's heading with that information.
"This is proof that we met, and this..." Ayato took out his wedding ring. "Is proof that we got married."
He stood up from you bed, immediately walking towards you and took the tray away from your hands, placing it back on the bed before holding both your hands in his.
"I love you." Ayato stated confidently, like there was nothing he was more sure of than the words that just came out of his mouth.
You looked into his eyes, filled with determination.
If kneeling in front of you and begging for you to stay and be his again, he was ready to do so.
He got on his knees, and despite your protest and attempt to pull him up on his feet, he remained kneeling.
"I don't ever want to forget you again." Your husband's breathing was shaky, like he was about to cry. "I've always been so lucky that I met you, haven't I?" You shook your head, a single tear lead to a total crying fit.
"I'm sorry..."
You got on his level, on your knees as well. "M-Me too. Oh Archons, I'm so sorry, Ayato." You hugged him, burying your face on his chest.
You hear a sigh of contentment leave him as he hugged your shaking figure.
"Please, don't go." He whispered to your ear, before he pressed a kiss on your forehead.
It was hard to respond, you had hiccups from all your sobbing, but you tried your best to shake your head no, stating that you won't leave him, that you won't go.
"I am so fucking glad I remember you."
"Looks like you managed everything in the Shuumatsuban while I was 'gone'." Ayato smiled as you when he saw that the Yashiro Commissioner was as organized as ever.
"With help from others. I figured it's the least I could do." You said sheepishly, making your husband chuckle.
"You did such a fantastic job that I actually have time to do many other of my duties!" You looked at him curiously when you saw his expression change as if he was planning something.
"What might those duties be?"
"I just so happen to remember very clearly..." He walked closer to you, intertwining his hand with yours and carefully pulling you to your shared room. "That we talked something about... a family of our own?"
As he locked the door of your room, you felt an excited shiver grow within you. "I want to fulfill my duty as a husband as well."
"My most important duty."
Mentions: @nasidibakar @kisum9 @kittycasie @ramvuda @the-real-fandom-person @xiaopleasecomehome @lswtamashi @rustybucketofghosts @him3ru @tartagliasmoneybag @eurooki @spicycloudsalad @icarusignite @foxlady99 @mnoxsk @dreamsarenicer @sunsethw4 @lady-cryptstone @chimsblogg others I couldn't mention for some reason.
Yeah, it's done now :))
I really hope you enjoyed this series, man did it take a lot out of me.
Thanks for reading, enjoy your day!!
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mistachesme · 2 years
Endearing and hot things they would do as your boyfriend
This is for my lovely bff @p4latinus and their harem of men. Ily 💙
- when you reach for the shopping bags he is holding to reduce his burden, he shifts all the bags to the other hand to interlace his fingers with yours
childe, thoma, scara (pushing my soft scara agenda as always)
- places his hand on your lower back as you guys walk. Smacks your ass jokingly only to hear you squeak in surprise.
ayato, childe, scara
- when he finds you in the kitchen cooking something, he puts his chin on your shoulder and wraps his arms around you. he sways the both of you to the tune he's humming.
thoma, kazuha, childe, ayato
- fixes your jewelry. learns how to do makeup for you. fumbles with the makeup set and does a messy work of it for the first few days. let's out a mirthfull laugh when he finally gets your winged eyeline right. always makes a point to do his skincare routine with you.
childe, thoma, scara (secretly good at it)
- touchy boyfie. he has to be physically touching you. Places an arm around you while walking. Puts his hand on your thighs, absent mindedly drums his fingers against your skin. It's a habit and he does it so casually.
childe, ayato, kazuha, thoma
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shunsuiken · 1 year
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pairing. kamisato ayato x fem!reader
genre. fluff + marriage au + reader is kinda shy btw (PLEASE CAN U BLAME ME ITS AYATO) + also you wear fragranced hand cream here
synopsis. day to day life married to kamisato ayato is never boring. there is always something to complete and achieve by the end of the day. however, due to your husband’s busy schedule, he’s never seen you in your element at work to ensure the household is in order. and tonight, he finally gets that chance.
wc. 2k
an. heavily inspired by ayato’s character story where the maids and servants often leave notes for him on his study so that he stays up to date with anything going on in the household I LOVE MY HUSBAND SO MUCH AWHWEHEURUFHDB its also my birthday today (well, it was, like 30mins ago but still) so this is a gift from me to you <3 okay please enjoy !!!
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as ayato’s wife, you make sure to take care of the household while your husband attends to official duties. even if these duties take much of his time, you don’t fail to report and update him of any changes or requests made within the household and thanks to his lovely sister, ayaka, you learnt that the estate’s way of filling in the clan head on any news was though writing little notes to stick onto any books that were left open after the commissioner left his study.
as your husband, ayato really should be spending more time with you. everyone around him is aware of the capable and loving wife he has at home. some even whisper underneath their breaths that the lord commissioner is too busy to even have a wife. but he knows that is wrong, he doesn’t leave you unattended. in fact, he showers you in so many gifts (hand creams, hair products, skin care products—the list goes on!) when he knows he’ll be on business for longer than usual. this is how you found two new sets of kimono’s waiting for you on your shared bed. you must admit, they’re gorgeous. the delicate hands of ogura mio never disappoint… you nod your head in agreement to your own thoughts as you hold up the material closer to your face.
a knock on the door snaps you out of your mind.
“y/n? i was wondering if you were free? thoma made some pastries, would you like to—”
you bolt for the shoji before sliding it open with practiced grace. your gentle smile greets ayaka’s cute expectant expression. “of course, ayaka! you know i always have time for you.”
her eyes curl like crescents, boldly looping her arm with yours so she can take you to the area outside the estate’s doors. the evening breeze is cool but it doesn’t make you chilly enough to request a coat.
you and ayaka have always been the best of friends, even before you were wed to ayato. although you were a few years older than her, it did not change the shared frequency you both had when it came to certain hobbies and topics. then one day, you met ayato while he was on official business and you couldn’t deny how composed and… gorgeous that man was on that day. so after silently eyeing each other from across the room of authorities and inazuman nobility, he finally introduced himself, saying “he never had the pleasure of meeting you.”
you both soon grew closer, contacting each other through letters—referring to one another as your “penpal” when really you two were flirting (very, very subtly) on a piece of paper. you both only spoke during events hosted by other noble clan’s or official authorities, which was for the safety of both your reputations because god forbid a rumour that the yashiro commissioner was seeking a wife. imagine the uproar it would cause in inazuma city!
oh, and it certainly did.
as you stack papers upon papers in your husband’s study, you reminisce quietly with a relaxed smile on your face. you take the notes other servants have left and arrange them in categories of: household updates, requests and miscellaneous things. you often find yourself reading through the miscellaneous category of notes the most as they bring a laugh out of you. once you read that a servant politely asked the clan head to watch his step when leaving the study so he would avoid bumping into any potted plants. you remember that day and you remember how you were holding in your laughter at the disaster in the room when thoma showed you.
“my lady, sometimes the lord likes to get ahead of himself so it results in his feet working quicker than his head,” thoma commented as he cleaned the mess of soil and the depressing state of the plant.
you hummed in agreement. “that, i could tell very easily.”
a chuckle leaves your lips as you read through more of the notes from the retainers. “oh dear, these are too much for me.” you cover your mouth to contain your giggles. these people just have the most outlandish things to say! oh well, it is nice to know they aren’t afraid to be honest.
you’re lucky it’s past midnight, when everyone is asleep so they wouldn’t have to hear your muffled giggles.
everyone except for one person.
your husband, of course. who idly stands in the corridor with the shoji being the one thing that separates you two. he listens to how you whisper under your breath as you read the notes, or how you repeat what some of them say due to how amusing they are.
“my lord, your bountiful order of rice cakes will arrive within 3-5 days. until then please refrain from stepping into the kitchen to fi—pfft.” clearly, pursing your lips isn’t enough to keep you from bursting into laughter. “—to fix up your own—oh no, that is absolutely something he would do.”
ayato only realises how much he’s been yearning to hear your voice until now. it’s a shame this is the first time he’s bumped into you on these midnight reviews (he can see the smile on your face as you read the note even when he’s not looking at you, oh how he misses that sweet look on your face). licking his lips lightly, his gloved fingers stealthily slide the shoji open by an inch so the view reveals your figure that is turned back to him. his lavender gaze captures the sight of your hair loose and that you’re wearing the yukata he gifted you two weeks ago. you sit comfortably on his specially made tatami mat too.
sometimes ayato barely even has the time to be in your presence. but this moment right now, where he enjoys your presence without you even knowing, is nice. although the painful drop in his stomach inks him with a tinge of regret, he well understands how his duties must stay a priority. after all, he has a family to protect. ayaka, you, thoma and the retainers. he cannot fail any of you.
ayato purses his lips before he announces his presence with a light thud of the shoji shutting behind him. “hello darling.”
your spine snaps straight up at the sound and the voice. “ayato?” turning around, you watch your husband make his way toward you sitting on his tatami mat. he kneels down beside you before pulling another mat from the side to sit on it.
your mind struggles to process the moment until he is sat down. your movements are paused, two notes from the retainers still held in your hands. “when… did you arrive? it’s pretty early.”
a light chuckle leaves ayato’s lips, “darling, what are you implying? would you rather i leave?” he puts on an expression feigning disappointment, pretending to get up from his seat.
your hands move quickly, halting his act with your warm palm on his knee. “no no, don’t! stay here please.” the hastiness in your voice is accompanied by your wide eyes that have a longingness to them, a longingness that you still struggle to communicate verbally. which is how you end up subconsciously relying on your husband’s perceptiveness to get wind of what you’re feeling without telling him.
he huffs at you fondly, fixing his clothing to sit comfortably on the tatami mat again. then he takes your hand in his hand before you can pull it back. “as you wish, my dear.” he tugs on your hand and you give him a questioning look.
“come closer.”
“o- oh.” your other hand scrunches up the material of your yukata, which ayato totally sees and pretends he doesn’t. little shit. you want to curse because he knows how good he is at making your heart flutter. your body gives into him nonetheless, the longing and yearning for him finally melting into your limbs as you become putty in his arms, sitting in between his legs with both the tatami mats providing your bottom's comfort.
your arms shyly snake around his clothed waist, comfortably wrapping yourself around your husband you missed so much.
ayato lets you do whatever you want, knowing you will indulge in his invitation. sliding his gloves off his fingers, he puts them on the table so that he can feel your body without the obstruction. such a sullied garment that shakes hands with officials, signs documents and motions at retainers to obey his orders simply does not earn the right to hold you.
your head hides in the juncture between his neck and shoulder and he feels your soft breaths against his neck. he gently places his jaw on the crown of your head, finding solace in the embrace as his arms hold onto your smaller body.
the warmth from his palms spread on your skin, calming your nerves instantaneously.
“so is this what you do in my office at this time?”
you hum into his skin, “usually you’re not home by this time so it’s only natural you don’t bump into me when i’m in here.” your breath tickles ayato, a tug playing on his rosy lips at the physical intimacy. “you can imagine how shocked i was when you magically appeared behind me.” your soft giggle fills the room momentarily.
