#Naser Khader
alexlindbjerg · 1 year
Readathon 2014
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Som den opmærksomme læser nok har opdaget, så er jeg blevet bogkåd. Eller det vil sige: Jeg er i hvert fald begyndt at læse og anmelde en masse bøger. Derfor var det da også kærkomment, da jeg blev præsenteret for Readathon. Readathon er et internationalt koncept, hvor man læser i 24 timer. Eventet foregår på div. sociale medier, hvor man deler ens fremdrift og hepper på hinanden. På lørdag d.…
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westsahara · 2 years
Der Präsident des CORCAS unterhält sich mit einem Mitglied der Kommission für Auswärtiges im dänischen Parlament
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Rabat-Khalihenna Ould Errachid, Präsident des Königlichen Konsultativrates für Saharaangelegenheiten (CORCAS), unterhielt sich am Mittwoch, dem 12. Oktober 2022 mit Naser KHADER, dem Mitglied der Kommission für Auswärtiges im dänischen Parlament, welcher Marokko einen Arbeitsbesuch abstattet.
Während dieser Begegnung erstattete der Präsident des CORCAS dem dänischen Parlamentarier ein historisches Exposé über die marokkanische Sahara, in dem er die jüngsten Entwicklungen hinsichtlich dieses Dossiers ins Feld geführt hat.
Darüber hinaus hat der Präsident des CORCAS die permanente Unterstützung in Erinnerung gerufen, wovon die Autonomieinitiative auf internationaler Ebene in ihrer Eigenschaft als glaubwürdige seriöse und realistische Lösung des aus dem Boden gestampften Konflikts um die Frage der marokkanischen Sahara Gegenstand gewesen war.
Dieser Versammlung haben vonseiten des CORCAS der Generalsekretär des Rates, Dr. Maouelainin Ben Khallihenna Maouelainin und Moulay Ahmed Mghizlate, in seiner Eigenschaft als Mitglied des CORCAS, beigewohnt.  
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thevagueambition · 5 years
i don’t think I’ll ever be over danish politician Naser Khader’s galaxy brain level take “if we’re descendant from apes, how come there are still apes today? And when do they turn into humans?”
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denapatiskenihilist · 3 years
de næste boomer Karens der skriver “afghanerne skal blive i deres land og kæmpe” eller at “de skal kæmpe mere”, får seriøst hevet toppen af deres små hoveder af, så jeg kan reset deres små hjerner. Usympatiske røvhuller. “Boomer Karen” inkluderer også Naser Khader, der virkelig skal få styr på sit lort og tvinge sig selv væk fra computer-tasternes jerngreb. Fucking klovneri
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studentikos · 5 years
tænk naser khader stadig er relevant
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clusterassets · 6 years
New world news from Time: ‘Now It’s a Sign of Protest:’ Muslim Women in Denmark Defy the Face Veil Ban
Sabina started wearing the niqab two years ago as a way to feel more connected to God. The face veil—a piece of fabric tied around the back of her head that only reveals her eyes—is a reminder of her identity and beliefs, she says. “I found it very beautiful,” the 21-year-old education student explains, sitting cross-legged on the floor of the women’s prayer room in Det Islamiske Trossamfund, a mosque in Copenhagen. “In the beginning it was a very spiritual choice.”
But starting this month when she wears her niqab in public, her act of devotion will also be an act of civil disobedience. She will be one of the Danish citizens defying the country’s ban on face coverings in all public places, which came into effect on Wednesday.
“Now it has also become a political choice for me,” says Sabina, who asked TIME not to disclose her last name out of concerns for her safety. “It is also a sign of protest.”
Sabina is a founder of Kvinder i Dialog (Women in Dialogue), an organization started by niqabis—women who wear the veil—that brings Muslim women affected by the ban into conversation with the larger Danish population through events, social media and public appearances. Their goal has been to dispel what they say are misconceptions about their choice to wear the veil: that niqabis are forced to wear the garment, don’t go to school or work, and are radicalized and pose a threat.
