#Redacted Baaabe
skunkox · 7 hours
Outta Pocket Redacted Thoughts.
Forgive the lack of cohesiveness.
Gavin and Dear having a twerk off.
Vega being a bottom bitch for Warden the one time.
The pack riding a mechanical bull and Baaabe being the only one to stay on till the end.
Darlin' distracting Milo while Angel catnaps Aggro. Sweetheart totally wasn't in on it at all.
Lasko getting ropped into a lightsaber battle in Walmart by Freelancer.
DAMN CREW singing Bottom 2 on their road trip.
How thick are Sam's thighs???
Would Porter let me kick him. Don't dislike him any. I just wanna kick some and not feel too guilty about it.
Darlin' preferring to watch Titan AE over Treasure Planet because TP feels a little too close to home, but they like space shit.
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tankwiththeangst · 27 days
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We’re not going by Redacted time y’all!
Erik has confirmed the wedding is definitely happening in June!
Can’t wait to see our Redacted Artist wedding designs!
(I’m gonna be emotional the whole video)
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desmorotu · 2 months
more redacted headcanons!!!
some might be angsty? most of them?
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
- i saw a hc where milo isn’t necessarily short, but the other guys are just unbelievably tall. in my head milo is 5’11, ash is 6’5, and david is 6’9. tank is the only one who looks deceiving bc they’re like 5’10 in my head but their wolf is as big as david’s. ppl from the outside make the joke that shaw security is secretly a tall person club
- guy was a music major before he switched to writing. i mentioned it in his playlist post but i get those vibes HARD. he also writes honey poetry because he knows they secretly like it
- i like the idea that darlin and angel came from a rough family upbringing because 1. it’s relatable to a lot of ppl and 2. it would explain why tank shoves themselves into harms way and why angel is so outgoing now. it shows different responses to trauma imo.
- babe sometimes has crippling panic attacks on the thought of angel being a latent empowered and leaving them alone as the unempowered person of the group, but in my mind babe is the latent one and they’re a fire elemental.
- sweetheart feels guilty sometimes for being empowered while the other mates aren’t. they know it has absolutely nothing to do with them and that they can’t do anything about it, but sometimes they feel a pang in their heart at the fact that the other two won’t feel their core swell and warm up when looking at their mates.
- starlight has night terrors about the time they fell down—both times. they also think about when avior fell and they can’t help but intrusively picture what he looked like when he finally landed. it makes them physically ill. avior has to be extra careful when talking back about their experiences sometimes.
- lovely is still goes to therapy every week to work through the trauma of adam, dying, and now they’ve added the summit on top of that. they’re withering away into a husk of themselves. they’re so exhausted with dealing with all of this pressure, but they’d do anything for vincent (and i think that’s going to be their downfall).
- gavin has been brought to tears on multiple occasions at the thought that freelancer loves him for him and not just because he’s an incubus. he’s had to muffle his sobs because he genuinely does not know how he deserved someone so loving. he hasn’t brought it up to them yet.
- i think that freelancer is on the ace spectrum (greysexual maybe?) and that gavin was the only person they’ve ever really had sex with, or wanted to have sex with. they trusted him enough to “show them the ropes” and he built their confidence to where it is now. gavin helped build their relationship with sex and while they’re still on the spectrum, they’re more positive about it and they enjoy that kind of intimacy with him.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
that’s all that i can squeeze out of my brain rn >:( i haven’t been on tumblr that much and UGH it’s just bc my real life is more interesting than my redacted life (which is a very good thing, but still it makes me sad) and i have no motivation to post 💔 but here are some hcs that have been on my mind lately :3 i hope they make sense
k byeee 💟
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piffany666 · 2 months
Headcanons for how each redacted couple kiss:
This will include characters that havent canonically kissed yet (this will be a reblog chain just cos ill end up using the same colours to identify different characters)
David x angel:
David puts his hands on angel's hips. He usually is the last to close his eyes. Angel puts their hands on his shoulders and dose the lil foot pop thing. Definitely is always the first to use tongue
Asher x babe
Asher and babe both put their hands on eachothers cheeks at the same time.
Milo x sweetheart
Sweetheart's hands rest on his tittys chest. They float a little whenever they kiss. Milo's hands tend to be on sweetheart's ass and if ever they float a littke to much he pulls them down.
