#Megara voice) I won't say I'm in love
leona in club leadership
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Me: I’m safe after the hitman that was Epel’s Birthday Jacket jumpscared me with the “Leona is a reliable senpai” talk Broomquet Leona: Broomquet Leona: *slowly raises the broom for a bonking*
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why Why WHY
Alright, so. 🤡 We all know that Leona's the captain of the Magical Shift/Spelldrive Club at NRC (moving forward, I will refer to this as "Magift Club", since that's the shortest phrase). What's more is, we actually get quite a bit of information about how he goes around running the club and training its members (although the information is scattered across various vignettes, so it may be difficult to piece it all together if you don't know where to look or don't read certain vignettes). THIS IS THE GOOD STUFF THOUGH, THIS IS A GOLD MINE OF LuONA CHA EARCTERiXATION AND I'M GOINOG TO POP of DFF ABOUT IT
Firstly! In book 2 of the main story, Jack tells us that he was impressed by Leona's amazing play in a Magift game three years ago. This would later become a part of Jack's motivation to attend Night Raven College--so he could become a great athlete, and, perhaps, get to play against or alongside that player that he admired so much. Even when Jack learns that Leona is playing dirty to eliminated Diasomnia from the interdorm tournament, Jack exposes that he believes Leona is capable of securing a victory by playing fairly. Maybe you could call it a freshman's naive beliefs, but Jack knows that Leona is better than this. What book 2 shows us is that Leona is willing to resort to underhanded tactics to come out on top--but he's also very skilled in his own right, both physically and intellectually, and even at his lowest points, he has people who trust him to lead them: people like Jack. But where does this faith and respect come from???????? For that, we'll have to dive into additional materials.
In many vignettes, such as Ace's PE Uniform and Ruggie's Outdoor Wear, we hear from other characters that the Magift Club members train rigorously (usually to the point of exhaustion). Ruggie, a fellow Magift Club member, confesses to his inexperience; he never played Magift before coming to NRC and he's not a born athlete. He seriously considered quitting the club due to their physically demanding practice and training. However, Ruggie credits Leona for the vast improvement he has made, citing that Leona would give him all kinds of assignments to hone his skills. More importantly, doing all of these assignments also taught Ruggie how to endure and persist in the face of adversity. Ruggie could have just lied here and said the training was easy to quickly and artificially inflate the numbers of new recruits he pulls in to please Leona (some of the new recruits would end up dropping out anyway) BUT HE DOESN'T. This leads me to believe that Ruggie is being honest about what it takes to be in Magift Club and is genuinely praising Leona's guidance as a part of why it's beneficial to join. "Leona makes every session worthwhile [...] He makes all the calls during our games, but otherwise lets us do our thing. Which means we can work out our problem spots for ourselves. He's a great captain!"
Epel, the other main cast member in Magift Club, has not yet joined at the time of the flashback in Ruggie's Outdoor Wear vignette. Upon hearing Ruggie's praise of Leona, Epel gets the impression that Leona is an incredible person. Post-joining the club, this impression continues. In his Birthday Jacket vignettes, Epel describes Leona as someone who is quick-witted, fierce-looking, and has a cool personality. He really admires Leona and wants to be like him someday, making him the second first year that has these sort of sentiments. Epel tells stories similar to Ruggie, saying that Leona has helped him out a lot during club and is generally good at looking out for others. He specifically mentions that everyone counts on Leona for his leadership during games and provides individualized advice to help each team member improve (details which supports what Ruggie initially told the freshmen). People outside of Leona’s reign also comment on this, such as Ace in Endless Halloween Night. He remarks that the first thing Leona thought to do was untie Epel; this leads Ace to conclude that Leona, does, in fact, look out for people despite how he usually acts 🤡
Epel also says that he "knows" Leona would help him study if he were on the verge of failing a class. AND YOU KNOW WHAT??????????? Leona actually DOES tutor Ruggie (who initially descibes his grades as being "in the dumpster") and gives advice and materials to him. Now Ruggie's grades are average, but passing. In his Labwear vignettes, Leona doesn't formally teach Epel, but he does make a voice-changing potion to help Epel out (although his own ulterior motive was to avoid Rook, who was the one that originally helped Epel). When Epel and Grim then beg Leona to show them his technique, he refuses and seems annoyed at their requests. In other words, Leona doesn't seem eager to teach others unless it serves a purpose for himself.
Leons is oftentimes pushing others to perform well, and in a way that serves a dual purpose of helping the individual out but also ultimately benefitting him. For example, Leona helps sand Azul’s contracts because he wants to as terminate an agreement he has with Azul. Additionally, he plots in book 2 not only to help his dorm mates be noticed by Magift scouts, but also to prove his own worth as a leader. In yet another instance, Leona shows students outside of his club how to efficiently mine for magestone so they can fulfill their goal and earn a Vargas Badge. This clears them out of the cave so he can nap there. Leona is working smarter, not necessarily harder. Relating this to Magift Club... As Ruggie and Epel have told us, Leona runs his members ragged during practice. As a rich kid and royalty, he’s said to have a natural inclination for being demanding and ordering others around—but there’s always some kind of compensation or reward for following orders well. Ruggie gets many perks from doing Leona’s errands and chores for him, so he willingly follows Leona. For the Magift Club, the intense training causes those unable or unwilling to keep up to quit, leaving behind the go-getters, the tough, and the willful. Not only are these the types of people most likely to do well in actually playing the sport, but they’re also the types of people Leona himself is seeking with play with.
When your players are willing and able to train hard and by themselves (knowing what their strengths and weaknesses are, as well as how to improve), it encourages… independence. It means less work for the captain to do. It means having a group of people who are obedient and obey your every word. It means Leona can get away with napping during club practice. He's working them hard now so they can take care of themselves later and he has to do less. That seems to be the implication in some instances, as Riddle had noted before that, “it has been a while since [he has seen Leona] sincerely apply himself to his club activities.” (That's because Leona has already trained his team to be comfortable train on their own! This is demonstrated in the flashback of his Beastly Garb vignettes, when Leona instructs his club to do cooldown exercises "on their own while he heads off to nap.) And believe me, when he’s “applying himself”, his talent shines through (just as his intelligence does when he wants to employ it). As Epel and Ruggie say in Leona’s Halloween vignette (flashback), 5 people tried to get the disc away from Leona for 30 minutes and still weren’t successful while Leona barely broke a sweat. Part of the reason why Leona is able to afford bossing his team members around is because he can walk the walk. His own abilities, then, also serve as a point of motivation for the rest of the team. They want to be able to perform on the same level as him, want the honor to play with someone like that. We see one prominent example of this in his Dorm Uniform vignettes. In them, Jack is being bullied by Savanaclaw (senpai) mobs because they're annoyed with his athletic abilities and righteous attitude. These mobs also accurse Leona of being unworthy to lead them because "all [he does] is slack off during practice". They quickly learn the true magnitude of Leona's strength when he defends Jack from 30 mobs at once, not only demonstrating that he is fit for the title of captain, but also someone that has earned Jack's respect.
