#On that note I would like Bumble to take a suffix
bonefall · 1 year
Reading the comedic timing part on Acorn Swoop’s post has me wondering: is she considered a trickster god of sorts? Being blamed for when you trip over things when you look away from where you’re going for a moment, dropping acorns on your head while you aren’t looking at the trees and all that?
LMAO I can see that!!
She isn't exactly a Patron of Luck or Tricks, y'know? But like Bumble, she can sometimes be blamed for tricky things. So that perfectly fits, she made you trip at the perfect time to win a laugh out of people.
Don't test her by making suggestions that could be very funny. "I only looked away from the minnows for a second, it's not like a raven could have come down THAT fa- god damn it"
Acorn Swoop is specifically a patron of Prra-ness, a bit hard to translate. Timing, promptness, coincidences.
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theclansofnoctusrp · 1 year
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Official Noctus Naming Guide
This is a very longwinded post that goes over how to properly refer to different aspects of Noctus! If you want clarification on every little thing about your character's name, check out this post.
First of all, character names.
The capitalization of names will always be Prefixsuffix. For example, you will NOT say "BumbleFrog," "Bumble'frog," or "Bumble Frog." You WILL say "Bumblefrog." This will be enforced.
Gryphons who come from the North typically had a one-word name like Sun, Sky, Rain, or Fen. Gryphons will not have kittypet names like Sparky or Bella unless they were kittypets; if that is the case, they will typically get a new name in the Clans. (Note: kittypets are now called as such in Noctus instead of cagepet or mountpet). There will be absolutely no tribe names ("Brook where Small Fish Swim") as there are no Warrior Cats-like tribes in the Noctus world.
Names will not be super long, like Indigohurricane or Floweringbutterfly. For a good gauge, names should not be longer than around four or five syllables. There may be some exceptions, but these are limited.
Names should also not be "edgy"/grim. Examples include Bloodthrash or Carrionrot. Would you name your kid Rotten Flesh?
A gryphon's final name corresponds to their role: a "warrior" name, a "hunter" name, or an "artisan" name. They will be granted by the leader and are given based on personality, role, and catchiness. A moonspeaker tyro will typically take up the suffix -moon, though they can choose another if they wish. You can either let the mods/leaders pick your character's final name or choose one yourself.
A prefix can only be used by one gryphon across Noctus, though suffixes can be used once or twice per clan. There can be a Strikestorm and a Windstorm in Noctus, but not a Stormstrike and Stormwind.
Gryphons can have bird names in their name. A gryphon named Hawktalon is not unheard of, since actual birds and gryphons coexist in the world of Noctus. Don't think about it too hard, 'kay?
The clan system in Noctus is a bit unique, not only because of the roles but also the names. It's supposed to be said like "the SunKin clan," but I won't be getting on people much with this aspect. However, one thing that must be kept consistent is referring to the clans with the proper spelling: you say the SunKin, not the Sunkin. This is to distinguish the clans from gryphons.
Finally, the leadership roles. The clan-specific leader names (sunseer, rainbringer, fenstrider, skyjumper) can either be capitalized or kept in lowercase and are simply a title more than a name. The same goes for moonspeakers, though it is preferred these are kept in lowercase.
That's all for now about names! If I somehow missed anything here, let me know! You also don't have to send in an ask to check your name; you can just submit the form and if the mods feel the name doesn't fit Noctus, we'll tell you. This page on the website has a bit more clarification and a name generator if you need it.
⭐The Clans of Noctus is open to applicants!⭐
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