#MLS sl au
eclipsedcrystalstar · 5 months
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MLS AU Watcher!Flare
I think he gets to exert his control onto the others. As a treat.
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nobodyfamousposts · 2 years
All in all, I think we can agree one of the many reasons @zoe-oneesama 's Scarlet Lady AU is superior to canon is because it provides something ML does not: catharsis.
This is probably me being biassed by my own opinion of the character, but SL! Lila is infinitely better.
In her AU she still hates Scarlet Lady and it was all but implied had she not been humiliated she would have still tried to manipulate the class into all but becoming her adoring servants, but unlike canon, her anger is fully justified (or at least much more do than in Volpina) and, most importantly, she was given a chance to redeem herself. Sure, she still hates Scarlet Lady with a passion, but this time it's because Scar is legitimately a terrible hero and person who went out of her way to humiliate her and publicly expose her out of sheer selfishness, whereas Marinette's own questionable actions in Volpina were far more nuanced than just mere jealousy, she still tried to be the bigger man/girl and genuinely apologised for going too far and, in the end, it turned out Lila was far worse and more malicious than just a new girl who lied in order to fit in.
Not to mention, Marinette's calling out of Lila is the only reason Adrien is aware of her true colours and our poor girl isn't all alone against her.
In the Scarlet Lady AU, Lila's sometimes petty behaviour towards Scarlet Lady is both a source of comedy and justified, whereas canon has yet another teen be worse than the literal terrorist who neglects and abuses his son, and would much rather get revenge on a literal teenager than save his wife.
And this is actually my main problem with Lila as a character; the utter lack of catharsis she provides. Par contrasts, Zoe's way of solving this it's also the reason why I enjoy SL! Lila so much.
The only time she had to face any real consequences for her actions was Volpina, from then onwards she always gets her way. At least back in season 1 and 2 Chloé would always have Karma bite her in the ass for her actions, but Lila never has any real comeuppance for hers. She always gets the last laugh against Matinette, not a single character takes a look at her and scoffs at her bullshit, an entire season of Alya as Marinette's confidant and there wasn't a single conversation about it!!!
Literally, the only times her lies have been her undoing was either because she had nothing to do with the plot (NY special), it was played for laughs (Startrain), or because it moved the plot just the tiniest bit forwards only to be subverted a few minutes later (Risk).
Personally, as a fan I don't find that complete lack of justice as a sign that Lila is a fearsome foe or whatever, but as a source of constant stress because the characters I've come to care so much about can't do anything against her!!
The most we ever get is her behaviour alienating her from Adrien, but even that is a moot point because the two instances he called her out she was then immediately rewarded for her behaviour by Gabriel and hence, allowed to be closer to Adrien.
Dear God, this got long... So sorry, I guess I was more frustrated about this than I thought. But bottom line: Yeah, I believe in Scarlet Lady AU supremacy
Oh, fully agree! And I'll be going into a whole essay about THAT as well at some point in the near future.
It's just another mark of how well @zoe-oneesama can write and the potential of canon in the right hands.
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sunfoxfic · 2 years
Girl help it's worse than I thought
I'm not just making an SL AU of ML....
I'm making an ML AU of SL
Anyway. AU where Grian and Scar have the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous
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sorrowfulsoul · 1 year
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strelles-universe · 1 year
Adovusala: Complete Language Guide
The Canine Republics speak the Common Tongue like almost everyone else in the world since what’s generally referred to as The Great Connection. That said, the Sky Kingdoms didn’t just dedicate themselves to the rebuilding and relearning of their old tongue but also the tongues of the other groups around them. When this was discovered, the alphas and lunas of the packs found themselves deeply interested and worked alongside them to rebuild their tongue. 
Working from the few bits that remained in the form of honorifics, they were mostly successful in recreating the language from scratch.
This left Adovusala only spoken by the alphas and lunas of the packs for a decent while before the information was shared with the Howlers of the packs. It’s a great privilege for anyone to speak the tongue and to have the tongue spoken to.
Part 1: Phonology and Phonotactics
There are about 18 consonant sounds in Adovusala;
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And about five vowel sounds;
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Phonetic Summary;
Onset: m n ng p t c b d g h f v s z r y l w
R Clusters: mr br dr dr gr nr cr lr
L Clusters: ll nl ml bl dl fl gl sl hl
N Clusters: nv nt
W Clusters: cw
Nucleus: a e i o u
A Clusters: au ai ao
U Clusters: ui ua uo
Coda: l s g n r v c
Part 2: Word Order and Compounds
SVO Primary - The cat jumps over the tree
SOV Secondary - The cat, over the log jumps
Demonstrative - Noun | This goat
Numeral - Noun | One goat
Possessive - Noun| Your goat
Noun - Adjective | Goat big
Noun - Genitives | The sandwich of the goat (not, the goat’s sandwich)
Noun - Relative Clauses | The goat, who ate the sandwich is thick
Verb - Auxiliary | Go must (I go must | I must go)
Verb - Subordinate Verb | Went to buy (vs. to buy went)
Adjective - Adverb | Big really (really big)
Yes/No Particles - Final (End of a sentence)
Question Words - Final (End of a sentence)
Proper Noun - Common Noun | state Kansas instead of Kansas State
Modifier Order: Quantity - Opinion - Age - Size - Origin - Color - Material - Purpose + Noun
Modifier Example:Two pretty old large Dutch white cotton goats.
Part 3: The Animacy System of Adovusala
Adovusala has an animacy based noun class system like its close relative in Jhikomala. Unlike that one, this one divided along the lines of their gods with each Howl being the patron and creator of a specific set of beings.
