sharksa-shivers · 8 months
Stuff with Nucleo and OH dump cuz i said i would the other day
So...These involve the 2 derpos in the title, just a grab bag of stuff with them (and perhaps...Both of them doing shit together as well hmmm) But i should post some seperate too especially OH cuz i haven't spoken about her as much as i should be you could say that about alot of characters tho tbfh... ---------
(Sharky having to ask OH for cash on the phone, all 3 of em are broke)
Orange Hair:(answering her phone, we see the screen split so we can see both Sharky and Orange talking, Orange working with some chemicals and Sharky leaning up against a building, him just walking around as they talk)Hello?
Sharky:(obviously having to work up a bit of nerve, we can see he's obviously kind of anxious about this)Heyyyyyy, uh…So…I'm just gonna cut to it and not waste your time and blah blah blah, uh…Look, can i have like…500 bucks? Please?
Orange:(raises an eyebrow)500? What for?
Sharky:(anxious, trying to keep it cool and together)Uh, gas money, food money, hotel money, supplies like bullets and stuff…Uhhh, very not cheap stuff that we need andddd collectively all 3 of us together have…(pulls money out of jacket pocket)…12 dollars and 67 cents…and yknowwwww, kinda got like another day of travel ahead andddddd-
Orange:(we see her think for a moment before she just…turns this shit on its head)Hmmm……….Yeah- uhhhhhh…No.
Sharky:(he sits a moment)…..What? No?
Orange:(repeats)No. Nope. Non. Nien. Nada. Natu. No. What? You didn't hear me?
Sharky:(we just see him kind of snap a small bit)I…….Orange, i…We really need money!!!!
Orange:(working with her chemicals, writing down info)Ok…….The answer is still no.
Sharky:(nerves snapping mentally continues, getting kind of pissed and frustrated)Literally why?????? You're a multi-millionaire!!!! $500 is pennies for you!!!!!!
Orange:(unphased by his frustration)Pretty simple, gotta learn to deal with problems like this sooner or later, especially when it comes to demon fighting. You have any idea how many times i've had demons steal my cash and leave me fucked? It's gonna happen sooner or later and you 3 are gonna have to know how to deal with it. Life's fucking rough, it's how it is.
Sharky:(breaking)We literally do not have money for a place to sleep or food!!!! We have 12 fuckin dollars!!!!!
Orange:(unphased still)You got a car and i'm sure you 3 can figure out some resource for food…You're all very smart, you can do this very easily, i've seen the shit Max alone can do.
Sharky:(freaking out)Do you have any idea the amount of danger this puts us in???? Like…Any idea at all????
Orange:(stares blankly)Uhhh, yes? Very much so. Yes. Mmhmmm…If it gets too deadly or whatever, i'll bail you guys out butttttt since it's not there yet, seems like perfect survival experience time here to me…
Sharky:(he just kinda sits there in disbelief)………
Orange:(annoyed)You done yet? Can i get back to my work now?
Sharky:(he just kind of falters and accepts the answer, knowing he can't fight her)…….Yeah, guess i'm done…
Orange:(picking up her phone)Excellent, excellent…You 3 stay safe out there, don't come home dead please.
Sharky:(annoyed as fuck, freaking out)Yeah, sure, i'll try…
Orange:(finger on the button)Alrighty then, goodbye…
(We see her cut the line and Sharky's just there staring at his phone…We see him mutter "Shit!" Under his breath and then we cut back to Max and Kristy chilling in the car…)
Kristy:(boredly messing with her hair)…You think maybe like…I dunno, i could go for a different style by now or?
Max:(on his phone, rapidly typing)Uhhhh, maybe!!! That's kinda up to you, i don't really know much about human hairstyles and whatnot…
Kristy:(looking at herself in the visor mirror)Like…I like this being shoulder length and sometimes i wanna cut it but if i don't like it, then i have to wait like…a few months for it to grow out again so like… (Sharky opens his door and flops into the drivers seat, frustrated)
Sharky:(stressed as fuck)God…FUCKIN damnit…Fuck…
Kristy:(concerned)Wait, what happened?
