#Lupus ☆ The Masochism Tango
gevaud4n · 2 years
🎵 (lupus & apostle! / lupus & kelpie!)
"Come on Johnny, when you gonna get here?
Alright, hold your pretty horses, I'll be there in a minute."
A fun, flirtier song for them. I think their relationship, while very loving- still has a dynamic behind it- of which Lupus encourages Apostle to spoil him as much as possible, relishing in the attention, and even teases him so he'll get more. While I don't think this all the time overshadows the side where Lupus, is like... mature and genuinly a really good boyfriend and stay-at-home husband pretty much, it's still a rather big part. The first part of this song in particular reminds me of them- where Gwen is talking to Johnny, and tells him to hurry in a way that insinuates something more, while Johnny just tells her to get herself all pretty and to pick a place.
All I Want is You - Barry Louis Polisar
This one wasn't on the tumblr spotify thing for me 😭 Anyways a cute lil song from one of my favorite movies, I think this one fits them because unlike with Apostle, though Lupus may still be spoiled, I think with Kelpie's lifestyle, he'd settle into something more humble. Though he'd probably still be high-maintenance, he'd be less eager for material things, and i thibk they'd often be content with just having each other instead.
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👗 | Cain & Lupus
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❛ this is a one time thing. ❜ | Copper, Lupus n Cain
Cain purred against Coppers neck, fingers pressed into his waist and chest pressed against Coppers back. If there was one thing that attracted him- and Lupus- to Copper- it was the sheer stubborness to admit how they knew they made him feel. Cain found it fun to tease him thiugh, especially whenever he caught Copper blushing around them. Lupus loved it too, and he could catch any little tells from his spot- pressed against Copper's front, opposite of Cain.
"Sure, sure..." Cain noted, as Lupus pulled Copper into a kiss. "I think you said that last time too though, and look who you've come back to~" He teased, groping at Copper's waist.
Lupus pulled back after nipping at the Warlocks bottom lip. "As much as you say you'll never come back, it's almost like you can't get enough of us." He remarked, ears flickering as he snickered. "I wonder if all of you Warlocks are like that, or if it's only you..." Lupus pulled him into another kiss, one hand moving to press against the Warlocks cheek, claws grazing against the skin.
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💛 | Copper, Cain n Lupus? [feel free to save this one since theyve not interacted a lot, unless u wanna go off of Vibes]
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Apostle was quite content to enjoy a lazy saturday morning with Lupus, and as such, when he woke up, he shifted subtly so that he could place gentle kisses across Lupus' shoulder and arm. As his lover woke up, Apostle gently nudged him to role over that way he could continue his trail of kisses over Lupus' shoulders and down his back, all the way down to the glowing diamonds on Lupus' thighs. Softly, he placed kisses over the diamonds as they glowed softly in the early morning light -- but just because he was soft, did not mean he couldn't be a little mischievous too. Nuzzling against his thighs, Apostle nibbled a bit around the diamonds before moving back up to be the big spoon again. "Good morning, my lovely fox."
Lupus found it delightful to awake to the soft feeling of kisses, a purr rising from his throat as he half-opened his eyes. When the light hit, he squinted, scrunching his face and deciding that actually, his eyes were better closed.
The nudging to roll over made him give a small displeased sound, wanting to just stay in his very comfy position but he followed anyways, moving for Apostle. He woke up more with the kisses going downwards, the fog over his brain slowly clearing but he was more than content to stay there anyways and keep getting pampered.
A soft smile came to Lupus' face at how gentle the kisses were, but he flushed as he felt the other nibbling. He made a small noise into his pillow, tail flicking against Apostle's head. When the other moved back up, he turned his head enough to kiss at his jaw sloppily- too tired to put much effort into it.
"Asshole," he muttered, though it wasn't serious and was much more a tease for being so 'mean' to him.
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[ LIFT ]:     sender, being taller than the shorter receiver, lifts them off the ground mid-embrace. for Ariel and Lupus
Lupus knew he was short. It was on two spectrums aswell- he was far shorter than most Guardians (He swore the other ghosts just knew how to make them taller) and even further shorter than most men. He wasn't self-conscious of it though, infact he would claim it added to his charm- and besides, finding the kind of clothes he liked in sizes made for someone over 6ft seemed like it would be a daunting task.
Still...it was something Ariel seemed to take some amount of joy in, being so much taller than Lupus- and Lupus didn't mind their height difference at all either. He was charmed by just about any Titan who was big, strong and handsome...and not only did Ariel fit the bill, he had become the only one Lupus even had eyes for. It made hin even happier when Ariel showed him small bits of affection like this one.
