barbietoiles · 5 months
I want to rant about tubbos rp style. I often get annoyed by people giggling about -100 rp points because LISTEN!! This style is UNIQUE and SO COOL!! Everyone loves phils 4th wall breaks why cant tubbo have that?
Theres rules to the universe like "federatoin buildings are protected" and "the mob cap is this number" and "this entity is omnipresent and much too powerful". But tubbo finds a way to challenge all of that and it works!! He breaks the federation protection, he manipulates mob caps, he tells you the stats of essentially god and the exact steps to take it down.
He sees through and into everything. You are just a number of totems and armour durability to him. Creative mode is just another problem to solve. Leveling millions of blocks is a matter of minutes to him and hell still complain about efficiency.
The way he speaks is like he's tearing apart the threads of your reality. He asks you what the guts of god look like and two minutes later hes holding them and gods dead body is at his feet.
Of course admins have to blind him a little and pomme has to tell him off in brackets. Hes insane (synonymous to cool, epic, awesome, outstanding, one-of-a-kind, never before seen, admirable, showstopping).
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