#Redacted Blake
capitalisticveins · 24 hours
Listen I know how we feel abt Blake but— *gets shot*
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milogreer · 11 hours
-> redacted audio headcanons ! ↳ blake & bestie edition
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my obsession is obsessing so here i am with headcanons !! this is my first real hc post so be nice to me (/j). bestie is gender neutral but they're still more into oc territory than strictly canon so keep that in mind! i'll probably add to this post as i think of new ones 🖤
-> they both have multiple piercings and tattoos; blake has more tattoos, but bestie has more piercings. ↳ some of his include a snake on his right forearm, his sword symbol on his neck/collarbone area (potentially one that looks like it's piercing the skin but idk), and barbed wire just under his knuckles. his ears are pierced and so is his nose. perhaps also his tongue. ↳ some of bestie's tattoos include a crescent moon + stars on one of their fingers, a broken heart next to their eye, and various witchcraft symbols. they have two piercings in each ear, one on both sides of their nose, a belly button piercing, and a septum piercing that is secretly a clip on. ↳ they also have a "matching" tattoo with blake that they got when they were 18; they got them out of a roulette machine! blake got an open eye and bestie got a switchblade :)
-> bestie's a huge music fan and has like a thousand burned CD playlists to fit any mood or scenario they can think of. they don't get into anyone's car without a CD case that holds at least a hundred of them. they have all their playlists on spotify too, but they prefer physical media. ↳ one of their road trip CDs is titled "blake and bestie's infinite playlist" as a reference to the movie nick and norah's infinite playlist.
-> bestie is very physically affectionate with their friends, from holding hands to kissing cheeks and foreheads. obviously, this doesn't sit well with blake's possessiveness; he'll put an arm around their shoulder when in group situations to ward people off. bestie doesn't realize exactly why he's doing this, they just think he's reciprocating the way they show affection.
-> blake stares. intensely. usually at bestie, regardless of what they're doing, but he's generally more of a people watcher than an active member of conversation. dude had very little charm in high school; bestie was the real social butterfly. ↳ he gives bestie scary dog privileges with the staring. whenever anyone asks bestie why he's staring like that, especially at them, they just wave them off dismissively and say, "oh, that's just blake." ↳ his eye contact during convos with bestie is unparalleled, to the point that sometimes even bestie is like, "why do you look like you want to eat me?? i know i look like a snack, but come on-"
-> blake is a radiohead fan. he listens to "creep" whenever he's on the outs with bestie (whether he actually is or if he just thinks he is).
-> bestie's parents love blake, but their younger sister does not. she thinks blake has "bad energy," but bestie never listens to anything she has to say.
-> bestie and cutie are part of the same friend group! they're closer than most of the others (bestie loves a red flag 👍🏼) and likely get together to have gossip sessions over lunch or go to the mall. maybe not Best Friends, but definitely good ones.
-> bestie has had insomnia since junior year of high school. their parents say it started from stress (they're a whiz so they take multiple AP classes), but personally i think blake had something to do with it... ↳ present day, i have a vague idea that their insomnia is partially influenced by blake constantly fucking with their future, but i haven't thought too deeply about it (yet).
-> they can both be judgy bitches, tucking themselves off into a corner at a party to people watch. bestie's a little two-faced in that regard because they can be super friendly one minute and then turn around and be catty behind someone's back the next.
-> reality show enjoyers 🫵🏻 i’m talking the bachelor, love island, jersey shore, real housewives, anything with DRAMA. they’ll binge old seasons during sleepovers and facetime for weekly releases.
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xanyiaz · 1 day
dude i desperately need someone to explain what order to watch all the redacted audio lore stuff PLEASE 🙏 i am in need of direction!!!! also if you answer this thank you so much i kiss the land you walk upon
HI HELLO UHHH well i feel like the order in which i listened (but slightly adjusted) was a good way to listen to everything- i'd say the first redacted 101 video about magic is very useful in explaining the basics so probably that first and then:
- freelancer season 1
- sadism's hold (ivan) you could listen at the same time as freelancer s1 bc it takes place at the same time
- freelancer season 2
- inversion
- freelancer season 3
- sovereign state (avior)
- project meridian ^^ with avior and project meridian you could switch their positions and listen either way
- hush
- carpe deus (vega)
- the balance ^^ again you could switch the positions of vega and the balance but just know they're both veryvery heavy lore wise so i'd recommend listening to last. i also recommend listening to hush and vega at the same time
these are just for the narrative/lore focused playlists ^^ as for the character playlists, you can listen in whichever order you want- i'd already listened to a lot of vincent before the freelancer series and i listened to milo just whenever- i finished listening to david, asher and sam last just bc they're not my kinda guys tbh 💀 the werewolves (david, asher and milo) and the vampires (vincent and sam) do also all appear in inversion and some people might recommend listening to them all first before inversion but i didn't and it was all fine- i could still figure out what was going on and could tell them apart easily but then again, if you do listen before, you'll understand inversion more and will have all the context so it's just up to you‼️i haven't listed all the character playlists btw, just the ones who appear in the narrative/plot-focused ones but there are others too like porter <3
and then there's other random characters like guy, ollie and geordi and stuff lol which aren't too involved in anything but they're veryvery cool and nice to listen to when recovering from angst 😃👍
oh and then there's the imperium au- which i'm actually still listening to (i keep procrastinating it lol). it's an alternate universe so just don't even go near that until you've listened to everything else 😭‼️
hope this helps & happy listening !! 🫶
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morgansplace · 5 months
I don't know if it matters, but I remade this like a month ago and never shared it
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Some of them changed, some are still the same, but just updated and more distinct I think. I seriously doubt this will get as popular as the other post, but who knows.
