#Perry drags Dr. Doof back at the end of it
Dr scraptrap meets doof
I don’t know if this is a fic thing, or just a general thing, but- if they met, I feel like there’d be a whole lot of chaos during the whole thing.
Dr. Doof made some sort of inator, stepped through it, and immediately ran into Dr. Scraptrap—his inator simply just took him there.
Lefty & Agent P meet, and make the decision to try and stop the both of them.
“Curse you, Perry the Platypus!”
“Curse you, Lefty!”
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raining-anonymously · 8 months
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platypus practicpus. close-ups and IDs under the cut!
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[ID: Drawing of Perry and Dr. Doofenshmirtz mid-battle. Perry is perched on Doof’s shoulder and has a fist pulled back; Doof’s nose is already bloodied. Perry is looking away from Doof, out the window, with a smile and a shine in his eyes—it’s snowing outside. Doof watches, expression annoyed or amused. Text beside him reads, “Hey! Are you gonna hit me, Perry the Platypus, or are you just gonna stare at the snow? …Hello? (Ow! Okay, you can do both! Jeez!)” end ID]
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[ID: Drawing of Pinky the Chihuahua, Perry the Platypus, and Peter the Panda standing beside each other. Pinky is watching Perry wide-eyed and trembling, Perry is glaring at Peter with folded arms, and Peter is holding a mug with what might be Doof’s face on it, appearing slightly uneasy. Text above the three reads, “Agents P!” end ID]
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[ID: Three drawings of Perry. One has him trudging along with a downcast expression, teary-eyed, tail dragging, and the label “Sadapus.” The next has him jetpacking away with a cheerful expression and saluting, labeled “Platybye!” The third shows him disguised in a white buttoned shirt, yellow scarf, purple pants, brown shoes, cactus hat, and star sunglasses, labeled “Fabupus.” end ID]
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[ID: Perry behaving as a pet, all fours, eyes unfocused, text above him reading “grrrrk!” An arrow points to Perry as an agent, standing straight, hands balled into fists, fedora on, eyes narrowed. end ID]
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[ID: Phineas, Ferb, and an oddly small Perry. Ferb is holding Perry, who is positioned almost like a baby, and looking down at him. Perry is peacefully asleep. Phineas points at Perry, appearing mid-laugh, with text beside him reading, “Aww! Look, Ferb, the artist drew Perry too small! (He must’ve been too cute to erase…)” end ID]
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do you have any hcs of characters that have very little screentime? like background villains or characters that only appear in like one episode? sorry if my phrasing is weird, i just wanna make sure im not the only one who's latched onto characters like Professor Mystery or Orville and have dragged them into headcanon hell.
I literally love minor characters purely because you can make up as many headcanons as you want and no one can tell you you’re wrong omfg it’s time ti rantttt
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you probably sent this after reading this post just because you mentioned Orville and I have literally never seen anyone else mention Orville in my entire life so this first one’s basically a repeat but shhhh we’re gonna pretend it’s not
- Dr. Diminutive does more evil than any other evil scientist at LOVEMUFFIN. Heinz and Rodney are all about the show, but Diminutive keeps his ideas to himself so he can get away with a lot more without OWCA asking questions. He would have been a much better leader for LOVEMUFFIN had he not been dismissed for his height. 
- Dennis the Rabbit used to be OWCA’s best agent. He was even better than Perry, and they’d worked a few cases together back in the day because they were the best OWCA had. 
- I don’t know if Monty counts as a minor character, but I headcanon that he and Vanessa only broke up because he was too busy with work, and that not long after the summer ended, he started traveling a lot for OWCA. 
- Again, Lawrence isn’t too much of a minor character but tbh he doesn’t get as much screen time as he deserves so we’re gonna go with it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Lawrence absolutely knows Perry is a secret agent. He never mentions it for the same reason he never mentions the boys’ inventions: he doesn’t think anything of it. 
- Roger is such a hit with the American people that they get rid of the rule that you have to be born in America to be president just so he can be president. They almost revoke the two-term limit too, but the rest of the government has to step in for that one.
- I will admit that I didn’t think of this one myself but Lyla was totally raised by animals, but, unlike Heinz, she actually sees herself as an animal more than she sees herself as a human.
- Mama Ocelot didn’t really like Heinz, but the baby ocelots loved him. They saw him as one of them, but they also knew he was different, too, and that made him really cool. 
- Charlene is a really nice, really successful woman. She was decently wealthy growing up, but earned most of her fortune herself through hard work. Part of the reason she liked Heinz was that he was never after her money, and he didn’t treat her any differently when he found out that she was on the road to riches. Even now that she’s stuck paying alimony, she doesn’t mind because even though Heinz should get a job and god knows there are some he’d be really good at if he’d just try, he’s clearly a good person and he clearly cares about Vanessa. Also, she finds Norm very weird but she still thinks he’s cool.
- Unpopular opinion but I think Heinz’s dad was worse than his mom, but we don’t see him enough to know that.
- That one Scottish cousin Ferb has that we literally see for like two seconds is actually Ferb’s favorite cousin and the feeling is mutual. The Scottish cousin is always trying to convince his parents to let him visit Ferb, partially because he wants to see Ferb again in person for the first time in ages but mostly because he’s never met the Flynn-Fletchers and he really wants to meet Phineas and Perry in person.
- This is another one I’ve mentioned before but 2D Candace and Perryborg were basically mortal enemies, and even once 2D Doof is locked up again, they have a very strained relationship because they both remember that they’ve hurt each other a lot and neither of them are quick to trust the other (and one day I will write a fanfic about this but I gotta finish one of my WIPs first)
- Jerry the Platypus was so fucked up that he didn’t disappear with the rest of the Perry clones. He showed up again in something, and I totally didn’t just stop what I was doing to google it but yeah, he showed up in the preview for Meap Me In Saint Louis (ya know, the third Meap episode) and even though none of the preview scenes are used at all like they look like they will be, this one is because Jerry is alive and he is adorable and no one can take that from me!
- Steve the no-longer-giant chameleon is also absolutely fine and probably living his best life with Jerry. 
And off the top of my head, that’s about all I got! I hope you cringed a little while reading, and if not, I didn’t do a good enough job 🙃
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