#Rupert Simonian
dorothydalmati1 · 9 months
Obscure Animation Subject #5: Best & Bester
Originally posted on Twitter on January 5, 2023.
Created by Anttu Harlin and Joonas Utti of 101 Dalmatian Street and The Unstoppable Yellow Yeti fames, head written by Ciaran Murtagh and Andrew Barnett-Jones and head directed by Kitty Taylor, it aired on Yle, YTV and Nickelodeon UK.
Its about two shape BFDI-like characters that are voiced by Rupert Simonian and Kathryn Drysdale that go into shenanigans while transforming into whatever they want. This show is eh, it doesn’t feel too special and the music sounds generic. It has decent animation though.
One thing I will point out is that its mainly produced by Nelvana. That studio I hate nowadays for supporting NFTs and co-producing the infamous All Engines Go. Their not the only studio involved as it was produced in collaboration with Gigglebug Entertainment and Eye Present.
Some writers from Gigglebug previous productions that worked on this are Kristina Yee (of The Unstoppable Yellow Yeti fame) and Ciaran Morrison and Mick O'Hara (of 101 Dalmatian Street fame). Online, the first episode is seen in English but the rest is the Spanish dub.
It would be appreciated if more episodes are available in English, but for my recommendation, it won’t hurt to watch it, but you won’t miss out on anything either. I wouldn’t consider it terrible, its just mediocre. Better than 101 Dalmatian Street though. Nothing beats the yeti.
Okay since more episodes have been uploaded in English this became outdated. However, the series is still not easy to find and some episodes probably became lost media (at least in English), so yeah.
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kwebtv · 3 years
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Appropriate Adult  -  ITV / STV / UTV - September 4-11, 2011
Drama / True Crime (2 episodes)
Running Time:  90 minutes
Dominic West as Fred West
Emily Watson as Janet Leach
Monica Dolan as Rose West
Robert Glenister as D.S.I. John Bennett
Sylvestra Le Touzel as D.C. Hazel Savage
Samuel Roukin as D.C. Darren Law
Anthony Flanagan as Mike
Stanley Townsend as Syd Young
Gerard Horan as Howard Ogden
Seline Hizli as Mae West
James McArdle as Stephen West
Rupert Simonian as Josh Leach
Jasper Jacob as Brian Leveson QC
Jack Fortune as Richard Ferguson QC
Vincent Brimble as Mr Justice Mantell
Robert Whitelock as D.C. Carl Kempinsky
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clasicosyruidosos · 5 years
Peter Pan (2003)
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Todos los niños crecen, menos uno. Esto quiere decir: nada de problemas y obligaciones de adultos, trabajos pesados, estrés. Sólo diversión, convivencia con hadas, peleas con piratas, vuelos, deliciosa comida inventada, cacareos y una primavera eterna.
Nada de ello parece malo, pero el rey del mundo de Nunca Jamás, cuyo nombre es Peter Pan (Jeremy Sumpter), está por descubrir si su modo de vida tiene algún inconveniente que no había pensado.
Todo comienza cuando invita a este mundo maravilloso a Wendy (Rachel Hurd-Wood), John (Harry Newell) y Michael Darling (Freddie Popplewell), aunque el recibimiento que obtienen de parte de los “Niños Perdidos”, los indios y los piratas, comandados por el temible Capitán Garfio (Jason Isaacs, que también interpreta al Sr. Darling), dista mucho de ser acogedor.
Única influencia femenina y humana (Campanita, interpretada por Ludivine Sagnier, es un hada, muy temperamental), Wendy se convierte en la “madre” del grupo, aunque se sienta tentada a unirse la las huestes de Garfio.
Deslumbrante en su concepción, esta película escrita y dirigida por P. J. Hogan, basada en la obra de James Barrie también cuanta con las actuaciones de Lynn Redgrave (la tía Millicent), Richard Briers (Smee), Olivia Williams (la señora Darling) y, formando parte de los Niños Perdidos, Theodore Chester (Slightly), Rupert Simonian (Tootles), George MacKay (Curly), Harry Eden (Nibs) y Patrick Gooch y Lachlan Gooch como los Mellizos.
