#Preventing eye strain
tatumeyecare5 · 7 months
Best Tips to Maintain Good Eye Health: A Comprehensive Guide
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In a world dominated by screens and constant visual stimulation, maintaining good eye health is paramount. From simple daily practices to mindful lifestyle choices, this comprehensive guide explores the best tips to ensure your eyes stay healthy and vibrant.
Best tips to maintain good eye health
The 20-20-20 Rule: Embrace Breaks
In the digital age, where screens dominate our lives, the 20-20-20 rule offers respite. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break, focusing on something 20 feet away. This simple practice alleviates eye strain and fatigue, promoting long-term health.
Balanced Diet, Bright Eyes
Nourish your eyes from within. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and antioxidants supports eye health. Include fish, leafy greens, and colorful fruits to ensure your eyes receive the nutrients they need.
Hydration Matters
Water is not just for your body; it’s crucial for your eyes too. Proper hydration helps prevent dry eyes, maintaining optimal lubrication. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water daily for overall well-being, including your eyes.
Adequate Sleep: The Unsung Hero
Quality sleep is a cornerstone of good eye health. Lack of sleep contributes to eye strain and discomfort. Ensure 7-8 hours of restful sleep to rejuvenate your eyes and keep them functioning optimally.
Proper Lighting: A Bright Idea
Create an eye-friendly environment by ensuring adequate lighting. Avoid harsh glare from screens or overly dim spaces. Position your lighting to reduce eye strain and enhance visibility, promoting a comfortable atmosphere.
Regular Eye Check-ups: Proactive Prevention
Don’t wait for vision issues to manifest. Regular eye check-ups can detect problems early, allowing for timely intervention. Schedule comprehensive eye exams at least once a year, even if you have no apparent issues.
FAQs about maintaining good eye health
How often should I follow the 20-20-20 rule?
It’s recommended to follow the 20-20-20 rule every 20 minutes of screen time to effectively reduce eye strain.
Can diet really impact eye health?
Absolutely. A well-balanced diet, rich in nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins, significantly contributes to maintaining optimal eye health.
Is it necessary to visit an eye specialist if I have no vision issues?
Yes, preventive care is crucial. Regular eye check-ups can detect potential issues before they escalate, ensuring proactive management.
What role does sleep play in eye health?
Quality sleep allows your eyes to rest and recover, preventing strain and fatigue. Aim for 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep for optimal eye well-being.
How can I reduce eye strain from prolonged screen use?
Besides the 20-20-20 rule, adjust screen brightness, use anti-glare filters, and ensure your screen is at eye level to minimize strain during prolonged use.
Are there specific exercises to improve eye health?
Yes, simple eye exercises like focusing on near and far objects and eye rolls can improve flexibility and reduce eye strain.
Prioritizing your eye health through these best tips ensures a lifetime of clear vision and well-being. Remember, proactive measures today pave the way for a future with vibrant and healthy eyes.
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 5 months
Uhm. Uh. I loev the way you drew Dream and Nm. idk. HEHEHAJb
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Dream: No bitches?
Ink: i have done nothing but teleport bread for 3 days Dream: YOU'VE WHAT-
Dream, injured: (in the sweetest, most innocent cute voice ever) Ink if you purposefully cause negative emotions while I'm fighting my brother again I'm going to rip your spine out <3
Blue: I'M TERRIBLY SORRY IF THIS IS TOO PERSONAL TO ASK, BUT… WHY DO YOU DISLIKE INK SO MUCH? Flashback Ink: well, actually… what happened to your universe was preventable. i kinda… let it happen? most multiverses need a Dream and Nightmare soitwaskindanecessarysorry Dream: . . .
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
Hi everyone,
As I said earlier, I wanted to post more about ADHD burnout. I found an article that explained it pretty well. This excerpt is going to be long, so I apologize in advance:
ADHD Burnout
What is ADHD Burnout?
It’s possible that you’ve heard of Autistic burnout; however, ADHDers have a unique experience of burnout. Symptoms of ADHD burnout more broadly include:
Lack of motivation
Inability to concentrate
Poor productivity
The overlap of symptoms and comorbid conditions can make it difficult to identify when ADHDers are truly struggling with burnout, though.
ADHD burnout is often something a little deeper. It refers to the cycle of overcommitting and overextending that leads to fatigue in people with ADHD. It involves taking on too many tasks and commitments, and then the subsequent exhaustion that happens when we’re unable to fulfill all of our obligations.
Why do people with ADHD struggle with burnout?
