fluffypotatey · 5 months
imma not shut up but i do kinda wish we could have seen Snow and Lucy Gray’s relationship played with a little more in the movie
like, i get it, we only get a couple hours but also, have you considered, that by playing more on Snow’s obsession and need for control with Lucy Gray’s desire for freedom and survival post hunger game would have made me (especially) more unwell
like maybe give the mentors more of a chance to really mentor the tributes so we (me) can watch Snow and Lucy Gray’s situation grow even more tangled because it have driven me mad
just saying
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hockeysweetheart · 4 years
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My thoughts while reading The ballad of song birds and Snakes...   ( I’ll be refering Coriolanus to Snow in this because I am not about to write that name who know how many times) ( Please note Many many spoilers ahead)
How  do I say these names... Flips through the book yeah I’m screwed.. 
Trigis is Snow’s Older Cousin Didn’t see that coming 
What’s this... Am I actually Feeling sorry and bad for snow... ( lets see how long this lasts for)
Point 2 seconds  a little upset you have to mentor Lucy gray from District 12 then your over it once she shows her vaule... 
Lucy Gray  wow you sure know how to make an entrence.  I like you... 
Is she the first winner from District 12?  
Did that really happen... 
Roses on the roof really... 
Okay  that was kinda sweet (  showing up to the train station with the rose) 
Wait what it’s not the luxury that is seen in the other books.They are treated like well zoo animals.  anywhere outside of the zoo ( before a certain point they are in handcuffs  also they are literally all in the same cage at the zoo and people can visit them too) ( Not fed/ mot trained basically they go into the arena as they look and wear the same clothes too)  (( I am doing this in one big point so then I don’t do like 50 points on this) 
No wonder there is a law  “No fighting with the other tributes before the games start”  
Who the actual **** is this Dean Guy... 
Okay thats sweet Snow is actually trying to make Lucy Stand a chance....  Whats this Snow is actual kinda sweet what are you  doing to me.. 
Sejanus Is feeding them too... 
Okay the Picnic was kinda sweet.. 
He knows Marcus... Oh wait I forgot hes from District 2 
Well that escalated Quickly... 
How didn’t these games get cancled...  I said this to myself about 10 times... 
Okay you did what to that girl because she told a lie...
Dr Gaul I have so many questions but frankly I am scared for your answer..
Okay Kids lets go on a field trip  where you will die in a few days.. 
What is this arena... 
How is this guy on the loose... 
Then I realized the games haven’t even started yet...
About the public humlationn really  you treated them bad enough... but now the dead... ughhh 
Okay Snow is being sweet again. Why am I blushing.. 
Okay I am convinced this Lucy Gray is related to Katniss somehow... 
Okay that was sweet for Trigis to help out for the interview cleaning her dress and making sure lucy was washed up a bit... 
Is it that hard to find a gutair.... 
It’s not over until the Mockingjay sings... 
Lucy Grays Interview  wow.. BRAVO BRAVO..
Wait a second. Snow you didn’t just say that You own Lucy Gray.... Just because  her interview was amazing... and she’s a bigger shot then you... Takes a sip of a drink... Well I should of seen this  coming.. 
Okay its okay to let Lucy Gray cheat in the games But when Katniss pulls out those berries its like oh hell no... 
Now I see why they check the Tokens from home befroe they are approved for the arena.. 
She really kissed you and we were about to whitness a makeout session... ( I almost yelled get a room) 
Now the games are gonna beggin actually  I was like is this a false start..  
Oh its Happening...  
Whats the point of throwing Marcus pretty much dead in like that... 
Who is Lucky Flickerman  and this guy with the camera in there faces...
What in the actual were those Parachute gifts...  
Guess there are no trackers on them... 
How in the hell. Did  Sejanus get in the arena... Why are you making Snow go and get him... Grow some and get in there your self...  I just defended Snow whats wrong with me... 
Snow actually Killed a tribute... what the....
Why is guy from 11 Making a morgue.... 
Laughing a little  when other tributes grab the gifts 
Oh a little Jealous of Lucy Gray and her District partner 
Okay did I really just read the words STAR CROSSED LOVERS.. your killing me here..
OH wait.... Okay that was kinda sweet.. What the mentor for the male of District 12 did to save Lucy... 
Well that Alliance is over... 
Rat Poison.... 
District 11 your no fool... 
So let me get this you can only send gifts if you can see them where the hell are all the cameras... 
Really messing with the snakes so they don’t attack Lucy... ugh... so you can win the prize to pay your way... Pops another bottle  
Lucy Gray looks like this snake whisper.... 
This morgue is weird... 
I like my town with a little drop of Poison...  
How the hell did she Poison that pond... 
Well Lucy gray is the winner... ( As expected..) 
Oh shit now Snow is in trouble...  
And how in the hell he got approved to be a peacekeepr in district 12... 
Okay it is kinda sweet he is going after someone he loves...
Snow  one step in District 12.. Oh my god air nature get me outta here... Me rolls eyes.... 
Thank god  Sejanus is here. 
Are you are you coming to the tree... 
Snow sees one Mockingjay and is like Oh hell no...  Me Katniss Everdeen .... 
Maybe once he sees Lucy he will change   
The only Days free is Sunday .... 
The Hob really... 
trading  Sejanus Ma’s goods... 
Hmmm they are kinda looking like the peacekeepers from 12 around Katniss’s time... Kinda chill.. 
Okay Maude Ivory shes cute.. The Covey Love them.. 
When you think oh they are finally going to meet face to face again Bam... Billy Tate and Mayfair Lipp ruin it..  ‘
You really went to the bakery...  HELLO DARKNESS MY OLD FRIEND.. 
During this point I thought Snow you have seen how food  doesn’t come by really good here....WHY HAVEN’T YOU FED THEM BETTER IN THE 65 DAMN YEARS.. .
Really  from the seam...  ( Starts to make a list of every possbile place that Belongs to Katniss Everdeen) 
Not only does Snow Find Lucy Gray in the medow ( Deep in the meadow) But with a goat too...    ( adds it to my list)   and shes Sing the song she wrote the hanging tree...  adds to my list....
And now they start making out/ Which basically almost ends up in make out session every single time they meet up..  ( Now i was okay with this since I am sucker for a love story)
Did Lucy Live in the same house as Katniss did....  
Snow also realized real fast how the Districts don’t watch the games too much...
Billy whats his last name and   Sejanus hmmm  Hiding a map but wait Snow saw it... That could of happened smoother...
Snow has this plan to Kill the mockingjay.... ( Sweetheart that didn’t work 65 years later).... 
They go to the lake in the woods on a sunday no less... damn 3 things to add oh my god Katniss everdeen list... 
Snow literally 2 seconds into the woods oh hell no... ROLLS EYES... 
Now your swimming in the lake and in the “house” Keeps writing down)...   and the Deep in the meadow song is sung... I am going to need a bigger piece of paper.. 
Finds Katniss plants... now at this point i am not surprised... 
