#Peter Collar
peter burke is so funny bc he’s a completely normal guy except he’s been obsessed with two people to a point of stalking (his wife and the conman he chased for years) but it’s fine bc they’re just as obsessed with him 😭???
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acecroft · 9 months
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that's it that's the show
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ndcgalitzine · 3 months
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WHITE COLLAR | 2.03 "Copycat Caffrey"
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hoerbahnblog · 2 years
Rezensionen: "The Propaganda War in the Rhineland" Bericht von Peter Collar – rausgefischt & vorgestellt von Markus Weible und Gabi Leucht
Rezensionen: “The Propaganda War in the Rhineland” Bericht von Peter Collar – rausgefischt & vorgestellt von Markus Weible und Gabi Leucht
https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/SF-more-Peter-Collar-The-Propaganda-War-upload.mp3 (Hördauer ca. 14 Minuten) Rezensionen: “The Propaganda War in the Rhineland” Bericht von Peter Collar – rausgefischt & vorgestellt von Markus Weible und Gabi Leucht “Rausgefischt & Vorgestellt”. Zu den wenigen Vorzügen von Corona gehört, dass man endlich Zeit findet seine heimische…
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beelze0-0 · 4 months
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troublegoblin · 9 months
one of the funniest things about White Collar is the fact that the only reason Elizabeth isn't a world class criminal is because she met Peter first
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one of the funniest things about the small but very real white collar fandom is that there’s a split right down the middle where half the fandom adamantly believes that Peter is Neal’s dad, and half the fandom swears that Peter is Neal’s bi poly boyfriend. and neither of them are really wrong????
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blusandbirds · 1 year
early season 1 peter and neal are so special to me. neal caffrey’s formed a parasocial relationship with the fbi agent relentlessly pursuing him around the globe but lucky for him peter is just as on board with their best friendship
neal: my girlfriend broke up with me :(
peter, holding handcuffs and a warrant for neal’s arrest: aw im sorry buddy.
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all-that-jazz-93 · 10 months
Free my boy he definitely did all of that plus a bunch of other stuff we can't prove and yes I helped capture him in the first place but now he's become like a son to me
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gean-grey-blog · 1 year
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USA Network, circa 2009: yes this is a straight man and another straight man. Admittedly they are played by a gay man and a cuddly theater nerd who can't keep their hands off each other and have incredible chemistry, but we promise the characters are definitely straight. Anyway, have these very straight official promo images. Why yes there is actual kissing, why do you ask?
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I’m obsessed with the fact that Neal goes over to Peter and Elizabeth’s house so often the marshals gave up and just made it a part of his ankle radius 😭?? he gets 2 miles + their house???
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kirstydreaming · 20 days
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Tatiana; 📷
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ndcgalitzine · 4 months
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WHITE COLLAR | 1.06 "All In"
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oseberg-shipper · 9 months
The further I progress on this rewatch of White Collar the more aware I am that Peter is an adrenaline junkie who loves the rush of the con as much or more than Neal.
Peter will be like "I'm a by-the-book guy who plays by the rules"
and Neal goes "But what if we broke the rules. I promise I have a good reason"
but Peter is already in a cat burglar outfit like "stop selling you beautiful bastard I'm in"
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dusty-cobweb · 8 days
my favorite dynamic is a wife and husband who love each other very much and their boy toy
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kimkhimhant · 6 months
watching white collar again and feeling :// annoyed at the lack of depth (I know I know that's where our lovely fanfic authors give us so much) but like. neal is such a fascinating character! and there's so much of his characterization that's so !!!! like, you've got this compulsive thief and liar who has no impulse control. if something valuable and beautiful is in front of him and he thinks he can get away with it, he's gonna steal it. and he's proud of it. he knows he's smart, he knows he's skilled, he's sure of himself and honestly very arrogant.
being doubted.
being blamed for something, anything (especially something he didn't do) – it devastates him so much.
every time Peter asks him if he's responsible for something, if he stole it, or forged it, neal can't stand it. he's like, how can you doubt me? I didn't do it, please believe me. haven't I proven myself to you? why don't you trust me?
it's such this weird dichotomy of, he's so proud of what he does, he knows he's the best at it and that thrills him. but at the same time, he wants to be good. he wants to be trusted and believed and he wants other people (peter) to be proud of him.
and those things can't coexist. and it's devastating. and so so good.
and I wish the show would have delved deeper into this aspect of him
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