Max:(looking up, texting)Is OH gonna be making this a pain in the ass again?
Sharky:(nods)YEP, SHE SURE IS!!!! She said she isn't gonna give us anything, she wants US to survive on our own, fucking…Fuck!!!!
Kristy:(eyes widen)What???
Max:(just kinda stares, he seems kind of unphased but he wasn't expecting this exactly)…Welp…
Kristy:(confused)Literally how and why???? Wait, what???? She has so much cash, she literally wouldn't even miss it!!!!!
Sharky:(Leans back, mentally tired)She pushed it basically as "this is part of the job!" Kinda shit, i tried going at it from that angle, didn't do shit.
Max:(annoyed, texting, looks up)Gonna just ask, does uhhhh, does Orange know that when people say "eat the rich" that DOES INCLUDE her or? Cuz uhhhh, i'm just saying, she's making that sound quite tempting and uhhhhh…I wouldn't hesitate…
Kristy:(just looks back at Max, gives him a weird look)……What?
Max:(smirks)You heard me.
Sharky:(frustrated)Look, doesn't matter, she's not gonna fucking help, we have to figure out something else to do…
Kristy:(thinking, she perks up)Wait, we could ask Nucleo!!!
Max:(typing on his phone)I got him on speed dial, hold up…
Sharky:(just gazes over)No, God, don't be bothering Nucleo okay???
Max:(confused)Why not? He helped us last time.
Kristy:(remembering)He did but…Wait, Orange also got onto him for that, uhhh…I…Don't wanna get him in trouble again…
Max:(amused)Nucleo legit daydreams about Orange punching and kicking him in the face, it'd be fine. It's his like…Kink or whatever…
Sharky:(getting more annoyed)No!!! It's not fine!!! Just!!!! (Trying to calm down, let's out a big breath)Let's just…Try and figure out a way to deal with this that doesn't involve dragging other people into this okay????
Max:(on his shit)Capitalism literally cannot exist without you dragging othe-
Sharky:(snapping again)I KNOW ABOUT CAPITALISM BEING SHIT MAX, HOLY FUCK, CAN YOU BOTH JUST STOP FOR 5 SECONDS???? LOVE OF POSEIDON!!!!!!! ------------------------ The Captain: I don't understand how the fuck you can put up with her…
Nucleo: ………………Yknow you're right actually, FUCK Orange Hair, she can fuckin deal with shit herself, fuck her…
The Captain: ………..Wait, you're serious? (just stares at a stonefaced Nucleo)………Oh fuck, you…You are serious, holy shit…Goddamn, ok then… ------------------------
(We see Nucleo walking into the lab only to see OH has fallen asleep at her desk, papers strewn about everywhere while she snores…Nucleo decides to try and help, knowing that's probably not the best place for her to sleep…)
Nucleo:(trying to be cheerful, shakes her shoulders a bit, amused)Hey sleepy, wanna maybe sleep in your bed instead of the table?
OH:(Orange jolts up, her eyes purple from not sleeping for a while, shaking her head to wake up before quickly shoving Nucleo off)Thanks for waking me up, need to get back to work now though, i have to figure out this-
Nucleo:(he's very quick and as she reaches out for some of her papers, he quickly makes a radiation shield around them, making them unaccessible to her, hand on her shoulder)I kinda think it'd be better if you took a break…When was the last time you slept?
OH:(annoyed, tries to think)…….Last week? I don't know, lost track of the days…
Nucleo:(questioning)You even eat recently? Shower? You do anything not work related for even an hour lately or?
OH:(her eyes shifting more and more as Nucleo goes down the list, annoyed, getting up)Ok, ok, ok, fuck, fine…I'll go waste time and…"self care" i guess…
Nucleo:(crossing his arms, following her to make sure she goes)Not really a waste if you're gonna fall into needing these things at some point anyway. All this work crap will be waiting after you take a break, you need it. You can't save the world from demons if you're falling asleep at the wheel…
OH:(annoyed as she goes downstairs to her basement bedroom)You sound like those damn kids bickering at each other…
Nucleo:(smirking)Good, they got good points and they look out for each other. Good qualities to have.