Gets approval to Kill the Mockingjays because they care me BIG WOOF....
Trapping the jabberjays... why is snow so interested... Oh shit the scientist knows me.. 
Sees Lucy again at singing at the hobb but he has a little before the show if you know what I mean.. then he notices Sejanus  sneaks out ( which he clames he was going to the bathroom... which was  a lie) 
Maude Ivory is Wearing a buttercup dress... whats next Primrose  is gonna make an apperence... 
Snow really looking threw  Sejanus stuff... ( I was so like hes gonna take the money and run) 
Sejanus oh my dear Sejanus He played you like a fool ... He recorderd the whole damn thing... at least he cannot get worse then that... your kinda like the idiot in those movies that lays out the whole evil plot to someone to only 10 seconds later get caught for it....
What the actual BEEEP happened in that shed.. Please let this be the first and last gun Snow ever gets his hands on... 
The fact that Maude Ivory found the bodies is not okay... 
The gossip at the BASE is gold.. 
At least snow felt Guilt for his killings... 
are you are you coming to the tree 
Well  Sejanus Sorry to see you go..
Now a little make out session at the commarders party when the Covey sings...  She really wrote a song for him okay thats kinda sweet.. 
Now  Lucy asks Snow to run away with her.... ( Writes this down) And he says yes... he literally didn’t make it five miles...  but then he found out he passed a test the day of but attemps to run away with Lucy... but....  
Before this tho Snow sends all of  Sejanus Money to trigis ( oh yeah i forgot to add basically they are loosing there place) 
Now in the Woods...
5 seconds in snow is like oh hell no....
Lucy Figures out that Snow is the reason  Sejanus is dead... 
Lucy  says shes gonna get katniss plants and then she get the hell outta there this is after Snow finds the murder wepons... 
Snow gets bitten by a snake... ( Sips wine) 
Who in the hell Let Coriolanus Snow touch a gun...   he is shooting left and right... 
Lucy Grey GAME ON.... ARE YOU ARE YOU COMING TO THE TREE.... and then bam gone...
My reaction to those events was what the actual hell did i read there.. Oh it gets better... 
So snow makes it back thinking hes gonna die from a non poisnous snake bite... and hes outta district 12.. But back to the captiol to where Dr Gaul said you passed the test...  
Now here is the part I literally almost threw my book... 
When Snow used  Sejanus Parents to his full advantage... never telling them oh he is the reason there one and only son is dead.. and Basically the parents “Adopt snow..” pay for his schooling now, makes sure he is well fed and dressed..” I was beyond pissed at this point...  
So now my last point Snow said the games must go on which duhh ( since we meet Katniss everdeen ) and that they will be better and everyone must watch... and more twists and turns in it...
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The Hunger Games movie
1. reading is a step down from narration (thought it in Cinema Sins voice)
2. some mixed feelings about the speech (not entirely sure why tho) but Cinema Wins helped with that
3. I love the addition of the deep in the meadow to calm Prim
4. kitty cat
5. hello favourite screenshot
6. such a fan of the soundtrack
7. why is Katniss hunting deer on reaping day
8. Gale’s little sister got forgotten along with the rest of his siblings and mother (whelp posy just got forgotten was my exact wording on my scrap paper)
9. “is this real?” Nah Kat its a well painted rock
10. oh Madge you aged fabulously “whimpers softly”
11. “as long as you have it” its 50/50 when you think about it
12. excellent shaky cam but it would be more scary if they were POV shot from the different children
13. I wonder how the film/book would be different if it followed Kat around at school for the day
14. I love that moment just after Prim’s name is read out that wordless shock
15. I remember watching the volunteer clip in the trailer back in 2012 when we were on holiday around the time we (mum, dad and I) first read the book
16. the greater reaction to the Peeta’s name being reaction
17. Gale’s line “its no different” about killing people is something I always kind of found chilling
18. the music and the expression on Kat’s face when watching the rerun of a previous game is chilling
19. seeing the Capital is a fave scene because of how different it is from 12
20. compliments of Peeta
21. hello creepy silent prep team
22. Cinna!!!
23. the reactions to the tribute parade from Everlark, the presents, the public and Snow
24. I love the score during the parade and of course Everlark holding hands
25. don’t really care for the flames suddenly going out tbh
26. Hi Cato
27. I kind of love the room Katniss is in and what she’s wearing
28. the changing wallpaper (?) is fun
29. what is foxface doing during the training?
30. more compliments
31. yes show that arm strength
32. I really am not a fan of the women gamemakers being excluded (as in the official ones not the techies)
33. I love Katniss shooting the arrow out of the pigs mouth
34. I love the theme for Katniss
35. I love the speech about hope in the rose garden
36. the interview dress is so very underwhelming
37. nah Prim didn’t say goodbye to Katniss what a shocking idea
38. I love the interview between Peeta and Caesar- the little hum Peeta did when smelling Caesar- the mirroring of the way they’re sitting
39. hello the not roof scene
40. Cinna :(
41. Hi Gale
42. I call the countdown to the damn you Garry Ross segments when it comes to Peeta
43. I don’t know why I really love the scene of Katniss going the bag
44. I’m kind of a fan of the tech for showing the tributes in the sky
45. the filmmakers are cowards for not showing a more extreme extent of everyone’s wounds
46. hello fireballs
47. i love the river
48. Peeta staring up at Kat is great
49. i love the sound of the parachute
50. Glimmers death is brutal and ugly and I love it though why couldn’t they have made the realities of the injuries the main cast go through just more there (true not everyone pulls off the beaten to a pulp look but still)
51. the hallucinations are great even if I don’t understand why Caesar is there
52. Hello Rue- I love Rue
53. how are the leaves staying on Kat’s arm?
54. I love the “is all of that true? You and him” scene and Rues smile
55. the hug; the music and of course Ca Boom Bitches
56. Rue seems so young when she’s trapped- and I only just realised that whilst Kat was singing we slip into Rue’s POV and see the screen fade to white
57. the salute and the riot in D11
58. the search for Peeta is great-- I have mixed feelings about the notes with sponsor gifts but meh
59. I dislike the “watching you go home everyday”
60. Peeta: If I die... Kat: NO
61. the way Claudius says “generous hosts” is something I always find creepy
62. Kat could have just stabbed Clove with arrow instead of trying to shoot her with it (did I watch a certain Narnian Queen do the same thing earlier on? Maybe)
63. I love the scene earlier on in the film with Thresh smiling up at Rue because it just makes this scene better as well
64. lovingly tending the others wounds? CHECK
65. I love the smile Katniss makes after Peeta makes the joke about the bow
66. (about the mutts at the end) When the dvd for this film first arrived I watched it first and I got in trouble with my mother for doing so but I reminded her of some of the things that happened because my sister wanted to watch it and yeah mum lost her argument because my prior knowledge did stop my sister getting really scared (I’m very proud of her despite her not reading the books she is still a Everlark shipper)