Though the Dorm Uniform vignettes ultimately frame Leona as siding with Jack, there is a lot of strategic thinking and wisdom in the advice he imparts to both parties involved in the quarrel. He argues in favor of the mobs "skirting the rules", which falls in line with his willingness to disregard morality so long as he achieves an end goal (see: his actions against Azul in book 3, and his actions in book 2 against Malleus). In this case, Jack preaching about playing by the rules is getting in the way of their goals (which will resurface in book 2). That's why he gets put in time-out to "think about his actions", and how he sees the world as black and white, evil and good. To Leona, it's not cheating, it's just playing smart and within the rules specifically specified (the mobs still acted within the boundaries set by rules) or what isn't specifically outlawed (they can't lose to Malleus if he can't play to begin with) to get what he wants. To this point, Leona also sees no shame in strategic retreats and surrenders. This is illustrated by him willingly turning himself into STYX when they approach, and passing on temporary leadership to Ruggie while he's gone. Again, he's just working with what he has in the systems that are presented to him, and he expects everyone else to be able to play the same game. While Leona tells Jack off, it's also true that Leona does have some code of honor as it relates to his own interests; he tells the mobs they're acting embarrassing by "punching down" and being jealous of a freshman. This doesn't come from a place of concern for Jack, or from worry about their attitude, but primarily from irritation that he has to clean up after their behavior. As we see in book 2, Leona himself has no issue with playing Magift against freshmen who are new to the sport (Ace, Deuce, etc.) when they've come unannounced into his dormitory. It's Jack who has to intervene there and call Leona out for picking on the small fry. Even Leona warning the mobs for using magic outside of Magift is a ploy to serve his own agenda. It's against school rules to use magic unless instructed; Leona is, therefore, against his students wailing on Jack using magic instead of fists because it could attract undue attention from staff (and thus cause issues for him, as their dorm leader). This is also why Leona wants to take on the Heartslabyul detective group in a game of Magift instead of just fighting them then and there; it's to avoid causing such a ruckus right before the big interdorm tournament. Leona has a problem with people challenging his authority and making unnecessary trouble for him to fix. When it serves his interests, he'll turn, and/or he won't side completely with one party. He can easily see the pros and the cons of both sides. If Jack is black and white, then Leona is all grey.
This is another notable quality of Leona's: he can identify and understand people's strengths and weaknesses, sometimes even better than they do themselves. His own club members can attest to how Leona gives them specific advice to improve their skills. In fact, we get to see one instance of it in Leona's Beastly Garb vignettes. Epel asks Leona for advice on how to better control the disc, since he's been missing passes and dropping them a lot. Leona responds by telling him not to worry about it and then walking off. A lot of people might look at this and say "he's just being lazy and shirking his work again". But later in the vignette, Leona explains his rationale: Epel's strength is his speed. When he's handling a disc as he's flying, that significantly cuts down on that speed and hinders his overall performance. If Epel tries to get better at all these things at once, he'll neglect his actual strength and not be useful to the team. Leona reasons that since making objects float is a fundamental skill for a mage, Epel will naturally practice it more and improve with time, so in the meantime he should dedicate his time in club to what he's already got as an asset.
This discerning eye is not just limited to club members, either. Leona has shown that, time and time again, he can key in on people. It was Leona who recognized Ace's craftiness and how Ace planned to use Leona's presence to his own advantage in Endless Halloween Night. Leona doesn't worry about the potential harm a wayward disc could have caused Riddle because he knows Riddle could easily deflect it with his own magic (in Ace's PE vignette). He alone noticed that Jamil's eyes "always glare" and senses his malicious intent against Kalim (in Jamil's School Uniform vignette). This is WAY before the events of book 4 ever came out too. Then, in book 6, Leona points out that Ruggie knows how keep to the strongest people to make up for his own deficits, how Jack knows how to adhere to a hierarchy, and how even Kalim has strengths in how amicable he is, and the wealth he was born into. He knows when people aren't meeting their full potential too, telling Jamil that he keeps making excuses instead of actually acting.
What makes the whole conversation Leona has with Jamil so great is that a lot of what is said is relatable for the two of them. Leona, too, knows what it's like to be in a situation where others shun his talents in favor of another. That's why he's able to speak so pointedly on the matter. It's that connection that helps to move Jamil and motivate him to finally act on his own to fulfill a support role for Leona that he needs later on. There's a parallel here with how Leona acted in book 2; he tried and tried and tried, and when he failed, he sat down and gave it all up, blaming his team mates and claiming he played along with their game. Leona was a quitter before. But now he's seeing that same behavior in others and he's calling it out, bluntly posing the question of if they're going to continue to wallow or if they're going to pick themselves up and move forward. It's the same lesson that HE had to learn for himself. If you consider that his Dorm Uniform vignettes play out prior to book 2, it becomes even more fitting for his growth since he tells Jack back then: "[...] guys who own up to their mistakes are all right in my book. Keep at it and model that behavior for the rest of Savanaclaw." This is Leona owning up to his own mistakes. He never openly and formally apologizes what his wrongdoings or promised to "be better" (then again, some OB boys just don't), but he's making up for his past behavior by imparting the wisdom he learned with his peers, whether subconsciously (like, out of guilt) or consciously.
This all goes hand-in-hand with the high standards Leona has set for Magift Club. Cater asks him for the details of his club's training (in Leona's Broomquet), to which the birthday boy responds with a story about how a team member didn't have enough stamina for a game, so instead of training them to pass the disc, he purposefully chucked the disc as far as it would go. It's to demonstrate to the club member that was lacking in stamina that this is the distance they need to be able to go, and this is their current disparity. It comes off as perhaps too harsh (and certainly a means to quit the club), but as Leona puts it, he doesn't want nor need cowards with him. His team should be full of people who get frustrated when they cannot meet their goals and will actively think about how to be better, then come back and try again and again. Think of it like how Mulan found smarter ways to tackle the challenges put forth by the army, rather than training the conventional way. That's what Leona expects of his club members, and it's the same mentality that drives himself. Tackling the same problem using creative solutions--it's like a game of chess. qbkhldyuFVYOwovyifS ;fslh ihof Aana dnAn thEN MCaER T SAYS smsethbha TH LIKE "waaaah~ Leona-kun is such a cool leader~" AFSHYJASVYOIFADOS AND THANE THAT FUCKE R LONA ' JUST G oeaS "this is to be expected of every leader, it's the basics" UNM???????? ??? ??? ???? ? BITCH EXCUSE YOU???? ???? ??? ? ? ? ? ? 😭 IW ANS'T EXPEC TING TO BE FUCXKIGFN A ATTACKED LKIKE THIS, CA T MAN
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residentraccoon · 3 months
Ok we have all the songs, time to make a top, with comments even 😳
1. Norway - I love love love this one, this eerie, thrilling melody mixed with the medieval theme and old norwegian language just makes this song perfect and no other song of this year can come any closer to it. Very unique, true to their homeland, absolute masterpiece. I'm definitely following more of Gåte's discography from now on!