Now their aims have expanded to include standing their ground in Danish society. On the first day of the ban, the women led a public protest over their right to wear the veil. Hundreds of people of different religious and ethnic backgrounds congregated at Den Sorte Plads in Copenhagen’s Nørrebro neighborhood, donning niqabs, colorful scarves and flamboyant face coverings—a horse head, fake beards and lucha libre masks were spotted across the plaza—to challenge the enforcement of the ban. The crowd marched on local streets led by a sign that read “My clothes, my choice” and chanted “No racists in our streets!” as they locked arms around the Bellahøj police station. At the same time, across the country a protest took place in Aarhus, Denmark’s second biggest city.
Many in the crowd said taking to the streets seemed to be the only way to bring attention to the problem. “When I was a kid, no one talked about who you could be and how you could look and dress,” said Line Schmidt, 33, wearing a black balaclava with yellow translucent heart-shaped glasses.“It’s not the Denmark I know.”
To protesters and women who wear the veil, the ban looks like another sign that Denmark is betraying its long-held value of tolerance. “It’s not just about us fighting for the right to wear our niqab,” Sabina says. “It’s also about us fighting for right to live our lives as practicing Muslims in Denmark. We are saying to the government: we do not accept this form of racist, Islamophobic and oppressive politics.”
Aleksander Klug—NurPhoto via Getty ImagesThousands of people protest in Aarhus, Denmark, on August 1, 2018 in defiance of the Danish Governments ban on the burka and niqab.
Denmark’s new law, passed May 31 to take effect from August 1, does not specifically mention the niqab (a veil that covers the face except for the eyes) or burqa (more conservative headwear that covers the head and body and includes a mesh screen over the eyes). It is up to police to judge whether a face covering is in violation of the ban and to instruct the offender to go home. Fines range from 1,000 krone ($156) up to 10,000 krone ($1,568) for repeat offenses.
But many of those in support of the ban have been clear that it is meant to target the Muslim face veil. “We don’t want the burqa and niqab in Denmark,” Naser Khader, a parliament member with the Conservative People’s Party and a Muslim who has long supported the ban, tells TIME. He says it’s about the principle of women not being oppressed, rather than the number of women who wear the veil. “We want gender equality in Denmark, that’s it. If you want to go with burqa and niqab, find another place to do it.”
The current number of women who wear the veil in Denmark is unknown, but the most recent research suggests it is very few. A 2009 study by Margit Warburg, a professor in sociology of religion at the University of Copenhagen, indicates less than 0.2% of Muslim women in the country wear the niqab or burqa—an estimated 150 women out of a country of 5.7 million. “It is really a very small minority out of a minority out of a minority,” says Warburg.
Human rights groups have slammed arguments like Khader’s. While there might be some specific instances where the full-face veil ban might be legitimate in the interests of public safety, Amnesty International argues that the blanket ban is a violation of women’s rights to freedom of expression and religion. “If the intention of this law was to protect women’s rights it fails abjectly. Instead, the law criminalizes women for their choice of clothing—making a mockery of the freedoms Denmark purports to uphold.”
A Continent-Wide Debate
Denmark follows France, Belgium and Austria with full bans on face coverings (Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Germany and other regions and cities across Europe have partial bans based on geographical area or type of space). In 2014 the European Court of Human Rights upheld France’s 2011 law, accepting that social cohesion was a valid argument for the ban, even though fewer than 2,000 women reportedly wore the veil in 2011, out of nearly 5 million Muslims in France.
But enforcement and effectiveness of the ban have been mixed. In Austria, which implemented a similar law in October 2017, police fined people with scarves and a man in a shark costume because of confusion over the vague wording of the law. France, the first European country to introduce such a ban, has consistently enforced the law—but surveys indicate niqabis continue to wear the veil but spend more time indoors (though there is little research on women who wear the veil after the ban).
“It divides society,” says Sara Silvestri, professor of religion and politics at City, University of London, and an expert on Islam in Europe. “It either withdraws women into the closely-knit community or empowers them to fight back and become even more religious and even more proud to wear the veil.”