67. the nightlock scene is good but it could have been better
68. goodbye beard man
69. I have mixed feelings about Katniss talking to Haymitch on the... hey is that a rooftop?
70. I also have mixed feelings about the interview at the end (though I do like “we saved each other”)
71. i love the homecoming and the handholding
72. that one person in the gamemaker room whistling at the feed of Katniss and Peeta holding hands is kind of me
73. Abraham’s Daughter should always be paired with a dramatic walk somewhere- and I love it
74. Safe and Sound is such a lovely song
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jessamygriffin · 5 years
The Legend
Dear @youcantdothatpod
Hello, Hockey Coven, it is I, one of the two responsible for the Pierre-Édouard Bellemare DreamBoat Manifesto of old, penning this under my normal Tumblr journal instead of the hockey one for no good reason, and I come to you, with respect, and with full knowledge of certain coven members love of Russian players (though this one is not a Siberian) to ask for either a history lesson or dream boat nomination for my guy - for having an interesting life, to say the least. He is my favorite Russian player. Yes, possibly even over Ovi. 
And yet he never made the NHL.
Oh. My. GOD. some listeners must be thinking at this point. Why even BOTHER with this guy??? he’s not in the fucking NHL!
(And can I just say, in this case, we must never be the Bettmans of the hockey world, who was bloated with hubris thinking to bring hockey like a Messiah to the unenlightened Asian continent a few years back [ha ha fuck off, they’ve had hockey here as long as the NHL has existed? I live in Japan btw] and we must not think that the NHL is the end-all-be-all of hockey aspiration. It wasn’t. It isn’t. Times were different. There wasn’t even a KHL at the time our story begins.)
I bring him to your attention because he is THE BEST.
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His story begins in the Siberian IHL, passing a pretty tough try-out as a kid to start playing for the Red Army team, CSKA Moscow.
I feel like I ought not throw in all his info here? Maybe just a few highlights? And some comments. Ok who am I kidding it will get long.
Here: Vladislav Tretiak.
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Vladislav Aleksandrovich Tretiak, goalie, current president of the IIHFR.
He won a lot of shit. I’ll just link the Wiki here - it’s a list.
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He looks kinda like Spock, but in the best red-blooded ways, not that I would ever judge anyone for wanting to get freaky with a green-blooded half-alien. His goalie training looks a lot like cossack dance.
There’s some other worse quality vids of him doing similar and playing with his son, so. There’s that. Skip ahead to the tennis ball part.
He started hockey kinda late, at age 11.
And Canadian hockeys LOVED him. *See below pic of jersey swap with Wayne Gretzky for proof.
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Really, you gasp. Say it ain’t so! Impossible!!!
How did the so-called hockey world (which of course was based in NA according to old boring hockey men) discover this Dumbo-eared wunderkind? The 1972 Summit Series.
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(Yes, he grew his hair out and covered the mudflaps, and it was MUCH BETTER, sorry Vladdy.)
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‘Ho hum,’ said the Canadians, ‘Russia thinks they are good at hockey, how ‘bout we have the Summit Series and quash their pretensions? That gold medal in Sapporo? a FLUKE. Ha ha, look at their goalie, this will be a cakewalk, he let in EIGHT GOALS in this game we just saw, oh well, let’s go have a beer and light up a dart, eh, boys? Eight games, pfft. We’ll sweep them.’
Joke was on them - Vladdy or Vladik was gettiing married the next day and weirdly? Couldn’t concentrate.
Summit Series ended up with one tie, 3 Russian wins and 4 Canadian, with the Canadians playing their dirty rough style, and the Russians their smooth, machine-cog style. That series was a gongshow of biased refereeing, Russian goal judges not turning on goals lights, and teams leaving the bench to have Canadian or Russian tantrums. Actual ankle-breaking occured.
Canadians had two goalies. Russian had one. He was 20. My boy. He KILLED it. And to say the Canadians were pretty horned about about this alien cheekboned man-child after expected a blow-out? MASSIVE understatement, HUGELY horny. As they should have been. Ken Dryden LOVED him. Jacques Plante himself, maybe feeling sorry for the kid, came and talked to him before the tournament started and let him know how different players would try to score. ‘A big help,’ Vladdy said. ‘I don’t know why he did that.’  LOTS of players were in awe. Canada was turned upside, Toronto became Tijuana and nothing was ever the same. The Interest in Russian Players was, officially, a Thing. (Kharlamov was a big part of the interest but that’s a whole ‘nother story.)
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The horniness was, in fact, so uncontainable that several NHL teams expressed an interest, and one team was bold enough to draft him in 1983, when he was the ripe age of 31, which at the time was not TOTALLY hockey-old for goalies and players like it is now. Yes, the Habs. Consider that 3 years later rookie Patrick Roy backstopped the Canadiens to several Stanley Cups, and imagine what they could have been even earlier, with Tretiak. HOooooO.  Serge Savard hit up Moscow four times during the winter of ‘84 to try and secure his release.
Russian wouldn’t let him go, of course. Tretiak was a only lieutenant-colonel in the Soviet army, and not playing the high level hockey he had previously, and thusly COULD be replaced in the system. Soviet officials ultimately vetoed a transfer. “Oooh his dad was a major, how can we let this son of a distinguished man go and play HOCKEY, it’s a disGRACE!” Or at least that’s what we were told. Okay, Jan.
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He quit playing at age 32. Thirty fucking two!!!  He’d done his 4th Olympics in a row by this point in 1984, and had the honour of carrying the flag for his nation, though he said it was probably because no one else had done 4 Olympics in a row. He wanted to spend more time with his family, and asked Tikhonov, coach of the national team and CSKA to let him have, ya know. Quality family time. (You’ll remember this douche from previous Russia Hockey Stories.) Tikhonov said, no, you live at the compound like everyone else for 11 months of the year. Ah ha ha.
Roll back a few years, for a grudge. Tretiak, if you’ll recall from the Miracle on Ice, was pulled from the game against the Americans by ol’ Tikky after letting in ONE (1) goal in the first period. All the Russians knew, but would never say until much much later, what a massive mistake that was - and you know the Miracle story anyway. Tretiak said himself it was a mistake, and he wouldn’t have lost the game. 
So, all things considered, in spite of having loads of playing life left in those kicky legs, Tretiak noped out and retired, for the reason of  being denied time with his family. And not getting to go abroad to play, which was probably a bitter pill and so quitting while he was still useful was a good Fuck You to the officials who used him up like a tissue playing hockey for his team and country. And of course, he was exhausted. At age 32.  "I'd played fifteen years with the Army Club and the National Team without a break. Backup goalies came and went, as did three generations of forwards and defensemen, but through four Olympic Games, all the important ones with the professionals, all the World Championships, all the Izvestia tournaments, it was I who played in the net."
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Frankly, he should have just defected like others did later. Sent his family to watch him in a tournament and done a Sound-of-Music-esque Von Tretiak escape out the Zamboni exit, over the mountains and far away.
