#Laelia/okami/floant prompt
Prompt #7
I want to do an apocalypse like setting with these three characters that I have. They're in a relationship with eachother, and have stopped at one of those middle of nowhere towns that just kind of exist?? Probably the only sign that the apocalypse hit being that theres no one around anymore and shit.
The first character is Amara. She's probably the most dangerous of the three, and is the type to shoot a bitch without hesitation. She has a soft spot for her partners and children, but other than that is willing to crack someone over the head and leave them to die. She isn't described in roleplay, but she's about 5'10, with long braided black hair and tanned skin. She has brown eyes.
Ko is the second character, and he is described in prompt. He's like the least dangerous of the three. He LOOKS threatening, but he doesn't know how to use like any weapons and basically acts as their doctor (Which, you know. He was studying to be one before everything went to hell land)
Asa (it's a nickname) is the final character. He uses a sword instead of a gun, which he defends on the basis of it being easier to kill zombies with. A lot more silent, and he normally isn't TRYING to hurt PEOPLE with it so it's all fine. That said, Amara is the one doing most of the fighting out of the three. He's the best smooth talker of the group though, and when it comes to dealing with people is most likely the one they'll turn to.
I imagine at this point in the roleplay, the apocalypse has been going on for about 3-4 or so years so far? Like, enough that the dust has startled to settle but still to the point where things are a bit panicked. These three have all been traveling together for about 6 months now, and Amara and Asa were traveling together for about a year before that. They do have an end goal to where they want to go, but your character will need to dig that out of them.
As for your character, they can be anyone! Someone that's been making this walmart their home and doesn't appreciate the people coming by? Someone who needs the medicine more than they do at the moment? Just someone on a supply run of their own?? Maybe someone younger then the bunch of them, and think's they're far tougher shit then they really are?? Possibilities are endless.
I'm willing to let this get Nsfw, but only if you and your character are 18+. But I do want this to be a slow burn kinda rp. If the plot takes us there, then it may happen. That said, you don't have to match this! I'm kind of cheating with the length by having like.. three characters. Just reply to your comfort, and I'll try and match! We'll be gucci.
Amara was not the type to trust easily.
It was just how it was in this bitch of a world. The more people you trusted, the more likely you were to get hurt. Or something obnoxiously sentimental like that. She'd learned that lesson time and time over, each and every time she'd placed herself in a group having been stabbed in the back. At one point /literally./ She knew better than to trust, knew better than to rely on others for her own safety.
...That said.
Even she had her soft spots. They were rare, and took time to grow. But they existed, and even she was willing to admit they were there. Her soft spots can in her two companions.
"Nah, nah you aint hearin' me out," Her first companion would laugh, somehow managing to walk backwards and bounce over every obstacle in his path. He was a small man, with a mohawk that had long ago begun to over grow (She'd need to talk Ko into cutting it for him. She'd offer to do it herself, but she'd always been a bit bad at that) bright blue eyes, and pale skin, "If we got horses instead of a car, we'd never have to worry about running out of gas. Maybe we'd have to worry about like.. Where we could store stuff. But we could totally go like-- You know those carts people would have on the back of their horses? Like.. The fuckin' Oregon trail games, that shit!"
"..Wagons?" She added, helpfully at that.
"Yeah! We could have wagons!! Could you 'magine tryin' ta shoot walkers in one of them badboys?" Asa raised his eyebrows, gaze more on the man next to her then herself. The man next to her- Ko. He was a sharp contrast to the sight of the other man. Tall, dark skin. Scars that seemed to dance and curl on his skin, and dreadlockes he'd managed to pull up in a style that she'd never be able to replicate behind him. He really was pretty, and whispers between herself and Asa had deemed that he probably couldn't hurt a fly if he'd wanted to.
Ko snorted, his arm moving around her waist. She could feel the hesitation in his motions, as if he was silently asking her "..Hey, is this alright to do?" To which she leaned in closer. Her own hand rubbing up and down his spine, fingers all but dancing on his skin. He was still so nervous about attention. And she really did understand, but.. She'd just sigh, allowing him a chance to ease himself into it.
Asa, on the other hand.. "You just want an excuse to have horses around," She reached over to smack his arm, needing to slip out of Ko's grip to do so. He stuck his tongue out at her in response.
"Fuck yeah I do. Horses are awesome," He shrugged
"Air conditioning," Ko said simply, as if that would debate all the point's that Asa was shooting out at them.
"We have generators! And fans!! It's basically the same thing!" It wasn't, and by the way Asa paused and deflated, he knew it wasn't as well, "Okay then. A farm. I want a farm. We gotta have a farm! I miss meat..."
