#Patootie and Dork having a casual chat after she murdered some Blighters in the streets
aiza-luna · 1 month
Assassin's Creed - Syndicate Drabble: Nightly Chat
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"You know? Maybe my stay in London won't be so bad after all..."
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Hello, Hello, everyone! This is Aiza here, once again, this time, bringing something a bit different... A little draft I did of my AC: Syndicate AU and showing a bit more of my OC for the game! I hope you guys enjoy it since is my first time posting a small writting of mine, here! 🥹🩵
Without further ado, let's go!
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The darkness of the London's sky was comforting... At least at that moment. The cool breeze hitted her face, moving her braid softly against the wind.
Her dark copper hair glowed under the faint moonlight that timidly shined through the dark clouds. The weather was always so dark, so cloudly... Was it because of the constant smokes coming from the factories? Or simply the natural disposition of London's climate? She couldn't tell...
She kept cleaning her blade. The red hankchief she carried helping to hide the blood trail. The silver-colored weapon returning to it's shimering with every stroke she performed in it.
"... Y así pasan los días
Y yo desesperando
Y tu, tu contestando
Quizás, quizás, quizás...
... Estas perdiendo el tiempo
Pensando, pensando
Por lo que mas tu quieras
Hasta cuándo, hasta cuándo..."
The woman started to hum idly as she completed her task, her voice was of a Mezzosoprano tone, singing in a melodic but quiet pace.
So immersed on her work, she didn't noticed the light steps approaching her by her back in the cold rooftop. And she would have imediatly draw her blade on the stranger's throat, if it wasn't for the voice she quickly recognized.
- What are you doing here, little Hoopoe? - Spoke a male voice with an english accent, to which made her lower her guard and turn to face him. She looked a bit startled, and annoyed, but relieved it was a familiar face.
- I just needed a moment for myself, Mr. Frye... - The Spanish woman started, raising an eyebrow at him. - ... What are you doing here? Do not tell me you were indulging on those pubs again. -
The woman asked, knowing the Assassin's habit of drinking with his gang members until the late hours. And considering their expantion over London has been quite succeful those days, she was pretty sure he had been out drinking.
Her only reply was a humorous laugh, as he standed besides her, looking down at her as she was sitted in the edge of the rooftop.
- Is that how you see me? As a drunk scoundrel that only 'indulges himself on those pubs'? I feel hurt. - Jacob asked with a sarcastic and playful tone, smirking as he watched the Spaniard's cheeks heat up and gain a faint shade of red, barely visible with her olive complexion and the dim light of the street lights.
- ... You know that is not what I meant... - Solange argued in a murmur, visibly embarassed to have possibly offended him and not following the proper politeness she was taught.
Jacob sitted besides her, taking a look in the view and then at her, before speaking again.
- And you still haven't awnser my question, little Hoopoe. - He pointed out, seeing how vague her reply was, and how strange it was to find her at that hour. It was usual for him and Evie to roam the streets at the late night, but Solange? She usually would spend her evenings indulging herself in those pompous (and awfully demanding) social events of the high-class.
- Wouldn't you preffer to spend your "time for yourself" in your aunt's estate? I believe a warm long bath and the bed of the guest's room would be much more enjoyable than feel the cold night wind while sitting in a dirty rooftop. - The British Assassin commented in a light manner, in his typical charming manner.
Always a charmer, always charismatic...
...Was he always like this? It was both irritating and heart-lighting... Solange envied how well would he take things. How he always had this smooth-talker way of dealing with everything. This captivating energy that neither She nor the Evie had.
- ... Believe me, Mr. Frye... Is nothing. - The Spanish Assassin commented in a serious tone, before sighing heavily. - Starrick's influence in the British court is more than we expected... -
She started with a more firm tone, making the British man frown besides her. - What did you found? -
Solange mimicked his face expression, looking at her blade.
