bokutoslittlebird · 3 years
Haikyuu Characters as Husbands/Dads [Meian, Osamu]
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Semi will be released at a later date (because I lost his and don’t know where it went 😥)
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Meian - 2 sons
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> I'd love for this man to be my husband, no lie. He's supportive and so attractive, like there is no downside. Plus, he's funny, but can be strict when he needs to be so kids actually like him.
> Husband Meian is one of the best because while he has his own responsibilities, he always makes time to spend with you. He takes care of you (so you don't have to work) and he's a great support system. Also, you visiting him at practice? You're like the team mom because everyone loves you.
> This man, oh my gosh. His dick is big, I know it is. He's one of the few who has to prep you heavily before he gets on with the main course, but it is so delicious when he does. Sex can sometimes be spontaneous, but he usually saves some energy to get back home and please you before bath time and then bed. On his days off, morning sex is common and sometimes he just gets so horny. It's like everything you do is so unbelievably hot.
> Now, children. Children, for him, is not something he necessarily needs in his life. If you don't want kids because you don't like them or you can't, that's fine. He won't push the issue. If you want kids and can't have them, he'll look into adoption places. You want him to get you pregnant? Congratulations, you unlocked the Breeding Kink badge. Collect it once you can walk again! But for real, with the consent to finish inside you, he is in heaven.
> The pregnancy process is a normal one, surprisingly. Once more your pillar, he is there when you feel sick or are in pain. He also promises to share in the responsibilities once the child is born, since he hears you getting up constantly because of the baby. He doesn't go to every doctor visit, but he does try to go to the ones that matter. Also, MSBY loves when you come around because they can fawn over you.
> Bokuto probably fawns over you the most, but Hinata's right there with him. Sometimes, Meian has to tell them to skedaddle because they forgot they're volleyball players and not daycare workers. Atsumu also fawns over you, but he doesn't do it as much. Sakusa.. he doesn't like babies that much. They're kind of gross, in his opinion, but he seems to understand the fuss once he feels the baby moving (after he's gotten used to it).
> The due date arrives and Meian is completely calm. He is aware that it would happen today and is prepared. He seems calm, but is actually panicking. He worries about any complications, but he tries to stay positive for you. When you're squeezing his hand and cursing him for putting a baby in you, he is actually sorry. He feels so guilty, but he kisses your hand and your forehead, telling you how proud he is and how much he loves you. Once the screams of a small child fill the room, you're both crying from happiness.
> You deal with the child most of the time, but you do take your kid to practices and matches. Once the kid can be taken to practices, it's over for organized practices. Everyone's cooing and looking at the baby, telling you how proud you must be and how they're so cute. Of course, Inunaki jokes that the only reason it's cute is because you're the mother, because Meian has no good features. Anyways, everyone does extra work that day.
> Meian can't be there as much as he wants to be, so he often makes up for it by holding his promise of helping out at night. He may be exhausted from the day, but he knows you'd be even more exhausted after dealing with his spawn after the day is over. It also helps the kid get used to him, seeing dad takes care of him as much as mom, you know?
> Meian is also not against a second child, as long as you're okay with it. You might get pregnant again on accident, but he can't say he's upset about the positive pregnancy test. He'll be there with you through thick and thin, no matter what.
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Osamu - Twins, 1 boy and 1 girl
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> This man is a godsend. I love him, you love him, it all works out. He is also one of the best husbands to have because of his fantastic cooking ability. 
> The wedding was almost as chaotic as Tendo’s, not gonna lie. With his brother there, it was chaos. Suna recorded the whole thing, so get togethers involve the wedding tape being displayed. Watching Atsumu shove an entire cake slice into Osamu’s face is funny, sure, but watching Osamu practically hurl the entire cake at Atsumu is even funnier. Aran picking up Kita before he gets trampled by cake-covered twins is so sweet, it’s the sweeter than the cake (Osamu had a spare in case).
> Now this man, this man will never let you starve. Oh, you're kind of hungry? Food. He's making you Onigiri. Oh, you want something new for dinner? He's whipping out three different cookbooks and his laptop to look up new recipes. Oh, need a midnight snack? He prepared something before bed, so you'd have a midnight snack. The best husband to marry.. if you love food.
> If you are not as crazy about food as him, that's okay, but he will bring food into the bedroom. Maybe once a week if you're okay with it, but if not then once a month. He loves licking things off your body, so food play. I also feel like he loves to feed you, so feederism, but he just enjoys seeing you in the sea of pleasure and enjoying his food. It fills him with so much love.
> Speaking of love, the children. He's gonna have twins if he pops a baby into you. If there is a bun in the oven, some baby batter in the baby factory, you're gonna be seeing double. However, children are not a necessity. He doesn't find joy in raising children like some people, but he isn't heavily against it, either. If you cannot have children or simply don't want to get pregnant, but want them, he will also be okay with that. Looking through options and settling on a decision together brings you guys closer, after all.
> If you choose to get pregnant, he is one of the best to be with you. While there's Kuroo, with big bucks, Osamu can make anything to sate cravings. He's willing to take time off from the shop and focus on you, and he's good at dealing with mood swings. He's lived this long after being around Atsumu, Suna, and Kita. He can handle mood swings. He is also always with you when you go to the doctor, with questions of what he can and cannot feed you. It's his love language, after all!