She'd sigh, "If we can find horses, we'll consider- and I mean it when I say consider! taking them along," a stupid thing to agree to, but it at least got him to stop on it for a bit. And it did.
"Alright," She looked around the walmart. It was one of those kind of walmarts where she was sure that, back in the day when things were up and running it must have gone around and bought out every other grocery store in the middle of nowhere town, and had at the time had a balls out monopoly on the place. However, now that like 80% of America had succumbed to the disease that was zombiefication, it was just a flat out gold mine of possible things that they could find, "Ko, darling, can you go try and take care of food and medicine,"
"Mm.. what else would I be getting?" He tried to sound like he was complaining, but it sounded half assed and accepting of his roll among them.
"Know the most go get the most," She paused, "We can probably stop by the towns hospital before we leave if there's nothing left here, but mm.. Judging by the looks of this place, we'll probably be fine," She shrugged, sliding a cart her partner's way, "Asa, Can you go see if you can find batteries and lightbulbs and shit? And maybe bullets and other kinda weapons. You tend to be good at sniffing that kinda shit out."
He scoffed, "Good at sniffing them out? It's a talent doll!" He bounced in his spot, moving to grab a cart of his own, "I'll meet you in the medicine isle!" And just like that, he was off.
"Remember to pick up any seed packets you find! AND- Maybe. Another. Map.. He didn't hear me, alright..." She called out, before turning her attention to Ko again, "...I'm gonna go try finding us some entertainment. I don't know about you two, but I'm getting kind of bored with checkers and monopoly. Cards against humanity can stay, but it's on thin fucking ice," A groan of agreement was his acknowledgment, but it was one that hid amusement behind it's tone, "Be careful, yeah?"
"I'm the one you're telling that to?" He asked, eyebrow raised and a laugh on his voice. But as soon as he noticed the look she was giving him, he'd nod, ".. I will. I have my gun on me," He reassured, and for a second was okay with splitting up like this.
She'd taken her time strolling up and down the isles, occasionally picking shit off the shelves. There were a few boardgames she'd never heard of, some that she had heard of but had over played so much in her child hood that she'd just gotten board of them. And- Shit, was that pokemon?? She'd been looking for those games since this stupid apocalypse had begun. Should probably grab some nintendo's to go with it... She snatched what remained of the sorry game isle, popping the objects in her cart.
By the time she'd finished going through the isles, her cart had been at least half full, various hand held's and board games sloppily piled around her. Which wasn't a bad thing. It would, at the very least, give them something to do while they traveled. But they did only have so much room in their van. Hmm.. Maybe this would call for some reorganization in the back?
As promised, she'd made her way back to the medicine isle, flipping through the pages of one of the book's she'd picked up with a sort of half paying attention look to her, the other part of her trying to think of ways they could reorganize their van. While it WAS a pretty big van, it kept basically everything they owned in there. Maybe it was time to invest their time in trying to find a trailer and a truck?? Her smile twitched up as she even considered the idea of using the horses and carriages like Asa had suggested. She loved the guy, but god. They'd been doing pretty good at finding fuel so far, why would that be a worry now?
Besides, wouldn't they find SOMEWHERE safe before that became an issue?
Shaking her head, she rounded the corner she'd heard them talking from.. hell, the other end of the store, "I picked up some of these shitty smut novels. You know the kind. Oh Johnson take me /now!/ Kinda novel. And, like, How do you guys feel about DnD? I use to GM for my group before- Uh..." Slowly. Carefully. She put the book back down into the cart (On top of a few of the notebooks she'd managed to find. Another score). The scene registered rather quickly in her head. A person, someone she didn't know. Knife in their hand, pointed at her partners. The person looked like a startled deer, like the hadn't expected her to pop around the corner. Asa had his sword out, placing himself between the person and Ko, but lord. Did she not like how close they were to the two of them.
Her stomach sank, and her body reacted before she fully registered the scene, and she found herself with a gun in her hand before she could tell them to move, "You," Her tone was calm, but the kind of calm that held nothing but a storm behind it, "Need to lower your knife, and step away from the both of them. I will not hesitate to shoot you, and take everything you currently own."
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Prompt #9
My character is rude and crass and kind of a bitch, and when she see's an obvious run away with a fever sick off their ass on the bus she absolutely does /not/ have them come home with her so she could make sure they get better. Or well, if she does she is absolutely kicking them out the moment they get better.
Obviously she's not gonna grow attached, let them stay through the new year, and then unintentionally basically adopt them.
