#Marty and Sarah Love Wrestling
gutwrenchflowerbomb · 7 months
I was reminded of Eddie Kingston on various podcasts from a post on my dash and so I went and clipped two very fun excerpts from the Marty and Sarah Love Wrestling Bonus Episode where Eddie hung out with them at their apartment and mostly just joked around. This is such a fun one because they are all friends so he’s not as, I don’t know - guarded? I think that’s the best way to put it.
Anyway here’s the two clips I edited together. If you wanna hear the whole thing I highly recommend it. Just google “Marty and Sarah Love Wrestling” and look for episode 144 on all the different platforms.
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tunneltalkpod · 2 years
Marty, Allie, Anne, and Lea Love Wrestling
It’s another huge crossover event, as we welcome Marty DeRosa of Marty and Sarah Love Wrestling to the pod! He’s a longtime wrestling fan so we got to pick his brain on things like the appeal of FTR, what makes for a good belt storyline, his favorite wrestling moments, and then had a ball finding out about things like 1-900 wrestling hotlines of the past. We also got him playing our classic dating game, and discovered that he was an absolute natural. You’ll come in thinking “Mark Henry and Ethan Page? There’s no way,” and go out thinking, “Wow, Marty’s really convinced me they could have something real.”
Listen now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts!
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chikaraspecial · 5 years
It's a very special Thanksgiving episode of Marty and Sarah Love Wrestling as we welcome Bryce Remsburg of AEW into our hearts and home to talk all things positivity, wrestling, and more. We also read messages from you, the buddies, about what you're grateful for this year and in this time of SO much wrestling. Gather round, eat what you like, and Let's Podcast!
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lilaviolet · 3 years
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jiilys · 5 years
jane potter, liquorice eater extraordinaire, gave up smoking and always has runs in her stockings  
liam evans, king of barely pausing at stop signs, goes out with the liquorice eater extraordinaire  
sarah black exclusively dated roller derby girls in high school and so all her passwords are, embarrassingly, skaterchick
ruby lupin likes to sew, caught jane smoking, and has a gum problem. also the barista course on her resume is a lie.
piper pettigrew’s 20th birthday was at a kid’s seafood place because she liked their chips and her first kiss was her second cousin
they’re twenty-one so they spend a lot of time drunk on the floor of various flats ripping into people for spilling drinks and eating chips they didn’t pay for
ruby failed her driver’s test the first time because she swerved for a sprite can and sarah brings it up, like, objectively too much for someone who’s meant to be her friend
liam’s in a social soccer team and its embarrassing how hot jane finds it. she has to stop coming to games because she keeps trying to jump him in the bathroom during half time
rubys studying architecture and liam’s doing design and regardless of where they are if they so much as say ‘nice carpet’ sarah does a jerking off motion with her hand and says ‘academics piss off to the loos thanks’ 
jane does law and sarah doesn’t mock her nearly as much but then again she’s always had special rules.
ruby’s mother sends her care packages every week and, like, one: she’s and adult and two: why would she need this many band aids
jane, lying on sarah’s bed at ten p.m. eating a packet of raisins and not doing her essay, “thoughts on the porn parody idea shark bulge and lava tits”
sarah: “well only if I get to be shark bulge”  
liam’s mother doesn’t like jane very much and it’s probably because in high school liam only started skipping school (jane, yelling from the other room: “you mean got cool!”) when they started going out
a party they go to and everyone has to dress up as their weirdest crush, so jane goes as conan o'brien and liam goes as jane
ruby and sarah have a really nice cat called mr brussels and he is fat and brown and actually isn’t all that nice but they still love him so shut up
jane, a real law clerk who goes to wine and cheese events with her boss, says her legal hero is judge judy and honestly means it
piper once felt so guilty about not having anything to give a very good street busker that she put her vape pen into his hat
sarah’s mother will only contact her through lawyers so jane will go to their office with a breifcase that has nothing in it and sign all documents on her behalf with ‘fuck you’
running joke that no one can remember what piper’s degree is although if sarah’s life depended on it she would say it was physio therapy
it isn’t
liam’s nickname for jane is ‘lucky’ because she always gets good grades and green lights and nice landlords. also because once she won £27 on a lottery ticket one time and wouldn’t shut up about it
ruby starts all sentences to other people about sarah like ‘my flatmate, the recovering aristocrat’
ruby’s birthday party where marty beckridge and liam help sarah climb into the linen closet and later jane does handstands in the sink to rapturous applause and by the end of the night piper, higher than shes ever been in her life, starts crying mid make-out with giles oliver because she’s convinced she caught his gluten intolerance  
liam brings jane to phillips wedding even though he didn’t get a plus one because he couldn’t stand to go without her, and she pays the dj fifty pounds to play the funeral march when philip and veronica cut the cake
liam once called one of sarah’s hook ups a ‘night visitor’ and sarah got it tattooed above her right elbow on his birthday
long standing agreement that piper pays for the ubers to town but never pays for her first drink or drunk mcdonalds, unless she gets a fillet-o-fish, in which case she owes everyone present twenty dollars and an apology
sarah and liam will arm wrestle after one (1) beer or shot or glass of water
jane, who only smokes when she’s stressed, goes through a pack a day the week leading up to her exams until liam confronts her about it and then they’re both yelling and it’s a fight and then, for no reason jane is crying, because she hasn’t slept in a long time and is very afraid of not being as good as everyone thinks she is
liam, who gently tugs her by the wrist into their room and lies on the bed with her, traces shapes on the back of her hand, mumbling nonsense. 
