#Pin Parvati Pass Trek Tour Packages
pawansingh9 · 4 months
Trekking Adventures with Tour Packages in India
Introduction: Hello adventure seekers! If you're looking for some fun and excitement, then trekking in India is the perfect activity for you. Advait Outdoors offers some of the best trekking destinations in the world and you can make your experience even better by choosing one of the many trekking tour packages available. Let's explore the world of trekking and discover the stunning places that Advait outdoors has to offer.
Phawngpui Tlang Trek: The Phawngpui Tlang Trek is a fantastic adventure for nature lovers and adventure seekers. It takes you to the highest peak in Mizoram, India, called Phawngpui Tlang, or the Blue Mountain. This trek offers an incredible experience where you can explore the stunning landscapes of Mizoram. Imagine walking through lush green forests, crossing crystal-clear streams, and climbing hills to reach the top. The trek is not very difficult, making it suitable for those who enjoy a moderate adventure. As you ascend, you'll be rewarded with breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and valleys. The highlight of the trek is reaching the summit, where you can witness the panoramic beauty of the region. If you're looking for a trek that combines nature's charm with a bit of challenge, the Phawngpui Tlang Trek is a perfect choice.
Kalindi Khal trek: The Kalindi Khal trek is an exciting journey for adventure lovers. This trek takes you to the majestic Himalayas in India, where you can experience some of the most stunning views. The trek is named after the Kalindi Khal pass, which is like a gateway to amazing landscapes. Imagine walking through snow-covered trails and rocky terrain, surrounded by towering mountains. It's a bit challenging, meant for those who are up for a serious trekking adventure. Along the way, you might spot glaciers, high-altitude lakes, and even some wildlife. This trek is a test of your endurance, but the feeling of accomplishment when you reach the pass is truly incredible. So, if you're looking for a hardcore adventure in the mountains, the Kalindi Khal trek is the ultimate challenge.
Mt Shivalay: Nestled within the embrace of the Himalayas, Mount Shivalay is a breathtaking marvel that invites explorers to discover its serene beauty. Its snow-clad peaks tower high above, standing as a testament to the grandeur of nature. As you hike along the trails, you'll be enveloped by a sense of tranquility, accompanied by the gentle whispers of the wind through ancient pine trees. The landscape below unfolds like a picturesque canvas, offering breathtaking views that stretch as far as the eye can see. Mount Shivalay is not only a geographical wonder, but also a sanctuary where natural elegance and simplicity converge. Whether you seek adventure in its rugged slopes or a peaceful retreat amidst pristine wilderness, this mountain promises an experience that will linger in your heart long after the journey ends.
Pin Parvati Pass Trek: The Pin Parvati Pass Trek is an exciting adventure for people who love hiking and exploring nature. This trek takes you through the beautiful landscapes of the Himalayas in India. As you walk along the trail, you'll witness stunning views of snow-capped mountains, lush green valleys, and clear streams. The trek gets its name from the Pin and Parvati rivers that you'll encounter during your journey. It's a challenging but rewarding experience, with high-altitude campsites and steep ascents. Along the way, you might come across colorful wildflowers and maybe even some wildlife. The trek usually takes several days, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the breathtaking scenery and connect with the tranquility of the mountains. So, if you're up for a thrilling adventure surrounded by nature's beauty, the Pin Parvati Pass Trek might be the perfect expedition for you.
Rupin Pass Trek: The Rupin Pass Trek is an amazing adventure for those who love exploring the mountains. This trek takes you through stunning landscapes in the Indian Himalayas. Imagine walking amidst towering mountains, snowy trails, and lush green forests. The trek is named after the Rupin River which you'll get to see on your journey. It's not an easy walk, as it involves steep climbs and high-altitude campsites. However, the effort is totally worth it! You'll be surrounded by breathtaking views, like something out of a dream. The trek usually lasts for a few days, giving you plenty of time to soak in the natural beauty and feel the mountain vibes. If you're into adventure and want to experience the thrill of trekking, the Rupin Pass Trek is perfect for you.
Kuari Pass Trek Package: The Kuari Pass Trek Package is like a magical adventure for people who love to explore the mountains. This trek takes you to the Kuari Pass, where you'll find breathtaking views of the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas in India. The package usually includes everything you need for the journey, like a guide, food, and accommodation. You'll trek through beautiful forests, meadows, and might even spot some wildlife along the way. The best part is reaching the Kuari Pass, where you'll be treated to panoramic views that will leave you speechless. It's a bit challenging, but with the right package, you'll have all the support you need. So, if you're up for an awesome mountain adventure, the Kuari Pass Trek Package has got you covered.
Hampta Pass and Chandratal Trek: The Hampta Pass and Chandratal Trek is like a cool journey for people who enjoy outdoor adventures. This trek in the Indian Himalayas is full of amazing sights. Imagine walking through green meadows, crossing rivers, and seeing snowy mountains all around you. The trek gets its name from the Hampta Pass and the Chandratal Lake that you'll get to visit. It's not too hard, making it great for those who are new to trekking. Along the way, you might see colorful flowers and maybe even some friendly marmots. The best part is reaching Chandratal, a stunning high-altitude lake that looks like a piece of heaven. So, if you're into nature and want a fun trek that's not too tough, the Hampta Pass and Chandratal Trek could be the perfect adventure for you.
