#Layla Bahar
aisakalegacy · 4 days
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Hiver 1921, Hylewood, Canada (11/15)
J’ai rencontré notre nouvelle pupille, puisqu’il semble qu’elle va désormais vivre avec nous. C’est une minuscule petite fille, assez vive d’esprit, qui parle très bien le français et semble très proche de Lola avec qui elle est élevée. À les voir jouer ensemble, elles ressemblent vraiment à des sœurs…
[Transcription] Dolorès LeBris : Je veux mettre le vert d’abord ! Layla Bahar : Le vert est trop petit. Il faut mettre le rouge. Dolorès LeBris : Mais le vert est plus joli… Layla Bahar : Ça ne tiendra jamais. Essaye, tu vas voir. Jules LeBris : C’est elle ? Eugénie LeBris : Oui, c’est bien elle. Layla. Layla Bahar : Regarde, si on met deux verts, puis le rouge, peut-être que ça va tenir. Layla Bahar : Ça tient ! Mets ton vert. Jules LeBris : Layla… Jules LeBris : Ma fille. Eugénie LeBris : Oh… Layan Bahar : Madame. Eugénie LeBris : Ce n’est rien… Je suis sotte. Je devrais être heureuse pour elle. Layan Bahar : Eugénie, je suis désolée. Eugénie LeBris : Non… Je ne suis pas en colère contre vous. C’est à lui que j’en veux.
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maethinks · 10 months
Friendship pt. 2
This is a continuation to something I posted before, called friendship. So here it goes
Aradhya ticked another day off the calendar hanging on her wall and sighed. Only one month left before she went and started a new journey. University. It felt like a big thing- it was a big thing, something which would alter her life forever. 
She turned away from the calendar and walked towards her bed. It wasn't that late but she didn't have anything to do so she decided to sleep. She was doing her skincare when she heard a thump, she poked her head out of the bathroom to see, but nothing was out of the ordinary. She squinted her eyes in suspicion as she returned to what she was doing. There was another thump now, she cursed and left her skincare in between, washed her hands and decided to investigate.
She stood in her room now, hands on her hips, as she looked around. Then, there it was again, it was coming from the balcony, her heart skipped a beat as she thought of all the possibilities. Could there be a cat? Or some other animal? A thief? A MURDERER? She pushed the thoughts down and walked towards the balcony.
She opened the door to a pebble hitting her right on the head, and screamed, then realised that other people lived there, put her hand on her mouth and screamed again, the sound now muffled. She looked down and saw Adi waving at her with an unwavering smile and cursed out loud. 
“What are you doing here?”, she asked him, while closing the balcony door, hoping nobody in her neighbourhood woke up. 
“Come down and I’ll tell you”, he said, gesturing to the ladder on the side of her balcony which had been there since the first time she had snuck out to meet him at the stupid age of 13.
“No”, she said simply, crossing her arms. She probably looked stupid and not intimidating with her big shirt, shorts, fluffy bunny slippers and the cat ear headband she used to push her hair out of her face while she did her skincare, but she didn’t care.
“Oh come on, I came all the way here and you’re not even gonna ask why?”, he said.
“I did ask, you told me to come down, and I said no.”, she deadpanned. “You think you can just come here at 10 pm, throw pebbles at my balcony door, and expect to not re-enact the Romeo and Juliet scene?
“Oh my god”, he said, putting his head in his hands. “I’m pretty sure Romeo and Juliet didn’t have this scene because balconies weren’t even invented back then”, as always correcting her about theatre facts.
“Well, you know the trope, so come on, make your own lines”, she said, getting in position.
“Ugh, why are we friends?”, he asked but shook his head and cleared his throat.
“Aradhya, Oh Aradhya, let down your hair…, oh wait that’s from Rapunzel”, he said, confusion visible in his eyes.
Ara touched her hair which almost reached her shoulders, and decided to control her laughter.
“Acha, arz kiya hai...”
“Irshaad”, she said, impressed by the dedication.
“Kuch karo fikar mujh deewane ki, dhum hai fir bahar aane ki”, he said with a bow.
“That’s from Layla and Majnun”, she said, remembering the time he used to make her remember his favourite quotes.
“You know I’m not good at impromptu stuff and this bow is very uncomfortable so if you would please hurry up and say something back, that would be amazing, thanks”, he said, his voice strained from the bow.
“I love you to the moon and to Saturn”, she said in the same loving tone and did a little bow for good measure.
“That’s literally a Taylor Swift lyric”, he said, now standing straight.
“I thought there were no restraints on poetry”, she said, as she went inside her room, got her phone, and keys, took the hairband off and put on her shoes.
“Well technically but-”, he started as she climbed down the ladder, but she stopped him with the finger.
“Shall we go now?”, he asked with the same mock bow as before, she slapped him on the head and ran away laughing as he tried to catch up.
“Now tell me, what made you think of me at this time?”, she asked him as they walked.
“Well, since you’re going to England to live with the colonizers, which was a joke for legal reasons. As I was saying, I’m going to make this your most memorable month, starting with today.”
“Fair enough, she said, “where are we going though?”
“Aradhya”, he faced her now, the excitement visible in his eyes, “We are going to get tattoos”
“Whoa whoa wait”, she stopped him there, “this is a big deal and well I haven’t asked my parents.
“Well, you turned 18 last Friday, so technically you don’t need parental consent, besides, didn’t you literally ask them that day?”, he asked.
“You’re right, and I have wanted to get a tattoo since forever.”, she thought about it, and remembered asking her parents about it last week, they had been cool about it and said she could get it done now that she was 18. 
“Well, any ideas then?”, she asked him as they started walking once again.
“Oh yes, I have a Vision with a capital V”, he said waving his hands around, as if he was trying to make her see what he had in mind with invisible diagrams in the air.
“So I’m gonna go in there, and get a SpongeBob tattoo on my ass and guess which quote I’m gonna use”, he wiggled his eyebrows at her.
She laughed and said “Oh my god, please don’t tell me you’re for real”
“I’m serious, come on guess”, he told her but he was laughing too.
“The smell one”, she guessed.
“BINGO”, he shouted, and decided to quote the line, “‘Did you smell it? That smell. A kind of smelly smell. The smelly smell that smells...smelly.’, is literally the most iconic thing Mr. Krabs said actually.”
They doubled over with laughter and when they finally calmed down, they talked about how Adi was definitely not doing that.
“You know what we should do?, she said, “We should not tell the other what we’re getting and do a grand reveal later. I think this is both a terrible and a great idea, what do you think?”
“Hmm, let’s see how this goes”, he said as they entered the tattoo parlour.
That’s how an hour later, they were both outside the tattoo place with a bandage covering their new tattoos, eager to see what the other got.
“So how are we doing this, do we count to three?”, Adi asked.
“Let’s just ‘rip the bandage off’”, she said, trying for some humour.
“That was so lame”, he told her and said, “Ooh okay wait, how about we take each other’s bandage off?”
“At the same time though”, she told him.
Ara had decided to get her tattoo above her collarbone, and Adi had gone for the side of the neck. They closed their eyes and took the bandages off.
“1…2…3”, Ara counted, and they opened their eyes.
“Is that-”, they both started, shocked.
“You go first”, Ara said.
“Can I touch it?”, he asked
“Go on”, she said.
He touched the tattoo and her eyes fluttered close. He breathed out and looked at her. “Please tell me this is what I think it is”, he said.
“Remember when you took that Taylor Swift lyric literally and drew actual stars around the scar I got from a glass on this same place? Well, I took a picture of them at that time so I had it with me right now.”, she told him. The scar was still there, but now there were permanent stars around it, all of different shapes and sizes, they looked like the night sky.
“Well you had just introduced me to her and even now after all these years, I’m telling you, Folklore is her best album yet but you’re still stuck up on Speak now.”, he told her.
“I will not tolerate this slander towards my purple heaven”, she faked being offended. 
“Well, your turn now”, he said, getting back on the topic.
“Can I touch it?”, she asked.
“Of course, why would you even ask?”, he said.
“Well you asked, so I thought I better ask too”, she said.
She touched the crescent moon, her drawing as familiar to her as the back of her hand. The moon had two heart-shaped craters, and filling the gap and making it a full moon was a daisy, her favourite flower.
“Didn’t I draw this for that campaign back in 9th grade?” she asked. 
“Yes well, even if the campaign didn’t go well, I loved the design, so even I took a photo of it at that time.
“Our minds”, Ara said, tears welling in her eyes.
“Hey hey hey, no crying”, he told her, but his eyes were full of tears too.
“Hug?”, Ara croaked out.
They enveloped each other in a hug, it was times like these when Adi was grateful they were almost the same height because he got to put his armour down and feel safe in her arms. She traced circles on the small of his back, just like he had months ago.
When they were done crying, they broke apart at each other with bloodshot eyes. Ara took his hands in hers and started to say something but Adi beat her to it.
“The moon might find its sun someday”, he whispered.
“And the stars might find their galaxy”, she whispered back, closing her eyes.
“But they’ll never forget”, he continued.
“The universe they built”, she opened her eyes now, holding his gaze with hers.
“Together”, they whispered at the same time. 
They stood there in silence, looking at each other. This lasted for 5 long seconds and then-
Laughter. Incoherent, deranged laughter.
“Why are we so cheesy, oh my god”, Adi said, tears streaming down his face as he laughed.
Ara was doubled over laughing, clutching her stomach, it was starting to hurt now with the way she could not stop laughing.
They calmed down, and though it took 3 tries, they were walking back to her house now, infectious smiles on their faces. 
Somewhere in the way, Adi slowed down, the smile fading from his face. They stopped at a streetlight. “You know, maybe the stars won’t find their galaxy, maybe- maybe they're better off alone”, he said, his face serious now.
“I know”, Ara looked at him softly, understanding visible in her eyes. “And that’s absolutely fine, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise”, she hugged him again as he closed his eyes and let himself feel safe again.
