#Mav falling apart and Ice keeping him alive
shit-sorry-fuck-mybad · 5 months
Hc of the day is:
Maverick is always tired after Carol dies
He has to take care of Bradley and balance everything else in his life
He feels like everything is falling apart all the time
And he doesn’t ask for help because that would mean admitting that he’s not capable of keeping it together and if he’s not capable of keeping it together then Goose and Carole trusted him for nothing
So he breaks up with ice because he doesn’t think it’s fair to Ice to date someone that’s not really there
And Ice just says “nuh uh” and stops waiting for Mav to ask for help and just fucking walks in one day and joins Mav’s chaotic routine like he belongs there
And he does
Ice doesn’t allow any complaints, he’s there and he’s not leaving
And for the first time in months Mav feels like he’s not trying to stop a building from collapsing on him
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callsign-phoenix · 1 year
I wrote this for a lovely anon, I hope you like it!
It is a Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky x pregnant!female!Mitchell!reader imagine.
Thank you @footprintsinthesxnd for proofreading!
Warnings: pregnancy, a fight, this is an AU where Goose is still alive 😊
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Your brother was in a rivaling relationship with Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky, which was exactly why you decided not to tell him you were dating.
If you were honest, you hadn’t imagined you’d fall in love with Iceman, the cocky and restless fighter pilot, it had just been a hookup at first.
But the longer you found yourself in his bed the more drawn to him you became, and he felt the same way about you.
You started dating and you loved being with Tom, he was gentle and sweet to you in private, always making sure you were having a good time.
In contrast to your brother and Ice, you were a much more gentle and timid character, working as a kindergarten teacher near the base they were stationed at.
The men loved your nurturing side and got a lot of comfort from you, which they seemed to need because it was the opposite to their dangerous job.
Tom especially loved to just lay in your arms, feeling your fingers run through his hair and over his skin, as he closed his eyes in bliss.
The fact that your brother didn’t know about your relationship was hard for you, but it was necessary given that you knew he wouldn’t approve.
You cared for his opinion but that wasn’t why you were scared to tell him, it was more like you knew Maverick was capable of doing anything.
You wouldn’t put it past him to send you away or to manage to get Tom deported somewhere else, so you stayed silent.
It worked well for a few months, until morning sickness and cravings indicated that it would be impossible to keep it secret from your brother much longer.
You were a nervous wreck when you found out, but you had Tom and Carole with you, while her husband tried his best to keep Maverick busy enough so he wouldn’t notice right away.
It was crucial to find the perfect timing to tell him and you hadn’t found it yet, even while you were preparing for the pregnancy with the help of your boyfriend and best friend.
Carole already had a kid and she knew about the dos and don’ts, she was the one to bring you prenatal vitamins and everything else you might need.
You were all of the opinion that everything was going well, but Mav had caught on without you knowing so.
“Congrats, man!” He exclaimed as he sat down on Carole and Goose’s porch with his best friend and RIO, a broad grin on his face while Goose looked rather confused.
It took him a few seconds before he could answer, blinking repeatedly as he tried to think of what Mav might have meant.
“Why?” He replied, staring at his pilot with a look that resembled the intelligence of a cow.
“For the kid! Another baby Bradshaw? I saw Carole with the vitamins she used to take with Bradley,” Mav continued, but Goose only looked at him in denial.
“Nah man, she made me have a vasectomy the moment Bradley was born,” he laughed it off, leaving a lingering feeling of unease in Mav because the only woman Carole was close with was you.
It took Mav another five minutes before he stood up without explanation, mounting his bike and leaving Goose by himself, cursing into the silence his best friend had left.
Carole had just come by with the vitamins and you were having a calm and careful discussion about what you would be expecting and what would be expected of you during the pregnancy when the door to your apartment was thrown open, revealing a panting Maverick.
You gave Carole a questioning glance and she shook her head in similar surprise.
“How long?” Maverick asked you, his impressive brows knit together in confusion and what looked like anger.