-> Elliott's little star and the 3 instead of the capital E. (This came from me doing that too when I was a kid!)
-> obligatory hearts for Vincent and Gavin because they're EXTRA and like to be DRAMATIC.
-> Damien's handwriting being small but with extremely big capitals because why not?
-> Geordi's i with a swirl and Ollie's with a big ass circle for absolutely no reason
-> Sam's doctor handwriting
Idk what to tell you man I went with vibes and vibes only
I LITERALLY CANNOT TAG ANYONE ELSE, but I don't think I have to. Also, no, I didn't add the new guy because even though I call him Griffin, i know that's not everyone's headcanon, so do not bother to ask. Also, I do not want to see anything about John.
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empydoc · 17 days
handholding headcanons 🤲
slight insinuation of mature themes in milo & porter's sections, but nothing explicit!
— freelancer often holds hands with each person within the damn squad, including coworker/dear.
-> they find that huxley’s hand is the biggest and gentlest, damien’s hand is the warmest and most tense, lasko’s hand is often the one with the most prevalent veins, gavin’s hand is the smoothest, and coworker’s hand is, well, whatever you make of it <3
— elliott & sunshine would hold hands all the time, even before getting together. it added to their ‘will they won’t they’ experience very much (and both of them often thought about it in a totally platonic way).
— avior has a tendency to hold starlight’s hand with both hands when he’s telling them things that’re important to him.
— darlin’, asher, and angel have all held hands with david at some point. they all say it feels different ways.
-> darlin’ describes it as if a dad was holding your hand out of necessity instead of want. asher says it’s tense but sweet. angel says it’s nothing but gentle (if not a tiny bit clingy).
— sam has the tendency to run his fingers over darlin’s veins. he says it’s habit more than anything else.
— after the first time, hush now finds that the warmth of doc’s hand is preferred over the absence of sensation. he tells them it’s something he’s unused to, but fond of.
— blake’s handholding has never been gentle, even way back when. he holds with possession instead of guidance. he also always interlocks his fingers with bestie’s. -> even so, whenever they mention to him that his grip is too tight, he loosens it- but only just.
— geordi, after being physically away from cutie for certain amounts of time and then seeing them for checkups, tends to wonder if they might get the chance to hold hands during such checkups. they never do, but his gaze tends to linger at their fidgeting hands often.
— guy, even in his chaos and all, will always kiss honey’s knuckles without fail when they hold hands. every. single. time.
— milo never fails to hold sweetheart’s hand during private and/or intimate times, although as much as he insists to it, it’s mainly because he likes to know they’re there and they’re safe. sweetheart finds it quite, ironically, sweet.
— morgan wears jewelry on his fingers, and talks with his hands. there's been times where he'll softly grasp obscura's hands for emphasis on his talking points, and will only notice that they've been holding hands for longer than intended after it's pointed out to him. (he notices beforehand, actually. he simply likes holding their hands. not that he'd admit such)
— porter's touch is very restrained, with lack of better term. he'll brush fingers over treasure's knuckles and fingertips without holding. he teases their skin with intent to hold but without action to do so. treasure wonders if it's too intimate for him to bear.
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6-atlas-6 · 2 months
Hey guys so I know I said I'd come back in January and then ended up disappearing again... A lot of stuff has been going on I'm so sorry 😭
As an apology, I bring you all more redacted tweets 🙏
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Guys I have not listened to a single redacted audio since the first part of the summit came out so cut me some slack if anything I post is inaccurate for a little bit
I'll catch up I promise
GUYS I FORGOT THE TAG LIST MB it's been too long
🎀Tags: @capitalisticveins @vilf-lover @plutobutartsy @vampiriceclipse @morgansplace @epsi-l0n @kitheking @randomhoneybee @messenger-of-stupidity @shawslut @samlizdavis @betta-phish @darlin-collins @verbal-static @puffin-smoke @cyc-chilla
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dumpfrontdesk · 2 months
me whenever i enter the yearly "dahlia's most pathetic man contest" but blake, marcus, and quinn are already there.