2. Estonia - Well they're singing about drugs here and this song is exactly like a drug - addictive. What sells it is their awesome, slightly batshit crazy energy (I absolutely love it) and let's not forget the traditional instruments. I can see a Trenulețul scenario with this one tbh.
3. Slovenia - Absolutely magical, the structure of this song is pretty uncommon and the lil RRAH sounds are interesting, love how it takes a while to build-up and I just get chills all over. This one is a piece of art.
4. San Marino - This song is destroying my Spotify wrapped and it's not even funny, there's something about this one that makes it instantly addictive. I've listened to Megara since last year when they were at Spain's NF with Arcadia and all I can say is that I love their style. Sassy pink and punk rock with a touch of Spanish traditional sounds during the bridge, they just mesh together so well. I don't understand why it's so underrated (currently last in the odds lmfao) and I'm looking forward to their live performance.
5. Denmark - Generic pop song my beloved, why is it so catchy though? I've said it in a previous post, I just reminds me of songs I'd hear in 2013 or so and I love the "Oh-Oh" parts. Lovely
6. Lithuania - The beat hits, it's just awesome fr. Lovely staging and colors, Lithuanian sounds so pretty and melodic as well as his voice.
7. Belgium - Wonderful build-up, the song at first sounds very chill and gives me Blanche vibes (I looked it up and they have the same composer so not surprised lmao) but man, the climax is greaaaaat!! Especially with that choir in the backing. My only gripe would be that he keeps repeating the title over and over again, which can become a bit tiring. But just a bit. It's still a great song!
8. Switzerland - I don't know whose idea was to mix opera and drum n bass together but they're a genius, this is really cool, like absolutely nuts. I love how the bridge is very soft and quiet, opposing the loud and dramatic chorus, I feel like the song itself is pretty messy and inconsistent but I really like that, it's very out of the box and innovative. Genius entry.
9. Latvia - Underrated, I can see why it might fail to grab an audience in the fandom but I really like this one, especially his voice. The song flows nicely too, I only wish the staging would be a bit more...dynamic though? I really want Latvia to qualify for once, felt like it might have a chance since it could attract some casual viewers (some of my casual friend watchers really liked it!) but seeing how brutal semifinal 2 is (and one spot will be inevitably taken by...yeah won't elaborate) I'm afraid Latvia's out for this year as well. I hope at least for a surprise or who knows. That's only how I feel at this moment.
10. Spain - My biggest grower of this year and a total banger, I don't understand why it slaps so hard it has no business to, the message is SO real and it's so unapologetically sassy.
11. Czechia - Same story as with Latvia, underrated to hell and back, I know the live version is...a lil terrible but the studio one I really like. Love how you can feel the frustration through her shouty lyrics and how she's blaming herself for not loving herself more instead (also the beginning might or might not remind me of Aijā I mean the intro with the drums makes me think of it-) ANYWAY
12. Croatia - Listen I'm very happy for Croatia being seen as a most likely winner of this year, they deserve it, Baby Lasagna is an amazing man and the message is on point, even if it's not exactly my favorite I definitely root for him!! Please meow back if you agree. Besides this, the glam ethno rock sound is just 👌 chef's kiss
13. Armenia - Love love love that they brought something ethnic!! The girl's energy is infectious and she's such a joy to watch, the music video is very pretty and describes their culture so well, overall I adore this.
14. Netherlands - GREAT I relistened to it so I can rank it and now I have Europapapapapapa stuck in my head how wonderful. This tells me already that this is such an infectious bop that will never leave your head. Possible televote winner, love the quirkiness and Joost is really goofy we stan.
15. Greece - Welcome to Greece, everyone who visits the country is obligated to listen to this the moment they step out of the plane- /j It's so Greek, so fun, so ethnic, geez what's happening with everyone being so diverse and true to their culture this year? This song screams summer vacation in Greece and I'm here for it.
16. France - The raw emotions in this...he sings with his heart and soul, his voice is very deep and gruff which feels a bit unusual to hear such an intimate and emotional ballad from him, but this is what makes the song special.
17. Italy - Love her attitude and how she sells the song, it's very sassy and fun, won't be surprised to see Italy get yet another Top 5 finish with this.
18. Ukraine - Interesting mix of melancholic pop and energetic chanting and rap. Alyona just nails the rap part perfectly. Overall nice song, grew off me but still great.
19. Ireland - This makes me have chills all over my body. It's very haunting and suspenseful, I love the uncommon unique sound and how they recite the lyrics as they are a poem/creating a curse, I simply love how avant-garde Ireland are this year! Finally they're taking a risk and even if the song is unconventional i hope it will have a following that will help them get through the semi! 🤞
20. Poland - Oh look another grower, it's such a cute song for some reason and her voice is so pleasant to the ears.
21. Serbia - At first I thought it's a bit boring but now I find myself mumbling "Lila Ramondaaaa", like it has a hook even if it's a melancholic ballad.
22. Portugal - The emotions in this are immaculate, she conveys all her struggles in life so well into a ballad that's somewhat soft-sounding. Epic.
23. Australia - For some reason this song takes me back to 2015-2016 and I don't get why?? Maybe I heard music that's similar to this in that period, who knows. That chorus slaps immensely, as well as the didgeridoo(I hope that's the instrument), but I'm not extremely head over heels about it. It's enjoyable still!
24. Malta - Contrary to popular belief I enjoyed the revamp, she made it easier to sing live and it just has more oomph, good job, Malta.
25. Finland - The whole 3 minutes are absolutely batshit insane and I love it fr, these dudes are a delight to watch. The song tbh I like it but not that much to rank it higher, but I appreciate the craziness, the message, what sells it is definitely the staging and the guys' stage persona.
26. Austria - Mmmmm I know it's a fan favorite but I'm not a big fan of this, like I've said before in some other posts. The hype at first was highly irritating (especially on twitter, dear god 💀) for such a...just okay/good song? First of all I appreciate the throwback to the late 90s/early 00s eurodance/synthpop music that was popular back then, I think it does a great job imitating the vibes of it, but at the same time is it just me or this song feels so...calculated and has this eurovision-specific formula in its structure/sound? It was definitely made for it being performed live and to pander to the yass queen slay ate and left no crumbs-side of the fandom? Which honestly kinda drags it down a lot for me.
27. Sweden - I can't unhear parts of Air in this, well actually that's their style, neat electro pop tbh, I can bop to this, pretty enjoyable.
