#Ozi is on Patreon!
ozimulmakesartwork · 9 months
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June's piece was dedicated to Splatoon 3!
Since I don't really indulge in the competitive side of things, I went with a setting from the game's single player story mode.
Whenever you grab a can of Power Eggs in Alterna, Callie often says, "You can never have too many!" However, our Little Buddy has CLEARLY over-indulged, much to our Octoling's chagrin. You're wrong, Callie!
Consider donating: patreon.com/ozimul
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tarotwithlove · 1 month
PAC ⭒ what sacrifice will you have to make soon?
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reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.
BOOK A READING WITH ME · LINKTREE · 18+ PATREON · SUGGEST A PAC TOPIC · TIPS ♡ tips, bookings, and feedback are highly appreciated!
cards · three of cups, the hermit, two of wands (reversed), seven of swords, seven of pentacles.
channelled songs · no matter what by polo g. lonely by chloe x halle. why didn’t you stop me by mitski. hurricane by panic! at the disco. eli by fireboy dml.
hey there group one ♡ you will have to sacrifice the comforts of familiarity, friendship, and home. you have become used to always having someone to fall back on, or someone to pick up your weight and do things you do not want to do. however, soon, you will be asked to sacrifice this and become more self-dependent.
this may be because this finally person puts their foot down and says, no, no more! they want you to be able to stand on your own two feet and do things for yourself -- which you are unable to do with them always picking up your slack.
they may have been made aware of how much this is actually hindering your growth instead of assisting it. for others of you, this sacrifice of comfort may come about because you have to move away from home -- for school, for work, for simply to get away from your current living situation. and while it may be a conscious decision to move away, that does not make this sacrifice any less painful. any less jarring. any less difficult to adjust to.
you have become too reliant on others, to an almost co-dependent degree. for some, this is a reliance on external validation. once this is taken away from you, you will see how much you do not need anyone else to validate you but yourself; or how you are fully capable of doing the things you relied on others to do for so long.
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cards · the star, five of swords (reversed), king of swords, two of swords (reversed), two of cups.
channelled songs · slide by ozi. life is still going on by nct dream. destructible by siickbrain. breaking down by florence + the machine.
hey there group two ♡ you will have to sacrifice peace. you may have thought that a situation is behind you and you can now, finally, heave a sigh of relief. and while for some time you have relished in the comforts of peace and stability -- or of a generally boring life, though, it is a boring life that you seem to wholly welcome.
it’s a familiar life, with familiar routines and familiar people and familiar places. it’s a normal life, that you worked hard for.
however, someone will be coming into your life who will disrupt all this. this semblance of normalcy that you have created.
for some this will be a lover, but it does not have to be. an air sign is significant.
this is not for the worst, though. you may be averse to welcoming in a new lover, or giving this specific person a chance -- especially if you have your eyes set on someone else. but this person will be convincing and persistence, not in a pushy way, but in a way that they want you to see them as an option and give them a chance.
you might set the boundary to remain friends. and they will respect this. but you will find yourself being drawn to them nonetheless, more and more and more over time.
this connection will shake up your whole life and everything you have planned for yourself. you may have convinced yourself that another person is your soulmate, only for this person to change your mind -- without even trying.
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cards · the emperor, judgement (reversed), the star, the world, nine of wands.
channelled songs · pretend you love me by baby bugs. ww3 by poptropicaslutz! bbc by bbymutha & $hoey. tadow by masego.
hey there group three ♡ for you, it is not so much about what you will have to sacrifice but, rather, a sacrifice you have already made and the lesson you have learnt -- and are learning -- from it.
with every lesson comes a well-earned reward, remember that. right now, you are (and have been) learning about who you are and what is important to you. and what you no longer need in your life. so while for many of the other groups, these sacrifices were incidental and thrust onto them, you may have looked at your life and weighed your pros and cons and decided what will serve you and what will not serve you.
this is about love -- romantic love -- in particular.
for some, this will come in the form of sacrificing a partner or your pursuit of love in order to focus all your attention on your career. and on being successful. something which you feel you will not be able to do if there is also a romantic partner in your life.
for others, you may be stepping away from the dating scene because of how much hurt and pain it has caused you.
regardless, you may be sacrificing that lover in you because of how much the dating scene has disillusioned you.