“it’s no wonder that all of my notes are arranged tidily when i return,” ayato chuckles softly, “it’s not to say that they weren’t tidy before but these notes held a certain scent on them that led me to believe that my wife was here prior.” he gently takes your hand that was wrapped around him, pulling it up to plant a kiss on your knuckles.
oh, you definitely felt how he inhaled slightly when his lips touched your knuckles. you glare at him, but there is no anger behind your eyes. “you rascal, you sniff your notes?”
ayato’s grin only widens at the name you call him, enjoying your response to his teasing. “darling, you’re the only one in this estate who wears this scented hand cream. i also personally chose it for you so i had no doubts about it.” he then sighs disappointedly, “though it is a shame this is the first time i’ve caught you in here, what if you stayed longer next time?”
you deadpan at him. “you want me to camp out here in your office?” because with his schedules, you might not even step foot into your bedroom until dawn.
ayato shakes his head, laughing softly at your expression. “don’t say that, you know i rush home every time once i’m finished.”
you pat his shoulder, putting on an act of sympathy before exhaling to feign exasperation. “and you will find me in our bedroom once you’re done.”
“y/n!” your husband almost whines, his brows creasing sorrowfully.
his expression doesn’t improve until you’ve kissed every inch of his pretty face, and only then does the corner of his lip curl up. with your hands cupping his face, he opens an eye to peek over at you ready to give him another smooch, consequently making you pause.
“are you satisfied, my lord?”
“hm, perhaps another one—over here.” ayato ponders for a moment before tapping his index finger on his own cheek. he closes his eyes yet again to await your kiss.
it does not arrive.
so he opens his eyes again, mouth ready to pester you with complaints for not granting him your divine kisses but just as he does, you’re up in his face to place that kiss he was waiting for on his cheek.
“there you go, happy?”
“most unbelievably.” his voice is soft, tender, almost a whisper. but clear enough for your ears to catch it. ayato stares at you with these eyes that tempt you into looking away. the loving and affectionate gaze of those lilac eyes, paired with that gentle curl of his pink, moistened lips is reserved, just for you. he takes your hands in his again, lifting one of them to place another ardent kiss on your knuckles. 
“especially since it’s you, the one i return to.”
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rishiguro · 1 year
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a/n: i‘m down bad
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husband!ayato who used to be always concentrated at work and now finds himself drifting off with a lovesick smile on his face.
husband!ayato who swears that he is a morning person, but somehow can’t get out of bed in the morning, clinging to your sleepy figure.
husband!ayato who loves to read to you especially at night, loving the way you softly snore once you drifted off to sleep.
husband!ayato who dislikes going out in every shape or form, yet he loves to go on walks with you, admiring the sakura trees while the two of you walk around with intertwined hands.
husband!ayato who is an incredibly dutiful partner and husband, doing everything and more to fulfill the vows he made to you.
husband!ayato who loves to spoil you in any way shape or form, willing to buy the entirety of teyvat for you if you asked.
husband!ayato who pays attention to many details, somehow picking up every interest you have or might develop — completely feeding into his desire to surprise you and keep you as happy as you can be, which he definitely succeeds in.
husband!ayato who notices immediately when you have a bad day, approaching you with a small smile and warm look on his face, offering to spend the entire day with you, doing the things you love; and don’t even bother asking him about his duties as he had already cleared out his schedule for you.
husband!ayato who loves to call you all sorts of sweet nicknames — “darling” and “my love” being his favorites for you.
husband!ayato who sometimes gets caught up at work, causing him to miss dinner with you at home.
husband!ayato who rushes back to you in shock once he realized it, panting as he opened the door to find you asleep on the couch.
husband!ayato who carries you to bed, giving you a peck on the forehead before whispering a sweet apology.
husband!ayato who hates upsetting you so he always makes it up right away, surprising you with endless amounts of affection, little gifts and most importantly — being suspiciously free of any kind of responsibility he usually has.
husband!ayato who is happier than ever now that he has you by his side and he would willingly give up every single bit of mora he has if you asked him to.
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celebrate my husband‘s birthday by reblogging
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lunargrapejuice · 1 year
oh, how badly i need you
surprising the boys with kisses &lt;3
diluc ragnvindr, kaeya alberich, kamisato ayato, alhaitham x reader
warnings: no pronouns used, some spicy kisses and making out but nothing explicit, mentions of reader being shorter than character, mentions of reader having pink cheeks in dilucs and alhaithams, previous sexual acitivies mentioned in kaeyas but again nothing explicit, my first time writing for ayato and i totally ran away with it klshsdjhljsv hopefully it is okay
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it wasn’t unusual for his looks to get the better of you, to distract you from even breathing. diluc was a gorgeous man. after all, it wasn’t just his money or family name that had made him the most eligible bachelor in all of mond but you had happily taken away that title and gifted him with others that were much more to his liking; your beloved, your one and only, your husband.
no matter how long you’d been with him you were certain he would always take your breath away, would always have you so needy for him though he didn’t do either on purpose. you craved his touch and more so than just the hand holding you were doing now even though you loved the way his large hand felt in yours, warm and protective as his thumb ran over your knuckles. but you never wanted to make him uncomfortable, knowing that he preferred your affections in the privacy of your own home so you tried to be patient, tried to ignore the way your lips tingle at the memory of his own pressed against yours, slightly chapped and oh so warm as they claimed you, reminding you just how special you were to him.
you couldn’t get the thoughts out of your head nor could you stop looking up at him. you drank in his defined jawline and long lashes. the way the city lights caught in his eyes and made them sparkle like burning rubies. how the fading sun, the sky painted with yellows and oranges, made his hair look like ethereal fire.
how were you to resist?
it all happened so fast- the tug on his arm and the quick footsteps he took to keep up with your own as you darted into the dark alleyway with him tow, the cold brick of the building cooling the fabric of his coat and seeping into his vest, your hands finding purchase on his chest. though there wasn’t much force behind it, at least not enough that could truly hold him down, he didn’t fight it.
“what’s wro-” his words die down and turn into a passionate rumble within his chest as your lips meet his, soft and sweet and only for him. 
he had briefly gotten a glimpse of your expression before his eyes fluttered closed under your affection, a flash of pink cheeks and a determined glint in your eyes. leading up to this, without knowing what was going on, all he could do was survey the area around you, the street still bustling with people, though in the alley their voices are quieter, much easier to forget because the moment your lips met his, his only thoughts were of you.
you lift on your toes to reach him, feeling the hard and skipping beats of his heart under your palm with each kiss you share and to provide you with better support, while also keeping you closely pressed against him, his hands resting on your hips, powerful fingers sinking into your soft skin.
truly insatiable is what you would have called yourself if you could speak as your tongue swiped across his bottom lip, begging for even more of him.
quiet and deep he whispers your name against your lips, the sound of it makes your entire being flush with heat, his grip on your growing more desperate as he keeps you pressed against him so there wasn’t a single inch between you. “not here,” and yet he kisses you again, unable to hold back from tasting you as his tongue slips past your lips. when he pulls away, a string of saliva connecting you still, he’s panting, those scarlet eyes dark and full of hunger. “not when i want you this badly.”
it was his laugh echoing through the halls of knights of favonius library that broke your resolve to leave him be while he was catching up with the paperwork he had been putting off. you were always so weak for kaeya, he constantly had you as melting putty in his loving and calloused hands, but this morning you found it exceptionally hard to resist him and ever since you parted this morning you had thought of nothing but those star flecked eyes and his beckoning soft lips.
peeking from the bookcases you had been between for the last hour as you attempted, and failed thanks to your run away thoughts of a certain knight, to find the information you were looking for you can easily spot his sapphire hair and cape that flows behind him. you feel your heart begging to race as you hurry to catch up with him, not knowing what your plan really was, only knowing you couldn’t stand to be away from him for a moment longer. 
of course he had heard you coming before you could even call his name, he was always one to be aware of what was going on around him - especially when it came to you, turning to meet you with an adorable smile on his face. archons, you are so in love with him. he doesn’t get a chance to say anything either before he’s being dragged by the grip you have on his hand down an aisle of books, to a place where it was only the two of you. 
it happens quickly, the way you lead him and press him between the bookcase and your smaller body, but kaeya easily keeps up with your pace and movements, like this was a dance you had practiced time and time again even though this was bolder than you normally were with him. 
“why hello there my snowflake,” he coos, teasing and light, gloved hands running up and down your sides. he relishes the way you grab onto him, your hand lost in the fir of his cape, the other pressing into the chest, your warmth seeping into the cotton and onto his skin. “what a su-”
it wouldn’t be the first nor the last time you stopped your beloveds words with a kiss but from the first moment your lips touched his kaeya could feel how these kisses were different from the others, needy and passionate; a kiss like you might never get the chance to do so again, though he would always be sure to shower you with love the moment you both returned home.
you stood on your tiptoes to reach him and when you wanted more of him still your hands found themselves lost in silken strands of blue hair to pull him deeper into your kisses. he hummed in pleasure and amusement at your advances, his skilled hands pressing into your plush skin, strong arms almost lifting you from the little ground you already stood on. easily he held most of your weight while keeping you pressed against his chest.
in sync heart beats permeate through the layers of clothes between you, echoing in the space around you, heaving chests so desperate for breath as you continue to share kiss after kiss, not wanting to pull away. even when you do, both of you fighting to catch your breath, he doesn’t let you pull away from him and his azure eyes sparkle in the light coming through the window above you as he catches butterflies inducing glances of glistening saliva on your lips.
fucking archons he loved the way you called his name like this, as if it was the only word you knew, breathless and full of adoration he hardly deserved. though he knows you think otherwise and he is beyond thankful for that.
“needy for me already doll? was last night not enough hm?” he teases, flashes of his chilled fingers running down your bare back last night flooding his mind. his grip on you tightens. “you know-”
using the support he gives you to lift on your toes to kiss him once more but this time light and chaste, sweet and smooth like honey. you drink in the way his messy locks look in the rays of sunlight, the way his dark lashes flutter close and a dark pink dusts his cheeks, the ever suave captain puddy in your loving hands. only you could do this to him. 
“i could never get enough of you kae.”
ayato was on to your neediness the moment you grabbed his arm for your walk to the tea house to meet ayaka and thoma, your eyes practically full of hearts when you looked up at him and smiled, pressing his arm against your burning chest. and he certainly thought you looked adorable attempting to hold back while you were in public, even though the way your body reacted to him, the way you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him, gave you away. 
of course he’d indulge you a bit, keeping close enough to feel your warmth - and he loved it too. but he also couldn’t help but tease you in the process. his lips ghosting against your ear as he leans in to speak lowly to you on your way to and during tea, the warmth of his breath on your neck. wrapping his arm around you to press you against him as he reaches for the sugar he could have easily asked you for, his pink lips only inches away from your blushing skin. 
he keeps your proximity close even after tea but continues his act of innocence as you continue to walk through the city and seems as though he’s ignorant of the way your eyes continue to find their way to his lips. but every time you’ve looked up at him, every bite of your bottom lip and when you thought he looked partially kissable, every deep breath you took to steady your eager heart and run away thoughts did not go unnoticed by him and patiently he waited to see when you would break.
you had almost asked to skip tea in favor of spending time in his lap with your lips lost within each others but you knew how much it meant to ayato to get to spend time with all of his loved ones within the little free time he already had. so you didn’t ask and attempted to hold in just how desperate you were for more of him. he was of absolutely no help, almost as if he had wanted to see you break and lose yourself to your need for him. he probably did and something about that makes you think that maybe you should give in. what would be the worst thing to happen?
okay maybe thinking like that wasn’t going to give you the courage to do what you wanted. he was the commissioner and had a reputation to uphold and as his beloved you had the duty to also maintain it but surely one kiss wouldn’t be all that bad.. or maybe you could even get away with a few kisses stolen in secret. 
without giving yourself much time to contemplate it, knowing you might talk yourself out of it if you did but also not wanting to wait a moment longer to indulge in him, the moment you spot a quiet place away from pry eyes you let your want for him take over and drive you to be a bit a daring.
almost too easily he follows your split moment choice to tighten your grip on his hand and lead him in between a building and a stack of tall crates. when you see the devilish smile on his lips as he presses you against the crates and towers over you, you knew he had known exactly what you were up to.
