#Like SQH sits in his leisure house pouting after stormig of and suddenly his door gets kicked down by Luo fucking Binghe dragging him back t
merrill-mcmerlin · 1 year
There are many funny and logical reasons for Luo Binghe to support Moshang, for example to get Shang Qinghua out of the way as a rival.
But was if he realizes the parallels between their relationships and now he uses them as a crutch for his own relationship anxieties.
Because even if Mobei is okay, Shizun is of course better. And even if he hates himself, he and Shang Qinghua share most of their worst attributes, and at least he’s cool. So as long as they manage it he and his own husband are save.
It works great exactly up to the point where those two have even the smallest disagreement.
Then he breaks into the northern palace to give them demon emperor enforced couples counseling. If he can solve their problems he can fix their own marriage problems, if they ever occur. Or at least find out what Shang Qinghua did wrong and avoid doing that.
Even if he has a creepily high rate of identifying Shang Qinghua feelings and motives by projecting his own feelings onto him, he still blames him for every fucking problem that occurs. Because otherwise it would be Shizun’s Mobei-Jun’s fault and that is simply impossible.
Bad times are had by everyone.
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