#Lena's snark is legendary
thatonebirdwrites · 2 months
This chapter gave me trouble, but I think I finally got its pacing right. It has a lot of moving parts.
Also, writing Lillian and Lena's interaction was incredibly fun. The snark the two have is legendary.
The day starts innocently enough.
Kara insists on making Lena shaped pancakes in honor of her first day back to the office. The smell wafts around her, and Lena can’t help but watch Kara cook. It’s one of the few things she can cook well, outside of one noodle dish, and sometimes a baked good. Lena learned the hard way to distrust most of Kara’s cooking concoctions, but the pancakes are always sublime.
“So,” Kara smiles at her, “how about we do the date tomorrow night? I have something special planned.”
“Special?” Lena leans against the counter and raises an eyebrow. “And what’s that?”
“Not telling.” Kara’s smile blooms into a full grin, and she gives Lena a sloppy wink. “This will be a surprise.”
Lena sighs. “All right. What should I wear though?” Most of her clothes are still in her penthouse, so she’ll have to stop by there to get ready. Hopefully Sam will be there, and maybe she can send Andrea off with Ruby to go hang out elsewhere.
Kara taps the spatula against the pan. “Dress up but wear comfortable shoes.”
“Dress up as in fancy gala or business casual?” That’s a rather wide range to begin with but she needs more precision here.
“Oh, I like all your red clothes. Or that purple suit. Honestly, anything will look amazing on you.” Kara leans over to lightly kiss Lena’s nose.
That sort of helps? Lena blushes and looks toward the windows. Most of her red clothes are dresses or skirts, which is quite different from the pants suit. “Is pants better than a dress for this?”
Kara only smiles and flips the last of the flower-shaped pancakes onto a plate. Which is not an answer at all. “Ready to eat?” she says instead.
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