OH:(annoyed, closing her bedroom door)Yeah yeah, welp. Night i guess… ------------------------ (OH getting out and giving Max a full ass flamethrower)
OH:(glaring him in the eyes before giving it to him)You be fucking careful and responsible with this or it'll be my fire you'll be worrying about, understand me?
Max:(nods)Yes ma'am, got it.
OH:(nods back, handing it over)Good.
Max:(holding it as Orange gets other weapons down, looking at the flamethrower in sheer awe and admiration)…….I don't think i have ever felt more allo then i do holding this gun, oh my god, i think i'm actually in love…
OH:(just responding as she's busy)Yes, it is quite a beautiful gun isn't it? Will certainly be useful for the upcoming mission i have planned out for you 3… -------------------------- (We see Nucleo waiting at the bottom of the stairs in the main cabin with a coffee he bought, him talking with Amber as he waits on Max and Kristy to come down. Nucleo is in charge atm of taking the 2 Trio derps somewhere (probs for a mission or whatever) )
Nucleo:(talking with Amber, trying to understand a bit)So what's up again exactly? Like…Why do i have to do this on my day off? Like, i guess i don't understand why Sharky can't do this…
Amber:(explaining a bit as she's busy on the couch, folding laundry)I told Orange Sharky wasn't really in the best state to be driving in, he told me earlier he went to Pink Fin and got some meds, he woke up very sick and was throwing up so…Yeah, doing a mission is the last thing he needs to be doing right now…So he's probably asleep right now, resting up.
Nucleo:(understanding but still questioning)Ok, got that. So…Why can't this all just be pushed back altogether? Like why does this all need to be done TODAY then?
Amber:(busily folding)You're probably gonna have to take that one up with Orange…(hears a timer go off in the kitchen, quickly gets up) Oh! There's my bread timer, hold that thought!! (Runs into the kitchen to deal with that)
Nucleo:(sighs, annoyed before calling out to the derps)……HEY, YOU KIDS ALMOST READY OR WHAT?????
Max:(from the upstairs bathroom)YEAH, JUST NEEDA FINISH SHAVING, HOLD UP!!!!! I NEED THE TIME TO LOOK GOOD!!!!
Kristy:(quickly, heading downstairs in a rush)Yep!!!! I'm fully ready-!!!!!
(As Kristy goes downstairs she ends up tripping and hitting Nucleo, his coffee flying out of his hands however Nucleo is very quick and is able to catch the cup, lid and liquid in levitation magic, stopping it all from hitting the ground)
Kristy:(standing up again, in awe that Nucleo was able to do that, watching him guide the liquid back into the cup and then put the lid back on)…….Wowwwww, holy shit… Nucleo:(smirking)Yeah, you're lucky i have the skills to do that, paid like 6 bucks, for this…(calling out again)MAX, CMON!!!!
Max:(yelling back)I'M TRYING TO HURRY, GODDAMNIT!!!!!! ---------------------- (OH and Kristy are driving somewhere. OH is smoking and she has the windows up so Kristy's just coughing on the fumes)
Kristy:(glares over)Do you have to be smoking in the car like this???
OH:(looks over)I mean, you can leave…
Kristy:(stares in confusion)Leave? Orange, we're on a highway!!! In a damn thunderstorm!!!!! Where am i supposed to go?????
OH:(smoking, lets smoke out of her mouth, shrugs)I dunno but you can leave. Not like i'm holding you hostage or anything…
Kristy:(pissed)YOU LITERALLY KIDNAPPED ME, YOU DID THAT, WHAT THE FUCK?????? ------------------------- (We see a very tired as fuck Orange Hair come downstairs, her apparently just waking up. We see Amber cleaning up things after breakfast as OH comes down and opens the fridge to get a drink. Orange's hair was obviously down beforehand and now is in a big ass tangled ratsnest knot…)
Amber:(as OH closes the fridge door, pulling out a sports drink(like a gatorade or something)a bit startled by the state of her hair, questioning)Uhhhh, Orange, your hair…Ummmm…
OH:(she tiredly blows a bang out of her face before her hair ignites in a firey orange glow, OH whipping it back out straight and back into its usual form, that hurricane esc style. Stares at Amber)That better?