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thedailyflixcine · 3 years
Mirapelis.HD Still Here 2020 Pelicula Completa latino HD Subtitulado
Ver Still Here (2020) Drama. Still Here se puede ver de forma gratuita registrándose. Descargar Still Here HD Calidad.
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Still Here (2020)
Fecha de estreno : 2020-08-27 Géneros : Drama Runtime : 99 Minutes Home Page : IMDb Page : https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4789618 Company : Atelier 44 Reparto : Johnny Whitworth, Zazie Beetz, Maurice McRae, Afton Williamson, Larry Pine, Jeremy Holm, Danny Johnson, Jared Kemp, Rupert Simonian, Gia Crovatin Tagline: Overview : Christian Baker, un joven periodista neoyorquino de The Chronicle, es asignado a una historia social sobre la desaparición de Monique Watson, una niña afroamericana de 12 años de Brooklyn. Tratando de retrasar la tarea, investiga la historia de manera rápida y deficiente y sigue la primera pista. Esto provoca una serie de dolores. Christian con culpa decide finalmente hacer su trabajo correctamente y se encuentra en una carrera contrarreloj para ayudar a la familia a encontrar a la niña.
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mediaclick · 3 years
Mirapelis.HD Still Here Pelicula Completa en Espanol 2020
Descargar Still Here (2020) Drama. Still Here se puede ver de forma gratuita registrándose. Descargar Still Here HD Calidad.
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Still Here (2020)
Fecha de estreno : 2020-08-27 Géneros : Drama Runtime : 99 Minutes Home Page : IMDb Page : https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4789618 Company : Atelier 44 Reparto : Johnny Whitworth, Zazie Beetz, Maurice McRae, Afton Williamson, Larry Pine, Jeremy Holm, Danny Johnson, Jared Kemp, Rupert Simonian, Gia Crovatin Tagline: Overview : Christian Baker, un joven periodista neoyorquino de The Chronicle, es asignado a una historia social sobre la desaparición de Monique Watson, una niña afroamericana de 12 años de Brooklyn. Tratando de retrasar la tarea, investiga la historia de manera rápida y deficiente y sigue la primera pista. Esto provoca una serie de dolores. Christian con culpa decide finalmente hacer su trabajo correctamente y se encuentra en una carrera contrarreloj para ayudar a la familia a encontrar a la niña.
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repwinpril9y0a1 · 7 years
First Nighter: Tanya Saracho's "Fade," Geoff Sobelle's "The Object Lesson," Robert Holman's "Jonah and Otto"
Two Mexicans walk into a Hollywood movie studio office. No, this isn't the beginning of a hot new joke, even though there's an early Donald J. Trump laugh line. It's the start of Tanya Saracho's Fade, at the Cherry Lane, that, for one thing, takes up within-nationality biases Lucia (Annie Dow), who's written one novel and is blocked on a second, has accepted a writing-team job on a television series. She's moved into her second-tier but still comfortable office where Abel (Eddie Martinez), pronounced Ah-bell, is the handy cleaning man. (Mariana Sanchez is the set designer.) Just about right off the bat, Lucia assumes--correctly--that Eddie is Mexican and, because she is, too, begins addressing him in Spanish. Although he speaks English, he doesn't respond at first. Shortly, however, he points out to her--in English--that her assumption exposes a class distinction she's made about who would be likely to learn a second language and who wouldn't. So their earlier exchanges revolve around Abel wising Lucia up to herself as she grouses about the barely disguised biased treatment she's receiving from her states-born male writing colleagues. In time, Lucia eases up and, as Abel visits her space to empty her wastebasket and show how to open her window, the two become friendlier and even bond with each other against the writing-team's unconscious racist remarks. They're in accord to the extent that Eddie not only opens up to Lucia about his troubles at home but also begins discussing her writing assignments. It's here where Saracho's play--so smart about prejudice often seemingly rampant--goes somewhat off the tracks. Lucia gets Abel relaxed enough to confide something drastic about himself and family. Doing that, Saracho arms the audience with a hearty nudge as to where she's going with her script and makes a playwright's major mistake. She lets the audience get ahead of her. The problem becomes that rather than having patrons follow the Lucia-Abel development, they're drumming their fingers in regard to how long it's going to take for the inevitable to take place. Though that goes some way to vitiate Fade, it doesn't undermine the play completely. Her observations about the complexities of