In Denmark both the center-right government and center-left Social Democrat party voted in favor of the ban, passing the law 75-30. At the heart of the government’s argument were concerns over the subjugation of women and a need to enforce Danish culture and values.“We must be able to see each other and we must also be able to see each other’s facial expressions,” Justice Minister Søren Pape Poulsen said when the ban was passed in May. “It’s a value in Denmark.” A significant portion of the Danish population favored the ban: 62% supported a ban on the niqab and burqa according to an opinion poll from last September.
Read more: Denmark’s “ghetto” policies are an ominous sign that liberal Europe is starting to unravel at the seams
Denmark is still a homogeneous country: 87.6% of the country’s population is ethnically Danish and 75% of the population is Protestant (based off membership in the state-funded National Church). In recent decades, the country has struggled to integrate immigrants and their new cultures. This year alone, significant debate has raged over policies that seem to target minorities. For example, the country has weighed a citizens’ proposal to outlaw circumcision (mainly practiced by the country’s Jews and Muslims) and the immigration minister suggested Muslims do not work during Ramadan because they pose a safety hazard. And more concretely, the government passed a series of laws to eradicate “ghettos,” neighborhoods with social problems where more than 50% of residents are non-Western immigrants.
“The parliament decides what it means to be Danish,” says Garbi Schmidt, a Roskilde University professor who studies migration and cultural encounters. “Right now, it is Muslims that fall out and minorities that fall out [of that definition]. But it is also problematic for society—how xenophobic should it be when it comes to ethnic, religious and all kinds of diversity? Who has the right to live as a Dane?”
Mads Claus Rasmussen—AFP/Getty ImagesWomen wearing niqabs to veil their faces take part in a demonstration on August 1, 2018, the first day of the implementation of the Danish face veil ban, in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Fighting for the Right to Wear the Veil
Asserting the right to live as a Dane while wearing the niqab has been the goal of Kvinder i Dialog since it officially launched in January. The group, which has grown to approximately 60 niqabis and allies, has hosted open houses, stood on the street handing out flyers, visited high school classrooms and participated in debates on the issue, all in the hopes of trying to help their fellow citizens understand their choice. “We were saying to everyone, just ask us whatever you like,” Sabina says. “Let’s talk about it.”
By becoming more visible, Kvinder i Dialog has been able to change some minds. “If you are forced to wear it, I would not understand why you are fighting so much for it,” Sabina recalls a woman telling her at an open house. But it hasn’t always worked. Politicians have refused to take their meetings and they’ve received hateful responses on their social media posts.
Part of the problem is that many Danes have never seen, let alone met or talked to, a woman who wears the niqab, Sabina says. That fueled misconceptions about the background and motivations of the niqabis. Half of the women that Warburg found in her 2009 study were ethnic Danes, for example, as recent converts tend to be more devout in their religious expression. Further, women wear the niqab as a way to challenge and deepen their faith, Warburg says. She did not find evidence that there were women being forced to wear the veil in Denmark.
Women who choose the niqab say oppression has not come from the veil itself, but from Denmark’s opposition to it. Sarah, a gregarious 30-year-old student, mother of three and another founder of Kvinder i Dialog, said it was already difficult to wear her face covering in public. Once a man threatened to kill her at a train station in front of her then 3-year-old son.
Despite this, Sarah, who was born in Denmark to a Muslim family and speaks Danish as her first language, grew up believing that the country’s tradition of tolerance would protect her religious choices and allow her to follow her dreams of studying engineering and starting her own business. Now Sarah—who asked TIME to only use her first name to protect her privacy—is considering switching to e-learning to finish her courses, and her husband has agreed to take full responsibility of picking up their children from school and running errands.
“If I want to go somewhere, I really have to think about it—is it worth getting a fine?” she says, bouncing her curly-haired 7-month-old daughter on her lap during a preparation workshop for the protest on Wednesday. “I have never felt like a victim before. This is the first time I’ve felt oppressed.”
