muses-darling · 5 years
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A Star Wars AU of SeaCoast City written by your’s truly! 
Chapters Released 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
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muses-darling · 5 years
A Seduction of the Darkside - A Star Wars AU - CH. 9 Dantooine
Rain fell tumultuous thunder sounded after lighting cracked the sky, droplets hissing on the red blade of the lightsaber. 
The silent cry of a broken man as he was dragged away thrown into a cell until he might be of some use. 
“Heal her, I don’t care how,” those were the words that Honey heard as she watched the only one she had ever given a damn about leave her, while not willingly he certainly put up little fight. Her dark eyes filling with tears as pain shot through her body as the cruel darkside of the force’s way of healing filled her abdomen. She screamed and screamed before they took her away. From there it was one session of torture and cruelty till she finally re-succumbed into the hatred Alucard had pulled her out of. So when she sat on the dais watching the familiar red head enter the Knight’s establishment, a Jedi no less with him she felt a terrible need to drive a sword between his third and fourth rib and run to his arms and kiss him. She hadn’t made up her mind, yet. 
“Well this most certainly is a surprise.” Mister Master’s said from where he sat. “The Sith Empire will pay a good deal for both of you. Isn’t that right Darth Mellillia?”
“Oh they most certainly will.” Honey/Darth Mellillia said with a blood dripping smile. 
Alucard stared at the woman before him. Honey, was alive? How was this possible? He watched her die, he watched until he was unable to see her from how far they had taken him from her. His connection to the force had been severed to keep him from acting up, causing his body to feel weak and sick. Restored only when the Emperor had tried to take over his body in a botched ritual where his Half-sister’s had saved him. She was as lovely as he remembered her, ruby lips no longer held a smile for him but a snarl. It pained him to his core. 
“Good then they are yours once your Emperor sends me my funds. Until then.” He waved his hands away. “Keep them with the others.” 
Kit sat in his cell separated from the crew of the Cerberus, how they had gotten captured was foolish but apparently they should have checked to make sure there was no tracking devices on board. The cell door opened and a scrawny teen boy entered his face was full of pure delight at seeing Kit. Kit sensed no maliciousness behind it, in fact he would waver that this boy was much like little Juliet back at the Temple. Warm and full of sunlight that radiated through even the coldest of the winters of cruelty. 
“Wow so you’re like a real Jedi? My Mom’s a Jedi, well that is what everyone says, Harper doesn’t talk about it much but- wow I saw your lightsabers what color are they? Can you do the same thing that Darth Mellillia does with the lightning? Are you a light Jedi or a Dark Jedi? Oh I didn’t introduce myself my name’s Ben!” He waved to Kit before awkwardly shutting his mouth and standing there for a moment in silence.
“Yes, white and green, in a way I can use force lighting, I am neither of the light or the dark, it is nice to meet you Ben my name is Kit.” Kit nodded calmly. 
Ben blinked, “wait so you can show me what you can do? Have you met my Mom? If so what is she like? Wait do all Jedi know each other? Or is that not really a thing? How many Jedi are there?” He spoke rapidly and Kit could sense his excitement and also that he was of the force. 
“If I am allowed to have my lightsabers back I could show you somethings yes, I do not know who your Mother is, I’m sorry. No we don’t all know each other there are at least thrice more Jedi than known planets. Not including Dark Jedi, or grey Jedi like myself. 
“Well I grabbed your Lightsabers,” Ben said pulling them out of the bag at his side holding them out to him.
Kit held up his wrists reminding the boy that he was very much bound in them.
“Oh! Right!” Ben came near and unlocked them then held out the lightsabers. 
Kit took them and put them on his side. Part of him wanted to use the force to influence the boy to sleep and make a break for it but felt it wasn’t right. Instead he went with him to a training ground the Knights used. 
“Ok, ok, so how do you use them?” Ben asked sitting up on one of the ledges around the training area crossed legged his arms in front of him watching Kit eagerly. 
Kit laughed. “They aren’t toys Ben, a lightsaber is more than that, it is an elegant weapon and a dangerous one. He brought up one pressing the button the blade coming to life. 
Ben’s eyes widened, “How do you have a White lightsaber?”
“All lightsabers technically start out that way, but are influenced by their user’s motivations. However if a Kyber crystal is forced to become red by being overly saturated with cruelty then it becomes hardened. If healed from it then it goes back to being white and stays that way because it has been freed with kindness, love, and compassion above all.” Kit ignited his green blade.
“So what does a green blade mean?” 
“When I first got this lightsaber I was very much a Jedi who followed the path of the light strictly. However the mysteries of the force always were on my mind, I longed to understand them fully and at the time so deeply opposed the darkness that I longed to end it at the source that it came from. I am much more open minded now and see the force for what it is, both light and dark, full of nuance. Not just relegated to the polar mindset so many force users perceive it to be.”
“What made you-”
“Ben, what is the Jedi doing out of his cell,” Harper said as she entered brushing her hair back from her face. “Let alone with his Lightsabers! If Master’s finds out he will not be pleased.”
“This is the closest I’ve ever gotten to knowing about Mom! Doesn’t any of that matter to you?” Ben asked looking up at his Sister.
“Please Harper I just want to know about the Jedi,” Ben begged her.
“If it is any consolation I’ll go back to my cell after I have answered any questions.” Kit offered up. 
Harper looked between the two of them giving a large sigh, “Just don’t get caught Master’s is in a mood tonight. Apparently the Empire has decided that they won’t honor the full payment they had initially offered. 
Alucard felt his body rise up lifted by the force as he was slammed into the wall.
“YOU BASTARD!” Honey yelled at him. “Why didn’t you come back! Why didn’t you fight for me?” She came at him with a lightsaber drawn.
Alucard dodged her using the force to speed his movements out the cell. 
The Cell door flew off the hinges as Honey tore it down bringing the lightsaber down upon him.
Alucard reached out for one of the Knight’s blades they kept, the blades were made of cortosis blocking the blade of the Lightsaber. “I thought you were dead.” He hissed as he pushed her back spinning the blade and readying it. “I saw you die, and in that moment so did I.”
“You didn’t fight.” 
“You think I didn’t want to?” Alucard bit out. “They severed me, Honey, they severed my connection to the force.”
“Then how is that you can use the force.”
“Because my Father reconnected me, because he said I had some purpose remaining to serve. It was why you had to die, but you’re not dead.” He held his sword down and away. “Come away with me, we can go back to how it was.”
Honey closed her eyes looking from him for a moment before she screamed and rushed at him holding her lightsaber ready to impale him.
Alucard stood and let her come at him closing his eyes, but felt her fall into him sobbing her blade having shut down before she even reached him. 
Sobbing into his arms she pressed herself into him, “Do you promise?”
Alucard wrapped her in his arms, “I do.” 
Honey looked up at him, “Then let us leave all of this behind.” 
Alucard nodded, “Can we grab my sisters?”
“Leave the Jedi he is who the Sith Empire wants. Apparently you’ve lost value to them.” 
“Is that one of the reasons you tried to kill me just now my tender murderess?” Alucard asked pressing a kiss.
“Can you blame a girl for trying?” Honey asked snuggling into his arms. “Come on,” She pulled from him taking his hand. “We should leave before the Emperor comes, they haven’t been kind to the planets they visit.”
Kit looked up at the skies watching the Harrower Class Dreadnoughts appear one by one. “If Mister Master’s thinks he is getting anything from the Sith Empire he is literally dead wrong, they don’t make friends, they take what they want. Whatever that may be, both of you need to take the fastest ship out of here.”
“No we aren’t leaving Dantooine, this is our home!” Harper said taking hold of Ben’s shoulders. 
“The Sith don’t care, they will see this world turned to ash and slaughter innocents like you both or worse make Sith Acolytes of you. I sense the Force in you both, I can only imagine the midichlorian count.” He smiled at them both before looking to Harper. “You want to do best by your Brother, I understand that, I have people I care about.” Juliet, Masters Crowley and Aziraphale, His thoughts were interrupted as distant explosions of Sith Forces sent bombers to reign down upon the planet. Kit used the force placing a protective bubble around the three of them. 
Harper held her Brother close who watched the fire burn away to smoke clearing away. “Come on, I hope you are right Master Jedi that we can make it away from here alive.”
“Not a Master, just a Jedi.” Kit corrected her. “Follow me.”
“Do you know where you are going?” Harper asked.
“No but the force guides me and so far it has worked out just as well.” Kit told her running.
Ben looked to Harper shrugged and followed after Kit. 
Masters ordered his men to fire upon the marching orderly troops of the Sith Empire that bore down upon them. He had hoped that the Sith would leave Dantooine alone in their path of conquest. What use was the planet to them? “Find the Jedi he is what they want perhaps there is still some negotiations that can still be made.” 
An explosion went off the spray of dirt and other shrapnel entering the air scattering the Knights. 
More Knights filled in where their fallen comrades had stood they too were well trained, however this was something else. Night was coming and in the fall of the sun beyond the horizon one could see the swath of red lightsabers flashing in the distance. This was a fight they couldn’t win. “Sound the evacuation of Dantooine. Find my Daughter. Find Ben and Harper. Get them to safety.” He told Kaleb before turning seeing the leader of the Sith. Masters’ picked up a hand cannon and fired it at the Sith.
Iginis smiled letting the cannon blast come to him before swallowing it up in the force containing the blast letting the smoke blow passed him as he continued unphased. His lightsaber brandishing as he continued his march upon the man, deflecting each blast with the force before reaching out and slamming the man against the wall.
“We had a deal, the Emperor and I.” Masters gasped out as air stopped entering his lungs.
“Funny, I don’t remember making such a deal.” Ignis smirked up at him. 
“So whatever promises made are null and void?” Master’s managed with the last of the air in his lungs as the tightening of his throat continued.
“You catch on quickly for a thief.” Ignis said letting him drop. “But I will have that Jedi.”
“Too bad the same can’t be said of you.” Masters croaked out.
Iginis looked down and saw the blinking bomb and using the force pushed himself away from it.
Master’s used the distraction to duck behind the building. “If the Jedi falls into the hands’ of the Sith kill him but if he be an ally then allow him to assist us.” He commanded into the comm.
Kit brought up his blades deflecting bolts away from them, slicing enemies right and left.
Ben and Harper fired upon the Sith troopers with their blasters. 
“You asked about what I could do with the force,” Kit said. “Get behind me I don’t want to chance either of you getting hurt by any strays.” His arm lifted as sparks of yellow force lighting danced around then arcing over the end of his lightsaber at the troops blasting them away. 
Ben’s jaw dropped. “Ok you have to show me how you do that!” Ben grinned up at him.
“Provided we find the time, I’d be more than happy to teach you both some tricks of the force.” Kit offered not really promising to teach him that exact technique. 
Ignis sat up from where he had landed chuckling, “Crafty little Thief.” He groaned and sat up he had not been paying attention as to where he had landed. Moving his shoulders he cracked his neck moving his head side to side. “More fun this way. Now where did my favorite Jedi go?” He mused looking around the battlefield reaching out with the force. “Ahhh, there you are Kit.” Thrusting his lightsaber into an approaching Knight he spun the blade cutting through all the others. 
Kaleb hurried through the Halls of the Knight’s fortress, blasting enemies he rounded a corner and nearly was stabbed by a very, very scared blonde. “Emelyne it’s me!”
“Kaleb!” She shrieked sitting up on him. “Oh my goodness,” She looked him over carefully moving the laser scalpel in hand so as not to hurt him. “I didn’t harm you did I? Because that would be ironic considering I’m your doctor.”
“I’m fine, we need to get you out of here.”
“Where’s my Dad?” She asked taking the pistol from him.
Kaleb thought of when he had last seen Masters’ fighting Iginis, “Busy.”
Emelyne sighed and checked over the pistol bringing it up to shoot an enemy over his shoulder. “You know you should really ask a girl out before you show her a good time.” She winked at him before gesturing her head in the direction to get out of there. “Come on. We need to find Ben and Harper.”
“What do you mean they disabled it!” Alucard said as he boarded the Cerberus, “The nerve!”
“Possibly because they don’t want you to escape or for anyone to just fly off with a modified Sith Infiltrator with the best cloaking device in the galaxy.” Honey retorted as she hopped into the pilot seat getting the ship at least started up. 
Nikki hurried to a turret Layla going to the other firing on the troops that started to surround them. “Come on Alucard get her on line we are starting to run short on miracles.”
“Don’t I know!” Alucard snapped back as he tried removing the energy dampening device from the hyper drive.
“No need to get snippy with me, I’m not the one who didn’t check to see if there was a high frequency tracker.” Layla said. “It was Nikki’s turn.”
“Oh that is classic you!” Nikki rolled her eyes taking out a soldier her sister had clearly been aiming for.
“Will you both just please be quiet I’m trying to focus.” Alucard’s frustration was rising between the blaster fire, the occasional rocking of the ship, and the flash of lights he wondered if they would even make it.
“OH my god look it’s Jedi boy!” Layla pointed out Kit. 
“And look he made friends looks like he can be nice. Pay up Layla!” Nikki smirked only to feel a credit chip hit her. “Hey!”
“Not my fault you chose a bad time.” It was Layla’s turn to smirk.
“Hey you two the Captain’s given orders for radio silence.” Honey told them.
“Thank you-”
“-It’s not his fault if he has performance issues.” Honey smiled at Alucard.
“Oh that’s real mature. Of you.” Alucard told her as the ring slipped off.
“Anger always has a way of getting the best out of you.” Honey shrugged.
“She’s not wrong remember that time when you had lightning coming out of your eyes and -”
“Now’s not the time Layla!” Alucard said as he reached in clicking the wires back into place the hyperdrive humming to life as it began reconnecting with the online systems. 
Kit turned letting the siblings run passed him taking a stance against the assailants. “You both get on that ship.”
“Wait!” Ben turned.
“Ben what are you doing?” Harper said halting.
“I’ve seen too many Holo movies to know where this is going.” Ben said. “If you stay you die, you said you’d teach me some force tricks.”
“If we make it out alive, yes, here’s one.” Kit raised a hand and waved it over Ben. “Go to sleep.” 
Ben’s eyes rolled back as he dropped like a sack of potatoes.
Kit raised him up gliding him with the force aboard the ship much like Crowley had for him some time ago. “Now go with your brother.” He told Harper.
“He’s not likely to forgive you for that easily.” Harper said before placing a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you and-may...may the force be with you Jedi Kit.”
Kit smiled. “And with you both.” 
Harper squeezed his shoulder and hurried off after her brother.
Kit stood watching the approaching troopers closing his eyes before opening them his body a blur as he reached out into the force. 
Harper reached the ramp and saw Kaleb and Emelyne, “HEY! OVER HERE!”
They looked up and upon seeing her hurried over and aboard. “You found a ship? Where’s Ben?”
“And the Jedi?” Kaleb asked.
“Making sure we get out alive.” Harper added. “He kept us safe Kaleb, we would have died if it weren’t for him.”
Kaleb knew he had orders, however to follow through on one meant to disobey the other. He knew which one he would follow as he neared the ramp’s edge pointing his gun at Kit and fired.
Kit watched a blaster bolt shot passed him into one of the troopers sending them back, and felt a smile come to his face. “Thank’s gorgeous.” He said winking at Kaleb.
Kaleb nodded as the Cerberus rose in the air making his way aboard the ramp hatch closing and sealing. 
Alucard sat beside Honey letting her pilot and assisting becoming ridged and looking down, “Jedi’s got company.”
Stepping over bodies through the smoke was the Sith Emperor.
“Lord Ignis.” Alucard said dread sending the blood rushing from his face. “He’s going to die, we have to help him.”
“There is no help for him. That’s who want’s him,” Honey said. “If we stay he will kill us, if we leave he will kill him.”
Ben sat up running to the window seeing Kit facing the Sith, “NO! NO! NO! We have to help him!” He slammed his fist against the window before Harper pulled him into her arms. 
