#Maddie has an affair with Bruce Wayne
minty364 · 8 months
DPXDC Prompt #59
Jack Fenton is a lot of things, a caring husband, a scientist, and even a dad! Or so he thought, until he finds out Maddie Cheated on him and Danny wasn’t really his, he knew the initial on the guy was B. W. but he didn’t know who that was. He got into a fight with her about it and he left for a couple days to clear his head.
Jazz, and Danny were in the basement along with their mom who was trying to get the portal activated. It wasn’t working and she was getting frustrated. Danny hates that his parents were fighting over him, he didn’t know who his real father was but he was a little curious. Jack and Maddie had always put their research above all else and he wished he had a normal family.
Danny goes into the hole where the portal is and trips on a wire, in a blinding light he dies and is brought back. Unfortunately the portal wasn’t quite ready without Jack helping and an explosion spreads out in the basement killing both Jazz and Maddie. Jack comes home to find only Danny alive. He resents the boy, of course he does Danny took away his only chance at normal.
Danny after a couple weeks of getting abused by the now alcoholic Jack, runs away to Gotham, he’s got to find Batman, he’s the worlds greatest detective, surely he can find who B. W. Is right?
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