#RS 557
sw5w · 7 months
Dud Bolt Powers Up His Podracer
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:58:33
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index-tap-updates · 3 months
Buy Flats in Shanti Luxuria by IndexTap
Shanti Luxuria is a residential project in Shilphata, Thane, developed by the Aditya Group, a leading real estate developer in India.
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The project provides low-cost apartments in various configurations, including 1.5 and 2 BHK. The average price per square foot for the apartments is Rs 8,400. The apartments are intended to provide a comfortable living environment, complete with spacious rooms, high-quality finishes, and modern amenities. The area of 1.5 BHK is 445 sqft. The area of a 2 BHK ranges from 449 to 557 sqft. A 1.5 BHK flat starts at Rs 37.4 lakh. A 2 BHK flat starts at Rs 37.7 lakhs.
Shanti Luxuria’s prime location in one of Thane’s most desirable neighbourhoods provides a significant advantage for prospective homebuyers. Shilphata, an already developed area, has excellent connectivity to the rest of the city. The project is conveniently located near major roads, railway stations, metro stations, and bus stops, allowing office workers to commute more quickly. Furthermore, the neighbourhood provides numerous options for retail shopping and meeting basic needs.
Overall, Shanti Luxuria is an exceptional residential project that provides its residents with a comfortable living experience thanks to its high-quality amenities and excellent location.
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this-week-in-rust · 3 months
This Week in Rust 538
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub and archives can be viewed at this-week-in-rust.org. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Announcing Rustup 1.27.0
crates.io: Download changes
This Month in Rust OSDev: February 2024
Project/Tooling Updates
Bevy Foundation
Rust Flashcards - 557 cards to learn Rust from first principles
Lib.rs website improvements
Sudo-rs dependencies: when less is better
rust-analyzer changelog #224
biscotti, a new crate for HTTP cookies
Boa release v0.18
Announcing Relm4 0.7 and 0.8
Meilisearch 1.7 — New OpenAI models & GPU support for Hugging Face embeddings
Cargo wizard: automate Cargo project configuration
GreptimeDB v0.7 is ready for cloud-native monitoring
[video] Project Syn - Simon Gerber - Rust Zürisee March 2024
Fast Development In Rust, Part One
Mental model for unsafe (complete rewrite)
10 years in Open Source
[audio] Season Finale - Rust in Production Podcast
[video] SemVer in Rust: Breakage, Tooling, and Edge Cases
Rust Walkthroughs
How to Use Rust Procedural Macros to Replace Panic with syn’s Fold
Rust Iterators Beyond the Basics - part 1
Rust Multi-crate project in a monorepo
Using Stripe Payments with Rust
Problems around modelling an asynchronous API for database transaction in Rust
Embedded Rust Bluetooth on ESP: BLE Scanner
[video] Implementing (parts of) git from scratch in Rust
[video] The Billion Rows Challenge in Rust - an intro to Rust for data engineering
Rust impact on engineering management
From medical doctor to rust developer
February 2024 Rust Jobs Report
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is biscotti, an opinionated library to deal with HTTP cookies on the server side.
We saw a lamentable lack of suggestions this week. Nevertheless, llogiq is pleased with his selection.
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
Tracking Issue for min_exhaustive_patterns
Testing Steps
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Call for Participation; projects and speakers
CFP - Projects
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
Hyperswitch - [REFACTOR]: Remove Default Case Handling - Bambora
Hyperswitch - [REFACTOR]: Remove Default Case Handling - Mollie
Hyperswitch - [REFACTOR]: Remove Default Case Handling - Braintree
GreptimeDB - Painless integrating with Grafana via Prometheus plugin
GreptimeDB - Add strict mode to validate protocol strings
Fluvio - fvm switch fails on some systems with running local cluster
Fluvio - Add new command fluvio cluster resume
quinn - Add CI for mobile platforms (iOS & Android)
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
CFP - Speakers
Are you a new or experienced speaker looking for a place to share something cool? This section highlights events that are being planned and are accepting submissions to join their event as a speaker. They are ordered below by when the CFP closes.
RustFest Zürich 2024 | Closes 2024-03-31 | Zürich, Switzerland | Event date: 2024-06-19 - 2024-06-24
Oxidize 2024 | Closes 2024-03-24 | Berlin, Germany | Event date: 2024-05-28 - 2024-05-30
RustConf 2024 | Closes 2024-04-25 | Montreal, Canada | Event date: 2024-09-10
EuroRust 2024| Closes 2024-06-03 | Vienna, Austria & online | Event on 2024-10-10
Scientific Computing in Rust 2024| Closes 2024-06-14 | online | Event date: 2024-07-17 - 2024-07-19
If you are an event organizer hoping to expand the reach of your event, please submit a link to the submission website through a PR to TWiR.
