weeds-eater · 9 months
Twisted wonderland Overblot gang with a Goth S/O
X reader, reader is yuu, reader is goth, GN reader
Riddle Rosehearts
・Screamed when you first met
・not really but he DID stare a lot
・like 😟
・when you first met he got onto you a lot about the dress code, but as time went on he got more lenient
・when dating he learned to love it
・your nickname would go from sweetie to bat
・just keep up with your grades and he won't say much
・not even gonna TOUCH the music portion
"You look like you just got back from Dracula's Funeral"
Leona Kingscholar
・yeah he's one of them that say "I wanna goth gf" but ACTUALLY mean goth
・when you first met bro was starstruck
・his contempt went down a little, but not much he's still mean 😡
・don't even THINK about asking him to help with makeup or any of the sorts
・too lazy
・will definitely buy the supplies tho
・drag him shopping, hell get something for himself and make you show him everything
・listens to the bands you like, pretends he doesn't like them but he legit does
"This band sucks... No you didn't find this in my playlist WDYM"
Azul Ashengrotto
・How bout you sign right here and hell supply everything 🥰
・it was a contract you love him forever
・honestly depends on what type of goth you are hell either love it or not care as much
・for example loves victorian goth, but trad goth not worth much
・hell never insult your style tho
・he applauds you for having the confidence to dress like that
・the music he's not too fond of, but he doesn't care if you play it or listen to it, he'd probably favor mor popular bands like the cure
"No I don't want to listen to Scarey Bitches, get back to work"
Jamil Viper
・"same tbh"
・he would totally go all out goth if he could
・but alas he has a reputation to uphold with Kalim and all
・loves the music but it more of a fan of gothic lit
・specifically ghost stories
・knows how to do the makeup so you both could do eachothers
・any piercings? He's in love, I hc he has snake bites so if you have any, or get any, you could match
"Sup my acid bath princess of darkness"
Vil Schoenheit
・well at least you put effort into your appearance
・jk he would love you anyway
・but he would prefer you tone it down a little
・not to be mean but like everyone on this list he has a reputation to uphold, he just cares about it more
・wants to know how to do the makeup tho, so please teach him
・he loves the lit and surprisingly he likes the music
" I am fine with the white base, however did you HAVE to add that poofy hair"
Idia Shroud
・you're the goth to his emo 🥰
・show him the music, he loves it, will show you emo music in turn
・dress eachother up as eachothets styles, it's a nice change of pace for him
・not a fan of goth lit, he doesn't read except for fanfics soooo
・helps you order your stuff online, won't go out in public even to a goth store
"Omg how much robux did that outfit cost"
Malleus Draconia
・bro know what Gothic lit is but didn't know there was a style and music style behind it
・"wow we have similar ways of clothing ourselves"
・honestly not much to say abt him
・he knows were poor so hell supply us
・hell listen to anything you tell him abt
・listens to any goth music you give him RELIGIOUSLY
・he loves Gothic architecture and Gothic comes from that sooo
"Wow we both look like we crawled out of a tomb!"
YAAAY 2nd post (^o^) how did I do this time?!
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mizuki-nautilus · 1 year
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I’m posting this fic on Wattpad as well if any of you like their interface better! ⭐
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weeds-eater · 9 months
How would the housewardens feel with an overly affectionate S/O
Housewardens x reader, GN reader
Riddle Rosehearts
Would take some time getting used to, he grew up in an environment that was not very affectionate. Don't get him wrong! He loooooves your affection, but definitely ease him into it, don't immediately jump into kisses and cuddle seshes, start small with locking pinkies and patting shoulders in private
"WOAH, I-I mean... Let's settle down a bit strawberry.!"
Leona Kingscholar
Doesn't care, like, literally. Most of his time is spent sleeping or lazing around and you best believe he would pull you down with him anyways, he can either be your best dream or your worst nightmare, I daresay he's even more affectionate then you. Imagine laying down all day with the person you love, one of you lazed on top of the other, that's you and him most of the time.
"You have classes? Nuh uh."
Azul Ashengrotto
Bro would die 💀 since he's really self conscious he would immediately pass out at any physical attention, but he wouldnt go off on some self deprecating spiral (idia) No he's to prideful for that, like riddle it would take a little bit of time but would come around to love your affection, even longer to initiate it, throw in some praise and he's putty in your hands.
"I hope Im not bothering you starfish..."
Kalim Al Asim
This could not be better! His love language is a physical touch, so expect to be tackled, bit, poked, kicked, punched, hugged, etc etc all hours of the day, not that he would hurt you tho its affectionate ♡ Jamils pour soul has to deal with him AND you now as he's attached to your hip all hours of the day. He just loves you too much and finally has someone to match his love energy >_<
"HIIIIII اميرتي" *tackles you*
Vil Schoenheit
Not very affectionate sorry, At LEAST not in public anyway, he has a reputation to uphold! He'll let you lay on him as he sleeps, or cuddle his lap while he's doing his makeup, and anything else in private but in public is a big no-no, he love you an will meet you halfway but he's more of a words of affirmation guy, please praise him in return o((*^▽^*))o
"Not here leibling, but rest assured tonight I'm all yours~"
Idia Shroud
Would pass out 2.0, he's been lonely for a while and yknow hasn't been outside in a while 💀 He likes you hugging him while he's gaming, and while he getting his 2 hours of sleep cuddle up to his "I paused my game to be here" clad chest 😍 honestly id say physical touch is his love language underneath gift giving, but in public he'd DIE
"y-y-y-you wannnnna hug m-m-m-m-me?!"
Malleus Draconia
(Oh boy my favorite)
PLEASE! Touch him, kick him, bite him ANYTHING! HE'S DESPERATE! Ultimate definition of touch starved, I'd say physical affection is like #3 on his list of love languages so imagine how the other 2 are. My boy is giggling and kicking his feet, writing in his dairy about how you held his hand today like a schoolgirl, he definitely wants to recreate fairy tale scenes, be the princess to his frog 😍he's legit sad if you dont at least grab his hand daily
"YES ahem I mean yes, I will lock pinkies with you while you rant to me about the..." FNaF" lore *giggles*"
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mizuki-nautilus · 1 year
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Hi there! I wanted to let you know that I'll be sharing my writing on Wattpad as well. While most of the content will be the same fanfics as here, I'm doing this to cater to those who prefer the Wattpad interface.
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