Still, she sees the veil as a source of power as she begins life after the ban. “You have to be very strong to wear the niqab in Denmark,” Sarah says. “We are not going to lie down and let people kick us. We are going to fight to the end.”
August 02, 2018 at 05:15PM ClusterAssets Inc., https://ClusterAssets.wordpress.com
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signaldk · 3 years
Jeg har ikke tænkt mig at holde min kæft
Af Pernille Skipper Der er en del, der mener, at jeg “dømmer” Naser Khader i mit tidligere opslag i dag. Det kan jeg slet ikke, for jeg er ikke dommer, og jeg er ikke medlem af de konservative, eller har magt over Khader overhovedet. Og ja, teoretisk set er det muligt, at det ikke er sket, som de fem kvinder beskriver. Jeg vil blot påpege følgende: der er tale om fem forskellige kvinder, som…
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elreportero · 5 years
Supuesto plan de @realDonaldTrump de comprar Groenlandia desata carcajadas en Dinamarca
Anxo Lamela Copenhague, 16 ago (EFE).- El supuesto interés del presidente de EEUU, Donald Trump, en comprar Groenlandia a Dinamarca ha generado un aluvión de reacciones de políticos daneses, que dudan de si es una broma, ironizan con su salud mental o lo acusan de colonialista. Según publican hoy varios medios estadounidenses, Trump ha mencionado la cuestión varias veces en las últimas semanas durante reuniones y cenas, y la Casa Blanca ha discutido la legalidad de una hipotética compra, el proceso de incorporación del territorio y de dónde saldría el dinero para afrontar la operación. Mientras el Ejecutivo socialdemócrata danés guarda silencio, el Gobierno autonómico groenlandés ha resaltado en un comunicado la "buena relación" con Estados Unidos, y ve el "rumor" como muestra del interés en invertir en esta isla de 2 millones de kilómetros cuadrados cubierta de hielo y 56.000 habitantes, la mayoría inuits. "Groenlandia no está por supuesto en venta", resaltan en el breve escrito las autoridades de uno de los dos territorios autónomos que componen el Reino de Dinamarca (el otro son las Islas Feroe). Frente al mutismo o la respuesta comedida de las autoridades, la clase política danesa ha reaccionado de forma casi mayoritaria en las redes sociales haciendo ejercicios de ironía. "Debe de ser una broma del 1 de abril completamente fuera de temporada", asegura el ex primer ministro danés y actual líder de la oposición, el liberal Lars Løkke Rasmussen, aludiendo a la tradición sajona en esa fecha, equivalente al día de los Santos Inocentes. De "mala broma" han tachado también los supuestos planes de Trump dos figuras de las fuerzas políticas que apoyan al Gobierno danés: la líder socialista, Pia Olsen Dyhr, y el portavoz de Exteriores del Partido Social Liberal, Martin Lidegaard. Lidegaard ha enfatizado que en caso de que fuera un plan serio, sería "terrible" para los groenlandeses, que perderían su autonomía -que incluye desde 2009 el derecho de autodeterminación- y asistirían a una posible militarización de la isla. "Digo 'no, gracias', a que compren Groenlandia, mejor reforzar la relación con Dinamarca. Hay que resaltar además que tampoco es una mercancía que se pueda vender", ha afirmado Aaja Chemnitz Larsen, una de las dos diputadas groenlandesas en el Parlamento danés. En esa línea ha insistido la líder "rojiverde" Pernille Skipper, quien resalta que "no estamos en el siglo XIX" y que no se puede comprar "todo un país y todo un pueblo". Otros políticos daneses cuestionan en cambio directamente la salud mental del presidente estadounidense. "Si es cierto que está pensando en eso, es una muestra definitiva de que se ha vuelto loco. Tengo que decirlo como es: la idea de que Dinamarca venda a 50.000 ciudadanos a Estados Unidos es una completa locura", apunta Søren Espersen, portavoz en Asuntos Exteriores del Partido Popular Danés, la tercera fuerza parlamentaria. También de "loco" lo tilda Uffe Elbæk, cabeza visible del ecologista La Alternativa, quien considera que con este precedente, la visita de Trump a Dinamarca a principios de septiembre será "la más absurda" que se recuerde "en mucho tiempo". "Relájate, la idea de comprar Groenlandia no es nueva", le recuerda el conservador Naser Khader, aludiendo a que Estados Unidos ya lo ha intentado antes, la última vez en 1946 con Harry Truman de presidente, una idea rechazada por Copenhague, que tres décadas atrás sí le había vendido a Washington las actuales Islas Vírgenes. En tono más serio, el diario conservador "Berlingske" resalta en un editorial en su edición digital que tras las "fantasías" de Trump está el deseo de EEUU de aumentar su influencia -posee una base militar en el norte de la isla- en un territorio de gran importancia geoestratégica y que ha despertado el interés de China. Groenlandia ya estaba incluida como un asunto de discusión preferente en la visita oficial que Trump hará en dos semanas a Dinamarca, donde además de reunirse con la primera ministra danesa, Mette Frederiksen, tiene previsto entrevistarse con el presidente autonómico groenlandés, Kim Kielsen.