Updates from the Rust Project
506 pull requests were merged in the last week
add new Tier-3 target: loongarch64-unknown-linux-musl
add arm64ec-pc-windows-msvc target
LLVM Bitcode Linker: A self contained linker for nvptx and other targets
AST validation: Improve handling of inherent impls nested within functions and anon consts
const_eval_select: make it safe but be careful with what we expose on stable for now
hir_analysis: enums return None in find_field
add a description field to target definitions
add an option to have an external download/bootstrap cache
add asm goto support to asm!
add metadata to targets
add proper cfgs for struct HirIdValidator used only with debug-assert
add the new description field to Target::to_json, and add descriptions for some MSVC targets
allow codegen backends to opt-out of parallel codegen
allow multiple impl Into<{D,Subd}iagMessage> parameters in a function
allow targets to override default codegen backend
apply EarlyBinder only to TraitRef in ImplTraitHeader
avoid invoking the intrinsic query for DefKinds other than Fn or AssocFn
avoid overlapping privacy suggestion for single nested imports
change some attributes to only_local
check that return type is WF in typeck
detect unused struct impls pub trait
diagnostics: do not suggest using #[unix_sigpipe] without a value
distinguish between library and lang UB in assert_unsafe_precondition
do not try to format removed files
don't ICE if we collect no RPITITs unless there are no unification errors
don't ICE in CTFE if raw/fn-ptr types differ
don't pass a break scope to Builder::break_for_else
don't require specifying unrelated assoc types when trait alias is in dyn type
dynamically size sigaltstk in std
errors: share SilentEmitter between rustc and rustfmt
fix crash in internal late lint checking
fix legacy numeric constant diag items
fix linting paths with qself in unused_qualifications
fix metadata for dyn-star in new solver
fix misaligned loads when loading UEFI arg pointers
fix redundant import errors for preload extern crate
fix type resolution of associated const equality bounds (take 2)
fix: localWaker memory leak and some stability attributes
implement async closure signature deduction
improve diagnostics for parenthesized type arguments
interpret: do not call machine read hooks during validation
limit the number of names and values in check-cfg diagnostics
lint singleton gaps after exclusive ranges
loongarch: add frecipe and relax target feature
lower transmutes from int to pointer type as gep on null
make TAITs and ATPITs capture late-bound lifetimes in scope
make DefiningAnchor::Bind only store the opaque types that may be constrained, instead of the current infcx root item
make std::os::unix::ucred module private
make not finding core a fatal error
make the lowering of thir::ExprKind::If easier to follow
match lowering: define a convenient struct
only compare ambiguity item that have hard error
only set noalias on Box with the global allocator
record mtime in bootstrap's LLVM linker script
refactor pre-getopts command line argument handling
refer to "slice" instead of "vector" in Ord and PartialOrd trait impl of slices
remove feed_local_def_id
removing absolute path in proc-macro
rework untranslatable_diagnostic lint
run a single huge par_body_owners instead of many small ones after each other
silence mismatched types errors for implied projections
stabilize the #[diagnostic] namespace and #[diagnostic::on_unimplemented] attribute
std support for wasm32 panic=unwind
store backtrace for must_produce_diag
temporarily make allow-by-default the non_local_definitions lint
tweak the way we protect in-place function arguments in interpreters
uplift some feeding out of associated_type_for_impl_trait_in_impl and into queries
use GEP inbounds for ZST and DST field offsets
use ptradd for vtable indexing
MIR printing: print the path of uneval'd const
miri: do not apply aliasing restrictions to Box with custom allocator
miri: remove the ability to disable ABI checking
perf: build rustc with 1CGU on x86_64-apple-darwin and x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
replace the default branch with an unreachable branch If it is the last variant
optimize write with as_const_str for shorter code
fix quadratic behavior of repeated vectored writes
net: don't use checked arithmetic when parsing numbers with known max digits
align_offset, align_to: no longer allow implementations to spuriously fail to align
impl From<TryReserveError> for io::Error
make impl<Fd: AsFd> impl take ?Sized
add Read impl for &Stdin
std::rand: enable getrandom for dragonflybsd too
std::threads: revisit stack address calculation on netbsd
win10: use GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime directly
windows: implement condvar, mutex and rwlock using futex