“quite eager today aren’t we darling?” he asks, the playful lilt in his tone and the scent of him, like cherry blossoms after the rain filling your nose making your knees feel weak as he cages you between his arms.
your cheeks burst with heat at the truth of his words and the vulnerable position you had found yourself in when you intended to be the one to get the upper hand and kiss him like you so desperately wanted. but when one of his hands finds your skin, a delicate touch under your chin as he lifts your eyes to his, you can’t bring yourself to care that you had been so obvious in your feelings for him the whole night.
you swear you could drown in the sea of violet that swirls with hidden need and you can hardly tear your gaze from his, even though it feels so intimidating at times, when he leans in close. close enough you can feel the radiating warmth of his lips near yours.
“it’s so impossible to resist you,” he whispers, low and husky before closing the little distance between your lips. 
his own desperation shows through his kisses, deep and full of tongue that lingers with the taste of the tea you shared not long ago; devouring and full of pent of love that you couldn’t show each other till now. it shows through the way he cradles your head with his fingers lost in your hair and the way he presses against you, only allowing space between you while you lift to reach him better. 
a whimper of his name escapes your lips when you finally part and he relishes in the way you continue to cling to him, your trembling fingers gripping tightly onto his lapel.
“you’ve been so good, y/n. be a little more patient for me, okay? i promise you can have me all to yourself soon enough.” but for now he’ll indulge you both in a few more kisses and the taste of your sweet lips.
it wasn’t all that unusual for your paths to cross without you realizing it; you running from place to place in the city and within the akademiya, all the while alhaitham stole admiring glances but you still hadn’t expected to run into him at port ormos while you were there for a commission. he was talking with someone you didn’t know and you didn’t want to disturb him but you still found yourself unable to look away from his handsome features.
your heart beats irregularly when you glance at his lips for far longer than you’d like to admit out loud, pressing your own together to relieve the pressure you are desperate to feel against them but it doesn’t do anything to even kind of replicate the feeling of his lips on yours. maybe you could find a moment to steal his time after he finishes..
before you know it, as your getting lost in your thoughts of how you could pull him from sight and share a kiss, all you can see is his back walking in the direction opposite of you, the stranger he was talking to before nowhere in sight.
even if you wanted to you couldn’t resist wanting to feel him, if only for a moment- for one kiss - and you let your eager feet carry you in his direction. his long legs take him farther and farther from you and as quickly as you can blink suddenly he is gone. a pout forms on your lips and your steps become more tentative as you search for him, not wanting to give up your sudden endeavor to be with him, just to suddenly jump at his voice calling your name from behind you.
your chest blooms with warmth seeing him leaning casually against a stack of crates, arms folded and a small smile on his face.
“following me now, hm?” his voice is as normal as ever but there's a playful teasing light behind the amber of his eyes.
“well, technically yes, but i have my reasons,” you give him an innocent smile as you close the distance between you, finding space between his legs for you to stand comfortably close.
“oh? what reasons would those be?” he asks but he already knows. the pink of your cheeks, the love in your eyes, the way you hold onto him. he knew and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel the same.
your movements are quick but meaningful, your hands gripping onto his folded arms for added support as you lift on your toes to reach him, pressing a sweet and slow kiss to the edge of his lips. it might have been enough to satiate you but the way the breath left his lungs and spilled past his lips, his arms unfolding to hold you closer to him, added fuel to the flickering flame of your desire for him. 
“just wanted you, ‘haitham,” you whisper against his lips, honest and full of need that brewed within you.
he may have known what you wanted from him even before you started to follow him but he still found himself incredibly weak, his chest full of butterflies flapping their wings against his rib cage, when he heard you speak those words. 
with one hand pressed to the small of your back, the other sprawling across your upper back before flexing and clinging onto your shirt ever so subtly, he held you impossibly close to him and didn’t hesitate to return to your kisses in kind. he was the first to deepen them, letting his tongue swipe against your bottom lip and press against your own tongue when your jaw slackened and allowed him to do as he pleased. 
your hands on his chest feel the rumble of his groan when you bite his bottom lip and pull lightly, teasing and fleeting before you kiss him sweetly once more. your shared kisses grow chaster and gentler with each passing dancing of lips until only loving pecks between heaving breaths remain.
his eyes are soft, lips pink and glossy when you finally pull away, never getting too far with the way he keeps you pressed against him even after your feet find flat around once more. toned muscles of his chest press against you with every breath he takes, his palpitating heartbeat echoing in time with your own.
“with the way you were devouring me with your eyes before, it made it hard not to want you too, love,” he admits far too casually for your liking, the admission of his need for you too and the sweet pet name making you ever weaker, and a bit embarrassed that he caught you staring.
 “you saw that?” 
“heh. yeah, you weren't very subtle sweetheart.”
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genshin impact masterlist | main masterlist
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 5 months
How they Show Affection Part 2: Xiao, Zhongli, Ayato
Number 2 of 3
CW: Fluff, No pronouns
Xiao x fem! Reader, Zhongli x Fem!reader, Ayato x fem! reader 
When you and Xiao first got together you wondered how he would show his affection. I mean, he’s never really done this before
And it wasn’t very surprising when he didn’t show much affection when others were present, though he wasn’t able to hide a certain amount of protectiveness
What was surprising was realizing that Xiao was a cuddle bug
It turns out that he finds your touch to be one of the most comforting things in the world
Your touch is warm, full of life, and when he lays his head on your chest (no matter what your comparative heights are), he’s able to relax. 
After a while it got to the point where he would seek out your company and your embrace, starting with bad days when his karmic debt weighed heavy on his shoulders, but eventually just because. Soon cuddles would be mixed with with sweet little kisses. Kisses that say “thank you” and “I love you”
If Xiao was difficult to read because of inexperience, Zhongli would be hard to read because of age
He’s been alive for so long, how would he show his love for you
He’s a quality time person
Now that he’s in his retirement as an archon and generally free to do as he pleases, it most often pleases him to spend his days with you
You two spend so much time in the city where he tells you story after story of the people who once lived there. He tells you the true stories of the legends that the city folk tell now and both of you snicker a little when people talk about “Rex Lapis” to Zhongli’s face. 
And he’s always honest about it, which is refreshing
Kamisato Ayato. Mr. Busy, busy, busy
He shows his affection in whatever way he can at the moment
In public, when you’re together it’s sweet words and him feeding you, though you’re always a little cautious about the latter. You’ve seen what Thoma goes through at the sadistic hands of his master.
In private, while both of you still working, it’s quality time and random chatter. You’ll sit in his office looking over your own work while the two of you chatter about the day.
After hours, though, he heavily gravitates towards physical touch. Hands on your shoulder, your waist, brushing through your hair. He loves looking at you, but he also loves touching you. It’s even better for him when you lean into his touch, or seek out his hand.
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celestoria · 11 months
Roiree, listen to me. Arranged. Marriage. With. Ayato. That historical romance rotten brain of yours can go crazy with it. JUST GIVE ME MORE CRUMBS OF MY MAN 😭
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who agreed to be married to you for a year and use each other as a means to get what both of you want before parting your own ways.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who initially saw your relationship as a tool until he realized he fell for you first, harder, and never recovered.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who found himself fidgeting with his wedding ring when he’s busy with work and randomly wonders if you’ve adjusted to your new lifestyle comfortably.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who can’t help but smile whenever you spend time with his sister and give her the fun outdoor experiences she always dreamed of.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who jokingly calls you “my wife” however, it slowly became a habit over time and often refers to you as that whether he is talking to you or someone else.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who never saw spending time with you in public as an obligation he had to fulfill in accordance with your contract but rather always looked forward to when you would sweep him away from his office.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who had to keep reminding himself of the contract but can’t help telling you how much he loves you before fervently kissing your lips.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who never really trusted anyone, leading him to always have his guard up, but found complete solace whenever he is wrapped in your arms.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who does loves spoiling you with the finest trinkets and high-quality silk kimonos because he can’t get over how you took his breath away when you watched the firework show together during the festival.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who pulls you closer to him in the middle of the night and tells you that he’s so lucky to be married to a woman like you.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who turns into a lovesick mess behind closed doors when he realized he has to be away for a week while you stay in the estate and writes you letters whenever he can just to make him feel a little less lonely in your lack of presence.
CONTRACTUAL HUSBAND!AYATO who asked if you could marry again and rather than being joined by a one-year marital contract, you would be bounded by unconditional and undying love.
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anantaru · 1 year
cw. kissing, gn! reader, very sweet
a/n. i wrote this during my current traveling, it was night and i listened to some music, very comfy, enjoy loves <3
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a golden silence soothes the synapses of your brain to a stand still — in supplemental position to being concealed underneath the blossoming sakuras on a luminous evening outside of inazuma city.
furthermore, you find yourself tremendously elated after ayato places the first kiss of the night on your lips and voicelessly fuses his undying love and devotion into your precious skin.
all coming together and devising into one with your fulfilled boyfriend loving your serene voice, your gratifying company and pacifying affections on his person.
"are you cold?" ayato speaks to you, mind at peace, there really wasn‘t a thing he didn‘t notice about you while in those moments he too— would blush slightly with a smile tempted to slip past the corners of his mouth. yet regardless, forged by the kindness of his heart, a dwindle of concern was coursing over his shaded eyes as he automatically discarded of his jacket to wordlessly drape it over your shoulders, "but what about you?"
"worry not." he kisses your forehead, "i‘m never cold around you."
no matter when in time it would happen— the realization that had anchored your soul and created a clear difference in your view of reality, it was no other than the moment ayato would press his lips on you— because, in truth, it wasn‘t “just” a kiss or a simple peck, it was born off pure intention.
for that, he will forever be yours, just as you are his, while agreed— the word forever was shaped separately around each person. would ayato be able to make you happy? yes, you could bet on it, it's a promise locked in eternity, welcomed with honeyed grace and sweetened gratitude.
you look at the trees, listen to the birds and kiss while humming to yourself lovingly. it feels intoxicating when he looks at you, when he sees you, it‘s as if space and time arrive at the finest most dearest position imaginable, it's when kamisato ayato kisses you.
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©2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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byizoyas · 1 year
genshin impact ; random socmed texts
sfw. ✩ telling them you told your family about them just before you get in a relationship featuring: childe, ayato, xiao, itto, alhaitham, kazuha.
a/n. ✩ not the alhaithams reminding me of my childe smau AHAH
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chilumi-shipper · 1 year
Forget and Regret (2)
Kamisato Ayato x Fem!Reader
Summary: Part 2 of "Forget and Regret", Ayato is being plagued by dreams, you think he doesn't need you anymore, but for some reason, he really can't just leave you alone. Many moments of pain came before comfort.
Tags: Angst w/ happy ending, Hurt/Comfort, Crying, A little swearing, Maybe a little naughty in the end (nothing explicit)
Ayato walked into the room, his eyes landing on a girl lying on his bed, her shoulders shaking as little sobs filled the quiet room.
Her figure was covered by a blanket, and though he could not see her up front, he knew that she was clutching the sheets to her chest.
"Love?" He called out for the girl, the endearment falling naturally from his lips.
The girl did not look at him, but he knows that he's gained her attention.
She tried to control her breath, trying not to make her shallow and sobbing breaths obvious.