28. Moldova - Falls flat but what makes it a bit stronger is the vocalisations in the chorus, as well as the lil ethnic sounds. That drum is also quite catchy. They have to pull out a wonder-staging for this to qualify.
29. Georgia - If Georgia isn't qualifying with this one then that means their only hope is borrowing Loreen at this point. It's a competent girl bop with powerful vocals, that has a dedicated following, but I appreciate that even if it's a girl bop it's not so aggressively in your face like...other examples I've seen before. I'm personally not big on it, but it's nice.
30. Azerbaijan - Oh? Azerbaijan sends something in their language, what is this 2050? And not with a melfest reject? For the 2nd year in a row? I'm very impressed, but even with all these I don't feel that attached to the song, just glad they took a risk instead of renting a swede for safe qualification like they did in the past years. I love the ethnic touches though.
31. Luxembourg - Cute and peppy french bop, although a bit generic and that's about it, no strong feelings.
32. Cyprus - Mmm your regular girlie pop of the year, unsurprisingly from Cyprus as well. Pretty catchy, has a cool vibe but I'm not feeling anything about it.
33. United Kingdom - Just a competent mid-tempo boy bop, honestly nothing much to say since it kinda failed to impress me. Good effort though.
34. Albania - I don't get why they changed it into english, why they turned it more upbeat (I liked the balladier version more) and the rap part feels disjointed. Albania wanted to relive their 2016-2017 era I see.
35. Germany - I'm sorry but this song bores me to death and can't listen to it without zoning out which is a shame because he's a competent singer (his voice is the best thing about Germany this year) and I'm afraid they're again heading for a bottom 3 finish 💀
36. Iceland - Mmm this isn't is, Iceland. Very sorry. Sounds like it would get 13th in 2004, it's a very by-the-letters eurodance.
I will not rank Israel here. It's still mind-boggling that they're still allowed to participate.
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lynpheasmagix · 11 months
Winx Musical Casting -The Winx and the Trix
So, yknow how there's those extremely underrated winx stage musicals in the early 2000s in Italy and The Netherlands? What if we brought a production over to broadway? WELL, i've combined my winx fan braincell and my theatre kid braincell and created a casting. HERE YA GO HERES THE GORLS! (the boys will come later)
Bloom: Mallory Maedke
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Mallory's mostly well known for being an alternate and the dance captain for the North American premiere (Chicago, Edmonton, Cambridge, and St. Paul) and Broadway production of Six the Musical. She has such an amazing voice that I feel like she could kill whatever material is in the show, both acting and singing material. Her dancing? Amazing. She was the dance captain for a reason.
Stella: Stephanie Styles
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Stephanie's credits include: Katherine in the national tour of Newsies and Lois Lane/Bianca in the 2019 Broadway revival of Kiss Me, Kate, and Autumn on Zoey's Extrodinary Playlist. Her character has been described as having an "adorable flower child meets young Kristin Chenoweth vibe" and if that doesn't describe Stella perfectly? In everything I've seen her in, she just radiates stella energy.
Flora: Krystina Alabado
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Krystina's credits include: Ensemble/Understudy The Extraordinary Girl and Whatsername in American Idiot, Vanden in American Psycho, Gretchen Wieners in Mean Girls, Dot in Pasadena Playhouse's Sunday in the Park With George, Colombina in Hartford Stage's Kiss My Aztec. I've seen some videos of her and I feel like she radiates Flora energy.
Tecna: Caitlin Kinnunen
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Caitlin's credits include Thea in Spring Awakening, Carolyn in The Bridges of Madison County and Emma Nolan in The Prom, which she was NOMINATED FOR A TONY FOR! She's such an amazing triple threat so, I think she could definately step into the wings of our favorite fairy of technology.
Aisha: Lorna Courtney
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Lorna's credits include Understudying Zoe Murphy and Alana Beck in Dear Evan Hansen, Rosalia/Understudy Maria in the short lived 2020 revivial of West Side Story and Juliet in &Juliet, which she's in currently AND GOT A TONY NOMINATION FOR! . I've seen her in &Juliet and she's SO good. Her voice? Spectacular? Dancing? On top of it? Acting? A+.
Musa: Andrea Macasaet
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Andrea's mostly well known for originating the role of Anne Boleyn in the North American Premiere (Chicago, Edmonton, Cambridge, and St. Paul) and Broadway production of Six the Musical, she's most recently in Stratford Festival's production of Rent as Mimi. I've seen her as Boleyn and she is FIERCE! She's also a short queen which definitely reenforces the short!Musa headcanon lets goooo
Icy: Renee Rapp
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Renee's credits include: Regina George in Mean Girls. She's a Jimmy award winner and is currently releasing music. From what I've seen of her, she's SO talented. Her voice is KILLER. *it also reenforces the Belter!Icy pipeline so hell yeah* She's played a role similar to this so I think she could do a really good job as icy.
Darcy: Isabelle McCalla
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Isabella's credits include: Jasmine in Aladdin, Megara in Papermill Playhouse's production of Hercules (pictured) , and originating the role of Alyssa Greene in the Broadway production of The Prom. I've seen her in Hercules and she killled it. Her "I Won't Say I'm in Love' is spectacular and she really gave it her all with this material.
Stormy: Tiffany Mann
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Out of the videos I've seen of her, she has an amazing voice and I really think she has the proper energy from our favorite weather witch. Tiffany's credits include: Ensemble/Understudy Becky and Nurse Norma in Waitress and Jenna Rolan in the Broadway production of Be More Chill (pictured)
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wikiwis · 9 months
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Uhmm, well. I drew Norma as Megara from Hercules lol. You'll probably ask why. Well I love Hercules and the song "I won't say (I'm in love)" And today when I was listening to this song I thought to myself "Hey what if Norma was a girlboss who doesn't want to admit her feelings? What if Onceler was showing her he liked her but she didn't want to admit she had feelings for him too? What if Norma was the kind of person who's afraid to admit her feelings because she's afraid of rejection? What if she was such a stubborn person?" And yes, that was my intention. imagine. Norma and Onceler are walking in the woods in the evening. Later, Onceler decides he has to go back. He picks a flower and gives it to Norma and then... kisses her on the cheek! And then he quickly leaves. Norma is surprised but she likes it. And then she remembers that she doesn't want to and tells herself she's not in love with him. Until she finally realizes there's no escaping it and accepts the fact that she's in love with him.
And Danny DeVito voiced Lorax and Phil lol.
Now I think I could have made her different clothes, damn.
Anyway, have a nice day or night! ^^
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biancadavri · 6 years
good dragon age discourse : the dwarf commoner origin is just bioware’s edgier retelling of disney’s hercules (1997)
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ventofu · 2 years
I just watched Hercules again, that movie never gets old😩
So, I was thinking Kaeya x Fem!Reader
This takes place before Kaeya and the reader started dating.
