So Queen of the Universe S2 has an Israeli queen participating and I just...
Besides the fact that she did serve in the IDF, I don't know shit about her and her stances, so I won't speak on her specifically.
However, her set aside for now, I truly want to ask the people at World of Wonder one thing...
What the fuck?
On Queen of the Universe, the queens are inevitably representatives of their countries so how did WoW ever consider this a good idea? They're basically giving an occupier apartheid state a global platform that will only play into Israel's already strong pinkwashing propaganda. Not helping themselves either with the captions like "From Israel with love" (yikes) on the promo video for Miss Sistrata and her Drag Race Wiki having "former soldier" (YIKES) noted in her bio which, as much as I see, has now been removed.
I just know they wouldn't let a Russian queen participate and that way represent Russia, so why is an Israeli queen ok? Is it perhaps because they take the war on Ukraine seriously cause it's on European ground, a k.a in their "western world"? Or cause they don't want to cut off ties with Israel so they can continue to profit off of the tours there? Or maybe they're Israel sympathisers? None of these options is the right option...
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