Tips for Awesome Trekking Adventures: Get Moving: Before you hit the trails, make sure you're ready for some action. Do a bit of exercise to get those muscles in shape. Pack Smart: Don't forget your trekking essentials – comfy shoes, weather-ready clothes, snacks, and a first aid kit. Buddy Up: Trekking is more fun with friends. Grab your pals and enjoy the adventure together. Listen to the Locals: Local guides know the coolest stuff about the places you're trekking. So, team up with them for an extra dose of fun. Be a Trekking Hero: Keep nature clean, follow the rules, and respect the local communities. We want the trails to stay awesome for everyone!
Conclusion: Trekking in India is like stepping into a big, beautiful playground filled with mountains, valleys, and amazing views. With cool tour packages, you can make your trekking adventure super fun and easy. So, put on those trekking shoes, grab your backpack, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime in incredible India.
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optimatravels · 9 months
Himachal Pradesh Tour Packages – Exploring a Paradise for Nature Lovers
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Nestled in the northern part of India, Himachal Pradesh is a land of unparalleled natural beauty, with its snow-capped peaks, lush green valleys, pristine lakes, and charming hill towns. Himachal Pradesh is a paradise for nature lovers. On Himachal Pradesh Tour, explore the enchanting beauty of the Himalayan region. This picturesque state has long been a favorite destination for travelers seeking respite from the chaos of city life and a chance to immerse them in the serene embrace of nature. Himachal Pradesh Tour Packages by Optima Travels help you explore Himachal Pradesh’s diverse landscapes, cultural heritage, and the myriad experiences it offers to tourists.
The Geographical Diversity: Himachal Pradesh is known for its diverse topography that ranges from the towering Himalayan mountains in the north to the Shivalik hills in the south. The state's varied landscapes offer something for every traveler.
1. The Majestic Himalayas: The northern part of Himachal Pradesh is dominated by the mighty Himalayan range, home to some of the world's highest peaks. This region is a haven for trekkers and adventure enthusiasts. The towns of Manali and Shimla, nestled amidst the Himalayan foothills, are popular tourist destinations. Manali is a gateway to numerous treks, including the famous Rohtang Pass, while Shimla is known for its colonial charm and scenic beauty.
2. The Lush Valleys: The state's valleys, including Kullu, Kangra, and Chamba, are lush and verdant. These valleys are adorned with apple orchards, terraced fields, and meandering rivers. The Parvati Valley in Kullu is a backpacker's paradise, offering a unique blend of adventure, spirituality, and natural beauty. Dharamshala, in the Kangra Valley, is famous for being the residence of the Dalai Lama and a center for Tibetan culture.
3. The Tranquil Lakes: Himachal Pradesh boasts several serene lakes that reflect the surrounding landscapes like mirrors. The most famous among them is Dal Lake in Dharamshala, not to be confused with its more famous namesake in Kashmir. The Prashar Lake, near Mandi, is another hidden gem known for its floating island and stunning 360-degree views of the Himalayas.
Cultural Diversity: Himachal Pradesh is a melting pot of cultures, with a rich tapestry of traditions, languages, and festivals.
1. The Pahari Culture: The majority of the population in Himachal Pradesh belongs to the Pahari community. Their culture is deeply rooted in their connection with the mountains and nature. Traditional attire, music, and dance play a significant role in their lives. The colorful festivals of Dussehra and Lohri are celebrated with great fervor and are a visual treat for visitors.
2. Tibetan Influence: Dharamshala and McLeod Ganj have a strong Tibetan presence, thanks to the Tibetan government-in-exile and the Dalai Lama's residence. Visitors can explore Tibetan monasteries, learn about Tibetan Buddhism, and relish delicious Tibetan cuisine in these areas.
3. Colonial Heritage: Shimla, the former summer capital of British India, showcases an intriguing blend of Indian and British architecture. The ridge, Mall Road, and colonial-era buildings like the Christ Church and Viceregal Lodge are must-visit attractions that transport you back in time.
Adventurous Pursuits: For adventure enthusiasts, Himachal Pradesh offers a wide array of activities to get your adrenaline pumping.
1. Trekking and Hiking: The state boasts numerous trekking routes that cater to all levels of trekkers. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trekker, there's a trail for you. Popular treks include the Hampta Pass, Beas Kund, and Pin Parvati Pass.
2. White-Water Rafting: The Beas and Sutlej rivers provide excellent opportunities for white-water rafting. The rapids in these rivers vary in intensity, making it suitable for both beginners and experts.
3. Skiing and Snowboarding: During the winter months, Himachal Pradesh transforms into a winter wonderland. Solang Valley and Rohtang Pass are famous for skiing and snowboarding. Manali and Shimla also offer skiing opportunities, making it a haven for winter sports enthusiasts.
4. Paragliding: Billing in the Kangra Valley is known as the paragliding capital of India. Soar high above the mountains and valleys, enjoying breathtaking views of the Himalayas.
Culinary Delights: Himachali cuisine is a treat for your taste buds, offering a blend of flavors influenced by the state's diverse communities.
1. Dham: Dham is a traditional Himachali meal that consists of rice, lentils, and several vegetarian dishes, often accompanied by curd and a sweet dish. It is served on special occasions and is a must-try to savor the local flavors.
2. Chana Madra: Chana Madra is a delicious dish made from chickpeas in a yogurt-based gravy, flavored with aromatic spices. It's a popular dish in the Kangra region.