One day while Kaeya was patrolling the woods of Modstadt he heard the sound of a Mitachurl and a young woman.
Prompt: "I’m a damsel augh! I’m in distress, I can handle this, have a nice day."
Basically when Herc and Megara first met😅
Take care of yourself!!💕
i won't say (i'm in love) ! kaeya alberich ♡
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。゚(。ノωヽ。)゚。 now loading your request .. ♡ !!
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special notes: (ノ≧∀≦)ノ thank you for sending in your request, this is the first time i've received one, so i hold this very dearly to my heart, hihi! lucky you <3 || kaeya as hercules and reader as meg, kae being your handsome savior and a tease.. and of course, u charming him ♡ based on the scene where they both meet in the actual movie!
.. ( ˘▽˘)っ shimi hopes you like it <3 !! take care !!
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the sun was high up in the sky, early in the afternoon, the sun's heat basking citizens in a light sheen of sweat and reflecting against the surface of starfell lake. traveling merchants are escorted back into the city by the knights of favonius as reports about large numbers of hilichurl camps are seen rising around the vicinity. 
although for kaeya, the day had been passing slower than he had expected. he had just breached the gates after his exchange with jean regarding patrolling the nearby woods and ridding them of any kind of disturbances that could brew up chaos if not attended to. he negotiated with amber and they both agreed to watch over opposite ends of the map to quicken the task - her scouting around wolvendom, while the male attends to the territory surrounding the whispering woods. the acting grandmaster already had a lot on her plate, but that was old news to practically everyone who resided in mondstadt. there weren't too many knights who could easily take on every request that is sent to the KoF headquarters after all, and as amusing kaeya found people summoning for the acting grandmaster to make time to find their missing stubborn cat, he does admit that his heart harbored pity for jean.
and so, after observing the constant worried glances lisa was sending the blonde for her stubborn spout of overworking, emerald eyes straying to the other woman everytime she flips a page from her book, he ultimately decided to volunteer for the specific job. 
it wasn't long before he made it to the woods, making quick work with his blade after bumping into a couple sparring hilichurls on his way. using his renowned bladework to sweep the camps and towers quickly, he wiped the sweat on his brow with the back of his hand. the reports weren't lying, it seems that a population of these creatures decided to gather and manifest in nearby zones. " tsk, this is easy work. when will the day of finding myself a worthy challenge to pursue ever arrive? " he smirks, observing how the sunlight reflects on his blade. and just as he blurts the question out, he narrows his eyes as his ears pick up an unfamiliar voice nearby. a traveler? or perhaps a lost adventurer? it was quite peculiar hearing someone still venturing the land despite jean's orders to ensure everyone is safe inside their homes and kept from harm's way.
either way, they sounded distressed and in need of assistance. and so he takes quick steps in pursuit of where the voice was coming from - but now that he's growing closer, he infers from the pitch that the victim was most likely a woman. his speculation was proven correct once his eyes meet the unfolding scene in front of him - a girl, that looked about his age, with sparkling doe eyes and panting form, and yet still gracefully handling her polearm with such poise – facing what seemed to be a rather aggressive blazing axe mitachurl. you had managed to wound the creature quite a bit, sensing that it was starting to tire out and reach its limit. " ah, not feeling so good now are you? " you taunt the mitachurl, preparing yourself to land your strongest attack - lithe fingers throwing your polearm around, mimicking a stage performance. you note how your opponent took a few steps backward, prepping itself to charge itself at you, and at that angle, you were aware of its dangerous trajectory. 
a smile graces your lips, your vision glowing, willing to take on the challenge - but before you could start your fighting sequence, your eyes meet a certain navy blue-haired male, an amused smirk tugging at his soft lips. your attention is diverted after seeing the most good-looking male you've ever seen - unintentionally put your guard down. this window of opportunity allows the mitachurl to swing its axe and shake the ground beneath you, making you lose your stance and before you know it, your back hits the tree behind you. you groan, glaring at the man watching your predicament as if he was invited! " do you require my assistance, darling? i see you've put yourself in quite the struggle.. " 
after hearing his smooth voice, you feel yourself getting flustered, but you snap yourself back into reality - " i'm a damsel, i'm in distress, ow - ! i can handle this. have a nice day, thank you ~ " you reply in a faux sweet tone, blinking your eyelashes innocently. you get up and regain your stance, but just as quickly as you did, you're sent flying into a body of water, your adversary throwing you around like a ragdoll. you attempt to stand, but fail miserably as sharp pain jumps up your spine. 
" you're quite the stubborn one, aren't you sweetheart? my my, might as well let the ever so capable cavalry captain handle this, yeah? " he chuckles, whistling to garner the attention of the angry mitachurl. the creature quickly notices him, growling at the new threat. he repeats his previous attack, slightly scratching kaeya with pyro. the male then concludes that this wasn't your regular mitachurl, as traces of purple emanate from its body, enhancing its strength. it was most likely work of the abyss. 
after all, you bumped into your opponent around starfell lake while you were gathering fish and calla lily, so kaeya could consider himself lucky. you watch as he uses his environment to his advantage, utilizing his cryo vision to freeze his opponent and render it helpless. it wasn't long before his bulky foe disappears into thin air. and as you're wringing the water from your hair, pouting at the missed opportunity to try out your combat skills on the field - you hear approaching footsteps. you quickly make a decision to avoid making eye contact to not stroke the other's ego. " i didn't need your assistance, wonderboy. now, don't go thinking i'm indebted to you simply because you finished the job for me– "
but before you could finish, you feel strong arms picking you up and placing your body on dry land, where your feet is dangling above the lake. you blink twice in surprise, mouth dry at the short moment of close contact with him. he leans forward, " wonderboy, hm? if you prefer that nickname darling, i'm all for it .. although regular citizens of mondstadt usually call me .. sir kaeya. "
you furrow your eyebrows at how close his face was from yours, small distance separating you both. you push his chest away and regain your composure - getting up on your feet. " hm? if i remember your words correctly.. " you turn your back to him, " you're a cavalry captain, correct? impressive.. but i have other matters to take care of, " you adjust your skirt and your hair accessory, moving with a sway in your step.  " thank you for the assistance, sir kaeya .. safe travels! "
the man is suddenly enamored, charmed from the way you move with elegance and talk with conviction. you've definitely caught his eye, your sophistication and charisma luring him in like a moth to a flame. you didn't seem interested in him at all - not even giving him another glance as you trot away further from the lake, carrying your satchel. and that's what pushed him to pursue you even more. " w-wait, you're leaving already? won't you be a darling and stay a little while? you haven't even told me your name .. "
you freeze for a few seconds, a playful smile playing upon your lips, you turn your head and connect your eyes with his. you tilt your head, beckoning him forward. " now, wonderboy.. won't you come and find out? " and at that proposal, the man knew he wouldn't let the opportunity slip away - for this might be the challenge he had been waiting for all along.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
Twisted Tales: Go the Distance review
I can't say enough good things about this book. It's part of a greater series called Twisted Tales which are stand-alone books that present a twist or what if situation of the Disney movies like What if Aladdin never found the lamp or What if Wendy traveled to Neverland with Hook. I haven't read any of them, but this was Hercules and I adore and reread the author's Secrets of My Hollywood Life so I had to try. And I just loved it!