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He would have been the first if he had. One of the most famous players in Russia, leaving for a career in the corrupt West. I’m glad he at least thought about it a little, even if it never happened. God, that would have been great. I’m glad that the NHL were able to pull their xenophobic heads from their asses enough to know greatness, and to want that brilliance shining on their teams.
But really, in the end, the man done him dirty. “In spite of aggressive discussions with Soviet authorities, Canadiens' general manager Serge Savard was unable to secure Tretiak's release for Montreal. "I would have loved to play in the Forum," Tretiak admits. "I was hoping to one day play in the NHL. I would have liked to do it even for just one season. Unfortunately, it didn't work out that way. I regret not having the chance." “
Still, the NHL and hockey in NA didn’t forget him. There were laurels left to be given.
He was the first Russian to be inducted into the HHoF, and the first to be entered without ever having played in the NHL.
Was he done with hockey? Heck no. Remember when I said Canadians loved him? It may have been mentioned a time or five.
In 1988, hockey royalty got married - Wayne Gretzky and Janet Jones. Befitting royalty, her dress cost $40,000, and gifts filled three rooms of the hotel. Notably, amongst them was a gold swan from a certain Soviet goalie Vladislav Tretiak. Why??? Swans are good luck, said Vladdy. They mate for life. And lo, the couple is still together.
In 1990, Mike Keenan hired him to be a goalie coach for the Blackhawks, and was (again) so turned on by his mastery that he suggested the 38 year could still play in the NHL? Vladik laughed and said no, but coaching was the next best thing. He worked with the best - Belfour, Hasek, Thibault, and you’ll be shocked that loads of tendies wear his #20 in tribute. He runs - or ran? website not updated in a while - the most challenging goalie school in NA in Toronto in summers.
He worked with the ‘Hawks until 2007, and then went on to be a pillar in Russian hockey leadership. Coach. Etc.
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He wrote a book, which was really what got me into Russian hockey - it was wild to me at the time when I read it in high school some (Cough cough) years ago, so alien. But it’s chock full of the stories you love. His first coach Tarasov, wanted him because he was ‘tall’ (6′ is tall in Russia???) and had ‘huge hands’ and reminded him of Jacques Plante. The book’s pretty frank about hockey history and the role ‘Miracle on Ice’ played into a kind of American propaganda, which is refreshing. He was politely horrified by seeing Canadian players smoking. His training was bonkers, and included tree-climbing at speed. The Russian team was always trying new stuff, and one time decided on sports psychology, which a teammate helpfully volunteered Vladik for, ‘He’s the most important player, he’s the last defence, work with him!’ (since no one else wanted to). The positive thinking mantras seemed to work as at the next practice they were amazed by his clean play and kicks. But lol, no, next game he got blown out, and was probably glad to send the sports shrink on the way.
And he was crushed  when his teammate, Valeri Kharlamov, with whom he played so long, died at the young age of 33 in a car accident. But Kharlamov is a guy for another section of Hockey Histories.
So. This dream boat.
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Ok. I know y’all prefer a defection story, and I think some listeners also? But. Here’s the thing. It’s sexy and romantic but also traumatic as fuck to ditch your country, your life in that political climate, to play the game. And dangerous,  shit man. 1983. U.S.S.R.!!! People still got disappeared! It was fine to treat players like garbage and lock them up for months in a compound and not let them see family! And I sometimes get the feeling that people consider the NHL the pinnacle, like, what a fool is Tretiak? who wouldn’t throw away everything to play NHL hockey? But that’s like, Bettman thinking, that the NHL is the best and perfect when we all know it’s fucking garbage, I know the current KHL has issues, SO MANY it would be a three hour podcast to talk about! So there’s no high ground, really. And in the end, Vladislav Tretiak made a choice that did good by himself, going on to a successful post-hockey career and the upper echelons of Russian hockey, and did well by his family, and of course, being patriotic is sexy, as anyone screeching at their team during the current World Cup of hockey knows. It’s okay that he stayed there. It’s fucking sexy NOT to defect, sometimes. Dude was a champion either way, his life is not a tragedy or lesser for not having played in the NHL and I really want people to know that. 
"For me, it was all, and all of it is with me forever."
Yes, there is life and hockey beyond the NHL. 
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And it’s beautiful.
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artist-tyrant · 7 years
Part 1 of The Arian Tabulation from Generations of Betrayal by NSLeumas
Other than the 16-years under Emperor Theodosius I (379-395), the xtian-religion of the Roman Empire from 325 to 552 (227-years!) was NOT R-C, but Arianism; excepting intermittent-emperors who, while they favored R-C, were not-willing to destroy freedom of religion to achieve it. Those 16-yrs. set serious precedents that J-R would use 2-centuries later when it finally got going with Pope Gregory I. Theodosius was asked by Co-Emperor Gratian to save Constantinople from destruction by the Goths (375). He did more than that unfortunately, by salvaging a Romanism as close to dying as it would ever be, for J-R supplied cannon-fodder (men) & arms to his-legions, so he paid a large-tribute (from citizen-taxes) to the Goths to get them to withdraw back to the Balkans—thus he swept-away all obstructing J-Cs path & saved their bacon (damn!). “Towards 378-9, the small & depressed remnant of the Orthodox Party in Constantinople sent him (Gregory of Nazianus) an urgent summons to undertake the task of resuscitating their cause, so long persecuted & borne down by the Arians of the capital (Rome) . . . the Orthodox Party speedily gathered strength; & the small apartment in which they had been accustomed to meet was soon exchanged for a vast & celebrated Church…”
(Ency. Britannica, 11th Ed.; V.12, p. 563-c). The famous J-C Church of Ambrose, @ Milan, was surrounded by Arianism, Gallicanism, Paulicianism, Marcionism, & Mithraism (still very-popular throughout Italy). Nominally an Arian, Gratian suppressed Mithraist temples & ceremonies in Rome, forbade legacies of property to their-vestals, & confiscated their-revenues, while ignoring the outcries of Mithraist-members of the Roman Senate—instigated by Ambrose! But this unprecedented-grant of J-C freedom was momentary, for at its northern-border, the Roman Empire faced the armies of 3 large-tribes (Goths, Vandals, Huns). That same year, Valens, Emperor of the East, was defeated & slain by the Goths, bringing Gratian to the throne. Later, Gratian’s pro-JC policy, & his decline into indolence, cost him the loyalty of his army; w/o defense in 383 he fled to Lyon only to be slain by his general Maximus, leaving his western-empire for Theodosius to appoint a successor. Three-years earlier, to adhere to the responsibility given by Gratian, Theodosius had himself baptized R-C, while the ARIAN(GOTHIC) armies waited-out another 12-yrs. to attack him & take all the tribute. It was under these fragile-circumstances that he issued his famous decree—the THEODOSIAN CODE, which reads in-part: “We order that the adherents of this faith be called Catholic Christians; we brand ALL THE SENSELESS FOLLOWERS of the other religions with the infamous name of HERETICS, & forbid their conventicles assuming the name of churches. Besides the condemnation of divine justice, they must expect heavy penalties which our authority, guided by heavenly wisdom, shall think proper to inflict.” (Schaff; Nicene & Post-Nicene Christianity, V.1, p. 142) (Kurtz; Church History, V.2). (He, at least, had the ‘decency’ not to call it “Christianity”.) He backed his-decree with A TRAIL OF BLOOD & KILLING, halted only by his death (395); one of his-campaigns—the massacre of 7,000 christians & others @ Thessalonica in 390—even drawing the criticism of his-own Bishop, Ambrose. It lasted 12-short-years, for the empire was in 395 after his death immediately REinvaded, by Alaric I, who took Thrace, Greece, Italy—threw the T.-CODE into the flames, & REestablished Arian rule for another 131-years! BUT he made a tragic-error, for which civilization was to pay for the next 15-CENTURIES!! Even with his armies in control & his generals in the courts, even with people still-struggling to recover from 12-years of persecution-death-barbarism & the example of what J-R would do if given the reigns of power—instead of exterminating J-R then & there, he ALLOWED Ambrose to approach him with a deputation of JC-senators & plead for mercy. And with all the judgement of a baby touching a vampire, he GRANTED it!! (So-like today’s gullibles re ‘toleration’!!) The bill for this horrific blunder was paid by every xtian-nation in the area 131-yrs. later, when they got Justinian!
