#Patrolman John Kennedy
pilgrim1975 · 2 months
Alphonse Brengard. Justice delayed, but not denied.
When New York cop-killer Alphonse Brengard walked his last mile at Sing Sing on September 6, 1934 it may have been with a firm sense of time and his crimes having finally caught up with him. Brengard died for a murder effectively committed years before, but he was not to wait in Sing Sing’s infamous ‘Death House’ for very long. After evading the law for several years after the shooting, Brengard…
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lboogie1906 · 1 year
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Abraham W. Bolden (born January 19, 1935) referred to as the first African American Secret Service Agent was the first African American agent assigned to the White House Detail. He was born to Daniel and Ophelia Bolden in East St. Louis. He attended Lincoln University, graduating cum laude. He married Barbara L. Hardy (1956-2005) they had three children. He was the first African American to be employed as a detective by the Pinkerton National Detective Agency. He served as an Illinois State Highway Patrolman. In October 1960, he joined the Secret Service. He was assigned to investigate counterfeiting cases. President John F. Kennedy, had him join the White House Secret Service Presidential Protective Division. From June 6, 1961, to July 6, 1961, he traveled with and guarded President Kennedy. He decided to return to Chicago as a field agent. He accused the Secret Service of misconduct regarding the tragedy and threatened to divulge information concerning the President’s lack of proper security to the Warren Commission investigating the death. The Commission never called him to testify. He was fired from his post and then arrested by Secret Service agents who charged him with soliciting a $50,000 bribe from a counterfeiting ring that he had helped to break. He was convicted and imprisoned at the Illinois Medical Center for Federal Prisoners, despite the admission by one of the main prosecution witnesses, counterfeiter Joseph Spagnoli, that he had been encouraged to lie during the trial. The Committee’s final report, released in March 1979, stated that the Secret Service was deficient in the performance of its duties in Dallas. His 40-year campaign to clear his name and highlight abuses in the Secret Service around the Kennedy Assassination has been recognized. He was pardoned by President Joe Biden in April 2022. He was the recipient of the 2008 Scottish Hugo’s Companion Tankard Award for Courage, the 2008 African American Arts Alliance Award for Excellence, and the 2008 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Award for Courage. He has been cited by the National Urban League as being one of America’s Outstanding Black Men. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha https://www.instagram.com/p/CnmCH83uprc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bartfargo · 6 years
Nov. 22, 1963
After assassinating President John F. Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald went home, changed his shirt, and attempted to make his escape. As he walked down the street, however, he was stopped by motorcycle patrolman J. D. Tippett. When Tippett dismounted his bike and approached, Oswald drew a gun and fired, killing Tippett.
Oswald tried to hide in a nearby movie theater, but several people saw him and told the police what he'd done and where he'd gone. Movie theaters only had one screen back then, so it didn't take long for the police to find him. When they asked him to stand up and come with them, Oswald grabbed for an officer's gun. The police wrestled him to the ground and subdued him. After booking Oswald for Tippett's murder, the arresting officers learned that he was the prime suspect in the Kennedy assassination.
That night, the Dallas police called a press conference, to show the world that Oswald hadn't gotten so much as a black eye. Two days later, they let the press (and a certain passerby) within shooting distance, to show again that Oswald had not been harmed in any way.
This true story is a matter of historical record, so feel free to reference it in situations including, but not limited to, the following:
* Cops are described as "afraid for their lives"
* A person of color dies under mysterious circumstances while in police custody
* Someone links to or posts screenshots of that video where that kid says "just be nice to the cops and you'll be fine"
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debra2007-blog · 6 years
November 22, 2018 53 Years later we still search for the truth!!!
John F. Kennedy was far from perfect, in his personal life, or in some of the decisions he made as president. However, unlike most presidents, he had some good ideas, and he had plans to enact them. For example, he had plans to abolish the Federal Reserve system, which prints worthless money backed by nothing, and charges interest on it, making us a debtor nation to a group of international bankers. He wanted to use United States Notes, and he signed a presidential document, called Executive Order 11110, on June 4, 1963.