It's "What If" is What if Meg became a Greek God. First off, it's not so much an alternate universe but a plausible alternate ending to Hercules in Zeus won't allow Herc to become mortal, he must stay on Olympus. So Hera offers Meg a chance to become a goddess through a daring quest as one does.
And it is great!! There are, of course, little reference lines to the movies and all but I'm most impressed by how in character everyone is from Phil's gruffness to Hercules' sweetness to Hades' snappy salesman motormouth. The last one I think would be the hardest to keep in character but Calonita does.
Everyone returns in this book even Pain and Panic. Well everyone but the Muses but to be fair, they were the narrators in the movie and I don't think the characters even interacted with them so it was fine. They were there in spirit.
Most importantly, she does an absolutely wonderful job with my idol, Megara. Not only in developing her character post-movie and her uncertainties in screwing up her relationship, her stubbornness in doing things by herself and her difficulty trusting in others. But also in fleshing out her backstory with her mother, the former flame for whom she sold her soul  and how her past impacted her to today.
Plus Calonita gave her a last name. Megara Egan. After the voice actress. I don't think its Greek but I love it anyway.
Also it has its own take on the Hades and Persephone myth that somehow keeps Hades deliciously villainously in character but also gives Persephone a tough edge that she's willing to roast people which I kinda love.
And other gods pop up too like Athena and Hermes and Aphrodite (Aphrodite, goddess of love).
Additionally, I find it a sign of good writing that I read it all in the voices of their characters and it sounded completely natural for all of them.
All in all, 5 stars from me, highly recommend. I'm considering it more of an unofficial sequel than AU because I enjoyed it so much.
Furthermore, I read other goodreads reviews afterwards and it seems there was a common complaint that it was a light YA, bordering on middle grade since that is Calonita's area of expertise. Especially compared to the other Twisted Tales that apparently involve blood sacrifices and xenophobic governments.
I thought it was fine. It may have not gotten that dark but Calonita did a great hero's journey befitting the title, and really explored Megara's character.
And like I wrote above. I found it to be like a continuation of the movie. I didn't feel like it was talking down to me or it was too childish. It was like a Disney movie. So kids, AND teens can enjoy it. I enjoyed it whole heartedly and I think anyone who is a Hercules or Meg fan will appreciate it too.
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megatraven · 3 years
Stay Stay Stay
Pairing: Hydra x MC Summary:
"I'm so sorry I'm late," she says, looking away. "I tried to call, but-"
"Olympus has bad service. I know." He squeezes her hands, and smiles easily when she squeezes back.
"Right. Still. It's no excuse, but... thank you for waiting for me." A dusting of pink stains her cheeks as she returns her gaze to him. "I've missed you."
A/N: The title is taken from a Taylor Swift song by the same name :) Requested by and written for the anon who simply requested more Hydra x MC fic!
Hydra taps his fingers on the table, a strange bout of nerves making him fidget in ways he's never done before. His stomach is coiled tight, and every single time the bell above the café's door rings, he can't help but look up, hopeful. Unfortunately, that means he's met with disappointment each time a stranger comes in- and it being autumn, a lot of people are coming in.
With a sigh, he glances at his watch again.
Over an hour past their meeting time.
It's not the first time she's done this, but it doesn't get any easier to be on the receiving end of her late arrivals, with no texted apology or excuse to keep him occupied. Still, at the very least, he knows her well enough to know that she won't just abandon him completely. Even if she's only able to stop by for a few minutes, she'll do it, just to see him, and so he can see her. She leaves him waiting, even wanting, but she never just leaves him.
Megara passes by, squeezing his shoulder and offering a sad smile before she refills his coffee for the third time. He thanks her with a smile of his own, and a murmured, "I appreciate it."
He takes a sip of it before adding anything, and decides not to add anything at all as the bell above the door rings again. When he looks up, it's another nobody, and he returns his gaze down the the napkin he'd shredded about half an hour ago. Anything to keep him busy while he waits. He's about to start in on making the pieces even smaller when the bell sounds again. Unable to help himself, he looks up yet again, and he finally feels himself relax.
She's here.
Whirlwind that she always in, she breezes past the other customers, ignoring the few stares she gets just by the way she commands the attention of any room she's in. Her hair is hastily thrown into a bun, reminiscent of how she used to wear her hair, when she was human. Her eyes- brown, with flecks of gold- are warm and filled to the brim with affection the moment she meets his gaze. There's guilt there, too, but he can see her tuck it away; they don't have the time to get into those sorts of discussions anymore, not when their time together is already so often limited to a few hours here and there.
She sits down across from him, instantly reaching her hands out over the table to grab onto his. His fidgeting comes to a standstill at her touch, and that little something that keeps him constantly on edge in her absence settles.
"I'm so sorry I'm late," she says, looking away. "I tried to call, but-"
"Olympus has bad service. I know." He squeezes her hands, and smiles easily when she squeezes back.
"Right. Still. It's no excuse, but... thank you for waiting for me." A dusting of pink stains her cheeks as she returns her gaze to him. "I've missed you."
The earnestness of her voice warms him through, more than the previous three cups of coffee combined. Bringing one of her hands up, he kisses her knuckles first, then the sapphire ring on her finger.
The ring he had given her just two years after they had met, when he has proposed to her, even knowing that she was going to choose becoming a goddess. He'd told her, back then, that he would love her no matter her choice, and thus far, he'd made good on that promise.
She may be busy more often than he cares to admit, but he loves her all the same. It's why he sits in coffee shops and cafés and restaurants for hours waiting for the small moments they spend together, the moments he treasures above all else.
When he sees her relax at his show of affection, he lets out a breath, the underlying tension that's always between them loosening it's grip.
"I would never stop waiting," he finally says, letting their hands fall back to the table. And, unwarranted, the words he'd told her that night he proposed spill from him again, an echo of his promise. "I'll follow you all my life."
Something in her expression softens, and she suddenly looks like the years of godly duty have been shed from her, the weight that was put on her shoulders disappearing, for just that moment.
"That means the world to me," she murmurs, and she looks at him as if he is the world to her.
She takes a deep breath, piquing his interest, and opens her mouth to say something when her phone rings. Deflating at the ringtone that plays, she scowls, untangling one of her hands from his to silent the call.
"Shouldn't you-"
"No," she says, a little too fast as she shakes her head. "I haven't been here for five minutes- gods, I haven't even gotten the menu yet! I... haven't even asked how your week has been."