add slice::try_range
implement MaybeUninit::fill{,_with,_from}
RawVec::into_box: avoid unnecessary intermediate reference
add #[inline] to BTreeMap::new constructor
add std::ffi::c_str module
futures: add a helper for always ready futures
cargo: cli: allow logging to chrome traces
cargo: doc: collapse down generated statuses without --verbose
cargo: log: trace parameters to align with profile
cargo: lockfile: make diffing/printing more reusable
cargo: consistently compare MSRVs
rustfmt: fix failure with => in comment after match =>
clippy: new lints: duplicated_attributes, manual_unwrap_or_default, nonminimal_bool, zero_repeat_side_effects and const_is_empty
clippy: fix duplicate diagnostics in manual_retain, mut_mut, no_effect_replace and single_match
clippy: don't lint redundant_field_names across macro boundaries
clippy: fix std_instead_of_core false positive
clippy: fix missing_docs_in_private_items on some proc macros
clippy: have more lints respect #[allow] on exprs
rust-analyzer: add QuickFix for unresolved field
rust-analyzer: add fix for unused_variables
rust-analyzer: add proc macro semantic token type
rust-analyzer: add config and capability for test explorer
rust-analyzer: don't escape \ and $ in "Extract format expressions" assist
rust-analyzer: don't force draw a dependency edge to the real_span_map query
rust-analyzer: don't invalid body query results when generating desugared names
rust-analyzer: fix method resolution snapshotting receiver_ty too early
rust-analyzer: function argument type inference with associated type impl trait
rust-analyzer: keep attributes in assist 'generate_delegate_trait'
rust-analyzer: panic when using float numbers without dots in chain calls
rust-analyzer: preserve $ and \ in postfix format completions
rust-analyzer: remove accidental dependency between parse_macro_expansion and parse
rust-analyzer: skip match diagnostics for partially unknown types
rust-analyzer: for toolchain binaries use the full path found in $PATH
rust-analyzer: stop eagerly resolving inlay hint text edits for VSCode
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
A mixed week, with a vast number of improvements (in large part due to PR
122010, which undoes a prior regression; PR #120985, a host LLVM update).
But also three admittedly small-ish regressions which seemed unanticipated and were still large enough that I did not feel comfortable rubber-stamping them with a perf-regression-triaged marking.
Triage done by @pnkfelix. Revision range: 41d97c8a..e919669d
2 Regressions, 5 Improvements, 9 Mixed; 5 of them in rollups 54 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
RFC: Packages as (optional) namespaces
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
No RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] Normalize trait ref before orphan check & consider ty params in alias types to be uncovered
[disposition: merge] Split refining_impl_trait lint into _reachable, _internal variants
[disposition: merge] debuginfo: Stabilize -Z debug-macros, -Z collapse-macro-debuginfo and #[collapse_debuginfo]
[disposition: merge] Stabilize associated type bounds (RFC 2289)
[disposition: merge] c_unwind full stabilization request: change in extern "C" behavior
[disposition: postpone] Consider linting against 00B7 aka interpunct aka middle dot
[disposition: merge] Prevent opaque types being instantiated twice with different regions within the same function
[disposition: merge] instantiate higher ranked goals outside of candidate selection
[disposition: merge] Add wasm_c_abi future-incompat lint
[disposition: merge] stabilize ptr.is_aligned, move ptr.is_aligned_to to a new feature gate
[disposition: merge] feat: implement {Div,Rem}Assign<NonZero<X>> on X
[disposition: merge] cargo: prevent dashes in lib.name
New and Updated RFCs
[new] Make cargo install respect lockfiles by default
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2024-03-13 - 2024-04-10 🦀
2024-03-14 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Web Frontend Co-Learning (online)
2024-03-14 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin + Rust Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror: Rust Hack n Learn Meetup | Mirror: Berline.rs page
2024-03-14 | Virtual (Nürnberg, DE) | Rust Nüremberg
Rust Nürnberg online
2024-03-14 | Virtual (San Diego, CA, US) | San Diego Rust
San Diego Rust March 2024 Tele-Meetup
2024-03-19 | Virtual | Formal Land
Rust for Lunch: Formal verification for Rust with coq-of-rust. Speaker: Guillaume Claret | Docs
2024-03-19 | Virtual (Washinigton, DC, US) | Rust DC
Mid-month Rustful
2024-03-20 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK) | Rust and C++ Cardiff
Rust for Rustaceans Book Club: Chapter 3 - Designing Interfaces
