hotgirlstiles · 1 year
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okay so i’m gonna need everyone to read this fic with me cause it is genuinely the most perfect and most amazing fic to ever exist. like where do i even START ohmigod ok. so everyone already knows how much i’m a sucker for those whumpy character study fics for stiles and by god this is it. this is THE one. but no no. it doesn’t just end there. girl. this is THE derek hale characterization that truly only ever exists IM TELLING YOU!!!!!!! ohgod all of my posts abt my perfect derek hale ALL SUMMARIZED AND DONE IN THIS FREAKING FIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ohgod im honestly going crazy this fic is jsut so so good and the derek is so so nice and beautiful and so so well written. the relationship and development between sterek is so beautiful and easy and gwaaah
ALSO BEFORE I EVEN FORGET. THE SCOTT. THE SCILES. TO DIE FOR!!!!!!!!!!!! ohgod this is just. the most healing and wonderful fic to ever read. you have stiles going through so much but then the pack is there to be with him and it’s just. god. wow. the characterization and the way it’s so well-written and how the author played it all. god. 100000/10 certified the hotgirlstiles forever fic rec literallg no conplaints 🥺👼🏽❤️❤️
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