#LIKE....... the pinnacle of stupid im literally running out of ways to call her stupid and its borderline frustrating at this point
todayisafridaynight · 8 months
SOOO true... I feel like Arakawa hardly even knows any pokemon other than Pikachu and whichever ones he happens to see on the covers or on Ichi and/or Mitsu's screens when he walks past them... so at the beginning his argument for the lions is from the heart and then Ichi's infodumping just makes it devolve into digging his heels in to see how red in the face Ichi gets about it...
Jo skims through pokedex entries online on his own time later so he can have an informed opinion... but even if he can intellectually acknowledge that the pokemon would win, he will Under No Circumstances hand anything to Ichiban... so he just dodges the question if anyone asks to try and get him on their side...
In Short I Hate Them <3 (<- for things I just made up about them)
EXACTLY bruh....... all in all neither of them can let ichi win for one reason or another </3
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midoriyasbones · 6 years
Quick question because I been seeing alot on your blog, what is the selection au?
*pops open coke can* oh boy here we go
i actually won’t explain everything right off the bat, bc it’s a project i’ve been working on that actually seems to be going pretty smoothly. it’s a fic i’m writing based off of the selection series by kiera cass. it’s kinda like... futuristic, dystopian society young adult novel, sort of like matched, except unlike matched it doesn’t try to pass itself off as anything but what it is: romance. (no shade at matched though, i personally enjoyed it) basically... imagine the competition of hunger games, remove about 95% of the killing, toss in the bachelor, and add one corrupt as fuck government, and literally deep fry this shit in romance, and you have the selection.
basic run down: in the future america is now called illea (except im just using new america in my au bc there’s supposed to be an accent over the e and listen idk how to do that on a computer) and instead of a class system (lower, middle, upper), it’s a caste system. a caste system means you are born into your social status with no chance of moving up or down unless you either buy your way up or marry into a different caste. there are 8 in total, and 4 is about modern day lower middle class and everything beneath that is pretty much poverty/lower class. these castes also dictate what jobs you can do for a living so... gotta love that.
the actual plot of the series revolves around the pinnacle event of a generation: the selection. in illea the heir to the throne chooses a spouse through a process called the selection. forms are sent to all eligible young people and they can choose to fill it out and enter it for the chance of being selected. it’s SUPPOSED to be random but nah they can’t possibly let an ugly one into the batch, so usually advisors hand pick the participants and just say it was random. because of this mostly 2s and 3s are drawn with a handful of 4s or 5s sprinkled in to help it seem random.
once selected they go to the palace and literally... all date the heir. that’s... that’s it. he/she/they have a pool of 35 people to pick their future spouse, one from each province.
im not sure i can actually recommend you read the selection series, unless you’re a total fucking sap like me. it’s not a riveting action novel like hunger games, and it’s not super exploratory into the dystopian society (i will say the setting is EXTREMELY well developed but like, it’s not as indepth as say the giver, or brave new world), it’s exactly what it says on the box: romance.
the romance itself is very well written and keira cass definitely knows how to make character leap out of the page, i was just always frustrated with the main character and the stupid love triangle she’d gotten herself into. she’s actually very well developed, relatable, and most importantly flawed. she has real problems and real emotions and doesn’t always react well, and i like kiera’s honesty in her. the supporting characters are equally 3 dimensional, and except for maybe That One Character Who’s End I’m Very Upset About, every character is given a satisfying and fulfilling ending. no one gets jilted (except celeste i cri every time).
oh also the 2 books about the main character’s daughter? yeah, VERY well done. at first i thought for certain it was just gonna be a rip off, but it wasn’t. i loved it. i’d die for two people maxon and eadlyn. eadlyn REALLY grows throughout the novels and kjsdhfakjdhf can’t get over her. i wish we’d get some sort of extra novella companions like she did for the first set, but alas...
also the book covers?? are stunning. as a person who loves that stuff i was really drawn into them, especially The One, and The Heir. those were incredible.
so yeah, if you’re up for a sappy romance, stay tuned bc im going to literally saturate this shit.
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