Some measure of the fear that J-R had of Arianism is in the fact that the Council of Nicaea was called to invoke the temporal-power of the empire to suppress them. Yet, how-fearsome it still-represents to Anglicans & Romanists is seen in Stanley’s book, in which he has two long-chapters about the Council w/o citing this highly-significant fact; but it is in bits & pieces in censored/one-sided church history texts. In an OBJECTIVE history of Arianism is found Its threat to J-R, & for logical-reasons, ie, it being popular, growing-rapidly, holding to Internalism, & having powerful-friends in the Imperial Court; J-R was desperate to stop it, but the only Device they had was a Council.
There were solid-reasons for its popularity. Eusebius, Sozomen, etc, & their later critics (Mosheim, etc) place the conflict between J-C & Arianism MISTAKENLY on their disparate-views of the relation of Christ to God, MISinterpreting what was really there, at the expense of its application to contemporary-theology; as that argument—now 1,676 yrs. old—is still very-much at issue, ie, contemporary-views re what Xtianity really-is & what it was intended to be. The relationship of Christ to God was not the real-issue @ Nicaea (tho’ that is what came-down from JR-historians) but was re internal vs. external concepts. The real-issue was JRs externalizing the Logos vs. Xtianity’s maintaining it as internal-change. Not the nature of Christ, but the LOCATION of the Logos/Christos/Power-Spark-of-God re the human-body was at stake. JR was imposing its bogus Trinitarianism, but ARIUS rejected ALL the JR-concepts (Nicene Creed; physical-resurrection / Trinity; external-Logos / Human-Sacrifice for others’ sins / External Redemption). Arianism held to the Original-concepts (God-power existing in ALL MEN only by-which they redeem-themselves).The Ju-historians of that time (on whom too-much modern-analysis still depends) wrote the real nature of these arguments INcorrectly to further disguise (for posterity) the true nature of the debates. Instead of A Christ (proper-noun) & HIS link to God ((as told)) they spoke of THE Christ (adjective) & ITS link to God, ((they did not)) which alters the extraneous fanaticism, ie, in their true-form free of distortions they were not debating the nature of Jesus at all, but the nature of the human soul. But it still wouldn’t dispel the general-condition of that period/time as being the lowest intellectual depth in 1,000-yrs. (Guizot).
Arius’ views on the nature of Christ (as told by JR-writers) have been DISTORTED at the expense of the more-revealing components of Arianism; exactly the same done to our good Atheism (by theists). The Arian-philosophy = Arius said worshipping Christ as Deliverer was idolatry (Adeney, p.45) & that it (THE Christ), NOT he, belonged to our nature; Arius rejected both Testaments, having his-own selection of scripture-lit; He rejected JCs “Faith” as being a trick, designed to make laity dependent-upon priests. He held to Gnostic-logic, advocating it was dangerous to give one’s power of deductive-reason to the interpretation of others (priests or otherwise), especially re one’s link to God; His-system was deliberately-free of the obscurities & burdensome extrapolations of popular-theology in the idea that the essential problem of transfiguration was not theological or analytical, but mystical/spiritual. Adeney (& others) claims that this (& his-training at Antioch) means his system of logic was Aristotelian (which does not hold-up under examination). He’d taken training (not from a Romanist-Aristotelian) from Lucian, Bishop of Antioch (285) & from a confirmed-Paulician (Paul, ArchBishop of Samosata), making his logic Platonist (internal); Arius said that the “sonship” of Christ was only FIGURATIVE, distorted from its Original Logos-doctrine, ie, the “son of god” being symbolized by Jesus. In this sense, the Christ-within could be conceived as a mediator, as it was via the Christos that men are spiritually resurrected & their-souls reunited with God. But the idea of a PERSON named ‘Christ’ outside the body had no meaning/application to the process of salvation of souls whatsoever; He repudiated John’s Logos-doctrine; He held the church-process be made simple, not bogged down in burdensome unending dogma-protocol-ceremony-ritual-edifices having naught to do with individual-morality or the work of the soul.
These were all ENTRAPMENTS J-C was weaving to create the mythical-dream of “holy-upliftment”, but that delivers nothing.Gwatkin (outspoken-antagonist) lists other-points re Arienism, ie, Pelagianism (Pelagius; “Free-Will”); Dualism of god & man (Platonist-Zoroastrianist); Freedom/Independence of man; were essential-elements with Arius. Jesus was human (like us) but had been transfigured, placing the Logos within humans (where it was before Philo). But Gwatkin said Arius was “denying the Lord’s dignity”. To the contrary, it is Original-teaching.From this it’s evident Arius’ views were not-extreme, but were non-ju, rejecting those OT-claims J-C was foisting. He could never have brought such ju-lies to the Gothic & Burgundian Tribes of the North, so after his-death, Arianism spread-across Southern-Europe (from Dacia & Moera, now modern-Romania, to Southern-France & into Spain). And it was this preserved-Internalism which penetrated the Roman Empire.
Arius was under-attack because he had brought Gnostic-Christology forward as a formal theology surviving on its-own as popular & gaining adherents; whose authenticity/credentials he could demonstrate with JC unable to challenge (w/o force). His-theology, therefore, was in the mainstream of xtian-thinking. The JC-bishops at Nicaea did not favor Gnosticism & were trying to override it again out of their-own churches from within.