1. We’re overcompensating and overcommitting
Growing up, many ADHDers experienced the crushing weight of expectation. Whether it was caregivers or educators, we were often told that we weren’t trying hard enough. It felt like we were always just shy of reaching our full potential.
In actuality, we were being asked to function like neurotypical children, and without adequate support for our ADHD brains and executive dysfunction struggles. This is where many of us internalized the idea that we were lazy, careless, or unintelligent.
These false beliefs can lead to overcompensation, in which we compulsively try to please people and make up for these “shortcomings” we think we have. We’re constantly striving, though the goal posts keep moving on us.
This tendency to people-please can be carried into our adulthood, and is a recipe for overexertion. It also makes it difficult to admit that we’re struggling, because we don’t want to let others down. This relentless effort to appear neurotypical is often referred to as “ADHD masking,” and can be a source of real fatigue for people with ADHD.
2. We feel guilty for resting
When we’re already combating a stereotype of laziness, many of us feel guilty about resting. It can feel easier to be in constant motion (whether we experience hyperactivity or not!) because it feels safer to be doing something than risk the judgment that can come with doing “nothing.”
We might even believe that if we were to allow ourselves to rest, we would never get anything done, because we would struggle to get started again (task initiation is a big struggle for us). The irony is that denying yourself rest is the quickest route to exhaustion, and can exacerbate ADHD symptoms. It can be hard to pump the brakes and practice rest when there are so many negative associations with it.
After a lifetime of being told to “try harder,” it can feel counterintuitive—sometimes impossible—to try less and rest more
3. We struggle to recognize our limits and set boundaries
Part of executive dysfunction means that we have trouble sequencing, initiating, and organizing our tasks — which are all symptoms of ADHD. This also means we struggle to estimate how much time and effort something will take, making it easy to overcommit by accident. We may also struggle with setting boundaries.
As people-pleasers, we were discouraged from having boundaries at a young age. We may struggle to say “no” for fear of disappointing others or being rejected (something we’re already sensitive to anyway; this is known as rejection sensitive dysphoria).
As we accumulate more and more tasks, it can begin to feel unmanageable, leading to the dreaded overwhelm-shutdown. This is a freeze response that can happen when we’re unable to begin or complete a task. This “stuck” feeling can exacerbate our anxiety and make it difficult to move forward.
How to avoid ADHD burnout:
There are some golden rules for preventing burnout that I think are crucial for ADHDers to remember. Here are a few:
1. Affirm your self-worth
Your worth is not dependent upon what you give to people, and your sole purpose in life isn’t to make everyone but yourself happy. As the saying goes, “Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm.” You are inherently valuable, regardless of how useful, productive, or helpful you are to others.
2. Practice saying “no” without apologizing
You can’t be everything to everyone, and your capacity is not limitless, no matter what your brain tells you. Give yourself full permission to say “no, I can’t,” “I don’t have time for that,” “I’m not available at that time,” and every other variation on that. You may disappoint someone, sure!
But you aren’t responsible for managing other people’s emotions.
3. Overestimate how much time something will take
This is a general rule that I find quite helpful. Take the amount of time you think something will take—and double it. It may feel absurd at first, but it’s better to overestimate than to underestimate, and this will help you get a stronger sense of your limitations.
4. Commit to rest
Notice I’m saying “commit to rest” and not “practice self-care.”
Some of us (certainly not me…) have turned self-care into another set of expectations we feel the need to fulfill. Let that go.
Instead, practice: laying down, daydreaming, deep breathing, and anything else that helps you reset.
5. Ask for help when you need it
It’s okay to struggle, and it’s okay to ask for support when you do struggle—whether that's therapy, your colleagues, an ADHD coach or a manager at work.
Workplace accommodations and school accommodations can also make a huge difference.
6. Drop the mask
Many neurodiverse individuals try to mask their ADHD and/or autism by not letting others see them sweat—but this doesn’t allow us the opportunity to be helped and supported when we need it most.
You deserve every resource you need to thrive—don’t convince yourself that you have to do this thing alone.
As always, the full article will be below if anyone wants to read it.
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jesncin · 11 months
Hewwo~ I love the comics you guys make! Can I ask about what your writing process is like? Do you follow some sort of 3-act structure template, or have some other fun tools? Where do you get your ideas from? Sorry if that's a lot to ask! I want to be a strong writer like you guys!
Hello there! :> thank you for the kind words!!
If I had to describe my writing process it would be working "general to specific". So I would have a general idea for a story, work out the big events, then flesh out the details down to dialogue and character acting (I like to have that figured out in the script early so once I sketch/thumbnail the comic I'm not mentally overworked).