Amber:(nods, trying to be very nice)Yeah! That looks great!
OH:(opening up her drink, tired)Good. I never worry about that shit, i'm a living hair straighter with my magic…And hair curler if i wanted to i guess…Point is, i've got heat built in, easy fixes. I don't care. ------------------------ (OH and Kristy in a fight over some shit)
Orange:(pissed)That is an ORDER Kristy, i expect you to FOLLOW IT!!!!!
Kristy:(at her snapping point, pissed as fuck and enraged)Maybe you should follow THIS!!!!!!!!!! (Within a quick snap, Kristy makes a very big and powerful green colored ray ball of energy and shoots it directly at OH, hitting her dead on without any warning and nailing THE FUCK out of her, actually sending Orange back into a wall and crashing cracks into it with the force of Orange hitting it………and the entire room goes silent as Kristy's eyes narrow at what she just did along with Orange seeming like that did do some sort of pain/damage to her as she peels herself off the wall, leaving an imprint…)
Max:(just leaning towards Kristy, his eyes narrowed and locked on OH)……Pretty sure she's gonna kill you for that…
Kristy:(scrambling for words, scared)I, Orange, i'm sooooooo sorry, you're right, i should just be following orders from you, you're right, you-
Orange:(recovering, brushing walldust off her jacket, her gaze steady but calmer)……Actually, yknow what? ……..I'm proud of you for that one, you put some force into that, took me off guard and actually did some damage…Good work Kristy, i expect more of that from you…
Kristy:(just staring)…….I'm sorry, what?
Orange:(annoyed)Just take the damn compliment kid, sheesh… --------------------------
(thinkin bout that ep where Max is a depressive wreck and Nucleo's taking him to a Sunrises concert to try and help him feel better which uhhhh yeahhhhh, not…Not gonna be as easy as that…)
Max:(coming downstairs to see Nucleo in his punk get-up while Max is in his Sunrises hoodie, Max stares at Nucleo very confused and his depression is still veryyyyy much there in his tone)…What are you wearing?
Nucleo:(cheerful and excited for the concert)This is my punk get-up!! I dunno bout you but i'm ready to rock!!
Max:(staring very confused, tired)……..Nucleo, this isn't a rock show we're going to…
Nucleo:(stops, staring at Max, confused)…Wait, what? I thought it was? Sunrises isn't a punk band?
Max:(staring still, shakes his head)No…Sunrises is one enby peep that makes dubstep music from their basement…This is more like…a rave concert i guess you'd call it or…Something…
Nucleo:(taking that in)………Oh…….Welp uhhhh, hold on a second, i guess i'll take some of this off then so i'll fit in better with ya…I'm leaving the make up though hehe… ---------------------------- (Nucleo's fighting this rando cult shadowdemon and is thoroughly pissed the fuck off after all the shit that's been going on…)
Shadowcult member:(smirking with a murderous intent, says the thing that pushes Nucleo over the edge)That's alot of talk for a pretty little plant mer like yourself…
Nucleo:(he's had e-fucking-nough so he proceeds to do some dark shit, he grabs the shadowdemons face and blasts pure radiation magic in their face, enough to cause major major damage, skin and hair falling off as the shadowdemon screams in agony…Nucleo lets go and the shadowdemon falls, screaming and flailing around as their skin melts, Nucleo just glares, tired and pissed off, his veins glowing green)…Maybe that'll help you remember i'm a radiation mer actually…Tell your friends i got more for em if they try that stupidass shit again… --------------------------- (We see Nucleo mad dash running into the garage area, stopping whenever he sees Sharketa who's busy looking for something in the clutter…)
Nucleo:(upset, seeing Sharky's car is gone)Shit!!!! Fuck!!!! I'm too late, fuck!!!! (notices Sharketa)Sharketa!!! Quick, did Sharky or Kristy or Max say where they were going or?????
Sharketa:(worried by his discomposure)Uhhhh, no? I…Or…I thought i heard Kristy say something about downtown? I think? Why?
