#Penelope deserves better than being used as a pawn by people holding a grudge against Colin tbh
doomed2repeat · 1 month
The people wishing Penelope hooks up with Debling are purely doing it for their own gratification because if they understood anything about Penelope’s character they’d understand she does not want anyone but Colin. She’s looking at other men out of desperation and necessity. But her only desire is Colin. So you want her to hook up with a guy she doesn’t actually want to get back at the guy she does want so…what? So she can feel empty inside because affection from someone you don’t want will always cancel out into something you don’t want? But you, the viewer can feel like she got even with Colin? So Colin doesn’t have a one up on her with romantic experience? Do you think Penelope will feel good after hooking up with someone who’s not Colin, or are you just thinking about how Colin will feel bad?
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