Unquestionably, tolerance & a break with past-precedent was granted JC by Constantine’s Edict, but nothing to fit the lying-impression of standard historical-treatment. There were ramifications, & considering these, changes first-impressions that JC became the official-theism via this-edict, as if by magic-thaumaturge… far from it. It’s true, Xtianity’s condition improved in 312. It’s not-true, that JC was the only beneficiary, or that Paganism was put to the torch, or that any other substantive-change accompanied the edict re the status of the other-religions prevalent in Rome before 312, for Rome continued to be what it was before, ie, open to all; every-theism had freedom there, EXCEPT J-C.
By the time of the Council, Arius was 75. For 45-years he’d been consecrating his-own bishops & churches as part of the Greek-church which had yet to be controlled by JC. When the doctrinal-conflict arose in the G.-church, many of his-bishops went North on their-own to begin converting those-tribes. Others remained within the empire to try to rectify-control in the G.-church, while still-others split-off to form their-own independent-churches. By 350, there were 5 distinct branches of Arianism within the empire alone.Initially, Constantine’s endorsement went to the JCs, mainly on misleading info about Arius, from his-opponents. (Another ju-tactic, even today re foreign-policy, re Aryans, re everyone jews hate!) But Arius had powerful-friends, among them Constantine’s daughter, Constantia, a confirmed-Arian. Although they disagreed, at her urging the Arian-priests at the Council signed its-creed, revealing heavy political-pressure/ju-lies around Constantine; it being in their-interest to placate with low-profile at that-time. Another powerful-friend at this Council, Eusebius, Bishop of Nicomedia, had the backing of Constantine, & endorsing the Arian-cause, calmly brought him to reconsideration. In 329, Constantine sent a cordial-letter to Arius, requesting his-presence at Constantinople. There, he became SO CONVINCED from Arius’ CAIM & COMPASSIONATE explanation ((the way to go for AAs teaching/mentoring AAism!!)) that he reversed his-policy, deposed J-C & Athanasius their-leader @ Alexandria, & re-established Arianism in the empire. (Athanasius, father of Greek-Orthodoxy, fled! -Mosheim; ibid, p. 296-7); (Can we do this to them today!?!).
Through Eusebius, Arius gained the support of yet-another in Egypt, ie, Miletius, of Lycopolis (Asuit, south of Cairo), whose letters, envoys to the emperor, & diplomatic-persuasion, helped in his reinstatement. The independence of the Miletian-Party also shows the frailty of JC in 325 as the standard of xtianity. During the Diocletian Persecution (306), Miletius split from the Alexandrian See, ordained his-own churches & bishops in Egypt & Palestine (Church of The Martyrs, Thebes), &, 50-years after his-death, partly by having joined the Arian-cause, his anti-JCism totalled ¼ of xtianity in that region, ie, the formalized Miletian-Church.With the JCs out of office at Alexandria, in 330 Arius went there to take his-chair as Bishop amidst the cheers of his-followers, but then was given A POISON causing HIS-BOWELS TO DISCHARGE & he died IN EXCRUCIATING-AGONY! (Mosheim). (His-place was taken by another-Arian.) (+Note 23 = This is typical of Jew-Hatred/Cruel-Revenge! I must wonder, is such an end to a noble-man as he the reward by a just-“god”?) JC/JR continued-agitating during all of Arianism’s reign, creating a ‘see-saw’ effect among the emperors after Constantine, until the invasion by the Arian-Goths.
0 notes
rassasassalin · 6 years
Might as well christen this place where I can overthink some rasslin’.  Good a night as any for it.  Gonna be taking notes as I go through Raw, and will publish under a readmore when done.  Really long, mostly just steam of conscious.  Might do a summarized thoughts later.  But probably not.  Summaries are my mortal enemies.
!!!  Dean vs Joe!  That should be a fun match!  Love Joe, love Dean, and their styles should clash pretty well.  Also, I love Joe’s theme.  And Joe talking.  He’s so damn good on the mike.  He’s got a wonderful cadence, and he’s like, the perfectly articulate heel.  So good.
I like the Roman drinks orange juice after he brushes his teeth sign.  It’s good.  I mean, it’s hella gross, but I like those kind of signs.  Good stuff.
The Roman chant is interesting.  I haven’t really heard a crowd chant for a face in a while.  Although I think it’s still arguable whether or not Roman is a face.  Still.  Good to have a crowd chanting for one.  Part of the problem, I find, with today’s rassling, nobody chants for the faces to come out and fix problems, because there is no real Top Face that, you know, does face things.
Congrats to the dude who’s wife bough him tickets.
Yeah, no duh it’s a trap, why’d Ro go out there on his own, that’s silly.  Clearly Joe and Sheazaro made some kind of alliance last week, come on boys.  Also of course look at the fight in Dean, he’s always been the one in the Shield that gets the shit kicked out of him the worst, he’s a pain magnet, that’s part of why we love him so much.
Was feeling pretty happy from that promo about Bliss and Banks fighting the first women’s match over in Abu Dhabi, but then they cut to the ring and I see a sign saying that the Browns will be the Superbowl Champs and I’ve been laughing ever since fuck me, keep living the dream my friend, keep living that dream.
Seriously tho, I’ve loved Mickey James for forever, what a legend, what an underrated gem, I hate that she’s being wasted right now.
So... I didn’t watch Tough Enough since like... idk, the third “season”, I guess you could say, and I never watch Total Divas, but... maybe I’m totally wrong, but Mandy Rose feels a lot like- just from ring attire and attitude-, a golden version of Eva Marie?  And I’m not particularly interested in that.  Like watching Paige wrestle, I’ve enjoyed Sonya from what I’ve seen from her on Main and on NXT- always down for some female Bruisers, y’know?- but Mandy just seems... Idk.  Been there, done that, seen that character a hundred times.  Unless she’s going to pull a Marlena with a... Velveteen Dream?  He’s the only openly sensual sort of rassler in the WWE right now that could follow that old spirit of Goldust- and he definitely doesn’t need a handler of any kind, to be honest.  But like, outside of that?  Don’t care.  Got the feeling she’s going to be the weak link/first one to betray Paige’s lil group.
...Omg.  Matt.  Matt, babe.  God, I wanted him to break so bad, but I just... I mean, I’m laughing, but I don’t really see this turning out well for either him or Bray?  It could be good, if treated carefully, but I just don’t trust anyone on creative to do Bray right anymore.  Which is a fucking shame, because he makes a fantastic cult leader, he was so charasmatic and scary and then they took away his fucking cult and just what is even the point?  Like even the fact that he never wins anything, I could mostly ignore or more not really care if even after a loss he was still like this looming, evil shadow ready to consume any and all that come in his path but-  Look, point I’m trying to make here is that Bray is actually supposed to be a serious character, even if they don’t make him a properly scary character anymore, and putting him up against a comedy act- and Br/Woken Matt is a comedy act, a fantastic satire, simply the best, I love him....  I don’t know.  Maybe if I knew that Matt and Bray were actually coming up with their storyline.  That’d be cool, but...  I’ll try to be optimistic, but it’ll be hard.