Your confusion was still all-encompassing so you just stared at your brother, who took a few steps forward, his eyes never leaving you.
“How long have you been pregnant? And who’s the father?” He growled in anger and you could hear a hint of sadness in his voice, hurt at not having been told at all.
“Please, Mav, what are you doing here?” You tried to change the subject without having to answer, but your brother was far too resilient.
“I need to know how long you’ve been hiding this from me,” he let out, moving a few steps closer and letting his eyes roam your face.
You were about to open your mouth to answer when you heard footsteps outside, and a voice you were all too familiar with spoke up, which had your blood run cold.
“Baby, I…,” Tom began as he opened the door but he stopped talking the second he saw Mav standing there, his eyes widening in surprise and a tiny bit of fear when your brother slowly turned around.
In contrast to the slowness of the movements when he turned around, the second Mav saw Ice he lunged at him, throwing himself the last few inches and letting his fists pummel his friend and rival’s face countless times.
Tom did all he could in trying to defend himself, while Carole and you just stood in shock.
Your entire body felt as if it was put under ice water, watching your brother and boyfriend fight until Tom was on the ground, Mav’s fist repeatedly drawing blood from your boyfriend’s nose.
It took you a few seconds before you rushed to Tom’s aid, trying to pull your brother off of him, but not having the strength.
Mav was too emotional to realize who was urging him to stop so he just shook you off, throwing his arm back at you and striking your cheek with the back of his hand before you fell to the ground with the force he had used to free himself of your hindering touches.
The second you hit the ground everyone in the room held their breath, not a single person moving as all eyes were on you.
You could feel tears stinging in your eyes and your hand went to your belly to see if you were okay, and Tom reacted first out of the three of them.
He threw off Mav as if he weighed nothing and rushed towards you, his bloody fingers cupping your face and angling it so that you were looking up at him.
You were still in shock but Tom tried to calm you, his voice gentle but slightly trembling as he asked you if you were okay.
He had to repeat it a few times before you answered and Mav used the time to look back and forth between the two of you, watching his wingman with a gentleness he didn’t even know he possessed.
Your hands were shaking as you raised them to your boyfriend’s face, touching the spots that were already starting to darken with a harsh violet color.
“I’m okay, I think,” you breathed out the words more than you whispered them, but Tom used the opportunity to repeat what you had said.
“You’re okay, you’re okay, it’ll be fine,” he whispered time and time again as he moved to hug you, cradling you in his arms and rocking you back and forth slightly.
When Tom realized that there was no reason to worry for you he turned towards Mav, looking at him while he was still holding you.
“I’m sorry. We wanted to tell you but it never seemed like the right time. This wasn’t planned, but I love her more than I even love flying, so please don’t do anything stupid. I need her,” he told his wingman, who simply stared at him.
Mav moved towards you to pull you up from your position on the ground, holding onto your arms before he wrapped you in the tightest hug you had ever shared with him.
You could feel wetness on your cheeks as well as in your hair, indicating that your brother was crying, just like you were.
When you were finished hugging Mav pulled away, still holding onto you as he pressed a loving kiss to your forehead.
“I’m so sorry, are you okay?” He asked even though he knew the answer, making sure you were alright because he needed you to be.
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tagging: @starkleila @mayhem24-7forever @green-socks @letsfvckingdance @shadeds-library @a-reader-and-a-writer @yespolkadotkitty @whateverbagman @neptunes-curse @sweetheartlizzie07 @top-gun-rooster @iloveprettyboysblog @ateliefloresdaprimavera @imjess-themess @littlebadariell @angstyjellybean @marchingicenotes7 @midget713 @supernaturaldawning @gspenc @adorephina @gigisimsonmars @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @bespinnn @wingmanvenus @malindacath @aerangi @kassieesworld @kwanimations @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @marvelandotherfandomimagines @mavericksicybabe @kendra-rose @desert-fern @mavrellover91 @allivingstone01 @rhettabbotts @withakindheartx @trikigirl271 @cherrycola27 @bonitanightmxres @ratcatcher2world @glowingtree
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