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angelfiedyaz · 19 days
Some more Redacted Headcannons with Yaz
David- - If angel ever got acrylics done David would just casually and definetly not suspiciously always seem to lay his head in their lap or lay on them (must definetly crushing them) just for them to run their fingers through this hair or up and down his back lightly scratching with their nails, but of course Davey would never admit that, even though it was obvious as ever by how he would let out little whines or would doze off. - One day David gave up on trying to get his jacket back from Angel and just gave it to them. They cried. Asher also got a Shaw security hoodie custom made for them, like Daveys one that said his name on it but theirs has their name and they still wear David's either way obviously.
Asher- -At one point Ash definetly lost a bet with Milo and Baaabe came home to find Asher with every colour of the rainbow dyed on his hair and the silliest grin that was definetly saying "oops?" - Ash and Baaabe both definetly sing along to musicals, the one I head cannon the most is Rocky Horror Picture Show. And also one time ash and baaabe were hanging with Davey and Angel and the soundtrack came on so obviously they broke into song + Angel and Davey was totally not singing along under his breath
Milo- - When Milo and sweetheart started dating Marie would always invite them and a couple times didn't tell Milo they would be there so Milo would rock up to Marie's just to see Sweetheart and her chatting away on the couch.
Sam- Sam and darlin have promise rings and you know damn well they never take them off. Sam surprised Darlin with them on their anniversary and Darlin got so emotional all they could do was hug him.
Vincent- Vincent is so gentle with Lovely, one time they were cuddling and they asked him to lie on top of them and he was so worried he would be too heavy it took lovely so long to convince him they ended up just tugging him down onto them.
Guy- Even tho Guy is a hyper active golden retriever every once in a while he gets really exhausted and will spend a whole day just chilling and relaxing, the first time this happened Honey asked him if he was ok the whole day, they didn't believe him until he explained he was just drained. They spent the whole day cuddling.
Porter- I believe that Porter was robbed of physical love for so long that when him and Treasure finished their little "get together" and they held his face softly and just admired him he didn't know how to react at first he pulled away but slowly he's learned to love it. Treasure holds him every once in a while whether it's when their cuddling or just holding his face, he adores it.
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mrsmiagreer · 1 year
A lil Nsfw :)
Choker. Loves how his hands look on Angel’s throat. He knows Angel has a size kink. And he knows his hands are huge. It’s like a REFLEX the way his hand snakes up to their neck to squeeze JUST enough to turn them on further
Ass gripper. Don’t matter the position, baaabe’s ass will be smacked and gripped. The fat of their ass always in his hand. It goes well for him either way he chooses because it’s a form of discipline when he’s domming and a sign of desperation when he’s subbing :)
Archer. Mostly with missionary and backshots, but even with cowgirl, definitely pulling sweetheart’s hips closer to him so their back arches from the movement. And don’t let it be doggystyle because he will calmly and politely press down on their back until their stomach is damnear flat pressed to the sheets
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6-atlas-6 · 8 months
Redacted tweets 🗣️
I lost count how many there's been atp
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I've not been doing so great lately but I have this instead of the art I was supposed to finish as a peace offering
🎀Tags: @capitalisticveins @vilf-lover @deviantaj @plutobutartsy @vampiriceclipse @morgansplace @epsi-l0n @kitheking @randomhoneybee @messenger-of-stupidity @shawslut @samlizdavis @betta-phish @darlin-collins @verbal-static @puffin-smoke @cyc-chilla
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redlikeredacted · 3 months
Consider: autistic!Baaabe and Asher walking around their apartment with wolf ears and a tail so he can emote in ways that are easier for Baaabe to pick up on.
Also consider: Asher walking around their apartment with wolf ears and a tail just because they're a silly goofy guy and think it's fun.
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storm--bound · 7 months
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Monarchal Summit bingo anyone? 😎
First Redacted post, hello fandom
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redactahoe · 4 months
pretty darlin appreciation listener addition
this is a compellation of everyone finding darlin hot and darlin not getting it this is part 1 with all the relevent listeners and part 2 will include the boys this is inspired by @whorefordarlin btw
this might be long af
the only physical trait i give to trait is a beefy build and short hair tw: alot of simping shenanigans, mention of shitty foster care parents/neglectful parents, i cant spell so be warned
angel:(set durring darlins first meeting back)
angel had no idea what to expect from this 'mysterious pack member'. but it definitely wasn't this. i mean give angel some credit with the way the pack described the pack member it made them out to be some sort biker gang delinquent with and eye patch or something! but no the person Infront of the angel was most definitely not what they expected.
they were about 6 inches taller than them and and had a very pretty face with all kinds of pretty piercings on it. they were wearing a patched up leather jacket with a tank top under neath, tattered but tight jeans, and some beat up combat boots. all of this layered on top of they're very broad frame.