...The breaking the Woken, ehehehe, fuck you Impact.
Fuck my life it looks like someone is cutting their own youtube backstage promo against clips from Bray, I’m laughing and crying and- WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNOW ABIGAIL AND YOU GUYS HUNG OUT IN BABYLON I MEAN BABY-LAWN?  Nevermind youtube promos, this is like two kids on the playground playing imaginairy war and Bray just pulled out what he thought was his trump card and Matt’s all flip turning it upside down and now Bray’ll cry to the nearest adult that Matt’s not playing the game right, he’s not allowed to change Abigail’s backstory.
God, Bray, no, don’t make me choose, I love you both- broken warriors???  Wyatt swarm????  Could we have a whole battle royal sort of thing????????  Because I’m down, I’m so down- Stop making me laugh at your laughing you fucking dweebs I’m crying, I’m actually literally crying.
Booker looks so done with everything, poor Book.
Oh.  Ohhhhh, okay, here we go, Cruiser Weights now, what are they going to- oh no, not this thing with Nia, I’m just.  I love Nia.  I don’t hate Enzo, but there’s no reason for- DREW!  oh, they acknowledged Swann.  Real quick, there we go.
...Drew’s lil’ elbow.  His oooohing.  HE’S WILLING TO FIGHT NIA!  I LOVE THIS MAN.
What do you mean Finn’s fighting Curtis?  But his neck is like, super broken guys?  No, really, come on, this isn’t fair, poor Axel.  I love that guy.  SHut the hell up Cole, he SO needs that neck brace, he got beat the heck up by the Shield, he’s hurt.  Lookit Curtis and Bo.  Look at those happy babies.  Even Finn’s happy.  This is all I need in life.
!!!!!!!!!  Curtis, no!  You need- oh, sucker punch, nice.  Noice.  Now this might be a fight.  Wow, Curtis is coming in hard and fast, I like it.  Oh no!!!  His neck again!  Poor Curtis.  Looks like it’s his curse to have to be in a neck brace for the rest of his career.  I too, hope he’s okay, Corey.
Worried about the way they keep talking about Sheamus.  I’ve been hearing things about him might having to retire soon, and now I’m super bummed because I actually really like that big Red Headed goof.  I’m gonna miss him if he does have to leave soon.  Wonder if they’ll actually give him the big singles belt one last time.  Hmmm...  Anyways... yeah, not sure I trust the whole Partners Barred from Ringside thing.  Wouldn’t hold my breath for there being no interference.
OKAY.  I’ve not seen THAT one before.  Just toss the man by the knee over your shoulder Sheamus, that’s fine, it’s cool, doesn’t make me hurt at all.  Hella nice submission, tho.  Love me some submissions.
And THAT’s why big men don’t tend to go up on the top rope.  Should listen to our beloved Gulak.  No Fly Zone for Hosses.
Alright, I hated that knee when Rollins started to use it, and it’s still not the greatest finisher I’ve ever seen him do, but at least now he looks pretty confident while doing it.  Makes a hell of a difference.
Hehehe, did asking if Dean had a strategy.  Cmon, Renee, you should know your man better than that.  Heh, thanks for the pep talk babe.
Ah, yes, and here we have a commercial for Tribute for the Troops, which I’mma watch and cry like a bitch during.  Fantastic.  And on the Base where I was born, too.  Even Better.  Looks like it’ll have some amazing matches.  And maybe Machine Gun Kelly will get attacked by KO again?  I’d enjoy that.
“Winner of the Gulak Match”- Micheal Cole, 2017
Alrighty, Swann mentioned again.
OH MY GOD DREW YOU FUCKING CUTIE SWIVEL CHAIRING AROUND SO HE CAN’T EVEN SEE MUSTAFA CLAPPING AT HIM.  Drew “There’s a lotta money working with Enzo but I’m going to casually not say how much” Gulak.  YOU HEARD IT HERE, PEOPLE ON THE STREET TALKING ABOUT HOW GREAT DREW IS.  Drew IS honorable-ish.  The chances are very slim that he’s gonna be the one that ends up stabbing Zo in the back.  Much more likely that it’s the other way around.  ORrrrrrrrrrr that the other boys on the Zo Train will turn on Zo, and Gulak will be the only one that stands by him, a true and loyal friend despite the fact that they’re such an unlikely friendship.
Never stop asking Drew whether or not he’ll fight Enzo.  He is so bad at blatantly changing the subject and I love it, he is legit a horrible politician he’s so bad at two-facing it’s beautiful and amazing.
This just in, Davari just killed Neese with a beautiful spinning discus.  I love that move.  Great move.  Rest in peace, Tony Abs.
I don’t know if the other cruiserweights are inspired by him, but I am super inspired by Drew.  I love him.  Stop badgering the man Cole.  Friends can fight each other and it doesn’t necessarily mean an end to a friendship.  Not... all the time.
Man, Musafa has such pretty moves.  Gorgeous.  I love him.  Shut up Drew, it’s not disgusting.  Don’t actually shut up, I love you.  Oh, and look at Davari taking a play out of Drews- opps, nope, Cedric not letting that happen again- AHAHA “He’s not flying he’s falling!  He’s using gravity to his advantage!”  I wish we coulda seen Drew’s face when he said that.
So... I’m thinking it’ll be Cedric vs Gulak?  Yep.  Yep, it’s Ced- oh no, oh Drew, oh his face, he looks like he’s realized that he’s in trouble.  He totally is.  There’s gonna be some retribution coming Gulak’s way.  He might still win via some duplicitous means- I’m thinking probably Enzo helping Drew get the win so that he gets what he think’s’ll be an easy win against his lackey.  Fuck me, I love Drew Gulak, what a fantastic character, what a beautiful man.
Aaaaaand Roman vs Cesaro next.  Gonna be a slobberknocker.
BUT FIRST DREW AGAIN!!!  MORE DREW!!! YAY!!!!  “Friendly Trashtalk”-  Woah, woah woah woah, how dare you Enzo!?!  Be friends with that poor boy!  YOU SHUT UP ABOUT HIS POWERPOINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
NIA IS BEST WOMAN, LOVE HER, LOVES THE POWERPOINTS, ALSO DREW IS SO FUCKING CUTE “hai nia...!”  Seriously though if they’re going where I think they’re going with Nia and Enzo, I am NOT looking forward to it.  Enzo, right now, isn’t Eddie, and Nia ain’t Chyna.  Love Nia, I really really do, but they haven’t given her enough character to BE a Chyna.  And Eddie and Chyna was a long, slow build, you know?  They worked their way into it.  You can’t just throw an oddball couple together all the time and expect it to work.  Not without any lead up.  Fucking give us hints and glimpses and work up to it.  Don’t just throw it in my face all at once and go “Here you go, isn’t this a glorious couple!?”  No.  It’s outta no where, makes no sense, there’s no chemistry, please stop.