- James Brownlow William Gascoyne-Cecil, the Marquess of Salisbury, is another noble that is joining the Templars. - The Spanish Lady informed, her expression more worried. - We also suspect Lord Wensleydale may be connected to Starrick. Not as a member, but as an ally... Two nobles and a Judge. -
The Assassin concluded worried, clearly impressed that would be more Templars inside the court than just the Earl of Cardigan.
- Starrick is securing his strings in the Parlament too. - Jacob concluded with a more serious and somber voice, the brunette only nodded.
- I believe Starrick also have plans for my uncle, Tía Desirée is trying to use that in her advantage to approach and discover their true intentions. - The Spanish Assassin explained her family's course of action, placing her red hankchief on her lap.
- But in all honesty? I just did not wish to take part in tonight's gathering...- She commented quietly, looking down at the streets. The other Assassin looked at her surprised.
- What? Why? I thought you enjoyed "spending the night dancing your fears always and hoping to find a gentleman to wed."- Jacob commented with a smile, remembering what he heard his partner-in-Creed commenting with her aunt while he and his sister visited their estate. Solange chuckled and held her hands together.
- You're correct. However, is not that I do not like the events, is just that... - The Spaniard started, but her voice died down, as did her gaze. Jacob looked at her, eager for her to continue her phrase. - ... My aunt was trying to find me another suitor. Edward Marjoribanks, the son of the Baron Tweedmouth. -
She revealed, sounding a bit more nervous. Jacob looked at her confused.
- Well, aren't those good news? - He asked, his voice still laced with puzzlement. - You wished for a suitor, doesn't that overjoy you? - The British asked, going straight to the point.
Sometimes, his directness was a bit disconcerting.
- Yes, it was... - Solange confirmed in a tensed tone, before she let out a deep sigh. -... I know I should not oppose to this, and heavens knows how lucky I am a man even try to show interest in me while being... Una defectuosa enferma. - She murmured the last part with bitterness, although despite being in her mother-tongue, by the frown on his face, it was clear Jacob had heard it as well, despite not understanding the words exactly, he could recognize the tone. - But I... I simply do not know. - The brunette concluded in agony.
Jacob frown, still not really understanding.
- You do not know if you wish to wed him? - He asked, and the girl nodded.
- Do not get me wrong, he seems like a good gentleman, but... I simply do not wish to marry him. - She stated in a sad tone. - I... I know a marriege with him would be of great help for the Assassins, and would help strenght our influence inside the Parlament, but I... - She started to explain her thoughts, until she was stopped.
By the Assassin besides her, that had a clear frown and a face of disapproval in his face.
- Oi! Listen to me - Jacob started, sounding weirdly serious. A jarring contrast of his usual carefree tone. - You do not have to marry some Boujee to help the Brotherhood! We can overthrow Starrick without locking you on a Marital Prison! - He stated. Despite his tone becoming a tid more playful in the end, she could still feel the seriousness of his words.
He mean it. He really meant every word he spoke... She didn't knew wether to feel touched by his concern for her opinion, or she pitied him for not knowing the prices of the high-class. Solange sighed once more.
- Mr. Frye, I appreacite your words, truly... - She started, her voice calm and collected as ever, despite her hint of sadness. -... But I know my responsabilities, as my status demand...-
- Solange. - He started, calling her by her name, knowing this would get her full attention. - Before being a Noble, before being an Assassin, you're a bloody person. - Jacob affirmed seriously, even if his tone was not harsh. But it was evident that he hated that.
He hated to see how much Solange would put herself down, beat herself for not fitting what was expected of her... And mostly importantly, he hated how she was ready to sacrifice herself to fullfil those expectations. He couldn't stand it. He couldn't.
- Please, listen to yourself. To what you are saying! Do you believe trapping youself to an unhappy relationship is worth it? We can fight Starrick, and we will free London. - Jacob said with confidence, as to inspire her. - You do not have to go to such limits for the sake of a "good alternative". -
She looked at him. For the first time, the honey-colored eyes met his hazel ones... And she smiled. A simple, timid but sincere smile. Despite the layers of make-up that covered her disease, her face seemed to glow in gratitude.
