#Octopath Finis
[ENG Subs] The Bestower - Final Chapter
Overall Game Content Warnings: - Violence, blood, and minor body horror. - Sexual and suggestive themes. - Various types of abuse, including child abuse. - Drug usage, including overdosing. - Crude language (our translations don't soften the language). - And more...
"Final Chapter - The Bestower of All" Content Warnings: - Violence, blood, and minor body horror. - Suggestive themes.
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Full Playlist of "The Bestower"
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octopath-traveler-ost · 10 months
"The Gate of Finis" - By Yasunori Nishiki
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bestomato · 9 months
Could you please. Draw olberic in disquiet. Im asking very sweetly btw
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thank you for the request :-]
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mijoux · 9 months
Okay the thing with Octopath is that it never warns you about which character will interact and when or even which combo will give you a banter depending on the chapter
You'll see when you have one, its a + at the top right of the screen
I'm pretty sure I missed some too but at least you can never miss a banter between someone and your main :')
Im pretty sure someone cool will upload on Youtube all the banter for the 2nd like they did with for the first game ^^
Hey, I think you are French too so I will answer in this language as I am French too, please tell me if I am wrong, I will translate the answer.
Merci ! Je suis allé voir vite fait et je crois que le banter (j'ai pas encore la trad :p) n'est disponible qu'a partir du chapitre 2 et quand on a débloqué tout les personnages et j'ai fait tellement de papillonage que je viens à peine de débloquer tout le monde >
J'en suis encore au premier jeu, il était sur ma liste de jeu à faire depuis longtemps et j'avoue que voir tes post sur la série m'ont un peu poussé à commencer ^^
Content de voir qu'une compilation existe sur YouTube en tout cas, j'irai y jeter un œil après avoir terminé le jeu !
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fantaseagal · 7 months
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Alaune is such a sweetheart and she deserves some real peace and quiet after everything Pardis and Tatloch have put her through
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powwidge · 1 year
I'm a bit (very. Very very very very very) suspicious of the ruins of Eld in Duskbarrow depicting a flood and rhe Solistia texts u find on one of Partitio's Sense of Commerce quest saying "there r theories that the two continents where once one" and if u align Solistia with Orsterra and twist it a bit the different regions basically fit together ans I'm jjst saying this might be me looking jnto this wayyyyy too much and if it is irs srill funny that it works either way
(I'm def looking into this too much but imagining the gate of finis in orstrra and solistia to be the same except galdera went and destroyed all those mountains around it is a bit funny to imagine listen)
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stars-and-loops · 10 months
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beantothemax · 1 year
Spoilers for Octopath traveler’’s postgame secret boss under cut
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ajdrawshq · 1 year
yknow when games are relatively normal abt the fantasy worlds u can explore n then suddenly throw u in The Red Hell Dimension
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tehmiesh · 4 months
me, going into the gate of finis knowing there's a boss rush before galdera: I just want to check it out, see what it's like
also me, after fighting the dragon, as if I didn't know what a boss rush consisted of: why can't I save?!
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 7 months
lil list of fun facts about the fic :]
the ‘leap back. raise arm. thrust’ line at the start describes eirika’s critical hit animation!
this fic was inspired by how I spent perhaps way too long grinding in the tower of valni for the port kiris chapter… I just really wanted to be prepared and I had a lot of new units ok
tana technically doesnt join your army until you start the port kiris chapter but shhh dont worry about it… tana just snuck out of castle freila right after eirika left and joined her in this fic ok…….. I definitely didn’t remember that this fic doesn’t work chronologically in canon in the middle of writing it……………..
we love the slight breaking of canon in this household, if you need to flip a thing around to make a fic better, than you both can and should do as much
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dualdeixis · 9 months
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[Image description: Digital drawings featuring a variety of characters from Octopath Traveler. There are full descriptions of all images under the cut. End image description.]
you know what? octopath is the only game i’ve ever played that accurately depicts what happens when you eat an olive. thank you octopath
[Image description: First is a drawing of Primrose, Ophilia, Kit, and Lyblac, with certain aspects of their designs altered. Primrose steps forward in a beguiling pose. She wears a red dress with a short, layered front and a long, flowing back. She wears gold jewelry including three rings on her right hand, a headband with a flower adornment, and a belt around her waist. Her knife is strapped to her right thigh and she wears medieval women's knee-high hose, black with red garters, beneath her sandals. A note next to her reads, "Elements taken from 15th century Italian illustration of dancers." Ophilia holds up her staff. A long lace veil covers her head and is tied beneath her chin. She wears a brooch on the left side of her cloak. The notes next to her read, "Mourning veil worn for varying lengths of time depending on relation (parent = 1 year). Mourning brooch of braided hair worn indefinitely by choice." Kit's design is much the same. He looks with slight wonder over at Lyblac, who stands tall with her hands clasped and a blood red halo around her head. She wears a black escoffion and a black and red houppelande with dagged sleeves.