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slaydirty · 3 years
DISCLAMER — La liste est divisée en deux parties : Afrique du Nord (Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie, Mauritanie, Libye, Egypte) et Asie de l’Ouest (Arabie Saoudite, Yémen, Jordanie, Koweït, Afghanistan, Liban, Turquie, Iran, Irak, Palestine, Syrie). Si vous cherchez une origine spécifique je vous conseille de ctrl/cmd+f+nom du pays.  — Toutes les personnes listées ne sont pas forcément arabes et/ou musulmanes. Ils existent plusieurs ethnies, religions et identités dans ces régions du monde. — Si vous avez des coups de coeur uniquement pour le combo peau claire + yeux clairs… posez vous des questions. AFRIQUE DU NORD (Pays d’origine entre parenthèses : Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie, Mauritanie, Libye, Egypte)
Abir Haronni (Maroc) Afef Jnifen (Tunisie) Ameni Esseibi (Tunisie) Anissa Bakhti (Algérie) Assaad Bouab (France, Maroc) Aya Ibrahim / ayaibrahimx (Egypte)
Bibi Bourelly (Haiti, Maroc) Bilal Hassani (Maroc)
Chams-Eden Moussa (France, Tunisie) Cole Basta/Col3trane (USA, Egypte)
Dali Benssalah (Algérie) Dounia Tazi (Maroc)
Elisa Sednaoui (Italie, Egypte) Elyes Gabel (Algérie)
Fady El Sayed (Egypte) Faouzia Ouihya (Maroc) Felukah (Egypte) Fu'ad Aït Aattou (France, Maroc)
Hafsia Herzi (Tunisie, Algérie) Hajar Brown (Maroc) Huda El Mufti (Egypte)
Ilham - lil habiba (Maroc) Inès Oussaidi (Maroc ?) Inès Rau (France, Maroc, Algérie) Imaan Hammam (Maroc, Egypte) Iman El Deeb (Egypte) Iman Meskini (Norvège, Tunisie) Issam Harris (Maroc)
Jade Thirlwall (Royaume-Uni, Yemen, Egypte) Jasmine Ana (Algérie) Juny Breeze (Maroc, Egypte)
Leïla Bekhti (Algérie) Lella Fadda (Egypte) Lisa Bouteldja (Algérie) Lyna Khoudri (Algérie)
Malika El Maslouhi (Maroc) Malak El Husseiny (Egypte) Mallak Waleed (Egypte) Mamoudou Athie (Mauritanie) Manal Benchlikha (Maroc) Mariah Idrissi (Pakistan, Maroc) Mariam Abdallah (Egypte) Mariam Al Ferjani (Tunisie) Marwan Kenzari (Tunisie) Meena Rayann (Maroc) Mena Massoud (Egypte) Mehdi Dehbi (Tunisie) Meryem Aboulouafa (Maroc) Meryem Slimani (Maroc) Meryem Tilila Oulhaj (Maroc) Mimi Elashiry (Australie, Egypte) Mina El Hammani (Maroc) Miral Mahilian (Egypte) Mnatalla Eldas (Egypte) Mohamed Amine Khemissa (Maroc) Mohcine Harisse (Maroc)
Nabil Taleb (Algérie) Nadia Hilker (Allemagne, Tunisie) Nadia Kounda (Maroc) Najet Leyklye (Maroc) Nazim Bouaziz (Algérie) Nisrina Sbia (Maroc) Noha Hamid (Égypte) Noor Tagouri (Libye) Nora Attal (Maroc)
Omar Metwally (Pays-Bas, Egypte) Omar Sy (Sénégal, Mauritanie) Oulaya Amamra (Maroc)
Rami Malek (Egypte) Rami Youssef (Egypte) Ramy Moharam Fouad (Belgique, Egypte) Rania Benchegra (Maroc) Rhita Nattah (Maroc) Rilès Kacimi (Algérie) Roschdy Zem (Maroc)
Sabrina Nait (Algérie, Maroc) Sabrina Ouazani (Algérie) Salma Abu Deif (Egypte) Sami Outalbali (Maroc) Samira Mahboub (Allemagne, Maroc) Samy Seghir (Algérie) Sandra Shebab (Egypte) Sara Kayali / sarakayaliii (Egypte, Syrie) Sarah Guendouz (Algérie) Sarah Kazemy (France, Iran, Algérie) Sarah Morbi Leila (Italie, Maroc) Shaïn Boumedine (Algérie, Maroc) Sherouk Farid (Egypte) Shirine Boutella (Algérie) Sid Oudainia Beaulieu (France, Algérie) Sofia Boutella (Algérie) Sofia Jamal Eddine (Maroc) Sohaila Kandil (Egypte) Sonia Ben Ammar (France, Tunisie) Souheila Yacoub (Belgique, Tunisie)
Tahar Rahim (Algérie) Tamino-Amir Moharam Fouad (Belgique, Egypte) Tara Emad (Égypte) Tarek El Seidik (Egypte ?) Tawsen (Maroc) Teo Abihdana (Colombie, Maroc)
Xavier Dolan (Canada, Egypte)
Yasmine Al Massri (Palestine, Egypte) Yasmine Sabri (Egypte) Yassine Rahal (Maroc) Younes Bendjima (Algérie) Younes Bouab (France, Maroc)
Zayneb Azzam (Turquie, Egypte)
ASIE DE L’OUEST (Arabie Saoudite, Yémen, Jordanie, Koweït, Afghanistan, Liban, Turquie, Iran, Irak, Palestine, Syrie)
Adam Bakri (Palestine) Ahmad Kontar (Syrie) Ali Gatie (Canada, Irak) Alia Shawkat (Irak) Amin Nazemzadeh (Iran) Amina Muaddi (Roumanie, Jordanie) Amira Al Zuhair (Arabie Saoudite) Amira Jazeera (Palestine) Anisa Dagher (USA, Liban) Aria Shahghasemi (Iran) Aslihan Malbora (Turquie) Ayca Aysun Turan (Turquie) Azita Ghanizada (Afghanistan)
Bahar Sahin (Turquie) Balqees Fathi (Yémen) Bella Hadid (Pays-Bas, Palestine) : racisme, appropriation culturelle Berker Guven (Turquie)
Çağlar Ertuğrul'dan (Turquie)
Demet Ozdemir (Turquie) Dominic Adams (Royaume-Uni, Iran) Denise Bidot (Porto Rico, Koweït) Deniz Baysal (Turquie)
Ebru Özkan (Turquie) Edy Ganem (Mexique, Liban) Ekin Koç (Turquie) Elian Amer Marjiya (Palestine) Elyanna (Chili, Palestine) Emeraude Toubia (Mexique, Liban)
Fai Khadra (Palestine) Fares Fares (Liban) Fouz Al-Fahad (Koweït) Freema Agyeman (Ghana, Iran)
Gigi Hadid (Pays-Bas, Palestine) : racisme, appropriation culturelle Golshifteh Farahani (Iran) : soutien woody allen + pas dérangée à l’idée de bosser avec polanski
Haaz Sleiman (Liban) Habiba Da Silva (Brésil, Liban) Hazar Erğüçlü (Turquie)
Jade Hassouné (Liban) Jessica Kahawaty (Australie, Liban) Joanna Marie Kutkina (Russie, Turquie) Josie Totah (Palestine, Liban)
Karen Wazen Bakhazi (Liban) Kayvan Novak (Iran)
Lana Albeik (Syrie, Palestine) Layla Kardan (Iran) Leena Snoubar (USA, Palestine)
Medalion Rahimi (Iran) Melisa Pamuk (Turquie) Merve Bolugur (Turquie) Meryem Uzerli (Turquie) Moh Flow (Syrie, Arabie Saoudite ?) Mona Haydar (Syrie)
Nadia Aboulhosn (Liban) Nadine Nassib Njeim (Liban) Nasim Pedrad (Iran) Natacha Karam (Irlande, Liban) Nazanin Boniadi (Iran) Nour Rizk (Liban)
Rafeea al-Hajsi (Emirats Arabes Unis) Reem Al Sanea (Arabie Saoudite) Rémie AKL (Liban)
Sara Kayali / sarakayaliii (Egypte, Syrie) Sarah Angius (Irak) Shahad Salman (Arabie Saoudite) Shanina Shaik (Pakistan, Arabie Saoudite) Sharin Attamimi (Indonésie, Yémen) Simay Barlas (Turqie)
Toni Mahfud (Syrie) Tuba Büyüküstün (Turquie) Tugçe Kumral (Turquie)
Wafia Al-Rikabi (Irak, Syrie)
Yara Shahidi (USA, Iran) Yasmine Al Massri (Egypte, Palestine)
Zayneb Azzam (Egypte, Turquie) Zeina Mates (Liban)
MAJ : 07.04 merci à @devoratum pour sa participation. 
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zed-air · 6 years
CKUA - The Midway: 2018
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The Midway was a special program which typically aired from 9:00am-12:00pm (or sometimes 10:00am-2:00) on CKUA from 2016-2019 during statutory holidays.
Click “keep reading” below for my 2018 Midway playlists.
Explore my playlist history for other dates and programs.
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^^ listener recommendation ++ selected from CKUA’s “house blend” playlist
09:00 // Monday Morning // Pulp // Different Class
09:06 // Cowboy Song // Thin Lizzy // Uncut Nov 2001
09:11 // Glory Hallelujah // The Give ‘Em Hell Boys // Barn Burner
09:19 // Navajo Rug // Ian Tyson // All the Good ‘Uns
09:21 // S Lazy H // Corb Lund // Things That Can’t Be Undone
09:29 // Winter // Celeigh Cardinal // Everything and Nothing At All
09:35 // Viva La Vida // Coldplay // Viva La Vida…
09:39 // Shop Around // Smoky Robinson & the Miracles // Motown Forever
09:43 // You Really Got a Hold on Me // The Beatles // With the Beatles
09:48 // Another Day // Paul McCartney // Wingspan
09:54 // I Was Born Under a Wandering Star // Lee Marvin // Paint Your Wagon
10:02 // Be There // Kimberley MacGregor // I Am My Own
10:06 // Mary Jane’s Last Dance // Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers // Greatest Hits
10:11 // Back in Black // AC/DC // Back in Black
10:18 // Rose of the Valley // Duane Eddy // Road Trip
10:21 // Like Water // Graftician // Wander/Weave ++
10:26 // No Wrong // Bahamas // No Wrong 45 ++
10:32 // Devil in Disguise // Elvis Presley // Hits
10:35 // Christine’s Tune // The Flying Burrito Bros // 20th C. Masters
10:38 // I’m No Elvis Presley // Lindi Ortega // Little Red Boots
10:42 // Pretty Thing // Michael Rault // Crash! Boom! Bang!