"Hi, i'm angel! nice to meet you!" angel greets with a nervous but excited glint in their eyes.
"oh! davids mate right?, nice to meet you too." tanker greeted back and GOOODD!! their voice was so fucking sexy. their voice was deep with a slight rasp to it that made angels face go red and burst into a fit of flustered giggles.
thus began the slightly awkward conversation between angel and tanker before the pack meeting started. with a red faced angel barely being able to keep together and a very concerned tank trying to decipher what all the giggling means
"hey by the way i think i scared your mate...". the pack meeting finally ended. tank ad david were going some final things when tank brought up angels strange behavior's.
david let out an amused huff "pft- i don't think you have to worry about tanker." he had this amused all knowing smile spread across his face recalling the 5 minute rant angel went on about just how hot tanker was.
"i- what does that mean???"
"don't worry about"
babe:(set in a library near asher and babes apartment)
"baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabe im bored.." asher was starting to remember why he disliked libraries so much. they were everything he wasn't, quiet.
"asher i told you that you didn't have to come in with me today" asher's fiancé thick accent rang out quietly through the room. today babe had been called in the fill the last few minutes of someone's shift at the library because they had to go home early.
but before asher could reply the bell at the front door rings out as a very familiar head of white hair is spotted
"well hey there tanker, what you doin' here?" asher genuinely forgot that tank actually loved reading but he loved teasing (lovingly) them about it. "i could ask you the same thing, aren't you the one who constantly complains about libraries being boring or something?" tanker sarcastically shot back.
babes head wiped around breaking out of their concentration at the new voice. so this was the elusive 'super hot biker that comes in every Saturday', as their coworkers described them.
and that description was pretty accurate. they had sharp, half lidded eye that had this twinkle to them that made babe feel like they were in a ya novel when the made eye contact with the very attractive wolf. they some how have both a baby face and a nice sharp jawline and the same time. their hair was cut short and was slightly messy that made them some how even hotter. they were dressed in a lazy zip up hoodie and a band t-shirt along with the forbidden grey sweat pants.
they were hypnotic, alluring, fucking enchanting they wer-
"hey you good?" a deep rasping voice snaped them out of their own spiral. making them realize that A. they had been starring at poor confused wolf and B. asher had this all knowing, shit eating grin spread across his stupidly handsome face.
"o-oh right, um h-how can i help you?" shit their all flustered now and probably made tanker uncomfortable as well
"ive just come to return these." they answered noticeably not making eye contact with them, and thankfully. babe didn't now if the could keep together any longer if they had to keep looking at those bewitching eyes of theirs.
tanker heaves the stack of books they were holding onto the counter. "um o-oh y-yeah okay, let me just...." babe trailed off as they focused back to their work.
the transaction went by pretty fast with tank and Asher playfully bantering back and forth all the while babe processed the book returns. eventually all books were processed and tank was off on their way. Asher turns to them with the same shit eating grin on his face and states "aren't i glad you met me before tanker huh?"
sweetheart:(first day at high school, they're childhood besties)
"its okay, im sure this new family and school will really click with you!" sweethearts social worker had always been an optimistic women even though both of them knew the women was partially lying.
rita had been sweethearts social worker since they 6. so she most likely knew the whole song and dance of sh being forgotten and then eventfully returned. but she didn't know was that a new family meant new neglectful parents but it also meant new asshole kids and new neglectful teachers.
"sure..." to be entirly honest with you they weren't exactly excited, with the old bullies it was easy to predict and avoid. but with new bullies there was always a learning period and those always hurt the worst.
but eventually and much to sweethearts dismay they arrived to their final destination, met their new family and unpack their things into their "bedroom'. though you couldnt really call it a bedroom, it was more like mattress and night stand in an unfinished basement but they've had worse.
it took awhile but sleep came and went. they were up and out of the door by 5 am sharp, theyve made it a habit to not stick around and 'be a bother'. they sat down at the bus stop and got emersed into a book, the wait would be long after all.
they were so emersed they didn't notice the warm body that sat next to them. that was until of course that person fell asleep and start to let a soft snore. turning to look at them had sweetheart slightly fluster but also worry.
they had remarkably clear skin for a 15 year old and had short but shaggy hair that fell over and framed their face almost perfectly. but on the other hand they dressed and had the general demeaner of a typical bully. the cool and Grundy punk style they had to them though didn't come of as forced like alot of the others, it looked so natural and so good on them, well good enough to make sweethearts teenage heart flutter.
