#Mob was written as the most autistic middle schooler ever on purpose
denkies · 1 year
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"Mob's not autistic!!!" my brother in christ he literally has a book titled "How To Read Social Cues"
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Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama
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Age: 14
Home: Seasoning City (Mob Psycho 100)
Blood type: O
Likes: Skywatching, pop music, action movies
Dislikes: Math, cilantro, psychic powers
Progress towards meltdown: —%
An ordinary middle schooler struggling to find himself. Okay, yes, he does have world-shaking psychic powers, but so what? Those cause as many problems as they solve, and the problems they solve are never the ones Mob worries about the most. Psychic powers don’t impress girls or make friends or help with math. They can hurt people, though.
Mob does his best not to, of course. Even when people actively try to hurt him, Mob just defends himself most of the time. He does hurt people with his powers sometimes, occasionally even on purpose, but most of his effort is spent either trying to avoid hurting people or trying to do things that don’t involve his powers.
Strip away the psychic powers, and you’re theoretically left with a good kid with terrible social skills. Mob means well, trying to help people (not just basic etiquette like “try not to kill people,” either). Of course, one of the big points of the series conclusion is that you can’t just strip away the psychic powers, but you get my point. Mob’s a good kid, just…he needs guidance.
What does Tumblr think of Mob?
from the response from non mp100 fans to mob winning tumblr autism polls i kinda get the sense that people who havent seen the show think hes a “diagnosed autism at fandom because socially awkward” kind of character and not like. the most autistic character ever written.
Shigeo definitely pet every single cat he sees when he walking home with his brother or on the way to Reigen workplace
the absolute terror of the last episode is just cheff’s kiss shigeo is SCARY
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