Nucleo:(frantic)Ughhh!!!! Long story but OH doing shit again!!! I think there's a chance she might have slipped some explosives in some of their supplies!!!!
Sharketa:(immediately alarmed)WAIT, WHAT????? DID SHE DO THAT ON PURPOSE???????? WHAT THE FUCK?????
Nucleo:(frantic, scared, anxious)Fuck, again, long story!!!! I can explain later, i just need to fucking get to them and fast, fuck!!!!!(eyes light up at one of the motorcycles in the garage, rushing over to it, pulling it out of clutter, grabbing some keys with his magic and a helmet, putting the helmet on, ripping off his labcoat, speaking quickly)If anybody asks, i'm going after them, i don't have alot of time, i need to get to them ASAP!!!
Sharketa:(anxious, worried as fuck now)Do you even know how to ride a motorcycle????
Nucleo:(getting on and turning it on, anxious as fuck)Nope!!! I guess i'm learning today!!!! I've ridden a bike before though so uhhhh, i assume they're at least similar enough!!!! Can't think about that now, i gotta go!!!! The fucking things i do for you damn kids!!!!!
(Before Sharketa can respond again to that, we see Nucleo rev up the engine and speed off, him skidding some as he's obviously not fucking used to it, oof…) ------------------------ (Ok...I like this one but i am...Trying to decide if it's physically possible for Nucleo TO get drunk...Cuz like...Posion immunities, disease immunitys, idk, what do you think? Can he get drunk or no? lmaoooo)
(Late at night, idfk what context is butttt i imagine Nucleo brought some alcohol over and got a little tipsy (i can see him doing that whenever stress gets to be too much or he just wants to relax a bit but i can't see Nucleo really getting flatout shitfaced often, probs more just tipsy/light drunk sometimes.))
Nucleo:(amused, slightly drunk so he's kinda out of it)So what you're saying is that short men DO have rights? So what you're saying in general is that there's a chance?
OH:(Just staring, trying to work still)………You have been talking to yourself for like an hour and half straight, please just go home…
Nucleo:(smirking, drunk)Probably not a good idea cuz immmmmmm kinda drunk hehehehehe…
OH:(working)Which is why i'd get Sharky to take you home or something, just…Please, i'm trying to work…
Nucleo:(annoyed, snarky)You're always fuckin working…You never do fuckin anything else… --------------------- Nucleo:(questioning)……..Are you actually jealous of me or…?
Orange Hair:(She sits a moment before she actually says something pretty out there for herself)……….You know……Yeah………Maybe i am a bit……….
Nucleo:(taken aback but he tries to hold it together for her sake)……..How? You're so much higher up on the society ladder then i am, you're literally a living legend at this point, a multi millionaire, what could i have that you don't???
Orange Hair:(sits a moment, looks him dead in the eyes)……..Happiness……..You actually see a point in life, you can see the beauty in it, the value of your own life……..And……….I can't do that…………I don't ever say it but…….There's not a day that goes by that i don't think i'd be better off dead……..So…………
Nucleo:(sits there, taking that in…And they both sit in silence, him not knowing what to say to that…) ------------------- ...One last one for the road maybe lol --- (We see The Captain looking around the hotel room for Nucleo and being unable to find him until a thought crosses his mind. We cut shots to him sliding open their hotel door. We can see that they actually have a bit of a backyard with this hotel room and as such of having a bit of room, we see a pool and a jacuzzi. The jacuzzi is one of the ones you have to cover and uncover and we see it uncovered, we also see it's a decently deep jacuzzi and that the bubbles going and the water glowing…But we don't see anyone above water…Until Nucleo rises to the surface, leaning back and relaxing…shirtless and in his merform, his tailfin tips sticking out of the water, obviously having a nice time by himself…Which is when The Captain approaches and Nucleo notices him there.)
Nucleo:(his face falling, annoyed)Oh Neptune damnit, what did Orange do now???