later, once she falls asleep, he takes her glasses off and cleans them
and all that green lights and lottery ticket stuff is bullshit, jane knows, because this is luck. he cleans her glasses. oh man. luck indeed.
she brings this up to sarah. ‘wow’ sarah says, ‘your real life shark buldge’
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buddhausen · 7 years
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Wrestling Discord HQ wants YOU! With over eighty muses, many private rooms, bi-monthly tasks, events, and being open four years, we would love to see some fresh faces over here to join our discord-based roleplay family!
Below are some of the most wanted muses the members of the group have specifically asked for, with HIGHLY requested muses in bold!
Most Wanted Females:
AJ Lee, Bianca Belair, Brandi Lauren, Chelsea Green, Doudrop, Elektra Lopez, Io Shirai, Kayden Carter, Kiera Hogan, Kris Statlander, Lash Legend, Mandy Leon, Marti Belle, Maryse, Naomi, Natalya, Nikki A.S.H., Persia Pirotta, Raquel Gonzalez, Rhea Ripley, Sarah Logan, Shayna Baszler, Sofia Cromwell, Tay Conti, and Tenille Dashwood!
Most Wanted Males:
The Best Friends, Cameron Grimes, Carmelo Hayes, Cody Rhodes, Members of the Dark Order, Dragon Lee, Dolph Ziggler, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, FTR, Grayson Waller, Humberto Carrillo, Isaiah “Swerve” Scott, Jimmy Jacobs, John Cena, Minoru Suzuki, Malcolm Bivens, MJF, Nash Carter, Proud ‘n Powerful, R-Truth, Robert Roode, Sami Callihan, Roman Reigns, Trick Williams, and Xyon Quinn!
Most Wanted Nonbinary:
Sonny Kiss and Veda Scott!
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iloveeddiekingston · 3 years
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Streaming Movies to Keep Your Summer Interesting
As the summer of quarantine continues apace, the streaming services are upping their game, offering the kind of blockbuster entertainments we’d normally flock to the multiplex to consume with a box of popcorn and an ice-cold drink. But they only have a handful of those in the tank, and there are still many hours in the day. So, once again, it’s time to recommend a few out-of-the-box selections from your subscription streaming services — the offbeat biopics, quirky comedies, gritty dramas and cuckoo documentaries worth digging around for.
‘The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete’
Stream it on Amazon Prime and Hulu.
Mister (Skylan Brooks) and Pete (Ethan Dizon) are two Brooklyn projects kids on their own, their fathers absent and mothers lost to the ravages of addiction. This tough drama from the director George Tillman Jr. (“Soul Food,” “The Hate U Give”) is a portrait of desperation and despair, dramatizing the kind of no-romance poverty that seldom makes it to the screen intact. But if Michael Starrbury’s script pulls no punches, it also finds moments of lightness and levity in their grim story. Brooks and Dizon are astonishing young actors, while Anthony Mackie and an all-but-unrecognizable Jennifer Hudson make maximum impact in their brief appearances.