Elevator pitch -> Outline -> Story Breakdown -> Script
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Throughout the process I'm always keeping in mind what the theme of the story is, making sure it's not lost in the process. The 3 act structure comes naturally from feeling the story out, but it's good to revisit sometimes if you feel like your story is missing a beat or needs rearranging. I usually check out Blake Snyder's beat sheet when I feel something's lacking but I don't treat it like strict rules to follow- more like a guideline.
For where I get my ideas from, lately it's a mix of lived experience that I want to see more of in fiction or a twist on existing stories. "Princess Kaguya x Little Prince but about a trans masc Indonesian boy going through culture shock" or "Martian Manhunter but his evil twin brother is misunderstood and not evil". Stuff that would be fun to write and gets me excited just thinking about them.
I hope that was helpful! And good luck on your writing!!
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applejarjar · 2 months
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it's slowly coming together lol
at least it doesn't still look like an aluminum hurricane came through here
I'm excited about this magnifying arm, it'll take some getting used to, but I think it'll be well worth it!
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ssspringroll · 1 month
oh ive still got the black cas bg installed. oh well i just reopened the game ill switch back to my usual one next time i restart 🤷‍♀️
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drsurbhikapadia · 1 month
Protect Your Eyes in the Digital Age: Tips from Dr. Surbhi Kapadia
In an era dominated by digital devices, protecting your eyes from strain and fatigue is more crucial than ever. Dr Surbhi Kapadia, a renowned eye specialist in Vadodara, shares invaluable insights on how to safeguard your vision amidst the challenges posed by prolonged screen exposure.
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Understanding Digital Eye Strain
Digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome, affects individuals who spend significant hours in front of screens. Symptoms often include dry eyes, headache, blurred vision, and neck pain. Dr. Kapadia emphasizes the importance of recognizing these symptoms early to implement effective preventative measures.
Preventive Strategies for Healthy Vision
20-20-20 Rule: To minimize strain, Dr. Kapadia recommends the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, shift your eyes to look at an object at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This simple practice helps rest the eyes and reduce fatigue.
Optimize Your Workspace: Adjusting the lighting and screen settings can significantly reduce eye strain. Ensure that your screen is positioned below eye level and about an arm's length away. The brightness of the display should match the surroundings to avoid glare.
Invest in Proper Eyewear: For those who spend extensive hours in front of screens, specialized computer glasses can block blue light and reduce strain. Consulting with the best eye doctor in Vadodara, like Dr. Kapadia, can help you find a solution tailored to your needs.
Regular Eye Exams: Regular check-ups can catch early signs of eye strain and help adapt your eye care routine before serious issues develop. Dr Kapadia, known for being one of the best eye surgeons in Vadodara, advises annual eye exams for anyone regularly using digital devices.
Managing Symptoms of Eye Strain
If symptoms of digital eye strain do arise, there are several effective management strategies:
Artificial Tears: Over-the-counter eye drops can alleviate dryness, a common symptom of prolonged screen use.
Adjust Daily Habits: Incorporating frequent breaks into your routine and ensuring you blink regularly can prevent symptoms from worsening.
Enhance Air Quality: Using a humidifier in your workspace can help maintain moisture in the air, reducing the risk of dry eyes.
Educational Initiatives and Awareness
Dr. Surbhi Kapadia is committed to educating the community about the risks of digital eye strain and the importance of regular eye care. Through workshops and seminars, she provides practical tips and the latest information on eye health, empowering individuals to take charge of their vision health.
As we continue navigating a world filled with digital screens, taking proactive steps to protect our eyes is essential. By following Dr. Surbhi Kapadia's expert advice and incorporating simple preventive measures into our daily routines, we can maintain healthy eyesight and enjoy the benefits of our digital devices safely.
For more detailed guidance and personalized eye care solutions, visit Dr. Surbhi Kapadia's website at Dr. Surbhi Kapadia's Eye Care, and schedule your appointment today to ensure your vision is protected year-round.
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nova-sight · 2 months
Computer Vision Syndrome, also known as Digital Eye Strain, encompasses a range of eye and vision-related problems resulting from prolonged computer, tablet, e-reader, and smartphone use. The symptoms of CVS can vary from mild discomfort to severe pain, impacting an individual's productivity and overall well-being. Common symptoms include eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and neck and shoulder pain. These symptoms can significantly affect one's quality of life and productivity, making it essential to address the root causes of CVS.
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techdriveplay · 3 months
Fitness Routines for Avid Gamers
Discover fitness routines for gamers to boost performance, improve endurance, and maintain focus for a healthier gaming experience.