2024-03-20 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA)| Vancouver Rust
Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
2024-03-21 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2024-03-26 | Virtual + In Person (Barcelona, ES) | BcnRust
13th BcnRust Meetup - Stream
2024-03-26 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Last Tuesday
2024-03-28 | Virtual + In Person (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin + Rust Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror: Rust Hack n Learn Meetup
2024-04-02 | Virtual (Buffalo, NY, US) | Buffalo Rust
Buffalo Rust User Group
2024-04-03 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK) | Rust and C++ Cardiff
Rust for Rustaceans Book Club: Chapter 4 - Error Handling
2024-04-03 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2024-04-09 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Second Tuesday
2024-04-05 | Kampala, UG | Rust Circle Kampala
Rust Circle Meetup
2024-03-30 | New Delhi, IN | Rust Delhi
Rust Delhi Meetup #6
2024-03-13 | Paris, FR | Paris Rustaceans
Rust Meetup in Paris
2024-03-14 | Reading, UK | Reading Rust Workshop
Reading Rust Meetup at Browns
2024-03-19 | Aarhus, DK | Rust Aarhus
Hack Night
2024-03-19 | Leipzig, DE | Rust - Modern Systems Programming in Leipzig
Rust Interactive Session
2024-03-19 | Prague, CZ | Rust Prague
Rust Meetup @ Charles University
2024-03-20 | Girona, ES | Rust Girona
Introduction to programming Microcontrollers with Rust
2024-03-20 | Lyon, FR | Rust Lyon
Rust Lyon Meetup #9
2024-03-21 | Augsburg, DE | Rust Meetup Augsburg
Augsburg Rust Meetup #6
2024-03-21 | Lille, FR | Rust Lille
Rust Lille #6: Du RSS et de L'ECS !
2024-03-21 | Vienna, AT | Rust Vienna
Rust Vienna Meetup - March - Unsafe Rust
2024-03-23 | Stockholm, SE | Ferris' Fika Forum
Ferris' Fika Forum | Map
2024-03-26 | Barcelona, ES + Virtual | BcnRust
13th BcnRust Meetup
2024-03-26 - 2024-03-28 | London, UK | Rust Nation UK
Rust Nation 2024 - Conference
2024-03-28 | Berlin, DE | Rust Berlin
Rust and Tell
2024-04-10 | Cambridge, UK | Cambridge Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup Reboot 3
2024-04-10 | Oslo, NO | Rust Oslo
Rust Hack'n'Learn at Kampen Bistro
North America
2024-03-13 | Boston, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Northeastern Rust Lunch
2024-03-19 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
Rust Hacking in Person
2024-03-21 | Seattle, WA, US | Seattle Rust User Group
Seattle Rust User Group Meetup
2024-03-22 | Somerville, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Somerville Union Square Rust Lunch, Mar 22
2024-03-26 | Minneapolis, MN, US | Minneapolis Rust Meetup
Minneapolis Rust: Getting started with Rust!
2024-03-27 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch - Fareground
2024-03-27 | Hawthorne, CA, US | Freeform
Rust in the Physical World 🦀 Tech Talk Event at Freeform
2024-03-31 | Boston, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Beacon Hill Rust Lunch, Mar 31
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
In 10 years we went from “Rust will never replace C and C++” to “New C/C++ should not be written anymore, and you should use Rust”. Good job.
– dpc_pw on lobste.rs
Thanks to Dennis Luxen for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
Discuss on r/rust
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phonemantra-blog · 8 months
We are talking about the Blazer EV 2LT and RS versions Chevrolet has released power and torque figures for the 2024 Blazer EV 2LT and RS trims with dual-motor all-wheel drive. Both trim levels will have a power of 288 horsepower and a torque of 451 N•m, which the automaker confirmed to Car and Driver. Previously, Chevrolet only revealed the high-performance Blazer EV SS model's power rating of 557 hp. with a torque of up to 648 N•m, as well as the Blazer EV PPV model, a police pursuit vehicle, - 498 hp. at 531 N•m of torque. [caption id="attachment_73208" align="aligncenter" width="780"] new Blazer[/caption] Chevrolet reveals the power of the new Blazer With a starting price of $56,715, the 2024 Chevrolet Blazer EV 2LT AWD features a 17.7-inch infotainment touchscreen, 11-inch driver information center, heated steering wheel, heated front seats and side mirrors, wireless phone charging, and adaptive cruise control. The power reserve reaches 450 km. The next version is the Blazer EV RS AWD, which offers the same range at $60,215. This version includes features such as a black grille, RS badging, 21-inch screen, flat-bottom steering wheel, ventilated front seats, heated rear seats, rain-sensing wipers, and head-up display. Both models support AC charging up to 11.5 kW and fast charging up to 150 kW. The rear-wheel drive version starts at $61,790. They offer a range of 515 km and a Bose audio system.