"I-I'm sorry..." The girl said in such a small and quiet voice, the stuttering making it obvious that she had been crying. "I k-know it's stupid, b-but I just wanted to give you a g-gift." Ayato had been hearing a lot of this 'gift' thing. He has no idea what is happening, yet the sight of the girl crying in front of him just makes him want to coddle her and make her feel better.
"I should say my apologies as well, my love..." His mouth moved on its own, letting him say words for which he did not know the context. "I didn't mean to lose my temper. I may have been angry, but I would never ever dream of hurting you." 
"I-I regret not saying this sooner, my dear Y/-"
The Yashiro Commissioner stirred awake, groaning as his eyes slowly opened.
He grabbed a pillow by his side and covered his face with it. 
Yet another dream, of the same girl, no less.
And every single time, every waking moment after a dream like that, Ayato felt like his heart was being vigorously tugged on, a sense of regret oozing from the back of his mind. And try as he might, no explanation ever arose to answer his questions.
So, just like every time that this happened, he shrugged off the feelings conveyed by the dreams before finally getting out of bed.
"Have you heard? The Commissioner and his wife had a fight." You hear the whispered rumours of some of the workers in the estate, making you sigh.
"Yeah, but people have been saying that she left him. Here she is now, though, so maybe it's all just exaggerated." 
"No! I was here a few weeks ago, and I heard the Lord himself screaming angrily. Could it be that he was mad at Lady Kamisato?" 
"Could be, not to mention that Lady Ayaka has been acting weird lately. She's taking over all of the Lord's duties; I wonder what's happening inside their home."
"Ladies, please. Let's all just stop with all the gossip and get to work?" Thoma approached the workers gathered around to talk about the Kamisato siblings and you, keeping his polite smile as he asked them to get back to work.
After the group got back to their duties, the blonde walked up to you.
"My lady." He addressed you like always, making you look down a bit. "The Shuumatsuban thanks you for your generous donations and help on their mission against the Fatui."
Lately, you've been going back to the estate, both to gather your things without attracting attention and to pay back for what you did a few weeks back.
You also did some digging around the Fatui in Inazuma; it took quite a while, and though it almost got you in danger with the organization, you got a few useful pieces of information for the Shuumatsuban. You feel that this is only appropriate because you accidentally sabotaged them before.
"Umm, please tell them that I'm glad I could do something good for them." You smiled at him, feeling a little bit flustered. Your interactions with Thoma have been very awkward lately; he's still against what you're doing with Ayato. "Thanks for everything, Thoma." 
He merely nods before watching you walk out of the estate, presumably going back home.
"I didn't know that she worked here." The retainer heard his lord's voice from behind him, making him turn around to face him. "I wish I had the chance to talk to her again." Thoma noticed how Ayato's blueish-purple eyes followed the trail you walked on, perhaps thinking about you as he did so.
This is why he thinks what you're doing is silly. One look at his lord and he sees the interest in you oozing from him, even at his current state.
"Well, technically, she doesn't work here. But she plays a very important role in the estate." Thoma clarified, making the periwinkle-haired man think.
"Oh, what do you mean by that, Thoma?" The Commissioner asked curiously.
"Well, though I do want to explain, I know it would be far better if she did so herself, my lord." He left it at that, not letting Ayato press further.
As you were fixing everything up at the front of the Kamisato Estate, you heard a familiar voice coming from behind you.
You turned around, your eyes meeting another pair that looked pleased to see you. "Y/N, I was hoping to see you again." Ayato said with a smile.
Your breath hitched, you instinctively walked a little away from him.
"Oh, no need to be nervous or anything. I mean, I know I'm kind of an important figure or something, but..." He cleared his throat, chuckling a little. "I hope that I don't scare you away."
You sighed, bowing your head. "Lord Kamisato, I'm just finishing up my work."
"No need for formalities, you can just call me Ayato. After all, I owe you my life." He stated, walking a bit closer to you. "Thank you again, I can't stress that enough."
You couldn't look up at his face, not up his smiling and gentle face, at least not while keeping yourself from bursting to tears, admitting that you're his wife and that you did something that made him resent you.
He looked at your timid form, your hands clasped together tightly. Perhaps he should do something to ease the tension you were feeling.
"Once again, you're welcome, my lord. I..." His ears perked, he heard you sniffle, and he could've sworn that your hand reached up to your face to wipe a tear away.
It's all too familiar for him for some reason.
He has no idea what is happening, yet the sight of the girl crying in front of him just makes him want to coddle her and make her feel better.
"I'm... g-gonna take my leave now." You quickly ran away from him, making Ayato look at your running figure in shock.
He truly did not expect you to be overwhelmed just by talking to him.
And he couldn't explain why, but something in him screamed to run after you and hug you and tell you that everything is okay and that he's sorry.
...Are you... her?
Everyday after that encounter, it seems that the periwinkle-haired man was always there by you're side, trying to initiate a conversation.
You've gotten better at containing yourself around him. But still, you'd rather him not be there, you'd rather not be on the brink of heart attack every minute of the day.
Once you realized that he was gonna try and talk to you everytime you go to the estate, you actively tried to spend as little amount of time as possible.
Thoma and Ayaka were not gonna let that happen though.
You were about to leave and take a few days off, but then Thoma approached you. "My lady, Lady Ayaka was hoping that you'd come in tomorrow and help her with the organization of the upcoming festival." He passed on your sister-in-law's message. "Since you've helped my lord with this business before, you might be a great help."
You honestly should have seen this coming. And even if they're making it seem like you had a choice, they knew you'd cave in, they knew you'd come tomorrow and try to help.
They most certainly planned to give Ayato the chance to work on the festival so that you help him with it instead of Ayaka when you came in the next day.
"So... this is my job."
You hated to admit that you were amused with Ayato's reactions to things he had to do.
"Yes, my lov- my lord." He cleared your throat immediately, hoping he didn't catch that mistake. You chastised yourself, for letting your guard down.
"What do we do first?" Though you found his excitement to work again and rediscover what he does for a living very cute and amusing, you stand stiff and focused.
He's not your husband.
You remind yourself constantly as you work on the task at hand.
The cycle continues though, Ayaka and Thoma will make sure that you have a reason to come back to the estate, basically setting Ayato up for at least an hour with you almost everyday.
And you could not even describe how tired you are, tired of constantly being on your guard, tired of pretending to not be his wife.
But this is for him, this is what he wants. He said so himself, you should always remember that.
He wants to take you out on a date.
Though Ayato had many conflicting feelings about his situation, and his lost memories, he thought that surely making some nice memories bow would do him some good.
Ayato finds that you are quite shy towards him, never meeting his eyes and always speaking to him in a low and mumbly voice.
He found your mannerisms cute too! Even when you don't look at him much, he often has his eyes on you, seeing how your eyes light up a bit when he says something funny or amusing.
Which is why he asked the help of his sister and his retainer to ask you out on a date around town.
"Y/N, may I talk to you, please?" You heard Ayaka's soft voice call out for you.
You walked up to her. "Umm... Anything I can for you?" Again, awkward interactions because she also doesn't approve of your actions.
"I was thinking, brother really wants to explore around the city, especially since the festival that you both planned starts tomorrow night." You already knew what she was gonna say next.
Thoma stood next to her, "I think my lord feels the most comfortable around you, so why not go with him tonight?"
You sighed, looking at them with a frown. "Guys, please... I-I know what you're doing. Thoma, you heard him! He wants nothing to do with me." Thoma looked at you disapprovingly.
"My lady, Lord Ayato loves you more than anything. Why hurt the both of you like this over things that were said out of angry?"
"Y/N... do you still love my brother?" Ayaka looked at you expectantly, her voice laced with doubt.
You looked at her in disbelief. "...I love him more than anything, words cannot explain just how much." You stated firmly, closing your eyes as a few tears fell from your eyes. "And I know he's better off without me."
Ayaka's hands closed into a fist, "I'm your family too! I love you too! You can't just leave us, not because of a stupid fight!" Tears of her own fell down her face, sobs escaping her mouth.
Thoma held her to make sure she didn't break down to the ground. You stood there in shock, before snapping out of it and cupping Ayaka's face.
"Oh, my dear, I'm sorry." You pulled her into a hug, and she immediately melted into you. "I won't completely vanish. I promise I'll still be here, even if I'm not your sister-in-law anymore." You felt her shake her head on your shoulder.
But she couldn't speak anymore, she merely hugged you and sobbed away. You couldn't help but cry along with her.
"Y/N!" You immediately wiped away your tears, hearing Ayato's voice call your name.
Ayaka left you and went back into the house half an hour ago, and you decided to stay for a bit and let some tears out before running off home.
His voice was friendly and cheery, "Thoma and Ayaka said that they talked to you about... Um, you know, tomorrow night..." He scratched the back of his head, acting a bit flustered. "It may seem lame to ask you out using my sister, hehe." He's completely unaware of what happened half an hour prior.
"So what do you say?" He looked at you expectantly.
He's not your husband.
Say no.
"I'll meet you at Uyuu Restaurant at seven."
You wanted to choke yourself to death for being a frustrating and stubborn little bitch.
The people of Inazuma aren't aware of what happened to the Yashiro Commissioner, the Kamisato Clan made sure no news ever got leaked. To the eyes of others, it may just look like the Lord of the Kamisato Clan and his wife going out for an evening together, but in reality, everything is just a complicated mess.
And you are extremely tired, so, to finally end everything and let Ayato go, you concocted a plan so that Ayato wouldn't ever want to be with you ever again.
You were gonna be the most infuriating date ever.
Showing up late and putting no effort to how you look, eating a lot, asking for many expensive things, judging his every move, things like that. That should be enough, right?
No, it wasn't.
7:10 pm
You walked up to the table Ayato was sitting in. You were in your sleepwear, a purple matching cotton pajamas and top with your hair in a messy bun.
His eyes found yours and he immediately smiled. "You look really cute."
Your mouth dropped, seriously?!
7:20 pm
"I would like Sakura Tempura, a Sashimi Platter, an Egg Roll, and Dango, please!" You said to the waiter, looking at Ayato to see his reaction.
"Is that too much?" You asked him, hoping to provoke him a little.
"Not at all!" He stated with a smile, looking down on his menu. "Your orders are actually quite cheap. How about I order you some sake and more dessert as well?"
"No nee-" You couldn't stop him from ordering those for you too.
This isn't working.
8:00 pm
That festival mask was 10,000 mora. This may be too much, but you had to do something to salvage the plan.
"Ayato, look!" You exclaimed, setting his attention to the mask. It has many intricate designs, and a few gems stuck on it.
"Do you want it? I bet it would look very pretty on you."
'Ohhh... but the mask is really expensive...' You were feeling already feeling sorry.
"Y-Yeah..." You said quietly, but he heard it, taking out a bag of mora and approaching the merchant selling it.
You weren't paying attention, so when you felt him place the mask on your head, just above your face, your cheeks flushed.
"Just as I suspected, gorgeous..."
8:30 pm
This isn't working...
You've been walking and doing all kinds of things in the festival for a while, and the date is going so well. This wasn't supposed to happen!
You even tried being rude to him, saying how he walks too slow, his clothes are uneven, or he... you weren't really good at being rude.
"You walk too slow."
"I apologize if I'm bothering you. If you'll allow it, let me hold your hand so that we stay with each other's pace." You walked around the festival hand in hand for the rest of the date.
"Your clothes are uneven."
"Oh, I can't really see it. Can you fix the uneven part for me?" So then, you were stuck fixing the nonexistent uneven part of his clothes, holding the fabric.... just like when you would fix his clothes for him in the morning back then...
'No... stop that, please.'