I'm thinking your character is somewhere in the 9-15 range, because I don't think a five year old has the emotional or mental competence to be a runaway. Also, I set this in the middle of winter, Christmas time, because the human mind wants for what it cannot have. The same reason I write beach episode roleplay prompts in the middle of winter.
Regardless, my character has two partners she lives with, a man about 2 years older then her and a trans man thats been on T for about 7 years at the time of the roleplay, and has had top surgery. The first partner has dark skin, with long dreads and vivid brown eyes. He's a bit reserved, if not a bit of a nerd. The second has blonde hair he keeps in a mohawk, a few tattoo's scattered up his arm and back, and pale skin with a sharp Boston accent. He's a dumbass. A big ol' dumb boi who has done a lot of stupid shit in his life. She personally has long, black hair, with toned skin and green eyes. She walks and talks a big talk, but also is a massive fucking hypocrite in that regard. Like, mind you she'd probably stab a bitch is she was cornered, but she has her soft spots.
Also, names. Those are important. The woman's name is Laius. Partner with dreads is Osamu, and partner with the mohawk goes by Ari.
God, riding on the fucking bus sucked.
Riding on the bus especially sucked when her stop was the last of the night, and she had to ride for a fucking hour to and from her job. It was a twenty minute drive there from her house, and she knew it was a twenty minute drive because normally she had a fucking car. But Some asshole thought it was a good idea to go street racing in the middle of the night, on possibly some of the worst roads she'd seen in years. Like, really- It had practically been a blizzard for the last week or so.
And you know. It wasn't like she was about to get her car out of the shop until the end of the week. Which was- fine, completely dandy, she supposed. She was off for the next- What, week or so, so that wasn't the issue. And no, money wasn't really the issue. Now, mind you she was peeved that she HAD to pay what she did for her cars repairs. But for the most part, what did annoy her was that she had to spend an /hour on the fucking bus are you kidding me./
She huffed. She'd spent most of the ride indulging herself with a shitty old pink DS and a copy of Pokemon Emerald. Perfect shiny hunting opportunity, even if it felt like she was getting absolutely nowhere with her hunt. Shame on her for picking Mawile, of all things, she supposed. But she WOULD have Cherry-Vore by the end of the week she could feel it-
Still, there was another thing preoccupying her mind. Near over the entire bus-ride, she'd been sitting across from a kid. which, in itself, wasn't a miracle. She'd seen many'a'kid in her day. Most of them were brats, But this kid looked like. Sick. Like, genuinely sick. It was the kind of sick that she'd stay home from work for. And she didn't stay home from work for shit. She could see the way their breathing seemed to labor and heave, and how bright red their face was under the hood of their jacket.
Just a jacket, she noted. It was like 5 degree's out, and they only had on a /hoodie./ Also, they'd been here since this morning. That was a huge, big ol' red flag.
Not that any of it was really any of her business. So, some shitty parent let their child wander off too far, or forgot them on the bus. It wasn't something she needed to concern herself with.
Except, she had vivid flashbacks to- What, 7 or 8 years ago? 18 years old with only the cash she could shove in her pockets, and a shitty van with just herself in it. She'd gotten so sick at some point that she needed to stop at a motel in the middle of nowhere, heaving her stomach out into the toilet with the poor minimum wage worker rubbing between her shoulder blades. Notedly, she'd later end up fucking the dude, and he was kind of living with her now. But still, the memory in itself was bitter, and she'd made a few stupid choices that could have ended worse then it had that night.
She pursed her lips.
It wasn't any of her business, It wasn't any of her business.
She spiked up the volume on her headphones, and turned her attention back to the game at hand. She clicked her tongue.
Another Golbat.
Here's the thing. She would have been completely fine just leaving the kid on the bus and tricking herself into thinking they would have just been fine. After all, it was pretty damn easy to fool yourself when you didn't have to see something straight on. It was a completely different ball game when the last stop of the night was yours, and they were forced off of the bus with you.
"Hey," The bus driver would nudge the kid, looking something between peeved and concerned, "Last stop, you need to get off now."
The kid wasn't any of her business. Especially not as she shuffled off the bus, and watched at the poor groggy thing was forced to follow her. It was not her business, as they both stood and watched the bus drive off. And it was not her business, as they seemed to fall dizzy while still standing in their spot.
It was, absolutely one hundred percent not her business.
She breathed out.
Fuck it, tomorrow was Christmas Eve.
"Hey kid, do you have like- A place to go tonight?"
A shiver went down her back, and not because she'd shifted over the large, faux fur coat she'd worn out today over to the kid, letting them wear it over their backpack and shit. That is absolutely, under no means something she'd so. Still if it was, by any chance of the means, something she would have done, she would be entirely too eager to get inside her apartment.