In the digital age where gaming occupies a significant part of our leisure time, the importance of maintaining physical fitness cannot be overstated. Avid gamers often find themselves in thrilling virtual worlds for hours, leading to a sedentary lifestyle that can adversely affect physical and mental health. Recognizing the essential connection between physical fitness and gaming performance,…
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roshni99 · 7 months
In this digital age, we're all guilty of spending countless hours in front of screens, whether it's for work, gaming, or binge-watching our favorite shows. But all that screen time can take a toll on your eyes. The good news is, we've got your back! In this video, we'll share 7 expert tips to help you conquer eye strain and keep your peepers feeling fresh and fabulous. From simple adjustments to nifty techniques, you'll learn how to protect your vision and make your screen time a breeze. Don't miss out on these essential insights for a healthier digital life. Watch now! 👀💻 #EyeStrain #DigitalWellness #ScreenTimeTips Visit : www.raphacure.com eye strain,eye strain relief,digital eye strain,eye strain symptoms,computer eye strain,eye strain exercises,eye strain relief exercises,how to get rid of eye strain,reduce eye strain,eye strain prevention,eye strain tips,tips to avoid eye strain,eye exercises for eye strain,tips for eye strain,5 tips for eye strain,digital eye strain treatment,doctor eye health,relieve eye strain,eye strain treatment,doctor eye health eye strain,causes of eye strain eye strain relief eye strain eye strain relief exercises eye strain symptoms eye strain exercises eye strain headache eye strain relief music eye strain subliminal eye strain due to computer screen eye strain due to mobile eye strain headache relief eye strain massage eye strain from computer screen
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factflick · 8 months
The Intricate Link Between Diabetes and Vision Health
Diabetes, a pervasive metabolic disorder, presents unique challenges for eye health across all age groups. From the colorful world of childhood to the wisdom-laden years of old age, managing and preserving vision amidst diabetes requires dedicated care. Dive into our comprehensive guide on dietary habits, eye exercises, and preventive measures tailored for each life stage, and learn how to protect the 'windows to your soul' against the effects of diabetes.
Eyes, often regarded as the windows to the soul, play an indispensable role in our daily lives. However, for individuals with diabetes, these windows often face threats not commonly experienced by others. Diabetes, with its long-term impact on blood vessels throughout the body, has a significant effect on eye health, making regular care and attention imperative. From the innocent eyes of a child…
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tatumeyecare · 8 months
Digital Eye Strain: Tips for Screen Users
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In a world dominated by screens, the battle against Digital Eye Strain is real. From smartphones to laptops, our eyes are constantly exposed to digital screens, impacting both our health and productivity. This article delves into comprehensive strategies, ensuring you not only recognize the signs but also adopt effective practices to alleviate Digital Eye Strain.
Importance of Addressing Digital Eye Strain:
Digital Eye Strain isn't just an inconvenience; it's a health concern. Prolonged exposure can lead to headaches, blurred vision, and decreased work performance. Acknowledging its importance is the first step toward a healthier relationship with screens.
Recognizing Digital Eye Strain:
Understanding the enemy is crucial. Symptoms like eye fatigue, dryness, and headaches signal Digital Eye Strain. Recognizing these signs early empowers you to take proactive measures.
Causes of Digital Eye Strain:
Identifying the culprits behind Digital Eye Strain is key. Factors such as prolonged screen time and inadequate lighting contribute significantly. This section unveils the villains affecting your eye health.
Tips for Reducing Digital Eye Strain:
Implementing practical solutions is the cornerstone of combating Digital Eye Strain. The 20-20-20 rule, adjusting screen brightness, and incorporating blue light filters are indispensable tools in your arsenal.
Ergonomic Practices:
Your workspace matters. Properly setting up your workstation and maintaining a correct seating posture can dramatically reduce eye strain. Discover ergonomic practices that transform your screen time experience.
Importance of Regular Eye Exams:
Don't underestimate the power of regular eye check-ups. Detecting vision issues early can prevent long-term damage and ensure your eyes are in top condition for the digital demands of modern life.
Recommended Screen Time Limits:
Balancing work and breaks is an art. Setting screen time limits, along with outdoor activities, contributes to a healthier lifestyle. Find the equilibrium that works for you.
Digital Eye Strain: Tips for Screen Users:
Delve into specific tips tailored for screen users. Adjust font size and contrast, practice blinking exercises, and prioritize hydration to keep your eyes refreshed and resilient.