Ayato's pleasant self negated every 'bad' thing you did.
He could only be more amused as he saw you very obviously thinking, perhaps of another 'insult' you could throw at him.
You were just too cute.
9:00 pm
He invites you to go to Amakumo Island with him as an ending to your date. Seems he got the whole night planned out... he does that a lot for your dates, which you do find amusing.
Of course, you could only agree, knowing that Thoma and Ayaka would light your butt on fire if you ever left Ayato on his own tonight (a part of your decision maybe because you wanted to spend more time with your husband, but you still didn't have a choice).
You sat at the peek of the small island, looking at the see that reflected the stars in the night. It's a beautiful night.
Ayato sighed, scooting a bit closer to you. When you looked at his face, you could see that it seems to display an expression of contentment.
He turns to look at you, making you immediately straightened your head, trying to make it look like you weren't looking at him just then.
It obviously didn't work as an amused chuckle left his lips.
He's not your husband.
But this is still very nice.
You felt his hand going on to hold yours, and you know that all you've been trying to do that night was get him to not like you, and you've honestly tried and failed to do so.
In that moment, you just gave in, finding it hard to move your hand away from his. You even assured him by lightly squeezing his hand.
This is the most relaxed you felt in weeks. If only things can stay this way.
"I'm really glad I met you, Y/N."
No, you couldn't hold it anymore.
Slowly, tears started going down your face. The more they fell, the less you could control yourself to stop crying. An overwhelming amount of emotions, blocked by a dam finally broke open, and you finally let it all out.
Ayato's expression changed, becoming shocked as you let out little sobs while trying to wipe your tears away. He saw you try to control your breathing, just like the girl in his dreams, he heard the little whimpers coming out of you, the same he heard from that girl.
You let his hand go, "I'm sorry..." You hiccuped, standing up and immediately running away from him.
"LEAVE ME ALONE, PLEASE!" You shouted at him.
"Sometimes, I wish I never met you."
Just like then, you ran back to your home, collapsing on the floor in a fit of whimpers and sobs.
"He's not my husband..." You repeated in your mind. That man you went on a date with wasn't your husband, your husband was the Ayato that said he wished he hadn't met you, that looked at you in anger and shame.
The Ayato you were just with was a person you met a few weeks ago after you saved him.
They aren't the same.
Your husband doesn't love you anymore. He wouldn't ever ask you on a date anymore. He wouldn't say he was happy that he met you.
"He's not my husband..." You did not believe in your own words.
Ayato walked alone through Chinju Forest with a solemn face. He kept thinking back to the look of your face and how you were trying desperately to calm yourself down.
He didn't like the look of your crying face, he could even sense the pain you were feeling as you let whimpers escape your shaking lips. The scene sent needles to his heart.
And just as he thought that it was the perfect date.
Did he do something to make you react that way?
As he was thinking, a glimmering object shone in the corner of his eye, immediately gaining his attention. Ayato looked around, before seeing something on the ground reflecting the glow of the moon.
Leaning down to pick it up, he saw a ring, and as he looked at it longer, he felt a raging headache attack his mind.
He groaned, it wasn't as if that was the only time he got headaches, they were quite frequent.
But he couldn't help but feel some sort of familiarity towards the ring, like he has seen it before.
The ring looked extremely special. He decided to bring it with him and hopefully Thoma might be able to help him find who the owner is.
But the number one thing in his mind right now is you.
He hopes that you're alright.
Ayato head was already aching when he came home to a small box on his bed.
It looks like it has gone through some stuff, it has dents everywhere and it looked like it was thrown around.
Is it for him?
Since it was on his bed, he decides to opens it, finding a piece of paper inside along with an even smaller black box.
"Ayato, I really hope you like this gift! It might not make sense when you first open it, but I have a proper explaination about what it is. I'd like to explain you in person."
The bottom of the paper has the words "I love you," in it, as well as a "From your beloved wife, Y/N".
His breath hitched.
Within the black box, he saw a necklace with a charm of what he can assume to be a constellation.
Ayato took out the ring in his pocket, like his memory has been jogged.
You were wearing a ring that looked like it paired with the ring in his hands now.
As Ayato was planning to hold your hand while you were looking away from him, he noticed a ring on your ring finger.
Perhaps it was just the right fit for that finger instead of your middle, that's why you were wearing it there.
The ring was beautiful though, something he would probably pick out for something special.
When he held your hand, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of your hands together, his eyes especially still focused on your ring.
Maybe you forgot, but you left your wedding ring on when you went out for your date.
"I'd like to explain to you in person."
He wasted no time in taking that offer.
Rushing out of the estate, Thoma immediately stepped in his way.
"My lord, you can't just leave! Especially by yourself. Remember what Lady Ayaka said to you." The blonde blocked his master's path, seeing the Yashiro Commissioner's hurried steps to the estate exit.
Thoma's eyes landed on the box within Ayato's hand, noticing the tight grip on the familiar cover.
His green eyes then saw his Lady Ayaka, standing far behind her brother. His mouth parted in disbelief.
Has Ayaka taken matters into her own hands?
Without Ayato noticing, the two's eyes were locked, and then Ayaka gave their retainer a firm nod, signalling for Thoma to let her brother go.
"You don't understand, Thoma! I need to-" Ayato was just about to argue, but his words were cut short when the blonde just gave way for him.
"I understand more than you might think, my lord." Thoma sighs, crossing his arms. "Y/N, she... she lives in Konda Village."
Ayato was shocked to say the least, can Thoma really read him so easily?
His mind was filled with confusion, many unanswered questions. But one remained on top of his priority, and he needed to get to you now.
Without another word, he hurries off into the forest, on his way to the village you resided in. Despite the tiredness, he pushed on to go to you.
Yet Thoma's final words didn't escape his ears.
"You aren't the only one that needs to remember."
Fatigue was spreading all over his body.
But he hoped that he can still make it to you.
He doesn't expect an explanation to be served up to him in a silver platter, given that everything after his accident seems to have been a mess.
He can't fully wrap his head around the situation.
If what he read was true and you're his wife....
If you're the mysterious girl that he was chasing in his dreams....
If you love him and he loves you...
Why would you do this to him?
"Don't go..." His voice was a little playful, but you could sense that there was some sincerity in his words.
You giggled as you packed your clothes for your business trip to Watatsumi Island. "Ayato..." You feel warmth spread through your chest as he hugged you from behind.
"This is my job, as a lady of your clan." His embrace only tightened, stopping your from packing your things. "It's only for two days, my dear."
"Two daysss..." He whined quite dramatically, placing his chin on your shoulder so that you could visibly see his pout. "Who I am suppose to cuddle during bedtime and kiss awake in the morning?"
You sighed in amusement, turning so that you're now facing him. "I promise that when I get back, you can have all the cuddles and kisses you want."
"I want a very exclusive week of you being with me at all times as well."
"Hmmm, why?"
"Because I'm gonna be very deprived in the next two days so you're gonna have to nurture me back to health afterwards." He argued like a child, very unlike him outside of the privacy of your bedroom. You liked having this side of him all to yourself.
"Alright, fine. Now sit down so I can pack properly without interruptions." You said jokingly, pushing him to sit on your bed.
You were able to get through a few more minutes of undisturbed packing, until...
"Don't goooo..."
"Don't go." He whispered into the air, his hurried steps turned to slow walking. This has always been the case since his accident, he gets very tired so much faster than before.
That... memory... that just played in his head...
Was it real?
You and "him"... looked so in love with each other.
"Have you ever thought about an heir?" You stopped in your tracks, hearing the voice of your husband's friend coming from the living room.
"Ahhh, I definitely have thought about it. But I will always consider what my wife wants with this subject." You hear your husbands voice after that.
Eavesdropping may not be very proper and polite, but you couldn't help it. Such a topic never even made it's way to your past conversations.
"Does your wife not want a child?"
You thought about it youself... it would be nice to have a little family with Ayato, with a cute little baby boy or girl to share your love for.
"I honestly don't know, never talked to her about it."
When Ayato went into your room for the night, you looked at him intently, much to his surprise.
"Is there something on my face, darling?" He asked, as your gaze never faltered.
You shook your head, then he merely shrugged off and went through his nighttime routine.
Still, his curiousity peaked when he went to lay down with you and you remained looking at him the same way.
"Umm, darling-"
"Yes, I do want a family with you."
Despite his cool and dignified self, Ayato couldn't hide his surprise at your sudden statement. Looking at his expression, you sighed, before doing what was the only thing that could make your husband even more at a lost for words.
You straddled him, sitting on his lap.
"Is... is that okay?" You asked when he didn't give a respond to your statement.
"Yes... please." You couldn't help but giggle, as your sly husband was at a lost for words.
"I would love to have a family with you."
Ayato's head started spinning.
His vision was getting blurry.
He was going to collapse.
He looked so happy with you.
Even then, even now, he's happy... with you.
He just doesn't understand why... why you lied to him.
And as he fell on his knees from sheer exhaustion, his memory further gave answers.
"All of this happened because of a stupid fucking package, huh?" You flinched a bit when he cursed, feeling even more pathetic than you were a few minutes ago. It's even worse because it's true, all this did happened because of your package.
"I... I didn't k-know-" Your voice was soft and gentle, yet still full of shame. You sat on the couch with your head hung low.
"What is so fucking important that you had to ruin so much of our work?!" You couldn't answer, you just kept quiet, because to be honest, it wasn't anything important, and you were stupid for ordering it in the first place.
Your husband wiped his face with his hand in frustration, mumbling a bunch of other curse words. You stood up, walking closer to him and reaching your hand out to comfort him.
His hand caught yours, his eyes had finally bore into yours. His teeth almost seem to grind against each other, "You know... sometimes, I just wish...."
"Sometimes I wish I never met you."
All the blurry visions he has seen in his dream, suddenly they become clear.
He held the box tight, as he felt the most painful headache starting to form.
Tears filled his eyes.
He could no longer walk, but he saw... people, they were hurriedly walking to him, and he can faintly hear their worried murmurs.
Those words "he" said, he wishes to take them back down his throat, he wishes to delete the entire scene from existence.
Yet there was nothing he could do but cling on to the memory his brain had for him next.
"Excuse me, sir." He looked up, seeing a girl smile brightly at him, her umbrella covering the rain falling from the sky.
Ayato sat below a tree that barely covered him from the rain before, but he figured that it was better than getting completely soaked. So he was planning to stay there to wait the rain out.
"I noticed that you're kinda stranded here." The girl snickered a little, covering her mouth as she laughed.
Cute. He thought, her smile influenced his lips to do the same.
"Yes, I am quite in a predicament." She offered her hand to him, pulling him up to his feet. "Thank you very much, my lady." He flashed her a calm smile along with his thanks.
"Where are you going anyway? Perhaps I can accompany you so that you don't have to wait for the weather to calm?"
He was about to go back home, but it was still quite a long way away... he decided to take a chance.
"I was about to go for a meal. Though, I find it lonely to be alone during one. So... if you have nothing else to do, perhaps I can treat you to a meal." The girl looked up at him wide-eyed, not expecting to receive such an offer. "As a thank you, miss..." He indirectly asked for the girl's name.
"Y/N." You smiled brightly at him, the scene immediately lifted his mood even more. "And I would love to join you for a meal, sir..."
"Ayato, Kamisato Ayato." You almost let go of the umbrella, but he was quick to catch on, holding your hand that was holding the umbrella steady.
A pink tint exposed themselves on your cheeks, another thing he found cute about you, among many things. "The Yashiro Commissioner?" You questioned, avoiding his gaze.