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indianpetrochem2 · 8 months
Silane Coupling LT 560 Price In India
The Delhi Silane coupling agent Grade LT560 market witnessed a downturn in prices. As per reports from Indian Petrochem sources, this decline can be linked to a decrease in local demand within the region. More precisely, the imported Silane coupling agent grade LT560 rates in Delhi plummeted from Rs. 557 per kg. to Rs. 553 per kilogram, reflecting a Rs. 4 reduction.
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DGGI Meerut officials bust racket involving 246 fake entities with turnover of Rs. 3,242 crore involving ITC of Rs. 557 crore, three held
Ministry of Finance DGGI Meerut officials bust racket involving 246 fake entities with turnover of Rs. 3,242 crore involving ITC of Rs. 557 crore, three held The Meerut Zonal Unit of Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI) unearthed two major fake billing rackets involving 246 shell/fake entities, which have passed on fraudulent ITC of Rs. 557 crore. In this matter till date, three key…
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phillipschevrolet · 11 months
Chevy Blazer EV Featured in Barbie Movie
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If you’ve seen a commercial or trailer for the upcoming Barbie movie, you’ve probably seen the title character cruise around her Barbie world in a pink 1956 Corvette. A new commercial released by Chevrolet reveals that the Corvette isn’t the only Chevrolet that Barbie will ride in – she also hops into a Chevy Blazer EV to make a quick getaway thanks to the Blazer EV’s WOW (Wide Open Watts) Mode, which provides a 0-to-60 mph acceleration time under four seconds. The top of the line Blazer EV SS in the ad offers 557 horsepower and 648 pound-feet of torque and will be available next Spring, while the 2LT and RS trim levels will begin arriving later this summer. If you’re not ready to make the dive into an electric vehicle yet, we have a great selection of gas-powered Blazers currently in stock. Phillips Chevrolet of Frankfort, Lansing, and Bradley has Illinois’ Largest Chevy Inventory including a great selection of Blazers which will be joined by the Blazer EV later this year!
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17 Chevrolet Blazers currently in stock at Phillips Chevrolet
 2023 Chevrolet Blazer 2LT - #L30941
 Internet Price: $34,029
 Click here to view our complete Blazer Inventory
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gaadi · 11 months
Popular Eicher Tractors model in India- KhetiGaadi
Eicher Tractors, a prominent brand in the agriculture industry, is known for manufacturing high-quality and reliable agricultural machinery. With a rich heritage spanning over several decades, Eicher Tractors has continually evolved and adapted to meet the changing needs of farmers worldwide. Their tractors are equipped with advanced technology, fuel-efficient engines, and ergonomic designs, ensuring optimal performance and ease of use in diverse farming operations. Eicher Tractors' commitment to innovation, durability, and customer satisfaction has earned them a loyal customer base. As a result, they continue to be a trusted choice for farmers seeking efficient and robust machinery to enhance their agricultural productivity. 
Top Eicher tractor model in India 
Eicher 380 
The Eicher 380 is a robust and reliable tractor model manufactured by Eicher Motors, a renowned company in the agricultural machinery industry. Designed to meet the needs of farmers and agriculture enthusiasts, the Eicher 380 offers exceptional performance and efficiency. It is equipped with a powerful engine that delivers high torque, enabling it to tackle tough farming tasks with ease. The tractor features a comfortable operator cabin with ergonomic controls, providing a pleasant working environment. It also offers advanced features such as power steering, an efficient braking system, and adjustable seats, enhancing productivity and operator comfort. With its durability and versatility, the Eicher 380 is a popular choice among farmers for various agricultural applications. Eicher 380 price is economical and ranges between Rs 6 Lac to Rs 6.25 Lac. 
Eicher 551 
The Eicher 551 is a tractor model manufactured by Eicher Motors Limited, a prominent Indian tractor maker. This model belongs to the 45-50 horsepower range and is designed to meet the diverse needs of farmers and agricultural activities. The tractor is equipped with a robust and fuel-efficient engine that ensures optimal performance and reduced operational costs. It is ergonomic design and comfortable cabin offer a pleasant driving experience for operators, enhancing productivity and reducing fatigue during long working hours. The Eicher 551 is known for its reliability, durability, and versatility, making it a popular choice among farmers seeking a powerful and efficient tractor solution. Eicher tractor 551 prices between 6.8 to 7.8 lakh 
Eicher 557 
The Eicher 557 is a renowned tractor model that combines power, efficiency, and versatility for various agricultural tasks. This tractor is manufactured by Eicher Motors Limited, a prominent Indian automotive company known for its robust agricultural machinery. The Eicher 557 features a reliable engine with a horsepower suitable for medium to heavy-duty applications. It offers advanced features like power steering, comfortable seating, and user-friendly controls, ensuring ease of operation for farmers. Additionally, its durable construction and efficient transmission enable seamless performance on the field. With its reputation for reliability and performance, the Eicher 557 remains a popular choice among farmers seeking a dependable tractor for their agricultural needs. 