3. Babru: Babru is a deep-fried bread made from black gram flour, commonly served with a spicy chana dal curry. It's a favorite breakfast item among locals.
4. Trout Fish:Himachal Pradesh offers some of the best trout fishing experiences in India. Try the locally caught trout, prepared in various regional styles, for a mouthwatering seafood treat. Himachal Pradesh is a land of unparalleled beauty and diversity, offering something for every traveler. From the lofty Himalayas to the tranquil valleys, from rich cultural experiences to thrilling adventures, this state has it all. Whether you seek spiritual solace, a connection with nature, or an adrenaline rush, Himachal Pradesh Holiday Packages promise an unforgettable journey through the region’s enchanting landscapes and vibrant culture. Plan a trip to Himachal Pradesh to visit this paradise in the mountains and let the beauty of Himachal Pradesh leave an indelible mark on your heart and soul.
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amankumar1018 · 11 months
The Ultimate Spiti Valley Road Trip from Delhi: Planning, Routes, and Memorable Experiences
Embarking on a thrilling journey through the rugged and breathtaking landscapes of Spiti Valley is a dream come true for adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Situated in the remote Himalayan region of Himachal Pradesh, Spiti Valley tour Guide offers a unique and awe-inspiring experience that captivates travelers from around the world. With its remote villages, ancient monasteries, and majestic snow-capped peaks, this hidden gem of India beckons those seeking an offbeat and unforgettable adventure. In this blog post, we will guide you through the planning process, highlight the best routes, and share some memorable experiences to make your Spiti Valley road trip from Delhi truly extraordinary.
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Spiti Valley Tour Packages: The Perfect Starting Point
When planning your Spiti Valley road trip from Delhi, opting for a well-designed tour package can ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience. Spiti Valley tour packages offer a comprehensive itinerary, including transportation, accommodation, and guided tours, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty of this Himalayan wonderland. These packages often include visits to popular attractions such as Key Monastery, Tabo Monastery, and the picturesque villages of Kibber and Langza. With the convenience and expertise provided by these packages, you can focus on enjoying every moment of your journey through Spiti Valley.
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Chandratal Lake Travel Guide: A Serene Oasis
One of the highlights of any Spiti Valley road trip is a visit to the mesmerizing Chandratal Lake. Situated at an altitude of approximately 4,300 meters, Chandratal Lake is a true natural wonder. Its name translates to "Moon Lake" due to its crescent shape, and it exudes an otherworldly charm that leaves visitors spellbound. To reach Chandratal Lake, you can take the scenic route from Kaza, passing through Kunzum Pass, and then hike for a couple of hours. The serene surroundings, crystal-clear waters, and panoramic views of the surrounding snow-capped mountains make Chandratal Lake trip a must-visit destination in Spiti Valley.
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Memorable Experiences in Spiti Valley:
Ancient Monasteries: Spiti Valley is home to numerous ancient monasteries that showcase the rich cultural and spiritual heritage of the region. Exploring monasteries such as Key Monastery, Dhankar Monastery, and Tabo Monastery offers a glimpse into the Buddhist way of life and provides opportunities for meditation and self-reflection.
Camping under the Stars: Spend a night camping under the vast, unpolluted skies of Spiti Valley. As the sun sets, witness a breathtaking display of stars and constellations that seem within arm's reach. The tranquil atmosphere and the silence of the valley create an unforgettable experience that connects you with the wonders of the universe.
Local Cuisine and Hospitality: Interact with the warm and friendly locals of Spiti Valley, who are known for their hospitality. Indulge in the traditional cuisine, such as Thukpa (noodle soup) and Momos (dumplings), while enjoying conversations with the locals, gaining insights into their way of life.
Trekking and Adventure: Spiti Valley offers numerous opportunities for trekking and adventure enthusiasts. From challenging treks to stunning locations like Pin Parvati Pass and Parang La Pass to more leisurely hikes to Dhankar Lake or Chitkul village, there is something for everyone to explore and discover.
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Embarking on a road trip from Delhi to Spiti Valley is a thrilling adventure that promises to create lasting memories. By opting for a Spiti Valley tour package, you can enjoy a well-planned
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clickforholiday · 3 years
Get best rates  for Holiday in Himachal Tour Packages which covers Manali, Shimla, Dalhousie, Dharamshala, Hadimba Devi Temple, Vashisht Hot springs, Tibetans Monastery, Solang Valley, Kufri, Ridge, Mall road, Scandal Point, Kali Bari temple,  Green Valley, mini zoo, Khajjiar, Kala Top wildlife sanctuary, Mini Switzerland of India. Adventure activities Like Zip-line, Zorbing, Paragliding , Snow scooter.
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marisoljfoote-blog · 4 years
Best Tour packages - manali trekking packages
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Manali trip tour package Manali is among the most popular places in Himachal Pradesh and attracts vacationers huge numbers consistently. Attributable to the high height and precipitous territory, trekking in Manali assumes a significant job in making it a celebrated visitor goal. The town goes about as a base and initiation purpose of a few renowned climbs, which bring travelers to profound into the Himalayas. A decent street availability to the whole nation and vicinity to local air terminals make it effectively open for individuals.
Best holiday packages
• Location and Geography: Manali is situated in the valley of the Beas River, and lies at an inexact height of 6725 feet above ocean level. The banks of the waterway are rough, and along the stream on the two sides are mountains.
