#Sanzen Sekai no Hakoniwazukuri/Creation of the World Garden
I don't really use this account for posts, but I want to spitball about what maybe happen next. I'm pretty sure HNK is going to end on chapter 108, so we still have 10 chapters till we're done.
The final chapters are about everyone in the afterlife. This is the one that's least likely to happen. They did want to return to "nothingness" and that means there's literally nothing there waiting for them.
We go back in time to look at Earth's final days. Also unlikely, we know all we need from that era and I don't know what more can be said aside from "Human's were fucked up eh?". It's too thin to get 10 chapters out of.
The cycle continues. My personal favorite and the one I consider the most likely. Whether a new species disconnected from humanity arises, or Phos's saint powers weren't as all-reaching as they though (or as someone else put it, the oblivion they desired was actually the oblivion of the cycle of reincarnation), the cast returns in new forms to do this whole song-and-dance over again. It won't be entirely one-to-one, the Professor was nothing like Phos after all, the final 10-ish chapters would follow this slightly new cast around and end in a way that parallels the beginning of the manga. Maybe even on a more hopeful note, where the new Phos is allowed to have a happy life this time around.
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