Man, I love me some Uppercuts. And some clotheslines.  These big boys are gonna beat the shit outta each other and it’s great.  Roman doing what Roman does best- hitting people hard.  And some joint manipulation from Cesaro.  Noice.  Awwww.... that’s not nice, Cesaro.  I’m sure like, probably more than half of that crowd likes Roman.  Yeah, I’m hearing what sounds like some kids chanting let’s go Roman.  Which, I mean, you know you’re at least doing something right if you got the kiddos cheering for you.  Annnnnd, Imma have to take a break watching this because the fujiwara hold always looks super gross and I never wanna see someone’s arm actually break.  Cat has perfect timing and has decided to lay on my face.  Thanks, Cat.  Duuuuuuuude, why you gonna- yeah, see, your arm’s already damaged, don’t try to punch someone with it you big ol handsome dingus.  He’s still got a spearrrrr fuccccck that was naaaaasty I hate it when they throw each other at the ring poooooooost aaaand... yep, okay, just gonna nosell there for a second, alright, I get it.
Man... Cesaro might actually win this.  It doesn’t make a lot of sense for him to win this, storyline, but he might.  Aw... man, I miss the swing, feels like I haven’t seen it in forever.
What the hell was that, why was the ref trying to separate them?  I get so confused nowadays.  Used to be we  could trust that if a ref did something like that, it’d be kayfabe stuff.  Now refs aren’t allowed to be part of the stories, so...  Eh.  I miss when we had like, heel ref shenanigans.  Whatever, guess I’m just old.  Not a bad fight, though, in the end.  Even if that ref spot was really weird.
Seriously tho, okay, when did Lesner even come into this rivalry between Kane and Braun???  That’s so random.  Wouldn’t be against Braun taking that fucking title off of Brock so he can just go the hell away again.  Can’t stand him, hated him when he was fighting in the UFC, hate him fighting now.  Best thing about Lesner is that Heymen’s his mouthpiece, and even that is still awful because Paul being Brock’s advocate means that he’s not advocating for more deserving talent.
Yay, Asuka match where she’ll kill someone in the ring!  And then’ll she’ll get surrounded  by- oh no, someone else killed Alicia first.  Yep, okay, so there’s finally going to be a showdown.  They’ve been teasing this for a while.  They’ll probably actually attack this time.  But if they really wanted to swerve, they’d show that Asuka is actually the one in charge of Absolution, all along.  That’d be great.  Not going to happen, but I’d really love Asuka being, like, in charge of a cutthroat female gang.  That’s go serious potential.  Asuaka would make a great mob boss.
Three on one, whatever Booker, it’s still Asuka.  Yeah, see, they wouldn’t let her just-  Ooooooh, Nia!  Nice.  Super nice.  Love it.  And even Foxy!  That’s sweet, lookit her being all savage.  Ehehe, fucking Nia just standing there like yeah, you forgot to take out me, that was a mistake.
Hey look!  It’s a Kurt segment that doesn’t start out with him looking at his phone!  And Jason being mature!!!  I don’t trust it.  They’re gonna turn this boy heel.  Yeah, okay, there we go.  That’s more what I was expecting.  Duuuude, don’t tease me with an Angle Joe match.  I miss those.  Those were fantastic, and I know that you’re not going to give them to me.
I hope Deans feeling a bit better now.  Last couple of times I’ve seen him fighting he’s seemed kinda foggy and outta it.  I worry about him.
AHAHA- Aj’s been Nice?  He put a man threw a car window.  I mean, that man was a McMahon, and I kind of loved it, but still?  Pretty sure even after his face turn he’s pretty solidly on the limbo between the good and bad list this year.
If Jason costs Ambrose this match Imma not be happy.  I’m really looking forward to this match.  Joe will actually let Dean be, you know, creative with his brawling.  And that’s where Deano’s best, when he’s allowed to be unorthadox.  And Yeah, yeah, Ambrose is definitely looking more all there.  ‘S’good.  Man, I’d kinda love for Joe and Ambrose to get in a match where Joe finishes him off in a coquina clutch and Dean doesn’t tap, he just passes the fuck out.  That’s such a glorious face move, refusing to give up even as your body gives up on you.
Loving the way Ambrose is bounding off the middle rope, tha’s beautiful- oh!  A slap!  Nice!  That’s a beautiful mistake.
Jason’s enjoying the match.  Good.  Me too.  JASON, NO.  YOU STAY WHERE YOU ARE.  STOP WALKING.  Oooooh, good save there, Ambrose.  That’s my boy.  Dude.  Dude, no, Jason, don’t- what in the world is going on here?  Fuck me, Jason is going to cost Dean the- fuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkk, DAMMIT JASON.  Yeah, yeah, okay, now you’re in trouble.  I DIDN”T MEAN THAT I WANTED AMBROSE TO SLEEP IN THIS MATCH, ARGH!!!!
So, uh, Deano vs Jason next week?  Or for the next year?  Because let’s face it, Ambrose holds a grudge foreveeeeer.
Hey, Titus!!!! Apollo!!!!  And... Dana... yay...  Oh!  The good brothers!  I wish that I could say Nerds with such vim and vigor.  It’s a serious gift.
Also yay, no one got killed as Braun made his way to the ring???
Okay, come on, we all know Zayn and Owens ain’t getting fired, Daniel is going to get Shane out of the picture and take over the role as ref so it’s actually fair.  Or like, idk, Hunter or Steph are going to come out and fuck someone over.. Maybe Randy will turn, because, you know, he’s got a connection to Trips and also he’s been a face for like forever in Viper years and also we’ve got that unresolved stuff with Hunter giving the Universal Championship to Kevin, soooo....  Either way, someone getting screwed, and I’m pretty damn sure it ain’t going to be out canadian boyos.
Eheheheh, reinforcing the ring.  I hope they break it in two.  I love that shit.   So much fun.  Because I’m apparently still a baby.
Ummm... Pretty sure Kane’s most monstrous moments involved his various kidnappings of pretty ladies.  Or the time he tried to kill his Paul Bearer.  But you know, what do I know, I’ve just been literally watching Kane since he first premiered AS Kane.  Sure, yeah, most “monstrous” thing he’s ever done was thrown a man in a trash collector.  Yep.  That’s it.
A countout???  Boooooo...  Also... who’s going to go fight Brock now?  Someone’s gonna get Kayfabe murdered until there’s only one left to fight Bork.
Okay, they seriously need to stop with the whole fucking with people’s throats thing.  I don’t like it, it worries me, and also they make choking gagging noises which sets off my own gag reflex which is not fun.
oh hey, look, Braun became insta-face by bringing out a table.  I love how easy to please wrestling fans are sometimes.  Kane?  You okay?  That trip looked nasty.
OOOOOH!!!!  BRAUN HAS INHERITED THE MONSTER SIT UP MOVE!!!!  THAT’S SUPER EXCITING!!!!  That looks like a passing of the torch to me.  I like it.  I like where that could be heading.  Yes, good, good end to Raw.
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