• Weather: Climate here is delegated Sub-Tropical Highland, as the town lies at a moderate elevation inside the Tropical Zone. Summers are cool with normal highs of 25 degrees Celsius and mean lows of 12 degrees. Winters get cold, and the spot gets great measures of precipitation as snow among November and February.
Manali trekking packages
• Introduction: There are many trekking undertakings led in Manali, and the one taking you to Hampta Pass is notable and profoundly respected by members. You will stroll for five days, covering an absolute separation of around 26 km. Although you will feel tired in the wake of climbing and plummeting around 5 km every day, the perspectives you will get will cause you to disregard the exhaustion.
• Route: Beginning from Manali, you will head out to the captivating valley of Chikka, where you will camp around evening time. Level grounds, fixed with transcending mountains, make ideal spots to set-up tents. You will make for Bhalu Ka Ghera the following morning, and camp here at the night. It is another beautiful valley, encompassed by mountains.
Manali Trip The stroll through the pass will take you to Sia Goru, which is in the Buddhism-impacted region of Lahaul and Spiti. Next, you travel to the village of Chatru, and later to the popular cold lake called Chandratal. Up and down your excursion, your eyes will look at a superb landscape, which you ought not to overlook catching in photos.
Some other well-known treks around Manali are Bhrigu Lake, Beas Kund, Malana-Chanderkhani Pass, Patalsu Peak, Tosh Valley Animal Pass, Bara Bhangal, Bhubu Pass, Pin Parvati Pass, Deo Tibba Base Trek, and Chandratal Lake Trek.
Bhrigu Lake: Kullu is one of the most lovely valleys in the nation. Cross through Rohtang Pass, absorb the springs of Vashisht and visit the perfect Bhrigu Lake. It is said that Rishi Bhrigu reflected here and the interesting lake is named after him. A dining experience your eyes on the inconceivable Solang valley from the Rohlikohli campground and gain experiences that will probably endure forever. Find out about Bhrigu Lake Trek
Beas Kund: Rest your eyes on the most dazzling of mountain landscape and cross mountains on a trek to the high elevation snow-capped Beas River that parts perfectly into various streams coursing through the valley. Finish this outlandish outing with climbing to Solang valley and afterward heading to Manali. Know progressively here Beas Kund Trek
Pin Parvati Pass: For experienced trekkers, crossing through the untainted heaven of Himachal Pradesh is a genuine threat. Past the pulley scaffold of Tunda Bhuj, extensive glades of Parvati valley, virgin timberlands encompassing Kheerganga and boiling water springs at Parvati Kund, arriving at Pin Parvati Pass represents a chance to encounter thrill more than ever. Investigate Pin Parvati Pass Trek
Deo Tibba Base Trek: Another gem in the crown of Manali, a trek to Deo Tibba at 6001 m includes various trekker's enjoyments - elevated knolls, beautiful cascades, icy mass bowls, moraine edges and the transcending pinnacles of Deo Tibba and Indrasan (6220 m) and a high height lake overflowing with blue water affectionately called small scale Chandratal. Appropriate for the two novices just as regulars, this is a definitive investigation for nature darlings. Snap to investigate Deo Tibba Base Trek. Manali Trip.
Find more information Manali Trip
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Get The Best Pin Parvati Pass Trek Himachal Tour Packages Provides By Discovery Holidays
Check 10 days or 11 nights pin parvati pass trek himachal tour service provides by discovery holidays with best affordable price. Visit the website now.
Visit at: https://bit.ly/2Kb8Icy
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justwravel-blog · 5 years
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Independence Day Tours 2019
Freedom is something which is not only someone's birthright but also a feeling that gives an individual a different way to live. Just like one cannot be denied freedom, one can never be denied the right to travel and explore. For every person, traveling is more than just a way to get away from the hectic life. It is the medium to connect with others and rejoice. This Independence Day, come travel with Team JustWravel and know how it feels to a part of the Wraveler Family! Join the #WRAVELERFORLIFE community and experience a touch of togetherness with our beloved travellers!
Last Year Trip video from the top of the world: Independence Day
As this year, 15th August is on a Thursday, we have planned trips around that week.
Valley of Flowers
Dates: 14th-19th August 
Cost: 9400 INR Per Person ( Haridwar to Haridwar)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Valley-of-Flower-Trek
Day 1: Drive from Haridwar to Govindghat (290 KM, 12 hours drive)
Day 2: Drive from Govindghat to Pulna and Trek to Ghangaria (4 KM drive and 9 KM trek)
Day 3: Trek from Ghangaria to Valley of Flowers and back (8 KM trek)
Day 4: Trek from Ghangaria to Hemkund Sahib and back (16 KM Trek)
Day 5: Trek from Ghangaria to Govindghat (9 KM Trek)
Day 6: Drive from Govindghat to Haridwar
  Bhrigu Lake Trek
Date: 10th - 12th , 16th -18th August
Cost: 5800 INR Per Person (Manali to Manali)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Trek-to-Bhrigu-Lake
Day 1: Manali – 14 Turns – Raulikholi (10 km gradual walk- Time 5 hours)
Day 2: Raulikholi – Brighu Lake – Pandu Roopa (12 km uphill / gradual – Time 6 – 8  hours)
Day 3: Pandu Ropa –Vashisht– Manali ( 8 km downhill and gradual – time  4 – 6  hours)
  Hampta Pass Trek
Dates: 11th – 15th August, 15th-19th August
Cost: 7800  INR Per Person (Manali to Manali)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Hampta-Pass-Trek
  Day 1: Arrive Manali, Drive to Jobri and Trek to Chika (9800 Feet)
Day 2: Trek from Chika to Balu Ka Gera (12,411 feet)
Day 3: Trek from Balu Ka Gera to Sheagoru (12,254 Feet) via Hampta Pass (14,035 Feet)
Day 4: Trek from Sheagoru to Chattru (10,898 feet), Drive to Chandratal (14,074 feet) & Return back to Chattru
Day 5: Drive from Chattru to Manali
    Chitkul Road Trip
Date : 16th -18th August
Cost : 7000 INR Per Person (Delhi to Delhi)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Road-Trip-to-Chitkul
  Day 0: Delhi to Shimla ISBT
Day 1: Drive from Shimla to Chitkul via Narkanda via Sangla Valley (250km).