"Hmm, how about we go to Uyuu Restaurant?" He didn't answer your question, but you were certain that it was him.
Fully letting go of the umbrella, you let him take the lead as you head into the city.
"I was quite enjoying holding your hand." You turned your gaze to him, shocked at his forward comment. His smile was still there on his face, if anything, it turned kind of sly.
Not knowing how to react, you stupidly offered your hand to him. "Umm, okay..." You wanted to immediately slap yourself, yet due to nervousness, your hand remained up for the offer.
'Go down, hand! How can he even hold it when he's holding the umbrella?!' You screamed in your head.
As if listening to your thoughts, the rain came to an immediate stop. And as the man behind you noticed, he closed the umbrella, humming as if he was pleased.
When he was done, he carried it with his other hand, leaving the hand close to yours free to hold.
Ayato slipped his hand into yours. "I appreciate your kindness, my lady."
You smiled, though quite nervous... almost in like a giddy way.
You didn't look at him, hoping he doesn't notice how your hand is shaking. You merely looked up to the stars.
A constellation stuck to your memory.
Ayato sat on the grass, his mind heavy as he held the box with one hand and his head the other.
Despite the unbearable pain... remembering you was nice. So he smiled as tears fell from his eyes.
He doesn't want to forget.
"Look, it's the Yashiro Commissioner!" A worried exclaim, one he could barely hear made him look up to see a bunch of people running to his aid.
"Please, inform Lady Kamisato about the situation." The words he heard last as he fell unconscious.
Mentions (People that have been waiting for 8 months)(I'm sorry): @nasidibakar @kisum9 @kittycasie @ramvuda @the-real-fandom-person @xiaopleasecomehome @lswtamashi @rustybucketofghosts @him3ru @tartagliasmoneybag @eurooki @spicycloudsalad @icarusignite @foxlady99 @mnoxsk and others I couldn't mention for some reason.
Here's Part 3
This is really long because the first one was really short hehe. I really hope you liked it. And yes, I am really sorry for updating so late, and just not uploading in general. :((
I am now very busy, but I try. I love writing despite it taking over my sleep schedule and if only I was faster and more creative, I would have a lot for you guys.
See you when I see you ^-^
Might take months to post again ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙
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yoimix · 1 year
genshin men + mutual pining
ft. childe, ayato
playlist. disaster - conan gray ; accidentally in love - counting crows ; love, or the lack thereof - isaac dunbar
note. this has been rotting in my drafts for too long i’m sorry anon :((
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[ requested by anon! ; cw: suggestive, alcohol ]
✽ childe thinks of you far too highly to try his usual tactics. he’s known you for more than half his life now, and best friends aren’t exactly cutting it for him. you’re not children in snezhnaya anymore, holding a wedding ceremony for your snowmen or getting yelled at by your mothers to hold hands after a big fight. there are graver stakes now. and people change. when you disagree, childe can’t just laugh it off obnoxiously to see you steam from the ears. when you have a serious fight, he can’t just hold your hand and say sorry till you agree to talk to him. no, he’d get a glare and if he’s lucky, a punch to the gut instead. maybe you’ll even tell him to piss off. you give him no hint of affection, and he’s starving for it. despite the warmth of your skin, your gaze is cold and it sends him into overdrive. perhaps you too believe that romance is forbidden for vassals of the tsaritsa. or maybe he’s plain mistaken, and you’re not his after all. even so, you make his heart pump blood all the way to his fingertips, sparking with electricity. the rush is unmatched when you smile at him. the confession is overdue. spilling it with alcohol on his lips, however, was not his ideal plan.
“(name),” childe slurs, a blissful smile on his face. “just please look at me. oh my, you’re so pretty.”
“ugh, tsaritsa guide me. the stench of alcohol.” you pinch the bridge of your nose. “just because the wine was free didn’t mean you had to glug fifteen glasses of them! what will the qixing think?!”
“that i’m the pride of snezhnaya?” he laughs loudly. “okay, okay, don’t get mad at me. but did you see? i outdrank all of those old fools! ugh, the little lady seemed unimpressed but that hardly matters. who did she think she was anyway? the yuheng?”
“she was.”
he pauses to blink slowly, before turning to you with a boyish grin. it’s horrifying how it makes your heart flutter, and you might as well plunge into the chasm before you admit that. the rain outside the hotel gets louder, and you just want this night to be over with. when morning comes, you can pretend childe didn’t make it look like you’re on a honeymoon to the entire city of liyue and half your subordinates.
“well, at least the crowd loved me.”
“and you’re going to be throwing up all night,” you huff, pulling him up by his shirt before he leans too far and faceplants onto the ground. instead, he takes it as an invitation to wrap his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder. you’re not sure when, in the transition to adulthood, it started bothering you. he’s the last person you should be thinking about like that.
“ah, i love it when you hold me,” he grins with the glee of a kid watching fireworks. “this is so much more comfortable than my coat. how do you always have warm hands?”
“and how do you always manage to embarrass me in the most ridiculous ways?”
he furrows his brows, plush pink lips forming into a pout. “what did i do?”
“what, pretend to profess your love to me in public and crash a dinner party? i get that everyone was drunk and saying stupid shit but you didn’t have to rope me into it!”
“please, it was hardly a serious matter.” he waves his hand dismissively. “a little coworker outing, if you will. it’s a coincidence some qixing officials were having a dinner party.”
“it got so loud we were kicked out of the restaurant.” you might as well be steaming from the ears now. “what do you think the qixing will do if they see snezhnayan diplomats making trouble in liyue? you’re lucky i talked it out with the yuheng but goodness, you made us- you made us look so silly!”
you say it with so much distaste, childe flinches. the blood rushes to your face at the memory of him clinging to you the whole time you tried to explain to keqing that snezhnaya is in fact not up to weird schemes or trying to drown the harbor.
“aww, you had fun too. you were all cute and flustered talking to the qixing girl.”
“that’s because you made us look like a couple, stupid!”
“what’s so bad about that?” he asks quietly.
“oh my god, they think we’re dating.”
“we could be,” he responds softly, a longing sigh following. 
you turn to look at his face, flustered. you can feel his breath against your cheek, his ocean eyes trained on your own. when did he lean so close?
“you’re drunk,” you state bluntly. 
“but the truth is...” he pauses to giggle. “...is still that i love you.”
you gulp. “liar.”
he lets out a dry chuckle, running the pad of his thumb over your lower lip. “don’t say that. i’ll just keep falling.”
“stop it, ajax.” a pang of hurt shoots through your chest, a wistful weed blooming between your ribs. he only wants you when he’s drunk, does he? you should’ve expected no better from mr casual himself.
“i know you think you’re smooth, but you’re taking it too far now.” you take a deep breath, trying not to get too upset. he’s just drunk.
“how far do you think i can take it?” he breathes over your skin, leaned far enough to kiss you if he wanted to, if you wanted to. the flush of his cheeks rivals his oh-so-pink lips, but it’s the vulnerability in his eyes that throws you off. you always thought they were starry like the reflection of the night sky over the ocean. the others, however, describe stormy seas, with no guiding light for miles. 
the consequences to mistaking his feelings is just too catastrophic for you to bear.
“(name), stop.” he comes to a halt abruptly, twisting his wrist from your grip to grab yours instead. you’re suddenly pulled into his chest, a surprised yelp leaving your mouth.
“let’s go home, ajax,” you press, impatient. you didn’t mean to say that, especially when it doesn’t make sense so far from home. you’re just used to saying that when he’s being difficult.
“i am home.” he frowns, gloved hands holding onto both of your wrists. his eyes are pleading, but for what you don’t know. “and did you miss my entire i love you speech or did i imagine saying that?”
“you’re drunk out of your mind and just saying—”
“i’m not. i’ll say it to you in the morning, i’ll say to you tomorrow and the day after and i’ll keep saying it till you just look at me.”
you finally meet his eyes—the intense azure you’ve known all your life begging for you to see him the way he does you. there were better ways to go about this. what did you expect from this walking disaster?
you hold his face between your thumb and forefinger, his cheeks puffing up. he looks too adorable and it’s pissing you off. before you can have any second thoughts, you quickly press your lips against his in a featherlight kiss. pulling back, you can only hold it in for two seconds before the expression on his face makes you burst into laughter.
“do that again,” he mumbles, a dazed smile on his face.
you grant him a quick kiss.
“and again.”
“you used to say three is the lucky number.”
he pouts. why did you have to fall in love with this manchild?
sighing, you grant him one final kiss, a satisfied sigh parting from his lips. “happy now? it’s time to go to bed, ajax.”
“woah, (name), is that why you wouldn’t kiss me? because you had other plans in the bedroo—”
“no. you’re going straight to sleep.”
he hums, smiling. “i love you.”
“mhm. i can tolerate you.”
“i love you too.”
✽ ayato’s self-restraint is the bane of your existence. he will look at you with his sharp lilac gaze, glance at your lips even, but he will do nothing more than a light touch to your hand or a flick to your forehead on certain occasions. it’s as though he’s aware of the rapid beating of your heart—but he refuses to be anything more than a tease. lately, he’s taken to leaning in closer than before when he pretends to not hear you during your evening walks. is he not aware you can feel his breath? and sometimes, he will place his hand on the small of your back to guide you. does he not know his touches light your skin on fire? honest to god, you hate him beyond measure at this point. when young love grows old, it’s only natural to harbor resentment too. you resent that teasing smile, you resent those playful eyes, you resent the mole by his lips you want to kiss so bad. and just like that, your heart is another piece he’s captured in this game of chess. in a way, though, you understand his roundabout ways of doing things. a man in his position ought to behave. for instance, right now, he shouldn’t be taking your hand outside a social gathering of inazuman elites, and running away like a schoolboy skipping class.
“are you sure you can do this?!” you huff, trying to keep up with ayato. there’s an idle sense of joy to his pace, his posture still elegant.
you, on the other hand, look like you just survived a dumpster fire. disheveled from the running, you finally catch a break once he stops by the torii gates of chinju forest.
“well, wasn’t that fun?” he asks, a smug smile on his face. “archons, the blabbering these men do. half a night and all i heard were complaints about their wives and their boring, unambitious ideas for inazuma.”
you whistle. “i never know how you handle your meetings. each one sounds worse than the last.”
“yes, but i can’t brute force my job like some people do.” he gives you a pointed look. 
you glare at him. “well, some occupations don’t require being a crafty, meddling rascal. you wouldn’t know.”
“i like that about you,” he says, quieter. his gaze is soft, like a field of blooming hyacinths. it catches you off guard. 
“w-well- i- uh i- i have a lot more likeable traits than you give me credit for,” you defend, unable to return his gaze.
“so do i,” he responds, a sly smile playing on his lips. “a lot more than you give me credit for.”
“i never said i didn’t,” you mumble in defeat. 
a firefly beelines for ayato’s shoulder but he gives no care towards it. instead he finally takes out the cup of boba tea from the little bag you’ve been carrying. the proximity of his face when he reaches, however, makes you hold your breath longer than intended. it’s so unfair that he’s this pretty. he smiles when he meets your gaze, taking out the other cup for you.
“you’re so easy to talk to, (name),” he sighs. there goes your poor heart.
you hum, tearing your eyes away from him. you’re hardly thinking as you blabber on. “you- you too. i... i don’t say this often but you... you’re a good person, ayato. i wish i could be with you forever.”
realizing what you said within the next fraction of a second, you straighten up, eyes widened in panic. it’s not the first time you’ve been reduced to a stuttering mess in front of the yashiro commissioner. curse your reckless tongue.