desde elreportero.com.mx http://bit.ly/2NcPllN http://bit.ly/309PEl9
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alexlindbjerg · 1 year
Readathon 2014 - Slagets gang
Jeg har lavet et indlæg om mine oplevelser med #Readathondk Du kan følge med her: http://wp.me/p30SSz-g8
Som jeg sagde for et par dage siden, så er der idag Readathon. Det betyder at jeg har viet min dag til at læse i 12 timer. Her kan du læse hvordan det er gået og hvilke tanker jeg har gjort mig om konceptet og de ting, som jeg får læst under vejs. Hvis du vil vide hvad jeg læser og hvorfor kan du tjekke indlægget Readathon 2014 (more…)
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melbynews-blog · 6 years
Richtig! Dänisches Parlament berät über Beschneidungsverbot bei Jungen -- Das Kind der Gesellschaft -- Sott.net
Neuer Beitrag veröffentlicht bei https://melby.de/richtig-daenisches-parlament-beraet-ueber-beschneidungsverbot-bei-jungen-das-kind-der-gesellschaft-sott-net/
Richtig! Dänisches Parlament berät über Beschneidungsverbot bei Jungen -- Das Kind der Gesellschaft -- Sott.net
Nachdem eine Bürger-Petition 50.000 Unterschriften gegen die Beschneidung von minderjährigen Jungen gesammelt hat, bei dem ein Mindestalter von 18 Jahren für die Beschneidung gefordert wird, muss das dänische Parlament im Herbst über einen Verbot dieser grausamen Praxis bei Babys und Kindern beraten.
     Sollte Dänemark das Verbot einführen, ist es erschreckenderweise das erste und einzige Land mit so einem Verbot auf der Erde.
Naser Khader, Sprecher für Menschenrechte und Justizangelegenheiten der Konservativen Partei Dänemarks:
Es wird die Rechte der Kinder vor den Religionsrechten der Eltern stellen. Es gibt einen zu großen Schwerpunkt auf die religiösen und kulturellen Rechte der Eltern.
~ RT Deutsch
In der Tat sollte keine Religion – genau so wenig wie jegliche andere Institution oder Autorität – das Recht haben, einem Kind dieses Trauma anzutun. Und schon gar nicht in den ersten Stunden und Tagen nach der Geburt!
Menschen, die auf diese Welt kommen, werden schon mehr als genug Traumen ausgesetzt, die zu unsäglichem psychischen und körperlichen Leiden im späteren Verlauf des Lebens führen können. Gerade in den jüngsten Jahren sind Kinder besonders empfänglich für und gefährdet durch Traumata, die sich dann durch das ganze Leben ziehen.
Vorausgesetzt, man unternimmt nichts dagegen. Lesen Sie zu diesem Thema auch das Buch Healing Developmental Trauma: How Early Trauma Affects Self-Regulation, Self-Image, and the Capacity for Relationship.