Day 2: Day Hike and Sightseeing at Chitkul
Day 3: Kagyupa Temple and Drive to Shimla.
                                          PARASHAR LAKE TREK
Date : 10th - 11th August , 17th -18th August
Cost : 5500 INR Per Person (Delhi to Delhi) 
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Parashar-Lake-Trek
  Day 0: Drive from Delhi to Baggi
Day 1: Baggi to Parashar Lake
Day 2: Parashar Lake to Baggi to Delhi
Date: 10th-12th August , 16th -18th August
Cost: 7100 INR Per Person (Delhi to Delhi)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Road-trip-to-Jibhi
Day 0: Delhi to Jibhi
Day 1: Jibhi Sightseeing
Day 2: Jalori Pass & Sirolsar Lake Trek
Day 3: Cheni Fort and Departure from Jibhi
Date: 10th - 12th August , 16th -18th August
Cost: 7100 INR Per Person (Delhi to Delhi)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Trek-to-Kareri-Lake
Day 0: Delhi to Dharamshala
Day 1: McleodGanj to Drive to Kareri Village to Reoti Village
Day 2: Trek to Reoti Village to Kareri Lake
Day 3: Trek from Kareri Lake to Kareri Village and return to Delhi next day early morning
Date: 10th - 12th, 16th -18th August
Cost: 5900 INR Per Person (Delhi to Delhi)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Spiritual-Village-in-Parvati-Valley
Day 0: Drive from Delhi to Kasol
Day 1: Kasol and Around. Night stay at Kasol
Day 2: Kasol to Grahan Village
Day 3: Grahan Village to Kasol. Later depart for Delhi
Date: 11th-17th August
Cost: 16500 INR Per Person (Manali-Manali)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Spiti-Valley-Road-Trip-from-Manali
Day 1: Manali Arrival - Acclimatization Day
Day 2: Manali to Kaza (203 kms, 9 hrs of Drive)
Day 3: Kaza to Nako , Tabo and Night stay in Dhankar
Day 4: Dhankar to Pin Valley, Mudh Village to Kaza ( 120 kms , 5 hrs of drive)
Day 5: Kaza to Hikkim - Komik - Langza- Kee- Kibber
Day 6: Kibber to Chandrataal Lake (90 kms, 7 hrs of drive)
Day 7: Chandrataal to Manali (125 kms, 7 hrs drive)
Date: 10th -18th August
Cost: 24000 INR Per Person (Bagdogra to Bagdogra)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Road-Trip-to-Bhutan-Land-of-Thunderdragon 
Day 1: Arrive at Bagdogra. Assemble and Travel to Phuentsholing
Day 2: Travel to Thimphu
Day 3: Sightseeing in Thimphu
Day 4: Travel from Thimphu to Punakha
Day 5: Travel from Punakha to Paro
Day 6: Trek to Tiger’s Nest
Day 7: Sightseeing in Paro and Travel to Phuentsholing
Day 8: Travel from Phuentsholing to Bagdogra
  Ladakh Road Trip 
Dates : 10th – 18th August
Cost : 24500 INR (Manali to Manali)
Itinerary : https://www.justwravel.com/package/9-days-road-trip-to-Leh-Ladakh-from-Manali
Day 1: Manali Sightseeing.
Day 2: Manali to Jispa
Day 3: Jispa to Leh
Day 4: Leh Sightseeing
Day 5: Leh to Nubra
Day 6: Nubra to Pangong
Day 7: Pangong to Leh
Day 8: Leh to Sarchu
Day 9 : Sarchu to Manali
  Spiti Valley Road Trip
Dates :  10- 18th August 
Cost : 23500 INR  ( Delhi to Delhi)
Itinerary : https://www.justwravel.com/package/Road-Trip-To-Spiti-Valley
Day 0: Delhi Pickup and Drive to Narkanda
Day 1: Reach Narkanda. Night stay at Narkanda
Day 2: Narkanda to Chitkul. Night stay at Kalpa
Day 3: Chitkul to Kalpa.
Day 4: Kalpa to Dhankar via Nako, Tabo.
Day 5: Dhankar to Kaza . Night stay at Kaza
Day 6: Kaza Sightseeing.
Day 7: Kaza to Chandrataal.
Day 8: Chandrataal to Manali.