“He gave himself up for us.” Harper said resignedly
“So we’re just going to let him die?” Emelyne said. “As a Doctor I can’t allow that.”
“Do we got any big guns on this ship?” Kaleb asked before the ship came to a jolting stop.
Ignis stood before Kit, “Hello beautiful Jedi.” A smile a real smile came to Ignis’ face. “Nice to see you in person again, last time was too brief.”
“Agreed,” Kit said. “How have you been Ignis?”
“I thought we agreed you’d call me Hades.” Ignis raised a brow.
Kit smiled, “Darling we both know that is for private moments between us.” 
Ignis neared him not closing down his lightsaber before looking up at the leaving ship. “Oh no, no, no,” He chuckled darkly. “You won’t escape me, not again.” 
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muses-darling · 5 years
Ignis’s blade ignited the tip of it just under the chin of Alucard as he used the force to bring the other man low. He had to do this, he couldn’t allow this one clone to live, the others had been destroyed by him personally. So why was this one so different as he stared at the young man. 
“Lucifer?” Hades hurried up to the man. “You said you wanted to see me, whatever for?”
“This holds little power for me old friend. I crave so much more.” Lucifer told him. “Surely you would give anything to have the power to protect those you care about?” He stood in the shadows and shade from the moon of Coruscant.
“Of course, and with more of us there will be,” Hades smiled hopeful as he placed a hand on Lucifer’s shoulders. “There are surely others out there with the same level of talent and-”
Lucifer took Hades’ hand from his shoulder pressing his other hand to the man’s a soft closeness. “You know, we know that isn’t what I meant.”
“We have learned so much of our abilities we saw what happened when one uses their emotions too much what happened when I....”
“Yes and the power that comes with it!”
“Lucifer, we cannot.”
“Oh but we can, come my friend do not be afraid, well any more than one should be use that fear, grasp it turn it to your use. Imagine if you had, had that power how you might have saved your Persephone.” He reached out to Hades’ face.
The memories cascaded causing tears to fall, it had been his fault, his and his alone, he had let his emotions get the better of him and they had taken her twisting and breaking her burning her away like a brush in a fire. Hades shook his head a look of horror, “No Lucifer, I will not betray her memory like that, by turning it into a weapon.”
“Why not?” Lucifer asked, “Imagine the strength! We would rule the people.”
“It isn’t right, what happened was a mistake and one I will carry from this life to whatever life comes to me next. You still haven’t explained how you brought me back? Though you brought me back as a man this time.”
“That is what I mean Hades, I have begun to explore the wealth that you merely tapped into. This Darker side of the force, it offer so much potential.”
“I will not join you Lucifer,” Hades pulled out his blade.
“You might not have much choice, I told those that you might have called friends what happened to Persephone, they know, I’m not certain they would continue to let a murderer fill their ranks. After all that isn’t the way of the what was the name they called themselves? Jedi?” Lucifer’s face twisted.
“Hades put down the blade!” Gabriel held his sword ready to strike.
Behind Aziraphale looked worried.
“Wait shouldn’t we hear his side?” Crowley asked seizing Gabriel’s shoulder.
“I should hate to think that you would have taken his side in all of this.” Gabriel said too caught up in his sense of morality and justice to hear reason.
“He only meant-” Aziraphale said not loud enough to be heard. 
“Jedi Master Hades-Plutonia whatever your name is now, you are under arrest by the first Jedi Council. For the murder of your wife Persephone.”
Crowley drew his sword placing it on Gabriel’s, “This isn’t right, you know it. Lucifer has a way of whispering.”
Hades stood shaking his vision blurring blackening then redness over came it as he seethed. “It was an accident!” He looked up. “We were practicing the things we learned, we had discovered. I-I didn’t see her, it all happened so fast and next thing I knew I was waking up in this body and learning the love of my life was dead.” Hades’ angered gaze fell over the other’s who stood there. “I never meant too!” His voice broke, “I WOULD NEVER! I LOVED HER!”
“And in your anger you murdered her.” Gabriel accused.
“YES, yes I did it was a murder, but not of anger, though there was anger in the source of the power, it wasn’t at her, it was at myself, it was fear and anger and darkness and it devoured us both spitting me out to face this world alone without her.” Hades was shaking. 
Crowley went to Hades, “If this is what you consider fair judgement then I will not be apart of this Jedi Order.”
“Then you cast your lot with them?”
“Aye,” Crowley said.
“So it is settled then, see you now Hades how your would be friends cast you aside while your true friends stand beside you.” Lucifer drew his sword and grinned at Gabriel before firing lighting through the force at him.
Michael stood between them barreling at Lucifer through the blast taking the whole of it and shielding himself with the force as he knocked Lucifer down.
“With those you have wrongly misjudged then so be it.” Crowley was already pulling Hades away before catching a glance at Aziraphale who clearly looked torn. “Fret not Aziraphale, the Order needs someone good on it’s side.”
“Oh Crowley,” Aziraphale felt his face fall as he watched them leave. 
Lucifer stood, “This isn’t the end there will be more of us, just you wait Jedi, we will rise from the shadows and darkness. Oh we will rise,” Lucifer grinned.
There was little of that young man back then in the one knelt before him now, as far as this boy was concerned the man of his past was his Father. The sins of the Father shouldn’t fall to the son. If in all of this Ignis could find happiness, even after all these years of pain and suffering, destruction and rage, agony and wrath. Ignis’ hand clutched the kyber crystal around his neck Kit’s soothing voice coming to mind and in an instant he could almost feel the touch of his beloved there at his side staying the blade in hand. A whisper of mercy in his ear and he was Hades the man not the mantle of Ignis Emperor of the Sith Empire. His eyes fluttered shut and tears came as he opened them no longer harsh yellow and red but the soft blues that once pooled there. To kill Alucard was to yes affirm that Lucifer would never rise again, but to do so was to deny any and all life to an innocent man. This clone had done nothing to deserve the life it had been given. He knew his decision before a terrible laugh echoed through the chamber one he knew all too well. One that chilled even Hades to his core. 
“Always indecisive with your emotions. Hades.....” 
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muses-darling · 5 years
It had been like this for days, in the back of his mind when he was awake and at the forefront when he had lain down to go to sleep. No now it was weeks. He would wake up not in his bunk but the cock pit the coordinates or what he assumed was the coordinates for this Korriban typed in. Some nights they weren’t completely entered in but now for the last consecutive nights they had been. Alucard stood up from where the captain’s seat was deleting the changed coordinates and making himself a cup of caff. He knew what Korriban was, he had been there when he was a boy, but why he would feel the need to ever return to the place was beyond him. Sitting in the mess area of the ship he sipped the hot beverage and wondered if he could just never go to sleep again?
Jolting forward as the ship’s systems beeped at him. He pressed a few buttons and pulled back on the handle bringing them out of lightspeed as they entered the space above Korriban. They were here, and there was no getting out of it now as Sith starfighters flew over head blasting at them. 
“IS THERE A REASON WE HAVE ENEMIES ALREADY FIRING AT US?” Layla called as she entered the gunner pit locking on one enemy and firing. 
“I don’t know why but it seems we have gone to Korriban.” Alucard said but he knew he knew why they were here, it was him, something drew him here, and he had decided to follow it. 
Honey slid into the seat beside him her eyes looking to Alucard with worry. “Not again.” She muttered softly. 
“Not just again, this time I didn’t wake up until we were here,” Alucard said as they crashed through the atmosphere. 
“Uh what do you mean again? What do you mean wake up?” Nikki asked sliding passed and catching the ladder climbing up to the gunner pit seeing that it was already manned by one of their newest crew mates. “Oh sorry Kaleb.”
“Not a problem.” Kaleb waved before shooting a starfighter down. “But I too want to know why there is a reason we are here.”
“Alucard talk.” Layla gritted out shooting a starfighter’s blast with her own disrupting it from hitting them.
“I’M A LITTLE BUSY!” Alucard said as he wrestled with the controls as they were sent spiraling towards the sands a torpedo hitting them just hard enough to knock out the piloting systems. “It’s gonna be bumpy! HOLD ONTO SOMETHING!”
The bottom of the ship caught some of the sand dunes slowing them but not stopping them as they bashed against more of the sand dunes before coming to a jolting metal shrieking stop.
Hades stood in the distance talking to someone his face looking back in Kit’s direction for a moment then returning to the person he spoke to his head nodding for a moment before the transmission cut.
“Friends of yours?” Kit asked wrapping his arms around Hades from behind. 
Hades turned him Kit’s arms. “With friends like these who would need enemies love,” Wrapping his arms around Kit he pressed kisses to the tender Jedi’s face. 
“Had to be someone very important to call you from our bed.” Kit said looking up at Hades. 
Hades smiled, “Important yes, but not so important that I cannot return to our bed.”
Kit reached up adjusting the cord around Hades’ neck the kyber crystal was a soft green. One from his previous lightsaber the brilliant red one around his neck was already softening to a white. “Then come back away with me my love to our bed.” 
“Oh most assuredly.” Hades threaded his fingers though Kit’s perfect hair. He would return to their bed and hoped Kit would forgive him when he had to leave it again. He was needed on Korriban he was after all still the Sith Emperor, he could only hide away on Naboo for so long. His eyes drifted to the transmission pod one last time before disappearing with Kit to their marriage suit.
________________________________________________________________His wrists were bound in cuffs above his head, mouth dry, throat clung to itself with a sticky feeling that told him he was dehydrated. The door opened and Layla was shoved in against the wall in a cell opposite of him their Sith Captors leaving.
“So now that we are all here and you are awake, mind letting us in on what the fuck is going on?”
“I honestly don’t know.” Alucard said.
“Oh come on you two clearly know something we don’t or at least something.”
“Well our Father our shared Father is the Sith Emperor but that is hardly common knowledge. Well was the Sith Emperor, from what I hear Lord Hades has become the Emperor in dear Old Dad’s demise.”
Kaleb sighed, “Well that’s just great, they disappeared with Ben and Harper hours ago. I can only imagine the horrors the siblings are being subjected too.”
“Force sensitive?”
“Yeah, like their Mum.” 
“Was she a Jedi or a Sith?”
“Then I hope they have her proclivity for the lightside.” Alucard said. “Because there is only one use force sensitives have for the sith.” Alucard’s eyes closed as he tried to think only to feel himself drifting away. He forced himself awake, “No.” He muttered and felt cold sweat forming his brow. 
Ignis descended down the ramp of his shuttle watching the Sith near him.
“My Emperor you were gone and in your absence the Empire has grown.”
“Then it is a relief to know that I don’t have to keep my eye upon you all at every moment.” Ignis smiled. “Now then where is he?”
“In the dungeons.”
“Good then bring him to me.”
“Do you? Think that wise my Emperor?”
Ignis gave it a moment before grabbing the man raising him from the ground and letting the lighting course from his hands through the force and the man’s body letting the remains fall as he looked to the ones who remained. “And do you think it wise to question your Emperor? Is this what is learned in my time of absence? Fetch the boy and bring him to me in the Throne room or I will kill you all till I find someone who will.” He still was a dark lord of the Sith the Emperor of the Eternal Sith Throne. He was not to be questioned...
“Yes my Emperor.” They bowed grovelling and hurrying off to where they had been ordered. 
Once Ignis had gone Kit exited the spacecraft hurrying through the halls to find his friends. He had, had a most terrible vision and it had been from the young boy named Ben. He had to find them and anyone else who remained, and get them to safety. Hopefully his husband would understand?
“Well this isn’t the welcome home I was expecting.”
“Perhaps because you aren’t welcome,” Ignis was sitting on the throne looking at the young man before him.
“Oh well if that is the case then send me an mine on my way and we will not make the mistake again.”
“I’ve thought of that, but as long as you are alive you are a threat to me, and all I hold dear.”
“This throne?”
“No,” Ignis shook his head leaning forward the Kyber crystal swinging forward. “There are far more precious things worth protecting.”
Alucard swallowed, ah so Ignis was the marrying type.”Like your husband?”
Ignis’ hand went to the Kyber Crystal, “Yes.” He said softly. “There are things worth far more than you in this world.” Ignis moved to stand striding towards Alucard. “Alucard or Clone number 01122103011804. Why yes there have been that many not all reach maturity after all the technology is only recently been available in the last millennium.” He moved passed Alucard brushing him with his shoulder dismissively. 
“A clone? No I am his son,” Alucard said. “I have my own thoughts and dreams.”
“Oh yes, he thought it would be fun to see what it would be like to raise a clone of himself from a tender child state, he even made clones of his long dead half siblings, his sisters so you wouldn’t be alone. Then when the right time came he would simply take your body for his own.”
“Why?” Alucard asked him.
“Why?” Ignis turned and looked at him. “Isn’t it obvious? Immortality. to never have to truly fear aging again, to be able to accomplish everything in a never ending lifetime. What more could anyone want? Imagine the level of power one could hold.”
“I don’t want it.” Alucard said. “I don’t want to become him, I won’t.”
Kit hurried through the temple searching out through the force to find Ben and his sister, There! Ahead! Moving up against the wall letting some guards go passed he waited some moments more sneaking off ahead he heard them..
“But if we don’t get out of here Harper, I just want you to know that I love you.” Ben said. “Not that I don’t think we won’t get out of here but I just.”
“We will Ben, I don’t know how but we can’t stop thinking that we won’t,” Harper’s voice was heard to say. 
Kit listened for a moment before using the force on the door unlocking it.
“What was that?” Ben asked. 
Kit entered and placed a finger to his lips. “Whatever happens I need you to stay silent.”
“You found us?” Ben said excitedly whispering. “Wait how did you? Are you in league with them? Oh right silent.” He closed his mouth.
Kit looked to their chains and brought up his lightsaber cutting them both lose leading them out of the cell. “Follow me.” They walked for a moment before he saw guards approaching and pushed both of them behind himself or at least he thought he had till he saw that only Ben was there, “Harper?”
Ben pointed.
Kit followed the direction gestured and watched as Harper took out both guards taking their weapons from them.
 “What I’m not useless.” Harper snapped.
Kit nodded. “No one was ever going to suggest that.”
“Good.” She handed one to Ben. 
Kit used the force to send both guards into the cell that Ben and Harper had been in. “Now where are the others being held?”
“Next detention block over.” Ben motioned.
“How do you know?” Harper quirked a brow at her brother.
“They said Detention block Besh this is detention block Aurek,” Ben said as if it were obvious. 
Harper ruffled his hair. “You know I forget how good of a listener you can be.”
Kit grinned, “Come on and if we make it through this I’ll teach you both to use the force.”
“Do you mean it?” Ben asked wondering if it would be like last time the Jedi had promised.
Kit smiled. “I never meant to deny you in the first place.”
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muses-darling · 5 years
A Seduction of the Darkside - A Star Wars AU - CH. 7 Drifting
Ignis sat meditating reaching out with the force, even Sith meditated, but this was more than meditation, he was searching for someone. So when he arrived at the hellish place that was his birth planet the planet of Mustafar he wondered at how they could have come to be here: Mustafar hadn’t always been a planet of churning bubbling lava. There had once been a lushness so deep and vast that would have rivaled even Naboo or Alderaan. However due to love and the loss of one loved it had become fire. Much like him, Those events predated even him. He walked along the crumbling volcanic rock looking up he saw a clear line of division, on the other side was a fecundity, the lushness he knew already, Alderaan? But how were the two places so merged? Was that where Kit was staying? Or were they at each other’s hearts? He saw the other man sitting before him peaceful, “Kit?”
Kit looked up from where he sat coming to a standing position at seeing him, “Lord Ignis.” 
Ignis felt a bit of sorrow he had hoped Kit would have called him Hades, he found he liked the sound of his birth name being formed by that man’s perfect tongue, those lips forming the syllables. “Hello Kit.” He smiled walking to the edge of their worlds. 
“How?” Kit asked. 
“The force? It has many abilities, many I would have showed you had you stayed.” Ignis told him. “Why? Why didn’t you stay?”