Eicher Tractors has established itself as a prominent brand in the agriculture industry, renowned for manufacturing high-quality and reliable agricultural machinery. With a rich heritage and a commitment to innovation, Eicher Tractors has continuously evolved to meet the changing needs of farmers worldwide. The Eicher 380, Eicher 551, and Eicher 557 are some of the top models offered by Eicher Motors, each designed to deliver exceptional performance, efficiency, and operator comfort. These tractors are equipped with advanced technology, fuel-efficient engines, and ergonomic designs, making them popular choices among farmers for various agricultural applications. With their durability, versatility, and competitive pricing, Eicher Tractors continues to be a trusted brand for farmers seeking efficient and robust machinery to enhance their agricultural productivity. 
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rashiji · 1 year
A high-performance 10-wheeler providing a higher fluid efficiency is a great deal if more safety with advanced technology is your main concern.
On the other hand, a vehicle manufactured for performance and efficiency can be a great choice if you wish to expand your business.
So, we are bringing top Trailers from Tata Motors. Let’s get into their specifications!
Tata Signa 5530.S Trailer
Built for high performance and more safety, the Tata Signa 5530.S Trailer produces a maximum torque of 1100 NM, with 300 HP maximum power, offering higher speed.
In addition, it has a total fuel tank capacity of 365 ltr, covering long hauls in a single go. Moreover, It has a Cummins ISBe 6.7L CRDI TCIC engine, offering better quality sound due to time flexibility. 
In addition, this has a wheelbase of 3890 MM and a GVW of 55000 kg. Tata Signa 10-Wheeler offers 3 mode fuel economy switch and gear shift advisor. This model is available at a price range of Rs. 43.51 Lakh - 50.51 Lakh.
Tata Prima 5530.S Trailer
Tata Prima 5530.S Trailer is a diesel-based trailer manufactured for superior performance and efficiency. This trailer produces a maximum torque of 1100 NM with 300 HP maximum power, enabling quick acceleration.
In addition, it has a total fuel tank capacity of 557 ltr with a mileage of 2.5-3.5 kmpl, assuring good fuel efficiency. Moreover, It has a Cummins ISBe 6.7L BS6 engine, providing a more effective power plant.
In addition, this has a wheelbase of 3890 MM and a GVW of 55000 kg. Tata Prime 10-Wheeler promises organic clutch and engine brakes for efficient power transfer. This model is available at a price range of Rs. 44.36 Lakh - 51.36 Lakh.
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new-haryanvi-ragni · 1 year
Britannia Industries Q4 Net Profit Rises 47.5% To Rs 557.6 Cr
The total income of Britannia Industries in the March quarter increased 13.18 per cent to Rs 4,079.55 crore. source https://zeenews.india.com/companies/britannia-industries-q4-net-profit-rises-47-5-to-rs-557-6-cr-2603423.html
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meuerro · 1 year
Essa noite eu sonhei com vc. Infelizmente nao foi legal. Eu conversei até antes de dormir com a Lithania. Todos os dias a noite a saudade me pega de jeito. É só colocar o pé pra fora da ECO e automaticamente meu cerebro redireciona todas as minhas sinapses pra vc. É um ritual diário. Pelo menos agora eu consigo trabalhar sem ficar parando pra ir ao banheiro chorar. Ontem no meio do dia eu achei ter sentido seu cheiro. Meu corpo inteiro entrou em alerta. Até despertei do estado constante de sono e monotonia em que eu preencho meus documentos...
Voltando pra noite. Eu estava perguntando pra Lithania, quanto tempo eu deveria esperar antes de te mandar outra mensagem. E de que maneira eu deveria fazer essa abordagem. Lithania nao é uma grande romantica. Ou baranga, rs. Mas ela sugeriu que eu deveria fazer um gesto romantico. Contido. Ela nao teve a oportunidade de te conhecer. Nem ouviu sua voz antes, pra conseguir mensurar a frieza da sua voz no último audio que me mandou. Não, um gesto romantico nao rola. Nao com você. Eu queria fazer algo que demonstrasse que eu quero consertar as coisas. Mas se eu fizer algo fora do lugar, te jogo mais pra longe.