The Captain:(stares)Uh, nothing i was aware of, wasn't here to talk about her…
Nucleo:(a bit annoyed but his face softens a bit, relieved)Well guess there's that then…Did you need something then? Do i have to get out? Cuz i haven't been in my merform in a really long while and i just wanna relax, enjoy my lemonade here and the water…
The Captain:(shrugs as he stands there)Eh, just kinda bored. Wanted some company i guess…
Nucleo:(thinks for a moment, just accepting The Captain being here now)That's fine then i suppose as long as you don't expect me to move or get out…Kind of a long process so…(drinks some of his lemonade before putting it down again and sinking some into the water) The Captain:(we see him staring at Nucleo's tail)Y'know…I could see mertails every day i don't think i'd ever get used to it. It just always feels like my minds playing tricks on me or something…
Nucleo:(flicking his tail in the water, obviously happy to be using it)Can't relate since i was born with it. If anything, legs are more of a mindfuck to me. Took me a while to get good at using mine. Like, i'm used to it now but like ehhhh… ------------------------ Wowie!! Angst and stuff with The Captain too tho...(Who i am in the process of redesigning again cuz fuckin yeah, old design is...Not as good as it could be, don't worry, he's still gon be like 57 cuz yeah ofc.) Also the face-melting thing... 1. Radiation is not a good thing to mess with and 2. Nucleo can be an absolute beast if he wanted to be. Just cuz he's weak powered strength-wise does not mean he cannot do damage cuz he absolutely can and does in the series. We're going up against a murder cult of demons, they kinda have it coming tbh lmao... In closing:
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sharksa-shivers · 8 months
Kinda a shitty surprise to come home to, ngl...
(we see Nucleo walking up the stairs to his apartment after a long day at work. We see he has a jacket over his shoulder as he fiddles with his keys. He approaches his door, opens it and walks in, switching on the light. Nucleo closes the door and walks into his actual apartment area, moving towards his table…When we see a shadow behind him rise up…Nucleo stops, listening…And in a flash, the intruder using a hunting knife, attempts to stab Nucleo, only for Nucleo to rapidly grab his jacket off his shoulder and use it to block the stab attempt. We see the intruder is a slackjawed shadowdemon, smiling down at Nucleo with pure evil intent in his eyes. Nucleo knows the jacket isn't going to hold long against a knife, thus within another flash, he pulls up a radiation shield and shoves the attacker back, slamming him into the wall and holding him there.)
Nucleo:(obviously pissed)Who the hell are you and what do you want????
Shadowdemon:(Nucleo being tired, his shields are even weaker then usual. The shadowdemon pulls back and slashes the shit out of the shield, dissolving it, he stands up, cracks his neck and points the blade at Nucleo, smirking evily, his voice having a strong Australian accent as he approaches)Pretty damn sure i got the right address…You're friends with that fireheaded bitch arentcha? Queen Meforia has a very nice bounty on your head if i bring you in. But don't fret…I'm only getting paid if i bring you back alive…(grin increases)At least for now heheheheh, So let's do this fuckin nice and easy…You come with me now, and i won't have to shank your intestines or kidneys any… Nucleo:(his gaze narrows, it's pretty obvious with the look he's giving, he's not going to go easily…Nucleo quickly and subtly examines the room. Nucleo's gaze goes over to one of his chairs and towards his nightstand, obviously having some sort of plan in mind. Nucleo levitates one of his chairs right into his hands and starts swinging it at the intruder, he manages to smack the demon dead fucking on, slamming him into the other wall, Nucleo then within that second, goes over to his nightstand, slams the drawer open and pulls out what looks like a pepper spray of some sort, the shadowdemon gets up, sees this and just laughs as Nucleo just death glares at him)
Shadowdemon:(highly amused)Pepper spray? Really? You think that's gonna fucking help you?
Nucleo:(death glaring)Fuck around and find out if this really is pepper spray or not then…Promise you, you'll fucking regret it.
Shadowdemon:(snarls, his teeth jagged as he sneers)Figured I'd have to do this hard way…Just how i fucking like it…Organ shanking it is…
(The demon approaches and Nucleo does not hesitate, proceeding to full spray blast him with sulfuric acid, the demon immediately recoiling and screaming in pain. Nucleo takes this chance to try and flee his apartment as the demon reels from the acid attack. Nucleo finds out though…There was more then one as another shadowdemon drops from his celling and grabs him around the neck, pushing a cloth to his face…Nucleo just fucking death glares at the other attacker.)