Second is a drawing of Mattias, Esmeralda, and Lianna, with certain aspects of their designs altered. A note above Mattias and Esmeralda reads, "Obsidian fashion is ahead of the times (entirely because I mistook Mattias's sprite as having a ruff)." Along with the ruffs around his neck and wrists, Mattias wears a yellow doublet, orange jerkin, a gold necklace with a red jewel pendant, black paned trunkhose, a blue cape with a pattern of yellow stars, and a black cap with a blue feather. He has a confident expression, with one hand on his hip and the other splayed outwards. The note next to him reads, "If he's posing as a merchant he needs a stupid little hat and plume." Esmeralda holds up a black dagger in one hand and clenches the other into a fist with an irritated expression. She wears a French hood, a black gown with slashed sleeves, and gold jewelry around her neck and waist. The gown's skirt is full on the left side, layered and translucent in the middle, and has a slit on the right side to show the crow tattoo on her thigh. The note next to it reads, "Put it back." Then it points to Mattias's left leg and says, "He has it too." Lianna has a neutral expression as she holds up Aelfric's Lanthorn with a dark flame burning within. She wears the robes of a vestal of Galdera. The note next to her reads, "Love how he made her a special little anti-cleric outfit (takes off mourning veil)."
Third is a drawing of Alfyn smiling in profile, showing off his messy, dirty blonde hair with the sides shaved. To the right is a bouquet of seven white lilies. The text above them reads (in all caps), "Donio sam ja sedam ljiljana / Majko da li znaš još sam sam / Majko da li znaš još sam sam / Spava malena slatka glavica / Majko pokrila mi je travica / Majko pokrila mi je travica."
Fourth is a collection of doodles. 1. Lyblac and Kit stand in front of the Gate of Finis. Kit asks, "what are u trying to say." Lyblac points to the Gate with a smile and says, "go here." Kit asks, "in the dark ?" Lyblac says, "go in the dark." 2. Galdera says, "AND I'M BAD!" The souls around the Omniscient Eye say, "MEAN!! GREEN!! BAD!!" 3. To the left, Therion holds up a pair of rivet spectacles to his eye. To the right, he wears a paisley-patterned headscarf and a chador over it with a small smile. The text reads, "His chador swag. Based on an outfit my friend saw me wearing in a dream cuz I thought he'd look cute in it." 4. Two anthropomorphic birds wear cloaks and hold up staves. The first one has a neutral expression and the second looks more aggressive. The text reads, "My brother mistook Believer I + II in Seaside Grotto for bird people and now I wish they really were bird people." 5. A screenshot of a post by user tlirsgender: "Consider: a gay dude and a lesbian who are BEST friends and also dating the same person but not each other because they are a gay dude and a lesbian but their mutual partner has a weird enough gender for it to work. Polycule that’s lgbt like all at once." Beneath it, Alfyn and Primrose happily shake hands while Therion stands in the background with a neutral expression. The note next to them reads, "This concept is so funny to me that it kinda loops around to being compelling." 6. Cyrus smiles and quirks one eyebrow while pointing upwards. The text reads, "LOVE IS IN THE AIR? / WRONG! LIGHTNING BLAST." 7. Primrose leans back on a counter and Therion sits on a stool with his hands clasped. Both look miserable and share a thought bubble which says, "I'm the only bitch here who's incapable of love and sincerity." They glance at each other curiously, and then return to being miserable and sharing a thought bubble which says, "Nah I'm way more sick and twisted than you."