He found himself playing the role of something like a househusband (even if they weren't married) more often than not, taking care of anything that needed to be done around the house and even cooking meals for Ariel. It also meant that when Ariel did have missions...he didn't have his own, and so he was left alone, with only the company of Raksha and the newest shitty movie he'd dug up. However this loneliness seemed to affect him, it only made it better when Ariel would come home from long missions.
At the opening of the door, Lupus' ears pricked, the fur on them that was taking a sheen of tan due to the warmer months beginning to peek through looking particularily fluffy as he'd even made himself look all pretty for their dinner tonight. However, he didn't quite look back or go to greet the other, wrapped up in his cooking. Like clockwork though, he felt Ariel's arms wrarp around his waist, and he smiled.
"Welcome home," he cooed, placing a hand over the back of Ariels. He reached up playfully, placing a hand over Ariel's eyes as the titan set his head on his shoulder with a laugh. "No peeking! I have a surprise for our dinner tonight, and the food has to be one too." In truth, he was making Ariels favorite. Still, when the Titan took the chance to tease him and lift him off the ground by his waist, Lupus gasped before breaking out into high-pitched laughs.
"You'll make me burn the food! Put me downnnn." He whined playfully, trying to weasle his tail out from between them to bat at Ariel's face.
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[ GUIDE ]:     as they go in for a hug, the sender gently rests a hand and guides the receiver’s head to rest against their shoulder/chest. (apostle and lupus)
Lupus spent the better part of his life generally stress-free- worrying about himself and only himself, others be damned. It changed when he found his sister, and her kids and...even more so after she died. Of course, one was old enough to take care of the others, and their other uncle...well, as much as Lupus disliked him, if he had to he could do it aswell. But... these were his sister's kids. They were one of the last shards he had of his sister, and so coming back to the City and beginning to look after them more...he found the stress of someone who had put themself in the position of a single parent somewhat.
The youngest was starting school, and Lupus had made sure it was one of the best ones in the City. He wasn't used to waking up as early as he did but he wanted to be there to send them off atleast, even if Cassiopiea could technically do it and was used to doing such. He'd came back to Apostle's house afterwards.
He was glad that when he found the Titan, he didn't need to ask for a hug. The titan simply took him into his arms and nudged him to lean against his chest- and Lupus wondered how he had survived without Apostle's comfort. It sure was a big help...
Still, after a few moments of sitting there with Apostle, swaying slightly, he pulled away. Pushing down some of the anxiety he held for Celeste and her first day of school... he raised a hand and pressed it to Apostle's cheek gently. "What if we had a date night tonight? Dinner, the like... and when I have to go pick up Celeste, you could come with, maybe bring Dianthe...and we could go out for ice cream and everything."
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❉ - Stretching their arms up, showing their midriff for Ariel and Lupus
Lupus was shameless in how much he went out of his way to admire Ariel.
From curling up onto of the other to admire his chest- to holding onto the Titan's arm to feel over the muscles in his arm. Lupus was terrible with it- which meant, that when Ariel did the work himself? Oh, well, Lupus sure appreciated it for one.
He was currently watching Ariel work out, leaned back on his own and faux-looking over his fingernails. It was only an act- he was definitely checking out Ariel. Ariel raised his arms for something or another- Lupus never knew what the workouts were called, but his eyes wandered first to the muscles- then to the exposed bit of skin near the titans stomach.
He gave a soft purr to himself, moving his hand and shifting his position until he could set his head on his hands, watching Ariel more intently than before. He didn't say anything out loud, but fron the shift... he was definitely hoping for Ariel to flex in a way that showed anymore skin.
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playful kisses, such as, ‘‘i’m not going to kiss you.’‘ ‘‘why?’‘ ‘‘because if i do, i don’t think we’re getting out of bed today.’‘ (apostle/lupus)
Lupus groaned at the feeling of a young child jumping onto the bed, shaking him awake slowly as he tried to press his face into the pillow to avoid it. Unfortunately though, little Celeste had no concept of too-early, and her eagerness to go out to the city as Lupus said he would take her was overriding any sense of Lupus wanting to sleep. Still, she bounced off after a few moments, most likely to go complain to Cassiopiea about how they were taking too long.
Lupus yawned, turning his head to Apostle and smiling when he found the other awake, laughing a little. "A ball of energy," he noted quietly, before stretching a little.
Lupus was nice to Apostle- but at his core, he was still...well, Lupus. And that man could be lazy, extremely so. It could almost be seen a mile away, when he widened his eyes to give Apostle that puppy look and stuck out his bottom lil just a little to look cuter.