A similar story of tough times in the boroughs, as the title character (Slick Woods), just 18, struggles to keep her family together when her mother is arrested. She’s got outsized dreams, imagining herself as an influencer and performer, but the direness of her situation threatens to crush her spirits, and the picture often plays as a subtle indictment of the limited options available to young Black women like her. Woods is stunning in the lead, and the writer and director Sam de Jong offsets the melancholy at the story’s center with a light touch, offhand intimacy and grainy, throwback aesthetic that recalls earlier New York indies like “Just Another Girl on the I.R.T.” and “She’s Gotta Have It.”
‘Professor Marston and the Wonder Women’
Stream it on Hulu.
Disappointed that we’re not getting the “Wonder Woman” sequel we were promised this summer? As an alternative, check out her fascinating and unexpectedly sexy origin story. The life that “Wonder Woman” creator William Marston shared with two women — his wife and their lover — and their mutual experimentation with bondage helped inspire the comic book character, as well as some of her more controversial early imagery. Angela Robinson, the writer and director, draws those parallels clearly and cleverly, but “Wonder Women” is most remarkable for the nuance it gives to its central relationship, treating what could’ve been a giggly sexcapade with genuine complexity and sensitivity. It’s not just another biopic; this is a lovely story about not only finding love, but understanding and accepting it, on its own terms.
Another unexpectedly ribald biopic, this giggly treat from the writer and director Madeleine Olnek stars Molly Shannon as the notoriously reclusive poet Emily Dickinson, here reimagined as a cheerfully gregarious party girl. (The film predates the similarly conceived Apple series “Dickinson.”) The title, and casting of the “S.N.L.” alum Shannon, suggests a jokey sendup for literary types — and though Olnek’s script and execution are winking and witty, she wrestles with serious themes, dramatizes fully realized relationships and poses pointed questions about how legacies are devised and maintained.
‘Most Beautiful Island’
Stream it on Amazon Prime.
Ana Asensio writes, directs and stars in this harrowing but rewarding drama as a young, struggling, undocumented Spanish immigrant in New York City who is offered an opportunity to dig out of her considerable financial hole with one night’s work — an offer that sounds too good to be true, and proves to be exactly that. Asensio is a powerful performer (she creates empathy from frame one, and holds it), and the real deal as a filmmaker, creating palpable, almost unbearable tension and dread throughout the film’s long, scary night.
‘Straight Up’
Stream it on Netflix.
When Todd (James Sweeney) and Rory (Katie Findlay) first meet, they bond over a shared love of “Gilmore Girls.” The influence of that show’s rat-tat-tat dialogue, pop culture savvy and unabashed sentimentality are all over this unconventional romantic comedy. Sweeney also wrote and directed, augmenting the normally drab rom-com template with a cornucopia of quirky and unexpected visual flourishes, and his screenplay is painfully astute, displaying an enviable ear for how the affectations and witticisms of dating fall away, with the right partner, to confession and vulnerability.
‘Fort Tilden’
Stream it on Amazon Prime.
The story is deceptively simple: two young Williamsburg women (played with delicious smarm by Bridey Elliott and Clare McNulty) try to traverse Brooklyn for a day at the beach. But the writing and directing duo of Sarah-Violet Bliss and Charles Rogers use that thin setup as a clothesline, upon which they hang scathingly satirical vignettes of borough bohemia, and the degrees to which these unapologetically self-involved characters will undercut each other, and themselves. The laughs may sting a bit, depending on how closely you’re situated to this world, but they land like punches in a heavyweight bout.
‘The Sunset Limited’
Stream it on HBO Max.
Tommy Lee Jones and the “No Country for Old Men” author Cormac McCarthy reunited for this made-for-HBO effort, which the writer adapted from his 2006 play. Jones both directs and plays White, an atheist professor who has just attempted suicide. Samuel L. Jackson is the born-again convict who has saved White’s body, and now tries to save his soul. That’s the entire premise — two men in one apartment, arguing over the very nature of existence — and if it sounds dull or stage-bound, those concerns are quickly laid to rest by the brilliance of McCarthy’s dialogue, the economy of Jones’s direction, and the power of these two bravura performances.
‘My Scientology Movie’
Stream it on Hulu.