Auch in Deutsch ist es verfügbar unter dem Namen: Entwicklungstrauma heilen: Alte Überlebensstrategien lösen – Selbstregulierung und Beziehungsfähigkeit stärken – Das Neuroaffektive Beziehungsmodell zur Traumaheilung NARM.
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kepoinus · 6 years
Partai Konservatif Denmark Serukan Penjatuhan Sanksi...
Partai Konservatif Denmark Serukan Penjatuhan Sanksi…
[ad_1] loading… KOPENHAGEN – Partai Konservatif mendesak Denmark dan negara-negara Uni Eropa (UE) lainnya untuk menjatuhkan sanksi kepada Presiden Rusia, Vladimir Putin dan juga kepada perusahaan dan pengusaha Rusia. Kepala urusan luar negeri Partai Konservatif Denmark, Naser Khader menilai, saat ini negara-negara UE bersatu melawan Rusia, adalah saat yang tepat untuk menjatuhkan sanski langsung…
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ayatoilet-blog · 6 years
Islam needs enlightenment, not Reformation, Please
Islam needs enlightenment, not Reformation, Please
This post by Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., originally appeared at EveryJoe. Many smart people – including Thomas Friedman in The New York Times, Naser Khader in Newsweek, John Lloyd in The Jerusalem Post, Ayaan Hirsi Ali in The Wall Street Journal – are hoping that the Reformation will come to Islam. Some are calling for an Islamic Martin Luther. Sorry, but no. Islam needs reforming but not…
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blazingcatfur · 7 years
Female Imam of Denmark’s 1st Female Mosque threatened with release of revenge porn by Muslim MP
Danish MP accused of threatening female imam with ‘revenge porn’ Sherin Khankan, the founder of Scandinavia’s first female-led mosque, has accused Conservative MP Naser Khader of threatening to release “deeply personal and private” photos that she had sent to him while they were in a romantic relationship. Khankan told Berlingske on Friday that Khader has tried to intimidate her into silence by…
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bongoramadk · 7 years
Carsten Jensen skriver på Facebook:
Da jeg for en del år siden hørte, at Naser Khader var blevet medlem af en amerikansk tænketank, tænkte jeg, at det var et dementi af selve begrebet tænketank. Ordet tænke og navnet Khader hører hjemme på hver sin planet. Den yderste højrefløj i dansk politik er en menneskelig skraldespand, og på bunden af skraldespanden, i dens allermest gærende ildelugtende lag finder vi Naser Khader. Khader er noget, der er værre end en bedrager. Han er en selvbedrager. Overbevist om sin egen kroniske uskyld udpeger han i den anklage, der er blevet rejst imod ham for plagiat, sin medforfatter til bogen "Hjertet bløder", Stig Matthiesen, som den skyldige. Hver gang Khader har tilsluttet sig et nyt parti, er det sejlet mod meningsmålingernes bund. Hver gang han har forladt et parti, er det øjeblikkeligt genopstået fra de døde. Det er dog usandsynligt, at det skandale-immune Konservative Folkeparti, som længe før Donald Trump opgav enhver skelnen mellem løgn og sandhed, gnubber den uafvaskelige skamplet på dansk politik af jakke-reverset. Skulle det usandsynlige alligevel ske, vil Khader blive modtaget med åbne arme af åndsbrødrene i Dansk Folkeparti, som i forvejen dyrker lugten af skraldespand. Lidet vil de ane, at det er Morten Messerschmidts tvillingebror, Danmarksmester i uagtsom dumhed, de har lukket ind.
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adathakkar · 7 years
Denmark’s Outspoken Anti-Islamist Politician … Who’s Muslim | Provocateurs | OZY
Denmark’s Outspoken Anti-Islamist Politician … Who’s Muslim | Provocateurs | OZY
Naser Khader, a Syrian immigrant and Denmark’s most outspoken Muslim, has a number of tattoos in Arabic that proclaim values that “I am willing to die for,” he says. But it’s not verses from the Quran that are indelibly inked onto his skin. They are the words for the liberal values of “freedom,” “democracy” and “freedom of speech.” One is a sentence adapted from the American Declaration of…
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