This gave JFK, as U.S. President, legal clearance to create true money, that would belong to the people, and eliminate the Federal Reserve Bank, and their false money. Kennedy had already begun issuing U.S. government money that was free of debt to replace the Federal Reserve dollars we have been using. A number of "Kennedy bills" were indeed issued - with the heading "United States Note", instead of "Federal Reserve Note" - but were quickly withdrawn after Kennedy's death. Records show that Kennedy issued $4,292,893,825 of true money. It was clear that Kennedy was out to eliminate the criminal Federal Reserve System. It is interesting to note that, only one day after Kennedy's assassination, all the United States notes which Kennedy had issued were called out of circulation. All of the money President Kennedy had created was destroyed, and not a word was said to the American people.
In 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff presented Kennedy with Operation Northwoods. Operation Northwoods would have had our own government inflicting terrorist attacks upon US citizens, and blaming it on our enemies, to justify wars and political assassinations. Kennedy rejected it. He planned to abolish the CIA's right to conduct covert operations, and eventually dismantle it. Kennedy said he would "splinter the CIA into a Thousand Pieces". Kennedy's intent to abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, his rejection of Operation Northwoods, and his plan to eliminate CIA covert operations planted the seeds for the CIA's assassination of him.
Lee Harvey Oswald was linked to virtually every group that had a reason to want Kennedy dead. In the years before Kennedy's death as a Marine, Oswald worked as a radar operator at U-2 spy plane bases. After leaving the Marines he defected to the Soviet Union. While in Russia he married the niece of a KGB colonel, and he lived in relative luxury, likely in exchange for false or already outdated information on the U-2 that he passed to the Russians. Oswald apparently pretended to be a traitor to America, while actually working for the CIA. On returning to the U.S. Oswald propagandized for Castro's Cuba out of a New Orleans building he shared with a CIA/FBI agent trying to overthrow Castro named Guy Banister. Delphine Roberts worked for Banister. She said that, "Mr. Banister had been a special agent for the FBI and CIA." She saw her CIA agent boss meet with Lee Harvey Oswald in September 1963. This story was supported by her daughter, who also met Oswald during this period. Oswald also distributed Pro-Castro leaflets in New Orleans in 1963, with the address of his CIA contact Banister stamped on them. There was a three-page letter from CIA Director John McCone to Secret Service Chief James Rowley in which McCone acknowledges Oswald worked for the CIA, and was in Russia for that purpose, not as a defector. It discussed how this information should be withheld from the Warren Commission. Allen Dulles' advice to other members of the Warren Commission was that CIA operatives consider it their patriotic duty to lie under oath if necessary to protect "Company" secrets. A Dallas deputy sheriff, Allen Sweatt, was quoted as saying that Oswald was being paid $200 a month by the government at the time of the assassination, and had been assigned an informant number. In October 1963 Oswald moved to Dallas where he got a job in the Texas Book Depository for $1.25 an hour boxing and shipping books.
It's beyond strange how someone who was so clearly connected to the CIA would just happen to get a job working at one of the best sniping points in Dallas, by which the President's open car motorcade would just happen to pass a few weeks after he started working there. Oswald was set up to be the fall guy. On November 22, 1963 at the book depository, around 12:15, secretary Carolyn Arnold saw Oswald in the second floor snack room, where she said he went for a Coke. He was sitting in one of the booths alone, as usual, and appeared to be having lunch. She testified: "I did not speak to him, but I recognized him clearly. I remember it was 12:15 or later. It could have been 12:25, five minutes before the assassination, I don't exactly remember." At the same time, Bonnie Ray Williams was on the sixth floor until 12:20, and he saw nobody. Down on the street, Arnold Rowland saw two men in the sixth floor windows, presumably after Bonnie Ray Williams finished his lunch and left.
Kennedy's motorcade was running late. He was due at the Trade Mart at 12:25. If Oswald was one of the assassins, he was pretty nonchalant about getting himself into position. Later he told Dallas police he was standing in the second floor. A maximum 90 seconds after Kennedy was shot, patrolman Marrion Baker ran into Oswald in that second story lunchroom. He asked Oswald's boss, "Do you know this man? Is he an employee?" He told Baker that he was. As Baker moved on, he told Oswald, "The President's been shot!" Oswald reacted as if he had heard it for the first time.