Day 9: Reach Delhi
      For any query, you can contact Manu @ 95824 32437   or Rohan @ 92057 25727
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5 Most Beautiful Valleys to Visit Near Manali
Manali is a famous Hill Station situated at the northern part of the Kullu in Himachal Pradesh. It is a hill station situated at a height of 6400 ft) in the Himalayas. Situated on the Beas River (Vyaas in Hindi) is the famous tourist destination for Indians in Summer Holidays and In Winter for Honeymoon Couples. The small town, with a population of more than 10 thousand, is the beginning of the old route to Leh Ladakh via Lahaul and Spiti Valley. Manali is meant for its snow, famous Treks (Trek to Jogni Waterfalls, Hampta pass Trek, Kheerganga Trek, etc) and various Best Hotels in Manali and some of the famous activities like River Rafting and Paragliding. An unbelievable view awaits you on the valleys of Manali with the unique mixture of serenity and adventure. There are various valleys which are near or in Manali:
1. Parvati Valley
Before you walk in the atmosphere of the Parvati Valley, it is complex to imagine that harmony and peace can float throughout the air. Well, the Parvati Valley route is the wonderful brew to calm a restless soul. The crisp mountain air joined with the tasty Israeli food, with the scent of burning herbs coursing through the otherwise fresh air; build up the so-called “Amsterdam of India.” Before you construct any presumptions regarding the hippie paradise, you should slow down & take pleasure in the slow pace of life in one of the amazing Himalayan Valleys in India.
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2. Solang Valley
Situated 14 km away from Manali in Himachal Pradesh, Solang Valley lies on the western bank of the Beas River. It has various hotels & additional accommodation choices accessible nearby – and also the option to pitch your personal tent! The green scenery bounded by the pine trees and white glaciers is somewhat one should not miss. This valley is well-known for its snowcapped landscapes and adventure sports and activities. You can visit this place on the way down from Rohtang pass.
3. Pin Valley National Park
Tucked in the high elevated ranges of Himalayas, Pin Valley National Park is a massive and extensive biosphere reserve, mainly photogenic surrounding and showcasing stunning. Famous as a home to rare as well as rare fauna and flora, Pin Valley National Park ought to be on your list if you’re looking for a Manali Tour Package to Spiti valley in the summer season. In June, the climate is relaxed and clear, and the probability of spotting wildlife enhances various.
4. Spiti Valley
If you're looking for a solo trip to refresh your soul and mind, then a journey to Spiti Valley in Himachal Pradesh is a must. A distant village that is full of peace and spirituality, Spiti Valley is situated 3000 meters among the chilly mountains. The Buddhist monasteries sprinkled right through the areas attract visitors from wide and far for a day of religious accomplishment. Acknowledged for its monasteries, trekking routes, magical topography, lakes and semi-frozen rivers, Spiti Valley is an attractive and charming place.
5. Lahaul Valley
This is a huge valley of Spiti, created by the two rivers Bhaga and Chandra. Adorned with immense natural beauty, Lahaul Valley pulls maximum tourists during summer. Lahaul Valley is one of the most popular places to see in Spiti in June, with unobstructed views of Chandrabhaga Range and rivers. Moreover, travellers can opt for thrilling treks to Suraj Taal, Chandra Taal and Kunzum Pass.
  If you are planning for a Manali Trip any time soon and looking for the Best Manali Tour Packages, then you can directly call us @ 9816049443 or visit our website http://www.ecohimalayanresorts.com/
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justwravel-blog · 5 years
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Independence Day Tours 2019
Freedom is something which is not only someone's birthright but also a feeling that gives an individual a different way to live. Just like one cannot be denied freedom, one can never be denied the right to travel and explore. For every person, travelling is more than just a way to get away from the hectic life. It is the medium to connect with others and rejoice. This Independence Day, come travel with Team JustWravel and know how it feels to a part of the Wraveler Family! Join the #WRAVELERFORLIFE community and experience a touch of togetherness with our beloved travellers!
Last Year Trip video from top of the world : Independence Day
As this year, 15th August is on a Thursday, we have planned trips around that week.
Valley of Flowers
Dates: 14th-19th August 
Cost: 9400 INR Per Person ( Haridwar to Haridwar)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Valley-of-Flower-Trek
Day 1: Drive from Haridwar to Govindghat (290 KM, 12 hours drive)
Day 2: Drive from Govindghat to Pulna and Trek to Ghangaria (4 KM drive and 9 KM trek)
Day 3: Trek from Ghangaria to Valley of Flowers and back (8 KM trek)
Day 4: Trek from Ghangaria to Hemkund Sahib and back (16 KM Trek)
Day 5: Trek from Ghangaria to Govindghat (9 KM Trek)
Day 6: Drive from Govindghat to Haridwar
  Bhrigu Lake Trek
Date: 16th -18th August
Cost: 5800 INR Per Person (Manali to Manali)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Trek-to-Bhrigu-Lake
Day 1: Manali – 14 Turns – Raulikholi (10 km gradual walk- Time 5 hours)
Day 2: Raulikholi – Brighu Lake – Pandu Roopa (12 km uphill / gradual – Time 6 – 8  hours)
Day 3: Pandu Ropa –Vashisht– Manali ( 8 km downhill and gradual – time  4 – 6  hours)
  Hampta Pass Trek
Dates: 11th – 15th August, 15th-19th August
Cost: 7800  INR Per Person (Manali to Manali)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Hampta-Pass-Trek
  Day 1: Arrive Manali, Drive to Jobri and Trek to Chika (9800 Feet)
Day 2: Trek from Chika to Balu Ka Gera (12,411 feet)
Day 3: Trek from Balu Ka Gera to Sheagoru (12,254 Feet) via Hampta Pass (14,035 Feet)
Day 4: Trek from Sheagoru to Chattru (10,898 feet), Drive to Chandratal (14,074 feet) & Return back to Chattru
Day 5: Drive from Chattru to Manali
    Chitkul Road Trip
  Date : 16th -18th August
Cost : 7000 INR Per Person (Delhi to Delhi)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Road-Trip-to-Chitkul
  Day 0: Delhi to Shimla ISBT
Day 1: Drive from Shimla to Chitkul via Narkanda via Sangla Valley (250km).