“i- i mean, i want to fall for a guy like you someday,” you laugh awkwardly, smacking his arm. what on teyvat are you saying? you have fallen for a guy like him and it is him. 
ayato presses his lips into a thin smile, eye twitching in annoyance.
“wh-what i mean is, it- it would be nice to be with someone like you,” you try to save and miserably fail.
you might as well get a shovel and start digging your grave right here in the forest. maybe the tanuki will dance over your dead body for entertainment. anything to get out of this situation that you, all by yourself, got into.
slender fingers wrap around your wrist, pulling you closer to the source of your misery.
ayato looks at you expectantly, pressing the straw to your lips.
you nod, fighting the heat growing on your face. he’s too pretty.
“you know, i like it when you say these things to me.”
he’s always been a rude rascal. his smile is cheeky, yet it relieves of you any uncomfortable thoughts like rain on a hot summer day. i want to protect that smile, you thought to yourself once. it’s so rare to see him like this, as just ayato—your friend ayato who taught you to play (and lose) shogi, who gave you his best onikabuto whenever you sulked about yours, who smiled knowingly while you screeched about his awful cooking and showed him the directions again. how many afternoons had you spent with him till he was lost to the rhythm of life? if there really is a god to hear you, you’d pray for ayato to smile like this all the time.
“what do you mean?” you ask softly.
“you said once,” he muses, “that you want me to find someone who likes me for me.”
“i did?” you clear your throat. “i mean, i’d like that too. i- like- isn’t that what everyone wants? to be with someone who likes them as a person?”
“i like you as a person.”
you breathe in too hard, the tapioca pearls caught in your throat as a result. an ugly cough follows till ayato’s patting your back in a concerned motion. you finally spit out the boba, which unfortunately lands in a bush nearby, spooking some foxes.
“oh.” he looks like he’s holding in a laugh. “come now, this is no place to litter.”
“shut up.” you glare at him. “if you didn’t say things so suddenly—erm.”
you’re not sure how to explain yourself. his statement could be taken the wrong way, and you don’t want to be the first one to reveal yourself. if this is a game of shogi after all, you intend to win at least one against him.
“hm? is that what gets you so flustered? a few words from me?”
“you wish,” you huff. 
you feel his warm chuckle against your ear, and the warmth spreads down your neck. you turn to face him, feeling a bit stupid for reacting this way.
“what is it you want to say to me? hm? be honest, now. we're far past playing games, aren't we?"
"i don't know what you're talking about." you feign ignorance, hiding behind your fan.
you take a deep breath, hoping his presence will help you calm yourself. he's such a handful and you know it, but he also makes you feel so alive.
"oh? we can keep playing this game then," he hums, smiling. "you haven't won once against me, you know?"
"th-there's been several times i've beaten you in shogi," you huff.
"by cheating."
"i never cheat!"
“that smile is foul play,” he whispers. there’s barely a gap between your lips and ayato looks like he might just close it.
you feel panic rising. quickly, you press your palm to his mouth, effectively stunning him. it’s honestly cute to see him make this expression.
“we’re friends!” you blurt. “r-right? but god, there are things we can’t do when we’re just friends and you- you just keep testing my patience, ayato!”
a muffled response follows. you take a deep breath and remove your hand.
“it’s like you were going to kiss me,” you complain quietly, embarrassed.
he blinks monotonously. “but i did want to kiss you.”
your face heats up at an alarming rate. “huh? are you supposed to say that out loud?!”
“how else am i supposed to know?”
“know what?”
“if you want to kiss me or not.”
“i always want to kiss y—”
you clasp your hands over your mouth, embarrassed beyond thought. there is no way you said that out loud. the spark in ayato’s eyes only brightens to a more mischievous look.
“you said it yourself,” he says casually, “there are things we can’t do if we’re just friends.”
he takes a step closer. “and i want to do them with you, (name).”
you open your mouth but no response forms.
“so will you please let me kiss you?” he completes, the frustration built over the years finally fizzing out.
“yes,” you say, without thinking, admiring the beauty mark by his lips.
after all, in a sighing forest of promises unkept, who’s to tell of a nobleman’s kisses?
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shunsuiken · 1 month
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pairing. kamisato ayato x gn!bodyguard!reader
genre. fluff for the most part + does get suggestive tho 😁
synopsis. the yashiro commissioner resorts to a scandalous method to get your attention.
wc. 1.5k (i know its short but i wanted to get straight to the point LMAO)
an. guys this is so dumb but one thing that popped up in my head while writing this is that tiktok of that girl going i slowly started to be seducted by him like he’s trying to SEDUCE me 😭😭😭 omg that shits so fuckin funny
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“you’re too far away, y/n.”
your eye twitches as you stare at the wooden door. he’s teasing you. a filthy load of shamelessness drips in his tone. an arm rises so he can relax his cheek in his palm, eyeing your figure that has been standing in front of the door this whole time.
you realise why he’s decided to open his mouth after five minutes of dead silence.
you’re not looking at him.
“y/n, i said you’re too far away.” his voice is louder this time. it sounds closer to a command.
“i am standing at an appropriate distance from you, my lord.” you’re staring laser beams into the door at this point. “feel free to attend to your bathing requirements independently.”
ayato scoffs. a shiver crawls up your spine.
“it was my understanding that you, my personal bodyguard, were informed about the injuries i sustained during the failed fatui assassination attempt.” drawing circles in the water with the tip of his index finger, he sighs, “sadly, my current physical state renders me incapable of attending to my bathing requirements.”
“so i would be most grateful for your assistance.” you can practically see the grin on his lips, devilish and scheming.
before ayato picks up the bathing cloth, you’ve already given in, practically attaching your eyes to the bathtub as you sit on the stool provided for you. taking the cloth, you dip it in the water to soak it up before gently gliding it across his shoulders with shaky hands.
“ah, there we go. now wasn’t that easy?” ayato turns his face towards you, now showing more of his naked back—wet and glistening in all its glory.
you feel you might faint.
you hum in agreement, holding onto that blasted bathing cloth for dear life. ayato seems to notice and turns his whole body towards you out of curiosity, but your head snaps in the other direction instead!
“y/n, how will you help me bathe if you’re facing that way?” you can hear the water splash around the stone material of the tub. it drips down the side, slowly sliding towards the stone floor.
you’re his bodyguard. you’re his bodyguard. this wasn’t part of the job description—so why are you even here?!
“my lord, i find it difficult to provide assistance if you keep moving,” you respond indifferently, maintaining some level of professionalism despite how this situation has broken all levels of it.
from the corner of your eye, you can vaguely see his hair sticking to his collarbones and shoulders. ayato knows you can see him like this. so there’s simply no point in acting such a way. but he laughs, humoured by your behaviour anyway. “oh please drop the formalities. i am merely an injured man before you.”
a naked, injured man. you correct him silently.
“mm.” you don’t really know what else to say. how were you supposed to explain any of this to anybody if they caught you leaving the bathing hall with him?!
you soak up the wash cloth once more, beginning to clean him up again. avoiding all eye contact and opportunities of skinship turns out to be much more difficult than you thought. however, when it’s time to clean his chest area, you wordlessly pass the cloth back to him.
“hm?” he looks at you. “what about over here?” he asks, pointing at his chest shamelessly.
you gape at him—oh, you’re finally looking at him now. and you wish you didn’t.
ayato is so utterly gorgeous. cheeks dusted in a shade of pink from the steam and his lips, moistened and sanguine. he would have been recognised as a deity were it not for his mortal disposition.
ayato rather takes pleasure in this look on your face. baffled, stunned, dumbfounded—this list could go on! what he finds interesting though, is that your eyes never seem to go past his shoulders. and, ayato, being quite fond of his cute and adorable bodyguard, has to tease you.
“this is as far as i will go,” you inhale, feeling like your mask of indifference will crumble within seconds. “my lord, it would be inappropriate for me to assist you in this area.”
ayato’s brows raise in excitement, revelling in how you try to stay professional. you’re doing a much better job than he would’ve expected—if it were anybody else, they would have been seduced right away.
but it’s you that the lord is playing with. and he intends to play with you until he is satisfied.
“but you’ve already come this far, why not do the rest while you’re at it?” your bottom lip quivers.
ayato figures that he’ll need to try something else to get your attention to where it needs to be.
you gasp when he takes your hand in his, gently pulling you towards him until you’re sitting on the edge of the stone tub. your uniform is dampened as you sit on the edge but you can care less when ayato peers up at you with those lavender eyes.
“m- my lord, what do you intend to do?” you curse yourself silently for stuttering. the vapour from the bath water makes your cheeks hot and sticks your hair to your forehead.
kind of looks like you could use a bath too. ayato makes a brief comment in his mind, his thumb caressing the back of your hand as he ponders on a response.
“get in the bath with me.”
a moment passes by. you swear you have never heard a more ridiculous request than this. for the past few years you’ve dealt with his unique appetite, his clothing requirements and his… special personality but this request is the first one that renders you speechless.
“get in the bath with me,” ayato repeats, firmer this time.
you’ve lost feeling in your legs ever since he took your hand, but it’s not long before you’re soaked in bath water—with ayato there to soften the fall as your hands instinctively grab onto his shoulders. you land with an oompf, fingers wiping droplets on your face, unfortunately missing the biggest grin on your boss’ lips.
“there, that was not so difficult, was it?” his voice is much closer by your ear now, sending a wave of chills down your spine.
you hesitantly meet his eyes, behind those pretty lashes and soft sky blue hair that clings to his forehead and cheeks. “wasn’t,” you mutter as your gaze shakes in your stare. you fear that if you tear your eyes away from him again he’ll do something else even more ridiculous.
the water swooshes and you fall onto your butt when ayato finds himself on top of your lap. you can feel his thighs just gently pressing against your own which is making you wonder how you haven’t already lost consciousness.
but it’s also making you think about things you never would’ve thought you would think about.
is ayato, your employer, trying to seduce you?!
you try to think of something to say. anything. doesn’t matter how random it could be. you inhale sharply, “so did you actually have work to do or did you just want me to loiter around you?”
“not to ‘loiter’,” ayato chuckles at your word choice while you think you’ve heard heaven’s gates fly right open. “but to ‘accompany’. i did indeed have work to complete but such a mind-numbing task becomes more bearable with you around.” he traces your cheek with the pad of his thumb, palm just ghosting over your ear. “do you know how adorable you look when you’re sitting by the door with that straight look on your face?”
“that is my job, my lord.” you don’t lean away from his touch. a good sign for him. “i didn’t think i would be such a distraction, if you would like, i could relocate just outsi-”
it’s featherlight. barely even a kiss. just a gentle brush of his lips over yours. but that miniscule feeling is like a fire and it burgeons in your chest, melting away the cold iceberg of your doubts and worries. there is no turning back now. it’s like your hand has grown a mind of its own when it wraps around ayato’s neck, pulling him closer so his lips collide with yours again.
“oh dear,” ayato mutters lowly. his hair tickles your cheek. “are my feelings being reciprocated?”
your lips are like magnets to his. it makes you grin at the revelation of your own emotions. “i fear you’ve successfully seduced me, my lord.” ayato smiles as your gaze flickers between his eyes and lips.
being caged between his arms has to be considered some sort of sport for your heart. the last time it threatened to leap out of your chest like this was during the official selection of ayato’s bodyguards.
“that makes a fine headline for the steambird, don’t you think?” ayato keeps his lips close to yours, doing everything he can in his power to not crash his lips onto yours again. and so pathetically too. “‘bodyguard allegedly seduced by the yashiro commissioner’.”