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plaqying · 4 months
erik after killing off two of his characters then starting an anthology
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totallynuwonhere · 2 months
Cars I head canon/are canon the Redacted bois have:
David - Classy black ofc ofc, and naturally owns the biggest/has the most seating cuz they take it alot on trips
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Asher - I see him as a big car guy, though it doesn’t seat as much as David’s (ION LIKE THE COLOR OF THIS BUT I CANT FIND ANY OTHER PICTURE CUZ IDK WHAT THE CAR’S CALLED)
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Milo - Keeping it simple but classy
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Sam - I mean, cmon.
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Vincent - Ofc it’s from William’s collection, this would prolly be Porter’s pick too
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Huxley - Istg when i thought jeep the only image that came to mind was the Heeler family’s car from Bluey 😭
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Lasko - Simple, modest, gets the job done
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Blake - He definitely had one of these
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Guy - I was gonna go pizza planet from Toy Story but this felt right
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redactedasset · 3 months
putting random redacted characters together and rate how well they could get along
everything is strictly platonic !!!!!
porter - geordi : 0%. geordi would get scared of porter tbh, he'd think the brit is a weirdo, would stay as far away as possible
hush - caelum : 50%. surprisingly well ngl! caelum would show hush how humans work and maybe bake cookies with each other? little dude would be terrified knowing what hush can do tho
blake - gavin : absolutely not %. you know how blake thinks of daemons. fight of the century. the gavin-vega fight is nothing compared to this.
morgan - james : 70%. pretty sure they'd try to save the world together, i can see trauma dumping sessions
anton - huxley : 90%. calm, cool guys. discussing being an earth elemental (bc of anton's love uskshsjzh)
guy - vega : 40%. these guys love using words no one understands.
avior - damien : 3%. "why is he so grumpy?" BOTH OF YOU ARE GRUMPY
camelopardalis - brachium : 100%. serenity daemon and ex serenity daemon talk would be so interesting holy SHITTTT
david - aggro : 30%. both furries /lh
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tumbletaker · 4 months
”And if you need to be mean…”
David, Damien, Vega, Blake, Quinn, Honey
“..Be mean to me”
Angel, Freelancer, Sunshine, Darlin, Guy
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milogreer · 4 days
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i made him spin :)
when i say i'm spinning him around in my head this is what i mean
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xanyiaz · 2 months
sometimes babygirl is a man from arizona with a creative mind and a microphone that makes silly boyfriend audios as well as fantasy lore stories that people who are attracted to voices and get overly attached to fictional characters enjoy :))
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ashturnedtomist · 4 months
“How could a heart like yours…”
Lovely, Angel, Freelancer, Bestie, Sam, Huxley, Cutie, Guy
“…ever love a heart like mine?”
Vincent, David, Gavin, Blake, Darlin’, Damien, Geordi, Honey
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empydoc · 3 months
little things (headcanons) i think some of the boys do with a twist! they get angstier as you go!
this one's kinda long, but sfw ~
david, when surrounded by lots of people, will beeline for angel. crowds/meetings/etc, it doesn't matter. he's going to them.
honey likes to wash guy's hair in the shower, even after he makes several dirty shower jokes, because he goes quiet and enjoys it a lot more than they know he'd admit when they touch his hair.
elliott, when sitting beside sunshine, will squeeze their hand every so often. he always gets a squeeze back. the two always giggle to themselves when this happens.
asher has a lot of scars on his hands, whether that's from reckless behaviour or whatever else. babe used to avoid touching them, not knowing if he'd like it or not, but once they unintentionally ran their finger over the uneven skin and found it pretty theraputic to do. he's noticed they've started doing this a lot now, and likes it a whole lot.
as much as his spouse continues to tell him he doesn't have to, james loves to get them flowers. doesn't matter the day, the current season, or the holiday- if he's home late or feels like it, he's getting flowers.
sam subtly checks that darlin has enough food to the last the week, every week, just in case. they've been doing better at making sure they have enough for themselves, and he trusts them well, but it's become habit at this point.
in public places, avior holds onto starlight's arm or hand, making sure he's touching them or able to see them. he doesn't want to lose them again.
blake doesn't enjoy looking at himself in the mirror unless bestie is also seen in the reflection.
every so often gavin finds himself tracing over freelancer's features again and again, not wanting to forget them. they let him do this as much as he wants, always noticing a forlorn expression on him when he does.
vega's expression would always soften when he looked at warden. they noticed it the closer it got to his end. sometimes, it almost looked like he wanted to cradle their face, but they don't know that for sure. they couldn't ask him now even if they wanted to.
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6-atlas-6 · 8 months
Woo redacted tweets are back
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I'm gonna say this rn, I do understand Darlin's character development and making them overly violent in these tweet post makes it seem like I don't. HOWEVER I think it's funny. And barely any of these posts are ever in character anyways.
🎀Tags: @capitalisticveins @vilf-lover @deviantaj @plutobutartsy @crescentgrim @morgansplace @epsi-l0n @kitheking @randomhoneybee @messenger-of-stupidity @shawslut @samlizdavis @betta-phish @darlin-collins @verbal-static @puffin-smoke @cyc-chilla
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