The Church of Scientology is notoriously sensitive about its media portrayals, so the British television presenter and filmmaker Louis Theroux probably didn’t expect much in the way of cooperation when he ventured to Los Angeles to make a documentary about their tactics. Instead, he and the director John Dower decide to cast actors for the former Scientology executive Marty Rathbun to “direct” in dramatizations of his revelations. The ensuing exchange of threats and surveillance neatly proves the filmmakers’ point, but “My Scientology Movie” isn’t just a lark; it has much to say about the psychology that draws people into the organization, and how it remains with them even if they break free.
Stream it on HBO Max.
Baseball fans looking to fill the summer void will enjoy this informative documentary from the directors Ricki Stern and Anne Sundberg. Their focus is the wildly unpredictable but often effective no-spin pitch of the title, practiced by only a handful of pitchers at any given time, and only two when the film was shot in the 2011 season: Tim Wakefield of the Boston Red Sox and R.A. Dickey of the New York Mets. The storytelling is compelling and the filmmaking is sharp — particularly the tight close-ups and slow motion photography that capture the power of the pitch — while the subjects are so charismatic and likable that the film concludes on a grace note of unexpected, genuine emotion.
Visit : https://estreamvision.com/?fbclid=IwAR1FugAdccx43uZUqQFRqy8t7MhJSws2RKlbdok_LRijqAxzExpGR3xvV_A
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quick-of-wit-blog · 4 years
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This FRIDAY THE 13TH @martyderosa !!! 🔪 😂 can’t wait for the killer comedy @martyderosa will be bringing to our stage. Doors are at 8, Laughs are at 9! Email [email protected] for directions! @martyderosa , “ With his quick wit and versatile voice, Marty DeRosa has blended his talent for stand up comedy and his love of pro wrestling to become a favorite of critics & comedy fans alike. From the day he put on his mom's baithing suit to dress like a pro wrestler, Marty has been making people laugh. As a founding member of Comedians You Should Know, the premier independently run stand up showcase in Chicago. DeRosa has had a #1 comedy album on itunes and has been recognized as an emerging talent by Time Out Chicago, Chicago Magazine & The Onion's AV Club. Marty can be seen performing stand up all over the country unless there is a really important pro wrestling event going on. Marty also has two critically acclaimed podcasts, Marty & Sarah Love Wrestling & Wrestling With Depression. Both have been raned on iTunes "Top Podcasts" lists and have receieved numerous write-ups from both comedy and wrestling publications.” (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9kiFWaAWiT/?igshid=1fq6ilakan2no
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kelseywrestling · 7 years
Mae Young Classic Thoughts
Episode 1:
I’ve never heard of Princesa Sugehit before this but she was fun to watch.
I don’t agree at all with Kay Lee Ray getting eliminated in the first round. 
Serena vs Vanessa was a good showing of veteran vs rookie. Vanessa has a lot of potential to be a star and great heel.
Shayna vs Zeda was way too short but I liked the ending though.
From what I saw of Zeda, I really like her and can’t wait to see more. 
Abbey vs Jazzy was the best match of the episode. I also don’t agree with Abbey going over in the first round though. I really hope that Jazzy gets signed. She’s so over and is everything that a powerhouse should be.
Episode 2:
I was always familiar with Mercedes but I actually never saw her wrestle before the tournament. I like her. 
For that being Xia Li’s first match ever, she was really impressive. I love her style and can’t wait to see more of her.
Marti vs Rachel to me was a mess. I think both of them are great but I don’t know. The match just didn’t impress me honestly and was by far the weakest match of the tournament at this point.
I never even heard of Rhea Ripley and Miranda Salinas before this but they both impressed me. It’s crazy how Rhea is only 20 years old. She definitely has a bright future ahead of her.
Random bit but I never knew that Sarah Logan had a strong heavy southern accent. I knew she was from the south but damn. I honestly never heard her speak before this.
Mia vs Sarah was great and one of my favorite matches.
Episode 3:
I didn’t know who Ayesha Raymond was either before this but I thought that she played being a heel and to the crowd greatly. 
I’m in love with Toni Storm. I would love to see her get signed but I don’t know how that would work when she works for Stardom.
I’m really impressed by Kavita Devi. She has a lot of potential.
Dakota Kai is seriously so cute. I love her.
Bianca Belair vs Sage Beckett was good but Bianca was the absolute star of the match. She’s for sure a future Women’s Champion.
Piper vs Santana was fun. I was familiar with Piper but never actually seen her wrestle before this. This match made me fall in love with her which made me a new fan of her.