What the Official Party Line would have us believe is that after firing 3 bolt action shots in 6 seconds, Oswald then left three cartridges neatly side by side in the firing nest, wiped the rifle clear of fingerprints, stashed the rifle on the other side of the loft, sprinted down five flights of stairs, past Victoria Adams and Sandra Styles, who would have, but never saw him, and then showed up cool and calm on the second floor in front of Patrolman Baker within 90 seconds of the shooting the president. Was he out of breath? According to Baker, absolutely not. Was Oswald a "patsy", as he claimed? Most certainly. Whatever can be said of Oswald, one thing is certain: he either knowingly or unknowingly was a pawn for those responsible for assassinating Kennedy.
Jack Ruby, Oswald's assassin, had been stalking Oswald from the time immediately following the assassination, to the moment he shot him. Phillip Willis took a series of 12 photos of Dealey Plaza, where Kennedy was shot, in the minutes before and after the assassination. Mr. Willis' photos and testimony before the Warren Commission appear in the Warren Commission's report. He was not questioned about the eighth photo, a shot of the Book Depository entrance shortly after the assassination. As Willis later pointed out, one of the men in the photo "looks so much like Jack Ruby, Oswald's soon to be assassin, it's pitiful". F.B.I. agents questioning Willis agreed with him that the man bore a powerful resemblance to Ruby. When Willis mentioned this to the Commission, no interest was shown. When the photo was published in the Warren Report, a considerable part of the Ruby lookalike's face had been cropped away.
What was the final straw that pushed our own government to assassinate Kennedy?
On October 11, 1963 John F. Kennedy signed national security memorandom no. 263, which ordered 1000 American advisors home from Vietnam by December 25, 1963, and that the remainder of the U.S. military be withdrawn by 1965. Kennedy's and Johnson's Secretary of Defense Robert MacNamara has said that Kennedy was going to pull out of Vietnam after the 1964 election. In the film "The Fog of War", not only does McNamara say this, but a tape recording of Lyndon Johnson confirms that Kennedy was planning to withdraw from Vietnam, a position Johnson states he disapproved of. The day after Kennedy's funeral, on November 26, 1963, Lyndon Johnson signed national security resolution no. 273, which completely reversed Kennedy's plan for a withdrawal from Vietnam. Then Johnson fraudulently used the gulf of Tonkin resolution as a blank check to fund the massive military buildup in Vietnam, an agreement Johnson apparently made with the CIA in exchange for them taking out Kennedy, and handing the presidency to him.
There is evidence that Lyndon Johnson was directly involved. Johnson was seen ducking down in his car a good 30 to 40 seconds before the first shots were fired, even before the car turned onto Houston street. Lyndon Johnson was acting as if he knew bullets would soon be flying, ducking down repeatedly before the shots went off. At the ceremony of Johnson being sworn in as president, Congressman Albert Thomas was photographed knowingly winking at a smiling LBJ, while JFK's grieving widow stood next to Johnson.
The night before the Kennedy assassination Johnson met with Dallas tycoons, FBI moguls and organized crime kingpins. Johnson's mistress, Madeleine Duncan Brown recalled that "Johnson emerged from the conference to tell her, "'after tomorrow those S.O.B.'s, the Kennedy's, will never embarrass me again - that's no threat - that's a promise.'" "They had this lodge outside of Dallas and they met there on November 21, 1963. Johnson chose different people to do certain things for him, and the group included Oswald's assassin, Jack Ruby. Brown described Ruby as the "in man" in Texas who could be trusted to arrange call girls, drugs, gambling fixes and even contract killings.
According to Madeleine Brown, the group at the meeting included J. Edgar Hoover, Clyde Tolson, John J. McCloy, Jack Ruby, numerous mafia kingpins, several newspaper and TV reporters, and Richard Nixon." Oddly enough, over ten years later Richard Nixon was forced to resign because of the John F. Kennedy assassination. The break-in at the Watergate offices of the Democratic National Committee would have never become the issue to topple a President, except for the need to protect just WHY the crime had been committed. The Democrats had obtained photographs which showed Nixon "associate" E. Howard Hunt to be one of the three tramps arrested and then released in Dealey Plaza.