......okay that may have been a bit of a stretch since the person was asleep, but this was a good opportunity to scope out a possible danger that didn't with sweetheart getting pummeled... hopefully.
a sharp and admittedly cute snort interrupted sh's thoughts as that person woke up. there was a bleary almost adorably clueless look in their eyes as they but two and two together on where they were.
they looked around and made eye contact with sweetheart, then looked down at the book they had. and smiled...... but then quickly looked straight ahead
why did they have to be so. god. damn. gorgeous????
and what makes it worse (read as: better) was that they didnt even know any one knew about this book!!!
"u- um do you like this series?"
why did the say?!?!?! what compelled sweetheart to blurt that out in the most awkward way possibl-
"oh um, yeah its actually my favorite..." there was a slight nervous chuckle at the end of that sentence that made sh's heart sore in ways they never felt before.
the question and reply started an unlikely friendship between the two that no one, not even sweetheart saw coming. all because sh' thought the were pretty and liked the same book
lovely:(lovely was getting repairs done on their guitar when tank walks in)
this was the worst.....
lovely couldn't believe they had to sit here in this ironically quit music store. it was days like these they wish Vincent could go out into sunlight. it would mean at the very least they would have him there to bored along with them. but alas that wasn't the case.
they heard that this store in particular was good at repairs with instruments and had decent prices though. it was a small music shop that was decorated with history music, old expensive instruments lined the walls with a few poster of famous rock a metal idols along with them.
the only other person in the store with them was this older Hispanic man that looked like a much older Gómez Addams
suddenly the man shot up from his seat as soon as the shop bell ringed.
" aye!!! i havent seen in awhile where have you been lobo?!" the older Hispanic man that was working on their guitar asked with excitement towards the person
"ive been busy old man, i cant just hang around the shop all day like i did when i was kid." the deep raspy voiced stranger responded with amusement.
and when they came just a little close..... they just were so pretty???
lovely didnt even know if it was just the lighting or something but they were prettier than Vincent! and Vincent was stage 10 pretty boy but this random person in this small little music shop was prettier!?!? now dont get them wrong they love Vincent very much but for a brief moment they considered snapping a picture and asking Vincent for a polycule with this random but very attractive stranger. all the while the stranger was conversation with the old clerk while he works on lovely's guitar they were able to get a good look at them.
they well built but like in that really hot muscular with a layer of softness over the muscles that made them look both very strong but very huggable, the had soft short hair that lovely would've broken bones to run their had through. in their eyes there was this mysterious almost teasing look to them that had lovely hooked and all types of hot and bothered. everything about them was just so tantalizing.
the stranger or lobo as the store clerk called them had this aura around them that could only be described as playful but mysterious and those scars looked so good. lovely didn't know many people in real live make having scars so sexy-
" how did you fuck up this thing so bad??" the older clerk cries throwing his hands on his head in distress snapped them out of their small simping spiral. when looking at what the old man was talking about they saw a well used and loved bass sitting on the counter, guitar was already finished and set off to the side.
the body of the bass was slightly cracked and the strings looked like they were a tap away from snapping.
"I told you've i've been busy...." lobo trailed off almost ashamed of the state of their bass"
the older man only mumbled something in spanish about bullshit excuses and turned of to call out to lovely, telling them he's done with the repairs and told them the price. they paid and excited the building only catching the beginning of a likely very hefty scolding about the importants of bass care.
they immediately whipped out their phone once out of ear shot and called Vincent.
"vinney you will not believe i just saw someone prettier that you!!!"
okay thats it for now thxs for reading, srry for any spelling mistakes
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skunkox · 2 months
Lap Dogs
This was originally just gonna be Asher and Darlin', but ya know, redacted brainrot.
Legs over Baaabe's lap
Lap = Pillow
Has done the half sitting half standing thing in wolf form on Baaabe.
Whines when told to move
Has jumped into David's lap on more than one occasion.
Still dose.
Angel sits in Baaabe's lap to make it "fair"
Has sat on milo and pretended to not notice.
Lap time pocky game.
Puppy dog eyes only work once a month.
Thinks Sam's lap is their home adress.
Has growled from his lap
Lap = pillow
Has been force-fed vegetables/ medicine ( Only time Sam has used force)
Refused to sit in Sam's lap for week after.