Episode 4:
Johnny being in the crowd for Candice’s match was adorable.
I loved the Candice Wrestling chants.
I never heard of Renee Michelle before this but I like her look though. She had a good showing against Candice.
Both Lacey and Taynara had a great showing against each other. They both have a lot of potential to be big.
Taynara makes a really great heel. I was really impressed with what she showed in the ring. 
I loved that finisher that Lacey did to win. 
Nicole Savoy vs Reina Gonzalez was okay. The match didn’t really do much for me honestly. I thought it was the second weakest next to Marti and Rachel. I really like Nicole though.
Kairi Sane vs Tessa Blanchard was fun and great which it one of my favorite matches of round 1.
Kairi’s elbow is an absolute thing of beauty.
Kairi is so pure and needs to be protected at all costs.
Side note: The commentary was fucking awful. Commentary is just not for Lita and JR is simply not as great as he once was. Renee and Mauro would’ve been a better duo to call the action.
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My girl Sarah blessing us with exclusive content.
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I can’t tell you how much gossip and tea and pics I’ve been privy to because of her. Also she’s genuinely one of the funniest and nicest people I’ve met and her podcast ( Marty and Sarah Love Wrestling ) is amazing and you should all support her and Marty.
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tunneltalkpod · 2 years
Allie, Anne, Lea and Sarah Love Wrestling
It’s the crossover event of the century!! Sarah Shockey from Marty and Sarah Love Wrestling joins the Tunnel Talk Girls for a freewheeling conversation on how she got into wrestling, what she prizes in a storyline and her opinion on the mysterious answer to What Women Want. Plus we made her play our very favorite dating game, and we came up with some truly amazing scenarios. Hangman and Abadon at Fright Fest? Hell yeah!
FYI: we found out after the show aired that Abadon uses they/them pronouns. We didn't know at the time of recording but will be using them going forward!
Listen now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts!
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Mae Young Classic Parade of Champions [July 13, 2017]
I’m so excited about this tournament. I love that the WWE has spent the last few years taking women’s wrestling seriously and making stars out of every lady wrestler in the company. I’m looking forward to seeing the names involved in the tourney and hope that each of them get the spotlight and recognition that they deserve.
I’ll be honest about a few things here. I had legitimate tears in my eyes, seeing Serena Deeb in a WWE ring again. Serena was a teenager when I met her in 2005 during her first week in OVW, and I watched as she worked her ass off for the next decade of her life in wrestling. Kay Lee Ray is one of my favorite indie wrestlers, and I’m glad that the WWE took notice of her. She’s from Scotland, where a lot of great lady wrestlers have been holding it down for a long time. Tessa Blanchard is another buddy of mine who I know won’t disappoint. Seeing Marti Belle nearly in tears to be in a WWE ring was pretty rad. Marti is one of the sweetest gals you’ll ever meet, and I know she’s gonna do great.
Lacey Evans is someone I met last year, and was immediately impressed with. She has a cool “classic gal” look to her, as if she peeled herself off of a 1950s Coca Cola ad, and can roll with just about anybody. Santana Garrett is another favorite of mine. I had the pleasure of doing a show with her a few months ago, and for how great she truly is, she’s also a total sweetheart, and takes wrestling VERY seriously. I know absolutely nothing about Kavita Devi, but I’m looking forward to seeing what the WWE’s first Indian female wrestler can do.
Sarah Logan is another chick I’ve known for a long time. I first met her way back in 2011, have traveled the states with her, and know what she can do in the ring. I hope she shows what she’s capable of in there and doesn’t hold back whatsoever. I got to see Bianca Belair last year at an NXT event in Florida and she’s another one who can go, and has the look and attitude to be memorable. Abbey Laith, of course, as tough as they come and has been for a long time. Both Abbey and Candice LeRae are two wrestlers who a lot of people have said for years deserve to be in the WWE, and it’s great to see that they both made it this far. Mia Yim is another wrestler who fans all around agree should have a definite spotlight on her. I remember her being at Ring Of Honor shows back in 2011, hanging out and humbly waiting for a chance to shine.