But that was, of course, not her, and the fur coat wrapped tightly around their shoulders was not something she'd given up about half way through their walk home.
"'Lright kid, here's house rules," She turned heel to look at them, an eyebrow raised and a frown on her face, "First of all, if you steal anything and run, I will personally come and find you. I gotta lotta shit sitting around, I know. But I /will/ notice if something is missing," She pulled out the key to her apartment let it fall through her fingers a few times, "Secondly, you're in like- goddamn quarantine right now. I got way too much shit to do to get sick within the next week. We're gonna get you hooked up with a room, and you're in there until you leave," She huffed, "Finally, and most importantly, talk shit about either of my partners and you will be out of here faster then I can say howdy do. No trans jokes, especially under this roof. I know thats like, cool and hip with the kids, but Absolutely none of that shit, got it?"
Finally, she turned back around to the door, fucking with the lock and key for a good few seconds. It always got stuck, shit, "Other then that, you're free to the food in the kitchen, Tv has too many channels but literally nothing fucking on, and the password to my tablet is "1985," one hundred percent based on the Bowling for Soup song. Are they past your Era? Shit," She seems to consider it for a moment, though the shit seems more based on he fact that the door won't OPEN then it is the thought. Almost immediately, she seems to be going back on her original statement, with a sharp, "I don't know, maybe you can hang out and watch some shitty Christmas movies with us tonight if you want... Kids are into that, right? Fuck, I'm an adult and I'm into that. But like- After that, you're quarantined. Oh, /fuck/ finally."
"Now," She opened the door to her place, finally managing to just bump it open with her hip, "Merry Christmas kid, into the apartment."
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Prompt #3
Your character finds a box full of old videos and photos, objects and letters, and the more they get into them the... weirder it gets. The photos in itself are harmless enough, if not some being a bit risque or ah, bordering pornographic. They're obviously meant to be private photos. Polaroid photos, with dates written in falling back to the fifties, and even some from a little before them. However, theres a catch. The three that are cropping up in these photos? They're the same age. They all look to be in their mid to late twenties, and remain in their mid to late twenties throughout the span of the photos. And the dates just keep going back farther and farther.
The letters span from a time before photography. Dates ranging back to 1870, written in languages from Japanese, to English, to Spanish fill the box. Again, when translated, it shows the letters are all from the same small group.
However, the weirdest ones have to be the videos, that show perhaps more then your character was meant to know of or see.
While, admittedly, this is slightly an excuse to write... ship materials of my own characters, Its also practice for me to write more scene based shit, and practice writing on a wider DM scale. I would like for this to inevitably lead to your characters tracking them down. Maybe they become enamored with the people they're seeing in the videos?? Maybe what they find in the photos intrigues them. These people obviously aren't human, so.. what are they? is this fake?
(if you want to know what their deal is before your characters, feel free to ask on connection. Though, if you don't, I will tell you now its mythological in nature. Thats all I'm giving : >>>)
Also... if you have two characters of your own you want to write for that are together, please feel free to throw them in here as well. Like I said, I want to DM the world around them, and what they're going through as they find these people in their photos! And more importantly, give them things to react to, at the start.
The box is tucked away under an attic floorboard, one that had become carefully loosened by time. In fact, a simple step onto it breaks the floorboard, revealing the funny thing to any prying eyes. It is, perhaps, not surprising that the floor breaks when it does. The house is an old victorian model. Once forgotten by time, its more a surprised that nature hadn't taken its course and taken the wood back to the earth. The woods around it were privately owned for decades, though now bought by a new owner hopefully aiming to give it more love then the old supposedly did.
Its a funny place for a house. In recent years, as society grew and flourished, it crept closer and closer to its domain. However, for decades, it seemed as though it was forgotten by even the makers. Though it shows signs of once being loved (A few markings on the wall here, a hand print that had been left behind there, even a large dogs paw that stained the floor in ink in one of the bedrooms.) It was now nothing more then a mystery. Who would want to live so far out that they'd not even have a town near by?
Though, the land was admittedly quite beautiful. Even as the winter came, animal life seemed to flourish throughout it. There was a lake that, while quite a ways walk away, was within view of the top floor. And though frozen now, a broken and rotting dock hinted that maybe it would make a nice swim spot in the summer months.
Still. Even with a town a good hours drive away, the house is all but in the middle of nowhere. While a large victorian house, its slow decay is obvious to anyone with eyes. No, no. The price tag is not for the house itself, but for the land it comes with. And while the company had made sure to at least attempt to put in new plumming and electricity, theres an air of disconnectivity that comes with being so far out.
