salmantravoblog1 · 30 days
● What is seo ? & seo Techniques.
SEO stands for "search engine optimization". In simple, it is a process of improving your webpage to increase its visibility in search engines like Google, Bing, etc. You would get more chances to gain attention when your webpage is more visible in search engine results pages (SERPs). 
How does SEO work?
Search engines such as Google and Bing use their crawling bots to crawl webpages on the web, they crawl sites to sites, collect information and put them in an index. Index is like a library of webpages where search engines help you to find most suitable results for your query.
After indexing, algorithms rank webpages according to the search engine's ranking factors, to make sure what would be the order of webpages in SERPs for a given query. 
Most important ranking factor is "user experience". Bots try to deliver the best webpage for what a user is searching for.
SEO is a organic way to increase the visibility and you don't pay anything to search engines to get higher ranking but you should have a SEO experts for this.
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