lemongrass77777 · 1 month
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well that's a way to start a day
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hadesbullshit · 28 days
The imagery of qFit as an old dog lieing on the prouch in the sunset after everything that’s happened to him (kinda him in stardew) is so special to me
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otrtbs · 1 year
okay since @greenvlvetcouch and i need to know sOoOo bad (we are banging the pots and the pans over here + we need 2 know so bad) im taking this issue 2 the polls!
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BailsRichy]  « i’ll keep you safe, no matter what. »
| concerned and protective starters
Results returned from the heart monitor that had bothered Richard for a couple of days, the feathers they were plucked had at least grown back into Richards's relief. it was bad enough that the scar on his shoulder had ruined feathers from behind able to grow over the scared skin. He didn't want another place to suffer the same issue, not that he saw much reason for him needing it in the first place. The doctor was an insistence, however. Sitting around in the examining room for the follow-up check-up, to talk over the results Bailey having tagged along with him this time.
Richard had just wrapped up with the check-in procedures as the nurse left after getting his vitals and such to add on to his chart well telling them both the Doctor would be in soon to speak over the results with them. Richard nodded as he looked towards Bailey was being quiet. Unnervingly so. They had been a bit worried since Richard came home with the damn thing on him. Well to be fair Richard could have gone about explaining and telling them about it better than he had. Bailey did make a point on Richard's inability to speak on certain matters. Not like he wasn't going to tell them he just didn't know how to do it without making them worried, he thought he had got them calm down over the matter but looking at them sitting in the corner of the room. Seemed to just resurface any worries they had before now.
"Pollito?" He said as if it were a question, seemed enough to get Bailey to look at him. "You know pouting so much with cause winkles."
He tried to joke with them but before Bailey could give a response one way or the other the door opened and the doctor came in. Offering a greeting to both of them as he step to the computer first, swiping his card on the badge he wore around his neck and began to tap away at the keyboard. He was making small talk between the couple. Bailey seemed to sitting in the edge of the plastic chair in the room clearly he was waiting for the main reason they were here. Richard got up from the examine seat. He didn't need to sit there anymore, as he made his way to the rooster and placed his hands to thier shoulders. Gently pulling them back in the chair so they wouldn't fall.. you'd swear this was his appointment.. well if you didn't know Bailey well you would,, the rooster would be this worried over any of his family even if all they had was a scraped knee. The doctor took noticed and joke that least if the rooster fell they were already with a doctor. Getting to the page they needed as they moved to the side some letting them see the chart he pulled up.
They had started to go over the results from Richards check ups and the monitor its self. Explaining why the doctor had concerns in the first place, mostly for Baileys case since they weren't here the last time. It was heart palpation that had the doctor intinally concerned. Aware Richard dose smoke and figured it could be down to that, of course they took this moment to scold the bad habit. Even if he bearly did it, that didn't matter to the medical professional in the room. But went to explain that didn't seem to be the cause however, Richard felt Bailey stiffen in the chair now as they were getting to what he needed to hear.
The doctor stressed there was nothing to be too concerned over. Over all Richard was fit and healthy. Richards gave a squee,squeeze, to the rooster shoulders as a way to reaffirm what he had been telling the rooster along since having to wear the monitor. Bailey laced under his fringers and even reached up a hand to hold to one Richard's. As to show he got what theh were saying. Untill the doctor said 'but,'
Now both of them had thier attetion aimed only to the doctor. As they stated point to the chart that some times the muscle of Richard muscles seemed to weaken at time and from what he knew of Richards routine it was clearly due to stress. Bailey first to speak asking if thar was anything to be worried over, Richard would be impressed with Baileys initiative here but considering the context here?
The doctor simply said yes and no, yes because it could lead to issue and no because it wasn't anything to concern over now so early. Stating to Bailey as they spoke to Richards spouse now as if he weren't in the room. That Richard just needed to cut on his stress or learn a better way to work it out. Ironic considering hiw Richard was. And soon handed over a paper to Bailey that they had printed up. Just to show foods that good for the heart and other things you can do to make food better for a heart condition. Richard narrowed his eyes to the doctor just now. Because between the two of them the one who needed something pointed out for thier dietary habits ot was Bailey not Richard. The doctor once more stressed that it never hurt to be extra cautious though. Bailey nodded and took the paper reading it over, agreeing when they asked if they would loke more information. Richard just reached up and slapped his hand to his forehead.