intolerance are astute. The Lucia-Abel relationship and how it grows is amusing as well as enlightening to observe. The playwright is valuably abetted by director Jerry Ruiz, who began his work in an earlier Denver Center Theatre Company production. Dow's never-ending jitters are great fun to watch. Worth watching closely is Martinez's display of sly understanding. He also exhibits a confident workingman's stride, which he probably honed in Denver. ****************** At the New York Theatre Workshop they're happy to reconfigure the commodious space for whatever is lodging there temporarily. With The Object Lesson, they've gone whole hog. When patrons enter past an opaque plastic curtain they've already passed a wall of stacked boxes. Once in, they're encouraged to wander through the hundreds(?) of additional boxes. Some are stacked. Some are not, but are open and contain what look like society's detritus. Some are designated as seats. (Steven Dufala is credited with the scenic installation design.) After the crowd has spent time milling about and then sitting, a willowy fellow named Geoff Sobelle (not that he gives a character's name) starts talking, initially discussing objects he picks out near the chair he's occupied for a few minutes. He rambles on for a while and then makes a call (or was he called?; I don't remember) and begins talking to himself--to his just recorded opening ramble. Sobelle, ostensibly known for award-winning installations, continues spinning sentences that are notable for adding up to nothing much. In response, the audience occasionally laughs. Otherwise, the attendees are polite throughout. For a bit of relief from the attenuated tedium, Sobelle, climbs on a table and, with the ice skates he's wearing, does a dance in which he cuts up lettuce, carrots and a red pepper, thereby producing a salad for a woman, who's said she's Kyoko. The sequence is mildly amusing and constitutes the 90-minute diversion's high point. (David Parker/The Bang Group is credited with the choreography. David Neumann is credited as director, although the extent of his contributions is elusive.) For the final 10 or 15 minutes of a piece originally commissioned by Lincoln Center Theater, Sobelle stands at one end of the room pulling seemingly endless objects from a medium-sized box. Eventually, he runs out of junk, making his perhaps major point that in time civilization comes down to nothing. Early on, Sobelle dubs the undertaking a "bulls**t enterprise." Let's give him that final word on one of the most impoverished theater pieces by which this reviewer has ever been assaulted. ****************** In Robert Holman's Jonah and Otto, twentysomething-thirtysomething Jonah (Rupert Simonian) and sixty-ish Otto (Sean Gormley) don't meet cute on this side of a crumbling stone wall that could, despite the absence of gravestones, be a cemetery. (Ann Beyersdorfer is responsible for the haunted-looking set.) They encounter when Jonah slinks through a wooden door pushing a laden cart. He arrives to menace Otto, who's been rubbing against the wall, ostensibly to extract the heat soaked up during the day. Otto calls Jonah a hoodlum. Jonah claims he isn't. Throughout the ensuing conversation, which stretches into a series of conversations, Jonah and Otto alternately rag each other or declare their concern for one another. Slowly, it becomes obvious that, despite their differently troubled lives, they're forging a friendship. One of the reasons is the sleeping infant daughter whom Jonah takes care of in his cart. Trying to make precise sense of what's transpiring moment to moment may not be worth a ticket buyer's time. The script doesn't bear the weight of too much analysis--certainly not the sequence in which while Otto is apparently sleeping, Jonah strips him of his outer clothes. This piece may be a small lapse in playwright Holman's career. Little known stateside, if known at all, he does include among his works an exquisite one-act produced in 1986 about the also all but unknown writer Denton Welch. It's called Being Friends, and also there's A Thousand Stars Explode in the Sky, co-authored with David Eldridge and Simon Stephens. Would that those two plays would be presented here. The pressing reason to see Jonah and Otto is to watch what Simonian and Gormley do with their meaty roles, as directed by Geraldine Hughes. Swizzlestick-thin Otto switches with speed from scared clergyman (at least a clergyman is what Otto claims to be) to overbearing aggressor. Chunky Simonian--who gets to throw a terrifyingly convincing epileptic fit--slowly instills irresistible humanity into the openly emotional Jonah. Although Holman's play adds up to less than the sum of its parts, the acting amounts to a good deal more.