10:44 // Not Fade Away // The Rolling Stones // Grrr!
10:46 // Maggie’s Farm (live at Newport) // Bob Dylan // No Direction Home
10:52 // You Keep Me Hanging On // Vanilla Fudge // Classic Rock 1968
10:56 // Why Do You Love Me? // Jom Comyn // I Need Love
11:01 // Leaving the Table // Leonard Cohen // You Want It Darker
11:07 // Rabbit in Your Headlights // UNKLE & Thom Yorke // Psyence Fiction ^^
11:12 // My Soul’s in Louisiana // Otis Taylor //  ________ ^^
11:16 // Give Me a Sign // Edward Sharp & the Magnetic Zeroes // Give Me a Sign 45
11:20 // Distant Sky // Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds // Skeleton Tree
11:27 // He’ll Have To Go // Jim Reeves // Essential Jim Reeves ^^
11:30 // Once in a Lifetime // Talking Heads // Remain in Light
11:34 // Murder in the City (live) // The Avett Bros //  _________ ^^
11:39 // Love is the Drug // Roxy Music // The Collection ^^
11:43 // I’ll Take You There // The Staples Singers // Greatest Hits
11:48 // Fun Fun Fun // The Beach Boys // Good Vibrations
11:50 // Do You Remember Rock & Roll Radio? // The Ramones // Greatest Hits
11:55 // Memories // Leonard Cohen // Death of a Ladies’ Man
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^^ listener recommendation ++ selected from CKUA’s “house blend” playlist
09:00 // Friday on My Mind // The Easybeats // Greatest Hits
09:05 // Walk of Life // Dire Straits // Greatest Hits
09:09 // Walk on the Wild Side // Lou Reed // Transformer
09:14 // Love Minus Zero // The Walker Bros // Take It Easy With the WB
09:17 // All Along the Watchtower // Jimi Hendrix // Electric Ladyland
09:21 // When the Ship Comes In // The Hollies // Hollies Sing Dylan
09:24 // Here’s That Rainy Day // Bob Dylan // Triplicate
09:31 // Laugh Laugh // The Beau Brummels // Greatest Hits
09:36 // No Surprises // Radiohead // OK Computer
09:39 // You Don’t Scare Me // Whitney Rose // Rule 62
09:44 // Come To Me // Sue Foley // The Ice Queen
09:48 // I Ain’t Cool // The Sheepdogs // Changing Colours ^^
09:52 // Bad Bad News // Leon Bridges // Good Thing
09:56 // Ain’t That Good News // Sam Cooke // Ain’t That Good News
10:03 // The Priests of Golden Bull // Buffy Sainte-Marie // Medicine Songs
10:09 // Whiskey // Joey Landreth // Whiskey EP
10:12 // Bad Bad Man // The Give ‘Em Hell Boys // Barn Burner
10:16 // After Midnight // Eric Clapton // Complete Clapton
10:19 // Give Me One Reason // Tracy Chapman // _____
10:24 // Still Crazy After All These Years // Paul Simon // The Essential
10:28 // The Addams Family Theme // Vic Mizzy // Greatest Hits of TV
10:31 // Winter // Celeigh Cardinal // Everything and Nothing At All
10:37 // Go // Kimberley MacGregor // I Am My Own
10:42 // Everybody’s Coming To My House // David Byrne // American Utopia
10:47 // I Wanna Prove To You // The Lemon Twigs // Do Hollywood
10:51 // This Winter Revisited // F&M // ______ ^^
10:54 // North To Alaska // Johnny Horton // The Essential
10:58 // I Can See For Miles // The Who // The Who Sell Out ^^
11:02 // Shining in the Distance // The Stray Birds // Magic Fire
11:08 // When You Ain’t Home // Lindi Orgega // Faded Gloryville
11:12 // I Don’t Know Why I Love You But I Do // Clarence “Frogman” Henry // Collected Works
11:14 // Heroes (live) // King Crimson // DGM Live
11:20 // Goldfinger // Bill Frisell & Thomas Morgan // Small Town
11:26 // Secret Love // Nels Cline // Lovers
11:30 // Zoot Allures // Frank Zappa // Zoot Allures
11:34 // 13 Engines // What If We Don’t Get What We Want? // _____ ^^
11:38 // Nedayeh Bahar // Habibi // Cardamom Garden
11:41 // Disarray // Preoccupations // New Material
11:45 // Say it Louder // Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats // Tearing at the Seams
11:49 // Don’t Stop Me Now // Queen // Greatest Hits
11:52 // Heart of Oak // Richard Hawley // Hollow Meadows
11:56 // Goodbye Stranger // Supertramp // Retrospectacle
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Today’s theme: because Victoria Day falls between Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day, the theme of this program is going to be parents & music. I want to hear from you. Get in touch with names of formative songs your parents introduced to you, and/or songs you introduced to your parents that turned their cranks.
^^ listener recommendation ++ selected from CKUA’s “house blend” playlist
09:00 // Monday Morning // Pulp // Different Class
09:06 // Victoria // The Kinks // Arthur
09:09 // These Days Is Coming Soon // The Lemon Twigs // Do Hollywood
09:12 // Today // Jefferson Airplane // Surrealistic Pillow
09:17 // Somebody That I Used To Know // Gotye // Making Mirrors
09:21 // Masseduction // St. Vincent // Masseduction
09:25 // Physical // Juliana Hatfield // Sings Songs of Olivia Newton John
09:30 // We’ve Come This Far // Sloan // Commonwealth
09:34 // Just Like Romeo & Juliet // Sha-Na-Na // __________
09:37 // Romeo & Juliet // Dire Straits // Priviate Investigations
09:45 // Four Out of Five // Arctic Monkeys // Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
09:51 // Treat Her Right // Mr. T. // Greatest Hits
09:55 // Axel F. // Angela Dubeau & La Pieta // __________
10:01 // Nunca Es Suficiente; Natalia Lafourcade; Hasta la Raiz
10:06 // Layla (Strange Brew) // Le Onde Blu // Italy 1960s Beat
10:10 // Nessuno Mi Puo Guidicare // Gene Pitney // Definitive Collection
10:13 // Save the Last Dance for Me // The Shanes // Anthology
10:16 // California Sun // Ola & the Janglers // Swedish Rock & Roll Hits
10:19 // She Taught Me to Yodel // The Scarlets // Collection
10:22 // Boys Night Out // Johnny Reimar // Greatest Hits
10:24 // A Swinging Safari // Bert Kaempfert // Classics
10:29 // My Bonnie // Tony Sheridan & the Beat Bros // Tony Sheridan & the Silver Beatles
10:34 // Why Do You Have To Break My Heart Again? // The School // Reading Too Much Into Things
10:38 // Neon Lights // Kraftwerk // The Man-Machine
10:42 // Das Model // The Cardigans // B-Sides
10:47 // Wipeout // The Eliminators // Planetary Pebbles - Behind the Iron Curtain, vol 1
10:50 // Crazy Guitars // Boomerangs // Planetary Pebbles - Behind the Iron Curtain, vol 1
10:52 // Can Can // Can // Singles
10:57 // Lakes of Mars // Doug Hoyer // Walks With the Tender & Growing Night
11:01 // Hello in There // John Prine // Souveniers ^^
11:09 // Carry Me // The Stampeders // Best of ^^
11:12 // Ghost Riders in the Sky // Gene Autry // Essential ^^
11:16 // I’ve Been Everywhere // Hank Snow // Essential ^^
11:20 // Happy Brasilia // James Last // __________ ^^
11:24 // Crazy Train // Ozzy Osbourne // Anthology ^^
11:27 // Oxygene II // Jean-Michel Jarre // Oxygene ^^
11:30 // Froggy Went a-Courtin’ // Red Allen // Essential ^^
11:35 // Welcome to Earth (Pollywog) // Sturgill Simpson // A Sailor’s Guide to Earth ^^
11:40 // Late Night Radio // Gary Brown // __________ ^^
11:45 // A Sweet Beginning Like This // Fats Waller // Anthology ^^
11:49 // You Make Me Feel Like Dancing // Leo Sayer // You Make Me Feel Like Dancing
11:52 // Twist & Shout // The Isley Bros // Essential
11:55 // End of the Line // Traveling Wilburys // Vol 1
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Due to some scheduling kerfuffles at the station, the July 2, 2018 instalment of The Midway will last longer and start a whole lot earlier! Coming to your receivers from 6AM-10AM MST, tune in for our post-Canada Day extravaganza.
The theme of this episode is a simple one: what is the best Canadian artist/song you’ve discovered in 2018? It can be a new release, or any Canadian that you weren’t previously aware of - regardless of era.