-... I can not run from courtship forever, Mr. Frye... - The Spanish Assassin argued, her tone sounding more soft, even relaxed, as she spoke now. Jacob smiled slightly, looking at the scenary.
- Why do you insist so much on this, Lady Cotoner? - The British Assassin asked, with curiosity in his voice. He knew noblewomen usually married off early, but the way she took it so desperatly, definetly felt a bit... Strange, to not say obssessive, to him. - Wouldn't you rather wait until our mission is over to look for a man to betrothed you? -
Solange's eyes quickly shifted towards the street, as she bit her bottom lip light, in a discreet nervous gesture.
- Yo... - She started, her tone hesitant and heavy. -... I'm not like the other ladies, Mr. Frye... - The brunette stated, her voice disappointed and quiet. -... I fear no men will desire to wed a woman like me, for something I carry. - She concluded in a short and simple manner, clearly not wanting to elaborate the topic further.
Jacob looked at her for a few moments in silence. He wanted to ask her more about this "thing" she "carried with her", but he could also feel how that bothered her... And he did not wished to make her uncomfortable. Specially at that hour.
- Lady Cotoner... - He started, his voice sounding understanding and sympathetic. - We may have only known each other for a few days, but, if I may say: I found you an incredibly capable and beautiful woman. - Jacob said, his tone full of sincerity and animosity. - I cannot imagine a man on his right mind, specially a noble one, rejecting your hand to be claimed. -
Despite their differences and personalities, Jacob admired Solange. The Spanish Lady was a kind, sweet soul as much as she was a deadly Assassin. Her devotion, her understanding nature, her curiosity... Jacob admired them. And he did considered the Spaniard a friend, despite not knowing if the feeling was mutual.
At his words, Solange looked at him surprised, her mouth slightly agape and her eyes bright in desbelief and flattering... Did he really mean it? She hoped, deep down, he did. That those weren't just words of consolation, but of sincere admirament.
Once again, she smiled a soft smile, a hint of blush in olive her cheeks by the flattering his words caused on her... Her expression softned.
- Thank you for your words, Mr. Frye... - She started, her elegant voice filled with gratitude for such caring words directed at her. Then, she stood up slowly, looking at the sky. -... We should better go, is getting late and we will continue our moviments early morning. - She stated casually, feeling the wind move her royal-blue coat and hood against it.
Jacob smiled, as he stood up, but he did not walked towards her.
- Will you meet us in the train? - He asked, already knowing the awnser. This was becoming a routine since they had defeated Keylock and as she introduced herself as another Assassin from the Spanish Brotherhood.
- Yes, as always. - Solange confirmed in a more content tone, standing in the edge of the rooftop, before turning slightly back towards him. - Oh, and Mr. Frye... - She started, catching the British's attention, as he raised an eyebrow, waiting for her next words. - ... I also find you a capable Assassin... And a great leader. - The Spaniard stated in a warm tone, smiling to him, as she said "Good Night" and jumped off to another rooftop, running and moving in the night swiftly as a shadow.
Jacob smiled to himself, feeling the familiar cool breeze of London, and the smell of heavy smoke from the chimneys as he watched her disappear in the darkness of the night . - Good Night, little Hoope. -
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Writting Inspirations: @nemo-of-house-hamartia @thatcrazycrowgirl
Images: From Pinterest.
• Master Assassin Solange Cotoner (OC by Yours Truly 🩵)
• Master Assassin Jacob Frye (By Ubisoft)
Universe: Assassin's Creed Syndicate (By Ubisoft)
Themes: Nightly talk, friendly-chat, historical references, just two (future lovers) having a light talk, self-esteem issues hinted, begining of the Syndicate story.
Thank you so much for reading! 🩵
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