Can Digital Eye Strain Lead to Permanent Damage? Yes, prolonged exposure can lead to permanent damage. Regular breaks and preventive measures are crucial.
Are Blue Light Glasses Effective? Studies suggest they can reduce eye strain, but they're not a one-size-fits-all solution. Consult an optometrist for personalized advice.
How Often Should Screen Users Take Breaks? Every 20 minutes, follow the 20-20-20 rule: look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
Can Digital Eye Strain Affect Children? Absolutely. Children are susceptible, and screen time should be monitored to protect their developing eyes.
Is Screen Brightness a Significant Factor? Yes, adjusting brightness to match your environment reduces strain and improves visual comfort.
What Foods Promote Eye Health? Nutrient-rich foods like leafy greens, fish, and citrus fruits support eye health.
Incorporate these tips into your daily routine for a screen-smart lifestyle. The battle against Digital Eye Strain is ongoing, but armed with knowledge, you can emerge victorious. Here's to healthier eyes and a more vibrant digital experience!
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thesocialbarrel · 9 months
4 Essential Tips to Prevent Digital Eye Strain
4 Essential Tips to Prevent Digital Eye Strain Source – https://images.pexels.com From work and study to play — many daily activities are now digital. As our lives revolve more around digital devices, experts are seeing a rise in eye and vision problems related to screen use. Digital eye strain, or computer vision syndrome, is a result of prolonged screen use. This includes many devices often…
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(通过 The Harm of Electronic Products to Eyes)
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moechies · 29 days
bully gojo zzZ
super mean bully gojo who makes fun of you for not giving good head :( he knows you’re not experienced, and you really are trying your best to please him but it never pays off!
he’s constantly teasing you over and over for doing such a poor job, but never lets you by before he has you on knees sloppily drooling all over his stupidly big dick. you just don’t get it.
“such a sloppy mouth. ‘s a shame you don’t know how t’ use it.” he sighs.
the tip of his flushed cock lays flatly against your tongue, your drool and spit messily dripping all over the place, over his shaft and onto his hand. his thumb lays besides his cock inside your mouth, pressing on your tongue. he pays your mess no mind, fully attentive to how you plan to take him this time around.
your doe eyes come up to meet his, a silent cry for him to help. his stares back, his gaze piercing into your skin, shutting your eyes quickly to avoid his confrontation.
“suck it, baby. i shouldn’t need t’tell you that.” he mumbles firmly.
your fat lips wrap come to wrap around his sloppy cock head, only forcing yourself down halfway before it elicits a loud gag. you squeeze your eyes tight to prevent the tears pricking at your eyes from falling, attempting to pull yourself off per usual, but this time you’re stopped by a harsh hand behind your head.
“stop running. y’r gonna have to take it all at some point, dumb brat. might as well have it be this time, hm?”
you open your eyes in terror, and he only chuckles. he allows you to calm yourself, shallow but gentle thrusts allowing you to get used to the feeling.
he loathed having to treat you like a porcelain doll, but he knows that would’ve been broken long ago if he didn’t handle you so tenderly. and he can’t have that happening.
“loosen your throat.”
you squeeze your eyes tight, waiting for the moment he attempts to purse himself deeper in your throat. it burns, the way his mere girth is able to stretch all of you to impeccable lengths. the corners of your lips strain, spluttering as he holds your head in place and nudges his hips further into mouth.
you can’t help but hiccup around him, your throat convulsing perfectly to his liking.
“‘s too tight..” he whines, still mindlessly attempting to shove your mouth down on him completely.
“i guess that jus’ means we need t’do this more often.”
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sakethospitals00 · 10 months
Children's Eye Health: Common Conditions and Care Tips
Children's eye health is essential to their overall development and learning  best hospital in Jaipur. Common eye conditions in children include amblyopia, strabismus, and refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism laparoscopic surgery hospital in jaipur. Parents can promote healthy eyes in their children by ensuring they receive regular eye exams and providing proper eye protection during sports or other activities that may result in eye injury Cardiology hospital in Jaipur.
Encouraging children to take breaks from electronic devices and spending time outdoors can also help prevent eye strain and promote good vision IVF hospital In Mansaoravar. Eating a balanced diet with foods high in vitamin A and antioxidants, such as carrots, spinach, and blueberries, can also support eye health NICU facilities in Jaipur .
If a child displays symptoms of an eye condition, such as frequent headaches, squinting, or difficulty reading, parents should schedule an eye exam with an eye doctor. With proper care and attention to their eye health, children can enjoy clear vision and healthy eyes for years to come Cardiology hospital in Jaipur.
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