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cards · knight of pentacles (reversed), five of pentacles, page of wands, king of pentacles, knight of cups.
channelled songs · amen by beyoncé. leave my body by florence + the machine. mechanical by oliver. 11 11 by bbymutha.
hey there group four ♡ you will have to sacrifice your free-time. you may get a job or promotion after a long time of applying and praying for one.
it may not be the best job or promotion, with your boss being particularly demanding and the work itself not being the most rewarding. not emotionally rewarding, not financially rewarding, not spiritually rewarding.
no, it will not be any dream job, but it will be work.
and sometimes you have to take what you can get and make the best of it. know that better things are coming and that your sacrifice will neither be forever, nor will it be in vain.
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novelelitist · 2 years
Can you write headcanons for a master telling telling the royal servants aka shi, ozy, the gil's ect "what do you bring to the table other than being wealthy? I'm not a gold digger I don't want a sugar daddy (though to be honest the royal servants would be ok with a sugar daddy situation) it takes more than that for me to date you"
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I winced at the lack of irony or self-awareness in this, Anon. Cringe culture may be over, but me cringing is apparently not. Bless your heart for reminding me that there’s still humor beating in my frigid little chasm of a chest. 
While I think many of them would be fine with a sugary relationship (based on my experience and knowledge with both sides of such a relationship), the way this is framed is simply beyond my comprehension.
This fill was available July 8th on Patreon.
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Shi Huang Di: “Oh? We must say, we are a bit shocked. Were you and I to take such a step, would it not affect our Master-Servant relationship? Do you wish us to get serious? Shall we bestow upon you our glory?”
Ozymandias: “You have misunderstood the nature of our relationship, Master. Prostrate yourself until I deem sufficient. Then, maybe, I’ll allow you to prove yourself worthy of my forgiveness.”
Gilgamesh (Archer): “Fuahahaha! Ahahahaha! Excuse yourself before making such absurd demands. Ahaha. Ridiculous. Spoken at your own expense. You’re even dumber than I thought!”
Gilgamesh (Caster): “If you are incapable of assessing a treasure’s value, you are not worthy of holding it. For all you are and wish, Master, you are not the treasure in our Master-Servant contract.”
Arthur Pendragon: “I…beg your pardon?” (He is confused.)
Artoria Pendragon: “I also beg your pardon?” (She is also confused.)
Columbus: “Oh, Master… You’re too sweet to offer whatever-the-hell this new sugar-labor-contract is to me, but I don’t think I’ve heard of it. Let’s talk about this dream of yours over a drink, shall we?”
Ishtar (Archer): “A ‘sugar baby?’ Apologize for suggesting that’s even possible! My wealth is more than an abundance of gemstones and good harvests, you know. It’s you who is lucky to serve me, not the other way around, Master.”
Ishtar (Rider): “Huh?! Have you seen me? If anything, you should be paying me to hang out with you. I’m a luxury few can afford~”
Jason: “Uwah?! The wealth I’ve gathered is but one of my countless redeeming qualities! …Oh, never mind. I lead a rather hopeless life. It’s my willingness to push forward against insurmountable odds that made me a leader and a hero. That should be enough in pursuits of the heart.”
Oberon (Stage 3): “Is your audaciousness meant to impress me? Should I spare words for the absurdity of it? …Go on, then. Pester me again and again. We’ll see if your wishes could ever come to light.” 
Queen of Sheba: “Who do you think I am? You’re my patron first, and a product I’m going to sell someday in the distant future second. There’ll be riches beyond any a sugar cube can imagine. Sorry, I’m not interested in profit-sharing. ☆”
Semiramis: “Mm? Have I misheard you? I cannot imagine the obedient little Master I’ve acquainted myself with suggesting such heinous and disrespectful things. Did you mean this message for another?”
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kulkum · 6 years
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Patreon Drop Box Idea: "Nick being educated about produce at the farmer's market"
Idea by our Patreon Ozy Lellowen!
Nick: These tomatoes are the same color as your blush the first time I saw you naked. These honeydew melons fit my paw same as your rear. You should like this carrot since it's roughly the same size as...
Judy: Shut up, shut up, shut up!
Lesson: Never take Nick to the Produce Market.
Blurb by Wodahseht  https://www.deviantart.com/wodahseht/gallery/)
Have your own ideas? Patreons get to suggest ideas in our Drop Box, which are then random turned into art or stories like this! Join in. :D
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Join our Patreon!
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ozimul-reacts · 2 years
Hi, Ozi. How's it going?
It's going. Working on writing stuff for Patreon.
How're you, Anon?