“It wasn’t where the force lead me,” Kit admitted. 
“Jedi always doing as you are told.” Ignis shook his head. 
“I am of the force and it flows through me.” Kit told him. 
“And through me,” There was something different about Kit in the time away from him. “What power I could have shown you the darkside is so much stronger than the light.”
“No,” Kit said calmly, “Neither side is stronger than the other, yes there is dark and yes there is light but there is so much more than that.”
Ignis frowned, “What have you learned Kit?” He reached forward through the barrier towards Kit.
Kit saw the hand and raised his hand the blade extending from it was pure white. 
Ignis’ eyes looked down at the blade eyes widening, he knew that crystal, “My Kyber Crystal? But how?”
“It wasn’t easy healing it, the torment done unto that crystal was beyond anything I’ve ever seen,” Kit held up the sword for Ignis to look over. 
“It took time, lot’s of time, and lots of love.” Kit spoke tears falling from his face.
Such emotion, but that was not the Jedi way? Yet Kit seemed more in control of his emotions he sensed sadness but it didn’t consume him, Ignis felt himself take a step back. “What have you learned?” His hand still remained up.
Kit lowered his blade and held up his hand, “There is so much more to the force Hades. There is more than the darkness, there is more than the light, the force is both the force is more than we make of it.”
Ignis’ fingers gently touched the tips of Kit’s as their hands entwined. “Kit,” He breathed the man’s name.
Kit held to his hand. “Hades.”
Hades’ eyes softened from their Sith nature into the gentle blues that they once had been, “You are never far from my thoughts, my dreams.” Hades admitted as looked him over then his attention was caught behind Kit and fear real fear came to Hade’s face. “Kit you need to go!”
The smile turned to a frown, “Go?”
“Kit I beg of you go!” Hades said his eyes becoming Sith like again. “GO!” Ignis shot forward from where he had been meditating. Kit! Kit was in danger! He stood up shakily. How had he come to care for the Jedi? 
Kit had become aware of the lightsaber humming behind him his hand shot out his newly formed lightsaber the one that bore Hades’ Kyber Crystal came to life. He brought it up blocking the blow of the assailant. “Lord Vesania!”
“Hello Jedi.” Vesania grinned lightning crackled down the body and at Kit.
Kit blocked with the force, then returned with yellow lightning.
“Oooh you learned some tricks, I wonder how your precious Jedi friends will feel when they learn you fell to the darkside before your death.”
“I’ve not fallen,” Kit shook his head. “I have achieved balance.” Kit spoke softly. “True balance.” He held up his blade ready for Vesania’s next move 
Vesania’s eyes widened before he let out a belly aching laugh. “You really think you can stop me with so small a burst of lightning? Oh you Jedi are really stupid. Have a taste of real power.” 
The air around Kit thrummed with energy before crackles echoed about his ear. Kit closed his eyes and let the energy build before force pushing all of it at Vesania.
Vesania landed hard as all the lightning coarsed through him repelled back at him. 
Kit moved towards him standing over the Sith his blade at the man’s throat. “Yield.”
“Never,” Vesania reached out through the force and sent a brick at Kit who spun slicing it from himself. Vesania took the opportunity to leave the room.
“Track Lord Vesania’s ship.”
“Yes my Emperor,” an attendant began looking through the data pad in their hand. “He is on the Moon Yavin Four.” 
Not far, but was he close enough? Ignis had to wonder as he boarded his personal ship. “I will return in my absence continue as we have.”
Kit hurried after Lord Vesania summoning out his second blade. They clashed in the great central room of the temple. 
Lord Vesania lifted up a huge chunk of fallen ceiling with the force hurtling it at Kit.
Kit shattered it sending the multitude of pieces at Lord Vesania.
Vesania threw up a projection of the force unable to block all of it dropping to his feet as blood flowed from where he had been struck. “Clever little Jedi, you have learned much in our time apart, but it is all for not. See that you are alone.” Vesania cackled. “Your petty attempts at bringing me down will do nothing! Does this anger you little Jedi? Good taste the anger what real anger feels like. Look into my eyes little Jedi.”
Kit knew better than to look at Vesania’s eyes, tales of a dark sith who could with the look in their eyes kill with the hatred they held. Kit reached out with the force instead finding the vines that grew along the ceiling and walls and began flooding them with the force encouraging their growth till they were long enough, “I think you will find I can always find friends.” Kit smiled as vines twisted and wrapped around Vesania’s limbs constraining him. 
Footfalls behind him told him other’s approached. “Thank the force we are not too late.” Aziraphale said brandishing a blade and looking to Crowley. “We were examining the library at a nearby temple when we sensed him. Are you alright Kit?”
“Nothing a bit of Bacta and meditation can’t help.” Kit gave a winning smile. 
Vesania’s blade became a whirlwind cutting away the vines. “I’M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU JEDI!”
Crowley’s blade extended, “Aww just when things were looking a little wrapped up.”
Kit and the other two encircled the Sith keeping a distance and watching him. 
Vesania lunged at Crowley only to realize that it was actually Aziraphale.
 “My dear boy don’t you know it’s not nice to attack one’s elders.” He chastised him meeting the Sith’s blade before reaching up with his hand to Vesania’s forehead. A blinding light came from his hand over Vesania’s eyes blinding him.
Vesania moved back then stood ready, “If you think this momentary darkness frightens me, you are truly foolish old man. I was born in the dark, raised in it, and it powers me.”
Aziraphale rolled his eyes as well as his head in annoyance stepping silently around Vesania and pressing the button on the Sith’s lightsaber as he pulled it from his hands. “Then you should be able to see that you are beaten.”
Crowley moved closer to help apprehend the Sith Lord his foot landing not so quietly.
Vesania’s head jerked and he raised his arm the all too familiar crackling of energy surged out but it wasn’t Crowley who took the brunt of it.
“AZIRAPHALE!” Crowley’s eyes widened as he watched his beloved take all of it the whole blast his body shuddering and falling Crowley caught him looking up at the man, “YOU BASTARD!” He set Aziraphale down gently.
Kit felt his green blade leave his hand as Dark energy swirled around Crowley.
“Master Crowley.”
Kit used the force to help him get Aziraphale out of there. Outside he saw why the temple was cracking as a meteor pulled from the stars above came through the top of the temple.  “Master Crowley.” He set Aziraphale down in the ship’s med bay hooking him up to a feed of bacta and hurrying back out narrowly dodging pieces of the temple as they were flung into the jungle. “MASTER CROWLEY!” He held up his hands as dust flew around himself. 
Crowley stood in the destructing temple Vesania’s corpse at his feet, Crowley was not a fighter, but when it came to Aziraphale. Aziraphale! He looked up and saw Kit, “Azirphale?” He asked weakly.
“He’s alive, he needs time to heal, so do you. We need to leave. I sense more coming this way. Master Crowley.” Kit reached out gently taking Crowley’s arm.
Crowley looked up at him and for a moment he almost saw the small blonde child with green eyes as big as the twin moons of Lothal. 
“Master Crowley?” Little Kit asked walking up to Crowley in the garden. “None of the other younglings will train with me, can I stay here in the garden with you?”
Crowley turned to little Kit and smiled, “I’d like that very much Kit.”
Kit beamed up at him always a sunny child, a kind one with a bright future. 
Crowley continued watering the pants.
“Can I help you?”
Kids needed something to do, being still was something learned over time not instantly understood. “Yes of course young Kit, let me know if you find any plants that have any spots on them.” 
Kit nodded, “Yes Master Crowley!” He hurried off before long his small voice could be heard shouting. “I FOUND ONE! I FOUND ONE!” He jumped up and down waving the Master down.
Crowley walked over to him and smiled down at him. “Well now let’s see what kind of spot that it is?” He frowned clearly displeased.
“Did I do something wrong?” Kit asked.
“No Kit I’m disappointed in this plant for not being of a fortitude to stand up to sunspots.” Crowley’s fingers took hold of the plant only to be interrupted by the child crying. “What is it?”
“You’re not going to kill it are you?” Kit asked eyes welling up with tears looking up at him. “Surely it could learn from this? Get better and never do it again! It just needs to be healed.” 
“I’m sure you are right Kit, perhaps Master Aziraphale can help when he is available, he is a master healer.” Crowley nodded. 
Kit smiled clearly happy with this. 
Crowley knew that the moment Kit was gone that the plant would be removed from the garden before it could taint any other plants. “Kit want me to show you something you can do with the plants and the Force?”
Crowley was pulled from his reverie as they entered Hyperspace looking over he saw Aziraphale resting peacefully already looking less injured by Vesania’s lighting. His eyes looked to Kit who was piloting the ship.
“You blacked out,” Kit told him, there was already Sith Imperial ships arriving we made it through I don’t know how.” Kit shook his head as he neared where Aziraphale lay. “He’ll heal just fine, he always was a Master Healer you always said so.”
Crowley smiled, “I saw the vines, well done Kit seems you practiced when we weren’t together training.”
Kit beamed feeling chuffed at the compliment. “Well I’ve had three amazing masters teach me what they have, something had to stick.” 
Crowley nodded sitting back down his hand going to Aziraphale’s, “I think I’m going to stay here for a while.”
“Of course,” Kit told him. “There is fresh tea brewed up if you want it.”
“Perhaps something stronger?”
“I’ll see what there is.” Kit nodded. “Rest well Master Crowley.”
Crowley nodded hearing Kit’s footsteps fade before he looked to Azirphale, “You shouldn’t have done that angel,” He smoothed Aziraphale’s hair. “It could have killed you, from what it looks like it nearly did. You are a bastard you know that,” He told Aziraphale tucking him in as he lay beside him on the medical bed. “Thank you.” He never said those last two words when anyone could hear them.
“You’re welcome.” Aziraphale said eyes opening a smile on his face as he squeezed his husband’s hand.
“Aziraphale!” Crowley turned and pulled him to him. “What the bloody-do-you-even!-What-was!-I-thought-you-you-had-don’t-you-ever-do-that-again!”
“I can’t make any promises,” Aziraphale smiled kissing the tip of Crowley’s nose. “But I will do my best if you will do yours to keep out of danger.”
“Oh Angel.” Crowley shook his head resting his forehead against Aziraphale’s. “Aziraphale.”
“I love you.” 
“Not as much as I you.”
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muses-darling · 5 years
A Seduction of the Darkside - A Star Wars AU - CH.5 Falling & Rising
Lifting his head the Emperor spoke suddenly, “Do you feel it? Your Jedi has found our guest. They must not be allowed to escape. Kill them if you must do not fail me Lord Ignis, or it will be you who takes their place.” 
Ignis glared at the ground not raising his head, “It will be done.” Ignis stood up. “I have never failed.” He looked to to two of the Inquisitors laying on the ground. Impressive little shit. Ignis searched out through the force finding them and smiling. “Come out, come out little Jedi, I’m not done playing with you yet.” He started in the direction. “Or your snakey little friend.” 
“I thought you said that you’ve been here before?” KIt threw a panel of metal over the hole that they had cut into the side of the trash compactor. Tentacles of the dianoga trying to lash at them through the gaps. 
“Well sometimes things change in a millennium. I think the bigger question is what are you doing here?” Crowley asked slicing the tentacles away from them. 
“I was captured, You?”
Crowley sighed. “Same trying to save you.”
“Master Aziraphale was asking about lunch with you. Did you ever make that?”
“Do we really have the time for this conversation?” Crowley asked shaking his head as he spoke. “But yes and together we saw what happened to Alderaan and I came to rescue you.”
“Well in that case you’re doing great. You found me, now we just need to get off this bloody planet.” Kit snarked. 
“Oi!” Crowley snapped. “Keep up that tone I might just leave you to be Lord Ignis’ toy.”
Kit made a face at him as they raced along the corridors. “I think we should be quiet I sense more ahead of us.”
“Agreed.” Crowley said before placing a hand on Kit’s chest stopping him. “This door.” He pointed. “It was this one not the last one, one door off.”
“We were almost Dianoga food!” Kit whisper shouted.
Crowley shrugged then tried a few codes, “Ugh I swear I need to stop being the one to install panels or be allowed to work on any electronics I swear, they just always get so dodgy!” He used the force to pull off the panel his fingers going to the wires. His body jerked as he touched a wire. “Yeow! That was exciting!” He stuck out a tongue yellow eyes moving behind dark glasses. The door slid open revealing a side door into the Hanger bay. 
Kit tapped Crowley’s shoulder, “Crowely we have company.” 
There standing in a row were Sith troops guns aimed at the two Jedi.
“Yeah well I can see that,” Crowley pulled out his lightsaber, “Only question is are you going to help me do something about it?” The blade that extended out was of a pure white like his “Angel’s” hair.
Kit turned on the two lightsabers but froze as Ignis came stepping forward. Steps behind him told him reinforcements were arriving.
Crowley hissed. “Ignis, buddy you remember me? I mean how could you ever forget?”
“About how you left? Or was it how you left? How’s Aziraphale?” Igins asked. “About to be a Widower soon?” 
Crowley glared at him, “Kit you take the-”
Kit was already slicing the ventilation behind them obscuring the vision of the reinforcements as he turned and ran at Ignis.
Ignis let him run to him almost at him then sidestepped letting Kit rush passed him before looking back to Crowley with an eyeroll. “Kit I’d like to avoid killing you most of all.” 
Kit skidded to a stop realizing the troopers had moved back forming a ring around the three of them. 
“But if you leave me no choice I will.” Ignis ignited his blades. 
“Oh you can try but even I know you aren’t much of a match for he and I put together.” Crowley told Ignis.
Ignis smiled and spoke calmly. “Oh we will see.”
The three clashed, a whirl wind of blades, flashes of Red, green and white lighting up the armor of the soldiers standing around them.  Arcing, slicing, leaping, and thrusting. It was clear that all three were well versed in their forms as they moved along. Kit’s blades caught Ignis’ left blade causing it to fall from Ignis’ hand. The blade extinguished, Kit kicked it away slicing it in half. 
“That was not very nice, after all we shared,” Ignis smiled. “Also not very smart of you.” Ignis reached out with the force.
Kit felt his breathing lessened then stopped, Kit reached up with a hand pushing at Ignis to no avail as his vision became spotted.
“I told you  I’d like to avoid killing you most of all.” Ignis gritted out. 
Crowley brought down a heavy blow on Ignis’ right breaking his concentration.
Ignis turned as Kit dropped to his knees. “Do you mind?” He asked before slicing at Crowley who dodged. 
Kit felt the world going black around him and heard the footsteps of approaching troopers. 
Ignis looked to Kit making sure the Jedi was breathing.
Crowley looked at Kit then at Ignis, “You wanted to kill me remember?” He held out his arms. “Then go for it?”
Ignis wasted no time stabbing him through the abdomen. “Good bye traitor.” 
Crowley smiled. “Yes I think that is a very good sentiment.” He reached up with the force and sent Kit’s unconscious form flying onto a ship. Then closed his eyes and disappeared. 
Ignis watched Crowley fade something wasn’t right before he turned and there boarding a ship and waving in the captain seat was Crowley. 
“See you sucker!” Crowley pressed a button and the ships systems told the front guns to shoot at Hades who caught the bolts in front of himself the force becoming visible. 
Crowley sent the ship backwards crashing through the bay flames nearly engulfing the ship. “Well that was a rush, and in time for tea with Aziraphale.” He smiled as they entered hyperspace. 
Senses rung as Ignis stood up pulling off the fire covered outer robe and letting it drop. Sith Troopers pointed their guns at Ignis, who could easily have taken them all out and another squadron. He smiled in the direction of Kit’s departure. “See you pretty boy.” A terrible grin came to his face as they forced him into the cuffs. “Tighter, please.” This earned a butting of the back of the head from a trooper’s gun. “Oooh, harder.” He grinned then headbutted the one in front of him. 
Dragged before the Emperor, Ignis grinned up at him. “Aww if you were really serious about not letting them escape you wouldn’t have me here.”