The doctor ignored it and stood up saying hell be back soon then as he left the room. Or better said escaped it.
"Yeah thanks doc," Richard stated flatly hardly meaning it looking down to his husband who was squinting and hold the paper closer to read. "Ay pollito you worry far too much, didn't you hear the main point? " he asked them giving another pull of thier shoulder to try and get thier attetion on to him instead of thar stupid paper. Bailey titled thier head back at least to listened but before Richard could speak they did.
"I'll keep you safe no matter what "
A tone and expression Richard had only witness a handful of time from his husband. Now flirtatious undertones, or bubbly giggles. An even tone with a look Richard did love but it wasn't the soft gaze of love it was a protective firm stare. Richard just stared down to them blankly a moment before he closed his eyes and let himself lean down so his forhead would tap Baileys.
"You know something? You put the phase stubborn as a mule to shame. Nothing it more stubborn than you." He stated but smiled a bit "your still being a giant worry wort. I'm going to be fine the doctor is just expressing things for extra caution so don't go making mountains out of mole hills?" Lifting up a little as he kisses thier forehead "though I feel thats a mute point with you no?"
Bailey didnt disagree or agree just looked at him softly, "Don't you start stressing thats my lane Bailey. But, I won't stop you from looking out for me." Meaning he would at least comply somewhat "after all we both know I just love the focus on me anyway." That manged to craxk a smile on Bailey’s beak at least. Leaning down once more to steal kiss from that smiling face. "I take care of myself well enough but I won't turn away some help and reminding if it makes your worries lessen?"
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magickrosegalaxy · 5 years
My First Encounter with the Other Side
So I was around maybe 11/12ish when this sorry happened (for reference I’m 20 now) but I remember this day so clearly it’s insane... My grandparents live out in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania and their house is surround by fields and trees on every side. There close naughtiest are about 2/3 minutes up the street (just for a frame of reference). So they own part of the forest behind their house and in that part of the forest my grandfather had a hunting cabin. It was a really old, really funky shack of a building and had been around long before I was born or even in the picture. One day my family was visiting my grandparents and we all go to see the new renovations they did on the kitchen in the cabin. It was my grandparents, my mom and dad, myself, my aunt and uncle, and their three young kids that all went to see these renovations. When we get there I get this chill down my spine but brush it off, it was chilly outside so I chalked it up to that. The grown ups decide they are going to break in the new kitchen and cook there so they leave me, a 12 year old, in charge of 3 other small children and go back to the main house to get stuff for dinner, this is when shit goes down. The youngest at the time was maybe 2, and she decided she needed to use the restroom. I asked her if she needed me to come with her and she told me now she could do and goes. A little later I hear her calling from the bathroom that she’s stuck and can’t get out. I think she’s just playing around with me and trying to scare her siblings to I go to pull on the door handle really hard but it’s absolutely freezing and doesn’t budge an inch when I pull. I continue to pull harder until it finally swings open and the little one comes shuffling out. I ask her if she’s okay and she says yes and we all go sit down on the couch. Then, after a bit, I hear the bathroom door slam shut which made no sense because we were nowhere near the door and there was not breeze going through the house. The kids are freighter danders so am I but I get up to go and check the door. I put my hand on the handle again and it’s freezing cold, I pull hard and the door swings open. Then I see her, a tiny figure- all white with this blank, thousand-yard state. My blood goes cold and all the kids are freaked. We all run out of the house as quick as we can and sit on the front prouch until the grown ups get back. We tell them about what happened but they don’t believe us. A few years later a big storm blew in the roof of the hunting cabin and my grandparents tore it down. When they did they found something extremely curious under where the bathroom used to be. The scattered and extremely broken human remains of some ancient person in the ground.
I still think about it to this day...
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killua-and-company · 6 years
(Open rp)
On a sunny afternoon, Killua could be seen in cleaning his katana in the front of his house with his headphones playing music loudly in his ears, unable to notice (your muse) walking up to the front prouch.
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arisewebguiding · 3 years
How To Improve The Accuracy Of Web Guide System
For a high-accuracy web guide system, not only you should consider the ability of web guiding, but also consider the characteristics of the coil and its movement on the machine.
The Web Offsets Which Affect The Accuracy Of Web Guide System.
Driver limits
The driver has a limit in the web guide system. All web guide systems can correct the position offset within a certain range, and this range should less than the drive limit. Most drivers have a limit of +/-75 mm. If the enter position of the web is shifted by more than 75 mm, the system will be stopped because of the movement to the limit position, and the positional offset for the portion of more than 75 mm cannot be corrected.