Ao mesmo tempo, vivo o conflito. Preciso mostrar que estou aqui ainda. Que nao desisti. Mas eu tenho esse direito? Tenho direito de me fazer lembrar e correr o risco de te causar mais dor?? E se qualquer ação minha, ao inves de te fazer sentir amada, te desrespeite diante do que você me pediu até aqui? Tenho eu direito de fazer qualquer coisa que nao seja deixar vc seguir em frente em paz depois de ter desperdiçado a chance que vc me deu???
Fui dormir sem responder essa pergunta, mas claramente ela nao saiu da minha cabeça. Sonhei que encontrei a AnnaCatarina. No sonho, percebi o quanto sinto falta dela tbm. Ela dizia que vc estava saindo com seu ex-noivo (???). Eu ficava arrasada por vc ja estar saindo com alguém, sem o menor direito óbvio. Mas a Anna dizia no sonho pra eu mandar mensagem logo, pra nao esperar demais. Eu gravei diversos audios, e apaguei. Até que finalmente enviei um. Anna e Bella me dando aquele apoio moral. Eu perguntava se a gente poderia finalmente conversar. Que independente do desfecho, eu realmente acho que nós duas precisamos e merecemos uma conversa. Dentro e fora do sonho.
Entao vc me bloqueava no SMS também. Nossa, isso foi a morte no sonho kk. Eu deitei no chão. Até a Anna se surpreendia, acho q no meu sonho a anna nao me odeia e acha q tem jeito pra situaçao. Dps de um tempo vc respondia a mensagem com mtas msgs que eu nao consegui ler, mas nada boas. Meu despertador tocou.
Sinceramente, se eu ja nao tivesse tantas horas de falta na empresa, hj era um dia que eu meteria um atestado qualquer. Queria ficar o dia todo na cama. Mas foi só um sonho ne?
Sei la. Parece q foi a resposta q eu queria. Deixa ela em paz. Eu disse pra Lithania q wu queria estar com a minha cabeça 100% antes de te procurar. Ela disse que meia noite me conta um segredo kkkk.
Eu passei os ultimos dias bem. Apesar da saudade, tenho conseguido administrar bem as emoçoes. Mas hj, nao era nem 6:30 e eu ja tinha chorado. Nao chorava desde sábado, com a historia da foto e todas as nuances dela.
Chorei pq nao aguento mais sentir saudade x culpa. De arrependimento pela milesima vez. Pq eu só queria te ver e te dizer todos os 557 pensamentos que eu tenho sobre tudo isso e tao a deriva na minha mente, esperando a oportunidade de ancorar.
Hj vai ser um dia longo.
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ayushranjan · 1 year
4 achievement of the government towards the realization of the digital india vision
Government has launched the Digital India programme with the vision of transforming India into a digitally empowered society and a knowledge-based economy, by ensuring digital access, digital inclusion, digital empowerment and bridging the digital divide. 
1-Aadhaar: Aadhaar provides 12 digit biometric and demographic based identity that is unique, lifelong, online and authenticable. Further to give statutory backing to Aadhaar ‘The Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016’ was notified on 26th March 2016. Over 135.5 crore residents have been enrolled.
2-DigiLocker: Digital Locker provides an ecosystem with collection of repositories and gateways for issuers to upload the documents in the digital repositories. Digital Locker has more than 13.7 crore users and more than 562 crore documents are made available through DigiLocker from 2,311 issuer organisations.
3- eHospital/ Online Registration System (ORS): e-Hospital application is the Hospital Management Information System for internal workflows and processes of hospitals. Currently, 753 Hospitals have been on-boarded on e-Hospital and ORS has been adopted by 557 hospitals across the country with over 68 lakh appointments booked from ORS.
4-Unified Payment Interface (UPI) is the leading digital payment platform. It has onboarded 376 banks and has facilitated 730 crore transactions (by volume) worth Rs 11.9 lakh crore.
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truckandtractor · 2 years
The Most Popular Models Manufactured By Tata Motors
The most famous automobile manufacturer is Tata Motors. The reason for this is that Tata Motor ensures that all of its customers' transportation demands are met. This blog provides detailed descriptions of the most popular Tata Motors models, such as the  The Tata Winger Staff tempo traveller and The Tata Prima 4625.S Truck.
Tata Winger Staff
Tata Winger Staff  is a tempo traveller that is powered by the 2.2L engine that helps to generate 98.56 HP power and 200 NM of Torque. This LCV truck has a GVW of 2970 KG and 3030 KG. The Tata Winger Staff has a diesel fuel tank capacity of 60 litres and gives a great mileage of about 10.71 kmpl.