Last is a comic. In the midst of a battle, Ophilia holds up her staff and does 719 damage; Cyrus holds up a tome and does one hit of 1284 damage and another of 1365 damage; and Alfyn holds up his axe and does 649 damage. One enemy remains: a Creeping Treant with one shield and vulnerabilities to axe and fire. In the foreground, Therion says, "Alright..." He prepares a full-boosted Wildfire and says, "Time to end this." Cyrus shuts his tome and says blithely, "I think not. You shall do exactly 2 damage." Ophilia holds a hand over her mouth and blushes, saying, "Oh my, is the Professor teasing?" Alfyn laughs, "Pff, c'mon now, Therion knows what he's doin'!" Therion uses Wildfire on the Treant and breaks it, doing 2 damage. Therion, Alfyn, and Ophilia stand lined up and look very startled, while Cyrus smiles mildly and thinks, "Oh wow, for real? I literally just said that for no reason." The note beneath the comic reads, "*Based on a true story where I was Therion and my brother was Cyrus. I laughed so hard I cried." End image description.]
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octopath-traveler-ost · 10 months
Octopath Traveler - Final Boss Compilation
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journeyfortreasure · 2 months
The Gate of Finis & Daughter of the Dark God - OCTOPATH TRAVELER Break, Boost, and Beyond Live!
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landgraabbed · 2 months
ngl i am always floored by the opening salve of daughter of the dark god. octopath spoilers but the way it plays as you witness the sheer dimension of galdera AFTER you spent 30-40 minutes whittling away at the eye in first phase which you prolly guessed was a first phase by the way the game prompts you to make two parties but forgot during the long battle. ALL THIS after you go through the finis boss gauntlet. it is a painful reminder that you are just now in the final battle and galdera will absolutely flatten you if given the chance
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armed-ruebarb · 1 year
Assorted Octopath II Thoughts
Just random things I noticed throughout my playthrough that I think about excessively Spoilers for both games in their entirety (endgame spoilers are vague but they’re there).
Ochette, much like H’aanit, is the only traveler in the game to lack a human boss. Interestingly enough, however, humankind is portrayed as the overarching antagonist in Ochette’s story.
Ochette is the only traveler to directly interact with any of the gods outside of boss fights or shrines.
Ochette is the only traveler to never actually meet the main antagonist of her story.
Castti holds the record for the highest named NPC deaths (not counting bosses) by an absolute landslide. She pulls most of it off in the span of one chapter too.
Castti’s story is the only one to directly kill off children. I’m not 100% sure on that one so if I’m wrong let me know.
Throné is the only traveler in the mainline games to have more than four boss fights—excluding mandatory duels or battles from the same chapter—with a total of five.
Furthermore, Throné is the only character in the game whose boss battles always end in the enemy’s death—a characteristic shared only with Primrose from the first game. So yea, Throné meant it when she said her freedom reeks of blood.
Throné is the only traveler to fight a member of her own family (I don’t count Osvald fighting Rita as it was merely a creature made with her blood). She doesn’t stop there though. She does it four times and kills all of them (she doesn’t know the first three times but still).
Osvald is the only traveler who fails to accomplish their initial goal. Harvey’s fate is left ambiguous with no confirmation of whether he truly died.
Osvald is the only character whose sprite undergoes major changes between the game and the epilogue (I say major because of Agnea’s hair). You literally see him getting his life back together and it’s very sweet.
Partitio is the only traveler in the game who does not kill his final boss after beating them in combat (I say that last bit because there’s no way in hell Agnea and Dolcinea actually threw hands in that stadium). He’s the only character to grant mercy on his final boss, but he’s also the only one who had much of a choice.
Every last one of Partitio’s boss enemies end up working for him. Even the fucking dog. On that same note, he’s the only character where all of their bosses show up in the epilogue.
Agnea has more unique tracks than any other traveler in the game. It makes sense considering she’s the dancer, but literally all of her music is a fucking banger. I believe she also has more unique animations than anyone else either.
She’s the only traveler to have a boss fight that is not an actual battle in the context of the actual story.
Temenos has the fewest number of people present in the epilogue. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Ort is the only person from his story there because he’s the only one who survived.
Temenos is the one of the only travelers whose story progression results in permanent overworld changes (the other two being Olberic and Hikari and I could be missing a few)… yes I am referring to Crick’s grave.
Hikari is the only traveler to fight the same boss (Ritsu) twice over the course of two different chapters. This excludes Claude’s boss gimmick and the Gates of Finis fights.
Hikari’s chapter one boss fight is the only fight in either game that has no summoning path action and no traveling companion available. It is the only boss fight in the series where you are completely and utterly alone.
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