Instant position offset
When the lateral position offset occurs in a short period of time, this offset is known as an instant position offset which is usually occurred because the shorter length of the web is r or the high-speed web. It may also be caused by materials, machines, or process changes, for example, due to the unmembacted web switching bonding. Because this positional offset is immediate, the lateral speed of this positional offset is infinite, which is called the most challenging positional offset and the web guide system is impossible to have an infinite tracking speed. In order to improve the efficiency of the web guiding, the instant offset.
The offset of the steady-state
The offset of the steady-state is usually caused by the deviation between the web and the reel, the reel and the flat gas shaft, the discharge rack and the subsequent process centerline. Further, during the transmission process, the offset of the steady-state is also occurred due to the non-parallel guide roller, the uneven diameter guide roller, or the external force, such as the airflow. There’s not a horizontal moving speed in the offset of the steady-state. Therefore, as long as the driving limit of the actuator driver is larger than the distance of the coil offset of the steady-state, this type of offset does not affect the accuracy of the web guide system.
In addition to the offset of instant position and steady-state, the web also produces progressive lateral position offset, which may be caused by various reasons, such as the non-neat or inclined side of the coil, the movement of the loose roller, the sliding or sticky milling of the web in the roller, the work conditions of the machine or process for example that the tension, speed, lubrication, or temperature change will interfere with the mechanism of the coil transmission.
Web guide system itself
The web guide system may also cause the web offset. If the control loop is not adjusted well and the blind zone of the probe is too large, or the driver is loose, then the web guide system will cause the offset of the web. There are several important indicators for web guide system installation, which include calibration width, winding angle, the position of the swing center and the direction of swing.
Conditions & Features The Web Guide System Should Satisfy For The Highest Accuracy
Usually, the precision of 0.3 mm can meet most of the applications, which is also the accuracy that most of the web guide system can achieve with general settings. But to achieve 0.1 mm or higher accuracy, coil, web guide machine, and equipment must meet some requirements.
Conditions of the web guide system and coils should satisfy
1. The input of the web offset is a type offset of the steady-state.
2. The input of the web offset ranges within the driver limit.
3. Prouch, rebound, or probe of the connector is small enough.
4. The initial push power of the driver is large enough.
Features of the web guide system should satisfy
1. Inverse second of 40 seconds
2. The maximum lateral positional offset is less than 4 mm / second, at the speed of 25 meters/minute and the lateral offset angle is less than 6 degrees.
3. The frequency of any coil rack or the horizontal cycle is less than 6.4 Hz.
Large system gain, the quick response speed of the driver, the smallest loose connection & drivers rebounded, will do a great favor for the high-precise web guide system.
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the-hayes-family · 7 years
Hey carr, need me to sit with yang again? You look stress beyond belief*he sat next to her on the front prouch*
Nah just stressed over fixing up the nursery.
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ronblessthyson-blog · 7 years
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If we sitting on the prouch and im on the steps...and i lean back and say "baby come sit that pussy on my face". If you second guess it...your ass getting replace....REALLIFE
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bossensoto44-blog · 6 years
Detailed, develop, effective building internet site
Its about time you will certainly have an internet site for your home, it easy, low-cost and it will take you 2 steps foreword from were you stand today among the rivals in your race. " Why i require it?" Is not a secret that several markets, specifically the "sell by proprietor" markets, there is a huge movement from lots of old methods of marketing, to one major advertising tool, the Internet! Not to be part of it is like to close your eyes to reality and also never ever really abundant to a factor you will certainly be able to drain many of your property capacity. "But i understand nothing concerning websites as well as Internet also.". You much better review the following lines as well as you will certainly be shock to locate that to build a web site,. good as many of the websites you can see on the web today, is truly not a tough task and there is no reason in the globe,. you will spent even more then 100$ to accomplished that. Initial step to began with, will be to prouch a domain. A few, simple regulations you will need to comply with. The domain of your website its the website's "address", so anybody that wishes to check out there will be able to do it. In every area you will certainly choose to advertising your site, you will do it by location your domain, with or without text,. so individuals will have the ability to see it, "Click" on it and also enter your website. Simply puts, the domain its the door for your website and also in numerous means will certainly be function as the name of your website, too. so,. its not tough to figure that when you choose the domain you far better maintain it short, as well as try as you can,. that it will be with excellent undertone to the residential or commercial property it stand for. this way, when people will certainly see your domain they will find out about what we talking right here, from the initial minute. Rooms are not aloud and also you must use just little letters. you can opt to put signs lika "-", "_", for different words. any domain will include the domain, a dot after and afterwards an ending, that the ending could be "com" (the most usual). or you will be able additionally to select a details finishing represent a specific country, "gr" for Greece, "fr" for France as well as e.c. Domain instances:. www.hotel-paros.gr www.myhouse.il. www.greeceislands.gr www.greeceislands.net. Exactly how we in fact do it. extremely basic, we need to get a domain, for say goodbye to then 9$. Transfer domain will certainly be able to own the domain for your website. Lots of co. sell domain names,. they done in their websites will lead you ways to examine that your domain wasn't chosen currently,. by somebody else as well as if the domain does not has writing problems,. they will certainly lead you (you could be certain) to quick as well as very easy purchase. We advises on 2 of them, from one of the most recognized and also trustworthy companies because filed,. great costs and also solution and whats more vital, those co. will certainly be an extremely great web server to your site. in case you will choose among them and also its take us strait to the following action, the server issue. (at post 2).