The Manual synchromesh transmission is tuned to a TA 70 gearbox with 5 Forward and 1 Reverse. Last but not least, the Tata Winger price range is between Rs. 14.35 Lakh and Rs. 15.75 Lakh.
Tata Prima 4625.S Truck
The truck is powered by a powerful Cummins ISBe 6.7L engine, which generates 249 HP and a maximum torque of 950 NM. The average mileage for the Tata Prima truck is 3-4 kmpl. This 18-tyre has a GVW of 45500 KG and a long-running diesel fuel tank capacity of 557 litres. Tata Prima 4625.S Truck price is between Rs. 32.73 Lakhs and Rs. 32.88 lakhs.
For effortless driving, the Tata Prima truck's manual transmission is set up as a Forward + 1 Reverse Gearbox and features a power  steering. In conclusion, this blog provides all the information about The Tata Winger Staff tempo traveller and The Tata Prima 4625.S Truck that can help in providing accurate information about both of these models. For more information and to compare it with other options, you can also visit the Truck Junction website.
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cijawodun · 2 years
Swissvoice mp33 gsm bedienungsanleitung gigaset
            gigaset sl2 bedienungsanleitung siemens gigaset sl2 bedienungsanleitung swissvoice eurit 557 eco mode eurit 557 eco mode swissvoice swissvoice eurit mediamarkt.de/de/product/_swissvoice-epure-tam-2-1793407.html mediamarkt.de/de/product/_gigaset-a-220-a-schwarz-1891896.html daily MP33 GSM Mobile Phone Bedienungsanleitung Falls Sie Hilfe brauchen. bedienungsanleitung panasonic Swissvoice mp33 gsm bedienungsanleitung hd Vsx 323. Tagged: bedienungsanlei, bedienungsanleitungbosch, crane, e8, ergometer, power, waschmaschine Swissvoice mp33 gsm bedienungsanleitung gigaset AEG CAFAMOSA BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG ADOBE DOWNLOAD AEG CAFAMOSA BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG gigaset Iseki 3135 bedienungsanleitung panasonic Swissvoice mp33 gsm Funkenflug Feuerschale - Ruck Zuck Aufbauanleitung! kenomonuve.tumblr.com/post/691881989908856832/swissvoice-mp33-gsm-bedienungsanleitung-polar,3
https://cijawodun.tumblr.com/post/693542762849632256/handbuch-skoda-octavia-tour, https://cijawodun.tumblr.com/post/693542124000608256/mcculloch-b28b-bedienungsanleitung-hp, https://cijawodun.tumblr.com/post/693542507873714176/nikon-f-401-bedienungsanleitung-w724v, https://kekarutiledi.tumblr.com/post/693542710239461376/technics-rs-az6-bedienungsanleitung-hp, https://cijawodun.tumblr.com/post/693542762849632256/handbuch-skoda-octavia-tour.
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itsmyshield · 2 years
2024 Chevrolet Blazer EV வெளியிடப்பட்டது: எலக்ட்ரிக் SUV 557 hp வரை வழங்குகிறது
2024 Chevrolet Blazer EV வெளியிடப்பட்டது: எலக்ட்ரிக் SUV 557 hp வரை வழங்குகிறது
அமெரிக்க கார் தயாரிப்பாளர் ஜெனரல் மோட்டார்ஸ் திங்களன்று அதன் புதியதை வெளிப்படுத்தியது செவர்லே பிளேசர் ஈ.வி. அமெரிக்காவில் அறிமுகப்படுத்தப்படும் போது, ​​இது Ford Mustang Mach-E மற்றும் டெஸ்லா மாடல் Y கிராஸ்ஓவர் EVகளுடன் போட்டியிடுகிறது. தி செவி பிளேசர் EV நான்கு டிரிம்களில் கிடைக்கும்—1LT, 2LT, RS மற்றும் SS. 1LT, 2LT மற்றும் RS ஆகியவை ஃப்ரண்ட்-வீல்-டிரைவ் மாடல்கள் தரநிலையாக உள்ளன, 1LT ஒருமுறை…
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znewstech · 2 years
2024 Chevrolet Blazer EV unveiled: Electric SUV offers up to 557 hp
2024 Chevrolet Blazer EV unveiled: Electric SUV offers up to 557 hp
American carmaker General Motors on Monday revealed its new Chevrolet Blazer EV. When launched in the US it competes with the Ford Mustang Mach-E and Tesla Model Y crossover EVs. The Chevy Blazer EV will be available in four trims—1LT, 2LT, RS, and SS. The 1LT, 2LT, and RS are front-wheel-drive models as standard, Chevrolet claims that the 1LT can go up to 397 kilometres on a single charge.…
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