^^ listener recommendation ++ selected from CKUA’s “house blend” playlist
06:00 // Monday Morning // Pulp // Different Class
06:06 // Changing Times // Iwan Rheon // Changing Times single
06:10 // Hippy Hippy Shake // Chan Romero // USA Roots of the UK Invasion
06:12 // The Devil in His Heart // The Donays // USA Roots of the UK Invasion
06:15 // Twist & Shout // The Isley Bros // Essential
06:19 // Robotic // Hannah Georgas // Hannah Georgas
06:23 // Crash Years // The New Pornographers // Together
06:31 // Psychopath // St. Vincent // STV
06:36 // Summer Sounds // Robert Goulet // Summer Sounds
06:38 // Under the Boardwalk // The Drifters // Greatest Hits
06:40 // Summer Holiday // Cliff Richard & the Shadows // Summer Holiday
06:45 // Suck It and See // The Arctic Monkeys // Suck It and See
06:48 // Street Life // Roxy Music // Collection
06:51 // Everybody’s Coming To My House // David Byrne
06:56 // Houses of the Holy // Led Zeppelin // Houses of the Holy
07:03 // Troubled Mind // Dan Mangan // Troubled Mind single
07:08 // Wendy // The Beach Boys // Good Vibrations
07:11 // Gorilla Song // Sha-Na-Na // Greatest Hits
07:13 // Bananaphone // Raffi // Bananaphone
07:16 // Carry On // Coeur de Pirate // Roses
07:19 // Breaking Down // Florence & the Machine // Ceremonials
07:23 // Stepping Out // Joe Jackson // Night and Day
07:32 // Everything // Celeigh Cardinal // Everything and Nothing At All
07:35 // Tommaso // nehiyawak // Tommaso single
07:39 // My Back Pages // Marshall Crenshaw // Bleecker Street
07:44 // Only a Pawn in the Game // Bob Dylan // The Times They Are A-Changin’
07:48 // The Godfather Waltz // Nino Rota // The Godfather Soundtrack
07:53 // Wish You Were Here // Pink Floyd // Wish You Were Here
08:01 // Radio // Client // City
08:05 // Radio, Radio // Elvis Costello // This Year’s Model
08:08 // Shape Shifter // Lera Lynn // Resistor
08:12 // In the Aeroplane Over the Sea // Neutral Milk Hotel // In the Aeroplane Under the Sea
08:17 // Maybe Tonight // Nicole Atkins // Neptune City
08:21 // Girl Don’t Come // Sandie Shaw // Hits of the 1960s
08:24 // I Only Want To Be With You // Dusty Springfield // Hits of the 1960s
08:26 // Moonshiner’s Daughter // Rhiannon Giddens // Factory Girl
08:31 // Decomposing Composers // Monty Python // Monty Python Sings
08:35 // Girl From Ipanema // Stan Getz & Astrud Gilberto // Super Samba
08:39 // Xanadu // Juliana Hatfield // J.H. Sings Olivia Newton John
08:43 // I Wanna Prove To You // The Lemon Twigs // Do Hollywood
08:48 // Depth of My Soul // Thievery Corporation // Saudade
08:51 // No More Disguises // Thievery Corporation // Saudade
08:56 // You’re Nobody ‘Til Somebody Loves You // Dinah Washington // Blue Box 2
09:01 // O Canada // Osyron // O Canada (music video)
09:04 // Who Do You Love? // Ronnie Hawkins & the Hawks // Rock & Roll Originals ++
09:07 // One Foot // Doug Hoyer // To Be a River ^^
09:10 // Glory // Layten Kramer // Glory ++
09:15 // Always For You // J.J. Shiplett // Something To Believe In ^^
09:19 // You Don’t Scare Me // Whitney Rose // Rule 62 ^^
09:25 // Norwegian Wood // Greenwich, Breau, Bickert // Toronto Sessions ^^
09:31 // Changes // Gordon Lightfoot // Original Lightfoot
09:33 // Been Waiting // The Flashing Lights // Sweet Release ^^
09:40 // The Silent // The Bolt Actions // TBA EP
09:42 // Don’t Wanna Hear It // Lindi Ortega // Cigarettes & Truckstops ^^
09:45 // Bye Bye Blackbird // Ringo Starr // Sentimental Journey
09:48 // Blackbird // The Beatles // The Beatles
09:51 // End of the Line // The Traveling Wilburys // Volume 1
09:54 // I’ll Be Seeing You // Francoise Hardy & Iggy Pop // Triple Best
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2018-08-06 - 09:00-12:00
The theme of this episode: what recent folk-festival performance/performer has astonished you? It can be during the current festival season. It can be an artist you’ve loved for years, or someone you’ve only just discovered.
^^ listener recommendation ++ selected from CKUA’s “house blend” playlist
Monday Morning // Pulp // Different Class // Mon 09:01
Maggie’s Farm (live Newport ‘65) // Bob Dylan // The Bootleg Series Vol. 7 // Mon 09:06
Polka Dot Undies // Bowser & Blue // Polka Dot Undies (Single) // Mon 09:12AM
Let The Good Times Roll // JD McPherson // Let The Good Times Roll // Mon 09:17AM
Country House // Blur // ______ // Mon 09:20
Rockaway Beach // Ramones // Loud, Fast Ramones // Mon 09:25AM
Do You Need My Love // Weyes Blood // Front Row Seat To Earth // Mon 09:30AM
Surrender // kd lang // Tomorrow Never Dies Soundtrack // Mon 09:36AM
Underneath the Mango Tree // Diana Coupland & Monty Norman // Dr. No Soundtrack // Mon 09:40AM
Nobody Does It Better // Carly Simon // Clouds In My Coffee: 1965-1995 // Mon 09:43AM
You And Whose Army? // Radiohead // Amnesiac // Mon 09:48AM
Four Out Of Five // Arctic Monkeys // Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino // Mon 09:54AM
She’s Electric // Oasis // (What’s The Story) Morning Glory // Mon 10:02AM
Lille (live at EFMF 2013) // Lisa Hannigan // Live at the CKUA Tent // Mon 10:09AM
Driver’s Seat // Sniff ‘n’ the Tears // Driver’s Seat single // Mon 10:12AM
Breakfast at the Ace // The Rapiers // The Rapiers // Mon 10:16AM
Ford Fairlane // Confusionaires // Make a Little Mess With the Confusionaires // Mon 10:22AM
Big Sunglasses // Dylan Farrell // Blues Before // Mon 10:24AM
Would You Be My Dog? // Celeigh Cardinal // Everything And Nothing At All // Mon 10:30AM
Bizarre Love Triangle // Give 'Em Hell Boys // Barn Burner // Mon 10:34AM
City Lights // King Of Foxes // Golden Armour // Mon 10:38AM
Rock Pool // Cate Le Bon // Rock Pool EP // Mon 10:42AM
Twisting By The Pool // Dire Straits // Twisting By The Pool // Mon 10:47AM
Enola Gay // OMD // Organization // Mon 10:51AM
Bad Luck // Neko Case // Bad Luck (Single) // Mon 10:59AM
Total Eclipse // Klaus Nomi // Klaus Nomi // Mon 11:06AM
From a Logical Point of View // Robert Mitchum // Calypso is Like So // Mon 11:07AM
Phenomenal Woman // Ruthie Foster // The Phenomenal Ruthie Foster // Mon 11:12AM ^^
Gotta Serve Somebody // Mavis Staples // Tangled Up In Blues: Songs Of Bob Dylan // Mon 11:16AM ^^
Mr. Monday // Kobo Town // Jumbie In The Jukebox // Mon 11:22AM ^^
The Letter // Joe Cocker // Sounds Of The Seventies: 1970 // Mon 11:26AM ^^
Steppin’ Out // Joe Jackson // Night and Day // Mon 11:32AM ^^
Preachin’ To The Choir // Rodney Crowell // Fate’s Right Hand // Mon 11:37AM ^^
You Can’t Judge a Book by the Cover // William Prince // You Can’t Judge a Book by the Cover // Mon 11:43AM ^^
And I Love Her // Passenger // The Boy Who Cried Wolf // Mon 11:46AM ^^
And I Love Her // The Beatles // A Hard Day’s Night // Mon 11:51AM
End Of The Line // The Traveling Wilburys // Traveling Wilburys Collection // Mon 11:53AM
I’ll Be Seeing You // Francoise Hardy & Iggy Pop // Triple Best // Mon 11:56AM
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2018-09-03 - 09:00-12:00
The theme of this episode: what is one of your essential live albums? It can be new, old, filled with cheating overdubs, lo-fi, hi-fi, whatever!
^^ listener recommendation ++ selected from CKUA’s “house blend” playlist ~~ today’s featured album: Richard Hawley’s Live at the Devi’s Arse
Monday Morning // Pulp // Different Class // Mon 09:01AM
Maggie’s Farm (live at Newport Folk 1965) // Bob Dylan // No Direction Home // Mon 09:07AM
Goldfinger // Bill Frisell & Thomas Morgan // Small Town // Mon 09:14AM
Four Out Of Five // Arctic Monkeys // Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino // Mon 09:19AM
Oliver Cromwell // Monty Python // Sings // Mon 09:28AM
Reelin’ In The Years // Steely Dan // Can’t Buy A Thrill // Mon 09:30AM
Help Me Rhonda // The Beach Boys // Good Vibrations: 30 Years Of The // Mon 09:36AM
Hideaway // John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers // Bluesbreakers with Eric Clapton // Mon 09:39AM
Going Down // Freddie King // Ultimate Collection // Mon 09:43AM
Steppin’ Out // Memphis Slim // Rockin’ the Blues // Mon 09:46AM
Shake Your Money Maker // Paul Butterfield Blues Band // Paul Butterfield Blues Band // Mon 09:51AM
Darlin’ // Richard Hawley // Live at the Devil’s Arse // Mon 09:54AM ~~
The Devil in Disguise // Richard Hawley // Live at the Devil’s Arse // Mon 09:57AM ~~
Ain’t That a Shame // Cheap Trick // Live at Budokan // Mon 10:06AM
Hot Rod Lincoln // Commander Cody // 70s Classics // Mon 10:15AM
Rambler // The Madmen // Swedish Rock & Roll Hits // Mon 10:16AM
Pistoleros // The Shanes // The Shanes Anthology // Mon 10:17AM
Satumaa // Reijo Taipale // Satumaa 45 // Mon 10:22AM
Satumaa // Frank Zappa & the Mothers // You Can’t Do That on Stage Anymore 2 // Mon 10:25AM
Impossible Germany (live, 2012) // Wilco // Ashes of the American Flag // Mon 10:31AM
I Wonder If Care As Much // Richard Hawley with Lynn & Jean // Live at the Devil’s Arse // Mon 10:40AM  ~~
Lille (live at CKUA Tent, EFMF 2013) // Lisa Hannigan // Live at EFMF 2013 // Mon 10:45AM
Distant Sky // Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds // Distant Sky Live in Copenhagen // Mon 11:51AM
Smoke on the Water // Deep Purple // Made in Japan // Mon 11:00AM
Comfortably Numb // Roger Waters & Van Morrison // The Wall Live // Mon 11:10AM ^^
That Silver Haired Daddy of Mine // Simon & Garfunkel // Live 1969 // Mon 11:14AM ^^
Folsom Prison Blues // Merle Haggard // Live // Mon 11:19AM ^^
New Favourite // Alison Krauss & Union Station // Live // Mon 11:25AM ^^
Murder By Numbers // Sting & Friends // Broadway the Hard Way // Mon 11:29AM ^^
Do You Feel Like I Do? // Peter Frampton // Frampton Comes Alive // Mon 11:31 ^^
Lakes of Mars // Doug Hoyer // REC-YEG Concert Sessions 2012 // Mon 11:39AM
1952 Vincent Black Lightnight // Reckless Kelly // R.K. Was Here // Mon 11:47AM ^^
Just Like the Rain // Richard Hawley // Live at the Devil’s Arse // Mon 11:48AM ~~
That’ll Be the Day // Cliff Richard & the Shadows // The Rock & Roll Years // Mon 11:52AM
Don’t Ever Change // The Beatles // Live at the BBC // Mon 11:54AM
I’ll Be Seeing You // Francoise Hardy & Iggy Pop // Triple Best // Mon 11:58AM
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2018-10-08 - 09:00-12:00
The theme of this episode: a smorgasbord of tunes - food, mood, and gratitude. We’ll also feature some leftovers - songs which listeners recommended for earlier editions of The Midway, but which were not broadcast when received due to time constraints or other impediments. Sharing a feast for the ears.