He frowns, but let's it drop, even though he's doubtful that the gods will let her ignore them for long.
With a huff that's unfairly cute, she turns her phone off so that he can see it, and pockets the device again. Afterwards, she forces a smile back to her face in an attempt to save their date and unspoil the mood.
It makes him smirk, and he knows that if there's one constant between the two of them, it's that it will always be incredibly easy and natural to fall back into their banter with each other.
"Don't make that face," he says, "It'll get stuck there permanently."
A pause. He sees her freeze in place, shooting him a look that says "don't you dare" and his smirk grows.
"Like the bags under your eyes."
Her fingers twitch in his, and although she fights against it, she can't resist bringing her hands up to check. A relieved sigh leaves her, followed by an embarrassed laugh.
"That's so mean. You're mean," she says, with no bite to it at all. Her grin is more genuine, now, and she mock-glares at him. "Besides, you have no room to talk. You have frown lines that won't go away."
"Ha! Yeah, right. And where are those?" he asks, rolling his eyes.
"Mm... hold on, let me get a little closer," she says, leaning over the table, her stare intensely scrutinizing his lips. "Right.... there. And there."
She closes the distance between them, pressing a sweet, long-awaited kiss to the corners of his mouth before kissing him fully. It shatters something- the dam both had been keeping up to keep themselves distant, closed off. Hydra kisses her back, as if doing so is all that keeps him alive.
Breathless when they pull apart, Hydra grins at her.
"Definitely not frowning now."
She grins back, about to throw another teasing barb his way when two shadows fall over them. Hydra tenses, the lighthearted atmosphere effectively snuffed out at the arrival of two gods, one in particular he can't stand to be around. But he knows better than to make any sly remarks when it could have negative consequences for the only goddess he cares for in any capacity.
"Hades. Aphrodite. You're both here, on my date... Why?" she asks them, voice strained. For all that she had tried to hide it, the exhaustion and stress she must be feeling finally break through her carefully molded mask. Hydra's heart aches at the sight of her so wore down, her eyes so unusually dull.
Hades doesn't even spare Hydra a glance, though Aphrodite meets his gaze with some amount of sympathy and guilt. Not that it means anything to him, but being acknowledged is better than being ignored.
"You're needed for urgent matters on Olympus... and your phone was mysteriously off," Hades remarks, keeping both his expression and tone neutral, devoid of anything other than pure professionalism. "Aphrodite and I came to collect you."
Before she can even react, she's being ushered up and out of her seat. A little frantic, a lot heartbroken, she looks at Hydra, trying to convey... something. Sorrow? An apology? A goodbye?
He isn't sure; she's gotten remarkably harder to read since becoming one of the divine, and that's a fact that doesn't sit easy with him.
She reaches out to him, and he reaches back- but they've already pulled her too far. His fingers meet open air, and her hand drops back to her side.
"It's okay, Wisp," he tells her, sad but understanding of her predicament. "Same time next week, right?"
But she doesn't respond, getting pulled back towards the door by Hades and Aphrodite both. All she does is stare after him, holding his gaze. Her expression is torn, but it only emphasizes the silent fury she exudes. Her hands clench into fists, her brow furrows, and her entire frame becomes stiff, resistant. From his seat, Hydra can see it when gold lights up her eyes, filling them completely. It's both awe-inspiring and chilling to witness, the power she commands primordial and raw, all contained in those golden eyes.
She doesn't shout it. In fact, it's barely even a whisper, yet the café quiets considerably, and every eye in the vicinity is drawn to her. She pulls herself back, out of the hands of the gods. Taking a step back towards Hydra, she turns to face them, though her hand is held out behind her back.
This, at least, Hydra knows the answer to.
He moves from his seat and grabs hold of her hand, uniting them.
"I'm not going," she continues, her voice still quiet, but so, so strong.
Hades' calm façade breaks for just a moment, letting his shock be seen. Aphrodite, on the other hand, wears a small, almost triumphant smile.
"I haven't seen my fiancé for more than ten minutes at a time in the past month. I'm staying, here, with him."
She pulls on his hand, tugging him forward so that he's standing shoulder-to-shoulder with her. She squeezes his hand tight, almost painfully so- something else he wasn't quite used to- as if she feared that he would let her go. So he holds her back just as tight, doing his best to let her know that she never needs to doubt that he'll remain by her side, always.
"We need Hera-"
"No you don't!" she shouts, the sudden boom of her voice making several people jump- including Hades himself. Her anger boils over, her aura seeping from her skin in a way that makes her entire body glow.
"You were fine without Hera for over a century! You can do without her for one gods-damned day!" Taking a shaky breath, she turns away from them, into Hydra's chest, and his free arm instantly wraps around her.
"Figure it out yourselves."
Hades opens his mouth to retort, but the look Aphrodite sends him makes him think better of it. Instead, he gives one sharp nod. Aphrodite, for her part, does the job of ensuring the mortals around them don't remember what just happened, and then they leave together, just as quick as they came.
"They're gone," Hydra whispers, planting a row of kisses over the crown of her head. With great gentleness, he pries his hand out of hers so that he can hug her properly, holding her close. With no space between them, he can see and feel how violently she's shaking, though he's not sure if it's the remnants of her anger, or the fear of realizing that she'd just denied the gods to their faces.
Regardless of what it is, he holds on, whispering the sweetest nothings to her and rubbing calming patterns into her back. Slowly, it has the desired effect on her, and the shaking comes to a stop as well as the glowing. She sniffles, arms wrapped tight around him, but the fistfuls of fabric that were clenched in her hands are released.
He can't help the soft chuckle that leaves him.
"You're ruining my shirt."
He hugs her a little tighter, just to make sure that she knows he doesn't want her to let go.
Her return laugh is watery, but she sniffles again and looks up at him.
"It was already ruined," she says. At his confusion, she manages a weak smile. "You have a big ramen stain right below the collar."
She points to a spot on his chest and he angles his head down to see, flushing from embarrassment. He'd been in such a rush to arrive on time that he'd just thrown on what he grabbed first and left. Instead of seeing a stain, her finger comes up quicker than he can prepare for and flicks him in the nose.
"Got you."
"Oh, no, Wisp. I've got you."
His smile turns wicked, and her eyes grow wide as he scoops her into his arms, just as easy as the first time he'd done it all those years ago. She near-shrieks, laughing even as her tears dry over her cheeks. Her palm bangs against his chest playfully, with no force behind it at all as she commands him to put her down; he doesn't. Rather, he carries her back to their table and slides her neatly into the inner part of the booth, blocking her in with his body.
"There," he says, smug. "Now you can't leave."
Almost expecting a joke from her, he's a little surprised to see her blush.
"Good. I don't want to leave."
"I know." His voice softens, low enough to be heard by only her. "I don't want you to leave, either."