The Emperor sat clearly unamused. “Your short time with that Jedi has done little in your favor.”
“Oh on the contrary, it gave me insight.” Ignis watched the Emperor stand nearing him. 
“Insight?” The Emperor neared him raising his hands as the energy of force lightning crackled around him. 
“Oh yes,” Ignis watched him unfazed by the display of the Emperor’s might.
“And what might that be?” The Emperor asked sending a forceful wave through Ignis sending him back.
Ignis landed hard his body jerking but his smile still there. “I don’t know if I should tell you.”
“Do tell me,” The Emperor said standing over him lightning crackling over his fingers before lashing at Ignis.
“That you are weak,” Ignis slid his leg swiping at the Emperor’s knocking the older man over. Ignis rolled forward on top driving both his fists down on the Emperor’s face. A terrible cracking sound as the cuffs fell away. Tossing the key away he summoned his lightsaber turning it on, “Your reign has ended.”
Upon occasion the Jedi Master Aziraphale could be called upon to leave the temple, this was one of those occasions. In all the fighting going on books and other sources of data were liable for destruction. Moving along the Jedi knight moved softly through the crowds of people the sands shifting under foot as he turned nearly bumping into someone, “Goodness me! Sorry.”
The grunt from the creature causing the bangs of his hair to fluff.
Pursing his lips Aziraphale moved away from the creature continuing onward till he reached the Cantina. Sitting down at the table he spoke, “Honestly the places you have me meet you at Crowley.”
“Are less conspicuous,” Crowley said. “Kit’s recovering with the ship while we refuel. Did you get what you were after?”
“Why yes!” The Jedi Master perked up reaching into his bag and pulling out a paper book. “Agnaaz Siruf’s Art of War. In remarkable condition I might add and in paper. Do you even realize how impossibly rare that is? They just gave it away, can you believe that just giving this away?”
“You used the force didn’t you?”
“I would never,” Aziraphale said pouting. “In fact I am shocked, shocked you would even imply such a thing!” He added.
Crowley looked to him. “And how well is that working out for you?” Crowley asked noticing the shift in the crowd at the bar. 
“Quite well thank y-”
Crowley placed a hand over Aziraphale’s mouth pulling up the other’s hood then his own. 
“You STOLE MY BOOK!” A rather angry looking Sullustan came through the bar guards behind him.
“I did no such thing,” Aziraphale said. “You threw it away!”
“You stole it!” The Sullustan glared at him. 
Crowley sighed downed his drink before grabbing Aziraphale and the book. “Come on Angel! We’re leaving.”
“But Crowley!” Aziraphale said looking up at him.
“No but’s,” Crowley urged Aziraphale out the door. “We need to go.” Crowley broke into a run. 
Aziraphale followed after as the guards of the city began pursuit. 
Using the force to bring a signal tower down behind them as they boarded the ship. “Well that’s a cantina we can never go back to again, not that it was worth going back to.”
Aziraphale nodded as he sat down then he moved to stand as his face was over come with shock. “OH THE BOOK! I FORGOT TO GRAB THE-”
Crowley held it up with one hand before the other Jedi. “There you are, don’t ever say I don’t do anything for you.”
Azirphale felt his heart swell with gladness as he took the book gingerly, “Oh thank y-WATCH OUT FOR THOSE PIT CREWS!”
“They know the risks of their livelihood!” Crowley smiled bringing the ship out of the port and into the atmosphere entering Hyperspace set for Coruscant. 
“Well you should be more careful they might have families.”
“They are droids,” Crowley looked to Aziraphale, “They have no one.” 
Aziraphale sighed then looked down at the book, “Thank you again that was very nice of you.”
Crowley made a face and stood up pulling out a bottle of Nabooian Vintage. “What do you say we celebrate and you tell me just how you got that book from that Sullustan? What do you say Angel?”
“I think that would be a wonderful way to spend our time dear,” Aziraphale summoned two glasses for them to use with the force.
The Throneroom burned various bodies scattered as Hades and the Emperor fought blood, burns, and lacerations. 
The Emperor was surprisingly agile for his age and had apparently been keeping his power dormant. Flashes of lightsaber on lightsaber, crackles of the Force energizing into lightning, maddened laughter tainted with the darkside filled the air. The wise stood on the sidelines and waited for the outcome. 
Ignis threw a blast of lightning at the Emperor who blocked with his own. It seemed that no matter what he did the Emperor found a way to match him. Ignis dropped to his knees. 
Emperor Moloch neared him and imposing figure even this battered and bruised. “Like many others before you that have tried and failed, you underestimated me. And for the last time, Ignis. You will always kneel, it is who you are, what you are, a servant, of me, and the Darkside.” He neared Ignis smiling down at him. “You will fall, just like your precious Persephone did.”
That woke something up in him as Force lightning crackled and fizzled around Darth Ignis.
“You can’t even gain power from her memory? No wonder you are weak,” The Emperor shot him with lighting.
Ignis absorbed it until the air around him began crackling, “NEVER MENTION HER NAME AGAIN!” Lightning forcefully shot out of him and into the Emperor frying the older man till nothing but ash remained as Ignis stood breathing heavily. No one would ever know how close he had gotten to being defeated, right up until the end there. He turned upon the rows of Sith Lords now kneeling to him proclaiming him Emperor. 
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muses-darling · 5 years
A Seduction of the Darkside - A Star Wars AU - CH.4 Guidance
Kit was wrapped in deep meditation on the balcony after a night’s rest when Ignis came back from leaving. Leaving the Jedi to his own business Ignis bathed resting his head back against the dark stone with a sigh. His night had offered no reprieve his mouth ached with need for Kit to press his lips against his. When had Ignis last tasted such sweetness? It had to have been Persephone.
Kit entered from the balcony and saw Hades, his mind racing to action. The attendants were everywhere and he had no idea where in the temple he was let alone where to go but it he no longer had these cuffs the Force would guide him. Should it be his will. Kit moved to where Ignis’ things had been set aside only to hear the shift in the water.
“I thought you deep enough in meditation that I wouldn’t hear from you for a while.” Ignis was heard to be saying.
Kit looked to him, “hard to truly go deep into meditation when one cannot wrap themselves in the Force.” Kit added.
Ignis frowned as thought creased his brow then a smile came to his face, “Come to me Kit.” He held up his hands making sure his movements were gentle.
Kit warily neared the man his guard up.
Reaching through the Force Ignis summoned the keys unlocking Kit’s cuffs.
Kit felt warmth where Hades’ fingers touched him. “It may be dangerous or even foolish to do this, but the other day in the throne room. It taught me something if you wanted to kill, to escape you would have. You haven’t I think we both know why, you are curious. You know too little of your surroundings, too little of what enemies lie in just this one pyramid are there more? How could you not be curious to know more of Korriban? Besides we both know at least one truth. If you kill me here your path to the darkside will be all but complete.” Ignis smiled up at him. “Enjoy your re-connection to the force.”
Kit’s eyes widened at the gesture but this soon came to horror as Kit felt the tendrils of the darkside reaching toward’s himself. The cuffs had been a blessing in disguise. He backed away eyes looking to his wrist then to Ignis realizing the nakedness of the man as a blush crept over his face. Ignis was a powerfully built man, and the sheer darkness he felt radiating from him was rather strong. In the Force he could sense though that none of it was directed at him the tendrils came from somewhere else in the Korribanian Sith temple.
Ignis reached out taking Kit’s hand in his own. How gentle and calloused it was meeting the man’s eyes with his own, “join me?” He asked softly.
“You?” Kit asked a soft whisper.
“In this bath,” Ignis insisted.
Kit felt his face flush a brilliant scarlet, green eyes widening.
“Kit, you needn’t be afraid, I have little desire to hurt you,” his other hand reached up and cupped Kit’s chin guiding the man’s head closer to his.
Kit’s eyes closed as that feeling same as the night before took the reigns amplified in the Force. Their lips met and Kit could sense something in the Force, something warm comforting even in the darkness that he sensed from Ign-Hades.
Ignis’ mouth pressed to Kit’s his fingers moving from his chin to cradle the back of his head threading them through those magnificent golden curls. The sound a soft hum in the back of his throat rose meeting a similar one from Kit.
Kit’s fingers went to his clothes slowly removing them giving way to his nakedness. Lips parting from Hades for only a moment as he rid himself of the garments sliding into the pool of water his eyes watched Hades who pulled him close.
Hades this time pressed back against the wall of the bathing pool his mouth rejoining Kit’s perfect lips.
Kit’s hands reached out and rested on Hades’ chest. All reticence gone as he gave into this feeling his need for affection, for something to love him touch him. That someone felt the same way was a comfort Kit had not foreseen.
Hades lead him deeper into the pool kissing more than his lips listening to the voice of Kit struggle not to let out those sounds of pleasure. When at long last Kit truly let go and his sounds could no longer be contained he lead him out of the pool, both lost in a hazy reverie. To Hades’ bed they went and there Kit was given all the attention his touch starved body needed, how any one could have left this sweet morsel in tasted was beyond.
Kit’s mind no longer raced as he let Hades give him the attention he so craved unknowingly. What the Senator had awoken in him now at last had an answer.
Kit awoke from it all wrapped in the arms of Hades, sheets twisted around them. He never wanted to leave this bed, these arms, this man. Lifting his head he saw Hades smile. This was so blissful yet all good things had to come to an end. 
“The Emperor commands your presence Lord Ignis.” 
Ignis sighed wanting nothing more than to tell the Emperor to go fuck himself. “I will be there momentarily.” He wanted to bring Kit but knew that wouldn’t go well with it all.
Kit was left alone to his devices own devices. Sitting down at his spot on the balcony Kit began meditating, there he felt the familiar reach of Master Crowley in the force. He wasn’t alone, there was something that fell to the ground inside the room and Kit got up looking. There sitting on the ground was his lightsaber. Kit stood taking the lightsaber and force pushing the attendants away from himself into the wall leaving them unconscious. Making his way he felt the force guide him telling him where to go. Crowley had been here once. Perhaps he was who guided him through the force?
Sith Inquisitors stood along with the guard. “You won’t get passed us Jedi!”
Kit brandished his lightsaber and ran at them cutting two down taking up one of their lightsabers. A flurry of blades as he fought those who surrounded him
An Inquisitor leapt over raising his blade to crash it down. 
Kit brought up his two blades crossing them over as he was sent back. Taking a stance and pushing back he used the force to send the sith back thrusting the blades into them knocking them down and using the force to propel his jump as he hurried onward. Sliding under two extended blades barely clearing them bringing his blade’s through them as he rose up continuing his momentum. Skidding around a corner he saw a wide door leading to a hanger bay. Kit stopped but felt the force tugging him else where.Closing his eyes taking the moment to let the force guide him.
Kit followed the force to the doors of great throne room he saw the Emperor and Ignis beyond, but felt it’s tug leading him deeper. Continuing he made his way and stopped when he saw where it had lead him. There bound in chains was a familiar face. 
“Ahhhhh! Hello Kit, fancy meeting you here of all places.”
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muses-darling · 5 years
A Seduction of the Darkside - A Star Wars AU - CH.3 Light in Darkness
"I’m told you’ve not been eating,” The voice of Darth Ignis was heard as light shined into the dark cell. “A pretty thing like you should not be allowed to waste away in the darkness, but should learn to grow strong in it.”
“I am a Jedi I gain no strength from the darkness. I serve the light.” His voice cracked dryly from the lack of water. He was dehydrated, weak from a lack of nutrition. Yet Kit despite this shone as brightly as the day he had arrived, no less determined. 
“Perhaps an audience with the Emperor will reinvigorate your appetite?” Darth Ignis suggested.
“Oh he finally remembered?” Kit asked. “Forgive me the hour is well whatever it is it feels rather long and my wit is all I have left.”
“Wit or none I think it goes without saying that you should watch your tongue when speaking to the Emperor.” Darth Ignis walked in bringing Kit to his feet with the force. “Come.”
“Or what you’ll leave me here in this cell? Not much of an improvement or punishment.” Kit added.
Ignis wheeled on Kit forcing the man back to the wall of the cell till their faces were close to each other’s. “I can make you beg for mercy.”
“Mercy or release?” Kit asked his face daring Ignis with those placid green eyes. He could feel the fear starting to form in Kit, the fear that started in all of them before they learned to harness it for the power that it was.
“And here I thought Jedi were prone celibacy?” Ignis let his eyes drift over the pretty face of the Jedi.
“We are,” Kit blinked innocently. “Would one not beg to be set free from all of this?”
Darth Ignis felt his face fall to a disappointed frown. “Of course. We shouldn’t keep the Emperor waiting.” With a step back he let Kit move from the wall.
“Your Emperor, not mine.” Kit added with some venom feeling the manacles shift closed on his wrist.
Were there time Ignis would have remarked on it further, however he knew the Emperor was not a patient man. Besides he had requested that the Jedi not be completely broken. 
Korriban’s main temple was where the Emperor sat his silvered hair adorned with a precious metal adding to his stately appearance. Armor and robes of white and red with golden markings of the Sith in important places. He sat arms upon the chair palms pressed together a thin cruel smile. “Welcome, welcome Emerald Jedi Knight. I thought I’d give you some time to recover from your battle.”
Kit watched Darth Ignis bow and felt them try to make him do the same. Kit moved causing the guard to fall grabbing the polearm racing at the emperor only to freeze in place holding the blade just barely under the man’s chin. Kit couldn’t help the frustration he felt, the hopelessness. 
The Emperor gave an amused expression, “Even without your access to the force you are impressive indeed, Lord Ignis was right about you. Thank you for a demonstration. Interesting that I feel not a single bit of anger from you in your decision to try to end me. You had hope,” His face twisted into a grin. “Hope that is terribly misguided. If you kill me I will merely chose a new host to inhabit. Perhaps I will even chose you.” 
Kit saw the guard remove the weapon from his hands. He was dropped by the Emperor landing hard. 
“Lord Ignis, I give you the task of converting him into a most worthy ally. Convert him or kill him.” The Emperor waved dismissively before using the force to push back Kit. “Or perhaps I will let Darth Vesania do the honors? Seeing as you denied him. Do not fail me.”
“I will not my Emperor.” Ignis rose to his feet hatred growing, he would never state it out loud but Kit had been rather inspirational with his attack on the Emperor. While Ignis knew that Kit wouldn’t succeed, he had perhaps hoped that he would. He despised the Emperor, while the Emperor had guided them, he had also grown lax with power and victories. It was in the way of the Sith to strike down those who would Lord over you. It was only natural to wish to do the same to the Emperor.
Ignis’ quarters were of stone and metal that gleamed in the light of the flames that burned, indeed some things of the past were worth using. He always had preferred the element over all others, it best exemplified the rage, the passion, and all consuming nature of the darkside. Kit was brought into the quarters behind him. The light of the flames suited him, making the hair on his head shine like the corona’s of a sun. 
Dark markings etched into the stone, of the sith, the darkside, all manner of evil filled this room and yet the man before him kept a sources of light spread through the room. Warmth radiated from them and Kit neared them reaching out a hand letting the flame’s warmth caress his skin. Time in the dark, cold, and rank dungeon had left him starved for such things. The sun, he missed feeling a Sun’s glow on him. This source of light though was good enough in the cold and cruel Sith Temple.
Ignis watched him with the flames curious what the Jedi would do. “You were in that dungeon for a few days, according to those that brought you food, you were meditating. On what I can only guess. I suppose whatever morals and such the Jedi teach.” He crossed his arms. “You should bathe.”
“Oh Prisoner’s get baths now?” Kit asked. 
“You are more than a prisoner,” Ignis informed him.
“A slave then, a prisoner with a job how kind.”
Ignis rolled his eyes. “Not a slave, you are worth more than that.”
“Slaves are people too, they should be treated as such and given freedom.”