^^ listener recommendation ++ selected from CKUA’s “house blend” playlist
Monday Morning // Pulp // Different Class // Mon 09:01AM
Hi Hello // Johnny Marr // Hi Hello // Mon 09:07AM
The Right Stuff // Noel Gallagher // Chasing Yesterday // Mon 09:12AM
Snow Bank // Doug Hoyer // Walks With the Tender & Growing Night // Mon 09:19AM
Strawberry Fields Forever // The Beatles // Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club // Mon 09:27AM
Strawberry Cake // Johnny Cash // Strawberry Cake // Mon 09:35AM
You Don’t Scare Me // Whitney Rose // Rule 62 // Mon 09:38AM
The White Witch // Ivoux // Frozen // Mon 09:43AM
Winter // Celeigh Cardinal // Everything And Nothing At All // Mon 09:48AM
Dunes // Alabama Shakes // Sound And Color // Mon 09:55AM
Satin Devil // Dirty Dirty Devils // Dirty Dirty Devils // Mon 10:04AM
Help Me // Joni Mitchell // Hits // Mon 10:08AM
My Favorite Things // John Coltrane // _____ // Mon 10:11AM
Big Rock Candy Mountain // Harry McClintock // O Brother, Where Art Thou? // Mon 10:14AM
Morning Has Broken // Yusuf / Cat Stevens // The Very Best Of Cat Stevens // Mon 10:17AM ^^
Blame It On the Bossa Nova // Eydie Gorme // Greatest Hits // Mon 10:21AM
Telstar // The Tornados // The Tornados // Mon 10:23AM
Telstar (Original Demo) // Joe Meek // Joe Meek Anthology // Mon 10:28AM
Take a Bow // Muse // Black Holes & Revelations // Mon 10:31AM
Money // The Backbeat Band // Backbeat Soundtrack // Mon 10:40AM
Rockaway Beach // Ramones // Loud, Fast Ramones // Mon 10:42AM
Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer // Nat King Cole // Greatest Hits // Mon 10:45AM
Crocodile Rock // Elton John // Greatest Hits // Mon 10:47AM
Money // Pink Floyd // The Dark Side Of The Moon // Mon 10:53AM
Statesboro Blues (Live) // The Allman Bros Band // At Fillmore East // Mon 11:01AM ^^
The Tourist Song // Brad Bucknell & the oHNo Band // self-titled // Mon 11:06AM
Wiggle Wiggle // Bob Dylan // Under a Red Sky // Mon 11:11AM
Bad Guy // Jesse & The Dandelions // True Blue // Mon 11:14AM ^^
Danceland (Come With Me) // The Garrys // Surf Manitou // Mon 11:17AM
Loneliness // Rebekah Higgs // Sha La La // Mon 11:21AM
Trigger // The New Haunts // The New Haunts // Mon 11:25AM ^^
I Wanna Thank You // Sloan // Navy Blues // Mon 11:29AM ^^
Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut // Almond Joy // Vintage Commercials // Mon 11:35AM
Fireworks // First Aid Kit // Ruins // Mon 11:37AM
The Way It Is // Nicole Atkins // Neptune City // Mon 11:44AM
Ice Dance // Danny Elfman // Edward Scissorhands Soundtrack // Mon 11:47AM
Apple Tree // The Hearts // ______ // Mon 11:49AM
Blistered // That Pedal Show Band // Blistered // Mon 11:56AM
I’ll Be Seeing You // Francoise Hardy & Iggy Pop // Triple Best // Mon 11:58AM
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2018-11-12 - 09:00-12:00
^^ listener recommendation ++ selected from CKUA’s “house blend” playlist
Monday Morning // Pulp // Different Class // Mon 09:00AM
Lollipop (Ode To Jim) // Alvvays // Antisocialites // Mon 09:05AM
Danceland (Come With Me) // The Garrys // Surf Manitou // Mon 09:09AM
Christmas All Over Again // Tom Petty // A Very Special Christmas 2 // Mon 09:13AM
I Will // The Beatles // The Beatles (Stereo Remaster) // Mon 09:20AM
Is He Really Coming Home? // The School // Loveless Unbeliever // Mon 09:22AM
The Spell of City Lights // J.D. McPherson // ______ // 09:25AM
The Future Age // The Hearts // Equal Love // Mon 09:30AM
Arnold Layne // The Pink Floyd // Arnold Layne 45 // Mon 09:34AM
Anne of 1000 Days // John Moore // Knickerbocker Glory // Mon 09:42AM
Journey // Sarah Nixey // Night Walks // Mon 09:44AM
Start As You Mean To Go On // Black Box Recorder // The Facts of Life // Mon 09:47AM
Xanadu // Juliana Hatfield // Sings the Songs of Olivia Newton John // Mon 09:53AM
Africa // Weezer // Africa // Mon 10:00AM
Hold the Line // Osyron // Hold the Line // Mon 10:05AM
Do You Remember Rock ‘N’ Roll Radio // Ramones // Greatest Hits // Mon 10:09AM
Breaking Down // Florence & The Machine // Ceremonials // Mon 10:13AM
Time Of The Season // The Zombies // Pop Music: The Golden Era 1951-1 // Mon 10:19AM
True Love Ways // Peter & Gordon // Greatest Hits // Mon 10:23AM
Wonderful Land // The Shadows // Shadows Are Go! // Mon 10:25AM
Midnight // The Shadows // Shadows Are Go! // Mon 10:27AM
While My Guitar Gently Weeps // The Beatles // White Album // Mon 10:31AM
(Nice Dream) // Radiohead // The Bends // Mon 10:37AM
A Boat Lies Waiting // David Gilmour // Rattle That Lock // Mon 10:41AM
Get Ready // The Temptations // The Motown Box // Mon 10:48AM
Did You Feed My Cow? // Sharon, Lois, and Bram // Smorgasboard // Mon 10:50AM
Damn Tattoo // John Wort Hannam // Brambles And Thorns // Mon 10:54AM
Little White Lines // Sweet Vintage Rides // Road Trip // Mon 10:58AM
Time Is Tight // Booker T. & The MG’s // Beg Scream & Shout!: The Big Ol’ // Mon 11:02AM
Take Me Home, Country Roads // John Denver // Behind The Music: The John Denver // Mon 11:07AM
Imagine // Neil Young // ______ // 11:10AM
This Magic Moment // Lou Reed // Lost Highway Soundtrack // Mon 11:13AM
You Belong To Me // Jo Stafford // Pop Music: The Golden Era 1951-1 // Mon 11:18AM
Lodestar // Sarah Harmer // You Were Here // Mon 11:21AM
Crosstown Traffic // Jimi Hendrix // Electric Ladyland // Mon 11:28AM
Quickstep Medley: I’m a Believer, Simon Smith & his Dancing Bear, The Happening, Georgie Girl // Joe Loss & His Orchestra // Top Pop Dance Time
Tous les garcons et les filles // Francoise Hardy // Tous les garcons et les filles // Mon 11:38AM
My Autumn’s Done Come // Hooverphonic // Sit Down and Listen // Mon 11:41AM
Darlin’ (live 2008) // Richard Hawley // Live at the Devil’s Arse // Mon 11:47AM
Memories // Leonard Cohen // Death of a Ladies’ Man // Mon 11:50AM
I’ll Be Seeing You // Francoise Hardy & Iggy Pop // Triple Best // Mon 11:57AM
2 notes · View notes
pb-seeker · 6 years
Hola buenas, he revisado los tags y no he encontrado nada que me cuadre. Estoy buscando pb para una mujer, que aparente entre 45 y 55 años. De etnia árabe o mestiza (arabe/caucasica), vamos que aparente ser Siria/Egipcia/Marroquí xD. Me la imagino con el pelo oscuro y los ojos marrones, aunque eso es secundario. No pido mucho más, por que ya solo encontrar una mujer +30 poc ya es bastante complicado. Muchas gracias de antemano y enhorabuena por el tumblr.
El mayor problema es que la mayoría de las personas de oriente medio y similar que conozco alcanzan como mucho la franja de los treinta años, por lo que no llegan a los cuarenta, así que no voy a tener muchas opciones. 