This is why Hunt led the break-in at the Watergate. He was protecting his own posterior. Rather than risk exposure of a far worse scandal, Nixon resigned, turning over the White House to Gerald Ford, the Warren Commission member who would later admit that he had altered the official location of JFK's back wound for the commission. Johnson was still irate when he called Madeleine Brown the morning of the assassination, telling her the Kennedy family would never embarrass him again. Brown highlighted how people who were set to testify against Johnson for indictment proceedings, related to illegal kickbacks Johnson was receiving from agriculture programs before the assassination, were mysteriously set-up in homosexual scandals or found dead, having allegedly shot themselves five times in the head. "Had the assassination not happened the day that it did, Lyndon Johnson would have probably gone to prison - they would have gotten rid of him - he was so involved in this."
Immediately following JFK's assassination in Dallas, government agents fanned out through the crowd, and confiscated all the films that were being taken of Kennedy's motorcade. One exception was Abraham Zapruders home movie. This film was purchased by Time magazine. Time magazine promptly altered key frames,and eliminated others, in order to obstruct and eliminate key evidence of a conspiracy. Those home movies that were seized by the government that afternoon, were never seen or heard again. Regis Kennedy, one of the FBI agents who was gathering up those home movies that afternoon, was supenoed by the House select committee on assassinations, to explain what happened to all those home movies. On the very day he was to testify to that committee, he was found murdered. Over 200 key witnesses to JFK's assassination, who could have testified to the truth of what happened that day, have died under mysterious circumstances, or have been outright murdered.
So exactly who shot JFK? The same hit men the CIA planned to use against Cuban president Fidel Castro, including the famous Watergate burglars E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, were brought into Dealy plaza on November 22, 1963. Immediately after JFK's assassination, law enforcement officers conducted a search of the area behind the grassy knoll, from which many witnesses heard gunshots and saw smoke just after the shots rang out. There were several railroad boxcars in this area. Some of these witnesses saw men running from the fence behind the knoll toward the boxcars. As a result three men were found in one boxcar.
They were arrested. These men came to be known as "The three tramps". They were arrested right after the president of the United States was killed, but strangely enough the police did not book, photograph or fingerprint them, and they were released. One thing they didn't expect however, was that as the police led the three derelicts through Dealey Plaza to the sheriff's office, they were photographed by several press photographers. When allegations of a CIA connection with Kennedy's death emerged, these photographs received wide publicity in newspapers, television and in the April 28, 1975 issue of Newsweek magazine. Two of the derelicts or "tramps", as they had come to be called, bore striking resemblances to Nixon burglars E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis respectively, who both worked for the CIA. The 3rd tramp is often referred to as "Raoul", and is a bullseye for the Martin Luther King assassination suspect circulated by the police after King was killed. James Earl Ray would later claim he was set up by a man named "Raoul".
A book titled Coup D'Etat in America, by Alan J. Weberman and Michael Canfield, came out with compelling evidence that two of the three "tramps" arrested in Dallas on November 22 were E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis. When Coup D'Etat in America came out, Hunt sued for millions of dollars in damages, claiming he could prove that he had been in Washington D.C. that day, on duty at CIA. It turned out, however, that this was not true. So, he said that he had been on leave and doing household errands, including a shopping trip to a grocery store in Chinatown. Weberman and Canfield investigated the new alibi and found that the grocery store where Hunt claimed to be shopping never existed. At this point, Hunt offered to drop his suit for a token payment of one dollar.
But the authors were determined to vindicate themselves, and they continued to attack Hunt's alibi, ultimately completely shattering it. Using the principles of Bio-metrics, lines and angles are measured and compared to create a template. The templates are then overlaid for matching. When the pictures of two of the derelicts were tested bio-metrically against Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt, they came up as 100% perfect matches. It would seem beyond a shadow of doubt that both Hunt and Sturgis worked for the CIA not only as Nixon burglars, but also as part of the team the CIA sent out to assassinate JFK.