Nucleo:(breaking out of the grasp)Did you seriously just try to chloroform me???
Shadowdemon:(staring confused)Yeah!!! Why the hell didn't it work???
Nucleo:(death glaring)I'm a radiation mer you fucking idiot!!!!!
Shadowdemon:(taken aback)I thought you said he was a plant mer!!!!!
Injured shadowdemon:(his face peeling off, in pain as he comes to)I thought he was!!!! Goddamnit!!!!(within seconds, he springs into the air and lunges at Nucleo again, ready to shank him) Nucleo:(he dodges, the shadowdemon missing and then full speeds it out the door, now running for his life…) ----------- Idea of a more action-y scene. Also one with Nucleo!! Despite being weaker powered, Nucleo knows his way around a fight lol...He's kinda had to being around OH so much... Also that is a thing that comes up at points, alot of people think Nucleo is a plant mer (probably cuz all the green lol) but uhhh no, he absolutely immune to your poisons and toxic bullshit lol... I have another scene idea i wanna show that kinda hooks up to this one so uno momento por favor lol https://www.tumblr.com/sharksa-shivers/730057989667651584/oh-damn-some-meforia-content-o-shit-lol?source=share Link to other bit lol
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sharksa-shivers · 5 months
Nucleo and OH both have complex feels about each other. Nucleo still has feels for her, he'd absolutely jump at the chance if he got it...But she's fucking dangerous and he knows it; he's accepted that...But even then, he's risking so much constantly being around her... And on OH's end? Well..........We'll find out more there later but it's obvious she likes him to some extent...But again, she's toxic, she's dangerous and she KNOWS IT...But considering it's her task to keep the world from going downward spiraling with the shadowcult and their plans, well...She can't let go of that...Because if she lets go, she loses absolutely everything...And she cannot let that happen... OH wants to be the hero...But she's willing to do awful shit like kidnapping Kristy and other shit here and there to accomplish the goal of saving the world... Nucleo knows her intentions are moreso good...But her methods? ...Yeahhhhhhhh, not as much... They both know it probably wouldn't work but...They still obviously care a fuckton about each other...Even if they both are constantly getting on each others ass about shit... OH is one of the most powerful fire mers around...And Nucleo is a much much weaker radiation mer... But even small bits of radiation along with his smarts...Goes a long way...And OH knows Nucleo wouldn't hesitate to put her in her place if he needs to ever... These two are just so goddamn...ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH... So suffice to say...Yeah, i kinda love em both...
Have another song that defs fits em, i see this much more from Nucleo's perspective...He's immune to posion...But hers? Her venom? Absolutely fucks him up still...
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sharksa-shivers · 5 months
Nucleo and OH... Radiation and fire...Yeah!!! I'm sure there's literally nothing wrong with that comb- Ohhhhhh...Well...(Reading more shiz with them both in it) ..........Mmmm, i see...WELL, i'm sure that won't be a problem!!! It's not like radiation and fire is a bad combo or anything in nature!!! (Some random person whispers in my ear, telling me that IS A bad combo in nature) ...................................................Uh oh efdshjfdjhfdhjfdhjdf
I'm sorry, i still ship it tho lol...
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sharksa-shivers · 8 months
Nucleo dialog dump because i 💚you radiation boyo
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Coworker: (pinches nose, annoyed)Nathan, aren't you in your 30s? Why are you painting your nails and believing in childish things like aliens? What's wrong with you?
Nucleo:(glances over, sighs before turning around and responding) You're bout 48 right? Why are you already such a stick in the mud? Kids don't call you anymore do they? Ever wonder why that is? Cuz i can take a couple guesses…
Coworker:(he kind of sneers, obviously Nucleo hit a nerve, we see Nucleo kind of smirk, tries to rebuttal back)You're one to talk! You don't even have kids!!!! 30 with nothing!!! No wife, no house, no kids, nothing!!!!