0 notes
kalepwa · 6 years
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Yon Jou Inoubliyab Yon Ti Moman Silans Ou Menm Ki Te Pèdi Yon Manman , Yon Papa , Yon Pitit , Yon Mari , Madanm , Yon Frè , Sè e Yon Prouch a Ou Menm #RIP ak Tout Sak Te Tonbe 12 Janvier 2010 Yo E Kodoleyans Ak Ou Menm Ki Te Pèdi Yon Pròch Ou Siw Pat Youn Nan Viktim 12 Janvier 2010 Yo Sa Se Pat Pi Bon Ou Te Pi Bon Se Gras Bondye Te Fèw Thx @kenbkalikostyle #Haiti #ayiti
0 notes
bossensoto44-blog · 6 years
Detailed, develop, productive residential property internet site
Its concerning time you will have a website for your house, it easy, low-cost and also it will certainly take you 2 steps foreword from were you stand today amongst the rivals in your race. " Why i require it?" Is not a key that several markets, particularly the "sell by proprietor" markets, there is a big movement from numerous old methods of advertising and marketing, to one main advertising device, the Internet! Not to be part of it resembles to shut your eyes to fact and never ever really rich to a factor you will certainly be able to drain most of your residential property capacity. "But i know absolutely nothing concerning sites and Internet too.". You better read the next lines and also you will be surprise to discover that to develop a web site,. good as the majority of the sites you can see on the net today, is really not a tough task and also there is no reason in the globe,. you will certainly spent more then 100$ to achieved that. First step to start with, will be to prouch a domain. A few, simple guidelines you will need to adhere to. The domain of your website its the website's "address", so any person that desires to go to there will certainly be able to do it. In every location you will make a decision to advertising your website, you will certainly do it by area your domain, with or without message,. so people will be able to see it, "Click" on it and also enter your site. Simply puts, the domain its the door for your website as well as in several methods will certainly be function as the name of your site, also. . its not hard to figure that when you select the domain you far better keep it short, and also attempt as you can,. that it will be with excellent undertone to the home it represent. this way, when people will certainly see your domain they will certainly learn about just what we chatting here, from the very first minute. Rooms are not aloud and you have to utilize just little letters. you could choose to place indicators lika "-", "_", for different words. any kind of domain will certainly consist of the domain, a dot after then a finishing, that the ending can be "com" (the most typical). or you will certainly be able additionally to choose a specific ending stand for a details country, "gr" for Greece, "fr" for France as well as e.c. Domain examples:. www.hotel-paros.gr www.myhouse.il. www.greeceislands.gr www.greeceislands.net. Just how mutiprimo domain registration do it. extremely simple, we need to get a domain, for say goodbye to after that 9$. you will certainly be able to own the domain for your site. Lots of co. market domains,. they all in their websites will lead you the best ways to examine that your domain had not been chosen already,. by a person else and also if the domain doesn't has creating problems,. they will lead you (you could be sure) to fast as well as easy acquisition. We suggests on two of them, from the most identified and also trustworthy companies in that submitted,. excellent rates and solution as well as whats more crucial, those co. will be an excellent server to your website. in case you will certainly pick one of them as well as its take us strait to the following action, the server problem. (at write-up 2).
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