Assassinating Kennedy, and putting their man Johnson into the presidency helped the military industrial complex and the shadow government reassert their power, and that will help you understand what's been going on in America ever since Kennedy's assassination. These treasonous murderers are opposed to everything the United States is supposed to represent, such as truth, freedom and justice. This is why they go to such great lengths to keep their methods of operation, their true purpose, and even their existence, under a cloak of secrecy. If Americans knew the truth about all of this, they would rise up in anger, and hold them all accountable. As long as these forces remain in control of the government, the coverup will continue.
The truth behind the JFK assassination will never be told by the establishment. You and I are subject to their corrupt and unjust court system, while they are above the law. International bankers and all of their branch organizations are at the head of this shadow government, and the assassination of president Kennedy was nothing short of a coup, implemented by them. Their pawns in the media keep the American people from learning how their government has been overthrown by them, and they have been, more or less, in complete control of the U.S. government ever since they assassinated JFK on November 22, 1963.
We must always seek the truth for the truth SHALL MAKE US FREE!!
Have a blessed day and never forget the LIES THE GOVERNMENT CONTINUE TO COVER-UP!!! May Yeshua the Messiah bless you, Love, Debbie
JFK Assassination Conspiracy Documentary | Best Evidence New 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRwFBKwQDSM
2015 Unfortunate Truth JFK, 9/11, and Beyond - The World We Live in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0bOm5c43js
JFK "TRUTH" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvxJXzVBZrs
The Truth About Rafael Cruz And The JFK Assassination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpZ1_zwfTMQ
Why The CIA Killed Kennedy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLHRUV01PR8
JFK - The Speech That Killed Him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8HTr-F-FVM
Finally, The CIA Admits Covering Up JFK Assassination / 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmXIFm5OODE
George Bush / CIA / JFK Assassination (Dark Legacy) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCuTwqr5qng
JFK assassination .C.I.A agent tells all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tl5AV4jHvc
JFK Secret Societies Speech (full version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdMbmdFOvTs
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pdffreeebook · 3 years
PDF EBOOK DOWNLOAD A Confederacy of Dunces EBook
PDF EBOOK DOWNLOAD A Confederacy of Dunces EBook
A Confederacy of Dunces
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[PDF] Download A Confederacy of Dunces Ebook | READ ONLINE
Author : John Kennedy Toole Publisher : Grove Press ISBN : 0802130208 Publication Date : 1994-1- Language : eng Pages : 394
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Synopsis : PDF EBOOK DOWNLOAD A Confederacy of Dunces EBook
Alternate cover for this ISBN can be found here'A green hunting cap squeezed the top of the fleshy balloon of a head. The green earflaps, full of large ears and uncut hair and the fine bristles that grew in the ears themselves, stuck out on either side like turn signals indicating two directions at once. Full, pursed lips protruded beneath the bushy black moustache and, at their corners, sank into little folds filled with disapproval and potato chip crumbs.'Meet Ignatius J. Reilly, the hero of John Kennedy Toole's tragicomic tale, A Confederacy of Dunces. This 30-year-old medievalist lives at home with his mother in New Orleans, pens his magnum opus on Big Chief writing pads he keeps hidden under his bed, and relays to anyone who will listen the traumatic experience he once had on a Greyhound Scenicruiser bound for Baton Rouge. ('Speeding along in that bus was like hurtling into the abyss.') But Ignatius's quiet life of tyrannizing his mother and writing his endless comparative history screeches to a halt when he is almost arrested by the overeager Patrolman Mancuso--who mistakes him for a vagrant--and then involved in a car accident with his tipsy mother behind the wheel. One thing leads to another, and before he knows it, Ignatius is out pounding the pavement in search of a job.Over the next several hundred pages, our hero stumbles from one adventure to the next. His stint as a hotdog vendor is less than successful, and he soon turns his employers at the Levy Pants Company on their heads. Ignatius's path through the working world is populated by marvelous secondary characters: the stripper Darlene and her talented cockatoo; the septuagenarian secretary Miss Trixie, whose desperate attempts to retire are constantly, comically thwarted; gay blade Dorian Greene; sinister Miss Lee, proprietor of the Night of Joy nightclub; and Myrna Minkoff, the girl Ignatius loves to hate. The many subplots that weave through A Confederacy of Dunces are as complicated as anything you'll find in a Dickens novel, and just as beautifully tied together in the end. But it is Ignatius--selfish, domineering, and deluded, tragic and comic and larger than life--who carries the story. He is a modern-day Quixote beset by giants of the modern age. His fragility cracks the shell of comic bluster, revealing a deep streak of melancholy beneath the antic humor. John Kennedy Toole committed suicide in 1969 and never saw the publication of his novel. Ignatius Reilly is what he left behind, a fitting memorial to a talented and tormented life.