Ignis chuckled. “What do you a Jedi know about being free? You cling to that ridiculous code.” He held up his hand. “Don’t say it I know it, you’ve said it quite enough. Has it given you enough hope?”
“We are all bound by something, for me it is hope.” Kit leveled him with a gaze. “More hope than a cruel bastard like yourself has ever felt in a lifetime.”
“Can’t say that you aren’t right about that, I’ve lived many lifetimes. Then again I don’t put myself in situations where I have needed hope.”
Kit frowned turning his attention back to the flames. “So where might I refresh myself?”
Ignis gestured to the room adjoined to his, “You may take refreshment in my personal room.”
Kit looked to the room beyond entering it, and was surprised at the beauty of it. Black stone pillars around the room with carvings inlaid with golden sith motifs. A bath made of the same stone sat in the middle deep enough to stand and the water would come to one’s chest in the middle but on the outer parts one could sit in the water and have it come up to one’s belly. The bath had an outer rim of stone that one could lean on and the stone and whole of the bath was heated through. Attendants came to him to undress him. “Oh no that’s alright I can remove my own clothes thank you!” They ignored him removing the old green robes he had worn often.  
Ignis gave in to take a peek only able to see the body from the waist up, if only to be certain that he wasn’t giving the attendants a hard time. A flash of the man’s shirtless gave him all the ideas he needed. Maybe he should try the passion element of the darkside first?
The water was warm very warm almost searingly hot, it felt glorious after the dungeon and the battle before. He was still getting used to feeling other hands on him with various tools of cleaning him. Kit let out a soft sigh as muscles that had tensed up loosened. Oils and other means of luxury were applied till he was presented with not his Jedi robes but a black set of clothes. 
Kit looked up shock on his face his lower half just barely covered below the navel. “You cannot be serious?” He called out to Ignis
“What we can’t have you running around in those filthy rags you Jedi call robes.”
“Those robes I will have you know were custom!”
“And now they have been fed to the fire, they were musty, moldy, and ruined after battle, the dungeon and whatever you have put them through.” Ignis smirked at the thought of him. “Now you can wear what you have been offered, or you can show off to the whole of Korriban what a human Jedi looks like beneath their robes. I don’t think we will mind the view, might get a bit cold in the temples, and scorching in the desert above.”
Kit swallowed and took the clothes offered changing into them. Coming out to the bedroom he stood his wrists still had the force dampening cuffs. “So what becomes of me now?”
“Now?” Ignis asked. “Now I begin the task ordered to me by the Emperor. Or at least I should but I’d like to get to know you first, what would you say to dinner? You haven’t eaten since you got here, I assure you while spicy the food here is quite delicious.”
Kit wanted to tell him that he wasn’t hungry but his stomach betrayed him. “Dinner would be appreciated, as are the clothes thank you.” Kit let his eyes go to Ignis. 
Ignis looked to one of the attendants and they went to get food. “I think conversation would be an excellent use of our time Jedi Knight Kit.”
“I think Kit works better than Jedi. I think I’ve heard that word hissed more times than I care to count.” Kit added.
“Then you may call me by my birth name Hades.”
“This life or?”
“I’ve always been Hades.”
“Hades,” Kit tried the name.
Ignis felt his ears prick at the sound of the name none dared call him anymore. Persephone so long ago had, and to hear another speak his name well, it was intimate. He certainly looked forward to Kit speaking it again.
Kit swallowed, “So you have lived many lives, how many?”
“More than a few millennia if not more.” Ignis said. “And you do you believe this is your first life?”
“Who knows, I don’t think I have lived before, I would think I would remember.”
Ignis poured him a glass of  an Alderaanian vintage, sending it to him with the force as he poured himself a glass.
Kit took it sipping it grateful for the soothing liquid. “What of you do you remember it all?”
“If I focused hard enough I might, but the past is the past, and one should only ever look to the present and the future and use the past as a reminder.” 
“You almost sounded like Jedi Master Gabriel.” Kit told him.
“That old man?” Ignis asked. “I certainly hope not, he is foolish.”
“As are all Jedi in your eyes?” Kit asked swirling the dark liquid in the glass.
Ignis looked to him. “Yes, and with good reason Kit. They let themselves be blinded by a Code that keeps them from truly attaining that which they think they can.” He sipped his wine letting there be a pointed pause. “Peace.”
“What do you have against peace?” Kit asked.
“Peace is a lie,” Hades neared Kit. A lie that had cost him Persephone. A lie that had caused his never ending darkness. A lie that had given him to the fires and hatred of the Darkside, leaving him steeped in it forever. He had known the lie of it all once, back then he had been a woman by the name of Plutonia. In that life Ignis had loved a woman named Persephone, a Jedi much like Kit one of the first of her kind and at that time his too. Hell he had helped found the bloody order to begin with, they had been fighting a terrible scourge of the Darkside a Sith Lord the first of his kind by the name of Andeddu. In the end Persephone had not survived. How could there be peace without Persephone? The Force no longer felt so calm without her, in her death had died all the goodness that Plutonia had held. Her death had forged the path, hardening Ignis to the horror that was his life now. Seeing Kit though made him feel that something, something in her death he had forgot. What it was he wasn’t certain he wanted now.
Kit had noticed the silence and was thankful when the attendees came in bearing plates of food for them to eat. A stew made of spices, meat, and vegetables, a flat bread, and crisp, cool sweet fruit for dessert. Kit felt his mouth salivating at the smells that came to him sitting down at the low table he looked to Ignis “I believe you were the one to invite me to dinner, I don’t think I should start without you as you are my host.”
“A Jedi and a gentleman.” Ignis smiled sitting down opposite of Kit, not that they were far indeed the table was longer than it was wide. 
Kit smiled. “You aren’t the only one capable of surprises darling.” Kit gave a wink.
Ignis chose to ignore what that wink suggested, Kit had already made it quite obvious that he had an idea of what he was doing but not on how to follow through with it. “The stew is eaten with the bread less dishes to do tastier too.” He ripped the soft chewy bread forming a piece dipping it into the stew grabbing a chunk of bantha meat. He held out the morsel for Kit to eat.
Leaning forward Kit took the bite from Ignis’ hand, eyes closed his movement’s gentle. Kit was surprised at the flavor of the stew, it wasn’t what he had expected as the day had already shown him. He assumed it was daytime or nearing the end of it. Given that Ignis had mentioned dinner. “It is good.” Kit smiled. “Better than rations.”
“Anything is better then rations.” Ignis made a face his fingers tingled from where Kit’s lips had touched and his mind certainly went to far more imaginative places. “Everything here is made from scratch, Acolyte Ashe-sorry Darth Ashe runs the kitchens with an iron fist among other ventures.”
Kit’s lips felt numb and it wasn’t the spices, where they had touched Ignis, the numbness became warm. He did as Ignis had shown and began eating the food was without a doubt better than anything at the temple, while there was good food and Aziraphale had certainly improved it over his time there, this was something else! 
Ignis’ eyes lingered on various features of the Jedi before him. Golden rings of hair wreathed his face catching the flames, brilliant green eyes that held him in their lush gaze, and those lips still left a ghostly tingle on where they had touched. His appetite shifted from food to something far more needing, a greed to possess the man before him if only for a night. Passion was of the darkside and it would be a shame if he were to let this man never know a taste of it. 
Kit felt the lingering glance and looked up at the Sith, his dark hair had strands of starlight silver threaded through it and in a most becoming way. He was oddly meticulous in appearance, rather reserved for a Sith who up until this one Kit had only seen caught up in the savagery of battle. Darkness radiated from him in the force but even those yellow and red eyes were captivating. His lips still felt the ghost of pressure of the man’s fingers brushing against them. Kit was rather touch starved, Jedi weren’t exactly known for intimacy, while some did marry it wasn’t a common practice and most certainly was frowned upon. Exceptions did exist, the late Revan and his wife Bastilla Shan. Both were of the force both served as Jedi. They both stared at each other caught in something, neither could explain.
Ignis stood the movement making Kit stand as well out of habit likely, he approached the younger man and reaching out took hold of Kit pulling him into his arms and pressing a kiss to Kit’s lips claiming his mouth with his.
Kit eagerly accepted the kiss, it wasn’t his first kiss, there had been that moment with Senator Shakespeare of Naboo. They had kissed and kissed it had been a body guard mission however nothing could come out of it Kit was with the Order and Will had his duties to the people of Naboo. This kiss was different, there was something else behind it as Kit’s hand reached up to Ignis’ hair, caught up in the moment.
Ignis force pushed him against the wall gently, pressing kiss after kiss to Kit trailing down the Jedi’s neck and to his collar bone, only to be interrupted as Kit pushed him back.
“Hades,” the name had come out as a desiring whisper before eyes widened. “We cannot,” Kit said cheeks flushing. “I-I am a Jedi.you-me-we. Can’t.”
Ignis sighed, staying back. “Yes, you make it very clear.” He took a step back letting Kit move from where they were. 
Kit went to the balcony of the quarters trying to calm his breathing. What had been all of that? Where had all of this come from? His emotions were mixed as he leaned back against the wall breathing heavily. A Hand going over his face and through the dense curls.
Ignis left for the night instructing the Attendants to keep their eyes on Kit and to keep him from leaving. 
Kit slid down the wall and attempted to meditate but found no peace, at least not the kind he could meditate as sleep filled his mind he went in finding Ignis’ bed and sleeping upon it. 
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muses-darling · 5 years
A Seduction of the Darkside - A Star Wars AU - CH.2 Korriban
Master Gabriel had sent him to the library where Jedi Master Librarian Aziraphale had kept faithful watch over the whole of knowledge that the Jedi possessed. “While it may be your home world you have not been there in some time you will need to know all you can about it. Master Aziraphale will have all you need to know before you leave for your mission, remember Kit there is no ignorance, there is knowledge. Embrace the knowledge we have to offer and you will find victory and above all peace.Return safe and until next we meet my one time apprentice, may the Force be with you....”
The Jedi Archives were numerous and the whole of the library extended two stories tall and was so wide that he couldn’t make out the individual books on the shelves beyond. The great windows, glowing book spins, meticulously stacked Jedi Holocrons, and other data storage devices of knowledge. 
The Jedi Master Aziraphale was one of the oldest living and without a doubt the most delightful and genuine, who was simultaneously a bastard and a dear. He could be heard tittering to himself about the fact that some youngling or apprentice had left a book just sitting on the table. He shook his head and asserted to himself that the child most likely was not right in their right head. A floating stack of books no doubt from Aziraphale using the force. 
Kit had assumed this wrong as he came nearer seeing that the Master himself was holding up the stack of books. “Master Aziraphale?”
“AH!” The Jedi Master was startled. “Good Lord! You ought to have made your presence known!” He admonished Kit setting the books down and frowning from the other side of the books at him. 
Kit grinned at the older Jedi Master.
Aziraphale’s expression softened at seeing Kit. “Kit! Hullo there! What brings you here?” He fretted about in Kit’s direction but seemed rather happy to see the young Jedi Knight.
“Master Gabriel said that you would have some information to be found about Alderaan, Darling.” Kit held out his arms to Aziraphale. “Allow me to help you?”
“Oh, ah, yes that would be nice, thank you, you know some people don’t really offer that often. Not that I mind, but thank you.” Aziraphale lifted the books with the force and set them in Kit’s open arms. After putting away that which was found awry Kit was soon set up with a new stack of data disks and set before one of the readers so that he could learn.
“Alderaan? Lovely around this time of the cycle. They have such good nerf steaks!” Aziraphale swiveled, fixing him with one of those charming smiles of his peering over Kit’s shoulder. “Whatever are you going there for? If not for the steak, or the pastries.”
Kit couldn’t help but appreciate the kindred soul that was Aziraphale, “A scout report came back revealing that the Sith Empire may move to take it next. Who better to send than someone who can blend in?” Kit offered up as an explanation.
Aziraphale frowned in thought for a moment then brightened. “Well best of luck to you, let me know if you need anything at all. And if you see Master Crowley do send him my way, we were supposed to go eat half an hour ago!”
Kit chuckled, Master Crowley was likely lost in meditation in the Jedi Temple Gardens...
Kit’s head rang from being knocked unconscious after he had surrendered. Hurtling through hyperspace in Darth Ignis’ Dreadnought the Tartarus, Kit sat up from the floor, was that a voice? It was! Turning his vision coming to focus next from his time on the floor.
“...good, good you’re awake.” Darth Ignis walked towards, him waving a hand the viewport opened revealing the stars moving passed in lines as they moved from Alderaan to their destination. “I thought I would be the first to tell you of your new home.”
Kit could only stare at the man, feigning emotionlessness on the outside but the inside of himself was barely contained as emotions sought to claim control.The viewport snapping to focus as they left hyperspace revealing the brilliant dusk colored planet of Korriban, the home planet of the Sith. So seeped in the darkside few ever left untouched, in fact he had yet to hear of a Jedi leaving alive or as a Jedi. Even  Master Crowley rarely spoke of his time there. Kit felt himself move back trying to distance himself from the sheer evil that radiated from the planet,eyes flicking to Ignis.
“Oh so you can feel fear?.” Ignis told him. “That will make this easier.” 
Easier? He couldn’t help it! Years of Jedi training and it all drained like the blood from his face. There was much that the Master’s could teach but keeping one’s self aligned to the light when surrounded by so much darkness wasn’t a test but a trial by ordeal. So this was what the force willed? That he be tested, tormented, and possibly lost? He didn’t want this test. What if he failed? He closed his eyes to the sight of it all seeking the wisdom of the code, There is no emotion there is peace! Peace. He began breathing calmly to steady his nerves. “No matter what you try to do you will not bury me in the darkness of Korriban. I will instead be a light you have brought light to Korriban in me and I will shine like a beacon.”
“Was that supposed to be inspiring?” Ignis asked. “Just asking... While you do keep me a captivated audience, your subject leaves much to be...desired.” He offered as smile. “Though I am intrigued to see how long you last.” He walked to the view port his face taking on the color of fire illuminating his eyes even more. 
Kit tried to steady his breathing again before closing his eyes, “There is no emotion; there is peace, there is no ignorance; there is knowledge, there is no passion, there is serenity, there is no death; there is the Force.” He repeated this again. “There is no emotion; there is peace-”
“- Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.” Ignis replied, turning to look at Kit as he moved towards the young Jedi. “They have lied to you Kit, all your life, there has never been peace. I sense so much they have repressed in you, there is a life in there, a passion. Such strength could overturn any in your wake, like a swath of the path of your lightsaber you could make all enemies fall to their knees.” They had begun their descent to the planet below, using the force lifting Kit to his feet. “As much as I enjoy seeing you kneeling, we will be landing soon. I intend on showing you to our Emperor. He is visiting Korriban overseeing the training of our apprentices. Perhaps he’ll let me tutor you personally in the ways of the darkside?” He let his eyes wander over the Jedi’s face stopping on his mouth before looking up suggestively. “Among other things.”
Kit took a step back wrapping the force around him trying to find solace in it.
Hades hid his disappointment as he let in the guards.  
Kit’s mind was racing to his time spent at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant:
“Remember young Padawan, the darkness always yields to light.” Gabriel told him with a smile pressing his hands into a much younger Kit’s shoulders. “We are always with you even if it is only through the force. You are never truly alone, even in the darkest nights does the stars above not shine?”
“Yes Master,” Kit’s younger voice filled his mind as the memory reminded him that he had been suffering from night terrors. 
Being brought from the memory by a jolt of the ship entering the atmosphere from gravity shifting hold onto the ship as they made their way to the surface. As they neared, he could feel the arms of darkness, in multitudes reaching out their fingers extending as claws burrowed deep into him to drag him down:  
There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony.  There is no death, there is the Force.
The hatch opened revealing the harsh overbearing sun of Korriban the desert sands blowing into the otherwise neat black interior of the ship. Guards of the the Sith entered coming behind Kit nudging him forward. Darth Ignis walked into the desert before them hood shielding his eyes from the setting evening sun. 