Day 2: Day Hike and Sightseeing at Chitkul
Day 3: Kagyupa Temple and Drive to Shimla.
                                          PARASHAR LAKE TREK
Date : 17th -18th August
Cost : 5500 INR Per Person (Delhi to Delhi) 
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Parashar-Lake-Trek
  Day 0: Drive from Delhi to Baggi
Day 1: Baggi to Parashar Lake
Day 2: Parashar Lake to Baggi to Delhi
Date: 16th -18th August
Cost: 7100 INR Per Person (Delhi to Delhi)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Road-trip-to-Jibhi
Day 0: Delhi to Jibhi
Day 1: Jibhi Sightseeing
Day 2: Jalori Pass & Sirolsar Lake Trek
Day 3: Cheni Fort and Departure from Jibhi
Date: 16th -18th August
Cost: 5900 INR Per Person (Delhi to Delhi)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Spiritual-Village-in-Parvati-Valley
Day 0: Drive from Delhi to Kasol
Day 1: Kasol and Around. Night stay at Kasol
Day 2: Kasol to Grahan Village
Day 3: Grahan Village to Kasol. Later depart for Delhi
Date: 11th-17th August
Cost: 16500 INR Per Person (Manali-Manali)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Spiti-Valley-Road-Trip-from-Manali
Day 1: Manali Arrival - Acclimatization Day
Day 2: Manali to Kaza (203 kms, 9 hrs of Drive)
Day 3: Kaza to Nako , Tabo and Night stay in Dhankar
Day 4: Dhankar to Pin Valley, Mudh Village to Kaza ( 120 kms , 5 hrs of drive)
Day 5: Kaza to Hikkim - Komik - Langza- Kee- Kibber
Day 6: Kibber to Chandrataal Lake (90 kms, 7 hrs of drive)
Day 7: Chandrataal to Manali (125 kms, 7 hrs drive)
Date: 10th -18th August
Cost: 24000 INR Per Person (Bagdogra to Bagdogra)
Itinerary: https://www.justwravel.com/package/Road-Trip-to-Bhutan-Land-of-Thunderdragon 
Day 1: Arrive at Bagdogra. Assemble and Travel to Phuentsholing
Day 2: Travel to Thimphu
Day 3: Sightseeing in Thimphu
Day 4: Travel from Thimphu to Punakha
Day 5: Travel from Punakha to Paro
Day 6: Trek to Tiger’s Nest
Day 7: Sightseeing in Paro and Travel to Phuentsholing
Day 8: Travel from Phuentsholing to Bagdogra
    Ladakh Road Trip 
Dates : 10th – 18th August
Cost : 24500 INR (Manali to Manali)
Itinerary : https://www.justwravel.com/package/9-days-road-trip-to-Leh-Ladakh-from-Manali
Day 1: Manali Sightseeing.
Day 2: Manali to Jispa
Day 3: Jispa to Leh
Day 4: Leh Sightseeing
Day 5: Leh to Nubra
Day 6: Nubra to Pangong
Day 7: Pangong to Leh
Day 8: Leh to Sarchu
Day 9 : Sarchu to Manali
  Spiti Valley Road Trip
Dates :  10- 18th August 
Cost : 23500 INR  ( Delhi to Delhi)
Itinerary : https://www.justwravel.com/package/Road-Trip-To-Spiti-Valley
Day 0: Delhi Pickup and Drive to Narkanda
Day 1: Reach Narkanda. Night stay at Narkanda
Day 2: Narkanda to Chitkul. Night stay at Kalpa
Day 3: Chitkul to Kalpa.
Day 4: Kalpa to Dhankar via Nako, Tabo.
Day 5: Dhankar to Kaza . Night stay at Kaza
Day 6: Kaza Sightseeing.
Day 7: Kaza to Chandrataal.
Day 8: Chandrataal to Manali.
Day 9: Reach Delhi
      For any query, you can contact Manu @ 95824 32437   or Rohan @ 92057 25727
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Get The Best Pin Parvati Pass Trek Himachal Tour Packages Provides By Discovery Holidays
Check 10 days or 11 nights pin parvati pass trek himachal tour service provides by discovery holidays with best affordable price. Visit the website now.
Visit at: https://bit.ly/2Kb8Icy
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Get The Best Pin Parvati Pass Trek Himachal Tour Packages Provides By Discovery Holidays
Check 10 days or 11 nights pin parvati pass trek himachal tour service provides by discovery holidays with best affordable price. Visit the website now.
Visit at: https://bit.ly/2Kb8Icy
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Get The Best Pin Parvati Pass Trek Himachal Packages Through Discovery Holidays
Are you looking for pin parvati pass trek himachal packages by a reputed tour and travel agency in Kolkata? Have a look at Discovery Holidays and get your best packages with attractive prices.