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imagekeepr · 4 years
Songs About Cops and the Law Enforcement Industry
Bad Boys by Inner Circle Long Cool Woman In a Black Dress by The Hollies She Came In Through The Bathroom Window by The Beatles I Fought The Law by Bobby Fuller Four, also The Clash Authority Song by John Mellencamp Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith Band On The Run by Paul McCartney and Wings I Am the Walrus by The Beatles The Message by Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five The Night Chicago Died by Paper Lace Informer by Snow Framed by Cheech and Chong Take the Money and Run by Steve Miller Band Love Potion #9 by The Clovers, also The Searchers Your Mama Don't Dance by Loggins and Messina Shakedown by Bob Seger I Fought the Law by Bobby Fuller Four, also The Clash Knockin' On Heaven's Door by Bob Dylan, also Guns N' Roses Killing In The Name by Rage Against the Machine Theme from Dukes of Hazzard by Waylon Jennings London Town by Wings The Night the Lights Went Down in Georgia by Vicki Lawrence Badge by Cream Theme From Shaft by Isaac Hayes 99 Problems by Jay-Z Mo Money, Mo Problems by Notorious B.I.G. Love Potion #9 by The Clovers, also The Searchers The Police by Public Enemy Highway Patrolman by Johnny Cash, also Bruce Springsteen Cop Car by Keith Urban Busted by Ray Charles The Wall by Tommy Winn Police Truck by Dead Kennedys Framed by Cheech & Chong Running From the Law by Riot Cop Killer by Body Count Police Story by Black Flag Your Mama Don't Dance by Loggins & Messina Officer by Operation Ivy Police Beat by Mighty Mighty Bosstones Police State in the U.S.A. by Anti-Flag Transit Cop by Beastie Boys High Speed Chase by Miles Davis (jazz instrumental) Arrested by Government Warning Police Oppression by Angela Upstate Cop by Alkaline Trio Officer by The Pharcyde Bad Cops by The Simpsons Ms. Officer by Lil Wayne Trouble with the Law by Chrome Division Police Car by Eliza Doolittle Arrested by Jesse Malin Under Arrest by Danzel Cop Car by Keith Urban Til the Cops Come Knockin' by Maxwell New York City Cops by The Strokes Thinkin Bout Cops by Slightly Stoopid Busted by Ray Charles Cops On Your Tail by The Raveonettes Cops and Robbers by Bean Make My Day by T.G. Sheppard Smuggler's Blues by Glenn Frey Trapped by 2Pac Cop Stop by Gavin DeGraw American Skin (41 Shots) by Bruce Springsteen Follow the Cops Back Home by Placebo No Knock by Gil Scott-Heron Sound of Da Police by KRS-One They Don't Care About Us by Michael Jackson Invasion by Jeru da Damaja Police On My Back by The Clash F*** Tha Police by N.W.A. Know Your Rights by The Clash Black Boys on Mopeds by Sinead O'Connor Biko by Peter Gabriel World Full of Cops by Paleface Summer of '81 by The Violators Mr. Policeman by Rick James Cop Shot by Dead Prez Jolly Coppers on Parade by Randy Newman Black Rage by Lauryn Hill Police Story by Black Flag Parties in the USA by Jonathan Richman
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