Kit stepped from the cold interior of the ship into the swirling sands of Korriban and felt the scorching unforgivable sun. Yet even here among the unseeable darkness, was a light still. Kit sought solace, letting out a peaceful sigh to the dismay of his guards.
Ignis turned to face him a brow raising, “Enjoying the Korribanian sunset?”
“Even here in the darkness who knew one would find such a clear source of light.” Kit offered a cheerful smile out of his repertoire.
Darth Ignis tried to ignore the soft flicker that teased at his core at seeing such a smile. Where had he last seen such a brilliant smile? He had no time to contemplate it before it was dashed from Kit’s face.
The blow struck by Darth Vesania, “I’d love to see how well you smile when we are done with you Jedi.” He spat the last word out with all the venom that he had flowing through his veins.
Kit rocked back on his feet the smile gone for only a moment before it broke into a soft laughter. “I saw you hit harder in battle don’t tell me fatigue has caught up to you now?”
Darth Vesania raised his hands lighting crackling across them but his body became rigid as the force held him in place.
Darth Ignis gritted out, “Lord Vesania, you forget yourself, I allow you the blow you struck but with this you go too far. We need him alive, do not allow yourself to become so lost in your anger that you forget what it means to have purpose. Or before you forget that there are plenty who’s anger out burns yours.” The last part snarled before Vesania was sent back with the force from Kit.
Kit watched before looking to Ignis, “I feel as though I should thank you.”
Darth Ignis turned on Kit, “Do not mistake this for Kindness Jedi Knight, your only useful alive.”
“An act of kindness may come in many forms.” Kit commented. “Even your convoluted actions are a balm in the scorching heat of hatred.”
Darth Ignis’ eyes flared a deeper red as anger soared through him and he moved to Kit standing before him menacingly. “You will wish I had let him end you before this is through.” He had a reputation and this Jedi and his beautiful smile could send it falling down.
“Aww afraid you’ll get attached?” Kit asked flashing that irritatingly beautiful smile.
“You are hardly worth remembering.” 
“Oh darling, lies may be the tools of the Darkside but you’ve yet to master them to deceive my ears.”
Darth Ignis felt himself taken aback by the Jedi’s daring. “And humbleness must not be a requirement for Jedi seeing as how you have none. Take him to a holding cell till the Emperor is ready to see him.”
Kit was lead to the dark and dank cell, that most certainly smelled of rot. Something definitely scuttled in the darkness near him. He closed his eyes and began to meditate.
Darth Ignis flung the doors of his private sanctum open with the force. That smile! Those EYES! How dare this Jedi! Who did he think he was? 
“Lord Ignis you’ve retur-” He reached out crushing the servant flinging the body away. “Leave me be, or your fate will be the same. Unless it is the Emperor I wish to be left alone.”
“Yes Lord Ignis.” 
Darth Ignis closed his eyes undressing himself before washing himself from the battle watching the cloth become reddened with blood of the fallen. Finding fresh robes of his status as a Dark Lord of the Sith he knelt before the comm when it pinged. “My Emperor it is done as you have asked. Alderaan is fallen, we have acquired many to make acolytes of. Lord Vesania even captured the Jedi leader of the resistance forces of Alderaan. The Jedi Knight known as The Emerald of the Order.”
“Well done my good and faithful servant.” A cruel smile came to the face of the Emperor. “I look forward to meeting this Emerald Knight. See that his will isn’t broken yet, don’t let him feel any hope, we don’t need him getting ideas of escaping.” 
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muses-darling · 5 years
A Seduction of the Darkside - A Star Wars AU - CH.1 Alderaan
Arrogance, the downfall of the righteous, Jedi were no different, one by one blinded by it, one by one they fell. They lacked ambition, they lacked vision, and with the guidance of the Emperor, the Sith had swept over the lighted worlds of the Republic swallowing them in the darkness. Heated battles waged over planets, lasers firing from turrets, troops marching to assault, as the Republic attempted to rear their defenses up slow, lazy with bureaucracy and all other trappings that helped to lay it low. Still they put up a decent fight yet one by one each world would fall in a fiery blaze if they had too. The Sith Empire was on the rise, and their numbers grew day by day as more and more were claimed to the dark side. It was the will of the force, for the light to at long last yield to the darkness and be snuffed out. 
Perperations over the last three hundred years were coming to fruition. All that time spent lying in the shadows hungry, patience learned with time growing in power, waiting for the moment their revenge would be at hand. Overseeing it, transferring life, much like their emperor from one vessel to another. The best laid plans were the ones over seen by their maker. Ignis was more than willing to wait, more than willing to seek out all that would bring about the fall of their weakened enemies. The Jedi would never see it coming, and when they did it would be only after the route to victory was assured.
Harrower Class Dreadnoughts entered the space above the tranquil planet of Alderaan. A creamy green of an orb centered in the viewport, a lovely sight, only to be made more so when it burned. Darth Ignis turned, fingers waving sending out the force bringing the comm on, the Sith Emperor sat looking pleased, “My Emperor.” Darth Ignis knelt down if only because he had yet to find a way to over throw the man.
“Lord Ignis, destroy what you must, leave what you can, supplies are needed in winning a war, and this planet is lush. Destroy the Republic’s foothold and bring about a victory. Take prisoners, especially promising Jedi.” The Emperor commanded, before the connection terminated.
“It will be done my Emperor,” Darth Ignis asseverated while rising, crimson eyes pivoting to where the planet, already receiving bombardment. “Ready my ship, I will see to this personally.”
Waves of grass on his home planet of Alderaan waved in the gentle wind as Kit meditated on the force. In the force he could sense the impending darkness keeping his mind on the peace that surrounded him. “I am one with the force, the force is one with me. There is no emotion; there is peace, there is no ignorance; there is knowledge, there is no passion, there is serenity, there is no death; there is the Force.” He fell silent as he became aware of the encroaching numbers, repeating the code as a mantra; a lightsaber lay ready for when he needed it. Let them come...
Sith imperial troopers, warriors, inquisitors, and the like marched on him and the town beyond. If they thought him alone well they were in for a surprise. They had done well in cloaking themselves in the force but not well enough. The hum of lightsabers, a fear tried to rise in his belly. There is no emotion! His nerves steadied with the words of the code- There is only peace- A crack of a fallen branch under foot- there is no ignorance- closer and closer rocks came loose colliding with each other as they were kicked up in the footfall- There is knowledge. His hand moved slowly extending outward as he did so with the force. There is no passion, there is serenity. Rising with the blade in a swift motion, viridescent eyes same color of the blade taking in his surroundings.
“You will die today Jedi.” An assassin purred behind him.
There is no death, there is the force! His lightsaber was a cue, Republic troops came from where they had been deployed between the Sith and Kit cutting them off. 
“Jedi Scum!” An Inquisitor bit out, his final words as Kit brought his hand up the lightsaber flying forward and through the target as Kit leaped into the air twisting and landing his lightsaber to his hand. Igniting his other blade as he brought it out and down through another enemy. The Emerald of the Order was what they called him and he certainly lived up to the name. Blades crackled with energy as they met. Kit used the force to push one of them away from himself as he wheeled a blur of motion. Safeguarding the innocents required he put them to the blade. Ordinarily he would have found a least confrontational manner. However when necessary he found himself able to contend with aggressive negotiations.
Azure peaceful skies choked with smoke turned red with flames that burned brightly through the forests, valleys, and towns. Fire was something that Ignis felt embodied the Darkside well. The Code of the Sith was just as opposite of the Jedi, his lightsaber crackled red, it sliced through them down the middle, Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Flames lit him in a beautiful and grotesque way causing fear in his enemy’s eyes some turned and fled only to be cut down by blaster fire. Through passion, I gain strength. He reached out through the force bringing the fire up in a swirl and at the enemies watching them reduce to ash. Through strength, I gain power. Feeding on their fear gave him clarity to see them his lightsaber through them cutting them like wheat in a field. Through power, I gain victory. Lopping the head off of one of the Trooper Captains. Through victory, my chains are broken. There had been a time where he had been held back by the code the Jedi, the lies they told themselves enslaved to an impossible philosophy. The Force shall free me. Their ways had allowed him an illusion of safety once shattered with the loss of Persephone. The man known then as Jedi Master Hades fell to the darkside consumed in the need for vengeance. That had been long ago... Republic troops crumpled under the might of his army. 
One Republic trooper stood before him holding his blaster out at him, brave one, foolish one, now dead....
Darth Ignis perceived him try to fire only for the force to break the man’s arm, relishing the scream as the man’s mind caught up to the knowledge of his impending doom. The blaster went off sealing his life while Ignis pressing onward passed him. 
Kit’s blades twirled as he sent blaster lasers back at those who shot at him. The air was becoming too hot and thick, flames licked away at the growth coming near. Blades met others, it was in the way they met that told him this was someone not to underestimate.
The Adversary’s face was partially covered with a breathing apparatus scarlet-yellow, hate filled eyes scorched into Kit’s evergreen ones. Savage blows forcing Kit back the dark Jedi clearly drew on the force to augment himself. “Hello pretty Jedi-”
Kit smiled, “Aw darling, shame the same can’t be said about you.” Reaching out with the force he tried to hit the man with a rock, barely missing him.
“Please you didn’t think I would fall for that?” The Sith chuckled. “Certainly not after I’ve seen you use it on another.” He caught the rock using the force to shatter it, the sharp pieces hurtling at Kit blocking with lightsabers destroying all, but one shard slicing his arm. 
Kit gasped with pain his lightsaber locking with the man’s blade narrowly blocking him, stumbling back. 
“You fight well, but see that you fight a master.” The Sith jeered at him, “while you are only a mere knight.” 
Kit reached back with the force stopping his fall as the Sith neared him keeping him from truly finding any real balance. Kit closed his eyes breathing in, Peace, Knowledge, and Serenity. Letting his blades drop using the force to sweep them at the legs moving away from the Sith.
The Sith used the force to push hurtling over Kit and landing behind him. 
Kit turned, lightsabers flying up to meet the Sith’s his hands finding purchase on the hilts. He shut them off feeling the Sith slam into him as Kit used the force to fall backward softly into the tall grass controling his landing, using the hit of his landing to send up a powerful blast.
The Sith was sent flying into a tree hard enough to make him drop his lightsaber. Kit spun rising up, lightsabers arcing around him soaring to the Sith. “Yield.”
“Funny I could ask you to do the same thing.” A voice said from behind him. 
A man clearly a Dark Lord of the Sith nearing him Kit moved a lightsaber to be between each opponent. 
Releasing from the tree the other Sith brought up a lightsaber cutting through the hilt of one lightsaber hovering it at Kit’s throat.
“Darth Vesania, we have a rare opportunity before us, I think he will be of more use to us alive than dead.” The newly arrived Sith Lord spoke.
Darth Vesania clearly sounded bored, “I would prefer him dead, his goodness in the Force makes me sick, Lord Ignis.”
“Then leave and find other’s to kill.” Darth Ignis dismissed him, bringing Kit’s remaining lightsaber into his hand. “This one will live today at least.” 
Kit watched the other leave as more surrounded him looking to the one who had intervened, “If you think I will be your willing prisoner, think again. I will give myself to the force before I surrender.”
“Oh that I don’t doubt but it would be such a waste of a pretty face.” Darth Ignis smiled to him beneath the hood. “Even more of such skill. There are not many who have stood up to Darth Vesania and lived, in fact I think you may be the only one who has.” The voice was regal and clearly used to giving commands. “I have no desire in seeing a flower like you burn, now be a good Jedi and choose the peaceful option. Surrender Just like your precious Republic did this day.”
Live to fight again, his mind offered up as wisdom. Perhaps this was the Forces’ will? To take this Path it wasn’t a clear path and he had no certainty. Uncertainty could lead to fear, to the darkside. There is no emotion; there is peace, there is no ignorance; there is knowledge, there is no passion, there is serenity, there is no death; there is the Force. In the voice of his Master Gabriel the code came to mind again. The Republic had lost Alderaan his homeworld, just like Kit himself as he felt the force repelling manacles lock around his wrists.
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muses-darling · 5 years
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Full Compilation of SeaCoast City’s Star Wars AU Written by Your’s truly!
A Seduction of the Darkside
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Fire & Fury
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
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muses-darling · 5 years
Master’s Crowley and Aziraphale were side by side smiling at the two of them as they stood on the shores of one of Naboo’s lakes. The Country side was a perfectly secluded place to perform the ceremony. Kit and Hades stood opposite of each other hands clasped over the other’s arms  flowers entwined in crowns upon their heads like a victors laurels as they stared at each other love flowing between them much like the force did.
“In darkness and light
in all that lays between;
You will guard each other
and love the parts unseen;
you are each others half
together you are made whole.” Aziraphale and Crowley said placing the kyber crystals over Kit and Hades’ necks.
“Just as we give each other Peace
we will be each other’s Passion;
Just as we gain strength from each other
we will build our knowledge;
Give vision in our powers combined
finding serenity in our union;
Just as there is death
we will be each other’s life;
we are in the force
and in the force we are free.” Kit and Hades spoke their vows in unison and upon doing so Hades pulled Kit into a deep and loving kiss. “My Kit.”
“My Hades.” They were united in the force and now would share their days as husbands.
Ignis’s hand let go of the kyber crystal at his neck leaving his memory of his fall the reverie fading, “he’s just a boy.”
“A boy you allowed fear, anger, and hatred to enter making him vulnerable,” Alucard’s face wore a terrible grin. “Tell me Ignis, Hades, Plutonia, did you ever get to hold the remains of your previous spouse?”
Ignis’ head jerked up seeing the door open and Kit enter, No!
“Hades!” Kit saw Alucard not knowing what had happened as he neared them.
“Would you like to now?”
The lightning that came at Kit was forceful and there was no time to evade as the crackling arcs of energy lashed out in his direction, even with the force one’s speed could only be increased so far. Even with the force one’s life could only be extended, even with the force... this was the force though, twisted as it was, it was still the force. While a darker element of it, the force was always the force.
Ignis watched his hand reaching out but there was nothing what could he do? Killing Alucard was not the option it once was, killing Lucifer had brought this about, and once more his anger his actions were leading to the death of the one he loved most.
Kit closed his eyes and let the darkness of the force seep into him taking it all in him just as the wave of energy hit him but he didn’t move the darkside of the force absorbed the energy hungrily sucking all of it. However there was only so much energy and the force that any one jedi could hold it had to go somewhere at some point. The darkness told him to unleash it back upon his enemy see them grovel and whine fall before himself and plead before they were snuffed out. Kit had a better idea as the final wave washed over him Kit let his arms fall to the side the dark energy that he had absorbed sending lighting into the base of the temple beneath the walkway and into the nothing on either side. His eyes opened and for a moment one could have a glimpse at what Kit would look like as a dark Jedi. A beautiful and terrible sight. He wanted to speak to Moloch but knew that would be like talking to a wall the breath wasted, “Alucard I know you are in there.”
“He is dead!”
“I don’t think so,” Kit said. “I think he is very much alive, and you are very much dead, Alucard, there is fear in this world, there is anger, but don’t let it keep you from having that which you love.” Kit walked towards Alucard’s body.
Alucard’s body sent a wave of force lightning watching it be deflected by Kit.
“Don’t let this old force ghost fool you into thinking you’ve lost the fight for your life. That battle is still worth fighting so long as you chose to do so, everything is worth a fight, everything, it is only lost when you chose. Now what do you chose Alucard?”
“There is only death! There is-” Alucard’s eyes closed opening one eye was creamy green the other wild and like they had both been moments ago. “No, there is life!” Half of Alucard’s face formed a smile while the other frowned. “In his short time Kit taught me something, I don’t think he knew he had.” Alucard’s voice said. “Flowing through all is balance-” “-Balance? What do you know of balance boy?” Alucard found his voice again, “There is no peace- peace is a lie!- Without passion to create!- There is only passion, through passion I gain strength!- There is no passion without peace to guide!- Through strength I gain power!- Knowledge fades without the strength to act!- Through power I gain, victory!- Power blinds without serenity to see!- Through victory, my chains are broken- There is freedom in life, there is purpose in death - The force shall free me!- The force is in all things, and I am the force!” Energy soared from Alucard who’s body dropped to the ground as the final words in Alucard’s voice rang out. 