"Could you go calm her down for me?" He cooed, trying to wiggle his way onto the side of Apostle that he usually got to spoil him. Though- when Apostle instead scooted closer, and brought him into a kiss to get him to get him to be quiet, he snickered. Still, as they pulled away, he narrowed his eyes, though a smile was still locked on his lips. "That's not what I asked," he teased.
Any other teasing was cut off by Celeste coming back in, practically bodyslamming Lupus as he let out a small 'oof', bouncing on hi. before he gently nudged her off. "Alright! Alright, I'm up, I'm up. Go bother your sister." He said, sitting up and setting her back on the ground. He watched her run off before looking back at Apostle, and smiling a little, leaning down to press a kiss to the side of the others head. "I guess it's time to get up then. If I can't sleep in, I wouldn't let you." Lupus snickered.
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Lupus was not weak.
Lupus was- in fair fights, scarily strong given his general disposition and look. He could take on opponents in fights that had massive size differences in 1 on 1's- but the more people added, the mote his chances of winning waned.
It only took one slip up. He wasn't used to the terrain- one misstep, and he had lost his footing. He was now backed into a corner, fur puffed up all angry and tense, trying to make himself look bigger as a thick void mist swirled and billows near the floor. It was his own light, and even crackled with Arc at times- a kind of dual-wielding of the light, not as strong as most but effective in it's own ways. Lupus was injured though, cradling something hurt around his ankle, and a cut lining down his side near his stomach. That was what freaked him out more, the cut coming so close to his scars.
One of them stepped forward, threatening to approach and Lupus twisted to snap at him, but his attsntion was dragged as another tried to come up on his side. He turned to them but footsteps behind him again- and his ears lied back, Arc rearing for a fight as it crackled louder through the void, like thunder in a storm.
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“you know i’m never going to let anything happen to you. don’t you?” Ariel to Lupus
Lupus fussed over a lot of small things about himself, and the way the world around him worked. He'd fuss over his hair, over his makeup or the way his markings built charge. His fur, his outfit, the way someone looked at him...all very surface level. Anyone could hear those complaints- but Ariel got to hear his genuine fears often, confided before they left for llaces or at night.
Lupus hated alleys. He hated dark places. As childish as he thought it...he seemed it appropriate to say he had a fear of the dark. Even in Ariel's bed at night he'd curl into Ariel tighter, using the Titan as a shield. Even the dark of the void felt much different compared to what he couldn't see in the dark of their room. Mix that with a handful of experiences and...
He hated the city at night. But he wanted to go out to an event that he and Ariel had been invited to. He didn't know how the other felt but it was a chance to make a good appearance amkng actual tower Guardians and if his time with Spider had taught him anything; connections and first impressions were everything. Still, it was an event at night, which means the streets and alleys would be dark, and all manner of things... Lupus had been mentioning this as he messed with the cropped jacket.
Ariel's words were definitely a comfort though, and he watched the Titan fro. the mirror's reflection for a moment as he gave a soft smile. He cooed softly, turning to walk back to Ariel. "You're so nice to me." He said softly. "You're right though, there's nothing to be scared of with you around just...stick closer to me on the walk back, please?"
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❄ Amethyst at Lupus
Lupus seemed to have a penchant for snowballs being directed at him- but from Amethyst? He would have never expected it. Cain, definitely, since he already had, and a few old colleagues...but Amethyst seemed so out of the blue.
When the snowball hit him in his mid-back, Lupus jumped, shaking it off quickly as the cold shot through his body. He spun on his heel, matching Amethyst with a look that was somewhere between disbelief and something of a hurt puppy. Still, he crossed his arms, pouting and even sticking out his bottom lip a little to really sell the hurt look.
"I can't believe you," Lupus whined, "First Cain, now you?" He looked off to the side, his ears tilting back. "And here I thought I would be safe to turn my back..."
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playful kisses, such as, ‘‘i’m not going to kiss you.’‘ ‘‘why?’‘ ‘‘because if i do, i don’t think we’re getting out of bed today.’‘ Ariel and Lupus :3
Lupus prided himself on being a great distraction to Ariel. He was terrible about it too- no matter what the other was doing, he'd be there in some way or another, sometimes watching... most of the time being affectionate still.
Morning spilled through the windows, Lupus only being woken up by Ariel's movement beside him. He yawned as the other rolled onto his side, facing away from Lupus. Ariel did mention having things to do today... but Lupus still scooted closer, pressing against Ariel's back for a moment and setting an arm around the other. The other would not dodge his kisses forever.