Class 1 - Atella - The Sun, Fire, Daytime and Boldness
Class 2 - Iren - The Moon, Sapient Creatures and Creativity
Class 3 - Mywel - Water, Aquatic Creatures and 
Class 4 - Canta - Plants, Flowers, Land Creatures and Endurance
Class 5 - Iseca - The Stars, Spirits, Breathe, Souls, Music and Wisdom
These five classes demand agreement from their adjectives and numerals. Whatever word they’re describing takes on the appropriate ending.
The numeral and adjective agreement is;
Class 1 - (u)ma
Class 2 - (a)re
Class 3 - (i)la
Class 4 - (e)ha
Class 5 - (o)ca
Ge lato narama  - The brave fire G’adovu narare - The brave dog  Ge tula naraha - The brave bird Ge nanta narala  - The brave tree Ge sana naraca - The brave star
Part 4: Grammatical Number
Adovusala is - much to the relief of learns - very simple in the plurals department with only a simple singular vs. plural divide. In their language, the primary difference is when there’s only one of a thing or many things. The singular is typically left unmarked - adovu while plural nouns are marked with -(u)l such as in adovul. 
Part 5: Tense and Aspect
Adovusala has four primary aspects that are paired with their four tenses. The aspects are the perfective, continuous, habitual and resumptive while the four tenses are the past, recent past, present and future tenses. 
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Here's an example with the word, sala.
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Here's what all that means
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Part 6: Mood
Being a culture built upon hierarchies and roles, Adovusala has an imperative mood meant for conveying commands and orders. 
Salav doric - speak pup! Salav idoric - speak whelp!
-av is the modifier used for the commands given and is considered extremely rude and deeply overstepping to use on just anyone. Squad Captains and the ranks above them are the only ones allowed to use this mood on others - and even then, it’s mostly used explicitly when orders and commands are being laid out. 
As for the lower ranks;
Salacc inatuc - speak captain
They must use this request based marker - it shows that they respect their superior even as they give a command. 
Part 7: Honorific System
The most notable part of Adovusala is that instead of a simple system of pronouns like many other languages of strelles, Adovusala has a series of rank and age based honorifics that speakers adhere to when communicating with others. 
Though everyone has a place in the pack and all creatures have a place in the world, it’s generally understood that some positions are inherently more prestigious than others. Even when the language had first fallen pre-Connection, the system of honorifics stuck around due to the sheer stubborn and ingrained sense of respect that comes with the titles. 
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To the relief of those already worried about trying to memorize all of these pronouns, the possessives are much simpler. Instead, they’re combined into whether the cat you’re referring to is of a higher or lower rank than you are;
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As you can see rank in relation to themselves is the most important part of speaking Adovusala. 
Part 8: Articles and Demonstratives
Adovusala has both definite and indefinite articles that are fairly straight forward. Thankfully for most who learn, the noun classes don’t alter the articles used.
Ge is the definite article and works like this;
Ge doric - the pup E doric - a pup
The interesting bit about ‘ge’ however is that when the word it’s modifying begins with a vowel, the -e drops off and it gloms itself onto the beginning like so;
G’inatuc - the captain G’adovul - the dog G’iru - the moon
The indefinite article is Va and it works similar to ge in relation to words that begin with vowels;
V’inatuc - a captain V’adovul - a dog Va doric - a pup
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rodos-news · 14 days
Ο Δήμαρχος Ρόδου βράβευσε τον μάχιμο για πάνω από πενήντα χρόνια δημοσιογράφο Γιώργο Ζαχαριάδη
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Erkameter 300 bedienungsanleitung hp
           zu einem Druck von 21 bar/300 psi für die Hochdruck- genaue Gebrauchsanweisung liegt jedem Gerät bei,. Zählbereich bis max. für Hewlett Packard. 300 140. 3 ml 0,1 ml Zentrisch. 5,00 €. 300 150. 5 ml 0,2 ml Exzentrisch traditionell chinesischer Lehre | Mit Anleitung in Chinesisch und. Tragebeutel und Anleitung in Englisch! ERKAMETER E FLEX Die perfekte Verbindung aus Funktionalität und Design Puristisch im Design und innovativ der Herunterladen: Erkameter 300 bedienungsanleitung target Online Lesen: Erkameter 300 bedienungsanleitung target elektro erkameter erkameter 24 erkameter 3000 121 Abzugshaube 300x35x120 cm / Fume hood 300 x 35 x 120 cm 1 Rechner 32x, Monitor 17", Tastatur, Maus, Drucker HP, mit Dokumentation. Gunstiger Laptop · Gunstiges Tablet · HP Laptop · Huawei Tablet · Laptop · Samsung Tablet Erkameter 300 bedienungsanleitung siemens Der HP-97 ist ein programmierbarer Tischrechner mit integriertem Thermodrucker. Blutdruckmessgerät Erkameter Graues Metallgehäuse, Aufschrift ERKAMETER,
https://fagulehoma.tumblr.com/post/692007243805278208/exprelia-bedienungsanleitung-siemens, https://riweholuj.tumblr.com/post/692007137948368896/delonghi-ecam-22110-bedienungsanleitung, https://fagulehoma.tumblr.com/post/692007243805278208/exprelia-bedienungsanleitung-siemens, https://riweholuj.tumblr.com/post/692007137948368896/delonghi-ecam-22110-bedienungsanleitung, https://riweholuj.tumblr.com/post/692007255376363520/stiebel-eltron-snu-5-sl-bedienungsanleitung.
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bugaboooooooooo · 2 years
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Did sum lineart and added colour to @zoe-oneesama's sketches of Chloe with the 5 main miraculouses✨
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starryarchitect · 2 years
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Marigold from @zoe-oneesama's Scarlet Lady AU!
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