gundamcalibarney · 2 years
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We interrupt the Joestars to bring you a Gun.
Oates is a gun that Dante stabbed with the arrow out of curiosity it spurs a soul much to his shock. Dante often (reluctantly) puts the now sentient gun on hitman duties although he was often the one being held instead of his Stand. On one mission he and a rather gruesome fellow were sent on an assassination mission to kill the Joestar Group who were on their Egypt, there they successfully shot and killed Mahir El-Kahir (magician’s red) though it fled the scene when Thomas Manuel Polnareff (silver chariot) killed his partner and avenged Mahir.
After a couple more fails Dante decided to lock it up in a box and there he laid for the majority of the final battle so that he could dispose of him after, he got picked up after it by John and later sent to the Fleetwood Foundation. Years Later, it was brought to the town of Morioh via delivery because they thought a gun would be able to get input on an escaped Stand using eagle.
It hasn’t reported back since a small run in with a policeman and the Fleetwoods are currently on the way to retrieve him.
For an object that exists to injure, Oates is surprisingly not that. Often times he’s shooting people because he’s required to which some see as ironic because of it’s larger than life personality (though it by no means has the wannabe casanovaness of his Stand) and surprisingly huge ego. It talks through telepathy which exists as compensation for not having a physical way to talk and being unable to talk via the Stand.
[ Out of Touch ] mainly exists to wield Oates post-it gaining sentience, it’s considered a separate-ish entity from Oates despite being its Stand as its often seen trying to woo women despite the gun’s objections.
OoT’s main ability is to make magic-Stand bullets for it’s user to shoot out, they’re often the “Red Metal Hot” variety though it can do more. It’s often a 50/50 challenge to get those bullets hit it’s target due to the C in range and the sometimes atrocious aim of Out of Touch.
Because it’s a Stand, it is unseen by non-Stand users which means that Yes people do just see a floating gun that shoots invisible bullets that Injures people.
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