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mistermead · 7 years
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Water under the Burrows Bonus: Pay It Forwards
Water is the foundation of our society, and of every society.
About a year ago we started working on the script of Water under the Burrows. Soon it appeared that the project was rather more expansive than Judy is Dead had been, and the topic of opening a Patreon came up. We decided against it, as I didn’t want to feel that in some sense I was selling a product, and I certainly didn’t want to make some underhanded incentive to donate like putting material behind a paywall. And besides, we didn’t really need the money. A simpler (but probably less lucrative option) was to just make a tip jar of some sort, so I just opened a Ko-fi account and let people chip in if they felt like it. 
From early on we decided to donate any raised funds to some suitable cause, and I decided that a charity working to expand access to drinking water in arid areas would be fitting, considering the narrative framing around “water”. However, with the unfolding disaster in the Caribbean it seems more auspicious to pick a charity active in that area.
Hurricane Maria was the second category 5 storm of the pacific hurricane season this year, making landfall on sept. 18th and carving a swathe of devastation across the Caribbean islands, many of which were still reeling after damage from hurricane Irma just weeks prior. Infrastructure in many of these regions was already is disrepair before the hurricanes hit, compounding an unfolding humanitarian crisis. Millions of people are now without power, shelter and vitally, clean water. 
Waves for Water is an nonprofit that, in their words, works “to provide access to clean water through the distribution of portable water filters, the digging and renovating of wells, and the construction of rainwater harvesting and storing systems in places where groundwater is not accessible.” The first phase of their emergency response to Irma and Maria involves distributing water filtration systems that each can filter up to 1 million gallons of water. Bottled water serves an immediate and necessary need, but as the old adage goes, “give a man a bottle of water and he drinks for a day, give him a water filtration device and he drinks for 5 years.”
Being a minor group, W4W hasn’t been rated by most big charity watchdogs like CharityWatch or BBB Wise Giving Alliance. For this reason I was skeptical to pick them as the recipient of the money, but they do enjoy a “gold” rating with GuideStar(which to be fair, isn’t a watchdog per se) for their commitment to transparency, and in the end their design philosophy of focusing on low-tech but sustainable and long-term solutions was what won me over. 
Do you agree? Or would you have chosen differently? Please let me know your thoughts on the matter. It’s funny how an animated movie about talking animals made this possible. Did any of you find inspiration in Nick and Judy’s example and worked to better yourself and your society? Please reblog with your stories, I’d love to read them. 
I for one can’t express my gratitude enough to everyone that helped us raise almost a thousand dollars... but I can sure try! Therefore, I extend a big thank you to each and every one of those that donated - literally - under the cut:
Anonymous - my very first donation was from anon, thank you so much! Mustang - Thank you so much for your generous donation! TaMarmot -  Thank you so much, it’s very appreciated!    huebris -  I have a lot to say but the abridged version is - Thanks! Shak - Thank you for each of the donations! Quilly - Thank you! Red Velvet Panda - Thanks, Panda! Bimpy the Wimpy Shrimpy - Thanks, Bimpy! How anybody can get any sleep nowadays is beyond me! Claudia - Thanks for the coffee! Karteufel - Thanks for the coffees! I appreciate it every time! Dogsport - Much appreciated! Alexandre Landsec - Thank you for all that you do! Jihwan Lee - Thanks muchly! Keep making that good music! pyrophoricitee - iyts a cip n ko-fi Nathan P - No, YOU rock! stevegallacci - a big thank you! And yes I have seen your work, keep it up! Kazookie - Thanks, Kaz! And I appreciate YOU! Every time you did your part to keep me up in the wee hours of the night. Funzinnu - Thank you for your many donations, I hope you liked the story! Jan - Your kind words are more than enough for me Jan, thank you! Rene - 2! Thanks Rene! Mojo - Thanks mojo, I got the Touch! Okie - Thanks a lot! Zanrok - Thanks so much! Cary Reese - Thank you! Enny - Thanks for your donation! Karazu - Thanks for your support! Wessa140 - Thank you! I will! Stubat - Thank you! Sorry there weren’t many ‘yeens, hope you still liked it though! A bobcat - I LOVE donuts, how did you know?