Kit and Hades both rushed to the body as it spasmed and shook Alucard’s eyes rolling back before he became still. Kit reached out in the force and felt the darkness leave Alucard. His eyes opened and smiled at the creamy greens that met his vibrant ones. “Hullo Alucard.”
“Is he gone?” Alucard asked.
“I believe so,” Kit smiled looking up at Hades.
The relief that came to Alucard’s face as he rested into Kit’s arms. “Thank the force.”
“Thank it yourself,” Kit smiled. “Well done, not many face so great a trial and I believe you passed because you are yourself again.”
Hades had nearly lost Kit so many times in the last several minutes that all he could think of was wrapping him in his arms and never letting go so as soon as Kit was no longer holding Alucard he pulled Kit into his arms. “I thought you would have died and I never want to feel that feeling again.” He pressed kiss after Kiss into Kit’s lips face and hair. 
Alucard started for the door watching it bust open and seeing Honey they stared and he hurried to her she to him wrapping their arms around each other and holding to each other. 
Kit smiled and cupped Hades’ cheek. “But you didn’t.” He booped Hades’ nose. “Did you?”
“If I had I don’t think we would be having this conversation.” Hades smiled nuzzling into Kit pressing more kisses. “Do you think Moloch will return?”
“He may, the darkside has many strange and terrible abilities, there are only so many routes that we can cover.” Hades smiled. “But I think that one.” He nodded to Alucard. “That one we will not have to worry about.”
“Good,” Kit smiled up at Hades wrapping his arms around the man. “Now then darling I do think we should celebrate our victory, your bed or?”
Hades smirked. “Kit, I go where ever the force tells you to take us.”
Aziraphale smiled at what he had typed into the datapad. If anyone was going to write this then it would be him. 
“Oh come now Angel there is so much more that happened after that.” Crowley said a glass of wine in hand as he looked over his husband’s shoulder
“Then it will have to be a sequel but this first book documents the beginning of the reign of the Eternal Emperors, how better a gift to give than a story of how they came to be together?”
“And you think Senator Shakespeare won’t have beaten you to the punch?” Crowley asked.
“It would take him a miracle.” Aziraphale smiled up at Crowley with one of his special smiles.
“See I was certain you would say that,” Crowley smirked and kissed his adorable jedi husband. ���And I made sure of it, none of the senate has power today.”
“Oh Crowley!” Aziraphale grinned up at him.
“Get a room!” Juliet stuck her tongue out at her Uncles, an ewok plush under her arm. 
“Aww are you jealous?” Crowley grinned before running after his niece who giggled.
Aziraphale watched them already perusing the idea of a second book, all he needed to start it off was a title......
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muses-darling · 5 years
Alucard tried to fight it though he knew there was no point as he was forced to kneel before Ignis, his eyes looking up at the man pleading. Surely if Kit was able to find something worth loving in such a man then there was something loving in Lord Ignis. He had to try to appeal to such a man. He tried to move his face away as the scarlet blade extended out towards him the heat of the energy just below his chin. Instinct made his head jerk away he tried his eyes looking back from the blade to Ignis. Please! He felt the tears come to his eyes, Please I don’t want to die not like this, not now. I just want to live! Please someone help me! Anyone!
I will help you....
Alucard blinked Ignis seemed to be contemplating something perhaps that bought him sometime? What time was there surely all help any help was better than none? Who are you?
What does it matter?
Alucard swallowed.
If you don’t accept my help you’ll die and if you do well you’ll live, and he will die.
He didn’t want to kill Ignis, but he didn’t want to die. Just don’t hurt my friends...
Oh they won’t be of any concern to you any more, thank you for letting me in....
Alucard’s body went limp before his eyes opened a terrible sickening red where creamy greens had once swirled like lagoons. As he came to a stand a terrible laugh exited his body, “Always indecisive with your emotions. Hades.”
Kit hurried along through the temple the siblings behind him along with the other’s of the Cerberus’ crew that they had found. He felt it the soft pinging in the force but it grew more and more, a surge calling him. He slowed his steps as he looked down the hall one way lead them all to freedom the other way would lead to where the force called him. Once more the force called him in such a very different direction than the path he imagined. He had learned to let it guide him where it needed to and already he was going down the path it wanted him to.
“HEY!” Ben grabbed Kit’s arm. “Where are you going?” He asked looking up at the Jedi. “We have to go!”
“The force wants me to go down this path.”
Ben frowned. “Last time you said something like that you-you left us. You promised to teach me, you promised!”
“And I will teach you, both of you.” Kit placed his hand’s on Harper and Ben’s shoulders. “But for now I must do the will of the force. It will’s me there.”
“Then we aren’t going to leave you.” Harper said. 
Kit looked to her and gave a soft laugh, “very well if this is where the force is leading you.”
“It’s not, but after everything I don’t think we should let you out of our sight just so you can disappoint my brother again.”
Kit gave her a wounded look, “I am sorry. It was not what I had intended.” He felt it stronger now and stood. “We must hurry. The rest of you get the Cerberus under way.”
Honey nodded, “If you see Alucard bring him with you.”
Kit nodded and hurried down the corridor away from the rest of the group the siblings following after him. Then he felt it the strong surge of the darkside was well beyond the great doors of the throneroom. “Stay here.”
“Last time you said that you-”
Kit turned upon the two siblings. “And I can’t train you both if you are dead, I don’t know what lies beyond those doors but whatever it is, you both could be harmed by. I would never forgive myself. I need you both to trust me. I will return, I will teach you, but I need you both to trust that and stay here make sure no one else comes through this door.” Kit took a deep breath steadying his nerves before entering the throne room his hand around the kyber crystal around his neck feeling the warmth and familiarity of the man he loved. It was a calming, soothing, balm around him and in it’s familiarity Kit found strength.
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muses-darling · 5 years
A Seduction of the Darkside - A Star Wars AU - CH.10 The Quiet
The Cerberus lay where it had been forced to land by Ignis’ whose blade clashed against Kit’s blades. “You know I dreamt of seeing you again, and in all those times I never thought it would be like this.”
“Glad to know you dream of me Darling,” Kit smiled radiantly as he spun meeting Ignis’ blade again. 
Ignis was barely fighting against Kit tiring the Jedi out. “Of course I did. Kit,” Ignis took hold of him by the arm and pulled the Jedi close for a kiss.
Kit accepted the kiss much to the horror of Ben who looked away not sure what he had seen. 
Ignis pulled away from Kit and smirked looking him over, “Was it you who killed Lord Vesania?”
“No, that was all Master Crowley.”
“But you had a hand in it? I saw the vines, my clever Jedi.” Ignis reached out for Kit.
Kit pushed him back with the force. “You sent Vesania after me.”
“You wound me Kit,” Ignis frowned softly. “I would never endanger you like that.”
“But you would choke me?” Kit added.
Ignis looked down and away, “I just didn’t want you getting hurt.”
“Hurt?” Kit asked him displeasure in his face.
“What would you have had me do?” Ignis asked him bringing up his lightsaber to block Kit’s blow. 
“Let me leave, let Crowley leave. Let them.” He looked beyond at the Sith Infiltrator that was currently kept to the ground. “Leave.” 
Ignis seemed to give it some consideration. “And you will leave in turn with me?”
Kit deactivated his lightsabers and presented them to Ignis, pulling them back when the man reached for them. “Let them leave.” Kit said clearly holding his ground ready to reactivate should Ignis attempt to betray him. 
Ignis looked to the ship then to Kit before unpinning the ship from the ground. Taking up Kit’s blades he examined the one made with the kyber crystal that had been his before handing them back to Kit. “I will not force you to stay with me should you not wish too.”
Kit took back the blades and attached them to his belt. 
“I think that’s our cue to leave,” Alucard said not giving Lord Ignis a chance to change his mind and shooting off into the stars. 
Kit watched the ship leave then jump to lightspeed, turning to Ignis he smiled. “Was that so hard?”
“It is my ship.” Ignis said with a huff. 
“I’m sorry your ship?”
“Bloody Sith thinks he can just get her back like that, who does he think he is my Father gave me this ship I’ll have you know. Top of the line.” Alucard said as he piloted from the co-pilot seat.
“Ingrate doesn’t realize he was never supposed to keep it, just something to distract him while the process of transferring the life of the Emperor to his body took place.” Ignis explained deactivating his saber. “Poor bastard doesn’t know he’s a kriffing clone.”
“A clone?” Kit’s eyes widened. “Shouldn’t somebody tell him?” Kit stopped and looked up. “Doesn’t life transference require extra lives to use as energy?”
“Why do you think you and precious Master Crowley were needed by the Emperor alive and healthy?” Ignis looked to Kit.
“You were just going to let him,” Kit shook his head moving to walk away.
“You think so low of me?” Ignis asked him moving towards Kit.
“I honestly don’t know what to think when it comes to you nothing is ever so straight forward.”
“Allow me to show you? How I feel?” Ignis asked nearing Kit but not closing off his route to leave if that was what Kit chose then so be it.
Kit paused but regarded Ignis with a guarded look.
Ignis-Hades took Kit’s face in both hands and pressed a kiss to Kit’s mouth, his hands moving to new places. One coming to rest on Kit’s shoulder the other to cradle the back of Kit’s head entwining with those curls that he had come to love so much in the man who now so deeply held his affection. 
Kit stood reserved for only a moment before accepting the kiss, a hand threading through Hades’ long hair returning the kiss. He pulled back to take in a breath of air resting his forehead against Hades’, “Hades.” 
The sound of his true name hitting the Sith Lord’s ears was all it took as he shifted letting his outer cloak fall to the ground his hands finding Kit’s belt’s fasteners.
Kit joined him in removing their clothes falling back against a wall as they let themselves fall into a passion that was not easily dismissed. Kisses from exploring lips as they became reacquainted with each other, the gasps, and groans becoming more and more. When their awoke from their passionate reverie they lay upon some unfortunate desk who had given under their desires. 
Hades chuckled, “Now who could forget anyone like you? When you have a mouth like this?” Hades asked cupping Kit’s chin running a thumb over Kit’s mouth. “Who could forget a man who has eyes like yours?” Hades asked him. “Surely not I, I feel your presence with me in the force. Do you not feel the same?”
Kit smiled at the words and ran a hand through the Sith Lord’s hair, from where he sat on him. “Who could forget a man like you with a smile like that?” 
“It doesn’t shine as brightly as yours dearest Kit.” Hades sat up pressing kisses to the man’s mouth and resting foreheads against each other. 
“Oh Darling you could teach fires how to find spark with your’s and burn brighter than any nebula in the galaxy.” Kit told him enjoying their quiet moment as they lay together. “You say you dreamed of me. I would be lying if I said I didn’t do the same darling.”
Hades smirked at him, “Glad to know you dream of me.” He echoed what Kit had said earlier.
Kit laughed and pressed kiss after Kiss to Hades’ lips. “You are truly something,” He nuzzled into Hades’ chest. “So what now? What of the War?”
Hades sighed. “The Emperor’s war.”
“Isn’t that who you are?” Kit asked threading his fingers through Hades’ own as they sat together.
“Indeed it is,” Hades said. “But I will have a schism if I try and call it off altogether.” Pulling Kit’s hand to his mouth he pressed kisses to each finger gently then his hand the back followed by the palm, down Kit’s arm turning it as he reached closer to Kit’s shoulder and up Kit’s neck to his mouth. “I suppose slowly I could call it off bring them all to a halt?” He suggested.
“That is a start.” Kit admited pressing a kiss to Hades’ neck smiling at the sigh he heard. “Darling, in that vision we shared with the force your eyes changed to this lovely shade of blue, deep blue.” 
Hades looked down at Kit, “I suppose they would revert back to their natural color. If provided the right opportunity.”
“Would you renounce the darkside not completely but not be so held by it? Come back with me towards the light?”
“Kit.” Hades said pulling away, “You and I both know I can’t, I’m the emperor of the Sith. Even if I weren’t I’m-” A monster. “I can’t.” He looked away from Kit. “Please don’t ask why, just know that I cannot.”
Kit frowned softly sitting back clearly not happy with Hades’ statement. He stood and turned sitting beside Hades. “Hades, why are you so afraid?” He reached for Hades.
Hades pulled from his arms, “Do not ask, please Kit. It’s.” Hades felt the sorrow drying his throat. He cleared his throat and found his scattered clothes. “We should get going. The war isn’t going to end itself.”
Kit frowned, Hades was hiding something. “You are right. It won’t.” Kit stood with Hades getting dressed. The walk to Hades’ shuttle was long but they walked hand in hand, upon reaching it Kit felt something in the force and brought himself between Hades bringing up the force but not fast enough as some of the blaster bolt entered him dropping him to the ground. 
Ignis looked up at Masters and a darkness came to his face as he marched upon the man who’s blaster was flung as Hades sent it away with the force. “YOU WOULD DARE!” His eyes crackled with lightning. “YOU WOULD DARE! YOU LITTLE MAN WITH NOTHING TO PROTECT HIMSELF!” 
“You never should have broken your end of the deal.” Master’s said. “No deal no-”
Ignis brought up his lightsaber feeling it meet with Master’s Cortosis blade. “Ah so you do wish to try to fight. You can try but I assure you.” His lighting had sparked causing the ground to catch flame marking his path of death. “You won’t put up much of a fight. He swung at Masters’ who blocked and slammed his elbow into Ignis. Ignis took a step back, “Now that is more like it.” He licked his lips tasting the blood from where they had cracked from the blow. 
Masters turned the blade, “Come on you bastard all that talk, and for what?”
Ignis chuckled darkly and brought his blade down on Masters’ who blocked. Ignis was loosing himself into the hatred as he fought Masters. He was so lost that he didn’t see Kit not until a thrust meant for Masters caught Kit who looked up at him a mixture of fear and whatever it was, was lost as Ignis blacked out with rage.
 KIT! Waking up he sat up, Kit lay beside him on a bed an older man with white hair muttering worriedly and focusing with the force. Attempting to sit up Hades felt the chains that held him down. 
“H-hold on Kit, please, just hold on, I just need you to stay here, stay with me dear boy,” Master Aziraphale begged him. “Please dear boy.”
Kit lay his eyes open blood streaming from his mouth, barely breathing.
“COME ON KIT!” Aziraphale pleaded, please. 
“Angel,” Crowley said.
“No not now Crowley, I can save him, I can save him.” Aziraphale said more to himself than to Crowley his hands’ glowing. “I can-”
“Angel,” Crowley said pulling him into his arms. “He ceased breathing.”
“NO NO,” Aziraphale buried his face into Crowely who held him close staring at the young man who was the closest thing that either man had to a son.
“NO!” Ignis fought his chains. “NO, no I couldn’t I would never have-” It was all to much. “I let me try to save him.” Ignis looked to Crowley. “You Jedi have your tricks, we have ours.” 
Aziraphale looked to Crowley then to Kit finally to Ignis, there was no time to question if the Sith could be trusted. He nodded pressing a button the cuffs coming off of Ignis.
Ignis rose from the healing table and went to Kit, he couldn’t save Persephone, but Kit? Kit he could save. He still felt Kit’s presence in the force. “Find me, Kit.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss to the man’s lips. “Find me in the force.” His eyes closed as Kit’s wound’s healed. Hades dropped to the ground his eyes turning blue as the life transference healed Kit’s body Hades smiled weakly as the wounds opened on his body. 
Aziraphale knelt beside Hades, “If you think this gets you out of what you have done you are wrong about that.”
“Just tell him I love him.” Hades told Aziraphale. “I love him.”