The fact that the tournament includes some veterans along with a lot of newcomers makes it that much more exciting. Veterans like Princesa Sugehit, Mercedes Martinez, Jazzy Gabert (The Alpha Female), and Kairi Sane are going to bring a lot of toughness to the spring chickens in the tourney. The first round of the tournament are scheduled to air on the WWE Network on August 28, followed by the second round airing on September 4. The finals is scheduled to air on September 12.
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challengerscomics · 5 years
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Not only did BRAD (of @martysarahpod fame) stop by Challengers, but he also signed our wall AND he stocked us up on Marty + Sarah Love Wrestling swag! Enamel pin restock and the From Parts Unknown zine! Thanks, Brad! It was so weird seeing you come out of Sarah in person. SO weird. #martyandsarahlovewrestling #challengerscomics #brad #martyandsarah #shoplocal #bwebbwebbwebbweb #frompartsunknown (at CHALLENGERS Comics + Conversation) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsyX71lhcih/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13ve2ymbtjerr
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rcpseth · 7 years
Boston Anti-Racism March Shows Americans Rallying For Peace And Love
The following post, written by The Rev. Robert A. Franek, is a part of Politicus Policy Discussion, in which writers draw connections between real lives and public policy.
Tens of thousands of protesters rallied in Boston with a clear message: America rejects racism and hate. This has been the consistent message coming from nearly every corner of the country since the racially motivated domestic terrorist attack in Charlottesville.
President Donald Trump’s Manufacturing Council and Strategy and Policy Forum were shut down as business leaders came out strong against Trump’s defense of neo-Nazis and white supremacists. This lead to Trump abandoning plans to create an infrastructure council.
Fourteen members of the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities have resigned after Trump’s support of hate groups and his pushing of false equivalencies, according to a letter in which the first letter of each paragraph put together spell RESIST. This was an added subtle message of encouragement to readers at large.
Many members of Congress have come out strong condemning racism, white supremacy, and the violence perpetrated by neo-Nazis and members of the KKK in Charlottesville. Though few Congressional Republicans have challenged President Trump directly by name. Senators Lindsey Graham and Ben Sasse are notable exceptions.
  Many faith leaders like Rev. Dr. William Barber and Pastor Traci Blackmon have spoken out against racially motivated violence in Charlottesville and condemned the President’s endorsement of white supremacists and neo-Nazis. while also calling out his lies.
However, one group remains noticeably silent. And many in recent days have been drawing attention to the nearly deafening silence from the leaders of Donald Trump’s unofficial board of evangelical advisors. With one exception, Pastor A. R. Bernard, who announced his departure from the group, these leaders have been noticeably silent in an otherwise universal condemnation of the hate, bigotry, and violence in Charlottesville and President Trump’s handling of its aftermath. And more revealing as the President faces this flurry condemnation some of these evangelical leaders double down on their support of him and their call to serve on the council.
It is not at all surprising that many Congressional Republicans have failed to call out Trump by name for his racism and support of white supremacists and neo-Nazis as they need him to sign their tax cut bill. That is if they ever get one passed.
More as Sarah Jones shows the Republican Party cultivated and grew this racism over decades. The rise of the Right Wing Moral Majority of Conservative Evangelicals largely participated in this and turned their faith into a fraud so that they could achieve their political ideological goals and attempt to legislate their so-called “family values” regardless of what the scriptures said or the constitution allows.
A few Evangelical leaders and some Republicans in Congress aside, the country is coming out in force to wrestle with and overcome America’s original sin of racism.
It is noteworthy that the violence in Charlottesville has set-off a fire storm of debate regarding what to do with Confederate statues on public property across the country. City officials in some areas have been quick to remove statues from parks and other public places.
Congressional Republicans and Evangelical faith leaders who side with Trump will soon learn that they are on the wrong side of history. The momentum begun with counter-protestors in Charlottesville, continued with leaders in business and the humanities, and bursting in Boson proves that people are ready to turn their protest signs into policy measures.
Let us not miss this opportunity with focused attention on the evils of racism and white supremacy to break down the systems of injustice and oppression in society and in our own soul. Just as we need the restoration of the Voting Rights Act and reform in the criminal justice system, so also we need new narratives in the cultural streams of this country that teach children prejudice and hate.
In this way we can live and instill in the next generation the moral values on display in Boston. As Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said, “It’s clear today that Boston stood for peace and love, not bigotry and hate.”
  America ready to confront racism, Boston March, Charlottesville, Rejection of Trump
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