When he lifted, Ariel leaned further, and so he huffed, grumbling. He paused, before pushing himself to sit up, moving to give the other an odd kiss due to the position. Thankfully Ariel seemed to give up with this- and Lupus felt him smile into the kiss.
Lupus pulled away, shaking off the strain it had put on his back, and let himself lay back down, snickering. "You should stay home today," He said, pressing another, easier kiss to the back of the others neck. "I'm sure whatever is out there, I'm better," He teased playfully, snickering softly.
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❄ Nemo at Lupus
Lupus was on his way back from his siblings house when she caught him not so far from Ariel's. To be fair, he was completely unaware of her presence. His usual ability to weasel his way away from projectiles was lowered, as he was already combing so much snow out of his hair... his siblings had already got him. A lot.
The snowball that nailed him in the side of the head made his yelp, stumbling a little before he just seemed to freeze. He turned his head slowly to her, looking about ready to maul her right then and there.
His ears tilted back, and Lupus stayed still for another moment before charging at her- fully intending to get her back in a much worse way...with much more snow.
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💕for Lupus, Orion, Forneus, Kit n Beagle :3
-Lupus likes his partner having little reminders of him on them in any shape or form. If it's not something like a bite or a mark or a type of clothing he gives them...they'll most likely be covered in white fur anyways. He's very smug about it.
-Orion, now that he's more comfortable with what his light has morphed into, is very fond of reaching out to others with his light in some way or another. Even if it has to be physical, in the way of an oddly luminous flower.
-Forneus adores taking walks around gardens and parks with his lover or Mephisto. Also the more I drill my brain abt them the more I realize I don't think they'd even get in a relationship unless it was poly so theres that too.
-Kit, while being vain himself, greatly enjoys admiring his partner and pushing them to see the nicer things about their physical appearance. In his eyes anyways, everything about them is nice, in one way or another.
-Beagle really enjoys being in the role of "taking care" of someone, since he really likes that idea of the old southern kind of families. He likes feeling like a provider of sorts. Also, he'd definitely spoil his partner with horse rides and pick them up whenever he's able.
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Lupus wasn't home and Ariel was thankful for that, even if he did not invite Callide inside. They were talking, or more like arguing outside, in front of the door for a while now. As the Warlock caught a glimpse of Lupus in the corner of his eye, he changed his strategy.
Callide always had the talent to piss off Ariel with as little words as possible, the smug smile on his face only adding up to that. He grabbed the Warlock by the robes on his chest with the intention to shake him, but what the other did was unexpected.
The Warlock leaned in, instead of trying to get away, and cupped Ariel's face in his hands. The kiss, a very affectionate one, stunned the Titan, enough for Callide to lean back with a sly smile. "Wasn't that nice?" He purred, stroking the other's face, but Ariel pushed him away, letting go of the robes.
Lupus just had to walk in at the worse time. He had been focused on something with his Ghost, but had finally gotten in view of the house.
In truth, he had been out getting gifts for Ariel. The bear mask he had painted, his own personal gift to the other...but he had also gotten Ariel some flowers and a cute little bear he found that was holding a heart way too big for its stuffed arms. The heart said "I love beawy much" and Lupus had thought it was cute. Maybe he was drilling the Bear thing in but...Ariel had a habit of calling him Fox too.
And yet...
The sight just broke him. He paused, stunned, and the stroking of the others face.
Lupus' fur puffed up, that was usually reserved for when he got really angry. There was emotion on his face and then in that split second, there wasn't. He had been like that before he really opened up to Ariel, always masking his true emotions behind that clever facade. He had so many things he wanted to say, but he just sighed, shaking his head after a moment.
"Fuck both of you." He muttered, before looking at Callide. "I hope you're forced to watch whoever you love die around you and forget yoy slowly with no way to stop it, and then forced to stay alive as birds peel out your internal organs one by one while you can do nothing." He looked at Ariel, and paused, before his brows furrowed as if the facade wanted to crack but he didn't let it. "Fuck you." He spat. He looked down at the mask, sneering and snapping it in half before dropping the rest of the stuff on the ground with a muttered curse in Japanese. He held Silver to his chest as he turned heel on them, bringing the ship into a transmat range.
And as fast as he had arrived back, he was gone. Angry, and upset, and gone. On Lupus' side, it was a kiss. It was him being cheated on when he finally found something. He couldn't know what happened. He wanted to kill Callide. He wanted to kill Ariel. That made him more frustrated than anything, the want to hurt someone that he cared about. That he thought cared about him. Better luck next time, he guessed.
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