Crowley sent a shock through Kit’s body, twice was all it took as Kit shot up. “HADES!” He breathed heavily his face still stained with tears. Looking to the ground where Hades’ lay with Aziraphale, he swayed with the loss of blood collapsing as Crowley began hooking him up to a transfusion machine. 
Hades had heard Kit’s voice as he went to black, I love him.
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muses-darling · 5 years
A Seduction of the Darkside - A Star Wars AU - CH. 8 Favors
Ignis traced a foot over the dirt his eyes looking over the remains of the temple. A shame really such places of the times past were so far and few between. That being said the result made it worth while. The remains of Lord Vesania told him everything, Kit was alive, where he couldn’t be certain until the reports came through in the mean time, the force would guide him to the Jedi. 
Landing on Coruscant was impossible the whole planet was on blockade the Sith Empire’s doing no doubt. Well impossible for all but a few as Crowley took the controls his fingers dancing over the controls. “Everyone get buckled up and pray to whatever it is you worship.” He grinned. “Things are going to get bumpy!”
Aziraphale closed his eyes clearly not comfortable with this as they spiraled down passed the blockade’s first ring rising and falling to dodge blasts and torpedos hurrled at them.
“KIT GET ON ONE OF THE GUNS AND KEEP THEM OFF US!” Crowley commanded. “Come on you.” He told his ship. “I’ve flown you for nearly a century, you’ve got one more landing in you.” 
Kit slid down the ladder to where one of the turrets on the ship was. Taking up the controls he pointed them using the force to guide him as he targeted each torpedo speeding their way. 
Crowley let out a laugh as he flew the ship through another currently in the process of exploding.
“CROWLEY YOU’LL GET US KILLED!” Aziraphale could be heard. “WATCH OUT FOR THAT-”
The ship before them exploded. “For what?” Crowley gave him a grin not even looking at where they were headed.
“Well why not? My Hands are guided by the force!”
Aziraphale gave him an exasperated look. “Will you please just-”
Crowley leaned forward and kissed Azirphale. “Of course Angel.” He made the ship dive down spiraling.
Aziraphale seized a handle and closed his eyes, surely Crowley was doing this just for the benefit of getting Aziraphale all riled up. It worked.
Soaring through the atmosphere they weaved passed enemy fighters some allies too! Skidding to a stop in the hanger bay of the Jedi temple Crowley let out a laugh after they came to a stop. 
Aziraphale rolled his eyes at his lunatic for a husband. 
“Oh come on that was fun.”
“That was foolish.”
“Both?” Kit offered as a balance between the two.
Both men looked to him before both laughed, Kit joining them. 
“Well we got in to Coruscant but if need be how do we get out?” Kit asked.
“Anxious to see your boyfriend?” Crowley asked.
Kit blinked. “He is not my boyfriend.”
“Boy toy I’m easy.” Crowley stood up still chuckling. “If you want out then you are going to need to find yourself a ship. Mine’s needing tender love and care as is my husband.” 
Kit nodded, “You both have done so much I would not ask more.”
“Oh this is far from over,” Crowley shook his head. “But something tells me Aziraphale and I are needed here more. We have taught you all we can. The rest you must learn for yourself.” Placing a hand on Kit he looked over the rim of his glasses at the younger man. “I am proud of you.” 
Kit embraced both of them. “Thank you.” 
The comm pinged and a stately man in turquiose chersilk robes of status pressed the button. “Yes?”
“There is a Jedi Knight here to see you Senator.”
“Well then send him in, and send for a bottle of wine, whatever you see will suit us best. Thank you.”
The door slid open revealing Kit, now a bit refreshed and looking like his old self in new green robes.
“It is not every day a Jedi comes to me, what can I do for you Jedi Knight Kit?” The man smiled a familiar smile
“That remains to be seen, Senator Shakespeare.” Kit smiled making a soft bow that was met with a nodding gesture from the Senator.
“How many times must I implore you to call me Will?”
They were interrupted for a moment by the young woman who carried in two glasses and some wine bowing before leaving. 
“Perhaps one more time?” Kit neared him as the Senator stood they embraced.
Will was the first to break away, pouring them both a glass looking out the window at the blockade high beyond the atmosphere. “A real shame all of this. I had hoped to be seeing you under better circumstances. Alas it is not to be,” He turned to meet the gentle green eyes of Kit with his deep brown ones. Such history they shared but that was all it could ever be. He took a sip of wine. “You have come for something Kit whatever you ask I will do my best.”
“I need a way off of Coruscant.”
“If word is to be believed, you just got back?”
“I did but now I need to go back out there, the key to ending this is out there, and we can’t do anything here. Most of the Jedi’s forces are elsewhere.”
Will sighed, “Do you really believe you can end this?” He looked to Kit studying the man, even after years of knowing him the Jedi remained an enigma. 
“Yes.” Kit said taking a sip of the wine.
“Then you should head to Hanger Bay eleven-two, dock fourteen thirty-one.” Will smiled at him. “In three hours time. Be there or there will be no other way off of this planet as long as that blockade continues.” Will smiled. “Good luck and may the Force be with You Kit.”
“And with you William Shakespeare.” Kit grasped the man’s arm finishing his wine before going to get himself ready.
Will watched Kit go and felt sorrow, he had given up his only way home in all of this. But he trusted Kit, hopefully Jane would forgive him in time, and hopefully he would live to see his soon to be born children.
The Cerberus was a fine ship excellent for smuggling with systems in place that allowed for the most discreet cloaking available. She was clearly once a Sith Infiltrator that had been thoroughly refurbished to fit her new lot in life. The Captain made his way down the ramp leaning against one of the supports watching the Jedi make his way. He made it a point to steer clear of force users but he owed the Senator a life debt favor. “You must be Kit?”
“And that makes you?” Kit asked where had he seen the man’s face before?
“Captain Alucard De’vil of the Cerberus.” He watched the younger man with jade colored eyes. “You’re welcome to come aboard, your cabin is the first on the left and for kriffs sake don’t touch anything.”
Kit nodded boarding, “Is it just you and me?”
“No we will be sharing our lovely voyage with my charming half-sisters Layla and Nikita.”
“Don’t say it like that,” Nikki rolled her eyes as she came up behind Kit, Layla following behind carrying a box not saying anything.
Kit frowned, but before he could comment Nikki interjected.
“She suffers from insomnia, after some caf she will be much more, well human.” 
“Right,” Kit nodded. “Well I think I will go to my room. I have much to ponder on before we get to our destination.” Disappearing into the room Kit set his bag down and moved to the bed laying back he drifted off, a day of being awake had taken it’s toll. As he fell asleep he felt the familiar tug in the force, a smile on his face. Hades.
“Are Jedi always so cryptic and unfriendly?” Nikki asked Alucard.
“Sith too.” Alucard said bringing up the ramp. “We have everything right?”
“Yep! Now let’s drop off the Jedi so we can turn in our cargo for profits. I think after this we need to take time off. Far from all of this Jedi and Sith nonsense.”
“Agreed,” Alucard made his way into the cockpit half expecting to see her there but with a stabbing pain he was reminded of her absence seeing the empty co-pilot seat. How many gambits had they plotted here into the late hours drinking whatever made life fun. All had been well until her death. The lightsaber protruding from her abdomen as Sith Inquisitors held him back. Honey, his Honey reaching for him as she fell from his Father’s blade. Before he had been dragged off and away. The thoughts made the loose bits shake with the force as emotions took hold and tears slipped down his face. Alucard sat down in his seat forcing the emotions down reaching out to the force for a moment more he calmed himself as his Mother had shown him long ago. The ship flew cloaking itself before it disappeared beyond the blockade into the stars beyond the planet shrinking from them. 
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muses-darling · 5 years
A Seduction of the Darkside - A Star Wars AU - CH.6 The Grey
Kit awoke with a start gasping for air sweat dotting his brow, his mind came to, he could feel it the tendrils of the darkside, all too familiar now, he knew them well. “Hades.” He breathed the man’s name.
“You’ve got it bad,” Crowley said from where he stood leaning against a wall watching Kit. “Believe me, I know I’ve been there only I was in the darkness falling for the Light.”
Crowley nodded.
“Does this make me..?” He didn’t want to say it.
“No, but there is more to the force than just the two sides people make it up to be. What is between the darkness and the light?”
“I suppose there is a good deal that lies between,” Kit admitted. “But how does one access such things Master Crowley?” 
Crowley sat down beside him a gentle smile on his face. “By accepting that the force is both dark and light and that balance true balance lies between them.”
“So I must give myself to the darkside?’
“Yes, and not give yourself. Learn control, both sides have their place and everything in it’s place.”
“Aziraphale says that!” Kit smiled. 
“Yes because he too wields both the darkness and the light or what we call the Grey.”
“Like your Lightsaber?”
Crowley chuckled. “Yes Kit I try to embody my beliefs as best as one can.”  He held up the kyber crystal from Ignis’ fallen blade. “See this Kyber Crystal. How everyone’s starts out is clean like a student’s lesson tablet. This Kyber Crystal has been subjected to so much unkindness, hatred of the darkest sort, and mine was once like it.”
“I can’t imagine you having any hatred for anyone.”
“There is one that I hate Kit, still do.” 
“Is that where you draw from the darkside?”
“It is.”
Kit frowned. “So you healed your Kyber Crystal?”
“Over time yes, I had to nurture and love it just as Aziraphale has me.” He placed the Kyber Crystal into Kit’s hand. “Think upon it.”
Kit took the Crystal holding it feeling Hades’ presence with it the pain, the anger, the sadness. He felt tears run down his face, what all had that man suffered? What had caused him to fall so far down such a dark path? 
Crowley looked him over, “It is broken in will, that is the nature of the Darkside, to enforce it’s will over everything and anyone. You know the Jedi Code, the Sith have one too.”
“Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.” Kit said from where he sat his eyes watching the Kyber crystal shudder and twitch with every word.
“Yes,” Crowley said, “Ignis teach you that?”
Kit nodded looking up, “Am I to adopt both? Master Crowley,” To learn from a great Master like Crowley or even Aziraphale was something many Jedi would be honored and yet here he was being taught. 
“Yes, Aziraphale and I are not the original Grey Jedi, there are others who came before us other’s who carry such a mantle, such a philosophy. There was a Jedi who left the Order her name was Agnis, Agnis Nutt’r.”
“She studied the force greatly,” Master Aziraphale said coming in bringing in food for Kit. Setting the tray down he sat on the other side of Kit. “She came up with a great deal of prophesies, all have come true.She also founded through her family the philosophy or code that the Grey Jedi follow:
Flowing through all, there is balance There is no peace without a passion to create
There is no passion without peace to guide
Knowledge fades without the strength to act
Power blinds without the serenity to see There is freedom in life There is purpose in death The Force is all things and I am the Force.”
Kit’s eyes widened, “That seems like a perfect combination of the two.”
“There is no light without the Dark,” Crowley told him.
“Just as you cannot enjoy a happy day without having experienced a sad one. Both are needed for true appreciation of the other. Black and White thinking clouds both the Jedi and the Sith. Both are too narrow in thought. The force is in all things the should not those who can sense it?” Aziraphale added. 
“I want to be a Grey Jedi teach me,” Kit said clutching the kyber crystal.
“We already are dear boy,” Aziraphale patted his knee. 
“And who better?” Crowley wrapped an arm around Kit’s shoulder. “Besides you were never going to make that good of a jedi.”
Aziraphale gave Crowley a look.
“What the boy’s always had an emotional side, Gabriel tried to teach you to understand and therefore control it but no one should have to be emotionless. that isn’t living.” Crowley explained. “I sent the council a message, that you need to recover, we are taking you to a place where you can learn away from all of this.” 
Moving through the stars following a similar trajectory was a Sith Infiltrator ship. For now he would keep an eye on the Jedi, he was a weakness to exploit, but it would be so much better to let Kit weaken himself with the foolish older Jedi. Like any good predator he would wait for the prey to come to him, once he had him he would make Ignis fall, Darth Vesania grinned. Then his victory against them all would be complete. Then he would make them pay in the ways that only the Darkside could. 
They landed exiting the ship, Kit had fashioned a necklace to keep the Kyber crystal close.
“Welcome Kit to the Planet of Yavin’s Moon, Yavin Four.” Crowley gestured around the as the disembarked. 
“Crowley this place feels spooky.” Aziraphale made a face.
“You think any place that has any taint of the Darkside is spooky,” Crowley sauntered towards the great temple that remained of a civilization long ago. “But as for me I rather enjoy spooky. A fan really.”
Aziraphale sighed his face twisting still but he followed his husband all the same.
Kit looked around, “So this place is neutral?
“Sort of, there is both dark and light but there are places of high concentrated darkness and places of highly concentrated light.” Crowley told him igniting his lightsaber for light as they entered the temple. “This one is full of darkness.”
Kit stayed where he stood.
“Are you coming or not?” Crowley asked looking at Kit with a bored expression.
Kit nodded and hurried to them entering in stepping from the warm sun into the cold interior of the temple. Just like the ones back on Korriban, though these looked a bit different but no less similar. There was definitely a pool of darkness in here, he felt it more and more as he neared the center of the temple.
“Sit here,” Crowley gestured to the floor, “and meditate. Whatever tugs you feel to the darkside don’t let them pull you but follow them see where they lead.”
Kit sat down and crossed his legs resting relaxing opening his mind to the force, his body, feeling the peace then there creeping towards him the darkness, how was it so close? It was getting closer! So Close! It reached him and surrounded him, taking hold of him, he moved away from it with his mind and looked to where it had come from just as Crowley had said. Following it deeper and deeper, there! There far, far beyond was the source of it all, true darkness. Kit’s eyes opened no longer green but grey and afraid. “Master Crowley?”
“I’m here Kit.”
“I’m afraid.”
“Good,” Crowley said having knelt before Kit. “Feel that fear feel it what is it that makes you feel the fear? Where does it come from?”
“I am afraid, afraid of-” Kit’s voice cut off for a moment. “-of losing control, of losing those I care about, of not being able to keep them safe.” His voice shook for a moment along with his breathing.
Aziraphale had taken to sitting outside with a mug of tea and his new book keeping some watch, someone had too!
Crowley nodded, “Those are all fears that anyone and everyone feel. Jedi or no, those are valid feelings and that fear how does it make you feel?”
“I feel...sorrow. Sorrow won’t do anything to keep them safe! Now, now I feel anger! I FEEL ANGER!” He glared as he followed the darkness. “Anger at myself! Anger at those that would harm them!”
“Let go of the anger at yourself, be angry at those that would harm your friends, that is a righteous anger, a good anger. One that is a good anger to feel as it isn’t one that will burn so hard that it will consume you.” Crowley had found his in Aziraphale, losing Aziraphale for even a moment had helped him see what was important to find the anger that kept him tied to the darkside and a love that kept him tied to the light. “Now what do you see there all around you?”
“Darkness!” Kit said with a choking sob.
He saw it now! It was no bigger than a star in the sky facing it. “Light so small it may as well be a star.”
“Now follow it till there is neither light nor darkness. It helps if you think of a something good.” Crowley instructed.
Kit did so remembering his time training the younglings.
“KIT KITTY!” A cheerful Red Head bounded to him wrapping her arms around him. 
“Hullo Jules!” He scooped up the small one. “How is my favorite youngling?” She was such a joy and such a kind spirited girl. The Force around her radiated kindness it was hard to feel any of the darkside with her or the memory of her, feeling the distance lessen with time as he neared there he found center of it all, he had not been so far as he had initially thought, the darkness was deceptive! “I’m there.”
“You have done well Kit, very well, I think we have done enough for the day.” Crowley told him. “Rest you are still recovering from your injury.”
Injury! Darth Ignis, Kit’s hand went to the kyber crystal from the other man’s fallen blade. He could feel it affected by the darkness of the temple. “I think I’m going to go outside and meditate on something positive for the crystal.”
“That would be a good idea.” Crowley smiled. “I’ll come for you when Aziraphale has made dinner.”
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