No recomendamos usar alguien de una ascendencia como si fuera de otra solo porque “aparente ser” a tus ojos una cosa u otra, así que te aconsejamos que cuando elijas una de las opciones mires qué ascendencia tiene porque hemos cogido norte de áfrica y oriente medio, sobre todo. ¡Esperamos que alguna te cuadre!
Ayelet ZurerAzita GhanizadaBahar SoomekhCarole SamahaEmmanuelle ChriquiGhada Abdel RazekHaifa WehbeLayla AlizadaMona ZakiMozhan MarnóNadine LabakiNisreen TafeshShohreh AghdashlooYasmine Al MasriYasmine Hamdan
Esperamos que nos digas si te ha servido alguna sugerencia, de lo contrario puedes volver para que busquemos más opciones. Los likes de todo aquel al que le guste, rebloguee o le de uso, serán agradecidos.
1 note · View note
Pomegranates Quotes
Official Website: Pomegranates Quotes
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• Adversity is like the period of the rain. . . cold, comfortless, unfriendly to people and to animals; yet from that season have their birth the flower, the fruit, the date, the rose and the pomegranate. – Walter Scott • And her sweet red lips on these lips of mine Burned like the ruby fire set In the swinging lamp of a crimson shrine, Or the bleeding wounds of the pomegranate, Or the heart of the lotus drenched and wet With the spilt-out blood of the rose-red wine. – Oscar Wilde
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  • But I have an African or Indian approach to what I find. I like to make use of everything. I can’t bear to throw things away – a nice wine bottle, a nice box. Sometimes I feel like a wizard in Toytown, transforming a bunch of carrots into pomegranates. – Eduardo Paolozzi • Close to the Gates a spacious Garden lies, From the Storms defended and inclement Skies; Four Acres was the allotted Space of Ground, Fenc’d with a green Enclosure all around. Tall thriving Trees confessed the fruitful Mold: The reddening Apple ripens here to Gold, Here the blue Fig with luscious Juice overflows, With deeper Red the full Pomegranate glows, The Branch here bends beneath the weighty Pear, And verdant Olives flourish round the Year. – Homer • Fun fact #1 about pomegranates: Pomegranates are awesome.Fun fact #2: Pomegranates are like little explosions of awesome in your mouth.Fun fact #3: A lot of people think you’re not supposed to eat the seeds of a pomegranate – but that’s not true, people who tell you that are liars, and they don’t know anything about life, and they should never be trusted. – Tahereh Mafi • Gospel ministers should not only be like dials on watches, or mile-stones upon the road, but like clocks and larums, to sound the alarm to sinners. Aaron wore bells as well as pomegranates, and the prophets were commanded to lift up their voice like a trumpet. A sleeping sentinel may be the loss of the city. – Joseph Hall • I am Persephone” she said, her voice thin and papery. “Welcome, demigods. Nico squashed a pomegranate under his boot. “Welcome? After last time, you’ve got the nerve to welcome me?” I shifted uneasily, because talking that way to a god can get you blasted into dust bunnies. “Um, Nico-” “It’s all right,” Persephone said coldly. “We had a little family spat.” “Family spat?” Nico cried. “You turned me into a dandelion! – Rick Riordan • I envied women with signature hair-dos, signature perfumes, signature sign-offs. Novelists who tell Vogue Magazine: “I can’t live without my Smythson notebook, Pomegranate Noir cologne by Jo Malone and Frette sheets”. In the grip of madness, materialism begins to look like an admirable belief system. – Emma Forrest • I felt like a seed in a pomegranate. Some say that the pomegranate was the real apple of Eve, fruit of the womb, I would eat my way into perdition to taste you. – Jeanette Winterson • I loved every second of Catholic church. I loved the sickly sweet rotting-pomegranate smells of the incense. I loved the overwrought altar, the birdbath of holy water, the votive candles; I loved that there was a poor box, the stations of the cross rendered in stained glass on the windows. – Anne Lamott • In 1879 the Bengali scholar S.M. Tagore compiled a more extensive list of ruby colors from the Purana sacred texts: ‘like the China rose, like blood, like the seeds of the pomegranate, like red lead, like the red lotus, like saffron, like the resin of certain trees, like the eyes of the Greek partridge or the Indian crane…and like the interior of the half-blown water lily.’ With so many gorgeous descriptive possibilities it is curious that in English the two ancient names for rubies have come to sound incredibly ugly. – Victoria Finlay • My heart is like a singing bird Whose nest is in a water’d shoot; My heart is like an apple-tree Whose boughs are bent with thick-set fruit; My heart is like a rainbow shell That paddles in a halcyon sea; My heart is gladder than all these, Because my love is come to me. Raise me a daïs of silk and down; Hang it with vair and purple dyes; Carve it in doves and pomegranates, And peacocks with a hundred eyes; Work it in gold and silver grapes, In leaves and silver fleurs-de-lys; Because the birthday of my life Is come, my love is come to me. – Christina Rossetti • Or from Browning some “Pomegranate,” which if cut deep down the middle Shows a heart within blood-tinctured, of a veined humanity. – Elizabeth Barrett Browning • Pomegranate juice has staying power. It’s not a fad. Once people have tasted POM Wonderful, they say they are addicted – and it’s a good addiction to have. – Lynda Resnick • Pomegranate Soup is glorious, daring and delightful. I adored the Iranian sisters, Marjan, Bahar and Layla, who are looking to build a life, start a business and find love in a place so far from home. Ireland has never been more beautiful – the perfect setting for this story filled with humor, hope and possibility. – Adriana Trigiani
• So hey, once Joshua heals your brother, you want to go do something, get some pomegranate juice, a falafel,or get married or something? – Christopher Moore • So where does the name Adam’s apple come from? Most people say that it is from the notion that this bump was caused by the forbidden fruit getting stuck in the throat of Adam in the Garden of Eden. There is a problem with this theory because some Hebrew scholars believe that the forbidden fruit was the pomegranate. The Koran claims that the forbidden fruit was a banana. So take your pick—Adam’s apple, Adam’s pomegranate, Adam’s banana. Eve clearly chewed before swallowing. – Mark Leyner • Surely Love is a wonderful thing. It is more precious than emeralds, and dearer than fine opals. Pearls and pomegranates cannot buy it, nor is it set forth in the marketplace. It may not be purchased of the merchants, for can it be weighed out in the balance for gold. – Oscar Wilde • The decor bowled me over. Everywhere I looked, there was something more to see. Botanical prints, a cross section of pomegranates, a passionflower vine and its fruit. Stacks of thick books on art and design and a collection of glass paperweights filled the coffee table. It was enormously beautiful, a sensibility I’d never encountered anywhere, a relaxed luxury. I could feel my mother’s contemptuous gaze falling on the cluttered surfaces, but I was tired of three white flowers in a glass vase. There was more to life than that. – Janet Fitch • The fallen hazel-nuts, Stripped late of their green sheaths, The grapes, red-purple, Their berries Dripping with wine, Pomegranates already broken, And shrunken fig, And quinces untouched, I bring thee as offering. – Hilda Doolittle • While still sixteen I am put in charge of a class of forty children who are two, three or four years younger than I. I fall in love with them. They are my possession, my mob whose forty minds, under my flashy and domineering control, are to become one, a mind unsullied by errors, unmarked by blots, contaminated by misplaced originalities outside the curriculum, and as full of facts as a pomegranate seed. – Hal Porter
  jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'a', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_a').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_a img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'i', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_i').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_i img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'o', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_o').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_o img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'y', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_y').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_y img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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equitiesstocks · 4 years
Pomegranates Quotes
Official Website: Pomegranates Quotes
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• Adversity is like the period of the rain. . . cold, comfortless, unfriendly to people and to animals; yet from that season have their birth the flower, the fruit, the date, the rose and the pomegranate. – Walter Scott • And her sweet red lips on these lips of mine Burned like the ruby fire set In the swinging lamp of a crimson shrine, Or the bleeding wounds of the pomegranate, Or the heart of the lotus drenched and wet With the spilt-out blood of the rose-red wine. – Oscar Wilde
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Pomegranate', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_pomegranate').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_pomegranate img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
  • But I have an African or Indian approach to what I find. I like to make use of everything. I can’t bear to throw things away – a nice wine bottle, a nice box. Sometimes I feel like a wizard in Toytown, transforming a bunch of carrots into pomegranates. – Eduardo Paolozzi • Close to the Gates a spacious Garden lies, From the Storms defended and inclement Skies; Four Acres was the allotted Space of Ground, Fenc’d with a green Enclosure all around. Tall thriving Trees confessed the fruitful Mold: The reddening Apple ripens here to Gold, Here the blue Fig with luscious Juice overflows, With deeper Red the full Pomegranate glows, The Branch here bends beneath the weighty Pear, And verdant Olives flourish round the Year. – Homer • Fun fact #1 about pomegranates: Pomegranates are awesome.Fun fact #2: Pomegranates are like little explosions of awesome in your mouth.Fun fact #3: A lot of people think you’re not supposed to eat the seeds of a pomegranate – but that’s not true, people who tell you that are liars, and they don’t know anything about life, and they should never be trusted. – Tahereh Mafi • Gospel ministers should not only be like dials on watches, or mile-stones upon the road, but like clocks and larums, to sound the alarm to sinners. Aaron wore bells as well as pomegranates, and the prophets were commanded to lift up their voice like a trumpet. A sleeping sentinel may be the loss of the city. – Joseph Hall • I am Persephone” she said, her voice thin and papery. “Welcome, demigods. Nico squashed a pomegranate under his boot. “Welcome? After last time, you’ve got the nerve to welcome me?” I shifted uneasily, because talking that way to a god can get you blasted into dust bunnies. “Um, Nico-” “It’s all right,” Persephone said coldly. “We had a little family spat.” “Family spat?” Nico cried. “You turned me into a dandelion! – Rick Riordan • I envied women with signature hair-dos, signature perfumes, signature sign-offs. Novelists who tell Vogue Magazine: “I can’t live without my Smythson notebook, Pomegranate Noir cologne by Jo Malone and Frette sheets”. In the grip of madness, materialism begins to look like an admirable belief system. – Emma Forrest • I felt like a seed in a pomegranate. Some say that the pomegranate was the real apple of Eve, fruit of the womb, I would eat my way into perdition to taste you. – Jeanette Winterson • I loved every second of Catholic church. I loved the sickly sweet rotting-pomegranate smells of the incense. I loved the overwrought altar, the birdbath of holy water, the votive candles; I loved that there was a poor box, the stations of the cross rendered in stained glass on the windows. – Anne Lamott • In 1879 the Bengali scholar S.M. Tagore compiled a more extensive list of ruby colors from the Purana sacred texts: ‘like the China rose, like blood, like the seeds of the pomegranate, like red lead, like the red lotus, like saffron, like the resin of certain trees, like the eyes of the Greek partridge or the Indian crane…and like the interior of the half-blown water lily.’ With so many gorgeous descriptive possibilities it is curious that in English the two ancient names for rubies have come to sound incredibly ugly. – Victoria Finlay • My heart is like a singing bird Whose nest is in a water’d shoot; My heart is like an apple-tree Whose boughs are bent with thick-set fruit; My heart is like a rainbow shell That paddles in a halcyon sea; My heart is gladder than all these, Because my love is come to me. Raise me a daïs of silk and down; Hang it with vair and purple dyes; Carve it in doves and pomegranates, And peacocks with a hundred eyes; Work it in gold and silver grapes, In leaves and silver fleurs-de-lys; Because the birthday of my life Is come, my love is come to me. – Christina Rossetti • Or from Browning some “Pomegranate,” which if cut deep down the middle Shows a heart within blood-tinctured, of a veined humanity. – Elizabeth Barrett Browning • Pomegranate juice has staying power. It’s not a fad. Once people have tasted POM Wonderful, they say they are addicted – and it’s a good addiction to have. – Lynda Resnick • Pomegranate Soup is glorious, daring and delightful. I adored the Iranian sisters, Marjan, Bahar and Layla, who are looking to build a life, start a business and find love in a place so far from home. Ireland has never been more beautiful – the perfect setting for this story filled with humor, hope and possibility. – Adriana Trigiani
• So hey, once Joshua heals your brother, you want to go do something, get some pomegranate juice, a falafel,or get married or something? – Christopher Moore • So where does the name Adam’s apple come from? Most people say that it is from the notion that this bump was caused by the forbidden fruit getting stuck in the throat of Adam in the Garden of Eden. There is a problem with this theory because some Hebrew scholars believe that the forbidden fruit was the pomegranate. The Koran claims that the forbidden fruit was a banana. So take your pick—Adam’s apple, Adam’s pomegranate, Adam’s banana. Eve clearly chewed before swallowing. – Mark Leyner • Surely Love is a wonderful thing. It is more precious than emeralds, and dearer than fine opals. Pearls and pomegranates cannot buy it, nor is it set forth in the marketplace. It may not be purchased of the merchants, for can it be weighed out in the balance for gold. – Oscar Wilde • The decor bowled me over. Everywhere I looked, there was something more to see. Botanical prints, a cross section of pomegranates, a passionflower vine and its fruit. Stacks of thick books on art and design and a collection of glass paperweights filled the coffee table. It was enormously beautiful, a sensibility I’d never encountered anywhere, a relaxed luxury. I could feel my mother’s contemptuous gaze falling on the cluttered surfaces, but I was tired of three white flowers in a glass vase. There was more to life than that. – Janet Fitch • The fallen hazel-nuts, Stripped late of their green sheaths, The grapes, red-purple, Their berries Dripping with wine, Pomegranates already broken, And shrunken fig, And quinces untouched, I bring thee as offering. – Hilda Doolittle • While still sixteen I am put in charge of a class of forty children who are two, three or four years younger than I. I fall in love with them. They are my possession, my mob whose forty minds, under my flashy and domineering control, are to become one, a mind unsullied by errors, unmarked by blots, contaminated by misplaced originalities outside the curriculum, and as full of facts as a pomegranate seed. – Hal Porter
  jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'a', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_a').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_a img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'e', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_e').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_e img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'i', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_i').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_i img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'o', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_o').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_o img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'y', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_y').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_y img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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Movie Crush #4
Je danserai si je veux (Bar Bahar), Maysaloun Hamoud (2017)
La réalisatrice palestinienne a été propulsée sur le devant de la scène internationale avec ce très beau premier film.
Bar Bahar (littéralement “Terre et Mer”) est une expression arabe signifiant “nulle part ailleurs”. C’est la description de cet entre-deux vécu par les femmes arabes en terre israélienne que le film s’attache à explorer.
Le film fait le récit de trois histoires croisées : celles de Layla, Nour et Salma, trois colocataires dans un appartement du quartier yéménite de Tel-Aviv. Layla est la plus affranchie des trois : avocate et féministe, elle défie les convenances en refusant le mariage et le rôle de soumission que lui imposent les hommes de son entourage. Elle partage son appartement avec Salma, serveuse le jour et DJ la nuit, qui a démissionné du restaurant où elle travaillait car la langue arabe n’y était pas tolérée. Elle cache son homosexualité à ses parents en rencontrant les hommes que ceux-ci lui proposent (de plus en plus vivement) d’épouser. Enfin, Nour emménage avec elles dans le but de poursuivre ses études à Tel-Aviv. Beaucoup plus sage, elle porte le voile et ose à peine demander à ses deux colocataires la permission d’héberger son fiancé pour une nuit.
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La cohabitation des trois femmes met ainsi en parallèle des modes de vie complètement différents, mais le film évite heureusement le clivage entre religieux et athées, pour adopter le point de vue des femmes sur leur époque. Celles-ci sont confrontées aux mêmes difficultés et agissent chacune à leur manière. Mariage forcé, rencontres arrangées, viol domestique, ambitions professionnelles ... Face au poids des traditions familiales, une véritable solidarité féminine se tisse entre ces femmes pourtant si différentes. 
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Une facette intéressante du film est sa mise en lumière du paradoxe de la ville de Tel-Aviv. En effet, cette ville ancrée dans la modernité est propice à la fête (voire la débauche), aux relations hors normes et à l’émancipation des femmes. Pourtant, malgré la jeunesse de sa population, les mœurs restent un véritable carcan pour les femmes, dont les amis masculins eux-mêmes finissent par leur rappeler leur condition de “future mère au foyer”.
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Par ailleurs, leur nationalité arabe est un frein supplémentaire à leur intégration dans la société. L’expression “Bar Bahar” renvoie aussi directement au regard de leur entourage, pour qui elles ne seront jamais ni véritablement Palestiniennes (parce que résidant en terre israélienne), ni complètement Israéliennes (parce que d’origine arabe).
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L’appartement des colocataires apparaît alors comme un “pont” dans l’entre-deux qu’elles traversent, où elles sont libres d’être ce qu’elles ont envie d’être sans jugement, avec beaucoup de bienveillance. Le plus émouvant à mes yeux est que cette tolérance puise directement sa force dans la sororité que partagent les trois femmes.
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La réalisatrice Maysaloun Hamoud a fait l’objet d’une fatwa à la sortie du film la condamnant à mort. En cause, la description sans concession qu’elle y opère de la violence du patriarcat subi par les femmes à Tel-Aviv.
En plus de décrire la vie de trois jeunes femmes palestiniennes à Tel-Aviv, le film nous propose une véritable immersion dans le quotidien de la jeune population de la ville, partagé entre les fêtes et doutes existentiels.
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aisakalegacy · 1 month
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Hiver 1919, Hylewood, Canada (18/21)
Mais Layan, elle, est très bavarde malgré sa difficulté à exprimer ce qu’elle veut dire, et nous trouvons toujours le moyen de nous comprendre, que ce soient par de cris ou des mimes. Quand elle ne cuisine pas, elle m’accompagne au jardin et à la nurserie, et nous conversons à notre manière de toutes sortes de choses, à notre manière, avec des mots simples et des rires. Je suis curieusement heureuse de son arrivée…
[Transcription] Eugénie LeBris : Bonjour, ma chère Layan ! Layan Bahar : Bonjour à toi aussi Madame. Eugénie LeBris : Les filles ont ben dormi ? Layan Bahar : Très bien ! Sommeil comme des pierres. Toi, par contre, tu n’as pas bien dormi. J’ai entendu l’autre côté du mur, tu étais débout, tchack, tchack, tchack. Maria n’était pas contente. Eugénie LeBris : C’est vrai, pardon. Avec mon mari toujours en voyage et les enfants qui demandent tant d'attention, j’ai de la difficulté à trouver un moment de repos et j’ai l’esprit qui bouillonne le soir. Layan Bahar : Oh, Madame, je suis désolée d'entendre ça. Peut-être tu devrais prendre un peu de temps. Eugénie LeBris : Je sais que vous avez raison, mais c'est plus facile à dire qu'à faire. J'ai tellement de responsabilités à la maison. Layan Bahar : Maria a dimanche matin. J’ai vendredi. Toi, tu as quand ? Eugénie LeBris : Moi, je ne travaille pas… Layan Bahar : Les enfants c’est le travail. Le jardin, la couture, c’est le travail. Layan Bahar : Ecoute Madame. Aujourd’hui je fais les bakhlava. Tu envoies tes enfants chercher les noix. Très amusant ! Ils vont jouer, revenir fatigués, manger les bakhlava, manger koshari, ventre lourd ! Ils vont dormir tôt. Qu’est-ce que tu veux faire aujourd’hui ? Eugénie LeBris : J’ai des bas à repriser qui s’entassent depuis des semaines. Layan Bahar : Ça peut attendre une semaine de plus. Eugénie LeBris : Je dois amener la chaise du grand-père chez le rempailleur. Layan Bahar : Pas urgent. Grand-père mort, pas besoin de chaise. Quoi d’autre ? Eugénie LeBris : La veste que Lulu m’a laissée à détacher… Layan Bahar : Je fais la veste pendant la cuisson. Quoi d’autre ? Eugénie LeBris : Je dois répondre à la lettre de ma cousine depuis des mois… Layan Bahar : C’est mieux. Tu me donnes la veste. Tu réponds à la lettre. Les enfants dehors. Aujourd’hui, tranquille ! Ce soir tu dors bien. Pas de « tchack tchack tchack ». Oui ? Eugénie LeBris : Merci beaucoup pour votre gentillesse. Je pourrais vraiment utiliser un peu d’aide. Layan Bahar : Tu as fait beaucoup pour moi et ma fille. C'est une petite chose.