Has pushed Ash off of Sam's lap before it could happen.
Darlin' and Ash have both sat on each other's backs after wrestling in both human and wolf form.
Has jumped into Milo's lap during horror movie nights as teens. (They both deny it.)
Has used puppy dog eyes when Sam tried to get them up. (Man is whipped)
Doesn't sit in SH's lap often but won't say no to a little pampering.
Likes when SH runs their fingers through his hair.
Thigh appreciator
Enjoys looking into their eyes and reaching up to their face.
It's a sandwich if he's pulled into SH's lap and Arggo sits on his (hope I spelled that right)
Make out sessions be like
Won't sit in Angel's lap bur has laid his head there.
Does indeed snore when he sleeps there (drools too)
Totally wasn't lulled by the Minecraft music.
Chest scratches? Yes. Angel is sworn to secrecy.
Will rant about how a job went.
When he's really sick and out of it, will actively hunt Angel down, make them sit, and lay there.
Will and has growled when Angel starts to move too much.
My apologies if Milo and David's are a little off.
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tankwiththeangst · 28 days
I feel like whenever the double wedding does release I’m gonna avoid the Redacted Audio tag because I know theirs gonna be a lot of stuff being said and I know SOMEONE is gonna say something that is gonna agitate me lol
I’ll probably avoid tumblr the whole day honestly and wait to post how I feel about it
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desmorotu · 4 months
random redacted headcanons :3 ⭐️
- Geordi has read the harry potter series three times and when Cutie does something that aligns with their house he points it out in his mind. Cutie responds with a sideways glare LMAO (speaking of Geordi, i miss that guy:( i was listening to his playlist earlier today)
- Guy plants little love notes all around his and Honey’s apartment for them to find. he pretends he doesn’t know that they keep every single one and reads them often.
- Asher is on the super possessive side when it comes to Baaabe. he just hides it because he feels embarrassed by it.
- David still thinks about Angel’s cat and secretly wishes they were able to take it when they had the chance (“if we keep it it’s your cat, not mine” my ass)
- Milo breaks into dance randomly. with no music. in public or in private, it does not matter. he will think of a song in his head and bust a move.
- Damien is desperately trying to get Huxley into Resident Evil
- Damien loves Leon Kennedy just as much as the next guy, but his favorite character is Luis :3
- Lasko has his nipples pierced. idk it just seems like something he’d do
- Gavin walks around without pants often. Freelancer has had to tell him on multiple occasions to put pants on when the guys are over. he, in true Magnus Bane fashion, likes wearing a formal button down + blazer combo with no pants (he actually pulls it off surprisingly well) ((he IS wearing underwear))
- Huxley collects chapsticks. i’m not elaborating.
- if Hush was an aquatic creature, he would be a mako shark :3
- Sam has Kiss’ entire discography. he grew up listening to them over the years and it reminds him how far he had come in life
- Vincent sometimes dresses up for the hell of it, crown and all, and makes Lovely dress up with him and takes pictures. it has to be a VERY specific kind of mood and a very specific kind of day.
- William and the other elder vampires like David Bowie…those are just the vibes i get
- Caelum loves throwing dance parties with Gavin and Freelancer. they have never turned him down. when an “inappropriate” song comes on, Caelum sits with his mouth wide open and giggles to himself in disbelief. (“they said too many bad words…execute them” - caelum probably)
these are just random and stupid and they made me giggle
k bye 💟
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propertyofsamcollins · 9 months
If someone were to make the horrible mistake of wearing anything too dressy at Angel and Baabe's wedding, Darlin' and Sweetheart are teaming up and spraying red wine all over them
I said what I said
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strawberrybouvine · 10 months
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The Pack Mates are here !
Revised my designs for Angel and Sweetheart a bit, to make em a bit more solid in terms of looks but im so glad with how they all look ^^
oh just for funsies, Angel goes by They/He and rarely She/Her, Sweetheart They/Zem and Baaabe He/Him !
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ephxmerrxl · 10 months
Sweethearts dead
Cutie and Cam are consoling one another at the funeral
the pack is literally devastated, everyone’s trying to comfort milo, David and him are hugging as David also starts to tear up. Asher is forced to join in only to also slowly break apart, his happy exterior only bewilderment and sadness.
Darlin’ and Sam talking to Babe and Angel as they realize the loss of one of their best friends.
Maybe some family comes by, a distant cousin or two.
Milo can’t help but be in denial for a little while or so he thinks.
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