“indeed. now wouldn’t that shake things up here in inazuma,” you laugh, cupping your hands in the water to pour over what you can onto his shoulders. “well now that you’re all cleaned up, don’t you think you should get ready for bed?”
ayato gives you a pointed look. “will you dress me?”
“i-” you shouldn’t even pretend like you’re surprised by this. nodding your head, you reassure him, “that can be arranged.”
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scaranation · 1 year
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header art by @/kkaags on twitter
Pairing: chess captain!Ayato x reader
Content: fluff, headcannons, modern high school au, ayato is slightly a red flag on this one
You joined the chess club as a newcomer to the game, where Ayato introduces himself as a fellow beginner. You think he's just terrible at chess - after all, how could he lose to you so often? However, as time goes on, you begin to question if you're the one who's been playing into his hands all this time...
a/n - was just rereading ayato lore and remembered he plays chess, so i wanted to write about him doing it in a modern chess setting where he's absolutely whipped for the reader 😭 i cant stop writing about desperate genshin men im so sorry
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chess captain!ayato, who’s been harbouring a small crush on you ever since you stepped foot in campus. despite taking different classes, you’d always be the centre of his attention, even if you rarely interacted with him.
chess captain!ayato, who’s elated to see you join the club. the moment you confess to being a beginner, he flashed you a smile before asserting that he, too, was new to the game.
chess captain!ayato, who revelled in the gleeful look on your face whenever you won a game against him. he’d take care to fumble right into your victory each time, just to feel his heart flutter when you smiled.
chess captain!ayato, who’d play exactly as you wanted when you tried book moves for the first time. oh, you were attempting a scholar’s mate? he’d ‘accidentally’ fall right into the trap, feigning shock as you smugly pushed your queen to F7.
chess captain!ayato, who ignored the incredulous looks everyone else shot him when he blundered his way through every game with you. as a highly accomplished player - winning all the tournaments he competed in - it certainly was a sight to see the kamisato ayato open with pawn to H4.
chess captain!ayato, who would only play at his true level when you weren’t looking. his favourite hobby was to push the worst move possible and watch your thinly veiled happiness as you won yet again, pretending to be annoyed when you teased him for his ‘stupidity’.
chess captain!ayato, who would leave ayaka to run the club as his vice captain whenever he was busy in a game with you. he enjoyed the expression on your face as you thought, the light twitching of your lips to murmur ghostly syllables to yourself. he liked to imagine how those lips would feel on his.
chess captain!ayato, who would desperately try to prevent you from realising he wasn’t exactly as bad as you thought he was. when you were talking to your friends about how absolutely hopeless he was at chess, he’d shoot them a silencing look to staunch their shocked expressions. if you tried to look up previous records from tournaments, you’d somehow find yourself in conversation with him and forget about what you were doing entirely.
chess captain!ayato, who’d nod eagerly and let you ‘coach’ him in chess. he’d smile so delicately as you bid him good luck before a tournament, whilst everyone else idly wondered why on earth the feared ayato would need help to be reminded of piece value.
chess captain!ayato, who’d be too immersed to notice you if you walked in on him playing a proper game. you’d be stunned at the way his fingers gracefully snapped the pieces into position without hesitation, the subtle clink of lacquered wood against the board reasonating through the room as he claimed piece after piece. he was nothing like the foolish, impulsive player you’d versed countless other times.
chess captain!ayato, who’d study his opponents with an almost terrifying look of sheer calculation. his eyes would skim emotionlessly over the board, lithe hands almost flying between the pieces and the timer. occasionally, a cold smirk or two would escape - indicative of his incoming victory.
chess captain!ayato, who’d look so wounded when you found out - acting like you’d caught him cheating on your non-existent relationship. you’d only feel embarrassed at having thought you were better than this absolute menace of a player, whilst he apologised time and time again before (timidly) asking you to play one more round.
chess captain!ayato, who’d then offer to properly teach you outside of school hours. of course, he didn’t view them as tutoring sessions - he saw them as dates. or, perhaps, just opportunities for him to admire your face until he reached the stage of his plan where he could ask you out, and you’d be too equally infatuated to refuse.
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kitsuvil · 3 months
— open roads [picturesque/ayato smau]
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[ masterlist ] welcome to act 2 !
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— yayy we're back!! AND THINGS ARE HAPPENING OOO SPOOKY hehe🤭
— taglist; @griseoo @fangygf @boxxd @driftwoodmanor @meigalaxy @kyon-cherri @xiaossocksniffer @quacking-simp @kaitfae @imgayandshesanime @lxry-chxn @ni-ki-ismyluv @cante-lope @kookiibun @kamisatoyato
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dukewrio · 5 months
and always (ayato x sick!reader)
request?: yep!
warnings: panic attack, fear of hospitals (specific reason not mentioned), blood mention, some mild spoilers for the musketeer event quest
y/n’s legs give out from underneath them as they step out onto the porch adjacent to their room. they fall into the trap of exhaustion, laying fully on the wood planks, gasping in the fresh air. just as the feeling of relief fills y/n’s sickly body, it is immediately replaced by chills. y/n knows their fever has gone up exponentially in the past few days, but still is determined to fight it off traditionally.
normally when they would get sick, ayato would take care of them, he always had the perfect remedy for any ailment. however, ayato was in fontaine when y/n’s symptoms began and since he returned two days ago, he added more tasks to his plate than normal in an attempt to begin foreign cultural exchanges with the other nations in teyvat. seeing this caused y/n to keep their illness from her fiancé, not wanting to add to the tasks he had. it was easy, provided he had spent most of his time locked in his office.
y/n musters the strength to sit up and slouch themselves against the wall. soon regretting the movement as it triggers a coughing fit. their hand flies up to cover their mouth as the coughing worsens. y/n can’t even be surprised when a hand rest on their shoulder, all of their energy being drained. when the coughing finally subsides, y/n pulls their hand from their mouth to be greeted with the alarming sight of blood dripping down their palm. instinctively they look up at their new company in shock, and meet ayato’s eyes. they swear they saw a flash of fear in ayato’s blues right before the calculating mask glazes them over once again.
“y/n, how long has this been happening?” ayato asks softly.
“about 5 day-“
“5 days?!“ ayato exclaims. “why didn’t you tell me? i have been home for the past two?”
“you just got back and i-“
“i am taking you to the hospital.”
“no!” y/n yells. their eyes widening as they pull away from ayato’s grasp. tears appear cascading down their face. y/n moves their hands to cover their ears, too overwhelmed to notice the slick feel of the blood on their hand resting on their ear. “i can’t, you can’t, please,” they beg.
“y/n, how can i help?” ayato asks, keeping a distance as to not overwhelm them. “i think your illness is out of the scope that i can take care of myself.”
y/n’s head shakes and they begin to hyperventilate.
“no, no hospital please,” y/n sobs. breaths becoming more frequent as they continue to curl themselves away from their fiancé. ayato’s heart breaks at the sight. he knows they aren’t scared of him, only scared that he will take them somewhere they don’t want to go. however, the idea of bringing stress to his loved one instead of protecting them opens an old wound.
at a stalemate of what to do, y/n’s breathing only gets more frantic. the demons swimming in their head only add to the stress of the situation. y/n’s throat feels like it’s on fire, their illness only making it far worse. slowly y/n’s body starts to give in to exhaustion, the blurry world around them goes dark.
-a couple hours later-
“so they are going to be okay?” ayato’s voice breaks through the dark quietly, still slightly muffled, but nearby.
“yes, i only wish you would have called for me sooner, their condition was rather serious,” a second unfamiliar voice speaks. y/n slowly opens their eyes only to be met with the inside of their and ayato’s shared room. a cool wet rag rests on their forehead. seconds later ayato walks back into the room, immediately making eye contact with y/n.
“you’re awake,” he smiles, a sad one. “i called for the doctor, he said you have a strong respiratory infection,” he stands to the side of the bed, at a distance, still unsure of your comfort with him.
“ayato, i’m sorry, i just-“
“you don’t need to apologize, and we can talk more in depth on this once you are better,” he pulls out a container. “the doctor gave me this prescription for you and some care instructions, you should be better in about a week.”
y/n reaches their hand out towards ayato. he takes it as a sign to come closer, he sits on the edge of their bed holding onto y/n’s hand.
“i’m here for you now, and always.”
a/n: hope this is what you had in mind. i kinda broke my heart with ayato for this. like i just started really liking him, and reading his lore.
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 5 months
Good Morning, Beautiful (Zhongli, Ayato, Tartaglia, Xiao)
I think this is one of my favorite hcs from my previous blog and it's a lovely song. I really recommend it
Summary: Mornings with Zhongli, Ayato, Tartaglia, and Xiao
Cw: Fluff
Title from “Good Morning, Beautiful by Brad Paisley”
Zhongli x gn!reader, Ayato x gn!reader, Tartaglia x gn!reader, Xiao x gn!reader
Zhongli is all about the early start
He loves watching the sun rise, listening to the birds start to wake, soon followed by the busy people of the city
When you came into his life, this didn’t change
If you’re a morning person too, he’s happy to wake up with you
but if you’re not, he’s not terribly upset either
He finds a certain amount of happiness watching your sleeping face. Before he leaves the room he brushes a hand over your cheek, smiling when you try to chase it’s warmth
when you wake he has breakfast cooking. It’s always traditional and impeccably made. I really don’t think Zhongli would tolerate subpar work out of himself
Sometimes you wish you could wake up with him, but really it’s a wonderful start to the day
Does this guy ever manage to wake up with you?
He’s busy and is up early. He has to be and you don’t begrudge him that. before he leaves he always leaves a beautifully written letter on the pillow next to you, wishing you a good day and saying he’ll see you later. It’s really sweet and you appreciate the thought behind it
Every now and then, however, he has a day off.
You both live for those days. 
On those days he still wakes up early, but he stays in bed. He’ll run gentle fingers through your hair, or just hold you close, reveling in the sound of your slow breathing
On those days you wake up and see him face first thing and it really starts the day off right
When you two are both up he has servants make breakfast (you put your foot down about him cooking, lol, even though I’m sure he’d try if it were for you) and then the day starts in earnest
He loooves lazy wake up days. And so do you. 
Both of you love the slow drifting awake, reveling in each other’s warmth
He’s also very fond of being handsy in a none “please wake up let’s do it way”. Though, those days do exist.
But your skin is soft and so is your hair and he loves having a moment of the day where he’s not Childe, the 11th fatui harbinger. He loves watching your eyes flutter awake and seeing your soft, sleepy smile when you see him.
Really, he lives for those moments
Once you’re both up and have peeled yourself out of bed, you share breakfast duty. Breakfast includes a lot of laughing and some morning chatter. He’s definitely someone who would shamelessly ask if you dreamt of him, to which you respond with a light smack to his shoulder
Last, but never least, is our favorite Yaksha
Honestly, the issue here is that he doesn’t sleep
That being said, you’d never have a more diligent guardian. He’s not creepy about it, but he spends most of the night watching you. It’s a rare pleasure, seeing the peace on your face, the way you cuddle close without knowing it any time he wraps his arms around you
He’s not used to things that make him happy or content. For a long time, I don’t think those words were in his vocabulary. But with you, he starts to see the appeal. And that’s never more true now
It makes him happy to see you slowly stir awake, completely comfortable around him. He doesn’t quite understand it, but your sleepy smile stirs something within him. 
He doesn’t sleep, but he’s ok with that. 
As for breakfast, it’s nothing lovey dovey. He prefers to get up and go, once you’re awake and have finished rubbing your eyes
But you’re ok with that. After all, the Vigilant Yaksha stays with you throughout the night and is the first thing you see in the morning
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