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from DIYS http://ift.tt/2k9ZE8d
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myhowtheyhavegrown · 11 years
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Rupert Simonian
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lets-go-to-the-movies · 11 years
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jeremynews-blog · 11 years
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aiylpop-blog · 13 years
The New Ibang-Eba, tsika lang Movie
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Download Ibang-Eba, tsika lang
Another chose to marry his. Kung anuman ang desisyon ko ay masaya ako. Nangako naman daw na darating si Maui, male-late lang dahil may ibang commitment. KAKA-BLOG-KA-BLOG: Wala nang himala, para magbago ang guy...AKTRES. BLIND ITEM: IPINALIWANAG ng aming impormante na kung tutuusin ay hindi naman ang aktres na matagal na panahon nang namamalagi sa ibang bansa ang totoong may problema. Ang totoo raw ay ang kasa-kasama nitong lalaki. . Nakapasok sa kanilang grupo ang aktres dahil sa isa nilang kaibigan, nu;ng una ay ayos lang naman ang mga nangyayari, hanggang sa magkaroon ng away ang isang mag-asawa sa grupo nila. Is the thrill in blogging gone? | reyna elena dot comPwede syang short blogging movie. KAKA-BLOG-KA-BLOG: Panalo talaga, as in! AKTOR AT UTOL NA BAGETS. Rapidshare Movies Video ListIbang-Eba, tsika lang (1998) Rapidshare Video Icarus Descending (1998) Rapidshare Video Icarus: Sanctuary of the Gods (1998) (VG) Rapidshare Video Ice (1998) (TV) Rapidshare Video Ice Cream (1998) Rapidshare Video. Pero ipinipilit niyang isama pa rin sa show ;yung lalaki, du;n sila hindi nagkakasundo ng mga producers, kaya nabubulilyaso ang mga transaksiyon nila!. . Sinusulat namin ;to kahapon ay nagte-taping si Aiko ng Reputasyon (starring Cristine Reyes) sa munisipyo ng San Miguel, Bulacan at tamang-tama na nandu;n si Mayor Roderick Tiongson. Aware ba siya na kahit hindi pa siya. Aiko Melendez, ban no more in San Miguel, Bulacan | Pinoy ParazziBLIND ITEM: SUPER hate ng isang guwapong aktor ang kanyang legs, sa totoo lang. . hindi nila kailangang gumimik para panoorin ang movie nila dahil magaling silang umarte, at maganda ang material na ibinigay sa kanila. "Paano naman, nakasimangot na siya agad, ipinakilala sa kanya ang producer, tumango lang siya at hindi man lang bumeso bilang pagrespeto, may mga Pinoy na kumakaway sa kanya sa airport, pero matamlay lang niyang kinawayan na. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ako na lang po ;yung nag-i-smile
The Over-Eater hd Never Enough movie
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lets-go-to-the-movies · 11 years
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jeremynews-blog · 11 years
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jeremynews-blog · 12 years
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jeremynews-blog · 12 years
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Countdown to Jeremy’s 23rd B-day : 5 days to go!
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jeremynews-blog · 12 years
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Peter Pan (2003): Jeremy's most known, and loved role by far. Loved not just by fans, but by Jeremy himself, who connected so much with the role, that he now sports a "to die would be an awfully big adventure" tattoo on his ribs. Gotta love a guy for that. ^-^  
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jeremynews-blog · 13 years
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