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aisakalegacy · 1 month
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Hiver 1919, Hylewood, Canada (8/21)
Son mari s’est rendu compte que sa dernière née était une bâtarde, parce que des Egyptiennes avec des cheveux roux, on n’en voit pas souvent… Il l’a répudiée et il l’a chassée. Elle a dû laisser ses quatre enfants pour n’emmener que la petite. Elle serait peut-être morte si elle était restée. Jules l’a bernée avec des promesses veines, et la pauvre femme a fait tout ce chemin pour qu’il les tienne.
[Transcription] Eugénie Le Bris : C’est impossible, votre fille est trop âgée, Jules devait déjà être rentré d’Egypte. Quel âge a-t-elle ? Layan Bahar : Elle est née au début de la guerre. Maria Mayordomo : Ella tendría entonces cuatro años… (Elle aurait donc quatre ans…) Maria Mayordomo : Mm… No se parece mucho al Sr. Le Bris. Es el retrato de su madre, pero más pálido. (Mh… Elle ne ressemble pas beaucoup à M. Le Bris. C’est le portrait de sa mère, en plus pâle.) Lucien Le Bris : Je ne vois pas Papa s’abaisser à ce genre de choses. Est-on sûrs qu’elle est de lui ? Maria Mayordomo : Déjame quitarte el gorro, niña. (Laisse-moi retirer ton bonnet, petite.) Lucien Le Bris : Ça ne fait plus aucun doute. Cette dame dit la vérité, elle est aussi rousse que Lola.
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aisakalegacy · 1 month
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⚠️ CW : Sexisme internalisé ⚠️
Hiver 1919, Hylewood, Canada (6/21)
Il faut maintenant que je vous parle du grand évènement de la Noël dernière qui a bouleversé notre vie ces derniers mois, à moi et aux enfants. On me dit tantôt de ne rien en dire, que ces choses là sont privées, mais le déshonneur n’est pas mien, ce n’est pas moi qui ai péché et qui ai des comptes à rendre au Seigneur. Devant Dieu, mon âme chrétienne est pure et je n’ai jamais fait qu’on puisse me reprocher. Je ne prétends pas être parfaite, simplement, je sais reconnaître quand on me fait du tort, et quand on fait du tort à autrui. Le Révérend Bernard me dit que mon devoir d’épouse est de protéger la réputation de mon mari, mais que ces choses peuvent se dire en famille. L’apôtre Paul dit : « Que le mari rende à sa femme la bienveillance qui lui est due ; et que la femme de même la rende à son mari ». Bien que mon mari a failli à ses devoirs d’époux, jamais je ne m’abaisserai à nuire à sa réputation publique. Mais vous, par le mariage, vous faites partie de ma famille, je peux donc bien vous l’écrire.
[Transcription] Eugénie Le Bris : Vous venez pour la charité ? Le colis est en cuisine, je vais vous le chercher tantôt. Mais je ne savais pas qu’il y aurait un enfant, je n’ai rien prévu pour elle… Layan Bahar : Merci Madame, tu es gentille, mais ce n’est pas pour ça. Layan Bahar : Je cherche la maison de Jules Le Bris.
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aisakalegacy · 2 days
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Hiver 1921, Hylewood, Canada (13/15)
Je me refais doucement à la tranquille vie ontarienne, bien que j’ai l’impression de ne plus être chez moi. De nombreuses décisions semblent avoir été prises sans me consulter : du personnel embauché, l’entretien de notre nouvelle pupille, un chat - ma femme dit qu’elle l’a pris pour chasser les souris qui élisent domicile dans les murs de notre grande maison, mais tout ce que je le vois faire, c’est dormir et chasser son ombre.
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aisakalegacy · 1 month
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Hiver 1919, Hylewood, Canada (15/21)
La petite Layla est très mignonne. C’est une enfant tranquille, bien moins tempétueuse qu’on put l’être tous mes propres enfants au même âge. Elle fait plus petite que ce qu’elle est vraiment. Elle a cinq ans, elle est très timide, elle ne parle pas un mot de français mais je l’entends parfois échanger quelques mots d’arabe avec sa mère. Elle ne ressemble pas du tout à Jules, et cela vaut mieux, car je n’aurai pas supporté d’avoir sous les yeux le souvenir permanent de sa faute. L’absence de ressemblance est telle que j’oublie souvent qu’elle est sa fille.
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aisakalegacy · 1 month
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Hiver 1919, Hylewood, Canada (12/21)
La cuisine de Layan est délicieuse, pleine de saveurs exotiques et étrangères. Maria et moi peinons à entretenir une si grande maison seules, surtout avec autant de jeunes enfants qui sont autant de bouches à nourrir. Nos finances ne sont plus ce qu’elles étaient, mais j’ai conclu un marché avec elle. Je l’ai engagée comme cuisinière, pour un salaire inférieur à ce qu’elle pourrait trouver ailleurs. Mais en échange, j’éduquerai sa fille avec la même ferveur que les miennes. Je la nourrirai, la vêtirai, je m’assurerai qu’elle aille à l’école et reçoive une éducation digne d’une jeune fille de bonne famille, car elle reste la fille de Jules, et je m’assurerai que notre famille garantisse son avenir.
[Transcription] Layan Bahar : Je vais faire un repas de fête ! Il y a des épinards et du pain, je vais faire la molokheya.
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aisakalegacy · 1 month
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Hiver 1919, Hylewood, Canada (11/21)
Layan, c’est son nom, a déjà tout perdu. Sa faute a déjà été payée. Dieu a brisé Jésus Christ pour sauver de misérables pécheurs, et c’est son modèle que je veux suivre. Cette femme n’est pas éduquée, tout comme je ne l’étais pas moi-même quand je me suis mariée, tout comme ma bonne amie Jeanne Rumédier ne l’était pas elle-même avant d’épouser feu Monsieur Le Bris. Nous avons toutes trois été victimes de notre manque d’éducation, avant d’être les victimes d’homme mauvais et mal intentionnés à notre égard. J’ai une grande sympathie pour les femmes de la sorte, et je ne les juge nullement, car je me reconnais en elle. Mon mari a péché, mais il était de mon devoir chrétien d’offrir à cette pauvre femme le gîte et le couvert, et de ne pas la laisser périr de la misère où la faute de mon mari la condamnait.
[Transcription] Eugénie Le Bris : Madame Bahar… Layan Bahar : Il faut m’appeler Layan, Madame. Bahar était mon mari, mais il m’a chassée. Eugénie Le Bris : Layan… Qu’allez-vous faire tantôt ? Layan Bahar : Je ne comprends pas… Eugénie Le Bris : Vous êtes venue de loin… Je suppose que vous allez rester au Canada. Layan Bahar : Jules ne peut pas prendre une deuxième épouse ici… Eugénie Le Bris : Non, il ne peut pas… Ici, les lois sont différentes de l’Egypte. Layan Bahar : Je pense que je vais partir avec la petite et trouver du travail… Je ne peux pas rentrer chez moi, mon mari me tuerais. Eugénie Le Bris : Layan, votre cuisine est délicieuse. Est-ce que vous accepteriez de travailler ici, comme cuisinière ? Layla pourrait rester à la nurserie avec Lola, ma dernière. Elles sont sœurs, nous pourrions les élever ensemble. Layan Bahar : Alhamdulillah (Loué soit Dieu), merci Madame. Tu es bonne. Pardon, je ne voulais pas prendre ton mari. Eugénie Le Bris : Je sais. Vous avez ben payé votre faute et vous la regrettez amèrement. Je pense qu’aux yeux de Dieu, vous êtes acquittée. Jules, lui, savait ce qu’il faisait.
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aisakalegacy · 1 month
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Hiver 1919, Hylewood, Canada (19/21)
Je n’ai pas su expliquer à mes enfants qui étaient Layla pour eux. Lucien le sait, car c’est l’aîné, et il a réagi comme je l’attendais de lui, en condamnant son père et sans faire honte à ma volonté chrétienne de pardonner à celle qui a fauté. Mais je n’ai pas trouvé en moi le courage de l’admettre à mes cadets. J’attends le retour de Jules pour cela. Je ne pense pas qu’ils se doutent de quoi que ce soit. Ils sont trop jeunes pour imaginer de telles choses. Je crois que tout le monde aime la petite Layla, car même Marie et Agathon passent du temps dans la nurserie pour voir les deux petites. Lola est ravie d’avoir une nouvelle camarade de jeu.
[Transcription] Marie LeBris : Je n’aime pas que Layla doive rester avec nous. Il y a huit chaises dans la salle à manger. Papa, Maman, Louise et son fiancé quand elle reviendra, Lucien, moi, Agathon, Lola et elle. Ça fait huit. Marie LeBris : Ça veut dire qu’on ne pourra plus inviter qui que ce soit quand elle sera assez grande pour manger avec nous. À cause d’elle je ne pourrai jamais me marier. Maria Mayordomo : Podemos añadir más sillas. (On peut ajouter des chaises.) Marie LeBris : C’est une table pour huit chaises, pas neuf ! Ensuite ce sera asymétrique, et ce sera moche. Maria Mayordomo : Sí, tiene lógica. Entonces podemos comprar una mesa más grande. (Oui, c’est logique. Alors on peut acheter une table plus grande.) Marie LeBris : C’est la table de Grand-Père, et les chaises sont trop vieilles, on n’en trouvera plus jamais de pareilles. Je ne veux pas qu’on change tout pour une étrangère.
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