Check at https://bit.ly/2Qi0sbO
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justwravel-blog · 7 years
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5 places near Delhi to satisfy your Snow-Lust SHIMLA Shimla also known as ‘The Summer Capital of British India’ is the capital and largest city of the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. It is a district which is bounded by Mandi and Kullu in the north, Kinnaur in the east, the state of Uttarakhand in the south-east.It is unarguably one of the most popular hill stations, buzzing with Indian vacationers all year long Traffic is banned from the central part of town, so walking is pleasant – even when huffing and puffing uphill. The long, winding main street, the Mall, runs east and west just below the spine of the hill. South of it, the maze-like alleys of the bustling bazaar cascade steeply down to traffic-infested Cart Rd. From mid-July to mid-September, Shimla is frequently wreathed in cloud, and in the winters it gets engulfed in a white blanket of snow. It is also home to a number of buildings that are styled in the Tudorbethan and neo-Gothic architectures dating from the colonial era which attract a lot of tourists all through the year. [caption id="attachment_715" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Source [/caption]   McLEODGANJ McLeodganj is a very popular travel destination in Dharamshala. Being just 250 km (5 hours) journey from Chandigarh and around 475 km (9-10 hours) journey from Delhi, McLeodganj has become a hotspot for weekend trips and is frequented by travellers but usually jam-packed with tourists specially on long weekends. McLeodganj has a lot to offer to all kinds of travellers alike. Triund trek – a 9 km trek from McLeodganj main square; and it is a foodie’s haven with all kinds of foods and cuisines available in the many cafes spread all over the town. McLeodganj is best explored on foot and to enjoy the city it is recommended to park your vehicle in the parking lot near the bus stop for the duration of the stay. Join us (JustWravel) as we head out to McLeodganj to witness snowfall and also do a snow trek to Triund from 25th Jan 2017 – 29th Jan 2017.Check out the trip itinerary at https://www.justwravel.com/package/Road_trip_to_McleodGanj [caption id="attachment_716" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Source[/caption]   MANALI Manali is a valley city nestled in the mountains of the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh near Kullu Valley. The small yet important hamlet acts as a gateway to Leh, Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir and Lahul and Spiti Valley in Himachal Pradesh. Surrounded by high peaks in the beautiful green Beas valley, with mountain adventures beckoning from all directions, Manali is a year-round magnet. Backpackers come to hang out in the hippie villages around the main town; adventurers come for trekking, climbing, rafting and skiing; Indian families and honeymooners come for the mountain air and a taste of snow on the 3978m Rohtang La pass. Manali also acts as the base point for a number of High Altitude treks like Beas Kund trek, Hampta Pass trek, Bhrigu Lake trek etc. [caption id="attachment_717" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Source[/caption]   DHANAULTI Dhanaulti is s hill station located 24 KM from the popular hill town of Mussoorie in the state of Uttarakhand, India. It is situated at an altitude of 2286m, and is known for its quiet environs amidst the alpine forests of Deodar, Rhododendron and Oak. Dhanaulti is unlike other hill stations as it is set in a quiet and a quaint place away from the boisterous places. The pleasant weather, wooded slopes, invigorating views of the snowcapped peaks of the Himalayas make a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere for the tourists. Nag Tibba also known as the Serpent’s peak located near Mussorie and Dhanaulti, at an altitude of 3,302 m (9915 ft), is the highest peak in the Nag Tibba range of the Garhwal Himalayas, and is also a popular weekend trekking destination. Join us (JustWravel) as we head out to Mussoorie and Dhanaulti to witness snowfall and also do a snow trek to Nag Tibba from 25th Jan 2017 – 29th Jan 2017.Check out the trip itinerary here at https://www.justwravel.com/package/Trek_to_NagTibba   [caption id="attachment_718" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Source[/caption] KHEERGANGA
Kheerganga is a must do trek when in Kasol or Manali, India. Kasol, located in the state of Himachal Pradesh is the hippie paradise with the weed growing freely everywhere. Malana, the magical valley producing the best hash in the world is a half day trek from Kasol. The base point of the trek is from Barshani which is 20 km from Kasol and one can reach Barshani via private cabs or via local buses.
  The highest point of this trek is 13,025 feet. Kheerganga is also the first halt if you are going for the Pin Parvati Trek. It’s a 12-14 km trek one way and it is mostly acclivity for the majority of the part. The trail passes through villages, apple orchards and finally through a mountain trail. There are a lot of cafes en route to grab a quick bite and refresh.
  Generally the trek is an easy one but during snowfall it becomes a bit challenging as it is all slushy slushy and slippery. The reward of trekking for 4-5 hours over a distance of 12-14 km is taking a relaxing dip in the hot water springs which are the highlight of the trek.
  The springs are sure to relax your muscles and shoo away the tiredness and it is said that the water has some therapeutic properties.
[caption id="attachment_719" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Source[/caption]
Contributed By: Arnav Mathur
For travel related queries,outstation cab booking,bike rentals, Hotel bookings or Group Tours ; Kindly contact us at http://justwravel.com/contact or  call +91-9205725727
About the Author Arnav, is a civil engineer by profession and a hardcore foodie and a travel aficionado at heart. Being an ARMY brat by birth, traveling and socializing is in his DNA. His belief is: “Go to a new place every month or two to explore, relax and live life to the fullest.” Read more about his travel escapades at Eat, Travel, Live and REPEAT.
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