Mayu Zane - Thank you! Kazookieslama - Thanks again Kaz! kei - Bravo to you kei! TargaryenTurtle - You and me both buddy! Nathan - Thank you, just watch this space! Ozy Lellowen - And I appreciate your donation Ozy! Harry Lime - HARRY YOU MADMAN, most of the good karma in this post is thanks to you! Kamiten - I’m keeping, I’m keeping! Funzinnu - Thanks again and again Funz! Always appreciate your words of support! Ztpia -  Stubat - Oh I’m sure the damage isn’t THAT bad! You got the whole paypal donation thing down at least, which I love you for! IronicSnap - The kudos is all thanks to you Ironic! PocketPaws - and I truly love your words <3 CombatEngineer - YOU are amazing! Yoshimon - So glad you liked it, I hope whatever comes next will be good as well! InTheLionsDenOnDA - Thank you for your kind words! I don’t know when but there’s definitely going to be another project coming up! JAK072 - I’m so happy! doubleSidedTape - Tomato! FrigidGlacier - 100 proof babay! Master-Lux - And a big thanks to YOU for donating, Lux! Daniel Côté - merci beaucoup! Robin -Two thank you’s for a great reader! Thank you and thank you!  Eh - And all the best to you too! Nukukun - Thank you so much! Johnsoneer - That’s high praise! Thank you! Axel Ember - You touch me with your kind words, thank you so much! Silver26 - Thank yoooou! Joel - Thank you! Lapine - Thank YOU! Apetzu - YOU are awesome! rva98014 - Thanks! You know, I almost called pop-pop “Thomas” in the epilogue, no idea where I got that notion from! And for all the other anonymous donors, a big thank you to each and every one of you as well! I hope I didn’t miss anyone.
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magicbyhalves · 5 years
"Consider donating to my Patreon. I can't guarantee jumping into a volcano, but... you can donate and find out *nudge nudge*" -Ozi
(if you donate a hundred dollars to my patreon i will maybe jump into a volcano.
or i’ll draw a robocat jumping into a volcano.
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ozimulmakesartwork · 1 year
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January's piece was dedicated to Subnautica: Below Zero! AL-AN and Robin's friendship over the course of the game was something I really enjoyed. The conversation where they talk about dreams was particularly cute, so I decided to do something with that!
But dear lord, AL-AN's design is so complicated. This piece was a real struggle because of him specifically.
Consider donating: patreon.com/ozimul
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ozimulmakesartwork · 11 months
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May's piece was dedicated to Pokemon Scarlet!
In my infinite wisdom I decided to draw my whole team, Koraidon, AND our human friends we made along the way. One day I'll learn my lesson.
Please consider donating: https://www.patreon.com/ozimul
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ozimulmakesartwork · 1 year
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February's poll was split between Later Alligator and the Spyro Reignited trilogy! Here's a couple of scaly boys celebrating a birthday. (Spyro lit the candle, obviously.)
Consider donating: https://www.patreon.com/ozimul
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ozimulmakesartwork · 1 year
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July 2022's vote was split between Metroid: Zero Mission and Bugsnax!
Lizbert is no stranger to dangerous terrain, and she's even managed to catch a Metroid with her bare paws! I still think somebody should tell her that biting into it is a bad idea, though...
Please consider donating if you enjoy my art: patreon com/ozimul
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ozimulmakesartwork · 1 year
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January 2021's piece was dedicated to Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures!
Gromit is having a nice, relaxing read of the morning paper. I'm sure something is going wrong just a room or two away, but I think we should leave him be for now.
Please consider donating if you enjoy my art: patreon com/ozimul
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ozimulmakesartwork · 1 year
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April's piece was dedicated to Metroid Prime, a game that I have loved for a very long time! The Remaster on the Switch is just gorgeous!
Robocat and Samus are companions in roundness. If they work together, they can surely grab the missile hidden in this half-pipe.
Consider donating: https://www.patreon.com/ozimul
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ozimulmakesartwork · 1 year
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November 2022's piece was dedicated to Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury.
Obviously, I HAD to draw Fury Bowser, and since I played as Luigi for basically the whole main campaign I didn't want him to be left out!
Please consider donating if you enjoy my art: patreon com/ozimul
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ozimulmakesartwork · 1 year
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October 2022's piece was dedicated to Pokemon Legends: Arceus!
The biggest draw of any Pokemon journey is, in my opinion, the team you build along the way.
Please consider donating if you enjoy my art: patreon com/ozimul
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ozimulmakesartwork · 1 year
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September 2022's piece was all about Demon Turf!
I think it's really cute that the reward items in that game consist of cake and candy, so here's Luci trying to work on a cake in peace. It looks like Beebz has other ideas, though!
Please consider donating if you enjoy my art: patreon com/ozimul
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