> The babies, aww. You guys get a set of twins, a boy and girl, who look a lot like Osamu and Atsumu from their baby pictures. Atsumu is there and he jokes that maybe they're his kids, but one look from Kita has him apologizing almost immediately. Yes, Inarizaki alumni have gathered in the hospital to look upon the children. Well, not the hospital, they visit Osamu and you at home, where you're well rested and recovering.
> Osamu is The Man. He is waking up in the middle of the night, either with or without you. If you wake up, he'll heat up some baby formula/milk for the children and also make some food for the two of you. Since it's double the trouble, he makes sure to not leave you to take care of them by yourself. If you don't wanna get up or don't wake up, he doesn't mind. This just means he can spend more time with the kids, since he's busy during the day.
> Atsumu babysits! He babysits with Kita and Aran, but he babysits! He loves being an uncle and loves to play with the twins. He also brings/buys them little toys to chew and drool over because he enjoys them enjoying things. Aran also helps Kita make food/milk for the babies, acting like an actual married couple as they feed the small spawns. Atsumu naps around this time, eventually joined by napping babies.
> When the kids get older, they'll never feel unloved. Between you and Osamu, they have two very loving parents. But then you add in Uncle 'Tsumu, Uncle Aran, Uncle Kita, Uncle Sakusa, Uncle Bokuto, Uncle Akaashi- the list never ends. Everyone that knows you guys is an uncle. Inarizaki alumnis are uncles. MSBY Black Jackals are uncles. Akaashi is always visiting Onigiri Miya and loves to interact with the kids, to the point you've asked if he plans on ever having children because he's so good with them. (He's good at taking care of kids because he's used to taking care of Bokuto).
> I have a feeling one of the kids is going to go into the culinary business. Maybe own a bakery when they're older, showing an interest for baking at such as young age. One of them is of course going to be loving volleyball, with all the volleyball "family" members around them, it's bound to happen. Both of them probably get into volleyball, becoming the new Infamous Miya Twins Duo.
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bokutoslittlebird · 3 years
Request : Hello! Can i please request m!reader x poly sunaosa with abdl? Sleepy wholesome cuddles after a hard day with reader nursing on one of the boys tits and having his back rubbed by the other while being told hes a good boy and maybe being fed a bottle? A drabble, fic or hc is fine i dont mind any which way whatevers easiest on you! I just have sunaoas as daddies brain rot rn orz thank you in advance!
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You’re more than welcome to ask for male readers, though this is my first time writing it! I also have to say sucking on ‘Samu’s titties is a wonderful thought
Warnings: abdl (age regression), titty sucking, bottle feeding, cuddles, Reader is called “baby boy”, wholesome vibes
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The buzzing noise filling your ears was the white noise from the television, the show playing not being easy to understand. Osamu’s warm hand rubs your back, his strong arms keeping you sat in his lap as you drown his in warmth, heartbeat lulling you into a state of relaxation. With your mouth full of one of his nipples, you don’t have any other care in the world. A deep inhale from Osamu momentarily startled you from your state, his mouth opening in a yawn as clears his throat. Warm eyes look down on you, a kiss to the top of your head as sleepy eyes gaze into them.
“How’re ya feeling?” His rough voice has butterflies in your stomach, a pleased whine as you curl up closer to his body. He chuckles at that, continuing to rub your back as your mouth stays latched to his pink bud. A beep goes off in the house, another noise quickly drowning in the sea of noises as you listen to the heartbeat of your lover. Light footsteps pad into the room, a hum from the man who entered.
“Tired already? He’s always asleep, isn’t he?” Suna’s voice joins in your mind, soft as to not stir you from your slumber. Your mouth is removed from Osamu’s nipple, a whine as you find your seated position moved to lay down on the bed. Suna joins on the opposite side, in his hand a bottle a milk. Eagerly, you reach for the warm bottle as Suna clicks his tongue. You obey, laying back down against Osamu’s chest.
“Gotta wait your turn, baby boy,” Osamu runs his hand down your side, rubbing your hip as you obediently wait for Suna to give you the bottle. He does so, putting the rubber nipple in your awaiting mouth. An oral fixation, Suna mentioned once in the past, you have. Always needing your tummy and mouth full, your lovers gladly encourage you to have both sated as you gladly suckle on anything you’re given. Whether it be a bottle, a perk nipple, or even some of their milk, you’ll be happy.
Suna holds the bottle, you guzzling each droplet put in as Osamu’s rubs your stomach. Surrounded by their warmth and love, you find the bottle removing itself from your lips as you settle down against the plush fabric beneath you. With Suna’s arms joining Osamu’s around your frame, it’s not long until gentle snores come from you.
Suna sighs, a small smile on his face as he runs his hand over your face, caressing your cheek. “I wish this moment could last forever. Just us together,” another sigh, a kiss pressed to the top of your head.
“I just want our baby boy with us forever. Just us, together,” Osamu agrees, his hand running to join Suna’s hand. With their fingers intertwined together, resting over you, they join you in your afternoon slumber.
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