The box though.
The box is beautiful.
While it's collected dust with its age, its rosewood is still polished, and what seems to be gold has filled the engravings. It seems like, once upon a time something had been painted in on it. But it had been done sloppily, on top of the design, and the only signs of it are the stains that damage the wood underneath. It's wide enough that taking it from the floorboards means removing, if not damaging quite a few of the panels. But its heavy enough to make it a worthy find, and the contents inside are only damaged by the natural flow of time.
The first photo on top tells a tale all on its own. The woman is beautiful. All three in the photo are, admittedly, quite an attractive bunch. But her smile is frozen in time, and hair falls into her eyes to hide part of her face. Freckles coat her cheeks, and a small scar cuts into the upper edge of her cheekbone. She has in what looks to be ear plugs, though its hard to tell at the angle of the photo. Simply peaks in just enough that, if you gazed at the photo long enough, you might catch it. She's in little more then a black bra, though the strap is falling on her left, and a hand is climbing up to grab the cloth from the right. If you looked close enough at the photo, you might be able to see hints of piercings from under the cloth. The detail is hard to manage, but the cloth is thin.
The edges of her figure blur together, caught in the movement of her laughter. The man on her right in pale in comparison to her tanned skin, his long black hair pushed sloppily back as though an attempt to keep it out of his eyes. It reveals that he bares piercings of his own. A stud in his right ear, some loops against the upper ears. His right arm hooks around her own, the hand just into view to show off a few rings. His left reaches across her in an attempt to grab something from outside the others reach.
It goes far past the other man, a dark skinned man with scars across his face that holds the camera steady in his grasp. His own face is pressed into her hair, and though his eyes are closed and her hair hides a lot of his features, a smile shines through the strands. His own hair is fluffy, and the woman's hand seems to reach from under him to help pull it back a little more. A few scars crawl up his cheek from his jaw, but the lines are faint. At some point, the wound might have been bad, but at the time of the photo they're simply an untold story.
Between the two, lipstick marks scatter on their skin, some like a stamp, others smeared thick. Like the woman, they're shirtless. The wall behind them seems to imply that the photo was taken somewhere from inside the house.
Theres a bit of exposure damage to it in the left corner, the type that comes with accidentally placing it in too much light. But the photo still seemed to mean something to someone, as on the exposure an old lipstick mark lingers. The color is the same shade of lipstick the woman is wearing, though seemingly some more had been applied before it was kissed. It seems like enough a brush to it will flake off the ends, and On the bottom, the words "With love, in 1995" is printed in ink.
No names are given, but no names needed to be. Here, it feels like a voyeuristic shot, meant for no eyes outside of the subjects of the photo.
The photos seem to make up the weight of the box. They ones nearest to the corners are stacked, but the ones farther in back are sprawled out. Perhaps moving the box had shuffled them together? They look the oldest as well, black and white, and even what looked to be some cabinet cards. Though what they contained was a mystery beyond their age, they seemed to be well loved and cared for. Just a little ways under them, yellowed envelopes peak out from the photos. The paper looks as though, if handled the wrong way, it will crumble in a moments notice.
The photographs and letters, however, only take up half the box. Carefully, a line of cassettes are stacked in such a way as to create a boarder. They're small, the type that could easily plug into a camera and accidentally record over. A disc that looks like a small record, labeled with a pastel green "Voice-O-Graph!" on it barely fits into the box. If pulled out the wrong way, it looks like it would snap. It already looks well used, and worn down. As though one more use will destroy it for good.
Almost as though misplaced, theres a smaller box in the bottom left corner of the box. When picked up, it rattles, and when opened, reveals necklace and ring on earrings and bracelets. Some of them look as though they're made of plastic, though others are heavy, made of metal and gemstone.
Theres a thing of lipstick wrapped in some gloves. What looks like a once pressed flower, fallen apart with time. Old spanish train tickets, and an antique key. An old leather journal, curved with the angle it had been sitting in the box for so many years. A small bag filled with nothing, a hole ripped into the bottom.
On the underside of the lid of the box, words are written in marker. The writing is curly, and flows on the wood.
[It's funny, how the world stays the same. These people grow and change, but the land around them thrives. Be careful with this, it took me a while to find some of these.
I'll miss you two. Stay safe, I'll be back soon.
Love you.]
The period is thick, and stains the wood as though it had been held there for a long bit of time. Like the writer hadn't wanted to pull back. Wanted to write more.
But they didn't.
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