She leans into him, hooking their arms together and laying her head against his shoulder. And she fits there, against his side, perfectly, as if no time had passed between them at all. It hardens Hydra's resolve to keep this- them, together- further. He'll never let it go. He's about to say as much when she speaks.
"... Can I get a menu?"
"You can have anything you want, Wisp."
He puts a hand out and gestures for Megara to come over, but his eyes never leave his lover's, whose eyes have turned brown again, even more so than before.
"Anything at all."
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Do you know Disney's "Hercules" and specifically Megara's song "I won't say I'm in love"? And if so, would you be fine with writing a scenario involving or based on that song, for a Black Clover couple or couple(s) you like?
YES I LOVE THAT MOVIE! And of course I can write this. I wrote this kinda very vaguely following how the song goes.
"I Won't Say I'm in Love"
     Nozel sighed as his legs hit the edge of the bed. He flopped onto his bed unceremoniously. Royals don't flop onto their beds, but at this point, Nozel didn't care. Chasing a gang of thieves around the Royal Capital got tiring rather quickly. Not only did he have to chase lowly bandits around all day, but he also had to write up a report about the incident. Nozel enjoyed his work as a Magic Knight, but he abhorred the paperwork that came along with it. Thanks to that paperwork, Nozel missed dinner. He found out from his siblings that the servants had made roast duck today. That was his favourite. Now he was hungry and upset.
     "I wish Dorothy was here to give me some roast duck from Glamour World." Ah Dorothy. The tiny witch that had her vice-captain do most of her work. She also just happened to be on Nozel's mind 24/7.
     The bandits Nozel was chasing were better escape artists than Nozel was used to. Unfortunately, they were still men who could be lured in by feminine charms. The moment the bandits stepped in Dorothy's range, they were all transported into Glamour World. Dorothy returned a few minutes later with a group of traumatised wimps who turned themselves into the Magic Knights immediately. To say that Nozel wasn't drawn in by Dorothy's skills was a lie.
     "Drawn in is where I draw the line. She isn't anything more to me than a friend." Nozel thought back to all the times he'd met with Dorothy. Many of them were in secret away from their subordinates. Even if they could escape work for a few minutes, they each made an effort to meet each other at least once a week. But Nozel wouldn't say he was in love. Of course not. Dorothy was only a friend and a confidant.
     If you asked anyone on the street, they would all agree that a person who's in love with another one can't get them off their mind. Unfortunately, Nozel didn't know this. He thought Dorothy was a good friend. But he had to ask himself if she was more.
     "Hmp. She's just a friend. I won't say I'm in love." Nozel crossed his arms and frowned.
      A small voice in the back of Nozel's head chuckled. Do you really think that? You think about this woman all the time. You heart races when you look at her. Isn't that love?
     "Ridiculous. I think and worry about Noelle constantly, but I'm not in love with her. That logic is flawed."
      Take note of your reactions around her. Do you act that way around anyone else?
     Nozel thought back to all those times he spent with Dorothy. From blushing to wanting to hold her in his arms, Nozel realized that he really was a fool.
     A knock on Nozel's bedroom window interrupted Nozel from furthering the  conversation with himself. Approaching the window, Nozel came face to face with the woman he totally wasn't in love with.
      Try to talk yourself out of this one, lover boy.
     Nozel ignored the voice in his head and opened his bedroom window. Apparently, Dorothy had been leaning against the window, because when Nozel opened it, she tumbled into the room and onto the floor. Dorothy hopped up from the floor and gave Nozel a hug.
     "A little birdie told me you needed me."
     Nozel whipped his head around. "Who's watching me? Who told you that?"
     Dorothy giggled. "No, Nozel, it's just an expression. I just wanted to come see you."
     "You seemed stressed." Dorothy piped up after a long silence.
     Nozel glanced off to the side. "I guess I'm a little stressed."
     "Well then, sit here." Dorothy sat Nozel on a chair near his personal desk in his room. Nozel sat down, definitely not expecting what came next. Not even a moment after he sat down did Dorothy settle herself on Nozel's lap. Feeling his breathing hitch, Nozel shut his eyes.
     So? Do you admit you're in love now? The voice in Nozel's head asked.
    Before Nozel could answer, Dorothy pulled Nozel's arm around herself to keep her pressed against his chest. Nozel enjoyed the small smile that came with this new, fuzzy feeling.
     I admit it, you asinine voice. I guess I am in love.
     The voice didn't respond to Nozel's confession. This pleased Nozel, as it gave him time to deal with these feelings while spending time with Dorothy. Nozel definitely didn't regret following his gut and listening to what it said.
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nathan-roy · 6 years
I Won't Say I'm In Love
Nate listens to Charlotte’s poem while Megara sings her heart out Mentions of @charlottebrewington
“You’re not even watching the movie!”
Nate looked up from his phone, the red face of the kid he was supposed to be watching over stared back at him. He blinked, turning his head to the TV to look at whatever Disney movie they eventually decided on.
“What movie is this again?” He yawned, looking back at his phone without care.
“Hercules,” the kid huffed, “my favorite.”
His phone buzzed with another text from Charlotte and he didn’t both to reply to the kid who had now given up on trying to coax a reply out of Nathan.
“You’re just talking to your girlfriend...” he sulked. Even that, didn’t get a reply. 
I’m going to call you. Don’t pick up your phone. Let it go to voicemail.
He blinked, nodding even though he couldn’t see her. When she called, he waited patiently for the vibrating to stop, and then for his phone to flash a message saying he had a new voicemail. 
Okay. You’re good to check it now.  Goodnight, Superstar
With that, he wasted no time dashing off to the bathroom so he could listen to the voicemail. 
A bad British accent in a voice that is unmistakably Charlotte’s fills his ears. He smiles wide. 
“You’re not going to take me seriously if I do this in an accent so here we go--” 
“No,” he said, shaking his head even though he knew she couldn’t see or hear him. “the accent was great...” He trailed off as she started her poem.
“It’s going to be cold, This winter...”
her voice trailed off, her poem coming to an end and Nathan simply stood there. In that moment, it was nothing but him and his pounding heart. He played the message again, desperate to hear her voice, desperate to see her, to fell her, to be with her.
Eventually he set his phone down, looking at himself in the mirror, large smile on his face despite how his body sang in fear. Faintly, he could hear a song--”I won’t say I’m in love” played, muffled by the bathroom walls.
It hit him.
It wasn’t a gradual thought.
There was no hesitation.
He knew it to be a fact the moment he thought it.
He liked Charlotte. More than a friend, more than whatever he tried to tell himself before. And every day, every moment like this, he liked her more. 
Love felt like a far off concept to him, but suddenly, it was the only word that fit.
But at least out loud, he didn’t have to say he was in love.
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Faye: -megara voice- I won't say I'm in love
Me: Why the fuck u lying?
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