Nucleo:(amused)Cuz i have other priorities…Like finding aliens and collecting metal albums cuz that's what i wanna do…(shrugs)I mean…I'm happy and you seem miserable so i mean, i must be doing something right, yknow? --------- Nucleo:(Frustrated as hell, driving The Trio derps back to The Campsite)What is it with you kids and getting yourselves into insane trouble all the time huh??? Literally i just…(inhales and exhales, collecting himself, annoyed)Look…I literally just like…I just want to have a normal Thursday afternoon at work. Do my job, help people, get paid, all that good shit…I get off at 5, wanna order take out sushi, pick it up, go home and then watch shitty cheesey alien movies from the 80's okay? That's all i want…That's it! But fuckin…Everyday, it's something!!! You get yourselves into something or Orange drags me into something or just SOMETHING!!!! IT'S ALWAYS SOMETHING!!!!!!!
(It's quite til Max speaks, being a smartass)
Max:(immediately wrecks this merman)…Why do you agree to do all of Orange Hair's crap then? Is it cuz you just…Like being her bitch or…?
Nucleo:(he slams on the breaks and just sits there, The Trio derps all just looking nervously at him and each other…Nucleo just looks like he's about to fucking snap, quite as he just anxiety laughs)…I…We're moving on. No more fucking talking. Shut up. ------ Nucleo:(enraged)No???? What the hell???? Orange, they're kids, they're teenagers, they DON'T need to be doing this!!!!
OH:(shrugs)I mean…Max likes it so…
Nucleo:(huffs out a breath, annoyed and irritated)Max likes alot of shit he shouldn't like, he tried to hack into multiple bank accounts the other day…
Nucleo:(yelling back)STAY OUT OF THIS, GOD!!! (Back at OH, angry)You can't just be forcing these kids to do all this dangerous stuff, they should be at the movies and fucking around at the mall, not delivering LITERAL BOMBS ACROSS TOWN FOR YOU!!!!!!! ---------- (Tis the group trip with The Trio and Nucleo where he's tagging along to help with some shit. Max and Kristy are talking about horror movies and shit while Sharky's focusing on driving and Nucleo's just scrolling on his phone.)
Kristy:(she pops over the seat a bit, curious)Wait actually, Hey Nucleo, what would happen to you if you got bit by a zombie? Like…Would it actually do anything to you with your disease immunitys or…?
Nucleo:(he sits there, thinking, befuddled)…I…I actually don't know, huh…(sits a moment, thinking)…….Well, i guess that's another paranoia to add to the list. I'd like to say like…I wouldn't get infected but i honestly have 0 clue so????
Max:(gazing at Kristy)Ah yeah, nice, ya broke the man by asking…
Kristy:(awkward)I wasn't trying to!!! I just was curious!!!!
Nucleo:(trying to break it up, a bit mentally construed from the question now)It's fine! It's fine! That actually is a really great question, i just have no idea what the answer is, uhhhh, let's hope we never find out the answer either, huh??? ------------- (Having a convo, probs more early series)
Kristy:(curious)Wait, how old are you Nucleo?
Nucleo:(thinks a moment) 30…No, wait, 31 now. Damnit!!! I'm getting old, can't remember shit anymore…
Sharky:(pipes up)How is 30 old when you literally live like 10,000 years or some crazy shit cuz you're a mer?
Nucleo:(gazes annoyed, a bit exaggerated)Yknow what??? Leave me alone!!!! I don't need that crazy lifespan thrown in my face again!!! I already got enough worries with my life and having to live that long isn't one i wanna talk about right now!! -------- Nucleo is a drummer metal head, a medical scientist of some sort, hardcore believes in aliens, helps The Trio derps, puts up with OH and is one of the main people who will stand up to her, helps his mom regularly with different things and is a merman who has disease immunitys and poison immunitys, idk what else you'd want in an oc honestly... Also his "human" name is Nathanal Raymond Anderson (Cuz humans are gonna look at you sideways if you have a name like...Nucleotitan lol...) I have more shit with him i wanna share so get ready for that lol, i love him so much, i swearrrrrrrrrrrr lolololol
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There he is, my son that is literally older then my ass cuz he's in his 30s, here he is lol
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